Disclaimer: This work is of pure fiction and any resemblance of the characters and settings to real life persons, events, circumstances, etc. is purely coincidental. The following story is completely fictional.

If you have any thoughts on this story please send them to : samtheham _at_ yandex.com

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Battle Boys - Chapter 3
by Sam The Ham



      For the rest of the day Alec was on the lookout for an opportunity to get Isaac alone. He thought the opportunity might come after lunch but instead of more free time they were pulled into something called a sharing circle. They were each told to talk about each other in front of the others which was weird especially since they didn't film it. He did learn that Scott the twelve-year-old redhead on the Orange team was diabetic and the fifteen-year-old on the Green team had leukemia a year ago.

He officially decided that was weird. There was no way it was just a coincidence. He couldn't remember the questions he had answered in the pre-screening but they must have covered health issues and the show decided to take those candidates. Why? Alec was self-aware enough that he realized he was using this question to distract himself from the Isaac situation.

That night they had a screening of the latest Pixar movie. This time the cameras were brought in and they were told to enjoy it. Through intense intellectual analysis Alec decided that Disney must be one of the show sponsors. So he left when everyone else did even though he thought Pixar had only been producing okay movies.

With the rec room closed, they retreated to their rooms after that. The four of them messed around on the pinball machine seeing who could get the high score and decided to crack open one of the board games. Kevin was the first to nod off to sleep and Alec was sort of hoping Max would follow suit. Unfortunately Isaac and Max decided together to call it quits. Alec was left to put away the game.

Alec stayed up in his bed for a while trying to convince himself Isaac probably just didn't care. It wasn't like he had said anything all day. So unless Isaac just wanted him to stew for a while he probably didn't care. That was a thought that carried him off to bed. That idea carried him until the next day when Isaac waited in his room until they left for breakfast. He joined them at breakfast. That caught him worrying again. Was Isaac deliberately avoiding him?

"Hey guys," Kevin started. "Have you noticed anything weird?"

For a brief paranoid second Alec thought Kevin was referring to Isaac and himself. "How so?"

Kevin shifted around a little nervously as he poked his pancakes. "Okay, well it's not a bad thing it's just kinda weird. Scott’s on the Orange team and he's diabetic. Sam said yesterday he was epileptic and he's on the red team. The Green team has Jason and he had leukemia. We have Isaac who had his appendix blow up. Isn't that kind of weird?"

"Yeah, I kinda noticed that too." Max said glancing over at Isaac.

Isaac shot Max a nasty look. "You implying I know something?"

"No, it's just weird."

"Well, when you think about it, the whole set up’s a bit weird." Alec interrupted.

"How so?" Kevin asked.

Alec took a few seconds to choose a pancake before answering. "Well, we’re separated into teams so they want us to compete. The way the rooms are set up you would think they would want us to mostly hang out in there but then they give us a rec room. Not only do they give us a rec room but they had that whole sharing thing yesterday. It seemed contradictory."

"Yeah, but what about the thing Kevin said?" Max asked.

"It was designed by committee." Isaac answered.

"What?" Kevin said taking a sip from his orange juice.

"It's an expression of my dad's." Isaac started. "He's an engineer, but sometimes like when he has to submit something to his bosses they all put their input in and then the marketing people put their input in and then they do focus groups or whatever and there's more input. Then something that was very simple and efficient is complicated and not."

"Not following." Alec said.

Isaac sat back in his chair. "Okay look at it this way. Somebody pitched the idea for the show about kids competing against each other in groups. Like survivor or something. They think they can get people our age to watch. So they can get a bunch of sponsors like Disney. Then somebody comes along and says they can't just have a straight up competition show. It needs to have a message. Probably a few messages."

"Like what?" Kevin asked.

"Teamwork." Max said.

"Sportsmanship?" Alec ventured. "They seem to want us to all get along at least."

"Then, why the first thing?" Kevin asked.

Everyone fell silent and only the soft conversation from the other tables could be heard. It was Isaac who finally answered. "I think they want to do an anti-bullying thing."

Alec glanced at Isaac. "Have you been bullied?"

"No, that doesn't mean I can't see what they're doing.”

That ended the conversation and after a minute they started up again talking about yesterday in the maze.

After Isaac trashed the remnants of his breakfast he headed upstairs. Alec quickly finished his breakfast and went after him. When he got back up into their rooms he found Isaac playing the pinball machine. Isaac didn't notice his approach until he was standing right next to him.

"Hey, Isaac."

Isaac glanced over at him. "Hey."

For a moment Alec just watched the silver balls bounce around. His points built up on the board. "I never see pinball machines that much. There kind of fun."

"Yeah, I used to have of those little ones." Isaac said. "I probably still have it somewhere."

Alec watched the silver ball slid right down the middle of the board passing both of the paddles. A few seconds later another one shot out. "I was wondering if we could talk about yesterday." Alec said as the ball bounced back and forth.

"You mean the maze?"

Alec wondered about the question. Did Isaac really not know? Maybe he just thought it was weird that Sam was in here. Still, that didn't seem likely. "I was referring to that other thing."

Isaac started another game. "I'm not telling anyone about you and your boyfriend."

"We're not boyfriends, we just were messing around."

"Yeah, you sound like you were having fun."

"Just don't tell anyone."

"I really don't care."

Alec nodded and watched Isaac play for a few seconds. "Are we okay? I mean you're okay with me being on your team and all that?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Isaac said losing the ball again smacking the side of the machine.

Alec hesitated. "Well I'm gay; I want to make sure you're okay with that."

"Well, it's not like there's anything we could do if I was. Anyways, my best friend used to be gay so it's fine. Drop it."

Alec took a step back but noticed the words used to be. "He used to be gay? He's not anymore?"

"No, where just not friends anymore." Isaac shot Alec a glare and that ended the conversation.

He decided to leave it at that. Alec didn't consider himself particularly popular but usually he could get along with anyone. Isaac didn't seem like he wanted to get along. Some people are just like that he guessed.

When he got downstairs Martin announced that they had another challenge for the day. He took several minutes for everyone to gather out front. The guy had to go through the introduction three times or at least 2 1/2. He sneezed once. The summary though was they would be taken to another building on the property. This one was a two-story building that was rigged up. It would be like a large danger room. Each team had to choose someone to stay on the outside while the other three went inside to try to solve a puzzle.

Once each person had solved the puzzle they could go and help another teammate. When two of them finished they could help a third teammate. The observer would be able to watch all three of them progressed through the house and help wherever they could. However in each room there would be an instant death thing. If they triggered the event they were out of the game. Some would only eliminate one person on others to take up the entire room.

The scoring for this particular challenge was five points for first place, three point second-place and one point for third. However they had the additional option of a hint button. For each hint they didn't use they would receive an additional point even if they passed the 45 minute deadline. For each one they used they would be subtracted one point. They started off with three hints.

Alec thought it was a tad unfair when he first heard that rule. If some time ran out on somebody they could still take the same points as third place. Then again if you came in first you could have eight points.  Then Martin added one new twist.

"Now to add a little more competition to this challenge, the winners of today's challenge will be spending tomorrow at Six Flags!"

This time Alec didn't have to be told to let out a whoop. He loved Six Flags.

 The other teams were dismissed as the Blue team was told they were doing it first.

Although he wanted to go in Alec found himself volunteering to be on the outside. He was given a crash course in the controls as the others were fitted with helmet cameras. His three teammates made his way inside and stood by their doors before and air horn went off and the clock began.

Alec looked at each of the monitors in front of him as the doors opened. It looked like Kevin was in a lab while Max had stumbled into a library. Isaac's room was full of boxes. Clearly someone had run out of ideas Alec thought. When Isaac closed the door he did so by turning around so it would shut quietly. As he did so a piece of paper came into view that was taped to the back of the door.

Alec fumbled with the radio to switch it over to Max's frequency. "Max look at the door. There might be a message there." He switched again. "Kevin, there might be a message on the back of the door take a look."

They both did so and started to read the paper. Alec switched his attention back to Isaac. "What did your paper say?"

"Put it back together." Isaac said. "I'm guessing I have to build something."

Alec agreed and switched to Max. "What your message say."

"Find the missing research note." Max slowly panned over the box. "I'm guessing I have to read everything in here."

"No, it's got to be a puzzle or something, just look around."

"Thanks, couldn't have figured that out without you."

Alec shrugged at the sarcastic comment and turned his attention to Kevin who was still staring at his note. "What's up Kevin?"

"I'm not sure. It says redo the experiment. Then there's some other stuff." Kevin said his head moving from side to side.

"Hold still so I can see the note."

Kevin grabbed a hold of the wall to brace himself in a little closer to the note. "Is that good?"

"Sort of." Alec frowned at the piece of paper. It read C12H25C6H4SO3Na +  NaHCO3 + CH3COOHH2O. "Those look like chemical names. You know like H2O."

"I haven't taken chemistry yet." Kevin complained.

"Yeah, it wasn't my best subject. Can you look around the room? The chemicals have to be there. I guess we just need to add them together."

Kevin looked around and although there were beakers and all sorts of tubes connecting them together, there were no bottles until he saw a large metal cabinet in the one corner. Kevin started towards it unprompted, but as soon as he was a few steps away the doors opened and a man wearing a zombie mask burst out. Kevin let out a loud scream and quickly scurried back. The zombie man lurched forward but came to a halt after about three steps. He kept leaning forward but there was something holding him back.

"Kevin, are you okay?" Alec demanded.

There were a few seconds of silence before Kevin answered. "Yeah, he just startled to me."

"He's just an actor." Alec said realizing how lame that sounded.

"I know." Kevin started to look past the zombie over-the-counter. There were several containers inside the cabinet. "I'm guessing if the zombie touches me I'm out."

"Yeah, I would say so. Just look around see if you can find something else."

"Okay." Kevin said slowly looking around again.

Alec glanced at the monitors and saw Isaac was making some headway or at least had torn open some boxes. "How's it coming Isaac?"

Isaac was digging through a box of packing peanuts. "I've opened a few boxes but haven't found anything. Looks like it's going to take a while."

When Isaac finished and kicked it across the floor. "Hey wait, go back."

"What?" Isaac said looking around.

"Look at the boxes. The one you just kick!" Alec leaned forward finally feeling like you might be onto something. Isaac walked up to the box and looked at it. Managing with this but he turned it around again. "That's it, look at it a little closer."

Isaac leaned down and tilted the box upwards. In one corner it was clearly labeled LXII. "Roman numerals!" They said almost simultaneously.

"Find number one." Alec advised.

"Yeah." Isaac said.

Alec switched his attention over to Max who was currently going through a desk drawer. "What are you looking for Max?"


"Batteries, for what?"

Max's head tilted towards something on the desk. "I found this flashlight hidden inside a glow. It was one of those that opened up you know. It's really faint though."

Alec frowned. So far Isaac had needed to pay attention to the little details to discover the numbers and Kevin had to figure out what he was looking for. It seemed odd that a random search for batteries would be the key. "Can I see the light working?"

Max hesitated but stopped rifling through the drawer. "All right, but not sure if you'll be able to see anything." Max picked up the flashlight turning it towards him and turned it on. There was a very fake dark purplish light. It was very faint.

For a second it seemed familiar and then Alec remembered. "That's a black light! You have to get the room dark for it to work well. I've seen them used. The stamp your hand at this one amusement park I used to go too. As long as you have the stamp you can get back in free."

Max looked around the room again and then lowered the shades before turning off the light. Alec watched as he turned the light on and shown it around the room. First he hit all the walls, ceilings and floor but no message revealed itself. Then just about as Alec was about to suggest it Max walked around the desk to the far side away from the door and shone the light on the side. The message revealed itself scrolled on the side. Gordian knot.

"What does that mean?" Max asked.

The name sounded familiar, but it was at the very back of Alec's mind and he couldn't remember. "It sounds familiar."

Max was silent for a second. "Maybe it's in one of the encyclopaedias. Under G." Max walked over to one of the bookshelves. There were maybe twenty or so leather bound books all on one shelf just a little below eye level for Max. He pulled out G and thumbed through it but didn't find anything. "Why don't you ask the others? Maybe they know."

Alec was about to say that was against the rules when he suddenly realized that even though Max could only talk to him he could talk to anyone. Why couldn't he relay a question? "I will Max. Good idea." He went back to Isaac and asked but he didn't seem to know. Then he went to Kevin who was still looking around the room. "Kevin, do you know what Gordian knot is?"

Kevin stopped. "Gordian knot? Yeah I know that."

Alec hadn't been really expecting a positive answer. "What, can you tell me about it?"

"Um... Yeah. It was this really big knot. It was supposed to be impossible to untie. The person who untied it was supposed to rule the world."

"Did anyone untie or try?"

"Well, no. Alexander the great heard about it though and when he went there he just took out his sword and cut it in half. Why do you want to know?"

He felt himself grinning. "Thanks Kevin, I'm gonna be sending you helps in." Alec switched back to Max. "Look under ‘A’ for Alexander the great or maybe if there's a book about him there."

Max pulled out the A encyclopedia and just as he opened the front cover he saw small scotch tape to the cover. "I got it!"

Alec felt himself grinning. "Okay go to room three. Kevin looks like you need some help dealing with the zombie."

"A zombie?" Max said just as Alec cut him off.

Alec could've explained but he was pretty sure zombie was really self-explanatory. He turned back to Kevin who had found one, two and three. So far he had pulled out a large battery, some wire and a little container of something black powdery that was on a small dish along with a pair of thick gloves.

"What's the problem Isaac?"

Isaac didn't answer at first. Then he picked up a piece of paper that had been folded over a few times. He opened it and there was a small diagram including a warning to wear gloves. "I know what to do, but it's too easy."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean they said they would be instant eliminations but I haven't come across anything like that yet. I opened box number four and five but there was nothing in there but peanuts."

"All right, well look around the room again and see if we can see something."

Isaac looked over at the boxes that were stacked two or three deep and another three or four high. There didn't seem to be much else in the room. Then Alec noticed something in the corner. "Isaac, look up."

Isaac stopped and looked. In addition to the lights on the ceiling there were smoke detectors. Not just one but six. That was too many.

"I got it." Isaac muttered.

"What do you got?" Alec asked.

Instead of giving an answer Isaac walked over to one of the boxes of peanuts and turned it over. The content cascaded onto the floor forming a little pile. Isaac then carried the box back over put on the gloves and turning it upside down placed the box over the three materials. He twisted the wires onto the battery and then carefully touched them to the black powder with the box over it. Alec didn't have the best view but he heard the pop of something going off. Then it clicked. The experiment they were supposed to rebuild would've created smoke. It probably would've set off the alarms. A second later there was a dull clock something hit the floor. It took Isaac a second to find the sound, but when he did he found a small case with a key inside.

"Kevin's the only one who hasn't succeeded yet. He's in room three." Alec said. He heard Isaac say okay just before he changed the channel.

Now, two of the monitors were showing almost identical images. Max and Kevin were standing close to each other.

"I mean he supposed to be a zombie." Max said.

"Yeah and why am I the one running in?" Kevin asked.

"I can do it if you want." Max answered.

Kevin hesitated and then let out a sigh. "No, I'll do it."

Then without any more clues to what was going on Alec watched as they started to move. Max moved to the far end of the room and edged closer to the zombie before starting to pound on one of the stainless steel tables. "Over here, over here come and get me!" He started chatting.

The zombie, or the person pretending to be one, slowly started to turn his attention towards Max and then lurched towards him. The chain that was around his waist restrained him from getting to Max but he kept trying too.

As soon as the zombie seemed preoccupied Kevin darted in, ducking into the cabin and pulling something out. He ran back and forth several times not looking at the labels, just removing everything from the cabinet.

"I got it all." Kevin announced just as Isaac came into the room.

Quickly switching back to the channel he contacted Isaac. "Isaac, look at the back of the door. There's formulas there you need to read them off so we can find the right ingredients."

"Okay I'll read on." Isaac said looking at the door.

"Start with the last four letters or numbers." Kevin shouted. "It'll be quicker that way."

Alec watched as the three ingredients were found. Once they were singled out he recognized one of them as baking soda. His mom had the stuff all the time in the refrigerator. The other two things he wasn't so sure of. One look like little crystals and the other was a liquid.

Kevin uncapped the liquid and took a sip of it. "That's vinegar."

"I know what happens when you put vinegar and baking soda together." Max said.

"Yeah, me too." Kevin said grinning.

He grabbed a beaker and placed it on the table. Max poured the baking soda into it and Isaac grabbed the other stuff. He shook it around a little mixing it up and then poured the vinegar into the beaker. Alec knew what was going to happen but as the stuff started to foam and rise up overflowing the beaker he found himself smiling. It was still cool.

A few seconds after the reaction stopped there was another sound of a key dropping and the three of them went to the front door. Somehow it had been locked after they had entered and it required all three keys for them to leave. An air horn went off and Isaac pulled off his headsets before noticing the oversized clock. 38 minutes and 44 seconds had passed. He had not thought it had been that long.

After the competition they were told to go to their rooms and stay there for a while as the other teams ran through. The feeling in the room was confident. Then when they were called out and found out they had been in second place again Alec felt like saying a few words that wouldn't have made it on the air.
