Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2003 14:16:47 +0000 From: tommy nofeet Subject: Brothers and Lovers - Part 4 DISCLAIMER: the following FICTIONAL story may contain vivid descriptions of sex between young boys. If this is offensive to you, or viewing of such material is illegal where you're at, you know where the 'back' button is. Otherwise, enjoy it. It's a love story, and I hope you have the patience to read it all the way through. Chapter 10 - Return to Me My birthday was a watershed. Mike was coming back to me. Of course, there was no instant cure, no overnight healing. Mike would still cry on my shoulder every night, but at least he was crying. I was a part of his life once more. I really knew he was back for good when his horniness came back to him. We'd both been too caught up in the pain of his mother's death to even thing about fooling around for the previous few months. But now all that pent up tension welled up to the surface, and we became virutally unstoppable. It was a good thing my dad had installed the lock on my door, because Mike and I were more often naked and hard in my room than clothed. Our passions renewed, we would spend hours kissing, lying naked on my bed and humping slowly against each other. More often than not, we would both climax just from the friction, but once in a while we would also exchange oral sex or get into the classic sixty-nine position and really go for it. We were crazed, and eventually had to agree to stop each other when our foreskins became red and sore from all the abuse. Two days abstinence was all we could muster before we decided that we'd both healed sufficiently to go about causing ourselves further injury. It wasn't all sex, though - sometimes we had to go to school, too. It was great being in the last year of primary school beefore we moved on to secondary school. We were the big kids now, and I found out quite how popular Mike was. I would sit there and smile as friend after friend came up to attempt to involve Mike in their games. What was even better was that he would never accept without checking with me first. I don't think anyone ever suspected how we felt about each other - at that age, you make jokes about 'gays' but few boys really know what they're talking about. And somehow, I never got jealous of all the attention, maybe because I realised that almost as soon as we were through the door into my house we would be in each other's arms. It was quite a small school, really, which was great because it meant that everyone of the same age had to be in the same class. I wasn't apart from Mike all day, and we were together all night. I think you can see what's coming next, though - it's obvious for anyone who's been in a very close relationship. Both Mike and I could feel the tension building between us, until one day it all came to the surface and we ended up standing in the middle of the playground shouting at each other at the top of our lungs. Neither Mike nor I have any recollection of what the problem was (it was so obviously your fault though : ) - Mike), and the next thing we knew we were in front of the headmaster, who was looking at us rather strangely over the tops of steepled fingers. 'So. Thomas. Michael.' That was all he said. He just sat there watching us, waiting. I know the tactic now - if you make people feel uncomfortable enough, they talk. And talk we did. We ended up in such a huge argument with each other that the headmaster had to shout to be heard. He separated us, seating MIke in the corner of his room, and me in his secreatry's office. And then he did the unthinkable - he called my dad. Fifteen minutes were spent nervously staring about the office, trying not to make eye contact with Miss Abrahms, the headmaster's secretary. When my dad arrived, he looked sternly at me once, before being ushered into another room to talk with the headmaster. They were gone about ten minutes, during which time I tried as hard as I could to hear something, but to no avail. All I could hear was a mumbling, low talk. My dad emerged looking only slightly less angry than he had before, although this time when he looked at me I noticed a little worry in his eyes too. He gathered Mike from the headmaster's office, and led him out to me. We were forced to shake hands, and apologise to each other, though I don't think either of us was really sorry at that point in time. My dad left, and Mike and I were told rather sharply to get back to the lessons that had started while we were being reprimanded. The rest of the school day was hell. I kept feeling Mike's eyes watching me, but whenever I looked at him, he was staring out of the window. I nearly got caught a couple of times watching him, wishing I could say I was sorry, but knowing that I couldn't. I couldn't back down, no way. I couldn't give him the satisfaction of winning. And I hated the fact that all I wanted to do was crawl into his arms and kiss his soft lips. The school bus home was even worse. Mike was at the back of the bus surrounded by all his friends, laughing with them, and I was alone at the front, staring out of the window as the trees and grass flashed by. I kept running through the fight in my head. Again and again I was shouting at Mike, telling him how much I hated him. I could feel my face redden, and tried as hard as I could to hold back from crying. It just about worked, though I had to pretend that I had something in my eye to wipe away a little moisture now and again. Not that anyone noticed - I realised that without Mike I was a bit of a nobody at the school, which just deepened my depression.I could hear his laughter from the back of the bus, and had no idea until much later quite how forced it was. At the time, it was killing me, and eventually I got off the bus a stop early and decided to walk the twenty minutes between the neighbouring village and my own. I arrived at my house to find my dad seemingly casually tinkering with the lawnmower, which I didn't realise at the time was his way of worrying without seeming to do so. He tried to look casual when I walked up to him. 'Decided to walk back, then?' he asked. 'Yeah.' I didn't feel like saying anything more than that. 'Mike told me. He said you just got off the bus and walked away. You're still not talking, then?' 'No.' 'Right, then you'll be glad to hear I've moved him out of your room into the guest room.' I wasn't expecting that. I couldn't believe my dad would actually separate us just for fighting once. I think he could see the shock on my face, though. 'Hang on a second, don't get angry,' he said. 'It's just for the time being. You've spent all your time together as long as you've been friends. That's why you fought. Just take a little time off, ok?' So we had time off. It was hell. A week later, we still weren't talking properly. The animosity wasn't open any more, but I could sense that he hated me almost as much as I still loved him. My dad decided that enough was enough after a fortnight of failure to make up, and sat us down one day to tell us that he was going to get the loft converted into a room so that Mike could permanently have his own place to live. I couldn't believe things had deteriorated to that level, but there was nothing I could do. I was still unwilling to back down, and Mike acted as if he didn't care what happened to our relationship. And so the room went in. It was little over a month before half the loft had been converted into a spacious living space for Mike, with its own shower and toilet. I was furiously jealous, and decided to add the names of my parents to the list of people I lived with but refused to talk to. I was alone and isolated in the house. My dad did with Mike all the things we used to do together. He let him ride on the mower as it ran around the garden, he took him out fishing, and they even went out cycling together into the forest. I just shut myself off in my room, and spent a lot of time crying quietly. It was about that time that I started to seriously begin to write about my emotions, and looking back on that work I really cannot believe an eleven year old could have such dark feelings. I cried when I read those words recently, as research for this story. Mike cried too. My moods became darker, my separation greater. I just about had a relationship with my mum, who tried to get me out of my room. But nothing worked until one Sunday in March. I was sat on my bed drawing, another one of my passtimes, when a knock came at the door. I just grunted, and when no-one came in for a while, I thought that whoever it was had obviously not needed to see me that much. But after about thrity seconds, just when I was getting back into my picture, the door opened, and there stood Mike. His head was down, and I could see he was covered in splatters of paint. I knew he and my dad were going to be redecorating his new room today, and wondered what they could poissibly want with me. 'We could really do some help, Tom.' He had me. I was furious, because he knew that if anyone asked for help, I'd been brought up to never refuse. He knew that I couldn't say no, as much as I was loathe to assent. As slowly as I could manage, I lifted myself from the bed and walked toward the door. Mike would walk a little distance away from me, and then look back nervously, almost begging me to follow, the way a dog does when it has something really exciting to show you. I think I managed to make the trip from my room to his, all of ten metres and a flight of stairs away, last over five minutes. When I finally rounded the corner into his room, my jaw nearly went through the floorboards. It was a typical boy's room, painted navy blue on three walls, and pine furniture everywhere. But it was the fourth wall that had grabbed my attention. I couldn't think of the right word to describe it, other than amazing. The whole wall was painted with a huge version of a photograph that I knew very well. It was the photo of Mike and me holding hands and smiling on our holiday in Crete. It was my favourite picture of us, and the one which adorned my bedside table in a simple wooden frame which only served to heighten the impact of the image. Only Mike and I knew how important that picture was. I stood gaping, hardly hearing his explanation of how it was done, something to do with projectors and slides, then colouring in. Then I realised that Mike had gone silent, and that it was because he was waiting for me to answer a question. 'Sorry?' I said. 'I asked if you liked it.' 'I love it,' I said. 'I really love it.' I still couldn't look at MIke, but had no choice as he came round to stand in front of me, raising his head to stare me directly in the eyes. 'Tom, I'm really sorry,' he said. I could see concern etched on his face, as if I could possibly do anything other than accept his apology. I accepted, and gave my own, profusely and repeatedly. In the end, Mike had to shut me up by kissing me until I stopped mumbling, and melted into his arms. Together, we slumped onto his bed. It was a good thing Mike had shut the door behind us when we came in, otherwise my parents might have heard things they weren't comfortable hearing... That's it for part 4. I know it's a bit shorter than the others, but I finished this bit and decided not to add another chapter afterwards, because this works better on its own. Let me know what you think at - I really appreciate comments, positive AND negative, and I try to respond to all your mail.