Chapter 6

The following morning, everyone met in the kitchen at pretty close to the same time. All were incredibly happy, and it showed. Dawson and Lucas had gone for the longest, and had certainly got the kinkiest, as well they were the only to have done what they did to their diapers, but the others were still very much grinning brightly.

“My my, looks like Baby's may have had a very good night. Last to arrive, and incredibly extra thickly diapered this morning.” Gord laughed.

“Mmmhmm, was an incredible night, we'd tell you, but then we'd never get breakfast, and we need breakfast.”

“That looks like one of Julius' diapers over top?” Miles grinned.

“Yep.” Both boys said.

“And a diaper doubler almost certainly inside as well.” Kyle said.

“Of course.”

“And lots of tape to hold it all up. Very nice.” Adam finished.

“Very very nice.” Both boys sighed.

“Fuck.” Everyone else sighed as one.

“Yeah, but breakfast, we're starving, we had eight baby boygasms last night, and went for at least two hours, so let's get cooking people.” Lucas giggled.

“Wow, we lasted six and a little more than an hour.” Zane said.

“Hell, we only managed four and an hour ourselves.” Gord said.

“Same.” Adam said.

“Sorry to hear that.” Dawson giggled again, the others laughed.

After readjusting themselves, they did get started on breakfast, and then ate once it was done. As soon as it was cleaned up, Kyle and Adam admitted that they had to be heading to work, so headed to their bedroom to get dressed. Shortly after that, they were gone.

“Okay Boys, time to start your school work. Four hours every day, no questions, including Saturdays, Sunday's off, no messing around, just go get it done, ask questions of either me or Miles if you need to, and feel free to do so wherever, inside or out, doesn't much matter. You don't haveta get dressed either, why really, but two of you do need soggy bum changes. We're gonna go get the garden started today, I think, so that it's somewhat ready to go, and this afternoon, we can go get all the seeds and or plants that we want for it.”

“Okay.” They all said.

The boys went and grabbed their computers, but Julius and Zane did spend an extra few minutes changing each other, and though they wanted to triple diaper themselves like Dawson and Lucas are, they decided against it, since they would not get to truly enjoy them to their fullest, if they have to go out in four or so hours.

They all grabbed chairs and went and sat out on the back patio, overlooking the garden where Gord and Miles were already starting to work, and they got down to their work as well.

Gord and Miles first started with gas powered trimmers, to knock everything down, then took it all to the compost area. They did not put it in yet, though, because Gord went and grabbed the tractor and pulled all the existing compost out, so that it can be used, and then they put it all in. The fresh compost was spread over the entire garden, and then they got started on tilling it all. Since the tiller is on the tractor, Miles did not really have to do too much during this time, so just stood aside and watched. It was done reasonably quickly though, even though it still took almost an hour to do, that is fast, considering the size of the garden.

By the time the men were done, so were the boys, and they were all in need of soggy bum changes and lunch. Even Dawson and Lucas would start leaking soon if they did not change, and so they all went and changed their soggy diapers.

They made and ate lunch, cleaned that up, went and got dressed, since why get dressed until you absolutely have to, and then headed out. They headed to the same garden centre that they had gotten all their indoor plants from, since they would have everything that they would be needing, and then spent a good two hours there picking out all that they wanted.

They also hit a couple other stores while they were out, since they were already out and about anyway, and got a few other things that they either wanted or needed. As they were heading home, they saw a courier truck coming back down the hill. There are only a couple properties up the road, so they all hoped that that truck had made its delivery to their place. Gord had said that signature was not required, so the delivery driver would have just dropped and gone anyway, they did not need to be there.

“Wow, you think that was our diaper delivery?” Dawson asked hopefully.

“With any luck, yes, but we'll find out in a few minutes.” Gord said.

Sure enough, as they pulled up, when they looked by the front door, there were several large boxes there waiting for them.

“Oh man, I wanna say to heck with getting all this unloaded and just go check all that out.” Lucas sighed.

“Well, I say that's exactly what we do, this stuff will wait, I can't.” Gord said excitedly.

“Okay.” They all said together.

They all vacated the car as soon as it was safe to do so, ran to the front door, each of them grabbing a box as they went, and took them all into the living room. They all had to go back and get one more box, there was that much. Once in the house, they started opening boxes to see what all was inside them, and they were all incredibly happy with what they found. Ultra thick and thirsty diapers for everyone filled out the majority of the order, at roughly one hundred diapers per person, this took up eight of the boxes. Then there were two more boxes of thinner diapers for everyone, for when they absolutely had no choice but to wear them. One whole box, and it was the largest, was filled with just diaper doublers. The last box held lots of really thick and durable waterproof pants, several diaper shirts each, and a bottle and soother for each as well.

“Wow, so nice.” Lucas sighed.

“Oh yeah.” Everyone else said.

“Well, I need a soggy baby bum change anyway, so, what say we test out these amazingly thick baby diapers, diaper doublers, and baby pants?” Gord asked.

“Oh yeah.” They all said, and then started stripping right there.

Boyfriends changed each other, all while laying right there on the living room floor, and before too long, they were all super thickly diapered, with a very nice thick pair of waterproof pants covering all that. They even slipped into one of their diaper shirts, just to try them on, they were all very babyish as well, and they all liked them. All this stuff came from a diaper lovers website, so there would be no shock to find only the most babyish items there.

“Very nice, so comfortable.” Julius said once he was done.

“Yeah, and I can't wait 'til it's so full it's leaking into my baby pants.” Zane said.

“Me too.” Everyone else said.

“Well, should we go get everything offloaded, and then maybe go out and start planting the garden?” Gord said.

“Won't we get our baby shirts dirty and possibly stain 'em?” Dawson asked.

“It's pretty dry out there, so we shouldn't haveta worry about it none, but we can always take our baby diaper shirts off before we start, just in case. It's not like we haveta wear 'em anyway, we just wanna.”


They all went and got everything into the house that needed to be in the house, and got it all put away. Then they started on getting everything to the garden, stripped off their diaper shirts and hung them on the fence, then got started on planting.

Gord had already furrowed the entire thing with the tractor, since they have a tool for that anyway, so that makes it nice and fast and easy, they each took a packet of seeds or a tray of seedlings, and got started on planting. They have several plants that need to climb, so they had bought everything to install for the plants to climb, and they got those put in too.

By the time dinner time rolled around, and Adam and Kyle were getting home, the six of them were not even half way done this chore. They came down to see how they were doing, talked for only a minute, saying that they were going to go get dinner started, while the six of them continued working. They, of course, saw and then heard about the diapers, and were told to go ahead and change themselves, so that they too were nice and thickly diapered like they deserved to be.

Almost an hour later, dinner was brought out to the table on the back deck, overlooking the garden, and the six gardeners were called up to eat, and they happily did so. They washed their hands and faces at the outside sink, and then they all sat and ate.

“So, how do you guys like the new diapers, you look good in them and your new baby shirts?” Julius asked.

“They're very nice, and even more thick and comfortable. The baby shirts are just as nice, and so very naughty.” Adam said, because his shirt said naughty, soggy baby boy.

“Mmmhmm, we took ours off to do the gardening, so's not to get them all dirty, but ours are just as great. Mine says gay baby boy slut.” Julius grinned brightly.

“Nice. Though I don't think you're quite a slut, as far as I know, you've only ever had one partner, and only plan on that too.”

“True, but we like to be a little slutty with each other too, and oh so very kinky.”

“That's not only great, but absolutely acceptable too.”


They enjoyed their dinner, talking the rest of the time as they ate, and then Adam and Kyle took care of the cleanup, while the others went back to their gardening, and then the other two joined them when they were done.

By the time bedtime rolled around, not one of them were close to needing a soggy baby bum change yet, the garden was completed, and they were all very nearly falling asleep, adults and children alike.

After a really good sleep, everyone met in the kitchen and had breakfast together, barely a word even being said yet. It was not until they had all had the better part of a mug of nice tea, and a good filling breakfast into them, that they even started speaking at all.

“So, was anyone close to leaking this morning?” Kyle asked.

“No.” They all said.

“That's awesome.”

“But, I do need a change something fierce though.” Miles said.

“Me too.” Everyone but Kyle and Adam said, since they had been wearing theirs for a good three hours less than the others, though they are getting very full too.

“That's great, these diapers hold so much it's amazing, and they're even more comfortable once super soggy like they are.” Adam said.

“Bet you wish you didn't haveta go to work today, huh Daddy, so that you could wear one just as thickly again.” Zane asked.

“Yeah, but that's okay too.”

Adam and Kyle went and got changed and dressed, while the others just went and got changed, then the two working men headed to work, while the boys all started their school work, and Gord and Miles headed out to go check out the orchard and see what all work really had to be done. Gord had taken the others into the orchard to show them, and he checked things out, but not that closely.

They each have a couple pruning implements with them, and Gord told Miles everything that he would need to know, and they got started. They were about half way done this when the boys joined them.

“Oh, done already Boys?” Miles asked.

“Yeah, it's been almost four and a half hours actually. You guys have a heck of a pile going already.” Zane said.

“Oh, yeah, well, the trees haven't been pruned in forever, so they've needed lots of trimming. Normally one wouldn't wait this long to do so, but we're only trimming off any bad and or dead branches for now anyway.” Gord said.

“What should we do with all the branches, we'll take care of them?” Dawson asked.

“There's a small gas powered wood chipper in the shop somewhere, you could bring that out here and start chipping everything, just chip it right into the wheelbarrows, then wheel it all to the compost bin. You'll haveta grab the gas can, and I might haveta have one of you grab some tools so that I can work on it if it needs it, since it hasn't been started in years, but don't bother with that yet, since the fuel was drained anyway, it should be fine.”

“Okay.” The boys all said and headed to go do just that.

Once more the boys are in only their super thick diapers, with a rather large diaper doubler inside them, and then their baby pants over top of all that, and they look real good. They all waddled off to the shop to help bring everything that they would be needing, two grabbing the chipper together, the other two grabbing wheelbarrows. They threw the gas can and some rakes and shovels into the wheelbarrows to make their lives easier, and headed to the orchard.

As soon as they made it, Gord and Miles met them at the branch pile, and Gord started by pulling the cord to make sure the bloody thing had not ceased on him, and it still spun freely, so that was good. He filled the gas tank, cleaned the air filter with a little gas, choked it, primed it, and only had to pull the cord ten times before it fired up. It ran pretty rough for several minutes, but once it started to even out, and he turned off the choke, it started running perfectly.

“Okay boys, I'm reasonably certain that I don't haveta tell you this, you're all pretty smart, but I'm gonna tell you anyway. You get your hands or arms anywhere near the business end of this machine, and that'll be the last time they're attached to your body, you will have a bad day. If you get in a fight with a wood chipper, it will win every single time. You put the material into the feed chute, let it pull the wood in, do not push it, and for gods sake, if it jams, shut it down, do not, under any circumstance, reach in to release or remove something. If it catches, it can pull you in, and it will ruin your entire day.”

“Okay.” The boys all said with wide eyes.

“Yes, I am telling you this to make you as scared of it as possible, that fear keeps you smart, fear this machine, for it will kill you as soon as it can if you let it, it is a remorseless killer, it will feel nothing, it will care nothing at all, but it can be perfectly safe too, if you treat it with the respect it deserves. Get to work, and call if you need help. Once the wheelbarrows are full, run them to the compost bin, rotate back and forth, so that none of you get too tired.”

“Okay.” They all said, and got to work.

Gord and Miles went and got back to work, and so did the boys. Some might criticize them for allowing young boys to use a machine that could easily harm them, but Gord is of the mind that boys, especially, need to learn to use tools at an early age, learn to respect them, and even to fear them.

The boys did get to work right away though, and started passing branches and stuff into the wood chipper, letting it fall right into a waiting wheelbarrow. As soon as one was full, one of the boys wheeled it to the compost, and then they rotated. The boys were able to go much faster than the men were, but they had still had a hell of a pile of garbage to chip, yet they caught up in just over two hours.

“What should we do now?” Julius asked.

“We could probably start pulling all the tall weeds throughout here, I'm sure that'd be good, and they can just go right in the compost as well. We should ask my dad though.” Dawson said, and so they did.

Gord told them that that was a good idea, but to not bother going crazy with it, since he had other plans to take care of the majority of them, but to definitely get the really tall and bad ones. The boys split into pairs, each pair taking a wheelbarrow, and got started. As soon as they were full, they went and dumped it, and they ended up going for a little more than an hour before they were all done all the really bad ones. By then, the men had another decent pile of branches for them to chip, so they got them taken care of right away, and were just finishing as Adam and Kyle made it home.

“Wow, you guys sure have gotten a lot of work done in here.” Kyle said.

“Yeah, and the boys have done a good portion of it too. They're probably getting bagged.” Miles said.

“Yeah.” They all said.

“I don't doubt it. We'll go in and get dinner started, you guys clean up out here and come in, get cleaned and changed, you're all in need of it now for sure, and eat.”

“Oh, yeah.” They all said, because, as one, they all checked their diapers, and sure enough, they actually had wetness inside their baby pants.

“And I'm starving, we skipped lunch.” Julius said.

“Me too.” The other five said together.

“Did you at least drink lots?” Kyle asked.

“Probably not as much as we should've.” Gord admitted. “But we did pass around the hose a few times.”

“That's at least good. You're all still sweating, so you're not dehydrated.”

“No, but I'm getting pretty thirsty too.” Miles said.

“I bet. Well, clean up and come in, we'll get you babies all taken care of.”

The six of them cleaned up their mess outside right away, headed into the house, changed and cleaned up, and then headed to the kitchen. There were already a couple large pitchers of ice water with lemon in them for them, as well as six large glasses ready and waiting for them, and so they all filled up and drank it all down. Six large sighs, and then they refilled and downed them too.

“Much better, now all I need is food and rest, and I'll be good.” Lucas said.

“Same.” The rest all said.

“You can get started on this.” Adam said, setting a plate with some garlic toast on it in front of them.

“Okay.” They all said happily, the boys loudest of all, since they had probably worked harder than the men did, and they need way more food than the men do, and they all grabbed a nice large piece and nearly inhaled that, and then a second, before it was all gone.

Dinner was ready shortly thereafter, and so they sat back and ate, filling up well. After dinner, it was decided that they really did need to rest, and so they headed to the theatre and watched a movie. None of them passed out, but the boys were all getting close too, so they were all sent up to bed, their diapers were okay for the night anyway, and not one cum was to be had this night, they were all so tired that they were not even thinking about sex.

The following morning was a near repeat of the day before, Adam and Kyle went to work after breakfast, the rest only changed their very soggy diapers and then went and got to work. The boys started their school work, while Gord and Miles went and got started on more pruning. This time, as soon as the boys were done their schoolwork, they made lunch and then took it all out to the orchard, so that they would actually eat this time, since yesterday they had been so starving by dinner time it was horrible. They then cleaned up their lunch, they had done it as a picnic in the orchard, which was really nice, took everything inside, then went and gathered their tools once again, and got started on the once again fairly large pile of branches.

This time just as Kyle and Adam were arriving home from work, the six of them were done. All the branches were chipped, all the weeds that could be pulled were pulled, and everything was now in the compost. They were just in the process of putting the tools away when the other two arrived.

“Finished, or just finished for the day?” Adam asked.

“No, finished.” Gord said happily.

“That's good.” Kyle said.

“No we're not Daddy, we still haveta cut down all the rest of the weeds and grass in there, we just got the really tall and bad ones.” Dawson pointed out.

“Yes, I know, and I already told you I had other plans for that.”

“Yeah, but what, other than cutting them all down?”

“A couple goats and/or sheep should take care of that nicely, don't you think?”

“Yeah, probably, but why? Wouldn't it be better if we just did it, instead of having to care for animals as well?”

“Maybe, but I've always wanted a few animals as well. I'm thinking sheep, they don't require a lot of care, they won't eat anything in their way, but they will eat all the grasses and weeds that we have here, and we can also get all their wool, which would be cool. I also want some chickens, and I'm thinking a couple dogs might not be a bad idea to help keep the coyotes and wolves away.”

“Okay, that's cool and all, but where the heck would they stay?”

“I planned to build a chicken coop and a small home for a few sheep, but we needed to get the plants taken care of first.”

“Oh, so I guess we getta go buy a bunch of stuff for that tomorrow then?”

“Yep, sounds about right.”

They all headed into the house, cleaned up, changed, made and ate dinner, then sat back and relaxed for the rest of the evening together. Since none of them had had an orgasm even once over the past couple days, the fact that they had went to bed early meant that they all had some really good ideas on how to finish off the day.

Not one couple finished off the night with less than four cums each, and by the time that they were all very satisfied, freshly diapered, and asleep, it was still just a little early for them to have gone to bed, since they were still quite tired. They had been so horny though, that they had desperately needed some loving, even though they were all very tired.

While the boys were doing their school work, Gord and Miles did some research into what they wanted and where to get it all, and by the time the boys were done their school work for the day, the men knew where to get everything. They also had lunch ready for as soon as the boys were done, and so they ate. After lunch, they all went for soggy bum changes, got dressed, and then headed out.

Their first stop was to a building centre to get everything ordered for what they were going to be needing to build a small barn, with attached chicken coop and chicken run, as well as a good fenced in area for the sheep to roam around. It was a fairly quick stop there, since Gord only told them all that he needed and that it was to be delivered, and then paid for it. They said that they would start loading up and get it out to them that afternoon, since they had the afternoon clear anyway, but that they would be about two hours, they were all good with this.

Their next stop was to a ranch and farm supply store to get all the supplies that they would be needing, since the building centre did not carry all the things that they had needed. This stuff they just picked and took with them.

Their next stop was to a local animal rescue shelter, where they would get at least a dog and a cat, as well as maybe sheep if they had any, and chickens too. There were several dogs and cats, but no sheep or chickens. They ended up taking two dogs and two cats, all had been spayed or neutered so as to prevent an over run of pups and kittens. They had no farm animals of any sort, but they did tell them of another place that would have them, and so they headed there next after having the cats and dogs put into crates for taking home.

At this stop, they did find all the laying hens that they wanted, as well as all the sheep that they would need. They paid for and arranged delivery, since they had no space for them yet.

After this stop, they had to hurry home in order to make it for their delivery, and pulled in only moments before the delivery drivers made it. For ease of everyone involved, Gord had the delivery guys back right up to where the new barn was to be built, and then they all helped to offload everything.

As soon as they were able to, the cats and dogs were offloaded from their crates, and they got down to getting to know them. These are strictly outdoor animals, and so they would have to get used to staying outside anyway, but they were given a nice dry home in the shed for now, they would get nicer homes once the barn was built. They all hoped that they would not all run away, but figured that they would stay near to where there was good food and shelter anyway.

“So, what next?” Julius asked.

“Now we start building. It'll probably take us a week or more to do so, but that won't matter too much.” Gord said.

“Won't we need concrete and stuff like that though?”

“Nah, there's already a good gravel pad here that'll be more than sufficient. We're also not making it too terribly huge or anything, only three by five meters, and we will drill large anchors into the ground anyway, that's these things here. With these, we can actually support way more than we're building.”

“Oh, was wondering what those were, how do we put them in though?”

“The tractor, of course. We have an auger attachment for it, and so attaching it to these drill in anchors will be a snap, and it'll do all the hard work for us. Since these things are galvanized steel, and they hold a post, as long as we don't have the post touching the ground, it'll last nearly forever, and be far stronger than we'll ever need.”

“Cool. I guess that's where we need to start then, huh.”


Since they were all going to be working anyway, they did not strip down to just their soggy diapers, though they did want to, but they went and gathered everything that they would be needing to get started. Gord attached the post hole digger, minus the auger itself, to the tractor, while Miles and the boys all grabbed what tools that they though that they would be needing right away.

Gord got started right away with the first post base, and while he was doing that one, Miles and the boys carefully marked out for the other seven post bases that they would be needing as well, and as Gord finished one, he grabbed the next and got it installed as well.

It took only an hour for him to get all eight installed, and though he felt that he only needed six to do the job, he was of the mind that overkill never killed anyone, and so he had grabbed the extra two. They were not expensive enough to worry about, and they took next to no time at all to install either.

Next they got the eight posts installed onto the bases, screwing them in only enough to hold them in place for now. Then, before they had to go in to make dinner, they put some bracing on it all, just to hold it in place for now, and went and made dinner together.

The next several days went well, the boys did their school work in the mornings as usual, while the men worked on the barn, then the boys would make and deliver lunch, and they would all eat together, then continue working. The structure went up reasonably quick, then they sheathed it both inside and out, insulating it at the same time, roofed and insulated that, and got the door installed, and even a couple pens and storage areas.

The next few days they spent making the fences that they would need, as well the fully enclosed chicken run, and the day before they all felt that they would finish, Gord called to have the animals delivered, and they were the next day.

Almost as soon as the animals were all in and comfortable, Gord had every sheep that they now had inside the orchard. There were already good fences surrounding it, to help prevent unwanted animal intrusion, so they were good to roam around as they saw fit, and as soon as they were in, they happily started munching on all the good grass and weeds that they liked. Gord knew that there were some weeds in there that the sheep may not like, and that they would have to take care of them, but that the sheep would take care of the majority of them too.

“Wow, that was a lot of work, wasn't it?” Dawson said, once they were all done.

“Yeah, but we have lots to show for it too, so that's good. Now that we have everything that needed to be done, taken care of, I think that I wanna start working on the new water wheel and get a power generating unit attached to it and start making us some nearly free power.” Gord said.

“I'm gonna haveta skip out on the building of that, I should probably go and do some actual work, I have a few days worth to do, and I really should be doing it.” Miles said. “Not to mention, working with metal's not something I know. I won't be a huge help anyway.”

“Okay Baby, we can take care of most of it, but you and the other two big strapping baby boys will likely haveta help me to install it once it comes time anyway, since, even with the tractor, I doubt the boys can help me too much.”

“No worries there Baby.”

And so, for the next several days, that was what Gord and the boys worked on. They first started by going and ordering all that they would be needing, and as soon as it arrived, Gord and the boys got down to building it. They had already sat down and done a huge amount of research, so that they could make it the most efficient that they were able to, and they had some pretty good designs.

It took only five days for them to build the actual wheel, but then it took a further four days to build the generator house, as well the structure that holds the wheel. They had used more of the large screw in anchors to attach everything, using two times more than Gord figured that would be required, just because, since clearly he did not want any of this falling down and/or apart.

Finally, once all the men were home together, and for the whole day, they tackled the rather difficult chore of installing the rather large and heavy water wheel. They ended up using the tractor to place several large rocks in the creek to sort of divert the water a bit to help in the installation of the wheel, since it would want to start moving right away otherwise, then got it installed and properly secured, and finally removed all the rocks. The wheel started spinning right away, and at a decent speed as well.

Gord had designed the gear shaft and gear mechanisms in such a way that he could deactivate the gear drive any time he needed to, for maintenance, but it also helped for installation as well. He got everything set up, and everyone helped to install the new generator. He checked first to see what the rotational speed of the main drive gear was, then set up the remaining gears to ensure that the generator spun at its optimal speed. He knows that he will need to monitor this at least a few times a month, since he does not want the generator spinning either too fast or too slow.

Once they got the generator unit attached, and the gears activated, Gord checked the rotational speed again, and it only dropped by a few RPM's, but was right in the upper range of the perfect speed, right where he had hoped it would be. He had known that the drag on the generator would slow it down some, so had planned that in from the start.

The last thing to do now was to finish off the final electrical connection to the house, and then they were done. That only took a few seconds, since Gord had already had it mostly completed.

“So, what's your output on it?” Adam asked Gord after he had checked it.

“Damn near twenty kilowatts, which is perfect. I figure that a house this size, with this many people living here, we'll use roughly fifteen kilowatts on average, so the rest gets dumped back into the grid, and our bill goes backwards.”

“Nice. Will anyone say anything about that though is my question?” Kyle asked.

“What do you mean?”

“The government mainly. Don't they usually have something to say about messing with streams and creeks and whatnot?”

“Ah, I see, but no. This is a non fish bearing creek, there are no lakes up here, all the water is spring and ice cap fed, then it feeds a rather large waterfall, so nothing to kill. Also, when my parents asked for permission to do the last waterwheel, since they thought that they should, they were given a certificate saying so, I still have that, and it'll still be valid now. I wasn't really too worried about it, to tell you the truth, since I already knew that anyway, and so had they, but they didn't wanna cause themselves any troubles.”

“Good, because I didn't want any of them myself.”

“No, me neither.”

“Yeah, so, now, pretty near free electricity. It cost a lot to build, but I figure that in a couple years or so, we'll have paid it off completely with what we save, as well as what we make off it, so, the more efficiently that we use our power, the more we make off it.”

“Awesome.” All the boys said together.

Gord watched the systems very closely over the next few days, to ensure that it was all working properly, and that their RPM's were always in the power zone, and it seemed to be working flawlessly.

All were still staying well and thickly diapered every day, they were all happy, and they were getting lots of great loving in with their baby boyfriends. The boys were getting lots of school work done, every day they worked at it, and were doing very well. The animals, orchard, and garden were all doing really well, and Gord, Miles, and the boys rarely had to do much of anything for any of them. Gord and Miles went and fed the chickens and collected the eggs every morning, set the sheep out in the orchard, and then that was about it for the chores.

Jamie had been keeping Gord mostly in the loop as to what was happening with the legal case against Dawson's mother, mostly via email, and for the most part, it was slow and agonizing, as usual, but finally, on a Monday morning, he called Gord and said that he and Dawson needed to be in court the following day to see a judge. They met Jamie at the courthouse, they talked for only a few minutes, and then were shown in and told to be seated. Gord almost groaned out loud when he saw that it was a female judge, thinking that she would be unjustly swayed to his ex wife's side.

For the most part, Dawson was bored to tears, it was all legal mumbo jumbo that did not interest him in the least, but his mothers lawyer seemed to be one of those feminazis that he had read about, thinking that his mother was a saint and that his father was the big bad wolf, and that is exactly how she portrayed him, how absolutely everything had been Gord's fault, that she had done nothing at all wrong, so on and so forth. Finally she called Dawson up to the stand, and he went up, it was she that called him, Jamie did not want to call him, he wanted her to have first crack at him.

“So, Dawson, I know you haven't understood any of what's happened here today, so I'll try and explain it to you as simply as I can, so that you can tell me everything that I need to know.”

“Lady, I understood absolutely everything that's happened here today, and I understand you a lot more than you can imagine. I may be bored to tears, and I hate legal stuff with a passion, but I'm more than smart enough to know how you're trying to make my father into the bad guy and the bitch into some poor abused saint. Yeah, not gonna happen.”

“Young man, you'll speak properly and civilly to me, or I'll have you put in jail.”

“Not gonna happen.” Jamie called out.

“And besides, you said so much worse about my dad, what gives you the right to tell me to talk about her nicely, when you've been making my dad out to be the devil. Now, since I know for a fact that you're not gonna ask me any proper questions, I'm gonna tell you all that you need to know. My mother is a horrible vindictive bitch. She abandoned me and my brother with my dad when she couldn't handle him being defective, then she refused to pay my dad any money whatsoever, forcing him to have to live off the charity of others and care for me and David alone. He also attempted to take her bitchiness to court, several times I might add, to get money to help, and she never showed up.

“Then, after David dies, she comes crawling back, hoping that we'd take her back with open arms, yeah, right, neither of us are anywhere near that stupid. When we point all this out, and I tell her that I too am defective, that I'm happily and proudly gay, as well that I like to wear diapers, she gets extra vindictive and tries to say that my dad's been raping me.

“Trust me, he didn't, and besides, it wouldn't have been rape, I asked him to, but he told me to go fuck myself instead, like, how rude, right, so I went and found my own boyfriend. Now, here we are, and you're making her out to be a saint, and my dad a devil, and you have the nerve to tell me to be civil. You're just like her.” He said loudly and clearly, and though she tried to interrupt several times, he would not allow her, he just kept on going over top of her.

Even the judge was grinning.

“Your honour, clearly this young man has been horribly abused and brain washed into hating his mother. I hereby demand he be seen by a psychiatrist to help him out. Clearly he needs to be seen by one, not only has he been made to believe his very own mother is horrible, but his father's made him think that he's gay and needs diapers.”

“Oh no you don't.” Dawson growled. “I will never see any psychiatrist that you appoint to me, and now I am also gonna sue you for everything you have for insulting me so. Jamie, make it happen, this horrible bitch is every bit as bad as my dead mother.”

“Okay.” Jamie said happily.

Well, the lady lawyer did not take kindly to this and started demanding all sorts of things of the judge, who just smiled serenely at her until she finished.

“Are you done yet?” She asked.

“Yes, for now, though my client and I'll likely have more demands in the near future, once she's released from jail.”

“Um, no, you're not. I'm hereby sentencing your client to ten years in prison, that she must pay half her marital assets to her ex husband, as he clearly deserved, and then the other half is to be given to her son, who more rightly deserves it than she does. How you get paid is beyond me, since all money is frozen already, and she now has nothing to pay you with. I'll also happily hear the case of harassment of Dawson from you, and I'm thinking at least a hundred thousand dollars would be a suitable fee. Now, I'll happily recommend that he drop his case against you, if you and your client never bother him again.”

“You can't do that.” She screeched.

“Actually, you'd better believe I can.”

“You're as bad as they are, you're a horrible freak.”

“Oh, now you've insulted a judge, in her own courtroom, I think a month in jail might just change your outlook on things.” She smiled so sweetly that they all almost got cavities from it.

The lawyer just kept yelling insults and saying that they would never make it stick, and the judge just kept smiling, but did nod at the courtroom bailiff and he came over and arrested her.

“So, for all that, I think three months is more suitable, and I will now be hearing the court case against you from Dawson, however, from all the horrible things that you called him, I think he deserves to seek five hundred thousand dollars from you. Tell me, can you afford that, because I doubt it?”

“You're gonna break me?” She said, looking ashen with that, because even she knew that if a judge was telling a client this, that she was going to lose.

“I'm hoping to, yes, I'm also sending this case into the authorities to look into, I feel that you and your kind are what's wrong with this world today, and I'm gonna ask to have them remove your license, since I don't feel that you should be in a court, but instead prison. If you don't lose your license, and ever get assigned to my court room, I will have you removed, I never wish to see your face again. Now, pay Dawson one hundred thousand dollars today, with the promise that you'll never help his ex mother ever again, that you'll never see him again, so on and so forth, or I'll gladly hear his case for five hundred thousand, and you already know you'll lose. You have until the time that you get out of your three months in jail to have it arranged. If he has not been paid out by then, I will extend your stay indefinitely, while we wait for your court case. I might just be super busy and have to keep pushing it back though. I would hate having to do so, but sometimes I do get incredibly busy.” She still kept her nice warm smile.

“Can't you do something, they can't take all my money away?” Dawson's mother screeched, she did not like the way this was going.

“No, and from here on out, I guess I'm no longer your lawyer, I won't lose more than I already have, and you can't pay me.” She said, right on the verge of tears.

“You can't do this to me, I'm the victim here, I should be getting everything.”

“One more word from you, and I add another year to your prison term.” The judge said.

“You can't do that.”

“Just did, please, keep on going. I'm sure Dawson and Gordon are hoping you'll keep on shouting. You'll now be in prison for eleven years, unless you get out early on good behavior, which from where I sit, I can't see happening, so, go ahead, look at Dawson, smiling and nodding, nearly begging you to keep on shouting at me.”

“You're just a power hungry bitch who enjoys making good and deserving people suffer, you're a gay lover, and you're gonna burn in hell.”

“Actually, I am gay, not just a gay lover, and no, there is no hell, there is no heaven, especially not after what my horrible bitch of a mother did to me when she found out I was gay. She was just like you, and just like you, I was so happy to send her to jail, broke and broken. I took every penny she had, and I've done as much good with it all as I possibly could. Now, that little tirade did just bump you to twelve years, but we're done here, please take her away.” She said, and then the bailiff took her away.

They all watched and waited as she was removed from the court, yelling and swearing. The lawyer too was taken, though her head was down and they could see tears rolling down. Once they were gone, the judge turned to Dawson, who was still sitting on the stand.

“You did very well here today, even though I know you could barely look at your ex mother. I'm sorry that you had to be put through all that, no child should have to do such a thing, but you had to be here I'm afraid.”

“Thanks, but that's okay, I happily came here today to see her get what she truly deserved. Now she's broke and broken, right where she truly deserves to be for what she did to us.”

“Yes, and like you heard, I grew up with just such a mother, only I had to actually live with her. Trust me, you got off easy, and you should be glad that she did leave you when you were just a baby, because had she stayed, your life would be vastly different now.”

“Believe you me, I'm not mad that she abandoned us, only that she tried to come back.”

“Good. Now, do you have any idea how much money your mother was worth?”

“No, Daddy never told me.”

“I didn't even know.” Gord admitted.

“Really, you were married to her though?”

“Yes, but she made me sign a pre nuptial agreement, and I was never allowed to see that information, nor would she ever tell me.”

“Wow. In cash, she has a little better than twenty million, but then in houses and cars and various other commodities, probably that much again.”

“Wow, really, so I now have twenty million dollars?” Dawson asked in awe.

“Plus or minus a few dollars, yes.” She smiled.


“Yeah, feels good, doesn't it. I wrung a good solid ten million from my mother, and it felt amazing. Granted, I've spent better than half of it trying to do as much good as I possibly could, but I always do more, since I have that there for doing just that.”

“I will too.”

“Good. Well, I hate to kick you out, but I'm afraid that I must be going, and I'm certain that you and your father will wish to go celebrate. All monies that were your ex mothers will be handed over within the next few days, I will send the reports to the bank today, and ask them to transfer it all right away.”

“Thank you so much, we really appreciate it, and I don't even mean the money. You did for us exactly what I hoped you would.”

“You're very welcome.” She smiled.

They headed out, and before parting, Dawson thanked Jamie deeply, giving him a great big hug in thanks. Once they finally made it home, Dawson excitedly told all the others what had happened and how much money that they were both getting, and they too were all happy for them. Lucas ended up dragging Dawson to their bedroom for a more personal celebration that lasted almost two hours, and when they were done, they stumbled from their bedroom in fresh ultra thick, triple diapers, their waterproof baby pants, and their kinkiest baby diaper shirts. The rest had gone and done the same, only they had not lasted as long, but they were all equally diapered.

Four days later, Gord was called and told that all funds had been transferred to both his and Dawson's accounts, and that they were welcome to use their money now. Dawson had already had an account set up, so Gord had not had to go and take care of that, but he did make several changes to it, namely setting up a locked high yield account that would have to have his signature for Dawson to use, but lots was kept in Dawson's main account if he wanted or needed anything. Both were understandably very happy.

Thankfully that day in court was also the very last day that either ever had to see Dawson's mother ever again. She ended up staying in prison for just over eight years, and as soon as she was finally released, she was slapped with a life long restraining order and ordered to never even come to the same city ever again. She heeded that, but then, she had nothing to fight it with, she had no money left whatsoever.

From there on, life sort of got into a rhythm for them all, and they were having a great time. Loving each other and their freedom, their diapers and of course the amazing sex. It was so rare to see any clothes while they were at home, that it almost never happened, except the once every week or so that they had to get dressed to go out for something, other than the three men who did still work, though they did all start taking on less work and stayed home more often as well.

During the summer, Gord took everyone up to the cabin for a week, twice, and they all had a great time up there as well. The first time, he had worried about how their animals would fare, but they did very well, so he did not worry the next time.

Come harvest time, for both their garden and their orchard, they all worked tirelessly to get everything all taken care of. They canned and or froze all their vegetables, or otherwise stored them, almost half of which they took to the many soup kitchens their city had and donated it all, but half they kept, which would be more than enough to get them all through the year.

Thankfully the apple orchard was ready after the garden was, but it had done shockingly well. Gord had already done all the research that he had needed to do to learn all that he needed to know, though his dad had taught him most of it anyway, he just had to relearn it, and he had already bought all the equipment to do so. He had also had to go in and get all the proper licenses and whatnot to produce and sell alcohol, what a major pain in the ass that was, and pretty expensive too, but he was not too worried about that. They ended up yielding almost three thousand kilograms of apples, which gave them just over four thousand litres of raw juice, and by the time the wine was made and bottled, they had damn near forty five hundred bottles of wine. Even though Gord tried the wine before it had aged, he was quite satisfied with its flavour.

When it came time to sell their wine, Gord was happy to hear that everyone just loved it, and he sold out far faster than he had anticipated, and people were clamoring for more, but it was not to be had.

It took them all a lot of work to make it all happen, but they did so happily and together, and together they all stayed as well. Dawson bought the property next door to them that fall, and they all planted even more apple trees than they already had, ten times more in fact. It took a lot of work, because they had to clear the land first, something that they did through fall and winter, and by spring, they were planting all their trees, but they had found a nursery who had tonnes of trees that were nearly fruit bearing already, so within two years they were already starting to produce, and within five they were up to full production, and they were yielding nearly five hundred thousand bottles, which of course meant that they had had to make a fair few upgrades.

They did have to work hard, but only for half the year, and even when they worked hard, they all had a great deal of fun doing it together. The boys all grew and matured, all of them enjoying their boyfriends' very first cum loads, and then every one after that, they were getting older and wiser, and by the time they were fifteen or sixteen, they were all finished school, and not one of them cared to go further with it.

Every last one of them got married to their partners, and they all stayed living together in their large and beautiful house together. The boys did adopt a child or two for each couple, and those boys grew up loving diapers as much as their daddies did, and when asked if they wanted to potty train to go peepee in the potty, they all said no, even though their daddies did tell them all why they should, but they never wanted to, and why should they, really. The boys all ended up being gay as well, but the boys had chosen their babies well, so it was no surprise to them.

And they lived gayly ever after.

****Well, there you have it, yet another gay baby boy diaper love story from my warped and twisted mind. The disease that David suffered from is one that one of my very own cousins had, and for that very same reason. I do not say so to scare people from getting immunized, far from it, all children since him have been immunized, because, like my aunt said, what happened to him was a bad accident, and now she has grandchildren, and even they have all been immunized. Like David, my cousin died at a young age, almost 12 I think it was, that was a long time ago, though he too lived far longer than the doctors said that he would, and probably for the love that my aunt showed him, though his father did skip out on them. I hope that you enjoyed, and if you did, please drop me a line. You can reach me at erich5748 at Thanks if you actually managed to make it this far.****