The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased is purely coincidental. This story may depict sexual situations between minor males, and if reading such is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, please read at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Rob Warr, and should not be re-posted or reproduced without his permission. Story and some images ©2020-2024 Rob Warr.

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      A New Life for Jordan

      By: Rob Warr

     Chapter 49

             Spring has sprung     


This year the boys decided to play baseball, all four of them, and practice began in early March as weather allowed. The coach, Mr. Thomas, loved coaching baseball and had been doing so for several years. Although he was tough when it came to some things, he was fair and fun to play for, and the boys soon learned to love him. His assistant was a woman, Tammy Gilbert, who was just as committed to the boys as he was, and the boys also took to her right away.

The practices were held at the Junior High, and afterwards the boys would have a snack and decompress as they waited for rides, or for the locals, the short walk home. Carl had signed up too, but Tony liked football best and had played that previous fall and wanted to rest up some before summer break.

The team took a vote and decided to call themselves after the Atlanta Braves, which was a favorite team of many of the boys. Their uniforms would be red white and blue, and some boys even chose red cleats to compliment their outfit. Though the uniforms were modestly priced, thanks to a deal Coach had worked out with a supplier in Tulsa, for one player, a boy named Zeke Evans, even that amount proved too much for his single mom to come up with. As disappointing as it would be, he finally decided he had no option but to quit the team.

However, as soon as Coach found out what the real issue was, he called a meeting of the team, excluding Zeke, and asked them what they thought they should do about Zeke's situation. He prided himself on treating the boys as equals and letting them make as many decisions as possible, and he knew Zeke was well liked, not to mention a good player.

"Heck, is that all?" one boy named Brian said, "we could take up a collection or something..."

"I agree," Jordy said, "I've got some money left over from Christmas."

"I'll cover it," Lee said simply.

"Thank you boys, but you understand that it may not be just a matter of the money, there may be a pride issue here as well. We have to consider Zeke's feelings, and I will tell you I had to think long and hard before sharing this with all of you, because I felt like I was betraying his trust."

"What if...some anonymous donor gave some money to the program to help with expenses,, the Coach, could use those funds however you wanted?" Jordy said grinning, "that way Zeke wouldn't know where the money came from and it wouldn't be an issue of pride, just going along with what his coach wanted."

"Are you planning on a career as a lawyer, or perhaps as a politician?" Coach Thomas chuckled, "because boy, is an excellent idea."

"So, we all donate, and you say it's like...from some company or something?" a boy named Sam asked.

"Yes, but only give if you can, and whatever balance is left over, I'll cover it."

"Coach?" Lee said, "can I talk to you in private for a minute?"

"Well, sure...boys, help yourself to refreshments while Lee and I have a pow wow," Since Coach Thomas was two thirds Cherokee, he didn't feel bad using that word, and was sure he wasn't offending anyone.

"Coach, I don't know if you know my story or not..."

"I've heard some of it, about losing your folks and Jordy's family taking you in..."

"Well, my folks left me pretty well off. They were quietly rich, if you get my meaning, they didn't brag about it or live an exorbitant life style. Heck, we were just a regular family. But what I'm getting at is: I don't want the others to have to spend their money. They need it, and I can afford to pay for Zeke's uniform, so why not let me?"

"Again, it's a matter of pride. Your fellow teammates want to help too, so why not let them? That's why I said, 'give only if you can'. If it's a dollar or ten, it will all go to the bottom line, and each boy will feel better about himself for having helped, don't you agree?"

Lee smiled, "I guess that's why you're the Coach, you know what works best. Okay, but I'll make sure to donate enough so we're sure his uniform is covered, and maybe some new equipment," he added with a wink.

"Thank you, Lee. Now, let's get back out there and finalize this deal so we can all  go home and rest up for practice tomorrow."

When Zeke learned that he would not have to quit the team, and that some anonymous business had donated money for uniforms, he was ecstatic. He loved baseball, and he loved his teammates, and most of all: he loved his coaches. He cried when Coach Thomas gave him the good news, then apologized for being such a baby, but was shocked to see a few tears in Coach's eyes as well.

Practice continued, and by Easter the team was coming together rather nicely. The Kelly's invited the team and the coaches to the campgrounds for food and games, boat rides, rides on the ATVs, and they even got in a little practice, throwing the ball around and taking turns batting.

Zeke had become especially close to Jordy and the gang, though it wasn't clear yet whether he liked girls or boys. He was too cute for either to ignore, however, but he was so shy that most found it hard to approach him. His social status might have had something to do with that, however, but when he was with the team or with Jordy and the bunch, he came alive.

He was short for a boy his age, though height weight proportionate, and playing ball had helped him to tone up a great deal. As stated earlier, he was cute, very cute, with big brown eyes and long reddish blond hair that crowned his face. His mother cut his hair, but she did a good job of it, so no one even noticed that it wasn't a store bought haircut he sported. His thick eyebrows and long lush lashes were the envy of many girls, and his small button nose, dimpled cheeks, and pouty lips rounded out the package.

He was fast too, so fast that Coach wondered if he wouldn't lose him to the track team, but fortunately the boy loved baseball and was a natural talent in any position the Coach assigned him. He could bat, run, field, and best of all, his ego didn't get in the way of his doing his best. He never bragged, and always blushed when complimented on his performance, and was so humble that Coach considered him to be the MVP of the team, even without taking a vote.

"Hey, Zeke, you should spend the night?" Jordy said when he finally had the boy alone.

"Huh? I don't know, I've never done that before...I wouldn't know what to do...and I don't have any clothes..."

"First of all, there's a first time for everything, and second, we'll find plenty to do, and third, we can sleep in our underwear and you can wear the same clothes tomorrow, no big deal."

"Where...umm, would I sleep?" Zeke asked. He was liking the idea of sleeping over, but he still needed some convincing.

"Well, that depends on who else sleeps over. Sometimes we have the whole gang, Seth, Jerry, Carl, Lee, and me. Sometimes just Seth, me, and Lee. Lee has his room, and I have mine, and there's a guest room, but we hardly ever use it. See, we like sleeping together..." Jordy said, letting that hang there in the air as he gauged Zeke's reaction.

"Umm, you mean you sleep the same, umm...bed?"

"Yeah, especially me and Seth," Jordy said casually, "but sometimes, if there are a lot of us, we fix a nest in the floor and all sleep there, with padding of course, and blankets and pillows."

"That's a lot to think about," Zeke said blushing.

"Yeah, I get that. How about if it was just me and you? Would that be okay?"

"What about Seth and Lee, don't they live here too?"

Jordy laughed, "Well, Lee does, he's my bro. But Seth and Jerry actually live in the cabin by the office. much time as Seth spends here, it's almost like he lives here."

"Won't he get upset?"

"I don't think so," Jordy said, then spotting his BF nearby he called to him, "Hey, Seth, Loverboy, over here."

Seth trotted over then, looking like an eager puppy, "What's up?"

"I'm trying to talk Zeke into sleeping over, but he's kind of worried about being around so many boys. Would it be okay if he stayed over and you didn't?"

"Awwwkkk, you trying to replace me?" Seth boo hooed, "Fine! Just throw me away like a used tissue."

Zeke looked ready to bolt, or at least to start apologizing, then Seth's face broke out in a huge grin and he added, "Of course it's okay. Sorry if I freaked you out, Zeke, sometimes I try to be funny."

"Try is right," Jordy said rolling his eyes, "thanks babe," he added as he gave Seth a kiss on the cheek.

Zeke's mouth dropped open then and he stared at the two as if their hair was on fire.

"Close your mouth?" Seth chuckled, "something might fly in it, something you don't want."

"Huh, oh...yeah. I just...I never knew. I mean, I heard rumors...but..."

"Well, I don't know what the rumor mill says, but Seth and I are boyfriends, if that's what you heard, then it's true."

"How does that even work...?" Zeke asked, then he blushed so red, Seth and Jordy were afraid he was going to stroke out.

"Well, pretty much the same as a boy and a girl, except the parts fit together differently, but the love part is the same. We love each other, and we show it when we're around people we can trust. We can trust you, right Zeke?"

Zeke nodded, "I think...I think it's cool."

"It is cool, my man," Seth said bumping fists with the boy, "now, if you'll excuse me, it's my turn to ride one of the ATVs."

"How long have you two been together?" Zeke asked softly as he watched Seth walk away.

"Almost since the first day I arrived here..." Jordy said, then went on to tell his and Seth's story.

"Wow, that's so cool," Zeke said, then he fell quiet for a moment before continuing, "and you don't worry about getting beat up or anything?"

"Look at us, do we look weak? Besides, most kids could care less. Heck, some even envy us. We have lots of friends, some gay, some straight, and some who don't know yet. Everyone is too busy trying to figure out their own stuff to worry about us."

"I guess I'm one of those then, I'm still trying to figure stuff out."

"Don't worry, you will. When the time comes you'll know what's right for you. Heck, as cute as you are, you could go either way and wind up with some hottie."

"You think I'm cute?" Zeke said, turning his eyes to Jordy. They looked amber in the sunlight and seemed to be begging for an answer.

"Heck, everyone does. I heard some girls at lunch the other day talking about how cute you were, and one of them said that she'd love to go out with you."

"You did, for real...umm, who was it?"

"I think her name is Judy, or June, something like that. I don't exactly hang with that crowd," Jordy chuckled.

"June Meadows?" Zeke said perking up, "she's like one of the prettiest girls in school."

"Yeah, I think that's her. Runs with a pack of girls who are always checking their phones."

"Yeah," Zeke said slumping his shoulders, "anyway, doesn't matter. No girl would want to be seen with me if they know, about me."

"I dunno, I think that's a little unfair. Some would care, but that's not the kind of girl you want anyway. Boys are much less judgemental, but there are good ones and bad ones too. Anyway, that stuff doesn't matter to us, or to the rest of the team. Anyone who takes the time to get to know you, will find what we did, that you're one cool dude."

"Thanks," Zeke said grinning from ear to ear.

"So, how about it? Wanna sleepover? I promise you'll have a good time."

"I'd have to ask my mom..." but Zeke was pretty sure he already knew what she would say. She was always pushing him to make new friends and to do stuff while he was still young enough to enjoy it. 'Reach for the brass ring', she sometimes said, and though it seemed like an odd thing to say, Zeke got the general idea.

"Does she have a cell phone?"

"Yeah," Zeke said, not adding that it was one of those free phones paid for by the government for low income families.

"Call her, here, use my phone."


By five the team and coaches were gone, filling the two SUVs they'd come in almost to capacity. Jordy, Seth, Lee, Jerry, and now Zeke, watched them drive away, waving till they were out of sight.

"Okay, guys, it's just us now. What shall we do?" Jordy said grinning.

"How about we take the ATVs for one last spin and show Zeke the overlook?" Seth suggested.

"You up for that, Zeke?" Jordy asked.

"Sure, I guess. I mean, I don't know what the overlook is, but I like riding on the 4-wheelers."

Jordy had Zeke climb on behind him, while Jerry rode behind Seth, and Lee had an ATV to himself.  They were off in a flash and the trip took only a few minutes. The sun was just starting to go down by then, and they didn't want to linger too long, but the look on Zeke's face was priceless when he stood on the overlook gazing down at the lake.

"Oh, wow...and you guys can come here anytime you want. That's so cool."

"I used to think of this as mine and Seth's private place, but let's face it, it's just too cool not to share with the people I love."

Zeke's head jerked around to lock eyes with Jordy, "You love me?" he asked simply, the need for validation apparent in his eyes.

"Yeah, we all do," Jordy said slipping an arm around the boy, "right guys?"

A rumble of 'yeahs', filled the air, but it was the laying on of hands that sealed the deal. Zeke smiled, his eyes threatening a rainstorm any moment, but somehow he found his voice, "I...I love you guys too, all of you...and the team...and the coaches."

They stood there then, five boys on the edge of the world, touching one another and sharing a moment, one beautiful moment, but eventually the spell was broken and they started back to camp. Not much was said on the way there, and only after putting the ATVs away did the conversation pick up.

The talk was mundane at first, centering around baseball and the things that interested the boys, but eventually it was Zeke who brought up the matter of what had happened at the overlook.

"I wanted to thank you guys, not just for today but for everything. It took me awhile but I finally figured out that it was you guys who pitched in the money to buy my uniform. I couldn't have played if you hadn't, but you were afraid that if I found out that I'd refuse to let you help, right?"

"We just didn't want to hurt your feelings over something you had no control over..." Jordy offered.

"You were right, I probably would have been too proud to accept if I'd known...then, but now I see what you guys did was done out of love. Love for me and for the sport...and well..." he said wiping at his eyes, "I want to say thank you and let you know that I'm okay with it."

"You're welcome," Seth said giving the boy a hug, "we know you'd have done the same for any of us if the situation had been reversed."

"Yeah, and someday I'm gonna pay it forward and do something nice for someone like that," he said sniffing back the last few tears, "Sorry to be such a cry baby today, but you guys got me going..." he chuckled.

"Hey, crying is healthy, and we do a lot of it around here," Lee said seriously, "don't ever let anyone tell you it's baby stuff, cause it's not."

"Yeah," Jerry agreed, "even grownups do it sometimes."

"I know," Zeke sighed, "So, what's next?"

"Dinner," Seth yowled, "I'm as hungry as a tiger trapped in a pit."

"Tony Tiger, more like it," Jordy teased, "how about some Frosted Flakes? They're greaaaat," he added, and the boys all joined him in laughter.

They dined on leftovers from lunch, hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, and other finger food, and slurped down sodas or sports drinks. There were still cookies and cupcakes for dessert, and the boys carried these outside and sat on the back deck while they ate them.

As soon as they'd finished their dessert, Jerry and Seth excused themselves, but Jordy insisted on walking them home so he and Seth could hold hands and say a proper goodbye. That left Zeke with Lee, and while Zeke was fairly comfortable with all the boys by now, he still felt a bit nervous being left alone with Lee.

"Don't worry, I'll sleep in my room," Lee said as if he was reading Zeke's mind.

"I know. I mean, Jordy told me, but we can hang out till then...right?"

"If you want, for a while anyway. I have some stuff I need to do..."

"Oh, okay."

Near silence hung in the air like some tangible thing, the only sound now, the slapping of the water against the shore and the occasional stirring of some night creature in the nearby trees.

"Jordy says this is your first sleepover."

"Yeah, pretty lame, huh?"

"No, not really. Some kids never do that. So, it's cool that you finally get to do it, and if you like it, you can do it again."

"Thanks, I'm sure I it, I mean."

"Jordy is a cool dude, and you can trust him. He has the biggest heart of anyone I've ever met. We've been friends forever, and now we're bros, and I can't even begin to express how much he means to me. So, don't worry, you're in good hands."

"I know, I trust him, too. I trust all of you, and I, lo.. umm, really like all of you."

"And we love you, too" Lee said grinning.

"I almost said that, but I didn't want to sound...weird, but I you guys."

"We're bros," Lee said offering a fist bump, "oh, here comes Jordo now. I bet he's still all tingly from kissing his BF."

"Jealous," Jordy said, having heard Lee's snarky remark.

"Of what? I can kiss either of you, if I want," Lee said sticking out his tongue.

Zeke laughed at their bickering, "Is it always like this?"

"Oh, no, sometimes it's much worse," Lee assured him.

Lee hung out with the two till around nine o'clock, then excused himself to take a shower and decompress before bedtime. He could sense that Zeke was a bit more nervous around him than he was around Jordy, but then Jordy had a way of calming anyone he came into contact with. He was the sort of person that people liked immediately, and it was obvious Zeke had already formed a strong bond with Jordy. He'd come a long way since Lee had first met him at practice, but he still had a ways to go, and Lee hoped that eventually the boy would be as comfortable with him, Seth, and Jerry, as he was with Jordy.

"I'm leaving it up to you if you want a shower, but I always take one before bed," Jordy said after a while, "As soon as Lee is done, the bathroom is ours."

"Oh, well...I did get kind of sweaty today..." Zeke said, but the thought of getting completely naked, even in the privacy of the bathroom still caused him to blush.

"Okay, if you want you can go next then," Jordy said easily, "We have one of those tank-less hot water things and so we have continuous hot water..."

"Oh, does that work?" Zeke asked, genuinely interested in all things mechanical.

Jordy explained as best he could, then when Lee was finished in the bathroom, he took Zeke in and showed him where the device was located.

"Wow, it heats the water as it goes through it. That is so cool...I," Zeke laughed.

"Yeah, so...let me grab you a towel and a wash cloth and you can go ahead and shower. I'm gonna go talk to Lee while you're taking your shower, and when you're done, come and get me, okay?"

"Oh, sure..." Zeke said, still not sure he wanted to get naked in a strange place, "umm, do I put my clothes back on, or what?'

"Hey, I can loan you some sleep shorts if you want, and a tee shirt. Hold on, I'll go grab them," Jordy said, and minutes later he returned with a pair of soft cotton draw string shorts and a plain navy blue tee shirt.

"Oh, thanks," Zeke said feeling some better, knowing he had something to wear after his shower.

"No problem, there's body wash and shampoo in the, I will see you in a bit," Jordy said stepping through the door into Lee's room, then closing it behind him.

"Zeke noted there was a latch on the door, but he felt that using it would somehow constitute a breach of etiquette, as if he didn't trust Jordy and Lee, so he left the door unlocked and began to undress.

He couldn't help but notice his reflection in the full length mirror on the back of the door leading into Jordy's room, and as most boys do, he took a moment to study his body. He'd filled out some since joining the team, and he was surprised to note that he seemed to have grown a little between his legs as well. There was definitely more hair there now, and he ran his fingers through the kinky strands, then reached down and lifted his balls as if weighing them.

"Yep, definitely bigger," he giggled to himself.

Of course touching himself down there had an immediate effect on his penis, which had lengthened and chubbed up some as if to say, 'hey, I'm ready to play'.

Not now, Zeke thought, though it would be hard to resist the temptation once he was in the shower. At home the shower was his favorite place to relieve that itch between his legs, the resulting mess washed down the drain and his penis squeaky clean afterwards.

Turning from the mirror he started the water in the shower and was surprised at how quickly it heated up. When he had it just right, he stepped in and let the hot water rush over his body, lowering his head and wetting his long hair, his arms supporting him as he leaned against the tiled wall.

When his hair was sufficiently wet, he grabbed the shampoo/conditioner and began lathering up his hair. He let the lather do it's thing for a bit while he used the wash cloth and body wash to soap up his body, then rinsed both his hair and body at the same time. It was what he called a five-minute shower at home, but then they didn't have unlimited hot water at the trailer, and short showers were necessary. So for a few minutes Zeke stood beneath the shower head and allowed the soothing water to cascade over his body, rivulets of water finding his cracks and crevices, tickling his flesh as they traveled from head to toe.

Eventually he turned off the water and grabbed the towel Jordy had provided and began toweling off, starting with his hair, then working his way down till he was reasonably dry. Suddenly he was confronted with a new dilemma, should he put on the underwear he'd been wearing all day, or...go commando?

The underwear weren't exactly dirty, there were no skid marks or yellow spots in front, but there was something very appealing about letting his boys roam free in the shorts Jordy had loaned him. It seemed naughty and almost completely out of character for him, but in the end Zeke slipped on the shorts, sans underwear, a big grin filling his face as he did so. He followed the shorts with the tee shirt, then looked at himself in the mirror. As long as he stayed soft no one would be the wiser, he thought, and anyway, they'd soon be going to bed, but it was still fun to think about what he had done.

"Hi, I'm done," Zeke said, first knocking on Lee's door then sticking his head in.

However, what he saw almost caused him to shut the door and hightail it out of there. Both Lee and Jordy sat on Lee's bed, and except for their underwear, they were completely naked. Of course, Zeke thought, Lee just finished his shower and was dressed down for bed, and Jordy was stripped down ready to take his shower. seemed and naughty, and definitely not something Zeke had ever experienced before. He'd never had friends over, never slept over at a friend's house, and certainly never seen his friends in just their underwear. But he reasoned that must happen all the time in some homes, especially with brothers, even if Lee was only an adopted brother. He wondered if Seth and Jordy sat around in their underwear too, or...even got naked? He blushed at that, and considering what had been said earlier about their parts fitting together differently, he had to assume that they did more than look at each other's naked bodies.

"Oh, thanks, come on in," Jordy said, "you can keep Lee company while I shower."

"Uh, well...okay, but I need to put my clothes somewhere..." Zeke said, indicating the neatly folded stack of clothes in his hand, the underwear secreted away between layers.

"Sure, just lay them on the dresser in my room," Jordy said, "I'll go start the shower..."

"Oh, okay," Zeke said, wishing he could think of some excuse not to come back, but he knew he was being silly, that talking to Lee, even if he was only wearing underwear, was no big deal.

However, when he came back through the bathroom on his way to Lee's room, he got another big shock, this one almost taking him down. Suddenly, in all his glory, there stood Jordy, naked and beautiful as he waited for the water to get to just the right temperature.

"Oh, sorry," Zeke squeaked. He knew he should look away, that it was wrong to stare, but his eyes refused to submit, and he found himself almost boldly staring at Jordy's beautiful, tanned, naked body.

How could another boy evoke such feelings in him? Zeke wondered. But it wasn't exactly lust as much as it was envy and awe. Till now the only naked body he'd ever seen was his own, and while he considered it to be decent enough, this boy before him was the most perfect being he had ever seen.

"It's cool, we're not shy, in case you haven't noticed," Jordy chuckled, "look all you want," he said turning around to give Zeke a peak at his fabulous behind.

"I should...umm, go," Zeke said, his mouth as dry as cotton, and yet his feet remained planted in the same spot as his eyes continued to drink in Jordy's beauty.

Jordy chuckled and shook his head, "First time, huh?"

"What do you mea...mean?"

"First naked body you've seen...besides your own?"

Zeke nodded, was it that obvious? "Y...yeah, I never..."

"Get used to it. If you hang around with us, you can count on seeing all of us naked at one time or another."

Zeke was finally able to pull his eyes away then, and he wasn't sure if he was comforted or concerned about what Jordy had promised. Could he stand seeing that much naked boy flesh? Would his eyes burn out, would he go mad, would it turn him gay? But then he realized he didn't know what he was now, so how could seeing naked boys turn him any way?

"What's going on?" Lee chuckled, suddenly appearing in the doorway, "Oh, Jordy is putting on a show again, I see."

"Jealous," Jordy teased, sticking out his tongue this time.

"Watch it, or I'll put that tongue to use," Lee teased.

Zeke observed the two with near reverence. How could they talk about stuff like this and not be embarrassed? Then it suddenly occurred to him that maybe, just maybe...Jordy and Lee did more than sit around in their underwear. He felt his face go red at that assumption, and suddenly he felt very uncomfortable. Not because he viewed such a thing as bad, but because he felt as if he didn't fit into any of this and never would. He was just too shy to ever let himself get that close to anyone, and even the thought of being naked around another boy made him a quivering mass of jello.

"Come on, Zeke, let's talk while Jordo washes his ass," Lee said, thankfully taking Zeke's arm and leading him through the open door and into his bedroom.

Still in a daze, Zeke sat down on the bed, hands folded in his lap as he stared at his bare feet. Lee could sense his conflicting emotions and didn't want to add to his distress, but he felt he had to do something or risk Zeke breaking down completely.

"Look, I know that you don't have a brother, so you probably don't understand what's going on with me and Jordy. Way before we were brothers, we were friends, best friends, and even then we were comfortable with each other. We slept over at each other's house, in the same bed. Heck, we even bathed together when we were little kids. And, I'll confess we've showered together a few times too. We have no secrets from each other. Then I came to live here and we became brothers, for real. But, you know what? I don't think we became closer, because I think we were already that close even before all this happened. It's just official now, and we live in the same house, which is cool as hell. And then there's Seth and Jerry. Well, you know a little about Seth and Jordy, but words can't really express how close they are. I'm ashamed to say that at first I was a little jealous of how close those two are, but they welcomed me into their lives and I realized I wasn't losing my bro, I was gaining another bro. And then there's Jerry, good old Jerry. He's my bro too, and I love him almost as much as I love Jordy. But there's always room for one more, or two more, or a dozen. So, if we haven't already scared you off, just give us a chance, and I bet before it's all over, you'll agree that being one of our gang is just about the best feeling you will ever have. Nuff said, here's Jordy, so you guys go do...whatever, cause I'm going to get some sleep."

Jordy had listened in on the last part of Lee's narrative and was smiling, a tear in his eye as he heard his bro express his emotions with such candor. He loved Lee in a special way, different than the way he loved Seth, but just as powerful, and his love for Jerry was real and solid as a rock. He felt blessed to have such wonderful people in his life, but Lee was right, there was always room for more.

"Come on, Zeke, let's let the grumpy old bear get some rest," Jordy said entering the room then. But instead of backing out again he pulled Lee up off the bed and gave him a hug and peck on the cheek, "Nite bro, love ya."

"Nite, bro. Love ya, too," Lee said returning the hug with gusto.

Zeke allowed himself to be led once more, this time by Jordy and to his room.

"First, I'm sorry if I'm too brassy and too bold. I didn't want to scare you off on your first sleepover. I just...sometimes I forget that not everyone is as...what's the word...umm, HORNY, as us," Jordy chuckled.

Zeke laughed too, "It's okay, I shouldn't  have stared though, that was rude."

"Nah, I know I've got a fabulous bod," Jordy giggled, "but the important thing is: now that you've seen it, that's out of the way, and you won't have to worry about that anymore, right?"

"Yeah, but I'm not sure I could ever be that...umm, let anyone see me...umm, naked."

"So don't. It's your bod, your choice. Me, personally, I'm comfortable in my skin, with or without clothes. Some people aren't, and that's cool too. I'm not trying to change you, just let you see there are other ways, other ideas, but in the end, it's up to you what you want to do or how you want to present yourself."

"I get it," Zeke said frowning, then a grin slowly took over his face and he blushed, "but, I'll admit one thing: I'm not wearing any underwear under these shorts."

Jordy burst out laughing, "See, you're halfway there. Good for you."

Till then Zeke hadn't paid much attention to what Jordy was wearing, after all, he'd seen him naked just a short time ago, but suddenly he realized he too was wearing cotton shorts which looked to be identical to his own. However, Jordy's chest was still bare, and once again Zeke's eyes explored the naked flesh there.

"You're, umm, really buff looking," Zeke said shyly.

"You will be too. Baseball is good exercise, but if you want to speed things up, I'll show you some exercises that will help."

"Cool, I'd like that."

"But right now, I am beat, buddy. Need to pee or anything before we settle down?"

"Nah, I'm good," Zeke said. He wasn't sure if he was relieved or disappointed to have the evening end, but all in all it had been a very good day, and he'd had some fun and learned some things about himself and his new friends.

"I get the back side," Jordy said, climbing in beneath the covers and scooting over to the far side of the bed. Then holding up the covers for Zeke to slip in beside him, he gave the boy a smile, "If I crowd you just give me a little push. I'm so used to sleeping with Seth that I tend to snuggle in my sleep. I wake up most mornings with us spooning."

"Oh, will probably be okay. I mean, I'm a pretty sound sleeper. It probably won't wake me at all."

"Cool. Well, goodnight, buddy. See ya in the morning...or sooner," Jordy chuckled.

"Yeah, night," Zeke said, then a thought suddenly came into his head, where's my kiss? He almost asked, then blushing, he pulled the covers up around his neck and settled into the comfortable mattress.

Sleep overtook the two quickly, and when next Zeke woke it was still dark out, but something was different. As he'd warned he might, Jordy had snuggled up to his backside and was spooning him, and arm thrown over him pulling him tightly to his body.

Zeke's first thought was to pull away, then he realized just how good it felt to have Jordy's warm solid body pressing into him and he relaxed into his embrace. He could feel Jordy's warm breath on the back of his neck, the warmth of his chest against his back, his strong arm hugging him close, the hand just above his belly button, and something else.

Something hard and warm was pressing into the crack of his ass, and it only took him a moment to realize what it was. There was a time when he would have been alarmed, terrified, and maybe even repulsed at that revelation, but a lot had changed in the last 12 hours.

He knew what was poking him, it was Jordy's hard penis, but it didn't alarm him, or sicken him, it was just...interesting. Yeah, that was the word, interesting, and actually sort of arousing, a fact easily seen by the condition of his own penis.

He liked the feel of Jordy's body against his own. It made him feel loved, and safe, and he didn't worry that Jordy wanted more than to just snuggle to him. While he might have no practical experience, he knew about sex, both kinds, gay and straight. He knew about anal sex, but he didn't think he'd ever want to do that or have it done, but this was different. Jordy wasn't trying to have sex with him, he was just...just spooning him and his penis got hard. No big deal, Zeke thought, my penis is hard too. It's just cause we're touching one another.

Jordy stirred a bit then, and pulled back some, his hard penis no longer touching Zeke's crack, and Zeke actually felt a bit disappointed. However, Jordy still had his arm over him and was still holding him tight, his upper body still pressed against his back. That felt nice too, but he actually missed the other sensation and hoped Jordy would press back into him again.

Was that sick? he wondered, am I secretly gay, and don't know it? Was that why I liked looking at Jordy's naked body so much and was so turned on by Lee in his underwear? Where did that last thing come from? he wondered, for he wasn't even aware he'd been turned on by Lee until that moment.

Just then Jordy awakened and realizing what position he was in, he pulled back his arm and rolled onto his back. Zeke felt such a loss at that moment that he felt like crying and begging Jordy to snuggled back against him, but instead he rolled onto his back as well, making sure Jordy knew he was awake.

"Oh, sorry," Jordy said sleepily, "but I warned ya," he chuckled, "hope it wasn't too weird for you."

"Nah, it was..." dare he speak the truth or blow the whole thing off? Then with sudden resolved he decided he was tired of being timid and decided to take some his newfound courage and apply it to this situation, "it was kind of nice."

There, he'd said it, now the ball was in Jordy's court.

Jordy chuckled, "I'm a good snuggler, or so I've been told."

"You are," Zeke said, relieved that Jordy was being so understanding.

"Nothing wrong with two buddies snuggling. It's like two puppies snuggling together, doesn't mean anything except that they like each other and are comfortable with each other. So...if you really liked it, then I won't worry if it happens again, okay?"

"Yeah, no need to worry. I'm cool with it," Zeke said, his little heart beating faster now.

"In fact, if you want to try snuggling to me, that would be cool," Jordy offered as he rolled onto his side facing away from Zeke.

Zeke hesitated only a moment, and then only because he was still erect and was afraid Jordy might feel his hardness and read more into it than there was. But in the end he decided to give it a try, snuggling his chest to Jordy's back and keeping his bottom half far enough away to avoid detection of his hardon.

"Put your arm around me," Jordy instructed, and when Zeke did so, he took it and placed it on his bare smooth stomach, causing shock waves to course through Zeke.

As good as being the little spoon felt, being the big spoon was even better. The only problem was: his penis was even harder now, throbbing with each beat of his heart and he was terrified that Jordy would soon figure out why he was keeping his distance below.

And...he was right.

"It's okay," Jordy said soothingly, "that's one of the best parts. Go ahead, press into me. I don't mind. I like that sort of thing."

"You mean...?" Zeke managed to squeak out, his mouth suddenly as dry as cotton.

"Yeah, it's normal and natural to get hard when you snuggle. Go ahead, spoon all the way..."

Zeke sucked in a deep breath, then slowly, inch by inch, he began to scoot closer until just the tip of his hard penis touched Jordy's hip.

"Line it up with the crack and just let it nestle in there," Jordy explained, "yeah, like that. How does that feel?"

"Good, no, amazing. Are you sure you're okay with this?"

"I love it," Jordy sighed, pulling Zeke's arm tighter around him then, "but I know it's kind of frustrating for you, so...if you need to, know? do it, just be careful not to get it all over both of us," he chuckled.

"What?!!?" Zeke yelped, "I wasn't going to..."

"I forget you don't have as much experience as we do," Jordy said then, "what I meant was rubbing it against my crack and coming that way, through our shorts of course."

"I've never..."

"Well, just offering, "but...if you want to get off with less mess...I'd be glad to help out."

"What, umm...what do you mean?"

"Ever had a blowjob?"

"Nooo!" Zeke said blushing deeply.

"Hmm, too bad. I bet you'd like it."

"I...I don't know, that's kind of scary to think about."

"Well, I won't press the issue, but the offer is good...anytime. Meanwhile, snuggle as much as you'd like. I like the feel of your body against me," Jordy sighed.

"Yeah, it's nice," Zeke said, then silence fell over them and after a few minutes, when Jordy hadn't spoken again, Zeke decided he'd fallen asleep again.

He thought about what Jordy had offered and he felt his penis throb even harder as it pressed into the crack of that cute ass. He'd never thought much about sex, and even though he did masturbate, he wasn't obsessed with his penis. But suddenly it was as if his eyes had been opened for the first time and he was feeling things he'd never felt before. He'd heard that expression, thinking with your little head, but until now he'd never fully appreciated what it meant. His penis continued to throb, and in the back of his mind the words reverberated, blowjob, blowjob, blowjob, and he moaned in frustration.

"What's wrong?" Jordy said softly, "need to get off?"

"I..." Zeke whimpered, "I'm scared..."

"Oh, buddy, don't be," Jordy said sounding more awake now. Then breaking Zeke's hold on him he rolled over till they were facing one another, only inches apart, "like I said, you don't ever have to do anything you don't want to. I know it's tough deciding what you like and what you don't, but if you don't ever try stuff, you'll never know. How about this: let me make you feel good, and if at any time you don't like what I'm doing and want me to stop, I will, and I'll never bug you about it again?"

"You mean, umm...the blowjob?'

"Well, that's what I'd like to do best, but if you just want a hand-job, that's cool too."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure, are you?"

"I...I guess we could try it."

"Don't guess, yes or no?"

"Yes, but you'll stop if I tell you to?"

"I promise."

"Okay then, what do I do?"

"First, lose those shorts and that tee shirt..."

With Zeke naked and stretched out in the center of the bed, Jordy considered how to start. Ordinarily, if this was one of his regulars, he would have started with their feet and progressed upwards, but not knowing yet what Zeke liked, and not wanting to scare him off his first time, instead he began with his lips.

"Is it okay if I kiss you?"

"Oh, okay," Zeke said, surprised but pleased at this development.

"Nothing nasty, just a sweet kiss to get your motor running," Jordy teased as he straddled the boy on all fours and brought their faces closer together, "Close your eyes and pucker up."

Zeke seemed unsure of himself at first, but as the kiss continued he began to warm up, even going so far as to reach up and place his hands on Jordy's neck and pull him closer. Encouraged by Zeke's obvious enthusiasm, Jordy introduced some tongue play into the kiss, and Zeke seemed to like that as well.

"Mmm, I never kissed anyone before, but...I liked it," Zeke said when Jordy finally came up for air.

"Kissing is fun," Jordy said, "but truthfully, it's a whole lot more fun when you love someone, like I love Seth."

"Oh, would he be mad if he knew we kissed?"

Jordy chuckled, "Nah, we have sort of an open relationship, I guess, but we don't keep secrets, so he'll know soon enough."

"I hope he doesn't beat me up," Zeke said looking worried.

"Nah, he won't, but he might want to kiss you too...or do more, depending on how this next part turns out," Jordy said grinning, "are you ready for the most amazing feeling of your life?"

"I think so, no, I mean...yesss, go for it," Zeke said grinning back.

"Okay, brace yourself," Jordy said as he scooted down to eye level with Zeke's hard cock.

Jordy noted that it was slightly smaller than his own, but about the same thickness, and that his hairless balls were that type that clung to his body rather than hang low. They were nice though, and Jordy planned on giving them just as much attention as he gave to Zeke's cock.

"First time, huh. Well, this is going to be an eye-opener. Goin' in,"Jordy said, and without anymore hesitation he dove into Zeke's crotch, his tongue ready for action.

"Ohhhh," Zeke cried out as Jordy began licking his cock up and down like an ice cream cone.

Then when Zeke thought nothing could feel any better than this, Jordy lowered his face a bit and began licking Zeke's hairless ball sack. Instinctively, Zeke spread his legs further apart to give Jordy better access and Jordy burrowed deeper, actually licking Zeke's taint as well.

"Oh, oh, oh," Zeke cried out, "be careful...I might come..."

"Not gonna waste it, so I'll ease up some," Jordy said, licking the crease where the boy's legs joined his torso and causing him to giggle.

Reaching down to grab Jordy's head then, Zeke ran his fingers through his hair and sighed contentedly.

"You likey?" Jordy said staring up at Zeke with a big grin on his face.

"Yesss, it's the best feeling ever," Zeke sighed.

"Up till now, maybe, but the best feeling is on it's way," Jordy said, giving Zeke a devilish look, "going in for the kill this time," he added as he grabbed Zeke's cock and held it while he began bathing it again with his tongue.

Then before Zeke could react or gather his wits about him, Jordy plunged down on his cock and swallowed it to the hilt, causing the boy to cry out in surprise and ecstasy. Jordy, encouraged by Zeke's reaction, began bobbling up and down then, while his right hand gently rubbed Zeke's nuts and thighs.

"I'm gonna...gonna...come...better," Zeke warned.

"Huh uh," Jordy grunted, going deeper and faster now, intent on reaping his reward for a job well down.

He'd been warned, Zeke thought, and anyway, he was too close  now to do anything about it anyway. Then with a grunt and final thrust upwards to bury himself completely in Jordy's hot wet mouth, Zeke began to come, and come, and come. It was no surprise that he came harder and produced more spunk than ever before, and even as his cock finally settled down, the aftershocks continued to reverberate through his body.

"OH, man...that awesome," Zeke sighed, gently rubbing Jordy's head as one might do a faithful dog.

"You taste really good," Jordy said looking up at Zeke, "want a taste?"

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"This," Jordy said, moving up to kiss Zeke deeply and wetly, sharing the last of his spunk with him.

"Oh, I do taste good," Zeke said blushing when the kiss had ended.

"And you came a lot. Do you always come that much?'

"No, that was the most I ever came, and the hardest..."

"Yeah, BJ's will do that, especially given by an expert," Jordy chuckled.

"Umm, do you think you could teach me how to do you, I mean?"

"Heck yeah, if you want," Jordy said excitedly, "but a handjob is just fine too."

"No, I want to...umm, suck you. I really do, if it's okay," Zeke said shyly.

"Of course it's okay. What are friends for?" Jordy chuckled, and seconds later they had swapped places, and the lessons began...

End Chapter 49

Next time: Play Ball!!

End: Chapter 49

Rob Warr


💗Many thanks to my buddy Michael in NY for his invaluable help with editing, story ideas, and pics. But most of all: for his friendship and support. LOVE YA Mikey. 💗

Other stories at Nifty by Rob Warr

An Orphan's Tale

A Poor Boy's Christmas

A White Christmas Rescue

Broken Trust

Christmas Eve 1975

Christmas with Colt

Girls Suck, but Boys do it Better



Love on the Half Pipe

Loving Jake

My Best Friend Colt

My Boyfriend is a Werewolf

Nico's Secret Valentine

Nightmare on Oak Street

No means no

Personal Heaven

Pudding Cups

The Gift

The Gold Necklace

The Haunted Mansion

The Secret Life of Nerds

The Tire Swing

Trick or Treat, Smell my Feet

Two Brothers

Viral Times

Voice of an Angel