The following story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of pure fantasy; it's thus, completely fictitious and doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it in any way whatsoever.


This story contains sexually explicit scenes between characters that are underage boys, characters that look like underage boys and adult male characters.


This story is being created and published with the sole purpose to be consumed as a means of entertainment for a purely adult audience; If you are underage please refrain from reading and/or interacting with this work of fiction as well as their author.


No living being has been hurt in the creation and/or consumption of this fictional story (except for maybe my editor).


The author is not responsible for the inappropriate handling and/or consumption of this work of fiction, nor any penalties or otherwise punishments derived either. The only ones responsible for our safety and what we consume on the Internet are our own selves.


English is not my mother tongue so, if you see any spelling mistake, syntax error or something that otherwise doesn't make sense, then please do let me know so I can make the appropriate corrections.


This story has been partially inspired by "The Family Business" by Author Abbados and has his permission to exist; additionally, the fictional world this story takes place originally started as a Saint Seiya fan-fiction but it has since evolved into its own independent thing. Certain elements, however, may rely on the original source.


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Cupid Inc.

~Chapter 2: Like Father, Like Son~


Ness wasn't sure how long it had been but he found himself drowned in an endless colourless void; he couldn't even feel his own body let alone see it. The boy allowed himself to drift aimlessly for what seemed like an eternity, overwhelmed by a strange sensation of peace until he bumped into something round.


Ness tried to turn around to get a better look of the object (or rather, feel) only to find small cracks all over its surface, were these there before? There was no time to find out (if there was even time in that strange void to begin with) for the cracks had started to become bigger.


"It's an egg!" he exclaimed with excitement but no sound was made.


As if reacting to his affirmation, the cracks became bigger and bigger until pieces of the shell started falling apart. The boy didn't have time to react to what followed, for in a moment the egg was engulfed in the biggest explosion he had ever seen, filling the void with light, darkness and a myriad of different colours.


Ness suddenly felt and saw his body again, being pushed away from the egg by a huge shockwave but before the egg got out of sight, Ness managed to see what had hatched out of it.


A baby boy had been born out of that strange egg, a boy who, oddly enough, didn't look that different from him and happened to have golden wings on his back.


Andres woke up suddenly, a scream lodged in his throat and his olive skin covered with pearls of sweat. He could feel his heart beating like a drum inside his chest and his lungs gasping for air as if he had just run a marathon. He placed his hand over his naked chest while absent-mindedly caressing the luxurious red silk of the covers of his bed.


"Bad dreams?" he heard a strangely familiar voice calling him, grounding him into reality.


"Y-yeah, I guess," he answered, still out of himself. He tried remembering the dream but all that came to mind was the boy's eyes.


"You ok, Ness?"


It wasn't until his name was called that he finally snapped back to reality and became aware of his surroundings. "W-where am I?" He finally asked, noticing that he was in a huge four poster bed covered in red silk and what must have been a thousand pillows; beyond the bed's translucent curtains he found the rest of the room to be decorated with wrought iron and intricate mosaic that depicted little cherubic boys shooting arrows.


Ness' eyes then lowered their gaze to his own body, finally dawning on him that he was completely naked and his pristine pubic area was almost completely exposed. What remained covered didn't leave much to the imagination.


The last thing he noticed was a younger version of his dear friend Noah (sans glasses) smiling at him from a nearby sofa and wearing nothing but knee high leather sandals and some sort of Greco-Roman looking toga (the actual name escaped him) made of what seemed to him, some translucent fabric draped over one shoulder, leaving his other shoulder naked.


Ness blinked a couple of times, trying to process what he was seeing; that was Noah right there, but it wasn't his Noah with his lanky body and creaky voice, but the Noah of three years ago, the beautiful boy he was when they were 12.


Was he still dreaming? And what was that strange feeling as if something on his back was moving? But he couldn't be dreaming, his friend felt louder and clearer than ever before.


The boy on the sofa (he still wasn't convinced he was his Noah) tried to say something but it seemed like the words had escaped him, so he closed his mouth only to open it again without success; all of this while avoiding eye contact.


There was no mistaking it, younger or not, that was his Noah.


"N-Noah?" he asked with a small voice and a deep blush, trying to cover the source of his shame. "Is that really you?"


Noah didn't emit any sound, just locked eyes with him and covered the distance between the two in what seemed like merely an instant, wrapping his friend in a big hug.


Ness returned the hug immediately. The contact felt strange for him, having grown used to fitting inside his friend's lap but he welcomed it all the same. "W-where are we, mate?" Ness asked his best friend without breaking the embrace. "What is this place?"


"Well, you see..." Noah started to speak, wondering how on earth was he going to explain this, but he never finished the sentence.


"You are in the Sanctuary of Eros," an older male voice announced, prompting the boys to finally separate and for Noah to nail a knee on the floor, his head down and his fist over his heart.


"My Lord Eros," he spoke solemnly, less like a kid and more like a grown soldier.


Ness didn't have time to feel weird over his friend's sudden change in attitude, he was too busy looking at the older boy that had just entered the room, and when they locked eyes, even the strange sensation on his back seemed to fade away...


The newcomer had a head full of blond curls and a similar get up as Noah's but clearly much more luxurious, with an impossibly vaporous cape flowing behind him, and a body that would leave the Greek statues of old to shame. The boy looked to be not older than 15 but most of Ness's attention was focused on two important things. First, his eyes that were like twin galaxies encased in glass and second, what seemed to be the most beautiful angelic golden wings that sprouted from his back.


The newcomer acknowledged his knelt friend with a small hand gesture, allowing him to stand and speak.


"I-I shall take my leave at once," Noah said, but before he could act he felt Ness's hand in his, and a silent plea to stay in those beautiful eyes of him. "I-I..." he could barely get out.


"It's ok, Noah, you are welcome to stay," the boy (who apparently responded to the name of Eros) told him with such gentleness that it made it seem rude not to stay.


The blond then turned to face Ness, who held Noah as if his life depended on it and greeted him with a warm smile.


The boy didn't have to speak for Ness to feel his emotions; love, pure and unadulterated love for him, a love so strong and vast that dwarfed entire galaxies. It was quite overwhelming, to say the least, but Noah's hand squeezing his own told him everything was alright.


"My apologies, son," the boy started talking without removing his eyes from him. "Allow me to introduce myself," he continued, "I have many names but as you've already heard, you can simply call me Eros," he said with a charming smile that would make panties (and quite a few jockstraps) drop instantly. "As to what I am, well, I'm afraid that's a more difficult subject, but that's not important right now. What's important is the reason you're here today, my boy. You sure did quite a number back there at your school, isn't that right, Noah?" Eros laughed while Noah agreed.


"What do you m..." the memories of what had happened earlier flooded his mind so suddenly that he felt dizzy.


"Th-that was me?" the boy asked in denial, but the realization didn't take too long to arrive. "That was me!" Upon realisation, Ness suddenly felt a cold shiver run down his spine and a feeling of dread overcame him. "Oh my God! What have I done? All those people!"


"It's ok, son," upon seeing the boy starting to panic he decided to act, taking his hands on his.


"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," Ness didn't know what else to say, tears were gathering in his eyes, he barely knew how he did it in the first place! "I-I just..."


"You just reached puberty." The winged boy explained to him.


"P-puberty?" he asked, feeling even more confused. "That's not on the textbooks!"


"It's because you're different, and those textbooks don't know about our kind," Eros chuckled, his mere presence made Ness feel strangely calm. "I ought to know my own son!"


At that moment, time seemed to stay still for Ness. He had said that before, hadn't he? Did this boy just claim to be his biological father? This had to be some sort of sick joke, the only father he had ever known was the man who raised him and that man was in Cambridge. But... Recollection hit him. He was told that no one knew who his biological father was. He couldn't explain it even to himself, but somehow he knew that this boy, no, this being who had taken the shape of a boy and loved him in a way that surpassed human comprehension was telling the truth.


Standing before him was the same man who had gotten his mother pregnant and disappeared from their life never to be seen again. Not even being there when she died giving birth to him. This man, now standing right next to him, holding him in his arms telling him that he knew all along of him, of his existence, of everything. And yet still... He couldn't seem to bring himself to hate, or even resent him!


It was Noah's touch that brought him back to this strange reality that he had found himself in; a single look from the eyes of his friend confirmed everything.


"Why?" It was all Ness could muster, allowing his newfound biological father to caress him.


"Such are the laws of my kind, I'm afraid," Eros spoke apologetically. "I could only meet you if you were to awaken, and that would only happen once you reached puberty."


To Ness that didn't make a whole lot of sense, why did he have to wait? Ness knew that he was supposed to be mad, to be furious and to bark at him everything he deserved for abandoning him and his mother to their luck. "So, if this hadn't happened, then..."


"I would have never been able to meet you," Eros confessed teary eyed, "such is the law."


"And Noah...?"


"He is like you, but he was sent to watch over and protect you," Eros replied calmly. Noah averted his eyes, afraid that Ness wouldn't like him anymore now that he knew.


"Like me? So we're brothers?!" Ness screamed rather than speak, feeling dread and heartache over his feelings over his friend.


"More like cousins," Noah spoke finally, with a trembling voice, "it's complicated."


Ness had trouble wrapping his mind around all of this information, it was a lot to process in so little time, but it seemed like there was more to come.


"We can talk more about that later, It's time you understand what you are." Eros announced.


"A-am I a cupid?" Ness asked with a touch of dread, not entirely sure if he liked the idea. "I'm too old to wear diapers!" he whispered in total and utter mortification which made the older boy laugh.


"I'm glad to see you've done your homework, son!" Eros laughed, "I wasn't expecting anything less from a boy raised by two Cambridge scholars."


"I-I don't have to wear diapers, right?" the boy asked, still mortified. "Right?!"


"Of course not, my boy," Eros laughed at the idea then paused. "Though, you could if you wanted to..."


Ness didn't quite have the time to properly process that little piece of info before Eros and Noah changed the subject.


"The correct term for us is minor erote," Noah explained to him. "We are the sons of the major erotes, the Gods of Love and as their offspring, it is our sacred duty to make sure love blooms around the world."


"B-but Noah doesn't have wings, and neither do I!" he added in a panic but the way Eros looked at him wasn't helping; he didn't have wings, right? Right? Ness tried raising his arm to confirm that he absolutely did not have wings but got a face full of feathers instead. "W-what the...?" the boy almost yelled.


"Calm down, son, they're just your wings," the God said affably, as if not giving the idea of sudden wings any importance.


"W-wings?!?" Ness started to panic and with his heart racing he slowly reached towards his shoulders and true to his word, he found feathers, silky soft and nice to the touch, but feathers nonetheless.


"T-they're very pretty!" Noah rushed to say, trying to hide his blushing and failing terribly at it. "They match your hair colour!"


Noah and Eros shared a worried look that Ness in his panic didn't catch. Having said this, the boy took Ness' hand in his and for the first time in that evening, Ness felt happy and secure.


That happiness had proved to be rather short lived, however. For it was quickly replaced by confusion; Ness sat on the bed, the silky red sheet wrapped around him felt weird around his wings. Learning that he was a demigod had been easy in comparison to what followed.




"What?!" Ness asked, unable to believe his ears. "What do you mean I have to stay here?"


"It's for our own good, mate," Noah came to the rescue of his god who seemed to have trouble with this whole fatherhood thing. "The work we do is incredibly important, and even though we're demigods, we're not invincible."


"B-but, what about my family?" Ness asked, still in panic. "What about my other friends? What about Ethan and Noel?"


"It's like Noah said, you are far too special, far too precious and the job we do is far too important to discard," Eros spoke again. "But fear not my boy, for our family is among the selected few who have the ability and privilege to travel between the realms of the gods and the realm of men unchecked; you will see them again sooner than you think."


The god's words eased Ness' heart, even with Noah at his side, the idea of not seeing Ethan, Noel and his family was too much to bear.


"However," the God spoke again. "I cannot allow you to do so until you've learned to control your newfound nature; it's time you take on and learn the family business."





Hi there!


Zuke (O49) here with the second chapter of this humble story; hope you've been enjoying things so far!


At this point in the story we're still setting things up, so I apologize if you were hoping for more action as this is a bit more of a "slow burn" kind of deal, tho, just not that slow of course!


If you have any comments, feedback or anything you'd like to let me know, then don't hesitate to send me a good ol' email at plaguedoctor884@yahoo.com -or- if you live in the XXIst century, you can join us on Discord by following this link! https://discord.gg/Yt8u8TQ


Hope to hear from you soon!



- Zuke.