Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 11:32:08 -0800 (PST) From: Tim Stillman Subject: g/m young friends "And Then There Was Joshua and Joseph And Then Was Jason and Joshua By Tim Stillman Watch them run into each other, catch the sun in their eyes, naked they were..and young. Touch the morning in their laughter. Hold their giggles and their hearts beating fast. Turn from everything to watch them make love, hold the whole world?s eyes and proud and defiant and filled with each other. Feel their hands and their magnificent beauty, all butterfly wings and instant joy?bottled in sex and kittenish licks. Starvation never knew them, and their penises were what they held to, as skies of summer small in their eyes that tossed summer back to it and said we exist and the world of skies is not world enough for us?for ours has the giddy castles you?ve not heard of, the thrust of epic in our bones as we tumble round with each other as kittens on perpetual motion life shining and buzzing and munificent sly eyes and shy eyes and come to me then, Joshua to Jason, and Jason to Joshua, and play the music of us, play sexuality in sun fields and rush us to skinny dipping pools, and know that we are? --touch us and feel life, bright and boiling after?cuts of salvation?heads pulled to chests and held, crying with flesh taught soft and taut hard and selling nothing of gifts for Christmas but our own world, our own jiggles and Christmas balls, touch and sweep and sweet lovers, here in our world of everything possible and the sun shines not as bright as we are, there is only today for us, never tomorrow or yesterday, as we rush to each other ending school day and find in each other more than the sum of two?more than the deep entrance and the music filled promises of lollipops for sucking along and eyes that smile and kisses sweeter than morsels of eternity, as we dive and dig and loop and are amazed at each other, to never sleep alone, with three in the morning touches and hair touched and lips to ears and legs entangled and sexuality ready?here comes no linger and here come the electrical words and holds and kisses on nipples, of us?the great and true?conquerors of each other and see the skies above us waning as we come in each other?and buckle bareness as if our finest sheaths, and catch and grapple and stun each other with our ever present magnificent bodies caught two in one and one in two and see the mathematics of us, and our angles and how it feels and looks to have Jason?s mouth here and Joshua?s there and fault us nothing? --we are strong in our loves and we offer only ourselves and take away nothing else but kindness in our belly buttons and hands that lave and hands that touch and measure and feel the new flesh and the new day in each of us?turn into night a morning that has two naked boys running the hills of green?running and tummeling outside for green and glow and circus-o?main circus tent?trapeze artists as we fly through the air of popcorn smells and lemonade flavors?as we fly to each other and our hands catch and Jason and Joshua we are as we are seen from below and our hard ons are proud ways and high ways as we turn to our trapeze landings and hold each other with an assurety that allows no falls, allows no dizziness, allows nothing but our certainty and trust and knowing no violations not ever and clover grass we laze to as we eye each other and tickle and kiss noses and ears and mouths?as we discover our countries in ourselves, and home far away and distant gone, while home is here and here are we, to wake in mornings and think?Jason?think?Joshua?and what our world has in store for us today---and circus we are with antics never done lonely, gymnastics are us and try this for a new highway into us into our bodies into our salvation tossed here with friends become lovers and young start, never to participate in games of otherness, never to search out on lonely highways or empty bars, but here then us and we have Christmas inside us?we have dexterity and such happiness?spin round the big top and watch the stallions of white as they do their paces round the big center ring stare at us in something of awe and redemption, us then never to put on clothes?us then to forward into a certain favorite that was always beginning and ending and closing with our arms round each other, our faces known maps and still new and first time each and every morning? And soft hands touching and tracing new fields and something without names that we see round every corner and smooth hillock of each other and ourselves?danger is not permitted and namelessness not allowed?keep out?we are two and sometimes there is nothing in life but thinking Jason, Joshua, sometimes there is such hope and such promise, when almost burst into flames of sexuality and friendship and cause rivers to part and never retreat again?our boldness in our fine look here pretzel bodies, out to a certain summer day when July stands us together as we measure ourselves and bless ourselves and touch into flying sky clouds off on close eyed dreamy feelings when school can?t take the days from us because we have the nights to close ourselves in and with which to clothe ourselves, here in mornings that smile into our faces and made of everything good and proper without tantamount with no leagues stuck onto us or searches mad to find our way?for the way is here when Joshua and Jason make each other into sexual machines and always them and that is the key secret?no one running away or saying quiet and tell me nothing about yourself-not for them, every turning, every bending over, every thought large or small, every new pimple, every lesson learned and homework made fun with magical bananas and kisses supreme, never leave the circus and the eyes watching in soft lambent memories of what never was?as kind Joshua and Jason say it can be with us and you and me? --in color fields and Autumn tamed and bodies arched and fine trestles running ?tween legs and caught you again red faced red handed not us we are fine miracles waving supreme and cocktails for two are slipping sleeping giggly watch me this fine morn? and cut the skies out and paste them in the circle of us and we are the world, we are everything that the sun shares its secrets with, and our bodies ask for more?for we are always in our night skin running our hands and our legs and our crotches and bare butts wiggling, all to simply say, I love you. --