Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 08:08:55 EST From: Subject: Fishin' in the dark - Chapter-3 Note: Please go easy on me after reading this story. I'm still new to this. If you notice any mistakes It's probably some I've already found after posting this. If you like this story please e-mail me and let me know. But please do not send Instant Messages. If you do some one may be around my computer when you do. Please send all e-mail to I hope you enjoy! ****************************************************************************** ****************** Fishin' in the dark Chapter-3 (c) 2001 by Kiddo I looked out the window and sure enough Mr. Hall had called the cops! I ran upstairs to tell everyone. They were to say the least shocked. Grandma told Joe to stay upstairs. We walked down together. I reached up to my lip and swiped it. I'ts bleeding. I alway's bite my lip at times like this. "Hello Officers how can I help you?" Grandma asked " Well, we need to see Joe Hall." Replied the officer. " He's here, but I'm sorry you're going to have to tell Mr. Hall he ain't getting to Joe. All he want's to do is probably beat him, or who knows what else?" Grandma replied. " Beat him?" the officer asked nervously. " Yeah! He didn't tell you he's the biggest bigot south of the Mason-Dixon line?" Grandma said starting to get a little sarcastic. " Why should Joe care if his father is a bigot? Thats irrelevant!" The officer said back trying not to look stupid in front of me after being emmbaressed my Grandma and the way she talked to him. " What do you mean it's irrelevant? Not if you are gay. Then it makes a world of difference. Please don't take Joe. We will take care of him." Grandma pleaded. " I never knew that part. I guess Mr. Hall decided to leave that out. I'll file a restraining order against Mr. Hall. Maybe soon you can find a way to get custody of him." The officer said offering some hope. The officer waved and left. I ran upstairs to tell Joe that his father had to stay away, or would soon enough. " Anthony, I need to call my mom." Joe said half happy, half not. " Sure Bud". I decided to let him talk alone. I left the room ,heading down stairs. " Grandma, what do you think will happen?" I asked. " Hunny, I'm not sure. A million things could happen." She said sounding kinda down. I know she loves Joe like a grandson too. I grabbed a snack ,although I wasn't very hungry, and sat down in the living-room. Sometimes southern TV sucks, but I got lucky and Blue Bird Cafe was on. I love that show. Just a few people sitting in a circle playing acoustic guitars, or sometimes a keyboard. I heard a squeek in the stairs and turned. It was Joe coming down looking better than before, but still not himself. While Grandma was cooking supper the phone rang. " I'll get it!" I shouted Grandma who was in the kitchen and didn't like to be disturbed or bothered while she was in there. "Hello?" "Hi, this is Officer Vince I came by there earlier. I've been talking to Judge Hearn and he thinks it would be in Joe's best interest if Your's grandmother was granted permanent custody of Joe. He thinks it's unsafe to leave a homosexual child in a home with a homophobic parent." said the officer " Ok, I'll get Grandma" I said (or rather squeeled with enjoyment) I went to the kitchen and before I could finish the sentence she had the phone in her hands. I could see her knuckles almost turn white she was gripping the phone so hard. " Ok, I'll be down there to sign the papers tommorow, Bye." Grandma said. Joe was happy about the news, but sad too. He didn't want to leave his mom, his brothers (except Butch), and his sister Amy. I don't think I would have been able to deal with that if I was in his shoes. I told him to look on the bright side and that he could still see his brothers at school, and that anytime his family wanted to visit (excluding his father) they could. We ate supper and even had wine. Grandma only had one glass (wine makes her tipsy). We took our time eating and talking. Joe told about swhat few good things he remembered his dad for. We hung around and just sorta let the time pass by the rest of the night. Once in bed I lit my candles and Joe even read one of my magazines. He fools around on his gutiar sometimes. I fool sround too. I'll never be any real good guitar player, but I just like to have fun. I blew out the candles after Joe went to bed and went to bed myslelf. ****************************************************************************** ************** I always get board when riding to town. The only thing to do is listen to the radio. We got in and had to wait on Joe's dad to sign the papers. He wasn't giving my Grandmother permanent custody. Ohh No! He had no choice abotu signing the papers. Not long after getting seated in Judge Hearn's office we heard Mr. Hall's pick-up pull up. If anything I know Joe's going to be happy to not have to ride in that thing. Mr. Hall has plenty of money, but yet he still drives that old piece of shit ( or shiet according to your accent). I know he won't mind riding in Grandma's Lincoln. It's a little fancier than that old pick-up. Mrs. Hall was with him. Mrs. Hall with tears in her eyes, Mr. Hall with a mouth full of shit. Aafter the signing of the papers Mr. Hall got up and walked out. Mrs. Hall showed her son the love she always had. " Honey, I hate to do this , but it's for your own good. Your father will get over this. Hone, I love you." Mrs. Hall said crying. " I love you too, Mom" Joe said making his mom fell a whole lot better. O nthe car ride home all of us really had no clue what to say. What do you say in a moment like this? Back at home Me and Joe were both tired, although we hadn't really did anything. We both went upstairs and dozed off........ To be continued. :-) If you enjoyed this chapter of the story please send me an e-mail and let me know. My e-mail address is Please do not send any instant messages. I hope you continue to check back for future chapters!