The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased is purely coincidental. This story may depict sexual situations between minor males, and if reading such is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, please read at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Rob Warr, and should not be re-posted or reproduced without his permission. ©2020-2021 Rob Warr

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 A New Life for Jordan

By: Rob Warr

Rusty and Nate

Chapter Twenty Three



At school the next day, Rusty couldn't wait to see Nate, and as he stepped onto the school grounds he was greeted by his smiling face. He practically ran to meet his new friend, oblivious to anyone or anything.

"Hey, how's Jesse's foot?" Rusty asked getting that out of the way first.

"Oh, he's fine. All he needed was a Bandaid, but mom always makes a big fuss about stuff like that.  They drug him all the way to the hospital in Pryor for a tetanus shot, just to be sure. Poor kid was more upset about the shot than the cut on his foot," Nate chuckled.

"I'm glad it wasn't serious. Warren was really worried," Rusty said with a smile, "I guess those two are getting pretty close already."

"That's good, hey any word from your dad?"

"Actually, yeah," Nate said grinning, "he called mom last night and he's picking up another load and taking it to Oregon. He won't be back till next week now."

"So...does that mean you might get to go with me to Willy's birthday party?" Nate asked excitedly.

"Maybe, I'll talk to mom about it, but I don't want to mess up Warren's deal with Jesse for Saturday."

"I was hoping you could come too," Nate said frowning, "maybe you should ask her about that instead."

"I dunno, I'll see what kind of mood she's in tonight. I don't want to push her too far. She's been great so far, but I don't want her to think I'm taking advantage of her."

"You know what?" Nate said grinning, "you're a good kid. Your folks should be proud to have a son like you."

"Well, thanks..." Rusty stammered, blushing at the compliment, "you're a pretty good kid too."

They met again at lunch and talked more about the weekend, but Rusty insisted he'd have to feel his mom out first and see what kind of mood she was in. Sometimes when his dad was gone on long runs she became moody and he certainly didn't want to add to her distress.

Usually they ate with Jordan and Seth, but after stopping by their table to say hello, they decided to go outside and eat on the lawn. It was a warm spring day and the sun felt good on their faces, but mostly they just wanted some alone time.

"What's that you're eating?" Rusty said watching Nate digging something out of a plastic container.

"It's three-bean salad, my mom makes it. It's the best, want a bite?"

"Eww...beans?" Rusty laughed, "I don't have any germs do you?" he teased.

"If I do you already have all of them by now, here, open wide," he said scooping up a spoonful of the three-bean salad and holding it up.

Rusty wasn't sure what to expect, but he was pleasantly surprised at the sweet, tangy taste, "'s actually pretty good, but if I start farting in PE, it's your fault," he joked.

"Naw, you won't, but even if you do I'm sure your farts don't stink," Nate said grinning.

"You must be in love if you believe that," Rusty laughed, "I know I am," he added blushing.

"Oh, who with?" Nate teased, causing Rusty to give him a playful shove.

"Your little brother Jesse," Rusty joked.

"Oh, well...the kid is lovable, that's for sure," Nate chuckled, "If I gotta lose out to someone, I'd rather it be him."

"Silly, I do love him, just cause he's your little bro, but I'm in love with his older brother."

"Wow, that's awesome," Nate said smiling at Rusty, his lips aching to bridge the gap and press against his sweet lips.

"What are you doing?" Rusty said when he realized Nate was actually leaning in, his lips only inches away now.

"Uh, oh...sorry," Nate said pulling back and looking around to see if anyone was nearby, but besides a couple of girls near the door they saw no one.

"It's okay, I want it too, but not here. I'm done and I need to pee, you wanna come with me?" Rusty said grinning.

"Yeah, ...and wash up, this bean salad is really sticky," Nate said grinning back.

They dumped their trash and stowed their lunch bags in their lockers, then walked down the hall to the boys' room at the far end of the building. It was less busy most times, and they were lucky this time and it was empty, since most kids were still eating lunch.

"Back  here," Nate said pulling Rusty to the last stall. Unlike many middle schools and high schools these days, their bathroom stalls still had doors and were fairly clean thanks to the janitors.

Once they were behind the closed door, they wasted no time doing what they'd wanted to do earlier. As their lips met, their bodies came together, and in seconds they were fully erect. Both boys wanted to do more than kiss, but they knew it would be risky and they had no idea how long they had before someone happened along to use the facilities.

When they finally broke apart, both boys were flushed, and had to adjust themselves, "Man, my jockeys are full of pre now," Nate joked.

"Mine too, I hope it doesn't soak through, that would be embarrassing," Rusty said pulling at his crotch.

"Yeah, we should probably..." but Nate's words were cut off as they heard the door swing open and the voices of at least two boys.

"Did you see them out there on the lawn, disgusting," the first voice said, "I thought they were gonna kiss or something."

"Yeah, what a couple of homos," the other voice laughed, "that shit should be illegal or something."

"It used to be," the first voice said, "my old man said back when he was going to school him and his buddies used to beat up queers all the time and the cops didn't even care."

"Yeah," the other boy said, sounding less enthusiastic now, "I guess there's nothing we can do about it."

"Nah, especially considering who it is. His old man is a lawyer, and he'd probably sue anyone who messed with his fag kid," the first boy said.

"Yeah and that other kid, Rusty...his old man kicked him out cause he was a fag. I wonder where he was all that time he was gone?"

"He stayed at some other kid's house, and get this, I think that kid is a fag too. Probably butt fucked each other all the time," the first kid laughed.

"You think so? Eww...that's nasty," the second kid said, but he didn't sound as disgusted as he was letting on. In fact, he was actually a little excited to hear that someone might be having sex, sex of any kind.

"What should we do?" Rusty whispered to Nate after hearing the conversation, which was obviously all about them.

"Follow my lead," Nate said unlatching the door and busting out noisily, "Damn that was good," Nate said as if he wasn't aware of the two boys at the urinals until he suddenly screeched to a halt and looked their way, "Oh hey guys, whatcha doin', playing show and tell at the urinal?" he laughed, "you should use a stall, more private."

"Shut up, we ain't fags," the boy who had spoken first said gruffly.

Nate recognized the boy right away, Virgil Griffith was his name, and his buddy was Pete Wilson, both known bullies and general assholes.

"Oh, just need someone to hold it while you pee then?" Nate said, not letting up, "hey, Virg, remember that time at John Brooner's sleepover when you peed in your sleeping bag? Good times," he laughed.

"Shut up, I never..."

"You know what guys? I think you're just jealous. You guys can't get anyone to love, and you resent anyone who can. You call us fags, but you know what? that word doesn't bother me at all. You know why? Because I just consider the source. Two ignorant idiots who have no real friends, and their only fun is making fun of other people, and picking on kids smaller than them. Well, guess what? You picked on the wrong two guys to go after. Meet me after school at the park by the dike and we'll settle this shit once and for all."

"Hey, we were just kidding," Virgil said looking terrified, "I don't care who, I's none of my business."

"Yeah, we don't care, honest," Pete said looking ready to crap his pants.

"Yeah, well...if I ever hear either one of you say a word about us again I will find you, and when I get done, your folks won't recognize you," Nate said making a fist and feigning a move toward the two.

Without another word, the two were out the door, not even bothering to wash their hands, not that that really mattered to the two who's hygiene was less than impeccable.

"Wow, would you really pound those two out?" Rusty asked in shock.

"Nah, but they don't know that. Sometimes all you have to do is talk big. I mean I could hold my own in a fair fight, but I'd never really start anything if I could avoid it. I just know those two well enough to know they're both cowards and all mouth."

"I feel bad though, not for myself, but for you. I've ruined your rep just by being seen with you," Rusty said sadly.

"Hey, I'm proud to be seen with you. I could care less what anyone thinks, but the truth is: most kids could care less. They have their own shit to deal with, and yeah, they might find it something to talk about when they're bored, but no one is gonna come after us or burn us at the stake for being gay."

"I guess I knew this would happen. Everyone knows my dad kicked me out for being gay, but I didn't know they knew I was staying at Jordy's. I guess in a way I sorta ruined his rep too."

"Ha, Jordy and Seth are out and proud, that's no big secret. And Seth is a tough guy, plus everyone likes him, so no one is giving them any grief."

"Yeah, I guess. I just...I guess it will take a while to really be comfortable with all this. I mean, I fought if for so long, then when I finally had things figured out, my dad found that stuff on my laptop and all hell broke loose."

"Yeah, but in a way it all worked out. You met Jordy and Seth and you found out that being gay wasn't a death sentence. Then," Nate said smiling, "You met me...I mean finally met me, and the rest is history."

"Yeah, thanks. I'm just sorry those guys had to trash you out like that."

"Hey, like I said, that shit doesn't bother me. I just consider the source. Heck, even the teachers are pretty cool about that stuff. This may be Salina, but we're not uncivilized here. I mean, I admit there are some people like your dad who still think being gay is a moral sin or whatever, but there are a lot like Jordy's folks and my folks too."

"Yeah, your folks are way cool, so are the Kellys, and Mack and Mark."

"Yeah, speaking of those two, man are they hot or what?" Nate said pretending to swoon.

"Hey, I'm right here," Rusty said popping Nate on the arm, "besides, they're old enough to be your dad."

"Haven't you ever heard of Dad/Son stuff?" Nate teased.

"Sick," Rusty said shaking his head, but the truth was: thinking about stuff like that was sort of exciting, even if it wasn't something he'd ever consider doing.

"Come on, the bell will be ringing soon and we still need to go to our lockers."

In PE that afternoon, they didn't talk about what had happened in the bathroom at lunch, but it was still heavy on Rusty's mind, even if Nate seemed to have dismissed it already. He didn't like being the center of attention, good or bad, and to think he might have caused Nate any distress really bothered him. Still, he knew it was silly to worry about what had happened. He had no more control over what others thought than he had over gravity, and kids were always looking for someone or something to wag their tongues about.

"Hey, what's up?" Nate said as the two were getting dressed after their shower, "You look awfully thoughtful."

"Oh, nothing really. You know, just thinking about things."

"If it's about that thing in the restroom, don't worry...that shit is over with. Those two will be too terrified to ever say anything about us again."

"Nah, it's not that," Rusty lied, "I was thinking about this weekend. I want to come over, but I don't want mom to become suspicious."

"Yeah, well...I trust you to figure things out. If you can't, I can live with it. I'll be sad," he pouted, "but I'll get over it."

"Thanks, I'll do my best," Rusty said, "come on, let's go. Is your mom or dad picking you up today?"

"Nah, I'm walking to my dad's office. I'll walk with you to your street," Nate said beaming, "at least I'll have you alone for a few minutes."

"Uh, maybe you could come in for a while. You know, say hi to my mom and let her get used to your charm," Rusty said enthusiastically.

"Yeah, I can do that. I'll call dad once we get outside and let him know where I'll be," Nate said beaming.

On the way to pick up Warren at his school, the two made tentative plans for the weekend, just in case Rusty got to visit Nate, and by the time they arrived at The Elementary School, Rusty felt more compelled than ever to ask his mother's permission. He was already formulating his plan. He could tell her that if she let him go he could watch out for Warren and keep him safe and out of trouble. Yeah, that sounded like a good plan, because he knew his mom was more protective of Warren than she was of him. He didn't mind though, after all, Warren was younger and needed someone to watch out for him. He was a good kid, but kind of naive, Rusty thought, and easily led astray. Not that he thought Jesse would do that, Jesse was a good kid too, but he was a bit more worldly and bolder than Warren.

"Bubber!" Warren cried running up to meet the two, "Hi Nate, I saw Jesse today and he says his foot is all better, he says I can still come over Saturday if mom says I can."

"Yeah, he's fine," Nate assured him, "but he sure played the sympathy card last night, he had mom running around getting him stuff, but I was too smart for him. I told him to get his lazy ass up and get his own juice," Nate laughed.

"I'd have got it for him," Warren said grinning.

"I bet," Nate laughed, "you like my little bro or something?"

"Well...sure," Warren said blushing, "He's my friend now."

"That's cool," Nate said, not pressing the issue any further.

"So...are you coming home with us?" Warren said hopefully.

"Yeah, for a little while. Is that okay buddy?"

"Yeah, that's way cool. I'll even let you and Rusty have some time alone," he giggled, "and keep mom busy."

"Warren!" Rusty said blushing, "it's not like that, and you better not tell anyone that it is."

Warren looked crushed and Rusty felt bad for being so direct, but this was important stuff, and he wanted to make sure Warren understood that. All the while they'd been chatting they'd been walking, and it was some time before Warren answered.

"I'm sorry bubber. I just...wanted you to know that I don't care about that stuff and I'm on your side."

"I know bro, I'm sorry I sounded so mean, but we have to cool it around the adults, you understand?"

"Yeah, I swear I would never tell mom or dad, or anyone else...but Jesse says..."

"Uh oh, should've known Jesse would spill the beans," Nate laughed, "oh well, it's cool if Warren knows as far as I'm concerned."

"I guess that's okay, but let's not talk about it, Warren. It's private stuff, okay?"

"Okay, sowry," Warren said looking like a whipped puppy.

"God, those puppy dog eyes," Nate laughed, "Jesse uses them too, and they're hard to resist."

They finally arrived at Nate and Warren's modest home, and as they entered Rusty announced their presence, "Mom we're home and I brought company."

Mrs.Cramer peeked her head around the corner from the kitchen and gave the three a smile, "Oh hello Nate, how are you?"

"Fine Mrs. Cramer," Nate said turning on the charm, "something sure smells good in here," he said sniffing the air.

"I'm baking cinnamon rolls, if you boys can wait about five minutes the first batch will be coming out of the oven."

"We'll go change," Rusty suggested, "uh, I guess you can keep my mom company," he said blushing. He was sure his mom wouldn't want Nate in his room while he was stripping down to his underwear, but she surprised him.

"Oh, posh...go on you two. I know nothing is going on," she laughed.

"Well, okay," Rusty said, but he still wasn't sure his mom was being serious, "we'll just be a minute. Umm...those cinnamon rolls smell so good."

"It's your Aunt's recipe. I hope they turn out as good as hers. I made some with raisins and some without, but they all have pecans in them. You're not allergic to nuts are you Nate?"

"Only the human kind," Nate said, then realizing that could have two meanings, he quickly added, "I mean nutty people, I mean crazy people...oh heck," he said grinning, and everyone broke out laughing, even Mrs. Cramer.

"Well, then you better keep your medicine with you at all times, cause those two are about as nutty as you can get," she laughed.

Nate couldn't believe how nice and easy going Rusty's mom was, especially after the stories he'd heard about his dad, but he supposed moms were just more reasonable and loving when it came to their kids.

"Hey, you put the posters up," Nate said once they were in Rusty's attic bedroom, "cool."

"Yeah, still got to paint, but I figured in the meantime it would help make the place look better. Thanks again for the posters," Rusty said nervously, digging through a  dresser drawer to find a pair of sweats and a tee shirt.

Rusty thought it was ridiculous how nervous he was about changing in front of Nate considering they'd been naked together not that long ago, but this just seemed different somehow, being in his own room and all.

"Want me to close my eyes?" Nate chuckled when he saw Rusty's nervous look.

"Nah, you ain't gonna see anything you haven't seen before," Rusty said grinning, "it's just weird to be here in my room and all. I mean, not that we're going to do anything," he added quickly, "but you know...?"

"Yeah, calm down. I promise I won't attack you, even if I really, really want to."

"I can't believe my mom even let you come up here with me," Rusty said looking toward the stairs. There was no door, but of course no one could sneak up on them since they'd be heard coming up the stairs.

"Well, I think your mom is a lot cooler than you give her credit for. Plus, I think she likes me," he said grinning.

"Yeah, I think so too, so let's not give her anything to regret, okay?"

"Hey, I'm a perfect angel...for now, but when we're at my house, I'm a little devil," he said making horns on his head with his fingers.

Rusty just laughed as he began to undress, Nate's watching every movement with undisguised lust, and when he was down to his underwear he seemed to be in no hurry to get dressed.

"I like those undies on you. Tighty whiteys. Nice."

"Thanks, but I wish I had some like those you wear, the bikini ones," Rusty said blushing.

"No problem, we wear the same size, so when you come over next time, I'll send some home with you. I have like a hundred pair," he chuckled.

The thought of wearing underwear that Nate had worn caused Rusty's cock to jump a little in his underwear and he decided he'd better get dressed before he embarrassed himself. Slipping on the sweat pants first, he sat down next to Nate on his bed, still holding his tee shirt in his hand.

"Your chest is amazing," Nate whispered, his eyes glued to Rusty's upper body.

"Thanks, yours is better, but I can't complain considering I don't workout or anything."

"You can workout with me next time you're over," Nate said grinning, "sex is very good exercise you know?"

Rusty blushed and started to put on his tee in an attempt to hide his red face. However, before he could get the tee pulled down over his head, Nate attacked him and pushed him backwards on the bed and began rubbing his flat stomach and finally tickling his sides.

Rusty thrashed around giggling and begging Nate to stop, and that was when Warren appeared at the top of the stairs, took one look at them, and started giggling.

"Guys..." Warren said between giggles, "you're kind of noisy."

"Stop Nate!" Rusty said, finally getting his tee shirt on, but he wasn't mad, in fact he was smiling, "I can't trust you for a minute, can I? Good thing you came along Warren, or he'd have made me pee myself."

"I'm not into that stuff," Nate teased.

"I'm very ticklish in case you didn't notice," Rusty said, "come on guys, let's see if the cinnamon rolls are ready."

On the table, on cooling racks, were two pans of gooey delicious looking cinnamon rolls and the Heavenly aroma made the boys' mouths water. Mrs. Cramer already had glasses of milk poured, and after determining each boy's preference, with our without raisins, she served the boys and then  herself.

"I like raisins," Warren said as he bit into his cinnamon roll.

"They'll make you poop," Rusty teased.

"So, that's a good thing, right?" Warren said taking another bite, "mmm."

"Not if you poop your pants," Rusty joked.

"Eww...nasty, I'd go to the baffroom silly."

"Even if you were in the middle of class or walking home from school?" Rusty pressed.

"Rusty, leave your brother alone. A few raisins will only make him regular, not give him the runs," his mom laughed, "you could use a few yourself young man."

" know I don't like those things, they look like fat ants or something."

Nate almost spit out the bite he'd just taken because he was laughing so hard. He too had chosen one with raisins, and in fact loved raisins, and sometimes ate them alone as a snack.

"Dude, they don't taste like ants to me, he finally managed to say, "you know what raisins are, right? Dried grapes."

"Really?" Nate said frowning, "then what are prunes?"

"Dried plums," Warren said quickly, "know how I know? Cause we did an experiment in school and we dried some fruit in this thingy and that's what the plums turned into."

"Well, I don't like prunes either, but these cinnamon rolls are the bomb, mom."

"Yes, Mrs. Cramer," Nate quickly added, "they're better than the ones you buy in the bakery."

"Yeah, mom...yummy," Warren said plucking a raisin out of his cinnamon roll and popping it in his mouth.

"Thank you boys, they did turn out well. But it made three dozen, and there's no way we'll eat them all. If you'd like, Nate, I'll send some home with you for your family."

"That would be awesome Mrs. Cramer," Nate said enthusiastically, "I know mom likes raisins, not sure about dad, but Jesse will eat anything I do."

I bet, Rusty thought with a little grin. This was certainly turning into an interesting afternoon, and as good a mood as his mom was in, he thought now might be a good time to ask about the birthday party and the sleepover at Nate's.

He waited till they'd finished their snack, then helped his mom clean up the mess, and as she was packing up a half dozen rolls (three of each) to send home with Rusty, he decided it was time.

"Uh mom, since dad won't be back till next week, and he's not here to ask, I was wondering...see, there's this birthday party at a friend of Nate's and I was invited to attend. It'll be over by 8 and Nate said his mom would drive me home. The kid lives here in town so they have to come to town anyway..."

"Do you know this boy, the one who's birthday it is?" she asked snapping the lid on the container of rolls.

"No, I mean...yes, I know who he is, but we're not friends or anything, but he seems pretty cool."

"Well, what about a present?"

"Well, Nate said I didn't have to bring one since I was invited so late..."

"Nonsense, you can't go empty handed. I have some birthday cards, you can pick one out and I'll give you five dollars to put inside."

"Oh, okay, sure...does that mean I can go?" Rusty said thinking it was all too easy.

His mom put her hands on her hips and shook her head. "Now why would I be sending this boy a card and five dollars if you weren't going to be there to deliver it in person?" she chuckled, "anything else?"

" know about Warren's brother, Jesse, inviting Warren to go spend the night Saturday..."

"Yes, and I have already worked that out with his mother. She is going to be in town that afternoon, and she's going to pick him up around 3."

"Oh, cool..." Rusty said, wondering if he should quit while he was ahead or go for the gold, "so you're okay with Warren going alone to Nate's house?"

His mother laughed, "Let me think he should have his big brother to watch over him?"

"Well, you know how he is?...he gets nervous real easy, and I just thought if I was there he might feel better about being away from home and all..."

"Well, how do you feel about that Warren?" she said giving her youngest son a wink.

"I think that sounds just fine," Warren said enthusiastically, "We can all play video games and watch movies and stuff. And they have the neatest treehouse. Jesse showed me pictures of it, and it is sooo cool."

"And Nate, what would your parents think about that? Are they comfortable with having an extra boy visiting?"

"Yes ma'am, my parents are very easy going. I don't mean they just let me do anything I want, but my dad says he'd rather I have my friends over there than go to their house, cause that way he knows what I'm up to," he laughed.

"That makes sense, well...have your mother call me, and if she's fine with it then I guess I'm fine with it too."

"Uh, what about dad?" Rusty suddenly stammered, "will you tell dad about us going?"

"I don't keep secrets from your father, but if he doesn't ask, I won't bring it up. At least not now, but eventually if you two are going to be friends he has to know and approve."

Rusty felt his hopes sag and he felt like crying, but Nate didn't seem to be bothered by the prospect of dealing with Mr. Cramer. He had a feeling that Mrs. Cramer was running things now and she'd make sure that her husband saw the light.

Around five, Nate's dad called and said he was on the way to pick Nate up, and the three boys went out front to wait for him. Warren had brought Lucky out with him and was throwing a ball and having the dog retrieve it, leaving the two older boys to talk in private.

"I can't believe it was that easy," Rusty said sitting down on the front step.

Nate settled in next to him, their hips touching, then put his arm around Rusty's waist.

"What are you doing?" Rusty said looking around, but he didn't try to stop Nate.

"Hugging my boyfriend. Relax, no one can see. Anyway, about that stuff with your mom. I predicted she'd say yes. I think she's cool with us. I think she's cool with you being gay too. I'm not sure she knows we're boyfriends yet, but she's not dumb. It won't take much to figure us out."

"I don't really worry about her finding that out, it's my dad that I worry about."

"Well, while the cat is away, the mice will play," Nate chuckled, "just enjoy it while you can. He's gone so much, that I'm sure we can find plenty of time together."

"Yeah, it's always been that way, he's gone almost as much as he's home. Mom hates it, but he makes a good living that way. But...I can't help but wonder...if, you know, he's faithful to mom while he's on the road? I heard that at some of those truck stops there are women who will....well, you know? For money," Rusty said blushing.

"Not just women, men too, some of em teens. I read a story about that stuff. Guys do it in their sleepers right there on the lot," then seeing the look on Rusty's face, Nate quickly added, "but that doesn't mean your dad does that. Maybe he just jerks off," he laughed.

"Eww," Rusty said, pretending to gag, "I'll have nightmares now."

"Sorry, I was only trying to help. Hey, there's my dad now," Nate said getting up, "I'll have my people call your people and we'll do Saturday," Nate giggled.

"Thanks," Rusty said laughing. Despite his concerns he was happy about the way things had turned out, and he'd really enjoyed Nate's visit, even if they hadn't gotten a lot of alone time, "Call me later then, after our moms have talked."

"Sure, no problemo," Nate said as his dad pulled in the drive, "well TTYL and see ya tomorrow at school."

"Later dude," Rusty said waving at Mr. Taylor.

"Byeeee Nate," Warren said running up with Lucky by his side, "tell Jesse hi for me."

"Will do little man," Nate said bending down to love on Lucky, then standing, he ruffled Warren's mop of unruly hair and climbed in beside his dad.

"Hi dad," Nate said once the door was closed.

"Hey, did you have a good time with your friends, and what's that you have there in the container?"

"I had a great time, and these are Cinnamon rolls, and they're awesome. Mrs. C sent some home with me cause she made so many."

They smell great," Mr. Taylor said, "I think I'll save mine for breakfast with my coffee."

"Oh, and by the way," Nate said grinning, "Rusty's mom is gonna let him go to Willy's birthday party with me, and...come over with his brother Warren on Saturday."

"That's great," Mr. Taylor said sincerely, "sounds like his mom is loosening up some, but what about his dad?"

"He called and he's taking a load to Oregon, so he won't be back till next week. Almost sounds like he's trying to stay away," Nate observed.

"Maybe not, maybe he just saw the opportunity to make a little more money. You know, raising two kids isn't cheap," Mr. Taylor chuckled.

"Yeah, but we are so worth it," Nate laughed.

"Well, I can't argue with that, and when your mother and I are old and grey you kids can take care of us."

"Sure dad, we'll come visit you in the old folks' home," Nate joked.

"Oh no...we'll be moving in with you and your wife, or husband as the case may be," Mr. Taylor teased.

"We'll put you out back in the storage shed with the lawn mower," Nate teased.

"You're too kind son," Mr. Taylor chuckled.

"You know I'm teasing dad," Nate said smiling at his dad, "you took care of me, and I'll take care of you if you ever need it," he added as tears stung his eyes. He loved his dad so much, and they'd always been close, even though he was actually closer to his mom. He supposed that was because he was a bit more sensitive than most boys his age, not that he was feminine by any means, just more in touch with his feelings.

"Thanks son, but I hope by the time I'm ready to retire, your mom and I can move to Florida and live the good life," he laughed.

"Yeah, well...we'll come visit you then."

They'd arrived home by then and as soon as they were inside Jesse attacked them. Hugging his dad he sniffed the container Nate held and gave him a hungry look, "What's that, it smells really good."

"Cinnamon rolls, Rusty's mom sent them. They're awesome. I might even share them," Nate teased as he headed to the kitchen.

Mrs. Taylor appeared then and gave her boys a smile. Mr. Taylor gave her a quick peck on the lips then went off to change while Nate filled her in on his visit at Rusty's and about the cinnamon rolls.

"Oh, they smell really good. I'll call her later and thank her. We still need to work out the details on Warren's visit Saturday."

"Make that Warren and Rusty," Nate said grinning, "his mom said he could come too...and he's going to Willy's birthday party with me Friday."

"Oh, well...that's a surprise, but a happy one," Mrs. Taylor said sincerely.

Nate filled her in on the details about Rusty's dad and she looked serious for a moment. "I hope things are okay between Mr. and Mrs. Cramer."

"What do you mean?" Nate asked peeking in the oven to see what smelled so good.

"Oh nothing, I'm sure it's just what he said, an opportunity to make some more money. It's what he does, and it's probably not that unusual. Dinner in fifteen, why don't you boys go wash up and come back and set the table?"

"Yes ma'am," Nate said slipping an arm around Jesse's neck, "I want to change anyway."

Nate took his time changing, and all the while Jesse watched him with interest. Even though he'd seen his older brother in various states of undress, and even naked on numerous occasions, he was reaching that age when boys became more curious about their bodies and the bodies of others.

Nate couldn't help but notice Warren's eyes roaming his body, but he didn't make an issue of it. He remembered when he was that age, and how curious he'd been, and he wasn't the least bit bothered by Jesse's sudden interest in  his body.

"So...what exactly did you tell Warren about me and Rusty?" Nate asked once he was dressed.

"Huh, oh...nothing...really. You didn't say it was a secret, did you?" Jesse said blushing.

"Nah, it's cool. Just wondering, come on let's get washed up, mom's waiting. We'll talk later."

"K," Jesse said, hoping Nate would forget about it.

Dinner was pleasant that night, and the boys kept the conversation lively as they talked about their day at school and their plans for the weekend. Mr. Taylor listened with interest as Nate talked about Rusty and concluded that his son definitely had a major crush on this boy. He didn't mind so much that Nate was gay and that he was attracted to another boy, but he was worried about Rusty's situation with his father. He didn't want to see either boy get hurt if Mr. Cramer should decide Rusty couldn't see Nate anymore, but in the end he decided that maybe he was worrying too much. He'd take a wait and see attitude and meanwhile do everything he could to facilitate the boys' budding relationship.

After helping with cleanup, the boys headed off to Nate's room to play video games and Nate brought up the subject they'd touched on earlier.

"Rusty and I don't care if Warren and you know, but some things are still private, okay?" he said suddenly jumping in with both feet.

"I...I know," Jesse stammered, "It's your business, right?"

"Yes, and what you do is your business, but...we're bros and we don't keep secrets, okay? So, I'll tell you some stuff, but not everything, and you can do that too. Make sense?"

"Yeah, anyway, I don't have anything to tell...yet," Jesse said grinning.

"You like Warren that way?" Nate asked nudging his brother.

"Maybe, he's nice, and...cute," Jesse said blushing.

"Yes, he is, and so are you," Nate said dropping his controller and grabbing his younger brother and pushing  him onto his back and tickling him unmercifully.

"Stop...jerk...I...can't...breathe," Jesse said between giggles.

Suddenly Nate stopped and just hovered over his little brother and stared down at him. He loved Jesse with all his heart, and at that moment he felt especially close to him. They'd shared so much since Peter had died and were closer than most brothers, heck closer than most lovers. They'd shared a bed many nights, and it was only natural that they'd messed around a little, but that had been when they were younger.  Though Nate didn't regret what they'd done, he'd had no desire to do so again, that is not until that very minute.

As he stared down at Jesse's beautiful smiling face, Nate longed to kiss him so bad it was a physical ache. He was so cute, his long blond mop of hair in disarray, that spattering of freckles across his cute nose, those pouty lips, and those big expressive blue eyes. For a moment Nate was lost in those eyes as the desire to kiss him became even stronger. The odd thing was: except for an occasional kiss on the cheek, they'd never kissed when they were fooling around. It had been simply about getting their rocks off, then they usually fell asleep, and that was the end of it till the next time.

The world seemed to stop all around them as Nate hung there above his brother, their faces only inches apart, both boys breath coming in ragged pants, their cocks harder than they'd ever been, and their hearts beating nearly out of their chest.

This is wrong, Nate thought to himself, What is wrong with me? he wondered, but there was no denying his desire, even if he didn't act on it. Suddenly jumping up, Nate mumbled something about having to use the bathroom and he was out the door, leaving Jesse to wonder what had just happened.

He was suddenly aware of his own erection, and he wondered if that was why Nate had ran off. Was he mad cause he'd popped wood? He frowned, anyway it hadn't been his fault, Nate was tickling him and touching  him and that was what caused it. Then he wondered, was Nate hard too? He thought about the times they'd messed around and he frowned. It had been so much fun and he wondered why it had stopped. He'd loved the feeling, but most of all he'd loved the attention of his brother and the way he looked when he made him feel good. He'd liked snuggling too, and had always slept good when he was laying next to his older brother all wrapped up in his arms. It was sad that Pete had died, but it had brought him and Nate closer, and he loved his brother more than life itself and he hoped he felt the same way. That was a lot for a kid his age to have to deal with, and now this. He suddenly felt rejected and he knew he had to get away, to be alone and think about things.

When Nate got back to his room, he was surprised to see Jesse was gone, but in a way he was glad. He felt embarrassed and guilty about his feelings even if he hadn't done anything, and he hoped this was a one time thing and not something else he'd have to deal with.

He decided to take a shower and see if that would help him relax and then he'd text or call Rusty and see if he could forget about what had happened with Jesse. He grabbed clean shorts and a tee and headed off to the bathroom and started the shower. When the water was just right, he stepped in and pulled the door closed and let the water wash over him. He had just finished rinsing off when he thought he heard a sound, and suddenly he felt a draft as the door to the bathroom was opened and closed. He knew who it was before he even spoke.

"Nate, are you mad at me?" a small voice said, "I'm know?"

"Oh buddy, no. I'm not mad. Why would you think that? You were gone, and I just decided to take a shower. I thought maybe you were with mom and dad," Nate said sliding the door open and grabbing his towel.

He began to dry off then, not trying to hide his body, but Jesse wasn't looking anyway. His eyes were on the floor as he stood by the door looking small and tragic.

"Nate..." he began, "how come, you know don't do that stuff we used to do anymore?"

"What?" Nate said pretending to be ignorant, but he knew exactly what Jesse was talking about, "If you mean,, sex stuff, well...we're older now and...I don't know, it just seems wrong. We're not little kids anymore, we're growing up you know...?" he said trailing off, then realizing how ridiculous that sounded he sighed. After all he was Jesse's age, 11 or 12 the last time they'd messed around, and Jesse had only been 8 or 9. Now Jesse was almost that old and he needed his big brother to guide him through the rocky road of puberty that lay ahead.

"How is it wrong?" Jesse asked, finally looking up, "is sex bad. I thought..."

"No, sex isn't bad. I mean as long as it's what both people want and no one is getting hurt. And boys having sex isn't any different than boys and girls having sex. It's's just a way of sharing something very special, and if you love that person it's even better."

"Like you love Rusty?" Jesse said giving his older brother a shy smile.

All the while Nate had been drying off his sleek teenage body while Jesse shyly watched. Suddenly Jesse was aware that he was once again hard and he blushed. "Sorry, I did it again," he said sounding ready to cry.

"Oh buddy, it's okay. It's natural. Look, I'm getting chubbed up too. It doesn't take much for us guys to get a boner. It's just the hormones. Maybe you're gonna start puberty early. I've heard of some boys 9 and 10 who already have hair and stuff."

"Nope, no hair yet," Jesse said relaxing some, "but I do get boners a lot."

"Well, you know how to fix that, right?" Nate teased.

"Huh, oh you mean..." Jesse giggled as he made the universal hand jacking motion.

"Yeah, I started early as you know, and I did it a lot, still do."

"You do, even now that you have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, it's not like he can be around every time I get a boner," Nate said, finally wrapping his towel around his waist.

"Wish I could watch," Jesse mumbled so low Nate could barely make out the words.

Nate laughed, "I guess there's no harm in that. Hey, I tell you what..." he said making up his mind and hoping he didn't regret it later, "tonight after mom and dad are in bed, slip down here and climb in bed with me and we'll flog the dolphin together, how's that?"

"You mean it, but I thought..."

"We don't have to touch each other, just watch...okay? I think that's okay, if you do."

"Yeah, that's fine...sure...yeah...I want to," Jesse said, happy now.

"Okay, now scoot. I want to call Rusty and it's a private call."

"You gonna tell him you love him and smooch on the phone?" Jesse giggled.

"Maybe," Nate said grinning as he placed his hand on Jesse's little butt and shooed him out the door.

When he was gone, Nate brushed his teeth and slipped on his underwear and headed to his bedroom to make the call. Rusty answered almost immediately and he was bubbling over with good cheer. His mom and Mrs. Taylor had finalized all the arrangements and to his surprise, the Saturday visit had been modified to include a sleepover.

"What, really? Bless my mom, she did that without me even asking. Oh man, that's so great. I can't wait to get you alone again," Nate said in a lust filled voice, "won't be much sleep going on down here."

"I can deal with that. Sleep is highly overrated," Rusty laughed.

They talked for almost an hour, but eventually Rusty said he needed to go, and Nate reluctantly told him goodnight. It was only after he'd ended the call did he think about what he'd promised Jesse earlier. Was he cheating on Rusty if he did this? No, that was silly. He wasn't going to have sex with Jesse, they were just going to jerk together. Buds did it all the time and he supposed brothers too. They'd done far more than that when they were younger, but he vowed not to let things go that far this time. He hoped this would be enough to appease both of them and there would be no need for anything else. He loved Jesse, and he didn't want to mess him up or give him anymore stuff to deal with.

Nate finally went upstairs and said goodnight to his parents and Jesse, and the look on his little brother's face said he was eager for lights out and his visit to Nate's bed. Nate tried to ignore his eager puppy dog stares, but he worried his folks might catch on and think something was wrong, so he decided to lead them astray.

"Boy you must be really excited about Warren coming to visit," he said grinning and winking at his brother.

"Yesss, it's going to be sooo much fun. Can me and Warren hang out with you guys some too?"

"Sure, we'll play video games, maybe watch a movie and have some pizza. How's that sound?"

"Awesome," Jesse said happily.

"Well goodnight everyone, I'm gonna read a while till I get sleepy. See ya in the morning."

"And thanks to you, we already have breakfast lined up," Mrs. Taylor said, "delicious cinnamon rolls," They'd shared two of the rolls after dinner and saved   the other four for their breakfast, and they were all looking forward to that treat.

In his room, Nate grabbed his tablet and logged onto Nifty and quickly found a story he'd been following. It was in the young friends section and about a bunch of gay boys living in an old Church with their foster parents. The boys sounded cute and there was lots of sex, and pretty soon Nate was boned up big time. Ordinarily he would have rubbed one out while he read, but he'd promised Jesse they could do that together and he decided he could hold out a bit longer.

He finished the chapter and got up to pee and glanced at his bedside clock. It was just after ten, and his  parents were usually in bed by ten. He figured he'd soon be getting a visit from his little brother and his cock throbbed at the thought of what they'd planned to do. He had just returned to the bedroom when a soft knock alerted him of Jesse's arrival.

"Come in bro," Nate called out, and suddenly Jesse bounced in dressed in just a pair of shorts and no shirt.

He was so beautiful that for a moment Nate could only stare. His smooth upper body was well developed for a kid his age and his stomach was flat and accentuated by a little innie belly button that was cute as a puppy dog's tail.

"Ta da, here I am," Jesse giggled nervously.

"Just in time, I was about to bust," Nate teased, "well, come over here and let's get in bed."

"Should I take off these?" he said pulling at the waist band of his shorts.

"Yep, might as well," Nate said stripping off his underwear to reveal his cock was already hard, all seven inches ready to go.

"Wow, you're bigger than I remembered," Jesse said with wide eyes.

"Well, I've grown a little, but you're not so bad yourself," he said eying his little brother's almost 4 inch rod, "I bet you'll be as big as me, maybe even bigger when you're my age."

"Really, you think so?" Jesse said feeling proud.

"Yeah, but that's enough cock talk, it's time to get our rocks off," Nate chuckled, "Stretch out and let's see how you do it. Need any lube?" Nate said grabbing a bottle of lotion from the night stand.

"Yeah, a little," Jesse said shaking with anticipation. This might not be exactly what he'd hoped for, but it was still exciting and he was eager to get started.

Once they were greased up they began to stroke, slowly at first, all the while watching each other. Nate liked the fact that Jesse was smooth everywhere and Jesse thought Nate's pubes were neat and wanted to run his hand through them. Jesse liked the soft downy looking hair on Nate's legs as well and he couldn't wait to get his own  hair.

The room was filled with the sounds and smells of two boys in heat, one prepubescent, the other well into puberty and in the throes of hormonal lust. Perhaps it was inevitable that before long Nate began to desire more than just mutual masturbation. He rationalized that what they were doing was simply boy stuff and that going a bit further wasn't pushing things too far.

"Want do each other for a while?" Nate asked softly.

"Really? Yes...if you do," Jesse said excitedly.

"Okay, but that's all...just jerk each other, okay?" Nate said hoping he could keep that promise.

"Oh, it's hot," Jesse giggled when his hand made contact with Nate's rigid shaft.

Nate let out a little hiss when he felt Jesse's warm soft hand surround his cock and he marveled at how good it felt. Somehow he managed to remember this was a two way deal, and with trembling hands he reached over and took his little brother's cock in his hand. It felt warm and firm, but velvety soft, and he loved the way it felt in his hand. It was slick with lotion, and his hand slid easily up and down it and soon he had a nice rhythm going.

Meanwhile, Jesse had managed to get over his initial shock at touching his brother's huge dick, and he was seriously getting into giving him a handy. He loved the way the precum bubbled out of the piss slit and he spread it around the head with his small hand and began using that for lube.

"That's really good," Nate panted, "if you want you can play with my nuts too."

"Yeah," Jesse said excitedly as his other hand went to his brother's baby makers.

They felt warm and heavy in his hand, but he was amazed that they were hairless like his own. In fact, his brother seemed to be smooth down there, although he did have a well trimmed pubic patch just above his magnificent cock.

Nate returned the favor then, feeling up his little brothers grapes and marveling at how soft and smooth they were. He liked it smooth down there, and even shaved  his own balls and crack, and kept his pubes neatly trimmed, and sometimes even shaved them completely.

"You getting close little bro?" Nate said after a few more minutes.

"Uh huh, are you?" Jesse said sounding far away.

"Yeah, your hand feels really good. I been sort of holding back to make it last, but I'm ready when you are," Nate said in a husky voice.

"Okay, can I just do you and watch that stuff shoot, then you can do me?"

"Sure, that's fine," Nate said dreamily, "go for it little bro."

Jesse rolled onto his side then and scooted down a bit so his face was only inches from Nate's crotch. Licking his lips almost suggestively, he got a new grip on Nate's hard cock and began to work it with enthusiasm. After a few minutes he reached down with his other hand an began rubbing Nate's plum sized balls and Nate moaned his approval.

"Yeah, like that...almost there...just a little faster...ohhhhhhhhhhhh, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, here it comes...," Nate cried out.

"Jesse stared at Nate's cock head, anxious to see the first spurt of white baby batter, but instead of it going up and onto Nate's stomach it's trajectory put it squarely onto Jesse's face, a little of it dripping down to his lips.

Instinctively, the younger boy licked the thick warm cream from his lips and discovered he actually liked the taste. Meanwhile, the second spurt erupted and this time Jesse moved closer so it would purposely hit his face.

Nate moaned as he watched his little brother receive an impromptu facial, then almost fainted when he saw him licking the boy pudding from his lips and grinning like a cat lapping up cream. He knew he should feel guilty, but it wasn't like he had forced his brother to do it, and what's more Jesse seemed to be enjoying it.

There were four more volleys before his dick burped out the last of his baby makers, and Jesse had managed to get most of it on his face or in his mouth. Of course some had splattered onto Nate's stomach and chest and even into his pubes, and Jesse's hand was covered in goo, and suddenly he pulled it to his mouth and began licking it clean, causing Nate to moan again.

"You little freak," Nate said, but he wasn't being mean and Jesse sensed that and just grinned wider.

"I like it, it tastes yummy," Jesse said, "remember when we used to suck each other, and that one time you came. It wasn't as good as this, but that was good too."

"I was 11 then," Nate said, almost your age, so...maybe you'll start coming wet soon too."

"I hope so, but there's no one to taste it," he pouted.

"Maybe Warren will," Nate teased.

"Maybe," Jesse said grinning again.

"Okay, your turn now," Nate said, having recovered a bit.

Then using his own spunk as lube, he pushed Jesse onto his back and began jerking him for all he was worth. He wanted so badly to take Jesse's hard little spike into his mouth and make love to it, but he'd promised himself they wouldn't do more than jerk, and now that he had come it was easier to keep that promise. That didn't detract from is enjoyment of pleasuring his little brother though, and when he finally had his dry cum, Nate enjoyed it almost as much as he did.

He loved how Jesse's whole body quivered and the little mewling sounds he made as he pleasured him, and when he came his whole body seemed to vibrate like a tuning fork. His soft ohs and ahs and an occasional, shit, caused Nate to smile, and he was so happy that he'd decided to do this for his little brother.

"How was it?" Nate asked once Jesse had settled down some.

"Awesome, thanks Nate, that was sooo good. I loved it, can we do it again...sometime?"

"We'll see," Nate said, not willing to commit to a repeat at the moment.

"Okay, I won't beg," Jesse said, "wait here, I'll be right back," the boy said jumping up and heading to Nate's bathroom.

He returned a moment later with the wet washcloth Nate had used earlier when he showered and he began to lovingly clean Nate's dried spooge from his body. His pubes were a mess however, and Nate decided he really needed another shower after that massive come.

"Thanks bro," Nate said pulling Jesse into a hug and intending to kiss him on the cheek. However, seeing what Nate had planned, Jesse turned his head just in time and planted his soft lips on Nate's and gave him a sweet closed mouth kiss.

It took Nate a moment to recover, but when he did he found he was tingling all over. "Wow bro, what was that for?"

"Just cause, goodnight," he said hopping up and heading for the door, "See ya in the morning." and then he was gone.

What the hell? Nate thought shaking is head, is my little bro going gay on me too? he chuckled. Oh well, he decided, the water is fine, come on in little bro.

End Chapter Twenty Three

Back to Rusty and Nate, boy they seem to be taking over the story. Next time the sparks will fly as Rusty and Nate have some alone time once again at Nate's house on the lake. 

Rob Warr 11-01-21

Many thanks to my buddy Michael in LI for his invaluable help with editing, story ideas, and pics. But most of all: for his friendship and support. Love ya Mikey!!! Have a safe and fun trip to DR.

Other stories at Nifty by Rob Warr

Christmas Eve 1975

Girls Suck, but Boys do it Better



Love on the Half Pipe

Loving Jake

Personal Heaven

Pudding Cups

The Gift

The Haunted Mansion

Trick or Treat, Smell my Feet

Viral Times