Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2021 08:56:48 +0100 From: Andrew Passey Subject: Andromeda Three Part Two (Young Friends) (Science Fiction) Can dreams become reality? The dream of me getting on Andromeda Three was running at breakneck speed towards the reality of the launch date being only a few days away. Time was running out and I knew it. I was sitting in the dining hall daydreaming of leaving while I ate my dinner on my own. Well the slop they called dinner anyway. It tasted bland at best and I was doubtful it had any nutritional value. However it was that or starve. I'd learnt very quickly here the pernicious pain of hunger, the pain that nothing but food will make go away. So it was eat what you could however unpalatable it might be. I roused myself from my daydream and looked up to see Grant heading over to my table. I liked Grant. Yes he had a lot of the same sort of baggage we all did but I knew deep down he had a good heart. He was an older boy, getting on towards sixteen years old, tall and black with a nice smile when he used it. One of the nicer boys in here although it was a pretty low bar to be thought of as nice here anyway. Grant was intelligent and ambitious. He'd managed to carve a life out for himself in the world outside the home. He still slept and ate here but it was well known he was working for Jonas. Jonas was the local crime boss whose tendrils of power had slowly spread out throughout the local area and then into the city as a while. He had fingers in more pies that you could imagine and made sure he owned all the right people. At least that was the talk around the place. If you wanted it, he could get it. There was no doubt Grant was in deep with Jonas and at times he had a haunted look on his face. Once you were in with Jonas it was hard to get out. That good heart of Grant's was probably being chipped away bit by bit but I hoped part of it would always remain, however deep it was hidden. In any case this was our life. There was no fairy godmother, civic minded businessman or long lost relative coming to save us. All we had was ourselves, our wits and whatever we could use to get what we want. Grant knew what I wanted. He'd known for ages. I'd told him I wanted a way out months ago. I wanted a way off this world. A way onto that ship. I knew it was the longest of long shots but Jonas was the sort of guy who could make it happen. If anybody could, he could. If he wanted to anyway. He wasn't going to do it out of benevolent reasons and I was fairly sure he wouldn't do it just because Grant asked. Still it was worth a shot so when I'd told Grant all about he nodded in understanding. He'd acted all cool and said if he had a chance he'd ask Jonas for advice but there would be a price to pay. I knew that. Around here there was always a price to pay. He sat down next to me with his dinner tray, "Hey Starboy, I think I've sorted out that thing you wanted me to ask about," he said as he shovelled the slop into his mouth. "Oh?" I replied, keeping my tone neutral. Not only did I not want to get my hopes up but if I could at least pretend to not be completely fucking desperate it might help with any negotiation down the line. "You know Jonas knows everything that goes on around here. He knows everyone. He's got people bought off. People who can help get people who aren't supposed to be on that ship onboard. He's got a couple of clients who want to get out of here like you do and potentially even more waiting for a chance for Andromeda Four. No questions asked. We all know people who need to disappear and start a new life. So anyway Jonas thinks he can get these people onboard and they're prepared to pay a shitload of money. But it's risky. He knows the theory. He thinks he's got the right people on his payroll and the right people paid off. But he can't be 100% sure. So he needs a test case. Someone who wants to get onboard this time around but that it doesn't matter if it goes wrong and they get caught and shot or whether. Basically that means you." My heart jumped but I tried to look calm and portray an air of insouciance "Well I'm quite keen to get on the ship but it's not life or death. Being a test case sounds risky. Getting shot sounds fatal." Grant laughed, "Cut the bullshit Starboy. We both know you're completely fucking desperate to get off this shithole. Jonas has a plan. If it works you'll be on your way to wherever it is that ship is going." "And if it doesn't?" I asked. "You're fucked but let's be fair, we're all fucked in this place so no change really." "Good point. So tell me the plan," I said and then sat there listening intently as Grant outlined what Jonas was planning. It sounded almost like it could work. It relied on a few key elements work and also me saying the right thing and not fucking everything up. "It sounds risky but I guess I've no other choice. I'm in," I said much to Grant's delight. "I'll miss you Starboy but Jonas will be very grateful that I've got you involved in this. However.....nothing comes for free around here. You owe me." I sighed, "Fine, what do you want?" I was already fairly sure of the answer but asked the question anyway.. "Nothing you can't afford. I'll go and let Jonas know you're on. Come to my room at lights out," Grant said, finishing his mouthful and heading out of the dining hall. I sighed again. I knew what the price was. It wasn't like I hadn't paid it before. If I was lucky I'd just have to suck him off but I expected he wanted more. Such was my life here. I'd been fucked in this place more times than I cared to remember. Although unlike some it had never been forced on me, well not directly. My body and letting it be used for sex was the only currency I had and at times there was no other way. So whether using my mouth or my arse, sometimes I just had to do what needed to be done to survive.. Thankfully I'd avoided having to do anything with adults, that was one thing that didn't really go on in the home. That would probably involve adults being around long enough to actually do it. No for me and almost everyone else here it was just with other boys. I'd eventually got used to it but it didn't mean I relished having to do it. I remember the first time that I realised that my body was a tool for someone else's pleasure but also for me to get what I needed to survive. I'd only been at the children's home for a week. I'd been at a medical centre for a few weeks after my discovery but eventually I was moved on to the home. I guess it was a rough introduction to how this place worked. The first few days had been quiet apart from the slap on my arse and comment in the showers. However I was about to get a real education on things most boys my age never had to learn. The catalyst was that most powerful of things; hunger. Meals were served by Jacob who was a tall boy and almost fifteen although he probably looked a bit older. I knew that he was almost fifteen because he loudly told boys that he was expecting presents for his fifteenth birthday next week. I'd come to learn this was optimistic given that we had no money at all but I guess at whatever age you are you still hope for nice presents. Anyway, Jacob served us the food at mealtimes. I was new there but I was quickly beginning to realise that adults had absconded from their responsibilities and left certain boys in charge of various jobs. I initially thought the boys were crazy to take the jobs on, after all it seemed loads of work but I soon realised that there were perks to the role. "Why do you give some boys double rations and me barely enough to survive?" I'd asked Jacob as he gave me a really small serving of the barely edible dinner. If I could have survived without it I would but I was permanently hungry and as unpalatable as the food was I was still keen not to starve. I was right at the back of the queue for food as always. There was a pecking order of age and how long you'd been there for and I was firmly down the order. I didn't want to rock the boat and had watched day after day while Jacob gave generous helpings to some boys and not much to others. My serving was always easily the smallest and I wanted to know why. Jacob shrugged when I asked my question then looked around conspiratorially although everyone else had already sat down anyway. "Starboy isn't it?" He said. "Well to get full servings off me you have to do something for me. There's no such thing as a free lunch or indeed dinner. So, basically you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Well when I say scratch my back, I mean suck my cock. So suck my cock and you'll get double portions like the other boys who've sucked me off. Does that sound good?" He asked. I blanched and was confused. I wasn't totally naive. In my week since I'd arrived I'd hear talk of dick sucking and that sort of thing. But as far as I knew I'd never sucked a dick before and I didn't particularly want to. I'd seen big hairy dicks in the shower and they looked a bit scary. I was still small and hairless. I'd checked the databanks on puberty and knew I'd grow like that at some point. Anything seemed to go sex wise on Earth but I hadn't realised I'd be expected to participate at such a young age. So I turned Jacob down. "Um, I guess I'll stick with small rations." I said reluctantly. My stomach was screaming at me to do a deal with Jacob although my brain was screaming no at me. Jacob smirked at me, "They all say that at first but remember the rations can get smaller and smaller. It's dog eat dog in here. You could do with an ally. Fresh meat like you soon gets ground up if you don't have someone to keep an eye out for you." So that was why half an hour later I found myself on my knees in Jacob's room with his big hard dick in my mouth. I'd never seen another hard dick and it was surprising to me how big it was. It was an uncomfortable experience. His dick must have been five inches long and I struggled to fit it all in my mouth. I gagged as he tried to shove it all the way in but he then seemed to take pity. He gave me directions on what to do and I started to get the hang of it. I can't say I enjoyed it but I liked the sensation of him stroking my hair as I made him feel good. It was still a shock when he clasped my head tightly and his dick pulsed as liquid shot into my mouth, for a moment I thought he was pissing but he reassured me. "Shhh, it's okay Starboy. It's just my cum. Drink it all down, it'll make you strong." I choked on it but managed to swallow most of it. It wasn't exactly tasty but then again neither was dinner. I realised at that moment it was just one of those things I had to survive. After sucking Jacob off the next day he gave me really big helpings. I got a few wry smiles from other boys who had clearly been through what I had. I blushed but they just shrugged in a "what can you do?" sort of way. Jacob had told me that I'd be needed again at some point in the future but that there were so many other boys that I wouldn't be expected to be sucking him off weekly. I felt bad about what I'd done with him though. I felt guilty for reasons I didn't know why. I had no choice and I was just doing what I had to do to make sure my stomach was full. I'd soon find out that this sort of thing was how the home worked and that if you wanted to survive then you would end up paying for it, one way or another.