The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased is purely coincidental. This story may depict sexual situations between minor males, and if reading such is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, please read at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Rob Warr, and should not be re-posted or reproduced without his permission. ©2020-2021 Rob Warr

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New Life for Jordan

By: Rob Warr
Ricky learns a lesson

Chapter Fourteen


Ricky awoke sometime later unable to go back to sleep. His mind was racing as he thought about what he'd heard at the bedroom door and what it might mean in terms of his brother and his friend Jerry. If they were doing gay stuff, didn't that mean they were gay? he reasoned. He wasn't really that concerned about Carl being gay, but he wasn't sure how he felt about Jerry taking up all his brother's time if they became boyfriends. It was bad enough when Tony came around, but now he'd have to worry about Jerry too. He sighed and continued staring at the ceiling, sleep nowhere closer than it had been when he awoke.

Just down the hall, Jerry lay in bed watching Carl sleep and thinking about what they'd done earlier. It had been fun, but then so had all the other times. Except he wanted more than just fun. He wanted what Jordan and Seth had, a relationship. Did Carl feel the same? he wondered, Was that what the bracelets would signify, or was that just some childish act soon forgotten?

Sighing he rolled out of bed being careful not to wake Carl and slipped on his underwear. He tiptoed to the door and opened it slowly, then closed it behind him as he stepped out into the hall.

It was dark except for the glow of a light somewhere beyond the living room, probably in the kitchen, Jerry reasoned, and all was quiet at first. Then suddenly Ricky rose up from behind the couch as he had before, staring right at Jerry with a surprised look. Peeing could wait, Jerry decided as he turned to go to the living room and speak to Ricky.

"Hey, you still awake?" Jerry whispered.

"Just woke up, and couldn't go back to sleep."

"I was just going to pee and I saw you pop up," Jerry laughed, "I'm sorta having trouble sleeping too."

"Maybe it's cause this is a strange place. Is my bed comfy?" Ricky asked, knowing full well Jerry wasn't using it.

"Uh, yeah, it's fine," Jerry said, making a mental note to mess up the covers so it would appear that he'd slept there.

"The couch is okay, but I miss my bed," Ricky said playing on Jerry's sympathies.

"Oh, well...uh, sorry about that. We could swap places," Jerry offered, not knowing what else to say.

"No, Carl would kill me, so would my folks. No, it's okay. You're company...unless..."

"What?" Jerry said looking into Ricky's big brown eyes.

"Sometimes Tony just sleeps in Carl's bed and I get to sleep in mine."

"Oh, really?"  Jerry said, not sure how he felt about that. Did they do more than sleep? he wondered.

"Yeah, it's no big deal though," Ricky sighed.

Jerry laughed, "You're playing me, right?"

"Huh, what you mean?" Ricky said, feigning innocence.

"Look, I don't care if Carl don't, but I can't just go crawl in bed with him and say, 'scoot over'," he laughed.

Ricky was tempted to reveal what he already knew, that the two had already slept together, or at least shared the bed long enough to have sex, but he didn't want to tip his hand yet.

"It's okay, I'll be fine," Ricky said looking tragic.

Jerry laughed, "I really need to go pee. If Carl's awake I'll ask him when I get back."

"Oh, don't have to, but thanks," Ricky said, hoping his puppy dog eyes had worked once again.

Jerry peed, and was washing his hands when Carl came through the door looking sleepy-eyed, his hair a complete mess.

"Your hair," Jerry laughed, "you got bed head for sure."

"Ugh, I sleep hard," Carl said walking to the toilet, "and so does my dick," he joked.

"Oh,'re hard again?"  Jerry asked moving closer to get a peek.

"Yeah, middle of the night wood," Carl laughed, "too much root beer."

"Uh, did you notice Ricky was still awake?"

"No, really? I just staggered over here. I figured you were here. Did you talk to him?"

"Yeah, he was whining about missing his bed," Jerry laughed, then related what had been said, and what he'd promised.

"He's right about one thing, sometimes me and Tony do share my bed, but we don't mess around," Carl said to Jerry's relief, "so, I don't care if you don't. I'm too tired to fool around anymore so, if he wants to come sleep in his bed, that's cool."

"Uh, you should tell him then," Jerry suggested, "I'm gonna go mess up the bed so he won't know I haven't used it."

"Good idea, I'll go get the little con artist," Carl laughed.

A few minutes later Carl came leading Ricky into the bedroom where Jerry sat on the now rumpled bed across the room. Ricky looked sheepish as he noted where Jerry sat, but he wasn't fooled for one moment. Though the covers were pulled back and roughed up, there was no indent of Jerry's body in the bed as there would have been had he laid there for any length of time.

"Oh, hi Ricky," Jerry said, "guess you'll be wanting your bed now."

"Unless you want to share with Jerry," Carl teased.

Ricky's reply was so quick that it made the other two boys look his way, and Ricky blushed then, "Sure, I'll share."

Carl laughed, "Oh no, Jerry is my friend. He's sleeping with me, bub."

"I was kidding," Ricky said trying to play it off as a joke.

"I just hope I can sleep now," Jerry said, "I'm wide awake and it's, 3 AM," he said looking at the bedside clock.

"Yeah, me too," Ricky said, "I was just laying there staring at the ceiling when Jerry found me."

"Why bro? What's on your mind?" Carl said, looking at his little brother curiously.

"Oh, nothing really...I don't know. Just thinking, that's all."

"About what?" Carl said, not letting up. He knew his brother too well to believe he didn't have something major on his mind. He never had trouble sleeping, ever, and as he'd told Jerry, once the kid was asleep he was out like a light.

"Oh, just things," Ricky said growing uncomfortable under Carl's gaze.

Jerry, who had moved to Carl's bed, was watching the two closely, wondering what Carl was on about, and why Ricky looked so nervous, maybe even guilty.

"What kind of things?" Carl insisted.

"Carl..." Ricky whined, "I can't's private."

"Since when do we have secrets bro?" Carl said mellowing a little, maybe even sounding hurt.

"If I tell you, you'll be mad...and...and you might even hate me," Ricky said sounding near tears.

Carl actually laughed, "Now you're just talking crazy. When have I ever been that mad about anything?"

"This is different," Ricky said, his eyes pleading for mercy.

"Come here," Carl said, and despite his fears, Ricky walked over to where Carl stood, head down and expecting the worst, "now sit. That's right, right there beside Jerry. Now, what's this thing that so bad it's got you all weirded out?"

Ricky was trembling now, and Jerry felt sorry for the boy. "Carl..." he said in a pleading voice, "maybe it's none of our business..."

"Relax Jer, I know my bro. He wants to tell us, he just needs some encouraging."

"Ricky's little heart was beating nearly out of his chest as he sat there, head still down, as he contemplated his fate. If he told Carl and Jerry that he'd been eavesdropping they might be mad at first, but they'd probably think twice about trying to do anything to him or tell on him. After all, they wouldn't want their folks or any of their friends to know, and though he'd never tell...they might fear he would. But the worst part as far as he was concerned, was that he might lose Carl's love and respect. What he'd done was more than just a harmless prank, he'd violated his brother's and Jerry's privacy, and instead of backing away as soon as he figured out what was going on, he'd stayed to the end and...then jerked off thinking about it. He was ashamed and scared, and the tears finally came, surprising both Carl and Jerry.

"Hey bro, don't cry," Carl said, looking stunned at first. Then pulling his little brother into him, he tried to soothe him as best he could, "'ll wake mom and dad and they'll wanna know what's wrong, and if it's that bad, you sure don't want to have to tell them.

"I...I knnnoooow," Ricky sobbed, "I'm...sssorrry,"

"Hey Ricky," Jerry said, feeling bad for the boy, but not sure what to do or say, "It's okay, you don't have to tell us. Right Carl?"

"Nah, why don't you go wash your face and then go on to bed?" Carl said giving his brother one last hug.

Ricky just nodded as he got up and slowly walked to the door. He paused a moment to look back at the two, who were watching him with worried looks on their faces, and smiled sadly.

"What the...?" Carl said once he was gone, "he's never like this. Did he say anything to you about what might be bothering him?"

"No," Jerry said, but suddenly he had this really bad feeling. What if it was about him and Carl? What if Ricky suspected they were more than just friends, and...worse, what if he'd somehow figured out what they'd done in the bedroom earlier? "but something is definitely up. I don't think we should try to force him to talk though. If he wants to tell us, that's fine, but look what happened. He's really scared about something."

"Yeah, I just...I hate to see him like this..." Carl started, but Ricky returned before he could finish. "Oh, you look better. Okay now bro?"

"Yeah, thanks. Going to bed now," he said walking to his side of the room, "goodnight you guys."

"Nite," Jerry said smiling, "sleep tight...don't let the bedbugs bite."

"Eww...we don't have bedbugs," Ricky laughed, seeming to be his old cheerful self again.

"Good, now if I can just keep Carl from biting..." Jerry teased.

Ricky giggled, "Yeah, Carl might bite ya." Or suck on you, he thought.

"You sure you're okay bro?" Carl said, giving him one more chance to talk.

"Yeah, I think so," Ricky said, wishing he could just tell them what was wrong and get it over with.

"Okay, well...goodnight. Hey, and no pulling your pud tonight," he teased, "we got company."

"I already did it," Ricky laughed, then blushed deep red, "I bet you did too," he said before he could stop himself. His hand went to his mouth as if to shut himself up, but it was too late.

"Maybe," Carl said, sounding amused and not the least bit embarrassed, "Maybe even more."

Ricky's head swung around and his brown eyes locked on Carl's piercing green ones. Was it possible Carl wasn't bothered at all by what he and Jerry had done? Was it no big deal after all? Was it stuff older boys did, and didn't mean they were gay or anything?

"Whaa...what you mean?" Ricky laughed nervously.

"Nothing bro, just teasing you. Anyway, you started it."

"Oh, yeah," Ricky chuckled, only he knew they really had done more, and he was hoping Carl was going to come clean and save him all the worry and guilt he was feeling right now, "well...I mean...if you's no big deal, right?" he said, surprised at how easily the words flowed out of his mouth.

"What do you mean bro?" Carl said looking at his younger brother with renewed interest.

"I...I don't know. It's just having fun, right?"

"What are you talking about?" Carl said, feeling a little uneasy now. What did Ricky know, and how did he find out?

"Okay, okay...I'll tell you," Ricky said, the pressure too much to endure any longer, "I'll tell you," he said biting his lip, "see...when you guys got up to pee, well when you went back to bed...I sort of followed you and...I know it was wrong, but I listened at the door..."

The story didn't take long to relate, but both Jerry and Carl knew the outcome long before it was finished. They sat in absolute silence listening to Ricky's soft melodic voice, deep in thought as they realized the implications of his discovery.

At first Carl thought about denying it, saying that they knew he was there and they were just pretending to do those things to fool him, but in the end he respected his little brother enough to tell him the truth.

"So, are you going to tell on us?" Carl said in a voice void of emotion.

"NO...of course not!" Ricky said in horror, "Never, I'd never tell on you for anything. I never have, and I never will."

"You know it's wrong to eavesdrop on people and sneak around," Carl said, not waiting for a reply, "but I guess there's no need to deny what you heard. Look, Ricky...I know you're not all that innocent and you know some stuff. I never talked to you about some of this cause, well...cause you're still pretty young, but I know you're not a baby or anything. I told you about jerking, right? I showed you how to do it right, know I don't think you're just a kid any more. I just..."

"Carl," Ricky said suddenly.

"Yeah?" Carl said looking up, his face a mask of anguish and uncertainty.

"I just have one question. You don't hafta answer, and it's no big deal...but...does this mean you and Jerry, gay?"

"What?" Carl said in a shaky voiced. How could he answer that question truthfully when he didn't know the answer himself. All he knew was how he felt about Jerry and how much he enjoyed the things they'd done. Why did he have to decide if he was gay, or straight, or both? It wasn't fair. He was only 12, what did it matter?

"I can't speak for Carl," Jerry interrupted, "but I am," he admitted unashamedly, "I've known for a while now, but only recently have I figured out exactly what that means."

"So, you're gay," Ricky said looking thoughtful, "what's that like? I mean, do you like girls at all, or just boys?'

"Well, I like girls just fine, but not in the same way I like boys...if you know what I mean," Jerry said blushing.

"Oh, OH...yeah," Ricky giggled once he got his meaning, "you mean in a sexy way."

"Yeah, I hope that won't make any difference with us. Cause I really like you, and I'd like us to be friends."

"Oh,'s okay. Kind of cool really. I never knew anyone who was gay before."

"You might have," Carl said then, finally making up his mind, "you might've known someone who was gay all your life and never knew it till now."

"Oh, you mean...?"

"I'm not sure, really. I'm still trying to figure things out bro. I mean, I like Jerry a lot, and the stuff we do's really fun," he said blushing, "but like I said, I'm only 12. I don't know what I am yet. For now, I'm just taking it one day at a time."

Jerry was a little disappointed that Carl was still fence sitting, but he was confident that if they continued as they were, he'd eventually fall on the gay side of the pasture.

"So, that stuff I heard, it was for real, huh?" Ricky giggled, "It sounded like you were having fun."

"Yeah, we were," Carl chuckled, "I hope you get to have fun like that someday. It's so much better than just jerking off. I mean...I think anything you do with someone else is better, but if you really like that person,'s really special."

" guys are, boyfriends now?" Ricky ventured, hoping neither boy would be offended at his brashness.

"Well..." Carl said, looking at Jerry for help with this one.

"Well sure," Jerry said then, "we're boys and we're friends. Does it have to be more than that?"

"Oh, yeah...that makes sense," Ricky agreed, but he could see that his brother and Jerry shared something very special, whatever they called it, "anyway, it don't matter, cause you're my brother Carl, and I love you, and well...I like Jerry too. You're really cool."

"You can't tell anyone about this, okay?" Carl felt the need to say, but he knew his little brother was no snitch.

"I promise. I swear on my own life," Ricky said looking very serious.

"Just so you know, Tony already knows about us, so does Seth and Jordan. You haven't met Jordan, but he's a cool dude too.

Ricky knew Seth of course through Carl, though they'd only met a time or two. The mention of his name stirred up all kinds of new possibilities and images in his brain. He remembered thinking Seth was a cute boy, with big brown eyes and a wicked sense of humor. He'd liked him right off, and now...he was wondering if he and Carl had ever done anything like he'd done with Jerry.

"Do you have any pictures...of Jordan...I mean?" Ricky said then, blushing bright red.

"What, well...yeah, I do," Jerry said digging his phone out, "We took these at Christmas, well...Jordan and Seth took them and sent them to me. That's Jordan on the ATV, it's really cool and he let's us ride it too."

"Aww wicked," Ricky said looking at the pictures on Jerry's smart phone, ", are Jordan and know, together too?"

"That's not our business to talk about," Carl scolded, "they're really good friends though. Ever since Jordan moved here he and Seth have been hanging out. They're best buds, that's for sure."

"And then Jerry came...and wow, this is all so crazy," Ricky said, "my head is going to explode. How did I not know about stuff like this, boys liking boys and stuff?" he muttered almost to himself..

"Dude, you watch TV and the movies, there are gay and lesbian couples all over the tube and on the big screen. Don't pretend you don't know what that means," Carl said shaking his head.

"Yeah, but seeing it on TV and knowing someone who', that's two totally different things."

"I'm still the same person I was when you first met me this evening," Jerry said giving Ricky a smile, "being gay doesn't change who a person''s just part of them, like the color of their eyes or their sense of humor. I don't even think about it most of the time, unless I see a cute boy," he chuckled.

"Am I cute?" Ricky said grinning.

"Yeah, very cute, but you're only 10 years old boyfriend's little brother," Jerry said, finally admitting how he felt about Carl, even if in a roundabout way.

"So, you two are boyfriends," Ricky stated, sure of himself this time, "I knew it, that's why you wanted the friendship bracelets. That's so cool, and I'm the one making the bracelets. Wow, it's like being best man at a wedding or something," he giggled.

"Whoa, hold up, no one is getting married," Carl laughed, "we're just two horny 12 year-olds who like each other a lot, and like having fun together."

"Sounds pretty sweet to me," Ricky said, "all I got is my hand."

Carl shook his head, "If you're hinting about joining us, forget it," he laughed, "you're my little bro, and that would be incest."

"Yeah, but we're technically only blood," Ricky said, then looked stricken, "I mean as far as I'm concerned you're my bro, and I love you that way...but legally...we're only cousins..."

"Ricky..." Carl said in a warning voice, "you're scaring me. Are you gonna attack me in my bed some night?" he teased.

"No, course not, but...could I at least watch you two do stuff?" he asked, perfectly serious and seemingly unembarrassed.

"What?! Are you crazy?" Carl exclaimed, "that's...that's..."

"Hot?" Jerry giggled, "I think it sounds hot. So shoot me, but I kind of like the idea."

"What, are you serious?" Carl said, surprised at Jerry's reaction to such an outrageous suggestion.

"Sorry, but if the tent in your undies is any indication of how you really feel...I think you think it's hot too," Jerry giggled.

"Oh man," Carl said realizing Jerry was right, at least about the growing tent in his briefs, "I am a pervert. God, I've tried not to be one," he lamented, "but my dick is giving me away."

Jerry laughed, "We're horny boys, that's all. Our dicks don't  have to run things, but they sure try. If you don't want to do this, that's cool, but let me suggest something. What if we turned off the light, and Ricky stays in his bed, and we stay in yours, and just see what happens. We can pretend he's not there if you want and I'll take care of this," he said grinning as he rubbed Carl's boner through his briefs.

"Ugh, stop or I'll make a mess," Carl moaned, "Oh man, this is so sick," but...okay, okay...turn out the light bro and stay in your sneaking to our bed to get a better look."

"I promise," Ricky said excitedly, "are you gonna get naked?"

"Why not?" Carl said, finally giving in completely as he stripped off  his briefs.

Even in the dim glow of the nightlight by the door, Ricky could see his brother was fully erect now, and that he had a sprinkling of dark hair just above his dick. Below two good sized balls swung free and Ricky felt his own dick begin to expand just from seeing his brother's state of excitement.

Next Jerry slipped his briefs off and Ricky sat up as he took in Jerry's near perfect body. His cock wasn't quite as big as his brother's but it was a nice one and he too had a nice sprinkling of hair. Jerry's balls however were pulled tight to his body as if hiding, though they were of a nice size as well. He knew Carl could make sperm when he came, and he assumed Jerry could as well, but he hoped to find out for sure before the night was over.

Hoping the two would just forget he was present if he kept quiet enough, Ricky held his breath as he sat on his bed gazing toward the two. At first they just lay there, not really doing anything, then surprisingly it was Carl who made the first move. Leaning in, he kissed Jerry on the cheek, causing Ricky to smile. Kissing wasn't something he knew a lot about, but he always thought of it as serious stuff, and if his brother and Jerry were kissing, then they must really like one another.

The kiss on the cheek was only the beginning however. As Ricky watched with surprise, Jerry pulled Carl in for a proper kiss, planting a long wet kiss directly on his lips. Ricky felt his dick jump a little just from watching the two, and instinctively his hand went to his crotch to rub the hardness there.

"This feels weird," Carl whispered to Jerry, but it didn't slow him down any, "I mean we were trying to hide this from him earlier, now we're letting him watch."

"I think it's hot," Jerry said again, "and I'll show you just how hot in a minute."

"Okay, well...if you really want to," Carl said excitedly.

Glancing over at Ricky, Jerry gave him a thumbs up in the darkened room and slid to the end of the bed. At first Ricky had no idea what Jerry intended to do, but when he saw him pick up one of Carl's feet he was even more confused. He watched as Jerry sniffed it playfully, then began to lick the sole from heel to toe. But that was nothing compared to what he did next. Plunging down on Carl's big toe, Jerry began to suck it like a calf on a tit.

Oh my God! Ricky thought to himself, is this what gay boys do, suck toes and lick feet. What else don't I know about? he wondered.

Jerry spent another five minutes or so on Carl's feet, making sure he'd given equal attention to both, before moving up, kissing and licking his way up Carl's sturdy legs till he reached his middle.

Carl's cock stood almost straight up, proud and wet, awaiting Jerry's attention, but Jerry only lingered there a minute, licking and sucking on Carl's full balls, then running his tongue up and down his cock from head to base before moving on.

Carl moaned, then whimpered a little as Jerry moved up to his belly button, exploring it with his tongue before kissing his way up to his erect nipples and suckling them gently.

Ricky was in shock as he watched the action just a few feet away, his hand busily rubbing his boy boner as he fantasized it was him laying there and not his brother. Jerry was so cute and, he decided and Carl was lucky to have a boyfriend like that.

Next, Jerry began planting kisses on Carl's neck and face, finally engaging him in a deep, toe-curling kiss as he pressed his own hardness into Carl's.

"Careful I'm gonna come," Carl panted between kisses.

"Oh no mister, not yet," Jerry said breaking the kiss and pulling away. Just rest a minute," he suggested.

Meanwhile across the room, Ricky had pulled his hard boy stick from his briefs and was stroking it as Carl had taught him. He too was in danger of coming way too soon, but he had one advantage over Carl. Because he didn't come wet yet, his recovery time was almost nil, and he could go again right away.

"Roll over," Jerry commanded, and without question Carl obeyed.

What is he going to do now? Ricky wondered, his eyes wide open as he gazed upon his brother's shapely behind. His dick throbbed once more, and he realized for perhaps the first time that a butt could be sexy looking too, even if he had no idea what one could do with those pillowy mounds.

Jerry straddled Carl then and began massaging his neck and back as Ricky looked on, thinking this was kind of hot, but dull compared to what he'd done to Carl's front side. Things got more interested however as Jerry worked his way down Carl's back till he finally arrived at his perky butt.

Slapping the right cheek smartly, causing Carl to cry out, and Jerry to chuckle, Jerry began to rub and knead the soft flesh of Carl's shapely butt, causing him to moan lowly. Ricky looked on in awe, his hand still sliding along his stiff shaft, though slower and less determined now. He didn't want to miss a thing, and he was quite sure there was more to come.

Eventually, Jerry moved on down to Carl's strong legs and kneaded the muscles there, causing Carl to moan even louder in pleasure, his eyes closed as he enjoyed his massage. He knew there was more to come, more pleasure, and eventually a sweet release, but he wanted to enjoy every moment of Jerry's ministrations before it was his turn to return the favor.

"Kiss my butt," Carl muttered lowly, causing Ricky to smile, but when Jerry not only obeyed his brother's request, but went a step further, he nearly lost it.

After planting a kiss on both buttocks, Jerry actually stuck  his nose between Carl's butt cheeks and sniffed deeply.

"Oh my God," Carl cried out. This was something new, and he wondered where Jerry had got the idea.  If he'd thought hard about it though, the answer would have been obvious. What other couple did they know that was experimenting with this stuff? Jordan and Seth of course.

"Smells like chocolate," Jerry joked, "wonder what it tastes like?" he added, then without waiting for an answer, he ran his tongue up Carl's crack swiping across his tight pucker and causing sparks to fly throughout Carl's body.

"Ohhhhhh," Carl moaned lowly, "that's so...where did you...oh shitttt," he muttered almost incoherently.

Jerry just giggled, "You don't have to do it back, I just wanted to try it," Jerry said, then looking over at Ricky he winked, "you have a nice butt Carl."

"Oh man," Carl gasped, "I'm so hard hurts."

"Well, let's do something about that," Jerry said taking charge again, "roll over."

This time Jerry went down between Carl's legs right away, licking his nuts and cock before finally swallowing it to the root and sucking and licking while working his foreskin with his hand. Needless to say, Carl didn't last long before he was thrusting and moaning, and with one final thrust he planted his cock deep into Jerry's throat and began to unload.

Ricky watched with wide eyes as Jerry obviously swallowed every drop of his brother's sperm, wondering what that was like and if he'd ever be able to do such a thing. Wasn't that dirty? he thought, but then minutes earlier he'd watched as Jerry licked his brother's b-hole. What could be dirtier than that? He was quickly realizing that sex was a lot more complicated and confusing than he'd ever believed. If boy sex was this complicated, he could only imagine what sex with a girl could be like. Man, he was glad he was only 10 and didn't have to figure all this stuff out yet.

He'd abandoned his own cock now, but it remained hard as he watched Jerry lick up the last of Carl's spunk and then crawl up to kiss him firmly on the mouth. Eww..., Ricky thought, his mouth must taste like Carl's sperm, then he got it. They knew that, and they were sharing the flavor. Wow, he thought, love and sex sure is complicated, and a little gross from what he could see.

"Let me rest a minute, then I'll do you," Carl murmured softly.

"No hurry. Ricky, you still awake?" Jerry teased.

"Um yeah, just didn't want to bother you guys. Just pretend I'm not here."

"Like that's going to happen," Carl laughed, "I hope you got an eye full, Jerry did some kinky stuff there."

"Yeah,, foot stuff was really cool though, but...I'm not too sure about the butt stuff."

"Ha ha, you wouldn't say that if you were on the receiving end of Jerry's tongue," Carl laughed.

"I wouldn't mind, I guess," Ricky said quickly, "but I'm not sure I could do that to anyone else."

"Well, it's not like Carl was dirty back there. You got to make sure the boy is clean, that's why I sniffed first," Jerry explained.

"Oh, and if he'd smelled bad?"

"Then it's hasta la vista baby," Jerry said in his best Arnold Schwarzenegger voice.

Ricky laughed, "What does, taste like?"

"Sort of musky, sort of spicy...good tastes like Carl," Jerry said, not sure exactly how to explain what he felt.

"Hmm," Ricky grunted, "are you gonna do it back Carl?"

"It's only fair," Carl said easily, "we're figuring things out together, so yeah, I'll try it, and if I don't like it Jerry will understand, right Jer?"

"Exactly, and I won't be hurt. There's plenty of things he does like, and that's fine by me. Anyway, I like doing that for him, and as long as he likes me doing it, that's all that matters."

"Oh, yeah...I loved it Jer," Carl assured him, "are you ready for me to return the favor?"

"Yesss," Jerry hissed as he stretched out and opened himself to whatever Carl had in mind.

"I know you said I had to stay over here, but...can I please get a little closer?" Ricky said meekly.

"What do you think Jer?"

"It's fine by me, heck, you can join in for all I care, but I know Carl feels weird about that."

"Huh, we never talked about that..." Carl protested, "you know how I feel about doing stuff with my brother? But I reckon he ain't your"

"Get over here before he changes his mind," Jerry suggested, eager to get his hands on the cute ten year old. Despite Carl's fears and protests, Jerry was almost sure that once he saw the two of them messing around he'd want to join in.

Ricky almost tripped over his briefs as he scurried over to join the two, muttering "what the hell?" he stepped out of them and left them on the floor by his bed.

By the time he arrived at Carl's bedside, his cock was rock hard and throbbing, but he was reluctant to be the one to initiate anything. Jerry however, showed no hesitancy as he reached over and grabbed the younger boy's stiff cock and pulled him closer.

Scooting his head closer to the edge, Jerry pulled Ricky even closer till his cock was within reach of his mouth, then went down on the boy. Ricky's legs felt rubbery as he experienced his first oral sex, and he knew he wasn't going to last long at this rate.

He looked down to see what Carl was doing and they locked eyes, but there was no shame or guilt there, and in fact Carl seemed to be more turned on than ever. He was greedily working on Jerry's cock at the moment, not wasting anytime with foreplay, although his finger had found it's way to Jerry's moist pucker and was slowly advancing till it was up to the second knuckle.

Just when Ricky thought what Jerry was doing to him couldn't get any better, suddenly Jerry's hand found his butt. He pulled him even closer then, massaging the twin globes before seeking out his boy hole and teasing it with his finger.

"Oh...oh...oh," Ricky cried out as his orgasm suddenly hit him without much warning. His knees went weak and he might have collapsed if not for Jerry's hand supporting him as it held his shapely rear.

"Mmm," Jerry hummed around Ricky's throbbing but dry dick, then pulling off, he licked the shaft a few times till Ricky pulled away as it became too sensitive for more stimulation.

"Umm...thanks," Ricky said meekly.

"Oh...oh..." Jerry moaned, barely aware of Ricky now as his own orgasm washed over him, "," he cried out as he began to unload in Carl's mouth.

"Mmm," Carl moaned around the spurting dick in his mouth as he swallowed every drop greedily.

"Oh wow, that was good," Jerry panted."

"How was Ricky's cock, did it taste good?" Carl joked as he moved up to lay by Jerry.

"Yeah, you should taste it sometime. Won't be long till  he starts to shoot I bet," Jerry said, "but there was no problem knowing when he came," he chuckled, "must've hit him pretty hard."

"Yeah, it was the best ever," Ricky said blushing, "thanks for letting, watch and stuff."

"I must be crazy, but it was kind of hot," Carl admitted, "don't think we're going to let you play with us every time though. And I still ain't decided if I want know, touch you and stuff."

"That's okay, I understand. Any time is fine though. Well, I guess I'll go to my bed now, I'm pretty tired after...after that," he said blushing.

"Come here," Jerry said, sitting up then standing, his rapidly deflating cock still glistening from Carl's spit and his own cum. Then pulling Ricky to him, he hugged the boy tightly and kissed the top of his head, "I never had a brother, but I always wanted one, and I'd be proud to be your big brother too. I mean, I know we're not kin and all, but that's how I feel," he said a little teary-eyed.

"Oh wow, yeah...I'd like that. I mean, if Carl doesn't mind."

"Why would I mind?" Carl sighed, "but you know what this means," he chuckled, "if he's your little bro now, then you just committed incest."

They all laughed then, and the mood was lightened. They found their underwear and slipped them back on then, and Ricky climbed into his bed and Carl and Jerry into the other one.

"Night guys," Ricky said yawning, "I had fun. Thanks again for letting me join in."

"Night bro," Carl said softly, "remember, not a word to anyone about this."

"Cross my heart and hope to die."

"Night little bro," Jerry said, liking the sound of that.

"Night big bro," Ricky said feeling a warm glow inside.

Soon all three boys were asleep and didn't awake till morning.

End Chapter Fourteen

Next: Spring has sprung

Other stories at Nifty by Rob Warr

Christmas Eve 1975

Girls Suck, but Boys do it Better



Love on the Half Pipe

Loving Jake

Personal Heaven

Pudding Cups

The Gift

Trick or Treat, Smell my Feet

Viral Times


Rob Warr 7-4-2021

Happy 4th of July

    Thanks to Mikey for  is invaluable help with editing, pics, and most of all, his encouragement and friendship. Love ya pal.