Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 14:26:10 -0600 From: Andy Smith Subject: Asleep On The Beach 27 Asleep on the Beach Chapter 27 Let's Begin Again Disclaimer: Please be advised that under aged youths are advised to not read this material, and indeed doing so may be illegal where you are -- so check your local laws first as there are sexual encounters ahead by youngsters in this story. If this offends you, perhaps you should not have read this far, and I certainly would not advise continuing further. Everyone else is welcome. For Alex! This chapter is for you buddy! ~~~~~Happy Birthday!~~~~ BIG NEWS: A new webpage has been created for my stories that I want to share with all you guys. After THIS chapter, all new postings for this and other stories I write will go up on my webpage a week prior to being posted here on Nifty. I will continue posting here for your convenience, and because I so appreciate all the things Nifty does for each of us. My stories will only be posted in these two places. In my new page, should you register in the Forum page, I will send out notification for new postings of chapters and stories to the site. Already I am getting some responses from my preliminary public showing, and we have some nice pictures for you; and I look forward to each of you having a chance to interact with other readers about these stories. Let me know how you feel...oh...NO NUDE PICTURES! Please. : ) A special THANK YOU to my friend Giovanni for building and administering this new site. He has been so helpful, willing, and a real boost for me. Thanks Giovanni! Writer's notes: many new friends, and emailers! Jeez! And, I know all of you are excited to pick back up. Ummm...A friend in Malaysia has been corresponding with me, Shaun. I've grown quite fond of you Shaun. Thanks for the input on the song, "All The Things She Said," by t.A.T.u. - this is a great addition to my work. Also, another good friend, Crispin from the New England area sent me music for the other song I'm using here; "I Want To Know What Love Is," by Foreigner. (You may want to YouTube these songs!) Thanks guys! Any comments are welcome: prompt and courteous replies from: Chapter 27 Let's Begin Again "All the things she said All the things she said Runnin' through my head All the things she said All the things she said Runnin' through my head All the things she said All the things she said This is not enough, enough... I'm in serious shit, I feel totally lost If I'm asking for help it's only because Being with you has opened my eyes Could I eva believe such a perfect surprise?" ~ All The Things She Said, t.A.T.u. ~~00~~0~~00~~ Sirens wailed as the ambulance thundered down the gravel road heading to the hospital. Men poking him, touching him...feeling for pulses, taping things to him...damned mask on his face...bouncing up and down and jostled here to there...Jason knew he was in an ambulance...a comforting thought...a scary thought. "At least I'm freakin alive..." Jason thought, "But Damn! Wait! What about...OMG ! Liam!" Jason tried to sit up...strong hands pushed him down. "Looks like he's coming around..." a strange voice was coming from another room...yet he Jason knew it was the man sitting beside him. A harsh bright light shown into his eyes...but Jason couldn't blink...the man had his eyelid trapped open with his thumb. "Get off me! Dickwad!" Jason wanted to yell...but couldn't ...a soft rubber mask was on his face, pumping oxygen into his mouth and nose. The coldness of the air in the mask hurt his teeth. The light faded...Jason drifted back to the quieter place he'd just come from. wasn't quiet this time. The sirens, the swaying of the ambulance...something else... Music. It was music. Strange that. Here? What song...a hurried desperate tune... "...Runnin through my head..." Yes...that was it...a song...two girls. t.A.T.u. ...only...Jason and Liam were the girls...Jason wanting to kiss Liam...afraid too...but all the things he said just... "Runnin' through my head All the things she said All the things she said Runnin' through my head All the things she said All the things she said This is not enough, enough..." "Liam. He can't be dead. Oh God, please don't let him be dead..." Jason's mind was a flutter with noises, thoughts, music, sirens...images of Liam's face...all popping in like flashes of the video. Rain...desperation...Liam... As tears silently dripped down the side of his face, the paramedic (who had a fourteen year old son of his own) was moved at the sight of the bloody and bruised boy. The sight at the barn was horrific...even the seasoned paramedic wasn't so sure that poor little blond kid would make it...these boys had risked their very lives for the little kid. The paramedic daubed gently at the tears but couldn't stem them. He thought they were about the obvious physical pain the boy was suffering...only...he couldn't see the real source of Jason's was "all the things she said...runnin through my head..." ~~00~~0~~00~~ The rural barn in Galveston County, just down a gravel road seemed straight from a coffee-table picture book of Texas living; replete with all appearances of a simple, sleepy south Texas rural setting. The simple life. Fields of grass, scattered Pecan and Oak trees, blue skies, puffy little clouds drifting relentlessly from the south sky...droopy electric co-op wires stringing down dusty gravely roads...cattle -- a staple of Texas country-sides -- lazily watching the sudden and un-natural scene bursting through the shimmering South Texas morning heat. Longhorn steers notoriously have a short memory...but odds were they would remember this day for a while...if cows really do care...the rest of us did...and do... The next hours at were a cacophony of sirens, police vehicles, ambulances, and reporters. Ray was the most seriously wounded by the gun. He received a smashing but glancing hit to the head, and was bleeding profusely. The Paramedics had Care-Flight Helo's already out there by the time they had him stabilized enough to transport. Triage at the scene determined a fractured skull, but perhaps no missing brain tissue. Seems as if his movement and the trajectory of the bullet resulted in a glancing blow...a fierce one, but fortunately a result that would let Ray live to fight another day. It would be many days before there was much fight in the boy that anyone would be intimidated by...his fight today was for survival; and we all know now that Ray is a fighter. Liam was the next most serious gunshot wound. Fortunately, the bullet passed through without hitting vital organs or bones, passing through his right side. There would be many intestinal tears and repairs to be mended...but at least...he didn't appear to be in life threatening situation, still, for caution's sake he was Care-Flighted out as well. Jason, the least seriously injured was taken by ambulance to the local hospital. He suffered a concussion, broken front tooth, cuts, contusions, and so forth...and a goddamned bad headache. Lenny. Sweet Lenny. How horrible is this to talk about. Jeez. If I have to stop for a while and cry...please bear with me. Some of you guys are a bit mad that I have taken so long to write this shit...but trust is taking a toll on me. My dear, dear, Lenny. ~~00~~0~~00~~ Unconscious, Liam lay motionless in a heap at the cuspis of the very bed holding his sweet Lenny; the pain and shock of being shot overwhelming his senses and he passed just as he saw his love, Jason, collapse from the blow directly to the face by that monster with a gun. Liam's last thought before losing himself to the darkness was the taste of Jason's lips, the smell of his hair...then he slipped away into an abyss of darkness and chaos. It was Jason's smell that kept Liam's mind struggling to emerge from under the vale of darkness. The fragrance of his shampoo, and the Irish-Spring soap Jason loved to use...the ever-present boy scent permeating from adolescent youths...combining...swirling smells...overpowering in their addictive powers to lure a lover into the web of sensuality... Even in this dark and tragic was Jason's smells that pulled Liam's mind forward into activity. Sweet Jason...brave Jason. Sexual knowledge of a boy is an intimate thing; and Liam and Jason were definitely intimate. The last time they made love...that is what it wasn't sex. It was love. Something inside himself made Liam know that things were different because of it. Loving Jason made Liam stronger. Loving Jason gave Liam a reason to become bigger on the inside of be better...more decisive...more assertive. It was a swelling (ya...there too!) of himself. Liam was not all alone anymore. Jason was more than his best friend whom Liam secretly craved and lusted Jason was Liam's lover. A reason: Jason. So, now that he belonged to someone...someone belonged to him...somehow...this meant Liam had to step forward into his awakening manhood. A few weeks ago...Liam was a boy. Now he didn't feel like a boy. Lenny had passed out just before Ray heroically stormed the door with all the bravado of The Duke, or perhaps Eastwood. Little Lenny knew nothing of the unconscious pair of rescuers lying beaten, bloody, and hurting at his feet, nor was he aware of the brave young hero crumpled at the door of the barn...whose very actions may have indeed brought salvation to Lenny. Time was so terribly critical. A brain can only survive moments without proper oxygen. Five more minutes of the police trying to figure on a safe course of action would no doubt have rendered this story much differently. But, Ray was young and stupid, foolish and brash...and a hero. Many people live great amounts of their lives before a defining moment comes upon them. George Bush stood upon the ruins of a towering symbol of power and prestige...buildings reduced to a mountain of smoldering ruins entombing thousands of lives. With a bullhorn in his hand, Mr. Bush became a Commander in Chief. a barn in a small Texas this day, a young thin boy meets destiny head on. With reddish hints in his youthful locks, only a smattering of hair under his arms and none on his chest...this boy of intense blue eyes, and passion in his breast pushing him to greatness...this boy living only brief moments upon the earth prior his call to duty; his call to stand up and face his fate -- stands up. This young boy stands up. Stand indeed. With gathered crude wooden weapon at hand...he changed the lives of many. He stepped into manhood with a gathered deep breath and determination to meet evil face to face. Man to man. Good prevailed. Ray saved the day. ~~00~~0~~00~~ for the bastard who inflicted such dastardly and cowardly evil upon the most innocent among us. Who the hell was he...and why did he do this deed? Sadly...much information went to his fateful grave. I'll share what was pieced together by good police work, searches of property, interviews and...just stuff we know. But first, I simply have to say this. If ever one believed in after-life, and punishment for evil work...this man deserved such. Personally, I do believe. I believe there is good and evil, right and wrong, and consequences for choices. I won't go into a heaven or hell speech on is an un-winnable argument. One simply must have faith and believe...or he doesn't. It boils down to just that simplicity. I have this theory: Evil is the absence of good. Evil does not exist in itself. Oh, we SEE it everywhere...the evidence of it...the ruin of all it touches. But what we see in truth is the lack of goodness. A void, afterall not a substance, but a vacuum or lack of substance. There is no such thing as darkness. We cannot define darkness except to say it is lacking light. Light we can comprehend. Darkness is the lack of light. So...I believe Jared's father was evil; devoid of goodness. Missing the element of whatever part of humanity which contains compassion, morality, and goodness. Empty. That was Brian Fitzgerald. Fitz, as he was known, hated everybody he knew. The feeling was always mutual by any who knew him. His wife left him, taking her two small boys years before. But, Fritz , ever the cunning man, was very capable of treachery. Waiting, patiently...brooding is schemes...he tracked and found his family. Her selfish act of defying him and taking his children...her defiance of his total control of all within his grasp...was met with brutality. Frits left the dingy apartment with only the oldest boy, Jared, who was six at the time...the others wouldn't be found for days...long enough for Frits to find a place to lay low and let the law forget. They always forgot. He didn't. Ever. Jared was a whinny child...he's have to be toughened up. But he was a pretty boy. That would be useful. Yes. Useful indeed. No need for a family now...all he'd need to take care of his baser needs were now totally within his control. This would do fine... At sixteen, Jared had forced all the memories of his mother and baby brother from his mind. He often faintly heard their pleas at drove him to the brink of madness so many times. He simply could not survive and remember. The nightly abuse at his father's fists and grotesque cock were also things he had to shut down in his mind. Any resistance left him battered and bloody...days of recovery. No, there could be no resistance. Had to allow domination to survive. Then...he met a kid at school. Nathan. Nate was a bully. Jared could relate to this. He could fit in. Days and weeks past...summer came...the boys found a dominance/subservient role and became inseparable. Even when Jared brought Nate home...and Nate was introduced to the baser carnal lust of Fritz...oddly, the boy's friendship survived. But it changed. Nate morphed quickly into a smaller, and a bit less cruel version of Fritz...even claimed some of Fritz's stake in Jared. Jared preferred Nate. Nate found a smaller kid at the ball fields...decided the little shrimp shouldda asked permission to wuss out and come crying around Nate's world. Kid had to be a faggot anyway...who cries at a baseball diamond? Only...the little guy had spunk...nearly kicked their asses. Jared saved the day, blindsided the kid after he put Nate on the ground. They almost got away with it...but for that damned coach. Shit the luck. Fucker looked like some old military fart...but like a guy who'd tear their arms off if pushed to it. The law came. Big trouble...but the worst was when he got home. Fitz was livid. They wanted to take his fuck-boy away. Stupid bastard kid shouldda killed that fucking pipsqueak and gotten away clean. Now Frits would have to settle things. It would take a bit of time...but Frits would beat them. They failed, the Law did. They quit. They always quit. Frits wouldn't. Fritz beat Jared until learning what he needed to give seed to his scheme. A trap...lure the freaky little bastard faggot out into the open and then Fritz could tip the scale back to his own sense of balance. ~~00~~0~~00~~ One thing Fritz hadn't counted on: Ray. Well. Ray, and Liam, and Jason. It all went so smoothly...except for when the little pissy kid kicked him in his nuts out on the beach...that was not a smart thing. Kid would never forget that sure you finish a job if you start it. Fuck's sake...that kid nearly killed him ...Fritz literally threw up over the pain...bastard boy would not like what happed next...Fritz was certain of that. The first whiny boy reminded Fritz of his own piss-ant boy Jared at the same age...all afraid and whiny. The other boy had balls...stupid as fuck...but at least he had balls. All Fritz had planned on doing was getting that fuckhead kid out in the open that messed up his own world. Fritz planned on seriously fucking that boy up...making him pay. These two other boys did not factor into his plans completely...but his predator sexuality dominated everything else...watching the two boys rutting around on the beach was more than Fritz could silently let pass. Then the blonde kid did the number on his nuts...Fritz just sort of lost control after that. First kid got away...Blondie would pay. Everything was great until Ray burst through that damned barn door. Fritz was thinking this blond-headed boy would just about make things balance out afterall. Maybe he could sneak the faggot down to Mexico...hide out until the heat was then the boy wouldn't want to run away... In thirty seconds everything changed. First shot knocked down the boy in the door way. Then. Before he really had more than reflex action and instinct to guide him...Frits felt the cold hard steel barrel of a .45 Auto at his head. He heard the tale-tell sound of the hammer being cocked. The dull thud at his skull was all he really felt...not enough time to prepare for the darkness engulfing him immediately afterwards. The crumpled body of Fritz spazamed in a heap of his own body waists. The hole in his head smoked from the heat of the bullet that ended his madness. He would never again hurt a boy with his vileness, his days of treachery were over. Jason's father saw to it. No police, no courts, no lawyers...just a father's righteous indignation. Some of you may feel this was vigilanticism. Whatever you may call was right. A fitting end to a bad, bad man. Officer Hauk, and Big Jim entered the barn swiftly after the shot ending Fritz'. Hauk took the gun from Jim, wiped his finger prints from the gun and told him to go call 911. Nobody was going to jail over this bastards death. It was an unspoken bond between battle hardened soldiers. Justice done was justice served. Enough suffering had already been endured. Now the healing must begin. ~~00~~0~~00~~ Liam could feel himself coming back to consciousness. Could feel the warmth coming to him, like a distant heater somehow injecting heat into his veins. His guts were quite literally on fire, and he felt as if someone had wailed on him with a ball-bat...or...maybe worse... Liam's perspective... Yeah...damn this hurts. My guts...I just never knew you could actually FEEL your guts. I mean...this, right here...I can touch it...but goddamnit hurts. When I put my hands on my belly where the bullet went in I felt my own guts...I think that is what made me pass out. I guess if you have never actually touched them you can't know what I mean...I sure as hell never knew what this was like. Okay...look. Reach in your pants right now...slip your hand in your undies...go on... Now. Touch your dick. Feel it? You know EXACTLY what you got in your hand right now...right? It is like that with your intestines...only...they are supposed to be inside all comfy and tucked inside out of reach. Thrust me...they feel much better on the inside...completely untouched. So, I figured out that I was in a helicopter -- hella cool! Only...fuck..this hurts to much to enjoy this...and how many times am I ever gonna get to ride a freakin helicopter? A HELICOPTER! *Sigh* Ouch...can't do that shit either...grrrrr Okay...I'm stalling...because this makes me cry. I can't help it. Thinking about Jason and Lenny being so...*sigh*...just let me work through this will you? I know I'm being erratic and skitzy here...but all this is jumbled up inside me right now... I know Ray was hurt...he just dropped like a dead person. And, before I rushed forward with Jason...I could see that Ray pissed his pants when he was shot. I was embarrassed for him...but mad as fuck that he was hurt...inside I was praying he wasn't killed. Then...when I really saw Lenny. Damn. My heart just dropped. Seeing him all nude, dirty, bleeding...and his eye...OMG...I know it made me lose momentum and my stride. Maybe that is why I got shot. *Sigh* Hold on...gotta wipe my eyes here... Lenny's was laying on his belly on this piss-soaked mattress...all ratty and shit. His beautiful butt cheeks were covered in filth, dirt...feces, and blood...the way he was laying, his hands and arms were under him...I know now his wrists were bound by a zip-tie, and his ass was more or less sticking out...I guess it would be better to say he was bent at the waist and his bottom was protruding out in a very ...ummm...obvious way. Obvious that someone had left him that way...left his buttocks and his anus exposed for un-natural things. In a glance I knew he'd been raped...all my worst fears...well...nearly my worst painfully there with no doubt. His precious anus was terribly bruised and swollen, and blood was all on the insides of his thighs...this foul deed had happened repeatedly. I'm just a freakin little kid and I knew this. My God. The next thing I saw in an instant was the gag... could see it was damp with vomit and spit...vomit was all over him; his chest, chin, neck...all over where his tiny head was laying... Then I saw his face...really saw eye was bleeding...bleeding too badly for this not to be seriously only a glance I knew he would probably never see with that eye again. I felt myself about to vomit... That is when I got shot. As I fell I saw Jason get hit in the face with the pistol...I saw him falling...but I didn't see him hit the ground...I passed out. It was his smells that brought me around here on this helicopter. Jason's smells. I know...that don't make any sense. I can't explain WHY it happened that way...I'm just telling you it happened. I could very literally smell his shampoo...his soap...his...his boy parts. I could...and I began waking up in this helicopter. I looked many pieces of equipment. I thought it would be bigger in here...but is was very cramped for space...but there was enough crap in here to outfit a whole emergency room at a hospital...but...I guess this was a flying hospital emergency room afterall, wasn't it? I love Jason. Lenny is little buddy; my sexy little buddy. Maybe something else can happen between us...I hope so...but... Jason. I love Jason. Only...I don't know how to love a boy. I don't know how to love Jason. How am I going to do this? How am I to actually make sure Jason loves me? How do I make sure that IF he really, really dos love me...that what we have lasts? And what does it really mean to love a boy? I mean...god. I don't know what the hell I mean. This is too much for me. My guts are on fire and I am in love with a boy. WTF? But...I know it. I know I love him. Only...I can't possibly tell anybody how this feels. And how could I tell anybody anyway? What happens when everyone knows? When the people at school hear about all of what happened today in that barn...everyone in school will know I am a queer. That's what they call people like me at school. Queer. Faggot. Gay. One word is totally interchangeable to those homophobes. They don't care who they hurt with their words, their insults, their sneers. Not one ounce of compassion for anyone who they remotely consider poofy, of fluffy, or soft. In their minds...being gay means wearing panties and a bra, lipstick and a dress. Being gay means hangin in darkened parks, mall bathrooms, and seedy street corners trolling for a old pervert to suck off...or have your ass held while a whole football team bangs your ass and jizes cum all over you ass and back and mouth. Like a freakin porn movie. That is being gay...and that is what I will be labeled as just as soon as this freakin helo lands. My life is over... No. It isn't over. I have Jason. He charged that barn for me..because he loved Lenny, yes -- that he loved Ray...yes. But he didn't charge that barn for Ray, for Lenny. He charged that barn, that gun-wielding maniac...for me. Jason knew I loved Lenny, and that I was going in to rescue Lenny. Only...He wouldn't let me go in alone...Jason was with me all the way. "Damn the torpedoes...full speed ahead!" Yup. That was Jason. My Jason. So, Yes, I love Jason. And...No. No, my life isn't over. Those bastards at school can bite rocks. I love Jason. And, I am going to be with Jason. Jason is going to show me what love is. Yes. That is it. Jason can show me what love is. I will show Jason my love is real...but he will show me how to love him. We're in this all the way. Only...I have to do it. I have to ask. I have to make him show me. He won't unless I take the lead. If I leave this to him...I'll never know. Don't ask me how I know this...I just do. I know that today, as soon as I see him: I have to tell him, I have to tell him he is going to show me how to love a boy. My Jason. Who was that band? Wait...Hold it! Hold on...I can hear it...coming to me ... "I gotta take a little time A little time to think things over I better read between the lines In case I need it when I'm older Now this mountain I must climb Feels like a world upon my shoulders I through the clouds I see love shine It keeps me warm as life grows colder In my life there's been heartache and pain I don't know if I can face it again Can't stop now, I've traveled so far To change this lonely life I wanna know what love is I want you to show me I wanna feel what love is I know you can show me" ...the music faded to the back of my mind...never silent...only less dominant...the helicopter was landing. Is this where they brought Lenny My poor, poor Lenny. "God, don't let him die. God keep him here." Is Jason going to be brought here? I need my Jason. No...Jason needs me...I have this feeling we are all going to need each other to survive...Ray, Brant, Lenny, Jason...and me. We need each other. I think we will forever need one another. ~~00~~0~~00~~ I have to tell all you guys this, the reception I have received from this story and especially these last several chapters is...humbling. I just am speechless (hard to do to a writer). So far, you have all been with me through an incredible journey that in actuality is spread over very few days...but feels like forever. Oh...before I forget. Several of my friends have had big mile stones come upon them recently. Adam, from England has had a very important birthday recently! Happy Birthday, Adam! Shaun, too has had a big birthday. Shaun is such an unbelievable guy...congratulations my friend. Evangelos is celebrating his happy birthday as we speak...and... Lastly...Alex, from near my home town: Happy birthday Alex!