Fine Print

by Arch Hunter

Chapter 11


Ethan let Dabrowski lead him back to the dorm sector. The air was different there. Boys were strolling freely through the corridor. Loud conversations and even laughter echoed out of the open doors, where small groups of boys sat in circles, talking or even wrestling. Ethan peered into each, looking for Levi, but there was no sign of him.

"Ethan!" a voice called out from behind. Ethan turned around just in time for Peter to nearly run into him. "I thought something happened," the smaller boy panted.

"No, I just needed some time alone. Now I need to find Levi."

"Can I come with you?"


They found Levi in his room, number 7. He was sitting in the corner, his face buried in his arms.

"Levi?" Ethan cautiously stepped further into the room, stopping when Levi looked up. There was a burn on his left cheek, and tears welled in his eyes.

"I'll kill them! I'll fucking kill them all!" Levi yelled.

"What... what happened?" Ethan knelt beside him, Peter joining them, looking startled.

"Roy... he was swallowed by a hole in the ground. He was screaming, but no one helped him," Levi sobbed. "I barely got away."

"Do you think he's..."

"If something happened to him... I'll make those responsible answer to his parents. Then, I'm going to kill them with my bare hands."

"Sucked into what?" Peter asked, his face even paler than usual.

"I think it's aliens," Levi said. "I know how it sounds, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense."

Ethan caught Peter's gaze. There was no room for a reasonable explanation. They were either being drugged, which explained the hallucinations from the chair, or some unexplainable force was at work.

"We need to wait it out," Ethan stated. "That's all we can do. Then, we can share our story. If we all do, someone will have to believe us."

"Are you crazy?" Levi exploded. "Didn't you hear what the bald guy said? They'll pick us off one by one until we're either dead or brainwashed. I'm not waiting any longer."

"Dude... this is a fortress. We can't escape," Ethan pleaded. "They must release us eventually. Our parents will cause a riot if they don't. And if you try to run..."

"Then what?"

Ethan paused. He didn't want to discourage Levi, but withholding the truth could put him in greater danger.

"My guy... Dabrowski. He told me he experienced something similar as a kid. He had a friend who tried to escape and..."

"And what? Spit it out!"

"They made him vanish. He saw or heard too much and was never heard from again."

"Bullshit," Levi retorted, standing up and pacing the room. "He said that just to scare you. And obviously, it worked. Two days. That's my limit. I don't care if you come with me or not. But if you want to see the sun again, you better not stay here."

Ethan hesitated, torn between fear and desperation.

"Fine. I'll go alone," Levi decided. "How much of the elevator code did you catch?"

Ethan produced a piece of cloth where he'd scribbled it down. "445645634542..."

"943483454428" Patrick finished for him, startling them both. They'd almost forgotten he was there.

"What did you say?" Ethan asked.

"That's the rest of the code. If you need it. And the last digit is the floor number. Otherwise, the code remains the same.

Ethan and Levi stared at him silently, then at each other.

"We need this to work," Levi said. "Your name is Peter, right? Would you like to join me? I could use your superbrain."

"I'll go," replied Peter impulsively, causing Ethan's jaw to drop.

"Are you serious?" Ethan asked. "We're in a military base in the middle of a desert. It'd be easier to escape Alcatraz. Why can't we just wait? They'll do their experiments and release us."

"Tell that to Roy," Levi countered.

"Or to Joshua," Peter added. "I don't want to spend another week wondering if I'm next."

Hearing this from the small, frail boy made Ethan's ears burn. If they couldn't see how hopeless it was, there was nothing else he could tell.

"That's the spirit!" Levi patted Peter on the back. "Let's rest now. We have a lot to prepare for."

"And keep it down," Peter added in a whisper. "They're watching us, but maybe also listening."

The three of them started looking around for potential hidden microphones.

"If they are, it's already too late," Ethan said. "I need some sleep."

"Now that we're allowed anywhere, this can be our room," Levi suggested, turning to Peter. "Hey, could you give us a minute? I need to talk to Ethan privately."

"Uh, sure," Peter responded, leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

"I'm sorry," Levi apologized, sitting next to Ethan, "for my immature behavior. I should've known better."

"It's fine," Ethan reassured him, meeting his gaze. "It's my fault, too. I know I gave you mixed signals."

"I really felt a connection between us," Levi confessed, smiling. "I still do."

"Me too," Ethan admitted, playfully punching Levi's shoulder. "But I already have a boyfriend. In this hole, thinking of Spencer keeps me sane."

"He's a lucky guy," Levi remarked. "When I meet him, I'll tell him to hold onto you."

"We're both lucky. To be honest, I feel extremely lucky. Two hot guys have a crush for me."

"Now," Levi laughed, "saying I have a crush is a bit mch. But if Spencer ever leaves you, remember that I'm next in line."

"I'll remember that. But really, I'm glad you're here. I hope we can be friends."

"Friends," Levi agreed, and they bumped fists.

Ethan had to fight the urge to immediately jump on Levi, spending the next hour kissing him, then sucking his dick for another. The temptation was nearly overwhelming. However, a part of him knew that, as great as it may be, he'd regret it very soon.

"I'm going to lay down now, for real. I almost died at least once today. Maybe twice," Ethan yawned, laying down and closing his eyes.

When he opened them, he saw Levi and Peter. They were resting against the wall, whispering to each other. Ethan had to blink twice to make sure he was seeing correctly. Levi was gently running his hand through Peter's hair, looking at him with a loving expression.

"They don't waste time," Ethan thought to himself, turning to his side. But the image of Levi and Peter's tender moment lingered in his mind, keeping him awake for a while before he could drift back to sleep.

When he woke up, they were laying together, Levi spooning Peter from behind. At least they were dressed. They looked calm and relaxed, so Ethan did his best to get up without making noise. Outside, the hall was quiet again. Most of the doors were left ajar, and soft snoring could be heard from the rooms. He strolled through the corridor, taking note of every turn to avoid getting lost. Everything looked the same, soulless and mind-numbing. He tried a few doors at random, but all were locked, with a keypad next to each doorknob. The facility seemed huge, even judging by the small portion he was able to explore. And what about the remaining floors? It didn't seem to make sense to build something like this just to hold a bunch of kids.

He heard a faint sound of running water from the distance and walked in that direction. As he got closer, he heard singing. It was a boy's voice, and a pretty nice one, too. Soon, he spotted an open door at the end of the corridor, steam billowing out. A sign on the door read "STAFF ONLY". Whoever was there didn't seem to care about being heard, so Ethan came closer to look inside.

The sight was almost surreal. The room's walls were covered with aquamarine tiles. The dim, yellow light emitted from the ceiling lamps was warm and gentle on the eyes, contrasting with the cold blue Ethan had grown accustomed to. Wooden racks along the walls held fresh, fluffy towels and bathrobes. However, it was the room's center that drew Ethan's attention. A large, rectangular bathtub filled with hot, steaming water sat there. Its only occupant sat with his arms spread along the edge, singing an old Ariana Grande hit.

"Oh shit, I didn't hear you coming," Danny laughed when he saw Ethan in the doorway, "Can you imagine this place? Just found it this morning. Or whatever time of the day it is."

"Oh, sorry, I..." Ethan mumbled and started to back away, but the cute boy stopped him.

"It's fine, come in. I was getting a bit bored here, but I'm not leaving until my skin turns into a raisin."

Ethan hesitated. There was another door in the room that seemed to lead to the toilets, but Danny seemed to be alone here. He inhaled the scent of the expensive bubble bath. It reminded him of his mom and home, of his twin siblings running around the house after their bath.

"I'm serious, come on. I've been here for twenty minutes. And look, they have these little shampoo bottles, just like in hotels!"

This seemed too good to be true. But Ethan really needed an escape, even if it was just an illusion, one that would only last for so long and make going back to the cold reality even worse. At least it was more tangible than the delusional hope of escaping this place. Ethan unbuttoned his shirt and placed it on the rack. Then he shed his pants, feeling Danny's eyes on him as he did.

"Ever wondered why there isn't a single ugly boy here with us?" Danny asked. "I have a boyfriend and everything, but man, you're hot."

Ethan rolled his eyes, happy that his penis got a little chubbier, making it look bigger. Still, he wasted no time and stepped into the tub. He wasn't prepared for it. The water was hot, just as he liked it. Probably hotter than his mom would approve of, and figuratively lava compared to the lukewarm drizzle that was available in their post-gym showers. It stung his skin, but also felt great. The boy let out a content sigh that turned into a chuckle as he submerged himself and finally sat down.

"Feels nice, right?" Danny commented with satisfaction. He made little waves with his legs and arms.

"How did you find this place? And how did you get in?"

"I couldn't sleep and went exploring," Danny shrugged. "And it was unlocked. I sat here for half an hour before I found the courage to take a little bath. I expected someone to come and kick me out any second. But no one came.

"Like if they wanted us to find it," Ethan noticed, trying to keep his mind sharp while his muscles relaxed.

"Maybe. They told us we're free to go wherever we want, right? I didn't even see any cameras."

"That doesn't mean there aren't any. You know how small they can get."

"Yeah, I don't care anymore," Danny smiled and Ethan felt his toes tickling his feet. "After all they did to us, it's not like we have any privacy left."

Ethan chewed the next words in his mouth before speaking up. "Hey, sorry for spying on you. I know it's hard to explain but..."

"Don't worry about it. Okay, when I saw you, I thought I'd get a heart attack. But then I realized it was hot! I came so hard knowing you were watching Trev suck my dick!"

"Not so loud," Ethan hissed as Danny's high-pitched voice echoed from the walls. "Trev... where is he?"

"Still sleeping. We had a busy night, poor dude is exhausted," Danny smirked. Ethan was trying to figure out if he was just goofing around, or flirting with him. "I'm really glad I met him. We turn each other on a lot."

"So, how did you two meet?" Ethan asked.

"Why, here. Like everyone else. The button opening the door... I only found it two sleeps ago. Then we hit it off right away. And frankly, he had been drooling at my sight from day one, so I knew it wouldn't take much effort to get him hot and bothered. I'm actually considering letting him, you know," Danny chuckled and made the international fucking sign with his fingers.

Ethan rolled his eyes mentally. Danny seemed to be a bit too full of himself. But with his looks, he could be partially excused...

"Do you think they'll let us out soon?" Ethan asked, happy to talk to someone new.

"How would I know? I thought we'd be out of here a long time ago. Now? I'm sort of getting used to it. I mean, it's bad, and all, but being around all the hot boys and sex with Trev makes up for that. Oh, and let's not forget the chair... Did you enjoy the chair?"

Despite the hot water, Ethan felt a chill run down his spine. He tried not to dwell on the chair, particularly since occasionally, especially when drifting off to sleep, he thought he could hear distant whispers calling his name and promising eternal love.

"It freaked you out, huh?" Danny asked, seeing Ethan hesitate. "I think this is the real and only reason why they keep us here. This stuff is out of this world, I swear."

"I wonder if they know what it really does," Ethan said, weighing every word.

"Hey, you're right. They probably don't. Which confirms my theory, because that's why they need us. And my other theory is that it's some kind of a next-gen love drug."

"Maybe," Ethan said, struggling to put his thoughts together, let alone articulate them. "I did have a serious... withdrawal effect after it wore off."

"But what about the thing itself? When you were in the chair?" Danny pressed.

Ethan looked Danny in the eyes for a minute. With Levi and his unbreakable moral ethos and with traumatized Peter, this could be his only chance to talk to someone openly. Danny seemed a little weird, but definitely open-minded. "Well... it was the best feeling of my life," Ethan eventually admitted.

Danny laughed. "Same, dude. I wasn't sure if I was climaxing or dying. No wonder they're testing this stuff before they release it to the public. Some people would abuse the hell out of it. In fact, you could even..."

"...use it as a weapon," Ethan finished for him. For a moment, they stared at each other before bursting into a chuckle.

"If the world ends, I'd rather have it end in a global orgy, not nuclear explosion."

"Now we're going too far," Ethan said, more to convince himself than Danny.

"Do you want to try it again?" Danny asked point blank.

"I mean, I'm not sure," Ethan said quickly, caught off guard. "I probably will eventually when it's my turn in the Screening Room again."

"What if I told you I got my hands on some of this strange gooey liquid?"


"Yes," Danny smiled.

"Don't know if it's a good idea," Ethan said looking away. He didn't fully believe Danny, but then again, he couldn't go far bluffing about it. "You know how long it takes to recover from it."

"Yeah, I know. But maybe we took too much of it. What if we take just a little to, you know, feel better? Have fun?"

"I really don't know about it. Also, I don't know what kind of fun you have in mind, but I have a boyfriend. You can try it with Trev and let me know how it went."

"Trev's cool," Danny said, rolling his eyes with a mysterious smile.

"I thought you said you loved him."

"Yeah, I mean, I do, he's really sweet. Maybe a bit too eager. But he's very straightforward, if you know what I mean. It might freak him out."

"And what makes you think I'm different?" Ethan asked.

Danny's toes tickled Ethan's again. "Just a hunch. Something in your eyes. Makes you seem restless, questioning. Things like these are hard to hide."

Ethan didn't know whether to feel flattered or offended. "Yeah, still. I'd rather keep my head down for now. I want to get out of here in one piece."

Danny shrugged. "Your loss. I'm not doing it alone, so if you change your mind..."

"I get it, thanks," Ethan cut him off and closed his eyes.

He liked how the hot water numbed his senses, calmed his thoughts, and made him lose track of time. He was grateful that Danny had finally shut up. He reached for a tiny glass bottle of shampoo and poured its contents onto his palm. It smelled like lavender and mint, but not the cheap chemical imitation. Instead, it was like lying in the grass on a warm June afternoon. As he massaged it into his scalp, he could almost hear bees and beetles buzzing around, and see sun rays warming his eyelids.

Then he felt Danny's feet, slowly moving up his legs. Ethan lazily opened his eyes.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I like your face when you're relaxed," Danny said. "Just wanted to give you a little massage."

Ethan's cock grew as Danny's toes tingled his scrotum and embraced the shaft. He had to admit this was just what he needed, but it wouldn't be fair to Spencer.

"Hey... I appreciate it but..." he began, but was interrupted by a loud buzz coming from the speakers somewhere in the corridor. It repeated in short intervals but didn't seem to stop.

The boys looked at each other and Danny released Ethan's arousal. "We better be going," he said.

The boys got up reluctantly, their muscles pleasantly relaxed and weak - except for Ethan's and Danny's dicks which were pointing out at 140 and 90 degrees respectively. For a second, Ethan wished life was simpler and he could just spend the rest of the day in the hot tub, fooling around with Danny. Dripping wet, they got out of the tub and dried off with fresh towels. Then, they went out into the cold corridor to see what the alert was about.

The other boys were found lined up in the dorm area, with two armed soldiers waiting for everyone to gather. Ethan and Danny joined the ranks, receiving questioning looks from Levi and Peter, but especially from Trev, who didn't seem happy to see them together. The soldier's stern face kept everyone silent.

Soon, they were escorted away, and the day began. First, the reading class. Even more Jean-Paul Sartre. After everything that had happened in the past 24 hours, the letters in the book seemed to dance before Ethan's eyes. Other boys were similarly distracted, some openly sleeping on their desks. The soldier guarding them didn't seem to care. Was it another test? If you don't read and understand all of it, do you die?

Again, one by one, some boys were called to the Screening Room. Only five were taken this time, including the boy with braces, but Ethan, Levi, Peter, and Danny were spared. Danny's poker face was unreadable when his boyfriend Trev was called and, like the others, never returned to the classroom.

After three hours of this mind-boggling experience, they were taken away again. Gym with Maddox. More pushups. More shouting. Half of the boys were lying on the floor. Levi was excluded from the exercise completely, told by Maddox to help maintain discipline and motivate others. When time was up, Ethan heard Trev whispering to Danny about Levi.

"Bet he sucks Maddox's dick every night. The son of a bitch is asking for an accident to happen to him."

In the shower, Ethan was with Peter and the chubby boy, but they were too tired to talk. The chubby boy's face was red and he looked in need of some serious rest, if not an ambulance.

Ethan didn't feel much better himself. After dressing, he went straight to his room and collapsed. The floor felt as comfortable as a luxurious bed. But he didn't get to rest long. He was vaguely aware of two pairs of feet approaching until they stopped right next to his head, wearing heavy military boots.

"Get up," one of them commanded.

Ethan fought an internal battle, torn between obeying the voice and letting himself drift into sleep. Just when one of the boots gave him an urgent kick in the butt, he found it in himself to get up. He was led along a familiar route to a familiar room to see two familiar faces - Dr. Anderson and Mr. Ogilvy. It was the same room where he had his first "audition" after arriving at the facility - a lifetime ago. Apart from them, in the room, there was a man and a woman, holding cameras and notepads. Ethan regarded them with a blank glance. They seemed deeply interested in him. Mr. Ogilvy stood silently in the corner, while Dr. Anderson sat behind his desk.

"Welcome Ethan. These people will be taking notes, please don't mind them. We're going to ask you a few questions. But before we start, please take off your clothes.

The boy took them off automatically. He didn't even flinch when the mysterious spectators took several photos of him.

"I know you must be tired after a long day, so let's get right into it," Dr. Anderson said. "What's your name?"

"My name is Ethan Ian Matthews. I'm thirteen years old and I'm male," Ethan recited without emotion. Dr. Anderson looked up at him from his glasses.

"Uhm, thank you, Ethan, but starting now, please answer questions precisely, without getting ahead of yourself.

"Yes sir," Ethan said. He felt his erection growing steadily and felt a tingle of satisfaction listening to the unknown people whispering.

"What is your sexual orientation?"

"I'm gay," the boy replied with confidence. He didn't even blink when Mr. Oglivy giggled in the corner.

"Thank you. Now, what do you like to do in your free time?"

"I like reading comics, playing video games, and watching the Discovery Channel."

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"No, I have a boyfriend. His name is Spencer and he goes to my school."

Dr. Anderson cleared his throat. "Do you understand that we asked you the same questions when you first arrived, yes?"

"I do, sir. I was too afraid to answer truthfully back then."

"Understandable," he said. The press woman scribbled in her notebook quickly while her partner took more photos. Ethan's penis was throbbing from attention.

"Have you gone through sexual initiation, Ethan?"

"Yes, but it wasn't with my boyfriend. It was here, with one of the boys."

"What's his name?"

"I'd rather not say it without getting his permission."

"Understandable," Dr. Anderson said. "And I understand that you do..."

"Yes, I do masturbate. At least I did, back home. One to two times a day. Sometimes more if I'm feeling exceptionally aroused."

"And what arouses you? What are your most common fantasies when you masturbate?"

"I like imagining someone sucking my dick," Ethan said plainly. "Sometimes sucking someone's dick. Sometimes I think about 69ing with a hot boy. Lately I've been picturing my boyfriend Spencer naked or doing sex things with me."

A glistening drop of precum was hanging off Ethan's dickhead now. The reporter's camera was clicking like crazy.

"Thank you Ethan. Lastly, would you mind if I asked you to masturbate now?"

"Here?" Ethan asked and then looked at the spectators. "No, I wouldn't mind, really."

"Then if you want to, you're free to do it."

"If it's up to me, I'd rather not," Ethan said assertively.

"It's fully up to you," Doctor said and closed his notebook. "In this case, that will be all. Tomorrow you will be taken back to your parents. Congratulations."

Ethan blinked a few times. Somehow, these words seemed more abstract than anything that had happened to him here.

"But... why? Did I do something wrong? Or right?"

"Let's say you are no longer needed for Project Swordfish."

"What about the others?"

"The others will stay for as long as they are required. But you are free to go."

Ethan couldn't believe it. Tears gathered in his eyes. It was over. Finally over. Somehow, unless it was all some elaborate trick, he would finally see his parents, his brother and sister, his friends, Spencer. Everyone.

"It's alright, Ethan. You did well. Now, you can dress up and spend the rest of your time however you like. Sergeant Dabrowski will pick you up sometime during the day."

Ethan dressed with shaking hands. His resolve and indifference were gone. How was it possible? He didn't do anything special. Would they let him out just because he answered some weird questions? Why wasn't he useful anymore? He did everything they asked him. As he walked back to his room, he marveled at his own feelings. He was happy, yes, and he couldn't wait to have his old life back, but something felt off.

He stopped by Levi's room when he heard noise coming from inside. Something told him to only peek inside. His breath quickened. In the dim light, he could see them on the floor. Naked. Peter sucking Levi's dick with consideration. Levi grazing Peter's cheek with his fingers, giving him his full attention. Patrick looking him straight in the eyes, Levi's dick looking huge in his small mouth. Ethan staggered away, torn by emotions he'd never expected to feel. Tomorrow, he'll be gone, kissing Spencer in his own bed, trying not to think about Levi, about everything that happened.

He almost walked into Danny, a dark figure in the dim corridor.

"Psst," Danny whispered. His white teeth gleamed like diamonds. In his hand was a glass vial filled with a familiar liquid; he dangled it teasingly before Ethan's eyes. "Trev is asleep. I'm bored."

"I need a bath," Ethan whispered.

"Same. Let's go."

Danny seemed to know the way well, and Ethan followed him as if in a dream. The lights lit up as they walked, revealing identical segments of the corridor. The door to the bathroom was open again. It was empty.

"It takes a while to fill it," Danny said as he turned on the taps, setting off a steady stream of warm water into the large bathtub. He adjusted the temperature, ensuring it was hot, but not uncomfortably so. Ethan watched, still in a daze, as the water began to froth and bubble, gradually rising in the tub.

"Better start getting ready," Danny suggested with a grin, peeling off his shirt and tossing it aside.

Ethan, a bit more hesitant, followed suit. He slowly removed his shirt, folding it carefully before placing it on the floor. They both continued undressing, the sound of running water and the occasional clink of belt buckles filling the room.

By the time they were naked, the bath was nearly full, steam rising and fogging the walls. Danny reached over to turn off the taps, and a comfortable silence settled between them, broken only by the gentle lapping of water at the edges of the tub. Then, they both stepped inside, this time sitting right next to each other.

Danny carefully held the vial in front of them. Ethan felt as if they were about to share their first cigarette in the school bathroom. It felt exciting, but illegal.

"You nervous?" Danny asked.

"A bit. We'll only take a little and see how it feels."

"Wanna go first?"

"No," Ethan said. "You first."

Danny nodded and carefully unscrewed the cap of the vial. He held it up to the light, examining the liquid inside with a mix of curiosity and mischief.

"Here goes nothing", he said, then brought the vial to his lips and took a small sip. His face twisted slightly at the taste, then he passed the vial to Ethan.

"Your turn," he said, a hint of a challenge in his voice.

Ethan took the vial hesitantly, his hand shaking slightly. Just like when he tried it for the first time, the liquid had no taste, but had this funny tang that made his tongue tingle. He handed the vial back to Danny, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Do you feel anything yet?" he asked.

"Nope," Danny replied. "Maybe we should drink some more."

"Yeah," Ethan said. If it was to be his final day here, he wouldn't want to miss out on the chance to get this incredible feeling, just one last time. Danny took another big sip and gave it to Ethan.

At first, nothing at all happened and Ethan felt more sleepy than anything else. But then, a familiar, warm, relaxed feeling began to spread through his body. The steam from the bath seemed to swirl around them in a more pronounced way, and the sounds of the water became soothing, almost musical.

"You feel it?" Danny asked and his voice sounded funny.

"Yeah," Ethan said and giggled.

The boys leaned back against the tub, their earlier nervousness replaced by a comfortable, dreamy state.

"I feel so good." Danny's voice was raspy, and Ethan felt his hand slowly traveling up his leg.

"What are you doing?" Ethan asked, but made no move to stop him.

"Just... checking something." Ethan twitched when Danny touched his balls and then grabbed his dick. "Just as I thought. You're hard. So am I."

"Really?" Ethan asked, his brain feeling very stupid right now.

"I mean, I could be lying. You have to check yourself."

Ethan automatically reached to grab Danny's cock under the foam. "Yup, hard as rock."

They both giggled again, and started masturbating each other slowly. Their skin felt tingly and sensitive as the fluid kicked in.

"This feels so good," Ethan whispered, feeling Danny's thumb playing with the acorn of his hard penis. "Our boyfriends are going to be mad."

"Not if they never learn," Danny hinted innocently.

"This is my last day here," Ethan blurted before he could think.


"Yes. I just learned a moment ago. They don't want me here anymore."

"Are... are you serious?" Danny asked, his hand coming to a stop.

"That's what they told me," Ethan shrugged. "Maybe they'll make me disappear. I don't know."

"You'll be fine." Danny's voice was comforting, devoid of envy. "Let's make your last night one to remember."

In silence, they shuffled closer in the tub, the water sloshing gently around them. Danny tentatively wrapped his arms around Ethan, and after a brief moment of hesitation, Ethan returned the embrace. They settled into a comfortable cuddle, the warmth from the bath and each other's bodies mixing together in a cozy embrace. Their hands found their dicks again and they worked each other as well as they could.

"We don't have to kiss if you don't want to," Danny whispered, his mouth already close to Ethan's.

"Only if you want to."

"Only if you're sure."

Their faces were now inches apart, the closeness making the moment feel even more charged. It was just a small gap that remained. Slowly, almost hesitantly, they bridged that final distance, their lips meeting in a gentle, tentative kiss. It was a miracle that Ethan didn't cum then and there. The kiss sent electricity down his spine and the hot water. They lasted like that for a long time, working each other's cocks and making out passionately. Suddenly, Danny broke the kiss.


"Uh... what?" Ethan replied, his dick painfully hard, his mind dizzy.

"Ethan..." Danny's voice sounded odd, and his eyes were strangely vacant. His trademark smirk was absent from his face, and suddenly his gaze was piercing Ethan's soul. "They want to take you away from me. Don't let it happen. Otherwise, all will be lost."

"Uhh, Danny, are you alright?"

"Danny is asleep," came from Danny's mouth. "I don't have much time. I love you, Ethan. I will love you forever. But they want to separate us. They know you're the chosen one. That's why they want you to leave. They're afraid of you. They're afraid you'll find me."

"W--who are you..." Ethan whispered.

"You'll understand who I am when you meet me."

"But where are you?"

"I don't know. I'm close. I can feel it. You must find me, and then we will both escape. Members of my species are looking for me. Soon, they will find me, and when they do, all humans will pay. That's why you have to find me first."

"What are you talking about?"

Danny -- or rather something possessing his body -- pulled Ethan closer. "Make love to me, Ethan. Do it now, and you will understand. That's how you'll find me."

Something deep inside told Ethan that the voice speaking through Danny was telling the truth. When Danny pulled himself up and sat at the edge of the tub, spreading his legs, Ethan knew what to do. He poured the mysterious liquid from the vial onto his dick and pressed it against Danny's hole. It was tight but relaxed and let him in just after a few pushes.

"Yes, Ethan, make love to me with your cock. I love your strong boy cock."

Ethan believed every single word. He held Danny closely and proceeded to fuck him the best he could. Danny moaned as Ethan's balls slapped against his skin with every thrust. They held each other closely and sweated profoundly. It only took a few minutes for Ethan to blast his nut inside Danny's hole.

Danny's eyes were still strange, but beamed happiness. "Find me, beautiful boy. Only you can save us all."


Thanks for reading! Chapter 12 is coming soon. Let me know what you think so far -

I made an erotic Boy Love / Yaoi visual novel called Jump this year with my friend. It's available for PC and Android here.

And most importantly, donate to Nifty!