Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 19:55:05 -0400 From: Gaco 200608 Subject: Unseen Powers Ch 1 Have you ever felt that you had a power...? A subtle magic you can't explain. Energy... Energy you could never see but you knew it was there? Not all people have this energy, I believe. There must be some however, that know of it; that can control it. Often I feel that I can control the lightning at night - by creating a blue and red orb and shooting them up into the clouds and ramming them together. Sometimes I feel a presence, a need to protect myself... somehow. Sometimes I may lash out with this raw power, others, I may choose to 'shield' myself with it. I have come to the belief that our world is made up of two dimensions. One dimension - the physical, solid "real world" and then a darker, older harsher dimension. This dimension has creatures and powers of light and dark. Some good, some evil. Many people probably know of these dimensions, you know, your run of the mill loonies, crazy people who talk to people who aren't there. People who speak of demons, angels and the sort. What ever you want to call the beings from this other dimension, they're there. Waiting to influence those of us who can feel them, see them, detect them, or hear them. I once had an experience that - had I told anyone about it - I probably would have been labeled at the least an individual with an over active imagination. At the worst I would have been a nutcase. One day I was visiting a friend who lived down the road a ways from me. I left his house around midnight. The moon was full that night. It was cold - probably January or February, so probably about 29 that night. The sky was clear, almost thin looking. As I walk to my truck I have a feeling that I'm being watched. You know the feeling - something just feels wrong - like someone's about to come around the corner and stab you or something. I turn towards my friend's house and in the shadows of the house I notice this dark figure. Tall - about 7 or 8 feet. It was dark, almost a shadow it's self. It had a large round head. I couldn't make out much detail on its face but I knew it was there. Its eyes looked almost glassy, like bubbles on top of the fabric/skin. I remember the mouth was made up of many very sharp teeth, but the creature was not bearing them at me, just silently waiting. The creature had long arms with claws at the tips of the arms, and legs that you could tell were fast, but they looked abnormal, like they weren't meant for walking upright. As I got in my truck the creature started moving towards me. I started backing out of my friend's driveway - forgetting my seatbelt. I NEVER forget to wear my seatbelt. Once out of my friend's driveway I notice the creature is getting closer, just strolling towards me. It had a dark feeling about it. Something felt WRONG. I gunned my truck down the curvy road. Trying to get away from the creature as fast as possible. After two minutes of driving, I look in my rear view mirror. The creature is running and catching up with my truck. It's almost running like a cheetah. I drop my truck into a lower gear and accelerate faster. I slide into my driveway and rush inside. I see the creature coming around the last corner of the road and bounding through the neighbors yard as I walk into my house door. My parents are already in bed so I hastily throw up shields along the walls of the house. I go quickly into my room where I do two things very fast. These two things are almost second nature to me now as I've done them since I was at least 14 - so at least 6 years at this point. Quickly I call up strong shields on all 4 walls of my room and also the roof and floor. I put extra protection on my window for some reason. After that I summon 3 energy balls to protect myself. All my energy orbs appear as a whitish light in my mind, where as my shield appears blue. I sent the first energy ball to protect my house, outside of my room. I set the second to protect my room, inside the shield. And finally I set the third to protect me. The balls kind of rotate around the perimeter of their charge; however they don't go in perfect circles. They almost have a mind of their own. I feel safe for the time being. I feel the creature outside, almost laughing and testing my defenses. I 'feel' him touch my shields but he can't push through. Feeling better, I sit down at my computer and start surfing the web and talking to friends like normal. I check my email and log into a chat site or two. After a couple minutes I had a sudden tinge of fear. I outreach my arm towards the window, look over, and see the creature running straight for me. (My blinds were closed, however I could still "see" the creature coming.) Just as the creature leaps off the ground to crash through my window, I let loose with a blast of what I feel/know as raw energy. The creature is thrown back almost as far as the road (about half an acre.) He gets up, almost nods to me, and leaves. To this day I have told no one of this interaction. This is the only interaction with creatures from the 'other dimension,' or things that can not be seen with the eye but I know are there, that manifested it's self as a visible - to me at least - creature. The others I can only feel them coming, their brushes against my shield or their presence. Often I will go weeks without needing to call upon my power to protect myself or shield myself. I have so far survived in-tact training and learning on my own. How much longer through can I survive on my own? How much longer can I survive without training? There must be someone else out there who knows of what I am speaking. Someone out there who can help me. I have reached out with my mind to the surrounding area to call for help with this issue. To call for contact with someone else who has/knows of this power. My calls have so far gone unanswered. Maybe this digital communication method will allow me to reach some common friends. Only time will tell.