Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 17:20:44 -0400 From: Charlie Subject: Andy Parts 4 IV The Wedding Charlie snuggled into his bed, warm and comfortable, as Andy left for his own room. He had been sound asleep when his dad carried him upstairs and had been so content as Andy gently changed him, he simply could not wake up. But now, back in his own bed, he was wide awake and so at peace it was almost painful! He had made the confession he'd dreaded so much and it had turned out far better than he had dared hope. It was moments like this that made it all OK for Charlie. He felt so warm and comfortable, so pampered (he chuckled as he thought of the pun), so cared for! He knew that he would never give up his diapers, even if they solved the need for them, as long as he had Andy to change them. "You ok buddy?" Charlie heard his dad whisper. "Fine, Dad." he answered. He felt the bed jiggle and he knew his father had sat on the side of the bed. "Anything we need to talk about?" he asked. "Not exactly." Charlie evaded. He knew exactly what his dad was driving at, but he was so confused about so many things he wasn't sure he was ready to talk it out. But knowing his father as he did, Charlie knew they would talk it out, and right now. "Your mom has gone down the hall to talk to Andy." Dennis continued. "Is she gonna learn anything that I should know? I mean, if there's something going on between you two..." "If you mean what I think you mean," Charlie interrupted, "Then the answer is no, Dad. We are not doing anything like that." "But you let him change you, and even asked for him to do it." "Yes sir. I dunno why but it just feels so great, knowing that he knows about me and doesn't mind doing it." "It's really important to you what he thinks of you isn't it?" "Yeah Dad, it is. I don't know what Id've done if he had a problem with it. I like him a lot." "Charlie, I hope you're not getting in over your head. Have you and Andy... er... done anything?" "No Dad!" Charlie stated emphatically. "You still don't understand, do you?" "No son, I guess I don't. But I'm trying. I just wonder about you and Andy..." "Andy wouldn't do anything I don't want to do, and I DON'T want to do that stuff. Not yet anyway." Like any farm boy past the age of 6 or 7, Charlie had seen about all there is to see relating to sex, at least as far as farm animals is concerned. He was an avid reader and spent a lot of time on the Internet, so he was well aware of same sex relationships. He himself had wondered about Andy's interest in him, but his demeanor when changing Charlie's diapers had satisfied him. He suspected that there was more than a casual interest there, but Andy had assured him that it would go no further and Charlie believed him. He honestly didn't know how he'd react if Andy did make advances on him, but for the time being that was not an issue he had to deal with. But like us all he had his suspicions, and he knew somehow that when and if those advances came, they would be welcomed. Dennis extracted a promise from his son that he would come to him if there was a problem or a concern that he couldn't deal with, then he kissed him good-night and left the small boy snuggling down for sleep. As his door closed, Charlie could feel himself wetting, and the relief was delightful! The one thing he hadn't told anyone was that there was one more reason he liked wearing diapers, especially wet ones. The heat of his urine, and nothing else it seemed, eased the pain in his testicles. That pain had been there for over two years now, and Charlie had no doubt that it was somehow connected to his enuresis. He had got to the point that he was hardly aware he was wetting, even when he was awake; but the relief from the constant throbbing in his groin was unmistakable. * * * "I gotta ask," Andy said the next morning, "Do you... er... y'know, mess in your diapers?" It was 7:00 am, an unearthly late hour for Charlie, but his dad had given both boys the entire day off so they had slept in. Now Andy had Charlie on his changing table, doing his duty. Charlie had announced that he was going to stay in diapers all day. Charlie blushed a bright red at the question. "I... well, yeah I do sometimes. But I really don't do it unless I have to." "Well if you do, I'm gonna turn you back to your mom to change you." "You'd love it and you know it!" Charlie grinned. "But it's ok, I don't plan to do it any time soon." "What's it like?" Andy inquired seriously, "I mean, being wet and all?" "Totally cool!" Charlie answered with a smile. "Sometimes in the summer my butt gets so hot I think it's gonna catch fire. But it feels nice. And not having to go in the bushes every hour or so to pee feels really neat." Andy hadn't noticed until Charlie mentioned it, but he did indeed have to head for the bushes an awful lot. It was then that Charlie admitted that he wore diapers most of the time on the farm, and also in school, because it was just too much trouble always going to the bathroom. He said that some teachers even restricted his trips down the hall, resulting in more than a few incidents of wet pants. "That's one of the reasons I like it so much," he explained, "With a diaper on I don't have to be always leaving class and I don't have accidents. "Why don't you try it?" Charlie suggested with his eyes brightening. "Me?" "Sure, why not? I got some disposables for when I go out, and for school. No one would ever know." "Nahh, maybe sometime, but right now you've given me enough to deal with." "Ok. But if you ever want to just let me know. I promise I won't tell. Besides, you owe me. I been lettin' you change me and its only fair you do the same." "Oh, no!" Andy said emphatically, "That'll never happen!" "We'll see." Charlie grinned. It was about that time that Andy's hands, which were spreading powder all over Charlie's groin area, touched his testicles. Charlie's body lurched and he gasped audibly. "Jeez, Charlie," he said, "I'm sorry! But I hardly touched them. They're really sore, aren't they?" "Uh-huh," Charlie managed, "Sometimes they're really tender. But after I get used to you touching 'em they'll be all right. It just surprised me that's all." "Have you ever told your parents about it?" "Not really. They worry so much about everything... you know how mothers are." And as soon as he'd said it, he knew he shouldn't have. "No," Andy said wistfully, "I don't think I do. My balls could fall right off and I don't think anyone would give a shit. "I'd care," Charlie said as he looked up into Andy's eyes. There was nothing sinister or suggestive in either his comment or his gaze; just the genuine statement of a little boy who had found someone to admire. And Charlie had seemingly regressed to a little boy. All the intelligence, the responsibility, the maturity, had disappeared and he was just Andy's little friend.... well, brother in both their fantasies, but neither had voiced those fantasies to the other yet. After breakfast the two boys spend two hours at the computer where Charlie showed Andy all sorts of interesting sites on the Internet and how to get to them. Among the various things of interest, Charlie showed him some of the Adult Baby and diaper sites he'd found. He explained how lots of men and women liked to wear diapers, and more often than not went further than that, wearing baby clothes, sleeping in cribs, all sorts of baby things. "I'm not interested in all that," he explained, "But I've had lots of chats with Adult Babies and they're really cool. Most of 'em don't know why they like it, but they do, and they have lots of fun." "Do you have a nickname on the chat channels?" Andy wanted to know. "Well, sort of. I don't get a lot of time to spend chatting, but I kinda go by LilCharlie when I am on." "What do you talk about?" "All sorts of things. Which diapers are better than others, where to buy large size baby clothes, and sometimes they even talk about ways to turn themselves into bed wetters. I don't think I would have caused it on purpose, but now that I've got used to it I don't mind at all. And I really do like wearing diapers." Like everything else Charlie did, he had obviously researched the subject thoroughly. He had shared all this information with his parents, and to Andy's surprise their reaction had been one of tolerance and support. Charlie was obviously proud of their support, stating that he knew other boys, mostly in their teens, who got in a lot of trouble when their parents discovered their secret. He explained that on the whole most AB's and DL's had no idea where their interest came from, but it was very strong. "Me," he said, "I'm a DL - a diaper lover. I don't have a lot of interest in being a baby, but I do love some baby clothes, like my shortalls. Charlie then proceeded to show Andy a pair of his shortalls up close. Andy was astonished to discover that the crotch seam was held together with snaps, just like a baby's! "Makes it so much easier for changing," he explained. "But how do you explain all this to people outside the family?" Andy wondered. "I don't. Far as the farm workers are concerned, most of them don't know anything about it. They might have their suspicions, but so what? And Dad says if they do notice my crotch snaps or the diaper, it's probably because they have some interest that way themselves, so what's the harm? As for school, I just tell them the truth, that I have problems controlling my bladder. I go to the office and the nurse changes me morning and night. There are two other boys that have the same problem, so it's no big deal." "But you weren't wearing diapers when I came. How come..." "Yeah, sometimes I find them too hot in the summer so I go without. But those times I have to pee every half hour or so or I get in trouble and wind up with wet pants. And sometimes I love to wear white boxers. Kinda lets the air circulate and help any diaper rash I might be getting." They dropped the subject at that point, and Charlie spent the next hour or so drilling Andy on the Drivers' Handbook. Andy was once again astonished at how thoroughly Charlie had learned it, and all other aspects of driving. He had found whatever Internet sites there were, had downloaded a number of tricks and facts, not to mention several practice tests, which he had Andy do. Andy was to take his written test next Monday, then Thursday, his birthday, he was scheduled to take his driving test and get his license, if he passed. "IF?" Charlie had questioned, "We don't do IF! You'll pass!" And Andy had no doubt that he would. Charlie was once again the competent, mature, knowledgeable farm boy, capable of doing almost everything. Andy chuckled at the contrast as that half-man, half little boy sat across the table from him, still dressed in nothing but a diaper. It had to be one of the cutest sights Andy had ever witnessed! Charlie seemingly paid no more mind than if everyone on the planet wore diapers all the time. Andy wondered if he would ever have that level of confidence. Andy was curious why he was such an expert at driving, with his license still at least four years away. "Farm kids all drive trucks around here," he explained, "and even on the road sometimes. It isn't exactly legal but the local police all know us and they just kinda look the other way, long as we don't mess up. Besides, I like to understand what I'm doing." Charlie had more memory aids and tricks to remembering things than anyone Andy had ever seen. "Folks think I have a photographic memory," he explained, "But I don't. I just find ways to remember things." The result was that at the end of the hour, plus the few minutes they had snatched here and there during the past week, Andy felt he was ready to take the test. "Time for lunch," Karen called up the stairs, "Then it's time for you to get ready, Charlie." "Ready?" Andy questioned, "Ready for what?" "I gotta go to a wedding in Wilmington this afternoon. I gotta sing a solo." "Really?" "Yeah. It's kinda a big deal in one of the big Catholic churches there. They're even sending a car for me." "Damn, Charlie! Is there anything you can't do?" "Yup," Charlie answered with a grin, "I can't go without my diapers." As they were finishing up their lunch they heard a car coming up the driveway. Charlie jumped up and ran to the window. "Holy crap, Mom," he exclaimed, "Come look at this!" "Charlie!" Karen answered, "What kinda talk is that?" "OK," he answered excitedly, "Holy smoke then. But come look. That's the biggest car I've ever seen!" Everyone was looking out the window now as a long white stretch limousine pulled to a stop in the dooryard. They saw Dennis, who had been coming in from the barn, stop to talk to the driver, who got out of the car and stood at attention, bowing and scraping, looking more like a mechanical robot in his dark blue uniform. "Better get dressed, Charlie," Karen advised, "You might not want to let him see you in just your diaper." Charlie had slipped into a T-shirt because one of the house rules was that no one ate without a shirt on, but he still had no pants on, just the diaper. So he bounded up the stairs to start getting dressed, calling back over his shoulder that he didn't need Andy's help, that he wouldn't be wearing a diaper to the wedding. Karen excused herself and went up to help her son. When Charlie reappeared about 20 minutes later, Andy gasped. He was wearing a perfectly fitted black tuxedo, complete with lace shirt, cummerbund, patent leather shoes. He sure didn't look like any farmer that Andy had ever seen. "Man, Charlie," he exclaimed, "Don't you ever get tired of surprising me?" "Not my idea," Charlie answered, "But like I said, this is some kinda big deal. They bought me this tux and had me measured for it, so all I gotta do is wear it." "But what about... you know..." "My diapers?" "Yeah. What if you... like... have an accident?" "Got it covered," he grinned. "I'm wearin' Good-Nites." Knowing that Andy wouldn't have the slightest idea what Good-Nites are, Charlie opened a small bag he was carrying and produced a pair of the disposable briefs. "Not my favorites," he said, "And they don't hold as much, but they're great for times like this." Charlie was so excited he was almost out of control as the chauffeur appeared, remarking to Master Conner how handsome he looked. And Charlie did indeed look stunning, especially after his mom fixed his hair. She would not be going with him for the first time on such an outing, much to his pleasure, and Andy would be staying home to hold down the fort while Dennis took a trip into the farmer's market with a load of melons and corn. "You sure you're gonna be all right?" Karen asked with concern. "I'll be fine, Mom!" Charlie answered somewhat disgustedly. "You've got lots of changes? You can manage by yourself?" "Yes, Mom. I'll be fine." "I suppose you think we baby him," Karen said to Andy after Charlie had left. "Not really," Andy replied. "But I'm really surprised that you take his wearing diapers so well." "You don't agree with it, do you?" "If you had asked me this time yesterday I think I'd have said no, I don't. But like Charlie said, he isn't doing anyone any harm, and he really seems to like it. But... I mean... what if his friends find out?" "Some of them already know. He got teased at first, but they got used to the idea. And you have to admit that he sure is cute in those diapers." "Yeah, makes me kinda wish I was little like that so I could try it." "You can anyway, if you want. I know Charlie would love that. But if you do make sure it's because you want to. I mean, don't let him talk you into it." "You really wouldn't mind?" "Why should I? Charlie has shown me some of the things he sees on the Internet. It made me realize that it's not that uncommon. And I don't think Charlie is 'sick' in any way, do you?" "If he is, I wish I could be 'Sick' in the same way." They talked some more, then Andy asked "But how did he get started? I mean wearing diapers?" "He never really stopped I guess," Karen answered. "He was potty trained pretty well on schedule, but still when he was around the farm he often wet himself. We suspected that it wasn't totally by accident, but we just let it go. We thought he'd outgrow it when he got ready. We still think that way, but we're beginning to think he might never outgrow it. He's got himself in something of a quandary now, because he loves wearing boxer shorts, but he can't because of his diapers. Or at least he can't feel the benefit of the boxers. He wears the boxers over his diapers most of the time, but of course it's not the same." Andy knew that no self respecting teenager would tolerate such behavior in a close friend, little boy or not. But he also knew that he was in no danger here on the farm of revealing the situation to any of his friends, and he didn't really have that many friends he cared about anyway. So as he went outside, his mind was filled with that beautiful little boy, a large bulge around his mid section caused by a very bulky diaper. He began to wonder what he'd look like in a diaper; more important, he wondered what it would FEEL like. * * * Charlie settled down in the back seat of the huge limo. He would have preferred to be up front with the driver, but the man was so stuffy he didn't feel free to ask. But this was quite comfortable. He idly opened the tiny refrigerator and retrieved a can of coke, then settled down to the book he'd brought. Actually he wasn't reading the book at all, but a Diaper story he'd downloaded, printed, and hidden in the pages of a horticultural book. He settled down in his seat, feeling the closeness and warmth of his freshly wet underpants. Life just couldn't get any better than this. "They tell me you're a really good singer." the chauffeur said, as a way to get a conversation going. "Thank you sir." Charlie said self-consciously. "Well, enjoy it while you can. It won't last much longer." "It won't? Why not?" "Surely a boy like you, growing up on the farm and all, has heard about puberty. Your voice will change and get deeper, you'll grow taller and huskier and get hair on your legs and chest, and that nice soprano voice of yours will be gone forever." "Oh yeah, that!" Charlie answered. A cold shill went the length of Charlie's spine. Of course he knew what the man was talking about, but he'd just never thought about it before. He loved his voice! And he particularly loved his body. His small, immature, hairless body. He wondered how he'd look in a 200 pound frame, hair all over his body, wearing a diaper. He'd seen pictures of lots of such men and thought they looked ok, but to him being small and immature was much more preferable. And he couldn't imagine himself with a baritone or bass voice. That was just not going to happen, if Charlie had anything to say about it. But what could he do? The big limo drove directly to a large Catholic church in Wilmington. They were slightly late, so they would have to hurry. The three cans of coke Charlie had drunk had taken their toll, and he needed a change badly. As soon as he was inside he asked for a washroom, and to his relief he was ushered into a small washroom with a lock on the door. He quickly removed his pants, then the soggy briefs, and replaced them with a Pampers diaper. "That's better," he sighed to himself as he put the last tape in place. He hadn't told anyone he had brought pampers, had fully intended on using them once he got here. He loved the feel of them, how tightly they clung to his body, and how much more absorbent they were than the Good-Nites. When he walked there was a slight crinkling sound, pretty well inaudible to anyone who wasn't looking for something; but Charlie could hear it loud and clear, and that's what counted. The wedding went beautifully. Charlie had a very difficult solo, but he managed it easily. He thrilled at the sound of his own voice as he easily mounted the highs, then descended to the depths of the low notes without effort. His mother had taught him well the exercises that would extend his range, and he had practiced them faithfully. His speaking voice was rather on the soft side and quite high, even for a boy of 11; but his singing voice was strong and loud when it needed to be. He had perfected the control of his vibrato, could turn it on and off and vary its depth. Singing Mozart as he was today wasn't exactly his favorite, but he had to admit his voice got a real workout, and that was important to Charlie. During the course of the afternoon he managed to charm all present, and there was a considerable crowd there. Mr. Meoli, an Italian American, was obviously a very rich man and known by a lot of people. So when his daughter was getting married, it was the social even of the year in Wilmington. By the end of the reception, Charlie was soaked and beginning to leak. No problem, he thought, so he ducked into another washroom and removed the Pampers diaper, replacing it with a dry one. He thought as he pulled it tight and pressed the tapes in place, that there was no feeling in the world quite like a dry diaper. The only thing that was missing was someone putting it in place for him. He hated to diaper himself, even though he had become quite proficient at it. But to lie there and feel first the cool rush as the wet diaper was removed, then the soothing softness of the fresh one being applied, was worth all the hassles, the effort, of being a diaper wearer. Andy spent most of the afternoon wandering about the farm, checking on the field hands and doing some minor maintenance on the machinery - things that he'd seen Charlie do. He was mulling over in his mind all that he'd seen and heard in the past week. It was a wonder, he thought, that he hadn't gone into information overload! When Dennis got home around 6, Andy stuck to him like glue. It was easy to see why Charlie was such a great kid, because he had a great dad. Dennis inquired if he was happy here, explained a few things Andy'd been wondering about, and just more or less acted like a foster father should, but few do. * * * If you wish to comment on this story, please send your comments to me at