Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 17:51:47 EDT From: Subject: apocalypse chapter 17 Apocalypse chapter 17 E.L.T. was that going to be the definition of our lives being over with or not? I decided right then that I wasn't going out that easily. "Adrien we have to contact those good aliens and see if there's anything we can do to survive. I don't know if you can make contact with them or not but I want you to at least try to." I told him. "I will attempt it, but I will need your mental help to boost my own abilities." He replied. We sat sown on the floor facing each other and I closed my eyes I then felt his hands being placed on the sides of my head. "Concentrate on my thoughts." He told me. I thought as hard as I could on his mind and for an instant it seemed like our minds were as one. Meanwhile in the rest of the house the other kids were oblivious to what Adrien and I were doing until the house began to shutter. "Oh shit it's an earth quake!" AJ yelled as he crawled under the kitchen table dragging his brother behind him them forcing him underneath his own body to protect him. The house shook like crazy just for the amount of time it took for Adrien to get his message across. Some of the boys were running through the house scared to death that they were about to die from the shaking when they ran past the room we were in and stopped to look in and see the two of us in a glowing white aura. "What the hell are you guys doing?!" Gavin yelled. That snapped the two of us out of the connection and the house stopped shaking. I fell backwards now bracing myself up on one arm feeling like I just ran a nonstop marathon. I was drained badly of energy. I looked to Adrien and he was sprawled out on his back almost unconscious. "Did you get through?" I asked him. "Yes." He replied before passing out. "What the fuck was that all about? Were you two having cyber sex or some shit?" Gavin asked. "No we were trying to contact the good aliens. We have a serious problem to talk about." I told him and the others with him. As badly as I needed to tell them I just didn't have the energy and strength to at the moment. "Joe please help him to bed I think he needs to rest for a while if he feels as weak as I do." I asked as I used the remainder of my strength to crawl to the bed in the next room. Once I was on the bed I instantly passed out from the strain. Josiah had carried Adrien to his bed and laid him down to rest. I awoke some time later to feel surprisingly rested. I got out of bed and walked through the house to let everyone know we needed to have a meeting asap. Everyone gathered in the common room and waited for what I had to say. "Ok everybody I was looking through that alien information thing and I found something in there that is big big trouble for us and everyone else on Earth. The monsters plan on killing every human that they can't catch for food. The file I found was called E.L.T. earth life termination. Now Adrien and I were trying to make contact with the good aliens earlier when you guys came in and saw us before we passed out. I'm not sure if he got throughto them or not but he said he did." I stated as Adrien walked in the room rubbing his eyes. "I did make contact. I only got a brief message but basically what they told me was wait, under ground, safety, avoidance. The message they gave me tells me we need to find some where deep under ground to wait so we will be safe. I believe they want us to hide and wait until they are ready to initialize their plans to help." Adrien explained. "Ok so we need a place under ground to live right? How about the bunker I found the hybrid in?" Gavin said. "I am sorry my friend but I never wish to return to that place willingly." Adrien told him. "Yeah Gavin I mean didn't you say that place was fucked any ways?" AJ said. I looked at Adam and gave him the evil eye for cussing in front of the little guys then told Gavin, "He's right Gavin the monsters know that the bunker is there. Plus you said it was destroyed. I don't think that is a good place for us to go cus the monsters already know it's there." "Well what the hell do you suggest we do?" Gavin said getting rude. "Well we could go back to the mine and stay there." I suggested. "All of us crammed in a tiny room together, no I don't think so. My vote is to go to the bunker." Gavin said. "Ok I guess we all need to decide right now where we are going. We don't know when the monsters plan to carry out the E.L.T. so we need to do it now. Who wants to go to the mine?" I asked. Almost everyone raised their hand. "Now who wants to go to the bunker with me?" Gavin asked. Only Alicia and Phillip raised their hands. "You don't want to go to the bunker? You should know it better than any one." Gavin said to Adrien. "No I do not. I do not wish to go back to that prison for any thing in the world." Adrien replied. "Ok I guess it's decided then. We need to start getting ready to leave asap. Just pack your clothes and food and stuff like that. Sorry guys the toys and stuff have to stay here." I told everyone getting some mad faces over the toys remark. During the commotion of every one packing their stuff I got Gavin to the side to ask him to reconsider his plans for departing from us. "Dude I sure wish you'd go with us. I got a bad feeling about the bunker the monsters have already been there. Like I said it's just my opinion but..." I tried to say. "I appreciate your point but I think it's best for me to go to the bunker. If Alicia and Phil want to join me that's their decision, but I'm going as soon as we're ready." He said cutting me off. I shook his hand and told him it was good being his friend in case we don't see each other after today and I went to pack my stuff. It took a little time but everyone got their stuff together and we were ready to leave for the mine and bunker. Everyone going to the mine piled their stuff in the truck and Gavin, Alicia, and Phillip were going to hike to the military complex where the bunker is since it's not very far away. I stopped Gavin before they left for the bunker and gave him a last few words. "Dude you know just incase things don't work out at the bunker you can still join us at the mine. Just follow main street until it dead ends then go straight up into the hills. If you go about a mile or 2 up into the hills you'll find the mine entrance. If you do come there just make sure you announce yourselves before you come in, we don't want to shoot you thinking you're a monster." I said. Gavin was glad for the last minute thought and then they were off for the bunker and the rest of us piled into the truck like sardines in a can and left for the mine. The trip there in the cramped conditions sucked but we managed the 15 or so miles back to town. We parked the truck in the old barn where we stashed the ATV and unloaded it there. "Cool a 4 wheeler can we ride on it?" Zack said in excitement. "Keep your voice down little dude, and no we can't just ride it for the hell of it to have fun on. We need it to haul all this stuff up to the mine unless you want to carry it a few miles walking. Plus we don't have the spare gas to play on it." I replied quieting him down and getting some long faces about the walking part. It took us the better part of 3 hours for everyone to load their stuff in the ATV and walk up the hills to the mine entrance. "Ok everyone stay here and stay quiet Chris, AJ, and I are going inside to make sure things are cool." I said before we walked in with guns ready just incase. "You see anything Adam?" I asked as we walked in the dark mine shaft. He shook his head no. "What about you, you hear or smell anything?" I asked Chris. He also shook no. we continued into our little safe room and it was just as we had left, aside form the layer of dust on everything. "Ok everyone its ok you ca come in now." AJ told them at the entrance. He held up a lantern and showed them the way to the safe room where they would be staying. "Oh my god! Is this it?" Carry was complaining about the small size of the room. I backed the ATV in as usual and we unloaded our belongings and food into the room. An hour later we had our beds laid out and our clothes were tucked away along the walls to make room to walk. We sat down for a brief lunch of canned fruit and crackers with peanut butter. When lunch is over AJ, Adrien, Josiah, and I were going into the mine a bit deeper to see what lies inside it since we had never really explored it much before. "Ok everyone keep the noise down while we're gone. Chris you keep your ears peeled for noises outside or for us yelling for you. We'll be back in a little while." I told the group. The other three boys and I set off then to go deeper into the mine than we ever had before. About 200 feet down into the main shaft it split off into two directions, left and right. First we went left and it led to no where, just a lot of dead ends where the mining was taking place. We doubled back to take the right branch and it was a bit more interesting. We found lots of mining equipment and storage compartments kind of like the safe room we were staying in by the entrance. A few of the rooms doors were either rusted or jammed shut or they were locked. We managed to get in a few and they had a bunch of mining stuff in them. We opened the last door to one of the storage compartments and AJ spoke up. "Wait a sec there's something on the other side of that wall." "Yes I agree I see it to." Adrien said. "What is it?" I asked. "It looks like another room or something on the other side of that wall." AJ said. I walked over and inspected it and the wall seemed to be solid rock to me. I grabbed a sledge hammer and began to whack away at the wall getting no where. Josiah walked over and took the hammer from me let loose that super strength of his. He smacked the wall two good times opening up a hole in the wall. Adam took a flash light and stuck his head in the hole and looked around inside. "Wow it's a cave." He said. "Move so I can make the hole bigger." Joe said. A few more slid cracks to the stone wall and the hole was now big enough for us to step through and into the cave. Josiah and I could hardly see anything but AJ and Adrien were marveling at the size of it. "Wow this is awesome!" AJ marveled. "What I can't see a damned thing." I said. "This cave it's great. We're the first people to ever be in here think about it, isn't it cool!?" AJ said happy. We checked the place out and it was a pretty good sized naturally formed cave. It had several chambers and the best thing about it was it had a hot spring of crystal clear water feeding into a pool in one of the chambers. "Wow that's warm!" Josiah said sticking his fingers in the water. The water seemed to run from the hot spring and collect into a large pool that maybe 5 or so of us could fit in and then it drained out as it over flowed and ran into a crack or hole in the wall and drained off into the rocks. It was a great natural hot tub for us. "You know what guys I think this place might make a great place for us to call home." I said thinking about it. "You are right it would make an excellent location to block us form the monsters scanners. And there is a lot more room in here than there is in that tiny store room." Adrien said making some good points. "What do you two think?" I asked the other two. Adam looked at his cousin and smiled. "Looks like this place would be cool t live in." Josiah said them. Adrien then took out the alien information device and scanned the cave making a 3d map of it and all it's chambers. There was 2 big chambers with a lot of smaller ones running off of them or connected to them in some way. "Wow we can make one of these a sleeping room and the other like the common room at the orphanage." I suggested looking at the 3d hologram. "Only one problem, that big ass wall that's running half way in the middle of the sleeping room." AJ pointed out. He made a valid point, but I believe we could take care of that. "Adrien does that thing say if the cave would hole up if we knocked that wall down so we can have one big sleeping room?" I asked. He ran some sort of information into the device and told us, "Yes I believe it is structurally sound enough for your idea." "Ok mister muscles how about you get that hammer and knock this wall down." I told Josiah. He smiled and trotted off to fetch the hammer. The little guy made short work of that wall taking it out with little effort. Now we had one big room for us to sleep in. "Ok guys how about we call it a day and go back and let the others know what we found. I think we could use a little cleaning up to." I proposed. We agreed and left the cave for now and went back to tell everyone else what we found. "What was that banging noise? Did you guys hear it?" Chris asked as soon as we walked in the room. "Oh, yeah that was us. Guess what we found?!" I said in an excited tone. Everyone shrugged their shoulders so I told them. "We found a cave, a natural one that was next to the mine. We broke a hole through a wall and made an entrance to it. It's great we're going down there tomorrow to clean it up a little, and I do mean all of us. It's going to be our home while we're here." We were then bombarded with a hundred questions all at once and I tried my best to answer them one at a time. I told them about the size of it, about how many chambers there were, about the hot spring and all the other little things. Every one was psyched to say the least about seeing the cave, but bumbed out about the work that was needed to be done. Those of us that went to the cave were now filthy, hungry, and tired after our day of exploring so we decided to clean up. I stripped down to my boxers and waited on the others to do the same. Once the four of us were only in our under wear I asked Carry if it was ok if we went all the way naked, and she didn't mind. I wasn't sure if the other guys were ok with it or not but I didn't care so I stripped naked and began to wipe my dirty body off with a wet towel before I grabbed some munchies. While I was cleaning off I was reading the thoughts of he twins and needless to say they had dirty things on their minds. Most of every one in the room also had some sort of FUN thoughts running through their minds. When I was cleaned off I just sat down on my sleeping spot naked and got some cheesey crackers and a warm pepsi, I know gross warm, and grubbed that down for dinner. When everyone saw me eating of course they got hungry to and all sorts of foods were broken out for dinner. Some canned peaches, spaghetti o's, and soups were opened up and some ate that, and other like me just ate something quick and simple like the cheesey crackers. I laid down once my tummy was satisfied and tried to get some rest. Before I knew it I felt my eye lids getting heavy and I knew dream land wouldn't be far behind. I didn't try to fight the oncoming sleep so I closed my eyes and nity nite I went. I woke up again the next day to the sound of my watch beeping from the alarm set in it. I sat up and let my body wake up before I turned the lantern on low. When I did I saw Adrien still sitting working with the monsters device. "You get anything done?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "Yes I got a lot done look for your self." He said and tossed me the device. I turned it on and the hologram he created for the cave came on online in front of me. It looked like he put a whole lot of thought into it. "Dam Adrien you did all this last night? Wow looks like you put almost everything in there." I said. He had plans for an intruder system, plans for running wires and putting lights up in the cave, a way to have electricity in the cave with solar power, and all kinds of other neat stuff. "Wow is al I can say. How do you plan we do all of this?' I asked him. "Well the plans seem more complex than they actually are. Almost everything we need can be found in either the wal mart or in other buildings in the town." he replied. "Ok then it seems like you get to be the handy man / engineer." I said laughing. "Let's get everyone up and motivated so we can get to work." I told him. We had everyone awake a short time later and we ate a quick breakfast. Everyone went outside for their morning pee break and off to the cave we went in a large group. Everyone seemed in awe of the discovery we had found and liked the fact that the caverns were a bit warmer than the room we slept in near the mine entrance. "Wow it's nice in here. Is it always going to be this temperature all the time?" Carry asked. "Pretty much, as long as we keep the entrance sealed form the rest of the mine." I explained. We got to work right away clearing the dangerous rock spike from the floor and ceiling and carried the big rock spears out and put them in the mine near the shaft that dead ended so they weren't in the way. It took about half the day, but we got almost all of the spikes out of the way and the cavern seemed to be much more roomy than it was before. We went according to the plans Adrien had made with the hologram and designated each room accordingly. one cavern would be our kitchen and food storage, one would be a sleeping chamber for Carry since she was the only girl and the chamber was so small, the chamber all the way at the end of the complex would be our potty room. One chamber would be our utility room so to speak. It would have all of the equipment Adrien planned on building stored and running in it. And he made two chambers next to each other separated by a thin wall a sleeping area for the rest of us. We would have to take this wall out and then it would be one big room. The final big chamber was going to be our new common area. A chamber where we could have fun and do what ever came to mind. Adrien had designed a virtual underground bunker from a cave. As I stood and looked around the cave I could see how everything was going to fall into place. "This is going to be a good home." I said to myself. There were a few small chambers left over that he didn't figure into his plans. I figured they could be used as storage, or even for "private recreational" areas if you get my meaning. Days of clearing the caverns and lots of sore muscles later we were finally ready to make the move in. We carried everything from the storage room by the entrance to the cave only leaving a few emergency supplies in the safe room by the entrance. We left some lights, a first aide kit, and some bottled water in there just incase. We now had one big chamber for the boys to all sleep in we made the whole floor into a temporary be until we got some things from town and wal mart to make us a bed. Once we had our beds set up I asked every one to come to the common chamber so we could talk and eat. We all were tired and aching from the work we have put into our new home. Most of the boys were chatting about nothing important, but Adrien had some hard core things to talk about. "I have made a list of supplies I will need to set up everything the early warning system and power and lighting system. We will have to scavenge a lot of wiring from where ever we can. We will also need some car batteries to store the power." He explained. "Why do we need batteries for?" Josiah asked. "They will be a back up system incase the main system for power goes out. I am going to use the monster's information device's power supply to operate everything we need." Adrien said. "Is that little thing got enough balls to run all of the stuff you are talking about?" I asked him. "Enough and then some. This little device is actually a kind of nuclear generator, but it's totally safe to us." Adrien said. I couldn't doubt the hybrid, he was smart damn smart for being a kid. I couldn't get over all the plans he has made to make this place livable for us. "Damn Adrien when have you had time to make all these plans and lists?" I asked. "I have been doing it at night while everyone slept." He replied. "That explains why you look's so much more tired than the rest of us. You have to sleep Adrien. Humans have to sleep to keep going. Don't you feel your body and mind feeling out of sorts a bit?" I asked. "As a matter of fact I do. I was wondering why I am having a hard time focusing." He answered. "Come on lets get you cleaned up then you need to sack out for a while. If you really want to be human you have to rest." I told him before I led him to the hot spring in the cave. I sat the lantern down on the ground next to the hot spring and told Adrien to undress. As he stripped down I did as well. When we were naked I stepped in the warm water and sat down in it. It had a natural bubbling effect like a hot tub and it felt great on a sore body. The water level came up to about my nipples so it was just right to relax in. "Come on in it feels great." I told him. He stepped carefully in and sat down next to me and the closed his eyes. I could tell the water was working its magic on his sore body. He sat back laying against the rocks behind us and let his body soak. "How about a back rub? You look like you could use one." I asked him. I had him move over so that he was sitting in front of me with his back to me and I began to rub his shoulders. "Dam man you fell so tense. I can feel knots in your muscles like crazy." I told him as I worked my hands on his neck area. Apparently my hands were working well on his aching body since he sighed. I worked his muscles for a while and I could tell he was getting tired of sitting upright. I leaned back against the rocks again then pulled him back so that he was resting against my chest with his back. "Thank you Derrik I do feel better now." He said right before yawning. "Well my friend we are alone and as much as I'd like to show you what your dick is really for, I think we're both just too tired to really enjoy it. Let's get out and go get some rest now." I said giving his limp cock a quick squeeze. "Perhaps you're right." he yawned again. We got out of the warm water and dried off in the dimly lit cool air of the cave. I figured that the issue of everyone seeing each other naked would come up sooner of later so I said what the hell and we walked naked back to the common chamber so every one could see. As we walked in all eyes were on us. "What? You guys act like you never seen a naked alien before." I said laughing at them. "Come on guys we all knew this was going to come up sooner or later and like Carry already told me a long time ago she doesn't really care if any one sees her naked so there shouldn't be a big deal with any one being naked when ever they want." I said. "Actually he's right I don't really care if any of you see me. Most of you already have lots of times, and besides I know I'm not that great looking so..." Carry said trailing off. "Basically guys what we're both saying is clothes are optional. Right now in my opinion Adrien and I just took a hot bath and the cool air feels great so that's why we're naked. If you guys want to bathe and do the same it's up to you. Right now our alien friend and I are going to get some rest. He's been awake for days now and he needs some sleep so keep the noise down please." I said to the rest of the boys. I saw the twins look at each other and smile right before their shirts seemed to fly off. The shorts and undies soon followed and they took off for the hot spring. Carry shook her head and said, "Typical. They would be the first ones." "I don't think every one can fit at once in there so why don't half of you go now then the rest go when they're done." I suggested. Chris, Josiah, and Nathan jumped up and stripped down then and went to the warm pool. Adrien and I lay down on the big bed we had made earlier and got as comfortable as we could laying on the hard ground with only a few sleeping bags between us and the rock floor. I lay there just thinking and relaxing and before I knew it I heard the soft sounds of the hybrid breathing as he drifted off to a much needed rest. I scooted up behind him and nestled against his back spooning with him and pulled a blanket up over us. I closed my eyes then too and I drifted off to dream land with him. While I was sleeping in such close proximity the weirdest thing happened. I began to dream, but that wasn't the weird part. I was dreaming but it was the most vivid life like dream I had ever had. It felt like I was in a movie or something. I knew I was dreaming, but it felt so real at the same time. The dream its self was of me walking along a warm white sand beach some where. I could actually feel the warmth of the sun of my face as I walked. It truly looked like paradise to me. I almost didn't want to wake up. I could hear the birds singing and the crash of the ocean breaking on the beach. I kept walking and loving the feeling of the sun on me and just the smell of the sea in the air. All of the sudden I hear out of no where, "I know you loved this place. I thought I would allow you to enjoy it once more." I looked around and couldn't see any one. The voice sounded familiar, but being in a dream I couldn't place it. Just as sudden as I came into the paradise in the dream it was gone and I was opening my eyes. "Dammit!" I thought to myself as I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I checked my watch and I had been asleep for nearly 3 hours. I sat up and stretched and noticed Adrien was still sleeping. It was a good thing because he definitely needed the rest. He has been working harder than any of the rest of us have been for the last few days. I looked around the room and noticed a few of the boys were in the room playing some board game and it seemed the naked trend had caught on. They were sitting on the ground but naked playing the game and seemed to be having fun. I stood up and stretched again and the boys noticed me then. They started laughing and pointing at me. At first I didn't have a clue why but then I looked down. Sure enough I had a steel hard on. "What? Like you guys don't wake up with one." I said to them quieting them down. "Don't wake Adrien up yet he needs the rest." I also told them. I walked out of the chamber with my cock pointing the way and checked out the rest of the cave. Carry was in her chamber snoozing now and the rest of the boys were still playing in the hot spring. It seems that thing is going to be a popular place while we're staying in the cave. "You need to go out Lucky?" I said to the dog exciting him. He got up and started wagging his tail and whining. "He said yea he needs to pee bad." Donny told me. I grabbed a lantern and walked with the dog out to the entrance of the mine so we could relieve our bladders. Lucky ran over to his normal spots and began to piss away. I just stood there in the cool air still naked and let my own piss fly. I looked around at the trees around me and noticed that the leaves had already begun to change colors signaling the onset of colder temperatures. I let the few last drops of pee drip from my dick as Lucky found a spot and squatted down to drop a brown dog bomb on the ground. Not to be gross by watching a dog shit it made me think that we needed to get our own potty facility in the cave done. I figured that one of those porta johns I saw at wal mart for camping would work. We would just have to make sure the "mess" got taken outside after some one was done doing their business. One thing was sure tomorrow we will be taking a trip to town for a lot of supplies to get this place up and running as our home. I called for the dog after he was done doing his duty and we went back into the mine and to the security of the cave. The rest of the guys were all out of the hot spring now and in the bed chamber either playing board games or with the handheld video games. A few how ever were now asleep with Adrien. The temp inside the cave was comfy compared to the chilly breeze blowing outside. I scanned around the room and I was positive now that the clothes optional thing had caught on. All the boys were streaking and didn't seem to mind the others seeing them one bit. Seeing all that skin was starting to get to me and my dick started to bone up again. As much as I wanted to just grab one of those little hotties in there and fuck the hell out of them I held back and thought of the grossest things I could to make my boner go away. "Naked old ladies EWWWW!" I thought to myself and it seemed to do the trick. I went back to being limp in no time. I sat down on the bedding where I was sleeping earlier and grabbed the alien device and looked through the files that were stored in it for a while. As I looked through the ones Adrien had put on it I could tell he was a whole lot smarter than any of us ever thought. He had detailed descriptions of the things he planned on doing to the cave to make it better for us to live in. He had plans for artificial sunlight for growing food, lighting so we could see, plans for intruder alarms, and all kinds of other things. As I was going through the files I also found out some other things about the monsters that invaded earth. They were highly sensitive to temperatures below 50 degrees F and temps above 80 degrees F. "Hmm no wonder they invaded when they did. Late summer to early fall was perfect for them to carry out their plans to destroy all of us. The device also said that most of their operations would be suspended in areas that didn't fall into the proper temperature range for them to operate. I guess they were cold blooded from what this thing says about them. They sure do act cold blooded when they kill every living thing they see. Since winter would be here soon I figured that we wouldn't have much trouble from the monsters because of the cold. At least that might be one head ache we don't have to worry about. I must have been going through the files late into the night because when I took a break form it I noticed almost every one now was asleep. Only little Justin was still awake playing a PSP. "Having fun dude?" I asked quietly. He smiled and nodded. "Ok but don't stay up playing that thing too late." I told him before I put the information device down and laid back down next to Adrien. I nodded back off to sleep not to much longer after that and the weird dreams started again.