Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2004 02:48:51 -0800 From: bawdy pen Subject: POOR GRANDPA (scat, racial) POOR GRANDPA by bawdypen Bobby Femby always enjoyed sitting on the porch, listening to his Grandpa telling stories of his youth. Occasionally the 11-year-old would giggle when the old man clicked his false teeth. "Waahl, lesse. I ever tell ya 'bout the time I ate a nigger's turd?" "GOSH! Really, Grandpa?" His family didn't talk like that anymore. Even Grandpa didn't before his sickness. But Bobby understood that his stroke often caused him to say outrageous things. "You didn't really, didja, Grandpa?" "Sure as shittin' boy!" he laughed heartily. "Some fellas down by the tracks was gonna string 'im up right there. Think he stole some peaches or somethin' silly like that. Them were dark days, what with the Klan running around and all. I tried to talk 'em out of it...even offered to pay fur the danged things myself." "Did they take the money?" "Nope. The leader said if I was such a 'nigger-lover' then he guessed I shouldn't mind eatin' the boy's turd ta save him!" "Boy?" "Yep. Musta been 'bout 17 or so. Hell, I was only 25 or 6 myself. They had him buck nekked, sittin' up on this horse with a rope 'round his neck. One feller laughed and said 'twouldn't be a problem cause the nigger kid was practically scared shitless already! I tried talking some more, but they all got real excited 'bout the dirty suggestion. They didn't care much for me and the family as it was. We were always fightin' their kind of stupid violence. Did I ever tell ya 'bout the time we all went down to Little Rock and..." "Grandpa, I wanna hear about the boy's t-turd!" "Goodness, Bobby, what a subject for a young-un!" "Y-you started it. You were telling me about..." "You gonna yabber all day, boy? Been trying to tell you this story. Now listen. They was ready to whack the horse, then decided to really put it to me. Would I do it? Other- wise they was gonna kill him." "And you said yes, hunh? Boy, that musta been awful!" "Had to. Nasty business, but I sure couldn't let 'em do the boy in if they was somethin' I could do ta stop it, now, could I?" "I...I guess not. But..." "But nothing, boy. I'd do it again if I had to." He started to cackle loudly. "Probly easier now, too, since I could take out muh teeth! Took me a week ta clean 'em that time! Ha ha. Ever had shit 'tween yur teeth, Bobby?" "NO! Uh, no, of course not, Grandpa. Don't be silly!" "Anyways, they got the boy turned sideways on that horse, an' pushed muh face right up ta his butthole. Made me lick it!" "Yeeck!" Bobby cried. "Did it taste awful?" "Well, not as you'd think. Not yet, anyways. They was laughin' and pushin' muh face inta his smelly crack, watchin' me lick him there. They was havin' a great old time watchin' this white boy lickin' all over a niggerboy's asshole. Rotten cuss bastards probly wanted ta do it themselves, the way they wuz hootin' and hollerin'!" "'d he taste, Grandpa?" Bobby asked, inquisitively. "Boy, you sure are interested in the taste, ain't ya?" "Well, it's just so dirty doin' that!" "Ah, weren't dirty at all, really. Boy was good an' clean, just had him scared and perspirin' a lot. His butthole smelled strong mostly from that hot, musky nigger- sweat. Course that stuff never bothered me much. Always rather liked gettin' up close to the boys in the field when they got kinda pungent and that black skin got to glistenin'. And you could watch..." the old man stared off, remembering..."those little beads o' sweat run down their sides from their spicy armpits. Sometimes I'd manage ta rub up against 'em and collect some in muh hand and rub it under my nose. And sometimes even..." "Grandpa? Uh, Grandpa? The t-turd..." "Ah, yes! Magnificent thing it was, too! Uh, that is..." he cleared his throat, "turds bein' what they are. Leader went around and tol' the boy he'd best shit if he wanted ta save his black neck. Poor fella gasped at the idea. Them whites o' his musta been big as moons! Said he didn't think he could do it...cause he was all bunched up inside. That only made the man shrug, and say that was just a shame, guess he'd hafta die. I could tell from lickin' him that he sure was tight." "Cripes, guess I couldn't poop either, with a rope 'round my neck!" "I told 'em, just give me a little time...I'd get him ta do it." "Golly, Grandpa. If a guy can't poop, ain't much you can do to make him, is there?" "Well, you'd think that'd be the case, but I hadda learn fast. Much as they was enjoyin' it, they was gettin' restless. I had his hole all slicked up and figgered in that postion he was in, only thing keepin' his turds from fallin' right to the ground was his big, wrinkled asshole! I licked it some more, then made those fellers promise they'd keep to their word. They swore they would." "Golly, Grandpa, guys like that don't keep their word. Didn't you think you might...go through with it and they'd still hang him?" "Sure, I thought about that, Bobby. But weren't much choice, were there? I hadda hope. Leastways, I figgered worst would happen to me was I'd get a mouthful o' niggershit. Worth the try, right?" "I guess. You liked nig..." Bobby choked on that forbidden word, then realized it didn't much matter with Grandpa. "You liked n-niggers, didn't you, Grandpa?" "Aw, hell boy. Some of 'em was fine fellers. Used ta go down to the swimmin' hole where they was all swimmin' nekked an' get right in with 'em and..." "What'd you do, Grandpa?" "Well, sometimes I'd grab 'em under the water an'..." "No. I mean about getting that turd to come out!" "Oh...yeah. Well, I got my mouth up to his hole an' started pushin' muh spit up in there best I could. Then I got muh two fuck-you fingers wet an' forced 'em in. Boy cried out, but there weren't no two ways about it...I hadda get him opened up. I lollied muh fingers 'round up there, tryin ta make him loosen up natural, but since I din' have much time, I finally yanked 'em apart...pryin' him open. He was fightin' all the way...natural, I suppose...then I got 'em spread so's his muscles gave way an' just waited." "Didja...think you'd be able to d-do it? I mean, when it came out?" "Shucks, boy. Already had my mind set by then. Just a matter of gettin' it over with." "Yeah, but...jeez, Grandpa...A DIRTY TURD!" "Heh, heh, heh! It's all jus' old food somebody already et!" "Sure...with a lotta stink on it!" "Oh, stunk alright. Fellas had lanterns right up there so they could see. Started pokin' out, all chunky an' oily. I took a lick on it, tastin' the juice that was all over it..." "Oh, Grandpa!" "Kinda bitter, but not in a real bad way. I let some come out, then took a deep breath an' started ta chew it! Weren't a big one, an' had it down in a snap. They made me lick the hole clean, too. Fellas stuck ta their word, and let the boy down. They was laughin' an' insultin' us, but they let us go. Shoulda seen us run! We made off to the woods 'fore they changed their minds!" "Gosh, I bet he was sure grateful to ya." "Oh, certainly was. Mighty grateful. Offered ta eat my turd, too!" "Oooo," the kid turned up his nose, "I smelled some of yours!" "Heh, heh. Gotta remember boy, I was only 25 an' quite handsome." "Did he do it?" "Naw, weren't gonna make 'im do that. Let 'im blow me, though! Even got to be he'd do it ever' Saturday night. Said he still had ta make it up to me. Took years til he felt right about it." "Gee, didja ever suck on his nigger dick?" "Oh, usually licked it some, but it were too big to do justice to. I were jus' doin' it cause he was makin' me feel so good, but he thought I wuz really disappointed at not being able to take it down. So, one night he brung along his little brother, so's I could suck his prick." "Wow, good thing they's folks didn't find out." "Oh, whole family knew what I'd done fur the kid, so's they didn't mind. Had another little brother they told 'im he could take along." "Grandpa? What's it like suckin' a pecker?" "Why boy! At yur age ya hafta ask that? Ain'tcha tried it by now?" "Nope. Didn't think you was supposed to." "Guess ya ain't, but that never stopped me. Ya oughta try that little friend o' yours...uh, Clem. Boy's gotta nice pecker." "H-how do ya know that, Grandpa?!" "Oh, I sucked the boy silly lotsa times." "YOU DID?!! He never told me!" "Course not. I told him not to tell anybody. Folks get nervous 'bout that fur some reason. Don't make no sense ta me." "Well...maybe I'll try it sometime, then." "Hell, boy, let's wander round back. I'll letcha try it out on yur old Grandpa." "Uh, no thanks, Grandpa. I think I'd rather try Clem." "Okay, but Clem sure don't mind it. Get 'im ta suck ya, boy's good!" Comments appreciated...please mention story name.