Bonding Time


Matty to the Rescue

Boy Shorts #1

This material is intended only for an adult audiences who wish to view it, and where it is legal to do so
at your age, under the laws you live under. This work is fictional and intended for entertainment only.
This is the first in a series of short stories revolving around boys and sexual exploration.

If you find homosexual conduct offensive, are a minor, do not wish to view or read such material, or it
is illegal for you to do so, leave this story now! This fictional account may depict sexual interaction
between young boys without proper protection. Nothing contained herein should be construed as
approval of, or encouragement of similar behavior. Anyone engaging in sexual activities outside of a
committed relationship should employ sexual safeguards against transmission of disease.

This work is copyrighted (c) by William Diddle. You may not reproduce this story, in whole or in part,
without the express written consent of William Diddle.

"Don't forget, you're watching Skyler tonight," Mom says.

"Yeah, I know. I'm down with it," Brock replies. "How late you guys planning to be?"

"We're going out with the Andersons for dinner after the play, so well past midnight."

"What time do you want Squidly in bed?" Brock asks.

"No later than ten and you all need showers tonight before bed. We are going to early mass tomorrow
so we can go visit Aunt Grace later. She's making dinner for us."

"Uggh. I hate going there. Her place smells like a dentist office," Brock whines.

"She's just very sanitary. She got that from your Grandma Haynes. After we eat, you boys can go outside
and run around while we visit. Just be polite to her,"

"I always am," Brock says. "I'm polite as can be."

"Yes, you are. And I appreciate that you never complain about watching your little brother. It's nice to
be able to rely on you. You'll get extra allowance tomorrow for it."

"Sweet. Now you're talking. I probably shouldn't tell you that I really don't mind watching the squid."

"Hmmph!" Skyler grumbles under his breath. "I know why he doesn't mind watching me. But I'm ahead
of him tonight."

"Ready, Julia?" Dad asks, adjusting his tie. "The Anderson's will be here any minute. Robert just texted
me that they're leaving their place now."

"Brock, come here and let me show you what you're doing for dinner."

"Okay," Brock agrees and leaves his basketball game on TV to obey.

"I have spaghetti casserole in the oven. Just cover the leftovers in the pan with tinfoil after you're done
with it and put it in the fridge. There is garlic bread on the counter that you can heat up in the
microwave and I have a two liter bottle of root beer in the fridge. There is a special treat in the fridge
also. I got you each a slice of raspberry swirl cheesecake."

"Nice. I love that. Mom, you're the best ever," Brock says, buttering Mom up. He opens the fridge and
smacks his lips.

"Why's there three pieces?" Brock asks. "Two for me?"

"One for Skyler, one for you and one for Matthew," Mom answers as if it should be obvious.

"Matthew? Matthew who?"

"Why, Matthew Anderson, of course."

"Why did you get him one? Is it his birthday or something?" Brock asks.

"No, but you can't very well just eat in front of him."

"Wait. What?"

"I invited Matty to stay over. He's spending the night," Skyler says wryly.

Brock glares at Skyler. Then he glares at Mom. "You never said anything about me watching Matty."

"I didn't? Are you sure?"

"Positive!" Brock declares, arms folded.

"I could have sworn I did. Well, you are. Skyler suggested it, and it makes perfect sense. No need of the
Anderson's spending money on a sitter when you're perfectly capable and we can simply take him to
mass with us in the morning and he can go home with his folks afterwards."

"But I don't want to watch them both!" Brock whines. "You should ask me first."

"I meant to tell you. My bad, as you say. I don't know why you care. Matty is never any trouble and
having him here will keep Skyler occupied so you can watch your sports."

"Well, this is like me and Skyler's time together. I like it just being the two of us. It's like, umm, bonding

"That's sweet dear. You'll just have to bond another time, though, because Matty is coming tonight and
there's no changing that." As Mom says that, the doorbell rings.

Brock glares at Skyler behind Mom and Dad's back as they all go to answer the door together. Skyler
flips Brock off and grins. When the door opens, Brock turns all smiles and is the perfect child that his
parents think he is. When Matty comes in, Skyler steps up and pounds the rock with him. Skyler helps
take one of Matty's bags - the one with the video games in it that he brought.

"Okay, we're off," Dad says.

"Brock? Do you remember what I told you?"

"Casserole is in the oven. Put foil over the leftovers and stick it in the fridge. Everyone showers and the
squids have to be in bed by ten."

"Great. Thanks, Sweetheart," Mom says and leans in to kiss Brock on the cheek. Brock draws back and
turns his shoulder. "MOM! Geez. Not in public." He looks at the Andersons.

"Robert and Alice aren't public. They're friends."

"Stop embarrassing the poor boy and let's go," Dad says. When the door closes, Brock makes a beeline
to Skyler's room. Skyler is looking through the games Matty brought and Matty is hanging up his church
clothes in Skyler's closet.

"Skyler," Brock says firmly. "I need to talk to you for a minute."

"Okay," Skyler says with a grin. "Talk."

"In private," Brock clarifies.

Skyler rolls his eyes and says, "Excuse me a minute."

"Okay," Matty says in his youthful low end soprano.

Skyler follows Brock to the kitchen. "What the fuck?" Brock asks. "Mom said Matty staying over was
your idea."

"It was," Skyler answers.

"Don't think I'm letting you off just because he's here, Squidly. It's still on. We're doing it."

Skyler gets a little nervous and he loses his cat like grin. "We can't do anything with him here. Forget it!"

"I don't know how yet, but you can count on it happening. You promised. I've been thinking about it all
week and I'm hornier than a freaking jackrabbit," Brock says, getting up in Skyler's face.

"I told you, I'm not going to and if you try it, Matty will tell and you'll be screwed over for life." Skyler's
swagger returns.

"We'll see, Squidly. We'll see."

Skyler marches off and goes back to the bedroom with Matty.

Brock goes back to watch his game and can't concentrate because he's scheming on how to get his way.
He's super annoyed because Skyler agreed to go for it this time. He hears the two boys in Skyler's
bedroom playing some kind of video game. He gets up to go see what it is but just then the timer on the
oven goes off.

Brock pulls the casserole out of the oven and sets it on a trivet at the bar. He lays out three plates and
gets glasses out of the cupboard then sets out the silverware. Brock lays out some of Mom's awesome
garlic bread on a plate and zaps it for twelve seconds.

"Come eat!" Brock hollers. He takes the tin foil off the casserole dish and inhales the bubbling, cheese
topped spaghetti. The chunks of sausage that Mom adds to it smells really great.

Brock heads off to Skyler's room and pushes open the door. Both boys are on the bed in shorts and
stocking feet. Matty is darker complexed than Skyler, but almost everyone on the planet is. Skyler is
really fair skinned and a true blond, splattered with freckles. Skyler's cute, but Matty is handsome. Both
boys have soccer jerseys on. They look up when Brock enters. "Come eat," Brock orders.

"Just a minute. This match is almost over. We're in stoppage time," Skyler answers without looking up.

"Hurry. I'm starting without you," Brock informs them.

Brock goes out and dishes up his plate. He begins to eat, swirling the slippery noodles over his tongue
and smacking his lips. Brock loves spaghetti casserole. Matty and Skyler come trotting into the kitchen.

"That was an awesome shot at the eighty minute mark," Matty compliments.

"Thanks. It was a good cross to Mata," Skyler says.

"Yeah, a great cross. I thought he was offside but I guess not," Matty agrees.

"Soccer's a girl's game," Brock says. "Basketball's a real man's sport."

"Then why do you play it?" Skyler mocks.

"Shut up, Squidly," Brock says with his mouth full of spaghetti. Some sauce sprays out and lands on his
shirt. "Shit!" Brock says. "Look what you made me do."

Matty and Skyler laugh and even Brock laughs. "You're such a pig," Skyler prods. He's feeling his oats, as
Mom would say, since Matty is there to show off to.

Brock pulls his shirt off and lays it on the counter. "This is my favorite shirt. I'm gonna go treat it, so it
doesn't stain." Brock heads off into the laundry room to spray stain remover on his shirt.

"Dang, dude," Matty says. "Your bro's got some big arms."

"He works out with the basketball team. He's on the freshman team."

"Cool," Matty says. "And you play soccer, right? I saw the ribbons and trophies in your room."

"Yeah. I'm a midfielder. What about you?" Skyler asks.

"I play soccer too. I'm also in an orchestra. I play the cello," Matty says.

"That's cool. What's a cello?"

"Kind of like a big violin, but you set it on the floor because it's too big to hold."

"Oh. I've seen those. That's cool," Skyler says. "You good at it?"

"Pretty good. I'm first chair."

"Nice," Skyler praises.

Brock returns, bare chested. Matty stares at his chest muscles and rippled stomach. Brock sees him
staring and smiles. "Like what you see?" he asks and flexes.

Skyler makes a gagging sound. "Showoff."

"You're just jealous, Squid."

"Squid..." Matty laughs. "Oops, I mean, Skyler, told me you play on the freshman basketball team. What
position do you play?"

Skyler rolls his eyes. "Don't you start calling me Squid. It's bad enough I have to put up with it from this

"Sorry," Matty says with a snicker.

"Yeah, I play guard. I'm a good ball handler."

"What he means is he sits on the end of the bench with his hands in his shorts handling his balls and
guarding the Gatorade jug."

"Dude, you're asking for it," Brock warns. "If Matty wasn't here, I'd teach you some respect."

"Yeah, whatever," Skyler says.

Since all of them are full, Brock covers the casserole dish, as he was told, and puts the leftovers in the
fridge. Then he pulls out the cheesecake and asks Matty, "You want some whipped cream on yours?"

Skyler starts waving his arms frantically, saying, "Say no! Say no!"

"But I like whipped cream," Matty says. "Sure, I'd like some."

Brock gets a giant grin on his face. Skyler shakes his head. "No, Brock. Not funny," Skyler says.

Brock continues to grin, hooks his thumb in the waistband of his shorts and boxers and tugs them down
to expose his pubes, dick and balls. He grips his limp, four inch dick and starts tugging on it, aiming
towards one of the cheesecake slices. "One squirt or two?" Brock asks.

"Ewww!" Matty says. "None! None! Gross!"

Brock busts up laughing his butt off and covers his jewels.

"You're sick!" Skyler says. "I should tell Mom on you. Matty's a guest. Geez."

"Chill, Squid. Matty's cool with it. Aren't you Matty?"

Matty laughs. "Yeah. It was pretty funny, I guess."

They take the cheesecake to the bedroom and Matty and Skyler start another FIFA game. Brock finishes
cleaning up the kitchen and then goes in to watch them. He's bored with basketball on TV and he kind of
likes looking at Matty. He's wondering what Matty looks like naked.

Matty has a habit of curling his toes and Brock likes to watch him do it. Brock can see the outline of each
toe under the white fabric of the Nike low cut socks that Matty's wearing. Brock thinks about rubbing his
dick against the boy's foot and starts to get a little boned. He likes looking at Matty's ankles sticking out
over the top edge of the white socks.

The boys cheer and groan as they gain and lose control of the ball. Occasionally, they jostle each other's
shoulders. Brock pulls his knees up toward his chest to hide his growing excitement as he thinks about
things he could do with Matty and Skyler together. He schemes what he can do to make it happen. He's
already showed himself to Matty in the kitchen with the whipped cream joke and Matty hadn't freaked
out or anything. In fact, he'd kind of stared. That makes Brock think it might be possible.

Brock slides over to the edge of Skyler's chest of drawers and rubs his right shoulder blade across the
squared edge.

"What're you doing?" Skyler asks.

"My back itches," Brock explains.

"Want me to scratch it for you?" Matty asks.

"Sure," Brock says, jumping at the offer.

Matty pauses the game and sets his controller down. Brock slides over by the bed and leans forward.
Matty reaches down and scratches across the shoulder blade area with his fingernails.

"Geez, really?" Skyler asks.

"It'll just take a minute," Matty says. Then he says to Brock, "It's itching because you have a humongous,
ripe zit, right here." Matty rubs his pointer finger over a large red zit with a whitehead on it.

"Stupid zits. I hate zits. I hope they don't get any worse," Brock says.

"They probably will," Skyler says, to purposely annoy Brock.

"Shut up, Squid," Brock warns and Skyler can tell he means it. He realizes he crossed the line. "Your
turn's coming, if you ever hit puberty, that is."

"Sorry," Skyler says sincerely. "Acne sucks."

"You haven't started puberty yet?" Matty asks.

"I've started a little," Skyler says defensively. Skyler turns red and says, "Can we play again now?"

Matty presses the big red zit and asks, "You want me to pop it for you? It's ripe. I do it for my dad
sometimes. He gets them on his back too."

"Really?" Brock asks. "I thought they went away after you get out of your teens."

"I don't know about that," Matty says. "I just know my dad gets them sometimes and he likes me to pop
them when they're ready. Mom won't touch them."

Brock whines over the idea that he could keep getting zits forever but leans forward a bit and says, "Go
for it."

Matty presses around the edge of the red pustule, testing its firmness. Skyler groans over the spectacle.
"You got something to clean up the mess with after I'm done?" Matty asks.

Skyler answers, "There's some Kleenex in my nightstand drawer."

Matty jokes, "Hmm, I wonder why you keep that in there?"

Then Brock really laughs his butt off. "Not for what you're thinking. The squid's got allergies. I already
told you, Squidly hasn't hit puberty yet. He can't even shoot the clear stuff yet."

"Oh," Matty says. "Wow."

"I'm leaving," Skyler says, tossing his controller. Matty's in full operation at this point and squeezing
hard at the base of the big zit. Brock is gritting his teeth and tensing up.

"Ahhhh!" Brock exclaims as the head bursts and a glob of white pus bursts free.

"Got it," Matty declares.

"Almost as nice as busting a nut," Brock says.

Matty dabs at the oozing afterbirth, while he pinches from different angles to get as much out as

"Can we play again now?" Skyler asks.

"Okay," Matty agrees. "I think I got as much out as I can. Feel better?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Matty," Brock says. "I got another sore one on my ass. Want to try and pop that one?"

"NO! Get lost, Brock! We're playing FIFA. Go watch your stupid basketball games and leave us alone!"
Skyler shouts.

"Geez, chill Brah," Brock says.

"Maybe later," Matty says, trying to calm things down.

Skyler picks up his controller and glares at Brock. Brock curls his lip and shakes his head at Skyler
mockingly. Matty takes the game off pause and they start to play on. Brock heads out of the room and
goes to the bathroom and checks out the zit on his ass in the full length mirror on the bathroom door.
He decides to try and get Matty to pop that one for him later on and then maybe see if he can let it lead
to doing something sexual together. He's thinking Matty might be more than just a video gamer. He
thinks he might be a gay-mer.

Brock is bored again after watching the second half of the UCLA game and decides to go see what Skyler
and Matty are up to. He walks in on them and sees Skyler looking through the other games that Matty
brought with him. Matty is checking out Skyler's soccer ribbons. "Done with FIFA?" Brock asks.

"Yeah," Matty replies.

"We're gonna play something else. Matty's got some good ones," Skyler says.

"Any that three can play?" Brock asks. "I'm bored."

Skyler glares over at him and starts to tell him to butt out, but he sees how bummed Brock looks about
being left out and feels bad for him. Even though Brock is a pain to Skyler sometimes, he's also nice to
him a lot and he really does love him.

"Is there?" Skyler asks Matty.

"Sure, Forza Horizon is. It's an awesome racing game."

"Wanna play that with us?" Skyler asks Brock.


Soon, all three are on the bed with Matty in the middle. Brock is naked except for his shorts and boxers.
The two younger boys have their t-shirts and socks on. It takes a while for Brock and Skyler to get the
hang of controlling their chosen rides, and eventually, they get more competitive.

"This is a lit game," Brock says as they advance a level.

"Yeah, it is!" Skyler agrees. "We need to get Mom and Dad to buy it for us."

"You're a phenom at it," Brock tells Matty.

"Well it's my game, so I've played it a bunch," Matty says modestly.

"Yeah, but some of the stunts you pulled off were ridiculous," Brock adds.


They play a while longer on level two until Matty puts his controller down and says, "Let's do something
else. I'm tired of just sitting here. I want to do something more physical, if it's okay with you guys."

"I'm down," Brock says. "Like what?" Brock is hoping that Matty means sexual, when he says physical.

"I'm good with quitting, but what'll we do instead?" Skyler asks.

"I saw a park down the street. Does it have lights on the basketball court?" Matty asks. "Maybe you can
give me some ball handling tips." He nudges Brock's shoulder and snickers.

"Fo' sho' homey," Brock replies. "I got this."

"Oh my god," Skyler groans. "Imma gonna spew my juices."

They get shoes on and Brock pulls on a new shirt and they head to the court. It's lit up already because
there are three other guys playing. "Can we join?" Brock asks since he is the oldest looking of the group
and takes charge because of it.

The three boys, who look similar in age to Matty and Skyler look at each other and shrug. "I guess," one
of them says. They end up playing a game of HORSE and Brock wins easily. Then they divide up into two
teams and play some 21. Brock is clearly the best and so to make it fair, he agrees to only shooting from
three point range and he can't rebound. That makes it competitive and soon everyone is having a great
time working up a good sweat until the other three have to head for home.

"Maybe we should go now too," Skyler suggests.

"Can you show me some dribbling skills first?" Matty asks.

"Sure," Brock answers proudly. Skyler decides to pay attention and see if he can learn something also.
He is one of the last ones chosen for pickup games at school.

"First thing, you got to dribble the ball with authority. Dribble hard and with a direction in mind. Keep
your head up. You can't be staring at the ball or you'll run into other players and get the ball stolen. Use
your fingertips to control the ball, not your palm," Brock says. "Try it."

Matty starts to dribble and Brock stops and shows him how to control it better with his fingers and to
bounce it harder so it gets back to his hand faster. Brock sets up a dribbling drill where Matty dribbles it
to Skyler and then Skyler dribbles it to Brock and Brock dribbles it back to Matty.

After a while, the two younger boys get noticeably better and excited about it. They work on shooting
jump shots a bit, before deciding they better head home.

Brock offers up a fist to congratulate Matty and Skyler on their improvement. "You guys did good," he

"You were a great teacher," Skyler says. "Thanks for being patient with us."

"Yeah, that was A1," Matty agrees.

As they walk back to the house, Brock asks, "Do you guys know what the difference between playing
basketball and playing with yourself is?"

Skyler rolls his eyes and asks, "No, what?"

"Well," Brock begins, chuckling a bit, "In basketball, you dribble first and then shoot."

Matty laughs and Skyler slaps his forehead. "You and your sick sex jokes," Skyler says.

"You love 'em, Squid" Brock says, smiling. "Admit it. If it weren't for my jokes, you wouldn't even know
what sex is."

After they put away the ball and break out some milk and Oreos for a snack, Brock says, "After we finish
our cookies, we better get showered. I'm supposed to have you two squids in bed by ten."

"I'm not tired at all, are you, Matty?" Skyler asks.


"Well, Mom said you had to be in bed. She didn't say you had to be asleep," Brock says. "I'm sure we
could find something fun to do in bed for a while." Brock grins slyly.

Skyler gets a bad feeling about where Brock might be headed with that comment but doesn't know
what to say as a comeback. "I'll shower first," Skyler calls.

"I was thinking I could use Mom and Dad's shower and then you two could shower together in ours,"
Brock suggests.

"Together?" Skyler replies. "That's weird."

"I just thought it would get it done faster and we could watch a movie before bed," Brock says.

"I don't know," Matty says.

"It's no different from at school after practice. Some of the guys shower afterwards and we all see each
other changing. It's not gay. We see naked guys in the lockers at the pool. What're you freaked out
about?" Brock asks.

"It's just kind of, you know," Matty says.

"Gay?" Brock asks?

"No. Just weird," Matty says again.

"If we do shower together, we should get Mom and Dad's shower. It's bigger and has two nozzles in it,"
Skyler says.

"Okay," Brock agrees. "You two go use that one. Better still, you've already seen my jewels so why don't
we all just use that one and get it over with all at once? No big woop, right?"

"I guess," Matty says, shyly. "It is like being at the gym, kind of."

"Well if you're both doing it, then I will. Someone's got to chaperone you two nudists," Skyler says.

They laugh nervously at that and sink into silence as they dunk their Oreos. When they have their fill of
cookies, Brock puts things away and says, "Let's go shower."

Matty and Skyler look at each other to make sure the other one is really going. After a long pause, Matty
nods toward Brock and Skyler nods agreement and they all head off to the other side of the house.

Brock strips down quick and walks into the open glass shower area of the master bath. The shower has a
glass partition that stands out from a marble shower area with a shower nozzle on opposite ends.
Brock starts and tests the spray on each nozzle while Matty and Skyler slowly peel off socks and shirts.
When it comes down to the final exposure, both boys turn away and slip out of their shorts and boxers.
When they turn around, they both have their privates covered with one hand.

Brock checks each one of them out. He's seen Skyler naked plenty and they have even jacked each
other's dicks, so Brock concentrates on Matty. Matty has a slender frame and a more olive skin tone.
With Matty's hand over his package, Brock can't tell what he's got down there.

"Stop being such freaks," Brock chastises. "It's just us boys. No biggie, all right." The boys just shrug.

"Look, on the count of three, you both move your hands and shake your bootie like this. Get it over with
together. Got it?" Brock encourages with an insistent tone.

They both nod approval and Brock dramatically calls out, "One!" He throws a finger like a wrestling
referee doing a countdown for a pin. "Two! And three!" Brock sets the example by raising both hands
over his head and shaking his body wildly.

Matty and Skyler both join him so that all three boys are wiggling and whooping and bouncing around in
the middle of the two shower sprays. "Woot, woot!" Brock calls as he starts making a humping motion
causing his dick and balls to slap up against his belly, then back between his spread legs.

Skyler's hairless dick is flopping around, but his small balls are drawn up tight and not flopping at all.
Matty's scrotie hangs down enough for his balls to bounce along with his three and a half incher. Matty
sports some pubes, but not many. He is hairless everywhere else, including his pits.

Brock inches back into one of the shower sprays and the two younger boys share the other one. They
start lathering up with body wash. It smells good. It's kind of minty. Brock washes his hair and uses a
facial scrub on his face for the acne.

Skyler wonders why Brock's facial scrub is already in Mom and Dad's shower and wonders if Brock
planned this whole thing. Skyler starts to worry. He doesn't really want to go through with what he told

Brock he would do with him, especially in front of Matty. He starts worrying that is what Brock is
working up to.

After Brock puts the conditioner on his hair, he uses some excess to lather up his dick. He starts rubbing
it all over his balls and dick until it starts getting hard. "Ever use conditioner for a jackoff lube?" Brock
asks Matty. He knows Skyler never has.

"No," Matty says. "Does it work good?"

"The best! Try it." Brock tosses the bottle of conditioner over to Matty, who catches it. Instead of using
it, he puts it on the shelf.

"Seriously, try it," Brock suggests.

"Not right now," Matty declines.

Skyler turns away and whispers, "Thank God."

Brock continues stroking his penis until he has a full hard-on. Matty stares at it and then turns away to
finish washing. From his angle, Skyler can see Matty's dick getting bigger and sticking up some. Matty
catches Skyler looking and turns away a little more, so neither Skyler nor Brock can see it. Skyler's done,
so he gets out and grabs a towel to dry off with. Seeing Matty starting to bone up is exciting to him and
thinking about it makes him get a boner as he rubs the soft towel over his two inch nub.

When it's just Brock and Matty in the shower, Brock turns his shower off and walks over to the other
side where Matty is. Skyler watches through the glass partition. "Hey Brock, can you check out that big
sore zit on my ass and see if it's ready to pop?"

Matty turns around and sees Brock's boner that is still sticking straight up from rubbing it with the
conditioner. Skyler and Brock see Matty's three inch boner sticking more straight out from his body.

"Sure, if you want me to," Matty answers. "Let's dry off first and go out on the couch."

Matty shuts his shower off and they step around the glass partition and grab towels. While they dry off,
none of their boners shrink even a little bit. Matty still tries to keep turned away or covered with his
towel as much as he can. Skyler and Brock don't even bother hiding theirs. They both have played with
each other's before and they both are kind of excited about glimpsing Matty's.

Matty wraps his towel around his waist and Skyler copies him. Brock hangs his towel up and walks out
to the couch in the TV room buck naked and still boned up hard. Brock lays on the couch and raises his
legs up, holding them up with his hands tucked behind his knees as if he's ready to get fucked.

Matty comes over to the couch and stares nervously at Brock. Skyler stands beside Matty and stares at
him too. Skyler knows how horny Brock can be and how insistent he can be about doing sex stuff when
he's in the mood. Lots of times, Skyler has had to quit whatever he was doing to let Brock pull Skyler's
pants down and play with his wiener or to rub Brock's dick for him until he cums. Once Brock squirts,
he's usually done and let's Skyler go back to what he was doing. Skyler gets really nervous again that
Brock is going to make him do what he'd agreed to, and that he's going to have to do it in front of

Matty kneels on the couch and crouches down so he can get a good look at the mini volcano of a zit just
inside Brock's ass crack and down toward the balls. Matty reaches out and touches the tender bump.

"Yeah," Matty says, "It's ready to pop."

"Do it then," Brock encourages. "It's sore."

Matty turns to Skyler and says, "Go get the Kleenex box, please."

Skyler rushes off to retrieve it and rushes back, hoping not to miss anything. When he gets back, Skyler
is glad to see they waited for him. Matty climbs up on the couch on both knees and that causes his towel
to pull loose. It drops to a bundle at his knees. Matty tries to pull it back into place but gives up and just
tosses it onto the floor. Now he's as naked as Brock and just as boned up, too.

"Skyler, I need some help," Matty says after trying to keep Brock's crack pried open wide enough to get
a good squeeze point on the offending zit and do the actual squeezing at the same time.


"Come up here beside us and reach in with one hand through Brock's legs and hold this cheek open.
Then, with your other hand, reach around here and hold the other cheek open so I can get a good spot
to squeeze from," Matty instructs.

Skyler steps over and before doing it, decides to drop his towel also to be like the others. Then he
reaches in and around and spreads his brother's ass cheeks like a surgeon's assistant. The touch of the
skin in such a private spot and especially being so close to Matty's boner, which he has a perfect view of,
makes Skyler get super horny. His little two incher is twitching. Matty leans in, slips a thumb and pointer
finger at the base of the large zit inside the crack and places his thumb and pointer of the other hand on
the opposite side and squeezes hard.

"NNNnnnngggg!" Brock grunts between his clenched teeth until the pressure forces the white cap to
explode and spew the pus out onto Matty's hand and arm. Brock relaxes when Matty stops squeezing,
but he tenses back up when Matty rotates his fingers and squeezes again to get the residue out. Matty
wipes his arm and Brock's ass with the Kleenex and gives a couple more little squeezes to make sure it's
as drained as it will get for the time being.

"Thanks," Brock says as Matty sits back on his folded legs.

"You're welcome," Matty says as he wads up the last Kleenex.

"Want me to return the favor and help you squirt some juice?" Brock asks.

Matty hesitates. Skyler quickly interjects as he releases the spread on Brocks ass cheeks. "It's okay if
you don't want to, Matty. Brock and me, we do it together a lot. So we can just rub each other's and
you can watch if you want to. Or, you don't have to watch. If you don't want to, I mean."

Brock turns his head sharply towards Skyler. "That's not what we agreed to, Squid. You promised me
something else. Something more than rubbing."

"I don't want to Brock," Skyler says. "I changed my mind."

"You promised, Squid. You can't go back on it.

"What did you promise to do?" Matty asks.

"Something scary," Skyler says.

"What is it?" Matty asks Brock.

"It's not that scary. It's cool. You'll like it, Squid. You just have to try it. I told you I'd be careful about it,"
Brock says reassuringly. "Please, Squid. Please let me. You said."

"What is IT?" Matty asks, frustrated.

"He wants to stick it in me," Skyler blurts out. "Up my bum hole." Skyler covers his crack with both
hands and steps back a bit. "I don't want to. I never wanted to. You pushed me into saying I'd let you."

Skyler is on the verge of tears as he adds, "I'll tell Mom and Dad if you make me do it."

"No you won't tell!" Brock says. "I have stuff I can tell about too, remember."

Skyler knows he does have stuff to tell. Stuff he doesn't want his mom and dad to ever know.
"BROOOOOCK!" Skyler whines.

"What if I let you stick it in me, instead of in Skyler?" Matty offers. "I'll let you."

"You will? Really?" Brock asks.

"Sure, but you have to promise to never make Skyler do it unless he asks you to, and Skyler has to do
something else for me later on," Matty says.

"I promise," Brock says immediately. "I'd rather do your cute ass anyway."

"What do I have to do?" Skyler asks Matty.

Matty signals for him to follow him away from Brock and whispers into Skyler's ear. Skyler listens
intently and then looks at Matty and nods his head that he agrees. Matty smiles and turns to Brock.

"Where do you want to do it?"

"Umm, how about on my bed?" Brock suggests. "I have the stuff we need in there."

"Okay. Show me," Matty says.

"Can I watch?" Skyler asks.

"Okay with me," Matty says. Brock agrees too.

They all make their way to Brock's bedroom and Brock pulls down the covers. Matty lays down on the
sheets and asks, "Do you want me on my back like this or on my stomach?"

"On your stomach, I think. That's how they did it on this video I saw at my friend's house."

Matty rolls over and turns his head to look at Skyler. Skyler whispers, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Matty whispers back.

Brock climbs up on the bed, quivering with anticipation, and pushes Matty's legs apart. Then he kneels
between them and spreads Matty's cheeks, peering at the little brown pucker winking at him. Brock
shivers with excitement. Brock pops open a small plastic bottle and squirts some slippery liquid on his
finger and in Matty's crack. Then Brock slips one finger into Matty's bum hole. Skyler is staring and
rubbing his penis. Matty is watching Skyler rub it.

"Here comes two," Brock says. He greases up a second finger and slowly pushes them both into Matty's
hole. Matty flinches when he does that.

"That kind of feels like when I put a carrot up there," Matty says.

"You put carrots up your bum?" Skyler asks.

"Sometimes, when I jack off at home I do. If I know I'm alone for sure."

"Sweet!" Brock says. "So can I put it in now?"

"Yeah," Matty says. "Do it."

Brock grins like crazy and drops down over Matty. He presses his super stiff boner against Matty's hole
and tries to get it to go in. But, it just won't go. After several tries, Matty reaches back and pushes
Brock's penis downward, directing the tip to his hole. He keeps it in place while Brock pushes. The tip
disappears and then more and more of Brock's four and half inches slips into Matty's backside. "Oh,
wow!" Brock exclaims when he is buried all the way in. "That's so freaking awesome!"

"You okay?" Skyler asks Matty. Skyler is rubbing his little dick faster and faster.

"Mmm-hmm." Matty mumbles. "You can slide it in and out now."

Brock is lying with his chest pressed against Matty's back and his arms on Matty's sides, sort of like he is
getting ready to do pushups. Brock pulls his hips upwards and draws his boner outward until he pops
out. "Crap!" Brock cries out.

Matty reaches back and helps guide Brock back into him. Brock pulls it outward again but not as far and
then slides back in. "Oh," Brock mutters. "Butt-fucking is lit." He pulls out and humps back in a few
more times before Matty says, "Go faster."

"Really? Can I?"

"Yeah, I want you to," Matty says.

"Sweet!" Brock starts to pick up speed until he is humping Matty hard. Every now and then, he gets
carried away and pops back out. He cusses every time it happens.

Brock is humping like crazy with his head lifted up and his eyes closed and calls out, "ah, ah, ah," every
time he pushes his young teen dick back inside Matty's tight asshole. Matty's eyes pop out a bit every
time Brock pushes into him and he is moaning a little too. Skyler is staring at the fucking and jacking his
own small dick with one hand while rubbing his other hand over his brother's bouncing bare ass.
Skyler gets the good feeling all of a sudden and jerks at the waist as his small penis quivers in his hand.
Tingles spread all over, the way it happens when Brock rubs it. Matty smiles as he watches it happen to
Skyler and then he cries out and goes stiff all over, curling his toes. "Oh, oh, oh, I'm cumming! I'm

Brock then humps faster and faster until his orgasm explodes like fireworks on the Fourth of July, just a
few quick humps after Matty relaxes again after his orgasmic buzz wears off. Brock yells out "Holy shit!
Oh shit! Oh wow!" as he pushes as hard as he can into Matty's ass, pumping it full of hot jizz.

Then Brock collapses on top of Matty, sweating and breathing so hard, as if he'd just run wind sprints at
basketball practice. Matty is panting also and reaches out to take Skyler's arm and pulls him up close to
the couch. When Skyler moves in closer, Matty starts rubbing his hands over Skyler's wiener and ball
sac. Skyler's wiener is soft now and his balls are still pulled up tight against his body. It reminds Matty of
half a walnut shell. Matty rubs Skyler's stomach and bum and Skyler likes the feel of the hands on his
naked body. He likes Matty a lot.

Brock pushes off and stands up. His penis is shrunk down to halfway hard and is glistening. "Freak! That
was great! Thanks, Matty."

"You're welcome," Matty says. "That was better than using a carrot."

"Except," Skyler grins, "instead of your eyes getting better, it makes you go blind."

Everyone laughs. "That's a bunch of bullshit," Brock says.

"I know," Skyler says. "I was just being funny."

"You are funny," Matty tells him.

"Funny looking," Brock chimes in. "We better go take another shower," Brock suggests.

"I need to," Matty says. "I'm all sweaty."

"And you're leaking," Skyler says, pointing at the drizzling cum pooling on the couch beneath Matty's
ball sac.

"You are," Brock agrees. "I didn't know that would happen. Quick! Hold it in and go to the shower."

Matty squeezes his ass tight and trots to the master bathroom. Skyler giggles and Brock starts wiping up
the evidence off the couch. He sees the big spot that Matty left where he'd shot his cum while Brock
was riding him. He cleans that up too, as good as he can and hopes it dries without leaving a spot. Then
Brock gathers all the used Kleenex from his zit popping and from the cum shots and then joins the boys
in the shower.

Matty and Skyler are under one shower head and soaping each other up and giggling. Brock says, "Hey,
let me in on it," and joins them. They are all rubbing each other all over and laughing until Skyler slips
and fall on his butt. Then they all laugh harder as Matty gives Skyler a push and he slides all the way
across the smooth marble floor of the shower. They all get on the floor and soap up their bodies and are
slipping and sliding and swirling around like crazy.

Brock hears his phone ring on the bathroom counter. He gets up and goes to it. "Hey, you guys," he calls
out. "Quiet! It's Mom." The other two stop moving while Brock answers the call.

"Hi, Mom," Brock says.

"Yeah, the squids are in bed already just like you said," he lies. Skyler and Matty grin at each other.

"I'm in the shower now, can't you hear it running. I got out to answer your call."

"Sure. It's been fine. No problems," Brock says. "I told you, I always got things under control."

Brock pauses and listens to Mom.

"Matty? Matty's been great. You were right, having him here was awesome. As far as I'm concerned he
can come as much as he wants. I like it when he comes. I wish he'd come every day!"

Skyler and Matty were holding their hands over their mouths and trying so hard not to bust out
laughing. "Okay," Brock says. "See you in about an hour or so. Enjoy your dinner. Bye."

He hangs up and they all bust out laughing so hard. They turn off the showers and dry off again. They
brush their teeth and Matty and Skyler get their PJ's on. The two of them get in Skyler's bed and Brock
turns off the light. "Thanks again for letting me try humping with you, Matty," Brock says.

"You're welcome. I liked it. Remember your promise to Skyler."

"I will. I promise. Good night, Squid," Brock says.

"Good night, Brock," Skyler says. "Thanks for letting me out of it."

Brock closes the door and goes out to watch Sports Center on ESPN. He gets himself a glass of chocolate
milk and some more Oreos. He sits on the couch he'd just had his first actual sex on and keeps thinking
back on how awesome it was. He starts thinking about how he could talk his best friend into trying it -
the one who showed him the gay sex tape that got him thinking about doing it in the first place.

Skyler rolls over to look at Matty. "Thanks, Matty," Skyler says sincerely.

"You're welcome, Skyler."

"You want your reward now?" Skyler asks.

"Yes," Matty replies. They scoot closer and close their eyes. Matty presses his lips to Skyler's for a long
and tender, first kiss.

The End.