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Building Academy Part 2

                                                by Sam The Ham




Miles' bladder woke him up. Opening his eyes, he was already rolling out of bed. There was a second or two of disorientation as had forgotten he was not in his room. Luckily, that did not last long. He managed to make it to the bathroom without an accident. The fact that those incidents still occasionally happened was embarrassing. He was supposed to have grown out of them, or that is what the doctor kept saying.

Emerging from the bathroom, he was a bit surprised to see Sanjay sitting at the table. Now fully awake, Miles smiled. "I hope I didn't wake you."

Sanjay shook his head. "I was awake. I didn't sleep well. Unfamiliar surroundings, I guess."

Remembering what Levi had said the night before, he stopped and leaned against one of the chairs. "Yeah, when I woke up, I was a little confused. Hey, this isn't my room!"

Sanjay smiled a little. "Well, they are our rooms now. I guess we will just need to get used to them. I hope that doesn't take too long. I kind of like sleeping."

"Same," Miles said, pulling the chair out to sit down. "Sanjay, that's an Indian name, right?"

"Sanskrit actually but close enough. My parents are from India. Both sides of the family have some English in their background. Are you named after a measure of distance?"

Miles was not sure if he had struck a chord there or not. He did smile at the comparison, though. "You know your the first-ever to point that out? Lately, people tease me about being named after a video game character. That is the Sonic movie and all. Sometimes I say my dad was a big fan of the series growing up. More interesting than saying, I was named after my grandfather."

Sanjay nodded as they both fell silent. Maybe it was just Miles, but he was unsure what to do. He wanted to brush his teeth but was not sure how. He knew how to brush his teeth just was not sure how the others would feel about certain things. Should he keep his toothbrush in the bathroom or keep it in his room? Should he spit in the sink or the toilet?

Now that is a novelty of being away, all the everyday things seemed a little more complicated. Like yesterday, Miles had kept his shoes on until he had gone to bed. At home, he would take them off in the entryway. Unfortunately, the school was not too much help there. Aside from keeping their space clean, there were not too many rules. The school did suggest they make up their own rules.

"What material is that?"

Miles blink for a second before he realized what Sanjay was referring too. "Oh, my pajamas?" He held up his right sleeve, letting the blue flapper catch the light. "It's satin. I love the way it feels. You want to feel?" He said, stretching his arm out, waiting for Sanjay to rub his sleeve.

"It is very slippery?" Sanjay asked, rubbing the material with his fingers for a second. "Is it expensive?"

Miles shrugged. "I don't know. I've always had them." He said, pulling his arm back. "We should make up those room rules today. Like you know, where we keep our toothbrushes and stuff like that."

"Or if we should leave our shoes on or off," Sanjay added. "I think they should be left out the door. That way, we don't bring in everything from outside."

"Agreed, but we'll have to get the others to agree too." Miles said, looking around. "Let's come up with some other things to discuss."

The two started to discuss a few other things. Sanjay figured they should probably start writing them down. When he went to his room to retrieve a piece of paper, he returned with Tyson, who was wearing a pair of boxers and an oversized shirt. The boy was half awake until he came back out of the bathroom.

When Billy and Andrew followed shortly after, both were already dressed. Then it went from a planning meeting to an actual meeting. The first few things that they tackled were the easiest. From now on, their shoes would be left at the door. If there was mud on them, they needed to be put in the bathroom. Whatever you slept in could be worn outside of your sleeping area. Toothbrushes would be kept in the sleeping cubby. Those were the easy ones.

"I'm just telling you that it's something that happens. Not everybody gets up at the same time or goes to sleep at the same time." Andrew said, leaning forward. "I've been to enough sleepaway camps to know that could be a problem. I saw you after 8:30. If you want to play a game or watch something you need to have your headsets on."

"Yeah, but 8:30 is early," Tyson said. "Say 9:30, and I'll agree with you."

"I didn't even bring headsets. They irritate me. Can't we say keep the volume down?" Billy said. "Besides, that should work the other way around too. What time wouldn't you need to have headsets? I tend to get up early."

Miles watched the three of them go on for a bit longer. This was one of the rules he did not care about since he slept like a log. Still, it seemed none of them were going to get any ground. He decided to speak up. "May I make a suggestion?"

Everyone looked over at him, and he shifted, feeling a little uncomfortable on the spot. "Why don't we try something. How about we all go to our rooms. I'll turn some music on and gradually increase the volume until one of you starts to hear it. Then you can come to my room and see how loud it is. It might be a non-issue."

"I like that idea," Billy said. "Let's do it."

Mile's room was well placed for the experiment. He was in the middle of the hallway with rooms on either side of him. It took him a moment to boot up his computer and put on Spotify. He kept the volume low and counted to ten upping it. It went from being quiet to about the normal level he would play it at. Sanjay finally said he could hear it. Miles opened the door, waited for everyone else to come by, and hear how loud it was.

"Yeah, that is loud," Billy said with a little smile. "You listen to stuff that loud, usually?"

Andrew did not look happy. "Fine, if someone says to turn it down, you have too."

With that, another role was created. It went downhill from there. Tyson finally suggested they get their dorm advisor to help them out. Everyone also agreed it was time for breakfast.

Forty-five minutes later, they were waiting in their dorm when there came a knock at the door. Tyson hoped up to let Levi in. Miles notices the older boy was carrying a folded piece of paper. He was still trying to figure out what he thought of his advisor. He wished Levi had gone into a little more detail about the `messing around'. However, for some reason, it just felt a bit uneasy around him. Miles often felt that way around people, at least when they were older.

"Tyson told me you ran into some problems. Need some advice with your rules?" Levi said, going over to the couch and sitting down. "At least you're doing them."

"We just have some things we can't agree on," Andrew said. "Like cleaning. Do you have any advice?"

Levi was silent for a few seconds. "Well, do you guys agree on anything? I mean, like what needs to be cleaned?"

"We need to keep our cubbies clean by ourselves. That's about it. I think we should each be responsible for cleaning one thing or area. Like one of us cleans the window all year. Then somebody else could-"

"Yeah, but that wouldn't be fair," Tyson interjected. "Vacuum cleaning is a lot harder than cleaning a window. I know my mom makes me do it."

"I'm just trying to give an example." Andrew snapped back.

"Yes, I see the problem," Levi said, standing back up. "I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you what we do in my dorm. Like you, we agreed we should have things broken up. We have one person doing the vacuuming, and one person, the bathroom. Then somebody does the window, tabletop, and empty the wastebasket. Every week we change. Cleaning the bathroom has the most work, so whoever does that gets the next two weeks off. Of course, if somebody has a snack in the room, they're responsible for cleaning it up. It's not perfect because if one of us gets sick, it can mess up the schedule. However, we do cover for each other."

"That sounds reasonable," Billy said. "I can clean the bathroom first if we do it like that."

"I suppose," Andrew said, frowning as he thought it over.

They put it to a vote. Miles waited to see how it was going and raised his hand to make it unanimous.

"One of the other problems we're having is the shower schedule," Andrew said once they had that rule written down. "I think we should have assigned times. That way, we know we have to get up in the morning."

"I have four siblings. We've tried shower schedules. They don't work out." Billy said. "If you're running a few minutes late, then you make everyone else late."

"We have to be in at a particular time, and if you're not, you forfeit your remaining time." Andrew said, crossing his arms on his chest.

Miles was becoming a little annoyed; everyone was just repeating their same arguments. "The last issue is about the projector and when we can use it."

That was a three-way argument and one he thought was kind of stupid.

"You boys are thinking this through," Levi said, waiting a few seconds before continuing. "Maybe overthinking it a bit. All right guys, being honest, how many of you shower every day?  I shower every other day.

Miles did not raise his hand, and as he looked around the table, only Andrew raised his head.

Levi smiled and sat back down. "None of you wanted to be the odd guy out. It's not healthy to shower every day; it takes away a lot of natural oils. My dorm room doesn't have a rule about it. If you need a shower, you take it. If you don't, you don't. I'll also add that even though the pool isn't open until after school hours, the locker room is, and they are showers there."

He shrugged. "It is the same with the projector. If one or more of us want to watch something, do it. If somebody is working at the table on a project, they either move or just wait. You guys just got to learn to be considerate towards everyone. After a while, you might be surprised at how relaxed you can get around everyone else. There have been times I was taking a shower, and someone came in to pee. Of course, you do not do the other thing. That would be rude."

Billy chuckled a little at that, but Miles felt embarrassed. Then he was really embarrassed when Tyson spoke up. "Do you guys ever share a shower? You know, like those arrangements you were telling us about."

Levi did not answer right away, then the older boy finally answered. "There's a no sex rule in the bathroom."

There were a few seconds of awkward silence before he stood up again and unfolded the paper, he had been holding the entire time. "If that's all the rules you are having trouble with, this is your first project. You have three weeks to come up with an idea. I'm not supposed to give you too much advice. It's the egg drop."

Levi put the paper on the table, and Andrew immediately reached for it. "I did something like this in the first grade with straws."

"I did it last year." Billy said, moving a little to look at the paper himself.

"Yeah, a lot of kids do stuff like this. It's a little different, though. Your teacher will drop that from the first floor up to the top of the roof. You can tell him which way to drop it up or down on the box. Once he's on the roof, he throws it off two more times, not respecting the up and down. If any eggs are still surviving by then, he cracks them open to see which yokes are intact. You'll get your eggs that day, so no boiling them."

"Could we freeze it like solid?" Tyson asked.

Levi blinked. "Actually, no, that's another one of the things you can't do." He smiled. "One of the dorms tried that in my year. They still only came in second. "Anyways, if you guys have any other questions, feel free to ask. Oh, by the way, everyone else is coming back between 12 and 2. There's going to be a lot of noise around then."

Miles nodded, but like everyone else, he was already working on the problem. How to keep an egg safe from a 5-story drop?


"Look out!"

Miles ran to the right, but the ball hit him on the hip and bounced off him. He grimaced and ran to the other side of the basketball court with his captured teammates. A red-haired kid who looked a little older than him remarked, "That looked like it hurt."

"A little," Miles said, turning and looking over the court. The game was friendly, something to welcome the new students. It was a mixture of several different grades now with skins against shirts. He was on the shirts side, which was turning out to be a little distracting. "I didn't even see who got me."

"I think it was Dan." The redhead said, pointing. "He can be pretty competitive. Nice guy, though."

Miles looked at the kid who was a year older. "You're in the same class?"

"We're in the chess club together." The boy suddenly ran to the right but just missed the ball. He came back with a little grin. "Thought I had that one." He rolled the ball back, trying to get to the other side, but did not make it. "I'm Alex, by the way."

"Miles." he replied.

"First-year, right?" Alex asked.

"Yeah," Miles said with a little smile. "It's why I'm so short."

The other boy snorted. "Smartass. Did you guys get the egg drop assignment?"

"This morning. We discussed it for a bit but couldn't agree on much."

That meeting had not gone too well. Since they still had a lot of time, they had decided to leave it for now and discuss it later.

"Well, don't try using multiple parachutes. That's what my dorm tried last year—three parachutes like the Apollo capsule. There was a gust of wind, and it tangled. Our little capsule slammed against the building."

"Yeah, what was the winning design like?" He wondered if this was cheating, but there was not a rule about asking for help.

Alex shook his head. "Well, I still think it was cheating, but they built a little glider for it. They cut a kite in half. It was big. They had trouble getting it through the windows."

Miles filed that information away. He wondered if the rules had changed, though. Dropped their egg could not be more than six inches away from any part of their set up. "I'll keep that in mind."

He looked back over at the court. Things were not going well for his side. Billy was on his team and still out there, but he had fallen back. Tyson was on the other team. He was shirtless and really into the game. Even as Miles watched, Tyson threw a ball that jumped over a ball thrown at him. Miles had to admit he looked cute.

Unfortunately, Tyson's ball hit one of the three people remaining on Miles' team. "Looks like we're going to be starting a new game soon."

Alex made a non-committal sound. "Maybe, but spread out."

Miles took a few steps in the other direction noticing a few other of the captives doing likewise. Billy and the other kid fell back. There were only two captives on their side of the court. Most of the balls thrown over there ended up getting collected by Billy or the other kid. Miles realized the strategy. When they had most of them, the older boy started throwing them underhand. He went high, not aiming to hit anyone, but aiming for the captives to catch them and free themselves. Their counterattack was devastating. Miles got revenge by hitting Dan.

Miles lost track of time. When the teacher announced it was dinner time, he was surprised. His shirt was clinging to his body, soaked with sweat. Pinching the fabric, Miles pulled it away from his chest as he walked over to Billy. "Well, that was fun."

The taller boy's face was flushed, and his hair matted to his head. "Yeah, but we lost more than we won," Billy said. Peeling his shirt off, he whipped around one of his hands and used it as a towel. "Tyson is hard to hit."

Miles lingered on the other boy's chest. It took a conscious effort to peel his eyes upwards to look at the blond boy's face. "Yeah, small too."

"Did I hear my name?" Tyson said, walking over towards the two of them. Unlike the two of them, Tyson had a dry shirt in his hands.

"I was just saying you're hard to hit `cuz you're so small." Billy said with a grin.

"That's your excuse for missing?" Tyson walked over and joined them. The small boy started using his shirt as a fan.

Again, Miles had to make a conscious effort not to ogle at the other boy. He could not help but notice the boy was fit. "You are fast; do you play any sports?" Miles asked curiously.

"I'm on a little league team, but I play whatever. What about you two?"

"Same, I was the first baseman on my team," Miles said.

The small boy smiled and finally put his shirt back on. "I was usually Short Stop."

"I played baseball too, but I'm more into wrestling," Billy said.

"Are you going out for the team?" Tyson asked.

"Probably, it's a lot of fun," Billy said. "Not that the school is known for sports."

"Yeah, but wrestling is not a team sport, is it?" Miles asked.

Billy made a so-so gesture with his hand. "Yes and no. You must practice against someone. Anyways, I want to hit the shower before I go out to eat."

"Me too," Tyson said. "Maybe we should share?" The boy said with a laugh.

"How about, the first one who gets there goes first?" Billy countered.

Miles thought about reminding them of what Levi had told them. The showers in the gym were open, but maybe it was too soon to suggest that. He had noticed a couple of the older kids dropped in and out of the game. "You two can fight over who goes first. I have to use the bathroom." He said, gesturing towards the locker room.

His two roommates nodded as they decided to rock-paper-scissors for who would go first. Miles headed towards the locker room and pushed the door open. The locker room had a bathroom right near the entrance. He remembered that from the tour.

The door closed behind him. He was about to knock on the bathroom door when he heard a laugh. Miles paused. The laughter had come from around the corner in the actual locker room area.

"It is the best thing about coming back to school. So even and odds?"

Miles recognized the voice of Alex, the kid that had talked to him during the game. It was that little familiarity that made him stick his head around the corner. What Miles was expecting to see, he was not sure. Looking around the corner, he saw three boys near a row of lockers.

One of the boys spotted him instantly. He was tall with dark hair. "Hey, can we help you?"

The question sounded friendly, but the tone was not. Miles could not answer for a second, his mind taking a second to catch up to events. "Um, no, I was just going to use the bathroom."

"Yeah, well, go do that," The boy said. "It's not around here."

Miles pulled back. Turning, he headed towards the doorway that led into the gymnasium. He only managed a few steps into the room when he heard Alex's voice again.

"Hey, Miles, wait up!"

Feeling his face become warm and not from exertion this time, Miles stopped. Turning slightly, he could see the redhead a few steps away.

"Sorry about Brian, he's not usually such an ass, you just startled him."

"It's okay, my fault."

Alex took a few more steps forward until he was standing in front of Miles. He had to turn his hips so Alex would not see his growing erection.

"Listen, I am not sure what you're thinking but-"

"Our advisor told us about it." Miles interrupted, temporarily forgetting Levi's name.

That brought Alex up short. "Well, that's good." There were a few seconds of silence. Alex caught on to Miles' body language. "Do you want to join us? Four people are easier to figure then three."

"Maybe some other time, I'm... Hungry. I really have to go."

Alex nodded. "Sure, if you ever do change your mind, just ask me. I'll throw you a freebie, no strings attached."

Miles nodded and tried not to look like he was running across the rest of the gymnasium. He paused long enough at the door to reach into his pants and pull his erection upwards to tuck it under the waistband. As soon as he was back into his dorm room, he went straight to his cubby and closed the door behind him.

His sweat was starting to feel cold. He stripped out of his clothing, letting it fall on the floor. Still hard and now naked, Miles sat down on this bed. His hand grasped his cock. He started stroking.

Miles had compared with a few other boys. He knew he was a little longer, but thinner too. The tip of his uncircumcised erection flared out a little like the head was a bit too big. Not that he was thinking about any of that.

As he stroked himself, he played the last few minutes of his mind. Only instead of running away, he had said yes. He imagined being in the locker room with Alex and those other two. He had not had a good look at them. His imagination filled in the gaps, providing them faces and bodies. He could see the four of them undressing and admiring each other.

Fearless in his fantasy, Miles got down on his knees, using his hands and mouth, managing to get all three boys hard. They fought over who could get him hard. In the end, they decided to do it together. Alex put his mouth around Miles' dick, and one of the others went for his balls. The third boy got on his knees behind Miles and spread his cheeks, using his tongue in a way he had only seen in videos.

Preoccupied with his fantasy, Miles was pulled out of it when he felt a tingling. Stroking his shaft faster, he did not try to hold back. Keeping his mouth shut, Miles felt his toes curling as his orgasm surged through his body. He was still dry, so there was no mess, but the feeling was just as addicting. He slumped back, his head coming to rest against the wall.

As he started to come down from his orgasmic high, Miles lay down on his bed. Damn, he was a coward sometimes. Miles wondered what really would have happened if he had gone with Alex. Whatever it would have been, it probably would still be going on now. He briefly wondered how many other boys were doing something like that today or what he just did.

Was it just that easy? He had never done anything with his friends besides comparing and touching. It became easier the more did it. If that was the overall attitude in the school, then why not? Suddenly, Miles remembered he had closed his door, but not locked it. He lunged for the door to secure it

End of part 2.

Comments are welcomed at: samtheham2235 _at_ gmail.com