Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 06:14:15 -0700 (PDT) From: Jon D Subject: Crystal Lake 19 Disclaimer: This is a work of FICTION. Any similarity between my characters and real people, places, or events is merely a coincidence. This story contains descriptions of imagined sexual activity between teenage boys. If you are not 18 years old or if it is illegal where you live to read material of this kind, please stop here. If this story might offend you please go to another site. You are invited to send comments or story ideas to Crystal Lake - 19 Travis watched Josh come into his room and quickly shut the door. He then hurried across the room searching for something. "Shit, your mom just saw me naked." He blushed as he pulled on a pair of underpants. "She did?" Travis laughed. "While you were sleeping I had to pee, and when I came out she was standing right there!" Travis laughed again, "What did she say?" Josh rolled his eyes, "`Well, I can see why Travis likes you, you're cute all over!'" Travis giggled and grinned. "Trav, she saw me naked!" Josh whined in frustration. "Get over it, she's a mom, she's seen a lot of bare butts." Josh calmed down, "yeah, but not mine," he said softly with another blush. * * * * As promised, Josh made it home from Trav's birthday party before noon on Sunday. "Have a good time, honey?" his mom asked as he tossed his things on the kitchen counter. "Yeah, it was great. Travis really liked the present I made for him." His mom smiled, and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. "That's so nice. Sorry I have to run, the restaurant's busy today." Josh nodded. "Oh, your father asked if you could help us out? Drew called in, he couldn't work today." "Why?" "I don't know. I think he said he was sick." "Sure, Mom, I'll change and be right over." * * * * Josh was eager to head to school the next day so he could ask Trav about the little incident with Mrs. Cullen. "Did your mom say anything about seeing me yesterday?" Josh asked with a worried look. "Yeah, she said, `Wow! Josh is really hung!'" Trav laughed. Josh punched his boyfriend in the arm. "Did not!" Trav couldn't stop laughing. "So she saw your dick, what's the big deal?" Josh got a hurt look, "way to be concerned about my feelings, douche bag." "Douche bag?" He continued laughing. Annoyed by Trav's lack of understanding, Josh turned away. In fact he kept his back to Trav and wouldn't speak to him the rest of the way to school. Trav was begging him to forgive him when they climbed off the bus. "Come on, Josh, it was a joke!" he whined. Josh kept up his attitude a while longer, and then sighed. "You have to promise you'll make it up to me!" "I promise. I'll do whatever you want!" Trav pleaded. Josh thought for a moment and then said, "All right, but don't ever make fun of me like that again!" Trav grinned. "Ever?" Josh gave him a `you better watch your step, Mister' kind of look, following it up with a mischievous smile. "Remember, you owe me!" Trav held back a laugh, apparently guessing it wouldn't help Josh's mood. * * * * Cody was looking around the study hall, trying to pick the perfect time to switch seats. He had come in early and apparently Josh and Travis had been too busy talking to notice him way in the back. Some kid's cell phone rang, and the teacher called him to the front and started the usual lecture about no cell phones in class. Cody took the opportunity to scoot across the room and slide into a chair next to Josh. "Sorry, we didn't see you over there," Josh smiled. "It's okay. I suppose to you white guys all us natives look alike!" Josh got a puzzled look until he saw the twinkle in Cody's eyes, showing that he was joking. "Yeah, right!" he laughed, "Kiss my ass!" They both laughed. "So, what happened after you and Drew left the party?" Josh asked with a grin. "Drew drove me home," Cody smiled. "And?" Josh urged as Travis leaned a little closer to listen in. "As we drove off, Drew said he had had a good time. I told him I had fun too." Josh nodded. "He asked me if I had to be home right away, and I told him `no' I had some time." Josh smiled. "So, when we turned onto the reservation road he asked if I knew of a spot where we could, like, park for a little while." Josh giggled. "Anyway," Cody went on, trying to hold back his own laugh, "I showed him the place that my cousin sometimes takes her boyfriend." Travis snickered. "Then?" Josh encouraged. "We kissed, and stuff," Cody grinned, scooting lower in his seat, a bit embarrassed. "So, did you do it?" he giggled. "No!" Cody replied, playfully offended. "What, then?" Josh teased. Cody wiggled in his seat, trying to make up his mind as to whether or not he was going to tell Josh and Travis what had happened. "We made out, like, for a pretty long time, he put his hand between my legs and felt me up, and then, well, we ended up jerking each other off." Josh grinned. "Excellent! Was it fun?" he whispered. Cody nodded and smiled. Josh and Travis exchanged smiles. "Glad you're moving things along," Josh said with a grin. Cody opened his textbook and tried not to look embarrassed. * * * * Josh was looking forward to lunch and hearing Drew's side of the story of the encounter with Cody. When Drew finally sat down however, Josh was stunned with what he saw. "What the fuck happened to your face!" Josh said with a worried look. A fairly large black and blue bruise covered a portion of the right side of Drew's face from near his eye down toward his jaw. His face was swollen and looked a mess. "I fell," Drew said softly, clearly in pain. The moment Drew said it, Josh knew it wasn't true. "That's bullshit. What happened, man?" he said gently but firmly. Drew paused. "My Dad," he finally whispered. "Your Dad did that?" Josh asked in surprise. Drew nodded and picked at his food. "Tell me," Josh said gently. "I came home after the party. I told my Dad the reason I was late was that I gave a ride to a kid that lived on the reservation." Josh could almost see what was coming next. "Dad got really mad. `No goddamn kid of mine is going to set foot over there, I told you to stay the hell away from there, nothing but drunks, queers, and whores.' Then he took a swing at me, I ducked but he managed to land one." Josh stared at his plate, his rising anger causing him to tremble. "Does Cody know?" he asked softly. "No." Drew sniffed, and Josh looked over to see he had tears in his eyes. Then as their eyes met Drew broke down in sobs. "What am I going to do, Josh?" Josh wanted to hug him, but the middle of the school cafeteria wasn't the place. "You need to tell a teacher," Josh finally said, tears starting in his eyes as well. "If I do, Dad will go to jail or something." "Maybe, but it isn't right for an adult to treat kids like that." There was a long silence. They both saw Cody coming through the door. "I can't let him see me like this," Drew sniffed, trying to wipe the tears from his eyes. "Shit, here comes Travis, too," Josh whispered. "Let's get out of here," he said softly, tugging Drew's arm. Drew picked up his tray, and he and Josh walked quickly toward the cafeteria entrance. Josh made a slight detour so he passed in front of Trav and Cody. "I'll explain later," he said hurriedly and took off after Drew. * * * * Travis looked for Josh in the next two classes they had together, but didn't see him. He was becoming worried. Finally Josh showed up for Phy Ed. "Where the fuck have you been?" Travis said, hurrying up to his friend. "Drew's in trouble. I had to help out." "Does it have anything to do with that bruise on his face? Cody freaked when he saw it. I didn't know what the hell to tell him." "Yeah, his Dad practically broke his jaw last night after he found out he had driven to the reservation." "No shit?" Josh nodded. "It took a while, but I finally convinced him to tell a teacher." "What happened?" "They called the Sheriff." "What about Drew?" "I called my folks, and Mom said Drew could stay with us. She told the officer that he worked for us, and that we'd take care of him." "Did they go along with that?" "Yeah, for now. They said they'd have to talk to a judge or something. Someone from children's services is coming over tonight. Drew doesn't have anybody else." "Shit," Travis said softly. Then taking a quick look around he gave Josh a little hug. "Are you okay?" Tears came to Josh's eyes. "I don't know. I feel so bad for Cody. He's going to find out that Drew got hurt because of him. He'll feel really bad about that." Travis pulled him closer, this time not worrying if anyone was watching. "He'll be okay, they both will, I promise." * * * * Josh's room wasn't very big, but Josh and his Dad managed to fit a mattress from one of the cabins into the space on the floor at the end of Josh's bed. His mom found sheets and made it up. It wasn't much, but it would work for a while. The Social Services case worker spent almost two hours with Drew. He told her about his Dad's drinking and how bad things had been. Josh watched as she gave him a hug and left. "Thanks for letting me stay here," Drew whispered as both he and Josh lay in their beds. The room was dark, the house quiet. "No problem," Josh whispered back. "The Sheriff put my Dad in jail." "Yeah, I heard that from my mom. I'm really sorry." "Nothing to be sorry about. When he's drunk he's a mean old son of a bitch!" Josh didn't know what to say to that. "He's still your Dad," he finally said. "Not any more," Drew said very softly. "No matter what happens to him, I can't forgive him for what he said about Cody and his people." It was quiet for a while. "Josh?" "Yeah?" "Can I sleep a little closer to you?" Drew whispered. Josh sat up, "Yeah, pull your mattress over here," he motioned to a spot alongside the bed. Drew moved things around until they were side by side. Josh in his bed, and Drew just inches away on the floor. Josh looked over the edge. "Better?" Drew nodded, "I know it seems silly." Josh held out his hand and they touched for a moment. "Not silly at all." Josh said softly. "You're safe here!" Drew held Josh's hand for a moment. "Thanks again, Josh," he whispered as tears came to his eyes. Josh really didn't have anything else he could think of to say. "Night, Drew," he whispered. "Night, Josh." * * * * Cody didn't hear the entire story of what happened to Drew until the third period the next day. Drew cut his algebra class and Cody skipped out of English. "You know we're going to get detention, right?" Cody said with a sad look. "Yeah, but we can sit next to Josh and Travis," Drew laughed, "I just saw Mr. Stackhouse give them both detention slips for cutting class last week." "They did?" "Yeah, I wonder what they were up to." Cody smiled, "I bet I can guess! I'm sorry I got you in trouble," he said softly, growing more serious. "It wasn't your fault. My dad's an asshole!" "Still, if you hadn't driven me home, everything would be okay." Drew reached for Cody and pulled him closer. He stared into his eyes. "It wasn't your fault! Don't even think that." Cody nodded, and looked down. He wanted to believe Drew, but... "What are you doing Friday night?" Drew smiled. "Not sure, nothing much I guess, why?" "Maybe when I get off work I can stop by, you know, we can hang out?" Cody giggled. "Hang out?" Drew laughed, "Well maybe that was a bad choice of words." Cody playfully reached over and rubbed Drew's dick, "Nah, hanging out is exactly what I want to do." he laughed. * * * * Cody reminded Josh he had promised him a week's worth of telescope viewing for use of the storeroom. Josh suggested Cody ride the bus out to the lake after school Friday. It was getting dark earlier and earlier, so Cody figured it wouldn't be too late to get a couple of hours of viewing in, and then he and Drew could head out to do something else. On Friday, Josh and Drew worked their usual shift at the restaurant, while Cody and Travis played around with the telescope. "Pretty cool, huh?" Travis said. Cody was looking at Andromeda. He had observed the spiral galaxy with his naked eye and binoculars before, but through Josh's telescope it was so much more massive and detailed. "Amazing," Cody said softly. "You bought this for Josh?" "Yeah," Travis whispered. "I'd do anything to make him happy." Cody removed his eye from the lens and looked at Travis. "Can I ask you something?" "Sure, anything." Cody lowered his eyes. "What's it like to give a guy a blow job?" Travis laughed softly. "Worried about your date with Drew tonight?" "A little," Cody said, looking somewhat embarrassed. "Leave that there for a while. Let's go inside, we can talk." Cody smiled. "Thanks, Travis." * * * * The restaurant crowd thinned out early. Drew looked around. It was obvious there was more help than was needed. "I'm going to tell your mom I'd be willing to leave early if they don't need me," Drew said to Josh as they worked to clear and set the last of the tables. Josh grinned, "Can't wait to be alone with Cody, huh?" Drew smiled, and Josh laughed. Mrs. Danielson agreed, and in fact told Josh he was free to leave as well. She also joked that she had some cover up make up if Drew wanted it. Drew blushed, thanked her, but said he wouldn't need it. "Awe, come on," Josh teased as they walked back toward the house. "I bet you'd look good in my mom's make up!" Drew turned, "Have you ever heard the phrase, `go fuck yourself'?" Josh laughed, "Yup, and I even tried it once!" * * * * Turning on to the reservation road, Drew looked at Cody. "Same place as last time?" he smiled. "My auntie works until 2:00 a.m. and my dad will be with his friends until about that time. We have, like, three hours. You can come over to my place if you want?" Drew smiled. "Cool," Cody seemed to be a little embarrassed as the boys entered the house. "It isn't much," he said softly. "Doesn't matter," Drew said, tenderly putting his arms around Cody. "A house is just a place." The boys stared at each other for a moment and then leaned in for a kiss. "Ouch," Drew pulled back when he tried to open his mouth too far. "Does it hurt much?" Cody asked, very lightly running a finger over the side of Drew's face. "Yeah, kind of..." Cody took Drew by the hand. "I want to show you my room," Cody led Drew through the house to the back, where an old porch had been closed in. A single bed, more of a cot really, was tight against the corner. A small dresser sat opposite. There was barely enough room for both of them to stand next to the bed. Astronomy posters and Native American art filled the small space. "Like I said, it's not much." "It's all yours, and it's more than I have right now." Drawing Cody close again, Drew kissed him. Sitting down on the cot, Drew lay back. Taking Cody by the hand, he pulled him on top of him. Wrapping his arms around Cody, Drew hugged him and softly rubbed his back. They kissed softly, Cody apparently taking great care not to hurt Drew. They lay together for the better part of an hour; kissing softly, touching each other, and from time to time rubbing each other's crotches. Cody looked Drew in the eyes and gave his dick a particularly strong grope. "Ready to hang out?" he giggled. Drew laughed and nodded. Moments later, Cody had unbuckled Drew's belt, unbuttoned him, and pulled his pants down over his ass. "I love how hard you get!" Cody laughed, stroking Drew's shaft. Drew reached between Cody's legs and rubbed him. "You're pretty hard yourself," he whispered. Drew reached for Cody's T-Shirt, it was black with a picture of a wolf on the front, and tugged at it. Cody yanked it over his head. Drew felt Cody's soft brown skin, and rubbed his thumb over both his nipples. "You're beautiful," Drew whispered, touching Cody all over. Cody unbuttoned Drew's white dress shirt. "I hate that they make you wear these at work," he giggled as he finally managed to get it off. "You look much better in a tight T-Shirt." Drew reached for the button on Cody's jeans, and Cody quickly brushed his hand away, undid the snap and pulled his zipper down, quickly wiggling out of his pants and underwear. Both naked, they continued their touching. "Your skin is so smooth, and soft, no hair." "Except for around my dick," Cody grinned as Drew felt his ass. "You've got a cute little treasure trail," Cody smiled, tracing the soft hair down from Drew's belly button into the thick bush around his cock. The guys kissed a bit more. "Want me to kiss this?" Cody said with a giggle as he gave Drew's dick a stroke. "If you want to," Drew smiled, hoping he would. Cody scooted down off Drew's chest. Drew sat higher on the bed as Cody got on his knees in front of his cock. Cody sat back and leaned forward, slowly bringing his mouth closer and closer to Drew's cock. "Go ahead, kiss it," Drew whispered as Cody paused just an inch away. Cody stuck out his tongue and ever so gently licked the head of Drew's cock. He looked up to see Drew close his eyes. Then, he licked it again. Drew gently touched Cody's head, running his fingers through his hair. "That feels so good," he whispered. Cody's long hair brushed against Drew's crotch as he bent over his dick. Cody slowly swirled his tongue around Drew's cock head. Apparently growing more comfortable, Cody opened a little more and took Drew's dick further into his mouth. "Oh," Drew moaned, raising his ass off the bed, trying to push his penis further down Cody's throat. Cody gagged and quickly pulled up. "Let me do it," he whispered. Drew nodded. Cody put a big glop of spit on the soft spongy head of Drew's cock and swirled his tongue around and around. He stroked the shaft, and then gently wrapped his lips tight around it and sucked. The slurping and sucking of Cody's soft mouth on Drew's dick sounded naughty, but at the same time wickedly fun. Cody bobbed his head up and down a few times as he twisted his hand and slowly sucked. "Yeah," Drew moaned as Cody worked to get him off. "More like that!" Cody worked his mouth and his right hand over Drew's dick, and used his left to play with his nuts. Drew's sac was heavy, his balls hanging low. Cody rolled them between his fingers as he kept up with his blow job. "Oh," Drew grunted, his voice slightly higher in pitch, "OH," he said again, holding his breath, "almost there," he moaned as he raised his ass off the bed. "Gonna cum," he grunted and reached for Cody's head. Cody bobbed on Drew's dick, his lips tight around just the head. Drew frantically pumped in and out of Cody's mouth nearing his climax. "Fuck," Drew moaned softly, as he finally went over the top. His dick twitching, Drew squirted three warm loads of goo onto Cody's tongue. Cody sucked, swallowed, and then sucked again. Drew held Cody's head tight against his crotch as he slowly caught his breath. After one long minute, he lifted his hands and let Cody pull off his dick. "Fuck, that was nice," Drew moaned, looking at a smiling Cody wiping his lips with the back of his hand. "Was it okay?" Cody asked. "It was awesome," Drew whispered and motioned for Cody to come closer for a kiss. Cody lay on top of Drew. Their kisses were gentle, both being careful not to touch Drew's bruise. After a few minutes they lay quietly, Drew rubbing Cody's soft, smooth back. "I didn't know you knew how to do that!" Cody smiled. "I didn't, but Travis gave me a few hints." Drew laughed and then grew quiet. "I don't think I can do you like that, with my bruises and all," Drew said sadly. "It's okay," Cody whispered. "I want to make you feel good, though." Cody raised his head up and looked at Drew, "how about jerking me off?" Drew smiled, "yeah, that'd be fun." Cody crawled off Drew's chest, "Be right back," he giggled and scooted bare ass out of the room. A couple of minutes later he came back carrying a pump bottle of hand cream. "I like it wet," he smiled. The boys traded places, Cody resting on his back in his bed, and Drew kneeling between his spread legs. Drew squirted some lotion into his palm and then wrapped his hand around Cody's cock. "Shit," Cody jerked, "That's cold!" he giggled, as Drew rubbed him up and down a few times. Drew stared into Cody's eyes. Smiling, he whispered, "You feel so nice in my hand." He gently rubbed Cody's chest with one hand and stroked his dick with the other. Cody closed his eyes as Drew worked on him. Drew played with Cody's nuts, stroked him, and felt him all over. He swirled his hand in the same way that he always did to himself when he masturbated, hoping Cody would like it. He went slowly and gently, wanting Cody to enjoy each moment. Staring down at the cute boy, Drew couldn't help but smile. Cody's soft brown skin, long hair, native features, made him more than adorable. "I am so lucky," Drew thought to himself as he pleasured his friend. The hand cream was drying out, so Drew paused and squirted more in his palm. Wrapping his hand around Cody's cock he slathered it from the tip to the base. There was a little too much, so he used his other hand to mop it up a bit. Now with two hands slicked up, he used both. Cody was rolling his head gently and whimpering as Drew worked his cock. At one point when Drew was feeling his nuts Cody pulled his legs back a little, allowing Drew more room to work. Drew couldn't stop from thinking about what lay just under Cody's sack, the valley between his ass cheeks, and his pucker. Switching to his left hand for stroking, Drew used his right to play with Cody's balls. He tenderly felt them and let his little finger rub into Cody's crease. Cody moaned softly. Drew did the same thing again a moment or two later, and Cody whimpered, evidently liking the feel of Drew's finger down there. Drew turned his head so he could see. Just an inch from his fingers lay a tiny slit, tightly closed, but beckoning him. Cody moaned, clearly enjoying the feel of Drew's hand. Drew circled the pink and brown ring a few times with his middle finger, then gently probed it, pushing in ever so slightly. Cody's whimpers continued. Drew switched hands briefly so he could get more lube on his right hand, before switching back. With the newly greased tip of his finger, he circled Cody's butt hole and then gently pushed. The tight entrance refused to budge at first, holding his finger back for a moment, but then it opened and he slipped inside. Cody grunted, arched his back, and thrust his cock harder into Drew's hand. "Yeah," he pleaded as he wiggled on the end of Drew's finger, "put it in there." Drew added more pressure, steadily pushing his finger forward, burying it deeper. Cody thrust his hips upwards, wildly pumping his cock in and out of Drew's left hand. "Oh, yeah," he grunted, as Drew twisted his finger in his rear end. Drew gently pulled out, and then pushed his finger back in, fucking Cody's hole. He slid it as far as he could reach into Cody's soft bottom, probing his tight passage. Then, he pulled it out and shoved it back in again and again, gently fucking him. "Oh, God," Cody grunted, pushing his ass back down onto Drew's finger, apparently wanting all of it inside him. Drew found the little bump of Cody's prostate. He tickled it with his finger. Cody arched his back again in pleasure. Cody's grunts and moans filled the small room as Drew continued to tenderly finger and stroke him toward orgasm. With Drew's finger inserted deep in his ass, Cody seemed to be getting hornier than ever. Finally, Cody was there. He moaned, lifted his ass off the bed, and a small fountain of white boy cream erupted from the end of his dick. Cum flowed out the tip, and like a waterfall, slid down the sides of his shaft making a mess in Drew's hand. "Oh shit," he whimpered, reaching for his cock, and taking over jerking it. Drew held his finger in Cody's ass, twisting it a couple of times, hoping it would make Cody's moment all that much better. Cody's hand was almost a blur as he worked to pump out the last few drops of cum. Finally, he slowed, then stopped, his ass falling back onto the cot. Drew gently wiggled the finger that was still deep in Cody's rectum. Cody giggled. "You must like that," Drew laughed as he slowly pulled his finger out. "Yeah," he whispered, and then looking up at Drew with a loving smile, said, "Can't wait for you to put something else up there." Drew grinned. Cody sat up, and, sitting face to face, the boys kissed once again. Finally they stopped. "I'm a mess," Cody grinned, running a finger through the sticky goo on his chest that was dripping down into his pubes. "Yeah, we need to wash up," Drew laughed, holding up both hands sticky with hand cream and other stuff. After washing up, Cody and Drew pulled on their underpants and snuggled on the sofa. Cody had raided the kitchen for snacks. Drew reached over and took Cody's hand. "I don't know what's going to happen with my Dad, and everything like that. But I want you to know that whatever happens, I'm so, so glad we're friends." "Me too," Cody said softly. They kissed. "Cody, will you be my boyfriend?" Drew asked tenderly. Cody smiled. "I was wondering how long it would take you to ask me that." "Too soon?" "No, not too soon," Cody whispered. "So?" "So," Cody said with a pause, "are you going to tell everyone in school?" "No, not if you don't want me too." Cody got an uncomfortable look on his face, "it would be hard for my family." "The whole gay thing?" "No, in our culture, people that are like us are seen as being touched by the Great Spirit, because we know of both worlds, the male and the female. It's sacred. Being gay isn't a problem." "What then?" "You're a white guy, and I'm a native." "I don't get it," Drew said shaking his head. "Our cultures are so different." "So we can't be friends?" "No, I'm not saying that. It's just we can't be out. My people can't know we have a relationship." Drew pulled Cody close. They hugged. "I'll do whatever you want, just say `yes.'" Cody snuggled in. It was quiet for a long time. Finally, he looked up at Drew. "Yes," he whispered and smiled. * * * * Thanks everyone for your comments and story ideas. There are just three chapters left until the end. Feel free to write and offer your thoughts and suggestions. Love hearing from you! Jon