Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2009 13:13:41 -0800 (PST) From: Jon D Subject: Crystal Lake - 21 Disclaimer: This is a work of FICTION. Any similarity between my characters and real people, places, or events is merely a coincidence. This story contains descriptions of imagined sexual activity between teenage boys. If you are not 18 years old or if it is illegal where you live to read material of this kind, please stop here. If this story might offend you please go to another site. You are invited to send comments or story ideas to Crystal Lake - 21 The sign read, "Deborah Davidson-Attorney at Law." Drew was sitting quietly in the sparse waiting room nervously thumbing through a three month old sports magazine. "Drew?" Ms. Davidson asked as she stepped out of her office. "Yes, Ma'am," Drew answered standing. "Please come in." Drew sat down in front of the old desk, and looked at the piles of folders that covered almost every square inch. "You must be pretty busy," he nodded at the stacks. "Family Court gets lots of cases," she smiled softly. "But, I'm not too busy for you. Your caseworker has told me all about you, and I've read the court records. "Your last court date was what, six weeks ago?" "Yes, Ma'am, that's when they made the Danielson's my temporary guardians." "How's that been going?" "Fine, Ma'am, they're good people, and Josh, their son, has been really nice." "I understand that you work for them?" "Yes, I've been doing that for almost a year now, two summers actually." "I'm told you'd like to be free of your father and be treated as an adult?" "Yes, Ma'am. I can take care of myself. I mean I might need to get a couple of jobs, but I'll work hard if you just give me a chance. I know I can do it." "Well, it won't be my call. The judge will have to decide that." Drew nodded. "The County has a rental assistance program that you should qualify for. It will be a check each month, and you'll also qualify for a small allowance for food. If you worked, that might be enough." Drew looked at the floor, embarrassed to have to ask for help. "What was it like being with your father?" "At first it wasn't too bad. He tried real hard after my mom died. Then I guess maybe he got lonely or something. He drank more, and started yelling all the time. A few times he made it sound as if it was my fault she died. Honestly, I think the reason he yelled at me is because I remind him of her." Ms. Davidson appeared sympathetic. "Well, let me do some research, I'll see what I can do." "Thank you, ma'am. Um, how much will this cost? I don't have much money," Drew said softly. "All paid for," she said gently, the judge sees to that." * * * * Later that week, Josh and Trav were cuddled up in Trav's bed. Josh's arms and legs were wrapped tenderly around his boyfriend. They were both naked. "You're getting pretty good at that," Josh giggled, feeling the dribble of Trav's cum leaking out of his bottom. "Dad always says practice makes perfect!" Josh laughed, "Was he talking about fucking when he said that?" Trav grinned, "No, tennis, but it's the same idea, right?" Josh laughed again, "Yeah, same idea!" "Do you think Cody and Drew are doing it?" Trav giggled. "No, Cody told me they're waiting for the perfect time and place." "Wow, wonder when that will be?" "I don't know, but Cody really wants it to be special." "And Drew?" This time it was Josh's turn to giggle, "Drew would have done it months ago! I think he's getting a little frustrated." Trav pulled Josh closer and gave him a gentle kiss. "Cody doesn't know what he's missing." Josh nodded and gave Trav a squeeze. "My folks will be home soon," Trav said with a sigh. "Do we have time for one more?" Trav laughed. "Probably, but just in case they're early, don't make so much noise this time!" Josh grinned. * * * * Drew was in the school lunchroom with Cody, Josh and Travis. "Do you have to go to court again?" Josh asked as he stuck his fork in a piece of cake. "Yeah, on Thursday." "Are you worried about it?" Travis asked. "A little. Mainly I just want all this settled before my dad gets out." Cody scooted closer, slipped his hand under the table, and rubbed Drew's leg. "It'll be okay," He whispered. Drew gave him a smile and a nod. * * * * The courtroom was nearly empty. Drew and his lawyer sat down at a long table directly in front of the judge's bench. Ms. Davidson gave Drew a reassuring look, "I think we'll get what we want," She whispered, "We got some good news yesterday." Drew gave her a small smile, "Really?" he whispered. She nodded, and the bailiff called the case. Once again things seemed to move rather fast, and Drew soon became confused. His puzzlement increased when his lawyer called a bank manager to give testimony. The long and the short of it was that there had been a small life insurance policy on Drew's mom from the place where she worked. She had named Drew as the sole beneficiary. When she died, the funds had been put in the bank in Drew's name, but couldn't be touched until he was of legal age. The earnings were available for his care. The manager explained that his dad had been withdrawing the interest money each year on Drew's birthday. "I never got shit!" Drew thought to himself as the manager went on. "We assumed the father was using the money to support his son," the man said. Drew's lawyer called a couple of other people, including a tavern owner that recalled cashing the bank check on several occasions. "That son of a bitch!" Drew said softly as it became clear what had happened. "How much money is there in the account?" Ms. Donaldson asked. "The principle amount couldn't be touched. The original $50,000 is still there." Drew couldn't believe what he had just heard, "$50,000 in his name?" he said to himself. The rest of the proceedings sped by, and Drew was totally lost when the case ended except for the words that he had been waiting to hear. "I declare that the minor child in this case is now emancipated and under the laws of this state shall be treated as an adult person." Ms. Davidson gave Drew a big hug, and tears came to both their eyes. "That bastard stole money from me?" Drew finally asked after he had composed himself. "Well, he is your father and technically he was providing a home. But, yes, you should have benefited more from it." "Will he go to jail for that too?" "No, it'd be virtually impossible to prove he didn't' spend most of the money on your care. The important thing is that you now have a little something to get started, and that helped the judge make the right decision." Drew smiled and laughed. "So, when can I get my money?" Ms. Davidson grinned. "Not for a while, but I'll help you with things." Drew nodded and grinned from ear to ear. * * * * It was mid afternoon when Drew made it back to school. In fact he only had a study hall left. He would have skipped that, but he was eager to tell Cody the news. When the class bell rang, Drew hurried out the door and practically ran down the hall to the science wing. He knew Cody would be staying after school for a little while to help clean beakers and tidy up the lab. "Cody!" Drew said loudly, spotting his boyfriend in the crowd. Cody turned, and, seeing Drew, smiled broadly. He headed back toward him. "I did it, man!" Drew smiled, "I'm in charge of myself now!" he laughed. "The judge said it was okay?" "Hell yeah, and it gets better. My dad never told me, but I have some money in the bank from when my mom died." "How much? Enough for parts for your car?" Drew laughed, "Way more than that." Cody grinned. "I'm so happy for you," he said and then seemingly couldn't resist throwing his arms around Drew in a hug. A couple of kids looked at them, but then shrugged and apparently deciding it wasn't their business, moved on. "We have to celebrate!" Drew smiled, using all his will power to keep from giving Cody a kiss right then and there. Cody grinned. "Tomorrow night." * * * * As Drew drove up the lane to the resort, he saw Mr. Danielson splitting wood behind the shed. A number of times Drew had offered a ride home to Josh and Travis, if he wasn't already giving a ride to Cody. On this day he needed to get home ahead of Josh. Drew approached Mr. Danielson, who, seeing him coming, cut the engine on the splitter. "How did things go in court?" "Fine," Drew beamed, "The judge said I could be on my own!" Mr. Danielson stuck out his hand, and they shook. "I'm proud of you for asking for what you wanted and then hanging in there." "Thanks," Drew blushed. "Could I ask you a question?" "Sure, what's on your mind?" "Well, I guess the first thing I need to do is find a place to live. I've been thinking about it a lot in the last few weeks." Josh's Dad nodded. "I was wondering if I could rent one of your cottages? Maybe the one at the far end, just at the edge of the woods?" "Drew, I have to run this place as a business. I don't know if you could afford it." "I have money. My lawyer found out that my mom had some life insurance. Maybe you could give me a little discount?" Mr. Danielson thought for a moment. "The winter and early spring are slower for us. We don't rent all of them. Tell you what; I'll rent that one to you until the first of May, and I'll give you a good deal on it. Then, we'll talk again." Drew's smile was wide and enthusiastic. "Sounds good to me!" He said, offering his hand again. They shook on their agreement. "Just one more thing, can I bring some of my stuff over?" "It's your place," Mr. Danielson laughed. "But no beer parties or loud music to disturb others." Drew laughed. "No problem with the first, and I'll try on the second." * * * * Drew knew Cody wanted to have their celebration on Friday night, but it just couldn't be done. Drew had to work at the restaurant, and he wanted to use his free time on Saturday to get his place ready. He asked Josh to help. After a couple of trips back to Drew's old house and a few hours of cleaning and sorting, things were ready. "Thanks, Josh," Drew said with a smile as he looked around the cabin. "I know I'm going to love it here." "Mom said you can come over for supper two or three times a week. The rest of the time you're on your own." He laughed. "So, when are you getting together with Cody?" "Well, I promised your mom I'd work the dinner hour tonight. But we both agreed I won't need to stay after eight." Josh smiled, "Shower, drive to the reservation, back here about ten?" "Yup," Drew grinned. "So, is this going to be a sleepover?" Josh teased. Drew giggled. "I hope so." * * * * Drew unlocked the door to the cabin, and opened it wide. "Well, here it is," he said softly, "my new place." Cody hesitated. Drew couldn't understand why Cody was hanging back. "Aren't you coming in?" "I'm waiting for you to carry me over the threshold," Cody grinned. "Smart ass, like that's going to happen!" Drew grinned back. When Cody walked through the door he instantly had a huge smile. "This is awesome," he whispered. The cottage had a small galley kitchen just to the right; a natural wood picnic table, varnished to a high gloss, sat nearby. The center of the room had a large area rug, sofa and two upholstered arm chairs all facing a large stone fireplace. The far wall had a double bed, two small bookcases on either side stacked with old paperbacks and a few board games. "The bathroom is through there," Drew pointed to a door on the far right of the wall. Cody turned around and gave Drew a hug. "It's perfect," he whispered. They kissed softly. "You really think so?" Drew asked, biting his lip just a little. Cody smiled. "It couldn't be better!" Drew was relieved. "I was worried you wouldn't like it." Cody laughed. "You've seen my little room. Compared to that, this is a mansion." Drew pulled Cody close and hugged him again. "I'm so glad you're here." For maybe three minutes they stood in the middle of the room and just hugged. Then Cody stirred. "Could you build a fire in there?" he nodded toward the fireplace. "Sure," Drew said softly, heading to the small stack of kindling and birch logs in the wood box. "First the doorway, and now the fireplace. What are you, some kind of romantic?" Drew smiled back at Cody. "Maybe a little," Cody said softly and grinned as Drew went to work. "I'm going to check out the bathroom," Cody said as Drew piled sticks around a wad of paper and then leaned several logs against one another over the top. By the time Cody returned, Drew had a nice fire going. The boys snuggled on the couch in front of the fire. They kissed a few times, but neither was in a hurry. "When do you need to be back tonight?" Drew asked, taking Cody's hand in his. "I can stay all night," Cody whispered, looking up at Drew with a mischievous grin. Drew smiled. "So, is tonight the night?" he teased. Cody smiled, "We'll see," he whispered and curled up in Drew's arms. The boys kissed a few more times, continued to snuggle, and talked softly, all the while staring at the crackling fire. Drew occasionally put his hand between Cody's legs and gave his bulge a rub. "You sure like playing with that." Cody giggled as Drew pawed him another time. "Yeah," we should get more comfortable. Cody grinned, "Not yet," he whispered. Drew rolled his eyes in mock frustration. "You have anything to drink?" "Yeah, I bought some soda. Want popcorn with it?" "Sounds great." Drew went over to the little kitchen space and opened a cupboard. Taking out a small package of microwave popcorn he unwrapped it and tossed it in. He opened the refrigerator and then paused. `Look at this," Drew pulled out what looked like a bottle of Champaign. A note attached read, "For the perfect night! Josh and Travis." "Is it the real stuff?" Cody hurried over to look. Drew read the label, "Sparkling grape juice, no alcohol," Cody giggled, "I'm gonna tease Josh, the least he could have done was get the real thing!" Putting the popcorn in a big bowl, and the light amber juice in a couple of clear water glasses, the guys sat on the floor in front of the fire, their backs up against the sofa. "Did you ever think this would happen?" Cody asked after they had clinked glasses in a playful toast. "No, but I'm glad it did," Drew said softly. They ate the popcorn and drank the rest of their drinks in silence. When they finished, Drew put the bowl and glasses in the sink. Cody came up behind him as he rinsed the dishes and wrapped his arms around him in a hug. "Ready for a cuddle?" he giggled. Drew turned around and they kissed. "Are you ready?" Cody looked Drew in the eyes and nodded. Drew took Cody by the hand and started to pull him toward the floor by the fire. "Wait, I need something," Cody said softly, pulling away. He reached for his backpack, and then followed Drew over to a cozy spot that Drew had arranged by throwing his quilted bedspread on the floor along with a couple of pillows. "Take your shirt off." Cody reached into his pack, "and your pants." Drew was only too happy to do as he was told. "Lay down there," Cody nodded at a spot near the fire, "on your back." Drew was becoming a little confused, but went along. As Drew watched, Cody opened up a small box and took out a paint brush and several tubes of paint. He squirtted some red, black, and white paint on a piece of cardboard. "I'm going to make you an honorary member of the Bear Clan," Cody smiled. Crawling closer to Drew, Cody reached for Drew's boxers and pulled them down a few inches until they were hanging low on his hips. He tugged them down in front but left Drew's cock and balls covered. Just the top of his pubes was visible. "You're not going to shave me are you?" Drew asked with a smile. "Cody shook his head, "Nah, at least not tonight," he laughed. As Drew propped his head up with pillows, Cody slowly made an outline of a native symbol low on Drew's abdomen. "The Bear Clan is one of our most honored," he said softly, concentrating on his art. "I'm a member of the Fish Clan. Our colors are blue and yellow." Much like a small tattoo, Cody painted Drew's lower belly. A half hour later he was finished. "Done," he said softly. Reaching into his bag he took out a small hand carved wooden pipe and a pouch of what looked like green tobacco. He lit the pipe and Drew immediately took in the biting smell of the smoke. "Is that what I think it is?" Drew asked in surprise as he watched Cody pull the smoke deep into his lungs a couple of times. "No, this is sweet grass," Cody said with a grin, but it smells exactly like the other stuff. Drew returned the grin. Cody stared at the smoke. He moved his hand over the thin white trail as it rose from the end of the pipe and gently spread it around the space where they were sitting. As he did so he softly spoke in Ojibwe. Finished with the ritual, he handed the pipe to Drew. "Here, smoke it," Cody offered. Drew put his lips to the pipe and pulled on it gently. A moment later he was coughing and his eyes were tearing up. Cody laughed, "It takes a little getting used to." The boys tried the smoke again, and Drew did a little better, but not much. Cody was clearly more comfortable with it. "Your turn," Cody smiled as he handed the paint brush to Drew. "Is this stuff going to come off?" "Yeah, in a few weeks," Cody grinned, that's why I did it where only I can see it." "And my gym class," Drew said with a groan. Cody got a surprised look on his face, "Oh shit, I forgot about that," he laughed. Drew had Cody strip down as he had done, and then had him turn over. Drew gently tugged at Cody's underpants and pulled them down. With the fabric below his ass crack, Drew tenderly rubbed Cody's butt. He picked up the paint brush and twenty minutes later completed a small design low on Cody's right ass cheek. "Done," Drew whispered and then laughed. "What did you draw?" Cody asked, trying to turn around and get a glimpse of his ass. Drew got up and found a small mirror. Cody smiled when he saw the tiny outline of a black feather. "A Raven's feather?" he asked. Drew nodded. Cody smiled. It wasn't easy, but the boys managed to find a way to keep their new art off each other and the floor long enough so it dried. The warm fire just a few feet away helped keep them warm. "You're a member of my tribe now," Cody said softly, pulling Drew close and kissing him. "Forever?" Drew asked, looking deeply into Cody's eyes. "Well, not officially. But as far as I'm concerned, we're joined until the Eagle comes and takes us to the Great Spirit," Cody whispered lovingly kissing Drew. Without another word, the boys slowly stripped each other of the last of their clothes and curled up naked in front of the fire. The flickering light of the flames danced across their skin, adding a soft glow. Cody lay on his back, his arms wrapped around Drew's neck. Drew leaned down and Cody opened his mouth for a kiss. The kiss grew deeper and more intense as time went on. Hands roamed over firm chests, stiff nipples, and hard cocks. Grunts and groans mingled with the crackle and occasional pop of wood in the fire. "You're throbbing," Cody mumbled as he took Drew in his hand and stroked him. "It's because I want you so bad," Drew grunted, pushing the head of his dick through Cody's hand. Cody hugged Drew close, snuggled his face against Drew's neck and held him tight. "I want you too," he whispered, wrapping his legs around his boyfriend. They kissed again, this time with more urgency. "I want to do it," Cody finally whispered. They looked into one another's eyes for one long moment. "I love you so much," Drew said as he leaned down and gave Cody a tiny kiss. "I love you too," Cody looked up and smiled. They stared for moment. Finally Cody whispered. "Do you have some stuff?" Drew smiled, crawled off Cody and quickly went over to his bedside table. Taking out lube and condoms he came back over and lay down next to his boyfriend. "Have you ever done this before?" Cody asked, watching Drew stroke his dick a couple of times. "No, have you?" Cody shook his head "No." "I guess we don't need those then," Cody nodded at the tightly wrapped condoms. Drew smiled. "How do you want to do this?" Drew asked, stroking a greasy hand up and down his cock, lubing it from top to bottom. "Just like this," Cody said as he lay on his back looking up. Drew finished lubing his dick, and with a squirt more lube on the end of his finger he reached forward. Cody pulled his knees back and opened himself to his lover. Drew's eyes were instantly drawn to the center of Cody's butt. Drew softly touched the tight ring guarding Cody's private place, and gently smeared a generous amount of lube all around. Looking Cody in the eyes, Drew placed his finger firmly against his boyfriend's hole and then slowly pushed. Cody smiled as Drew's finger slid past the outer barrier and a tiny bit into his butt. "You doing okay?" Drew asked softly, holding his finger steady until he was sure Cody was okay. "Yeah, it feels good." Cody said softly. "Give me some more." Drew slid his finger a little deeper and gave it a slow twist. Cody arched his back as the tip slid over his prostate. "Oh, that feels nice," he groaned. "I love the feel of you inside me." Drew slid the rest of his finger into Cody's bottom, pulled out a bit, and then eased it back in. After two of these he pulled out and put more lube on his finger. "I think we might need a little more," he whispered and pushed another glob up Cody's butt. Reaching for the nearest cloth, Drew wiped his hand on Cody's underpants. "Ready?" He asked, scooting closer, his dick firmly in hand. Cody nodded. He closed his eyes and used his hands to pull his legs back toward his chest. Drew placed the blunt head of his cock against Cody's hole and pushed forward, slowly adding more pressure. The entrance, when it came, surprised both boys. Drew's dick popped inside and settled three inches up Cody's butt. "Oh," Cody whimpered pain in his voice. Drew held himself there, resisting the temptation to slam in the rest of the way. He pulled back slightly, and, starting a soft rocking motion, began to push and pull, going deeper each time. "Your ass is so tight," Drew grunted as he slowly fucked his dick into Cody. Cody's face was contorted in a grimace, there wasn't any doubt he was in pain. "Want me to stop?" Drew paused, realizing what Cody must be feeling. Cody rolled his head from side to side, "No, just go slow," he moaned. A few minutes later, Cody's eyes were open and he was looking lovingly at Drew who was fucking ever deeper into his ass. Cody wrapped his legs around Drew's back, and Drew made a final push, inserting his cock as far as he could reach into Cody's little bottom. "Yeah, give me your cock," Cody grunted as Drew picked up speed and slammed his hips forward. The slapping sound of Drew's balls against Cody's upturned ass was erotic and mesmerizing. Both boys lost themselves in wave after wave of good feelings. At one point, Drew pulled his cock out. "Try getting on your knees," he whispered. Cody rolled over, pulled his knees under himself and raised his ass. He turned his head, rested his cheek on the floor, and spread his legs, happily offering his love hole to his boyfriend. Drew put his dick between the cheeks of Cody's ass and once again pushed himself deep into his rectum. He looked at Cody with his soft brown skin, long black hair and tiny butt, face down and ass up, offering up his rear end. Drew's cock swelled and he grew hornier than ever. "Oh fuck," Drew grunted as he pounded Cody's hole again and again. "I love your ass," he groaned, "You're so damn tight!" Cody reached under himself and stroked his own dick as he pushed back onto Drew's cock. "Fuck me man," he whispered as he masturbated. "Fuck the shit out of me." He pleaded. The combination of Cody's hot ass, the sight of him jerking himself, and now his dirty talk was more than Drew could manage. The fact that they had waited literally months to do this only added to the moment. "Gonna cum," he grunted as he fucked Cody harder. "I'm gonna cum in your ass. Oh shit, here it comes." Drew twisted his dick and tried to bury it deeper in Cody's butt as he unloaded. His nuts pulling up, he shot three jets of hot cream into Cody's bottom. Cody groaned at practically the same time, and Drew felt Cody's ass ring spasm. Drew knew he too must be squirting his juice. "Oh, oh," Cody groaned and pushed his ass back onto Drew's dick. Both guys grunted a couple of more times as they squeezed out the last of their cum. Finally they stopped rutting; their heavy breathing was the only sound in the room. Drew slowly pulled back until the flared head of his cock pulled against Cody's ass ring before finally popping out. He looked down to see Cody's hole was still wide open. He watched amazed, until it slowly closed. They lay on the floor side by side, kissing tenderly, coming down from their sexual high. "You okay?" Drew asked as he lightly touched Cody's cheek. "Yeah, it hurt at first, but then it really started to feel good." Drew smiled. "You sorry we did it?" Cody rolled his head, "No, it was perfect." "You've used that word a lot tonight," Drew giggled. Cody nodded, and snuggled into Drew's arms. "Yeah, but that's the way I feel." Drew hugged him and not long after, they were both asleep. * * * * In the early morning, before the sun had come up, Cody opened his eyes. The fire had gone out. Sometime during the night, one or the other of them must have pulled the quilted comforter around themselves because Cody was snuggled up nice and warm next to his boyfriend. Drew woke a short time after. They kissed each other with a gentle "good morning" and a soft touch. They both felt the magic of waking up together for the first time ever. Arms and legs were entwined in a mix of color; the ivory tone of Drew's skin contrasting with Cody's milk chocolate. Cody finally broke the moment with an embarrassed look. "Sorry, but I need to pee." He crawled out from under the blanket and headed for the bathroom. Drew stared at his butt as he walked away. Cody was standing in front of the bowl peeing when Drew walked up behind him. "Couldn't let this amazing ass get away," Drew said, cupping Cody's butt with both hands. Cody looked over his shoulder as Drew lightly ran a finger up and down his back before returning to his rear, patting it playfully. "Keep doing that and I might lose my aim," Cody giggled. Drew stepped closer, and kissed Cody on the shoulder. Reaching around, he put his hand on Cody's, and they both held Cody's dick as he finished. Cody squeezed the last stream out and Drew playfully aimed it for him. Cody pushed his hand away and gave his penis a shake. He was reaching for the handle when Drew stopped him. "I have to go too," he whispered and they changed places. Drew took aim and let loose, a hard stream of pee joining Cody's. Cody stepped up close and wrapped his arms around Drew in a hug. Cody's dick, still wet with a couple of drops of golden moisture slid up and down Drew's crack as his hands felt Drew's chest. Cody softly pinched a nipple between his thumb and first finger. "Nice nips," he giggled as Drew finished his pee. Cody stepped as close to Drew as he could, and pushed his fingers up toward Drew's mouth. Drew opened and sucked on Cody's fingers as he shook the pee off his cock. He was about to turn around when Cody used his other hand to spread open his butt cheeks. Drew leaned forward and supported himself with a hand against the wall. Cody used one of his wet fingers to probe Drew's hole. Drew grunted when Cody pushed. It was too dry, and it wasn't going to go in. "You have something in mind?" Drew laughed as Cody kept trying to get the tight orifice to open up. "Yeah," Cody giggled. "You didn't think I was the only one going to lose my virginity, did you?" Drew turned around and they hugged. "Should I build another fire?" Cody nodded and they kissed again. * * * * One chapter remaining, please send your comments and story ideas to Chapter 22 is in the planning stage, so write soon. Thanks to all my readers and to Andrew for help with editing. I couldn't do this without all of you. Thanks Jon