Date: Sun, 10 May 2015 15:16:20 +1000 From: Jeff Albertson Subject: Guitar Lessons Guitar Lessons a story by plantagenet Disclaimer: This fictional story contains descriptions of certain activities which may be illegal in some jurisdictions, hopefully not in yours. Even writing about this stuff might be illegal, who knows. It's a grey area. I recommend the use of the parental lock (heh heh). In this story, I stray into unfamiliar territory, but it all works out in the end. Not suitable for minors. And make the effort to donate a few bucks to Nifty, eh? Author's Note: I read a vaguely similar story to this one many years ago, but that tale was incomplete. As I recall, that one was about maths lessons not music. I thought (being a compulsive type) that I could improve on it and finish it. So if you are the original author, my thanks go to you and I hope you enjoy this version as much as I enjoyed what I read of yours. Guitar Lessons The mobile phone on Greg's study desk rang. "Hello?" he answered, after setting aside his guitar. "Oh, hello, am I speaking to Greg? Greg Bassley?" a mature woman's voice asked. "Uh, yes ma'am, I'm Greg Bassley. Uh, what can I do for you?" the young teen answered politely. "Oh, Greg, I'm Mrs Janderson, Phoebe's mother. She's in your grade at school?" Greg shuffled through his mental catalog of all the faces and names of girls in his class, drawing a blank. Then he realised that Phoebe was a girl in the same year as himself, but a different homeroom. "Oh, yes, Mrs, uh, Janderson, of course, uh, Phoebe. She's in Miss Carter's homeroom" "If you say so", Mrs Janderson replied carelessly. "She told me you put up a notice on the classroom board to say that you were giving guitar lessons. Are you any good? I mean, good enough to teach a 12-year-old girl?" Greg grimaced. It was always like this. Because of his age, he had to sell his abilities more strongly or he lucked out to older guitar tutors. "Uh, yes ma'am. Even though I'm only thirteen, I have been studying guitar since I was eight, and I've already passed six levels of the New York Music Institute, most with honours. I've had other students, all of whom have succeeded with the instrument. I can give you some names as references if you wish?" Greg had indeed studied for quite a while. He spent half a year in bed with a broken thighbone when he was eleven, during which time the guitar was his only companion. Now nearly 14, he was quite skilled, and looking to earn some money from his skill. "No, that'll be fine, I trust you. Look, Phoebe said your ad mentioned a ten-dollar per half hour fee. Is that right? It seems awfully low?" Greg went into his pre-rehearsed pitch. "Well, ma'am, I usually only teach kids around my age or lower, and most of them don't have much money. Besides, I give the lesson in your home, so I don't have any overheads, heh heh. Anyway, to be honest, most school students could get the same teaching I'm giving just by paying attention in music class at school, and that's free. I guess the ten bucks is really for the one-on-one attention that I give". Greg thought this last part of his little speech should be effective for cash-conscious parents, but it was wasted on Mrs Janderson. She was sold on the idea as soon as her daughter had returned home the day before, insisting that she get lessons to learn the guitar. "Okay then" she answered. "What day suits you?" "We could start tomorrow afternoon if you like?" Greg suggested, his voice hopeful. "Tomorrow it is. I'll see you around 4 o'clock. Bye now" "Uh, bye, ma'am" Greg rang off. A girl. Phoebe was a girl. Not that Greg didn't like girls. He liked them as much as any other red-blooded American 13 (soon to be 14) year old boy. Trouble was, he had never coached one before. His four previous customers had been boys - a couple of nine-year-olds, a ten, and a clumsy fifteen year old who just wanted to learn a few chords so he could play rhythm in a basement band with his pals. Girls were okay, Greg supposed. It was just that he didn't know any of them personally. Greg was an only child, and by comparison to his party-mad classmates, quite a serious student. He didn't have a girlfriend, but was not opposed to the idea of one (in principle). He just had no experience with girls. He was still of an age when he thought all girls were snobbish, giggling idiots. His leg accident had left him a year behind in school, but since he was by nature a slow developer physically, he still fitted in okay with his slightly younger classmates. He finally dredged up a mental image of Phoebe. She was a typical 12-year old, to Greg's mind: skinny, long honey-blonde straight hair, used to have braces but not anymore, shoulders a little hunched, long face, almost as tall as Greg himself. He though for a moment about her chest. He didn't usually think about girls' chests, even though his male classmates seemed to think about nothing else, judging from their conversation. Phoebe had only the beginnings of breasts, as far as he could recall, two little bumps that were noticeable as much for their lack of size as anything else. Probably about as big as half-walnuts, Greg decided, having only ever seen a vague impressions of them through a sweater some time ago. No need to think about Phoebe's breasts anyway, Greg thought - he was teaching her the guitar, not measuring her for a bra. The next afternoon saw Greg arrive at Phoebe's house at the appointed time. Phoebe had ignored him in school that day, which did not seem to Greg to be a good sign, although on reflection Greg decided he didn't need the hassle of all his male friends ribbing him up about his "new girlfriend". She wasn't any kind of a girlfriend, she was his guitar student. So there. "Phoebe's upstairs" Mrs Janderson gestured airily with a hand holding a martini, after answering Greg's knock at her door. Greg was no expert on adult drinking behaviour, but he suspected that the wet bar in the Janderson household opened earlier than some. He climbed the stairs and found a bedroom with "Phoebe" spelled out in flowery letters on the door. "Come in" came a softly-spoken answer to his knock. "Hi, uh, Phoebe, I'm Greg" he explained, hauling his guitar into the girl's room behind him. "Uh, your Mom phoned me about the guitar lessons?" He sat on the edge of the girl's bed expectantly, hoping he had not fallen victim to some elaborate practical joke. But no, surely not - no adult would go along with that, and Mrs Janderson was an adult, even if inebriated. The girl's shy smile reassured Greg as he unzipped his guitar case. "Half an hour, right?" she whispered, as though afraid to be overheard ("by her mother?" Greg wondered to himself). "Sure! Let's start right away!" Greg answered, beefing up his enthusiasm. "First, see how I hold the guitar in my lap. My leg sorta fits in this curved part. Now, these are all the parts of the guitar: the keys, they're for tuning the strings; this part here is the neck, and these little lines along here are called 'frets'; this thing here is the- Oh! I forgot to ask - have you got a guitar of your own?" Phoebe smiled her shy smile again. "Not yet" she whispered. "Mom won't get me one until I keep going with the lessons. She thinks it's just a fad at the moment. But I really want to learn!" she added, blushing at the enthusiasm of her reply. "Great!" encouraged her teenaged tutor as he handed over his own instrument and showed the girl how to hold it. "You can use this one, it's my spare, until you get your own. Now, this hole here is called..." The half hour flew past. Phoebe seemed to hang on Greg's every word. He showed her how to play the open strings with her fingers and what musical note each one was called, then tested her to make sure she had been listening. Mrs Janderson's drunken yell of "Time shup!" from downstairs surprised the two musicians, they had been so engrossed in the lesson. What also surprised Greg was the little kiss Phoebe planted on his cheek as she said "Mom will give you the money downstairs. See you tomorrow?" "Uh, sure!" Greg answered, unused to getting kisses from his students, and surprised that the second lesson was going to follow only 24 hours after the first. But the customer is always right, his Mom told him once. He left the girl's bedroom and descended the stairs, accepting a crisp ten-dollar bill from Mrs Janderson at the foot of the stairs. "Comin' back?" she slurred. "Uh, yes, Ma'am, Phoebe asked me to come back tomorrow. If that's alright?" Greg ventured. "Sure, kid. See ya then", the woman observed, closing the front door behind him. Greg thought about his new student as he walked home, and later, in his bed. He also thought about that kiss. He wondered what he should have done in response. Returned the kiss? Laughed? Shook hands with her? Girls were so confusing. The next day at school, Phoebe ignored him again, although Greg did get a glimpse of her at a distance talking with a small group of girls in the playground. Although Greg was some fifty yards distant, one of the girls in Phoebe's group turned to look straight at him for two full seconds, then turned away quickly. Or so Greg thought. Maybe he imagined it. After all, who knew what girls talked about? They probably weren't even talking about him. Greg did manage to get a quiet word with his best friend Mike, who reassured him that girls were stupid and to be avoided at all times. "Nothin' but trouble, that's girls for ya" Mike counselled him. Greg valued Mike's opinion - they were good friends. Mike's locker was next to Greg's in the gym dressing rooms. One time when they were changing after Phys Ed, Greg sprung a boner, and Mike saw it. Instead of ratting him out, or making fun of it, Mike showed him that he, too, had one, and shielded both their bodies while Greg got dressed. That silent supportive act had cemented their friendship. Mrs Janderson didn't even bother to speak when Greg arrived for his second lesson - she just nodded and waved in the direction of her daughter's bedroom, allowing Greg to ascend the stairs without the awkwardness of having to make small talk with her. Phoebe was ready for him, sitting on the edge of her tidily-made bed and holding Greg's guitar, her shy smile playing on her lips. Greg had planned today's lesson to be a few very simple chords, D major, E minor and maybe A major, which he would show her on his guitar, so that they had one each. That would give him an idea if her fingers were up to the task, and give Phoebe a chance to make what sounded like real guitar music. Phoebe wore a pair of rather shorts shorts, but a bulky cashmere sweater, which Greg thought was a funny combination of warm and cool weather suitability, but it only confirmed his notion that girls were strange. Besides, her bare thigh kept brushing against his, which he thought felt kinda nice. Phoebe paid careful attention to everything Greg showed her, and was able to replicate and remember the three chords, strumming them in succession on the borrowed guitar to show her tutor. When they heard Mrs Janderson's slurred yell of "Okay!" from below, Phoebe set the guitar aside and turned to her teenaged teacher. "Thank you, Greg" she whispered. "Tomorrow?" "Sure" Greg replied, but before he could stand up, Phoebe clasped her arms around Greg's neck and kissed him squarely on the lips. She then proceeded to blush vividly and let him go, and Greg, completely flustered, picked up his guitar without speaking and left her bedroom. He floated home in a daze, without even remembering that he collected ten dollars from Mrs Janderson. What was with Phoebe? She ignores me during the day at school, but kisses me after the guitar lesson! That's twice, now, Greg reasoned to himself. He had to get some advice about this situation, so he turned to the only person he could think of who could help him. "Girls are weird, no doubt about it", Mike observed sagely the next day at school. "Hey, did you pop one? When she kissed you? Huh? Get a boner? Hmmm?" Greg's friend interrogated him, even reaching a hand into Greg's lap to give his crotch a quick squeeze. Greg laughed and pushed his friend's hand away good-naturedly. "Cut it out", he joked, "Or you'll give me one, not her. And everyone will see!" He glanced around the school playground to make sure his friend's frivolity had gone unnoticed. "Who cares," Mike remarked carelessly, "I popped one as soon as you started talkin' about your girlfriend kissing you. Feel it, go on", Mike insisted. Greg obligingly gave his friend's crotch a quick grab under the lunchtable- not for any gay reasons, of course, just to accede to his request and verify the truth of what Mike said. "She's not my girlfriend", Greg eventually retorted through gritted teeth, after shaking off the feel of his friend's hard dick from his mind. "She's music student. Don't tell anyone what I told you, I don't want to cruel this deal. Ten bucks a day, man!" "Plus kisses - don't forget that part. Dude, you got it made in the shade! But that's twice she's kissed you now, dude - you gotta make your move, show her that you're interested! Or don'cha know what to do?" Mike teased, a tinge of envy in his voice. The two boys rose as the afternoon lesson bell pealed. Walking to Phoebe's house after school, Greg decided that Mike was right. It was time to make his move. What that move might be, he had absolutely no idea. But it would be something, he was sure of that. I mean, a guy can't just let a girl kiss him (twice!) out of the blue, and not do anything, could he? It wasn't...something, it wasn't... what guys do. Besides, Mike was expecting him to move things along, and he didn't want to appear wimpy in front of his friend. When he got upstairs to Phoebe's room (Mrs Janderson hadn't been in her usual position next to a glass of wine in the kitchen - instead, a ten dollar bill lay on the kitchen counter) Phoebe was sitting on the edge of the bed, as she was the day before, studiously strumming the guitar Greg had loaned her. The girl wore her short denim shorts again, but wasn't wearing yesterday's cashmere sweater, which had concealed her chest - today she wore a simple white t-shirt, with no bra underneath that Greg could detect. Her boobs seemed a little larger than Greg's mental recollection of them - now that he could clearly see the outline of them, they were more like half-lemons. Greg didn't really care, he told himself, unconvincingly. "Okay, Phoebe, let's review yesterday's lesson. Can you play those three chords I showed you, the E minor, the D and A major", Greg suggested, still staring at the points in Phoebe's t-shirt. Phoebe strummed the requested notes skilfully, then set the guitar aside. She blushed, fluttered her eyelashes and whispered "Now let's review our other lesson". As she spoke, she curled her arms around Greg's neck and pulled him gently backwards onto the bed on top of her. Caught off guard by his student's forwardness, Greg had no choice but to let the girl lead. The girl's bed was excessively soft, so the two teens easily lost their balance and fell backwards onto the plush covers. Phoebe glued her lips to Greg's, and insinuated her tongue carefully between them, as though she was herself unsure of what to do. 'She's Frenching me!' Greg thought immediately, having heard of this activity from older boys but never experiencing it personally before. But lack of knowledge is no hindrance to young lust, and his own tongue quickly mimicked Phoebe's tongue in a lingual jousting match. While the young couple's faces and lips were occupied, Phoebe's hand (which started off wrapped around Greg's neck) crept down Greg's arm to his hand, adding to Greg's befuddlement. What did she want his hand for? he wondered with the unoccupied part of his thinking brain. Phoebe managed to blush even more brightly as she lifted Greg's hand and placed it on top of one of her pubescent breasts. Unfortunately for Greg, the realisation that he was simultaneously frenching a girl and touching her boob (albeit through a t-shirt) was all it took to make his dick misfire inside his shorts. "Uuurghh", Greg moaned as his hips jerked and spasmed. Not knowing the correct etiquette for the situation, he hoped that Phoebe didn't realise what just happened, and continued to palm her little titty through the t-shirt. He knew from experience that he didn't ejaculate much, only a drop or two, so maybe his boxers would cover for him. In any case he had his guitar with him, so he could always position that over his front when he walked home, if he had to. All of this rational thinking had relaxed Greg a little, and he started to enjoy kissing Phoebe and caressing her boob. He had an idea - since it was Phoebe who had pulled his hand up to her breast, maybe she wanted him to go further? What was the next step, anyway? Mike would know. Greg wondered briefly what Mike would do in this situation? He could hear his friend's voice clearly in his mind: 'Get a feel of her titty under her shirt, dude, before she chickens out!'. Greg took the imagined hint and lowered his hand from her small breast to the hem of the flimsy shirt. He used his fingers to lift it up, then snuck his whole hand underneath. He thought that by doing it slowly, Phoebe would have time to object, if she wanted to. Phoebe most certainly did not object! She had stopped kissing Greg long enough to look downwards and see what Greg's hand was doing. As soon as it began an upwards trajectory along her bare belly and ribcage, she let her head fall back, gave out a sigh and locked lips with Greg again. Greg's hand trembled when it made contact with the smooth warm flesh that was Phoebe's developing breast. Actually, Greg expected it to be softer, more like a deflated football bladder, but it still felt fantastic. His dick, which had softened after his climax, started to get hard again, and he could feel the droplet of jizz he had squirted earlier now cold and slimy against his knobhead. Phoebe moaned and broke their kiss gently. "Time to go", she whispered, and Greg took the hint right off. He slid his hand down and out of Phoebe's shirt, eliciting a small giggle from the girl and a big smile from Greg. "Nice lesson?" the girl asked coquettishly. "Uh huh!" was all Greg could manage, his tongue tied from kissing, excitement, hormones and mental overload. He took his guitar and edged out of the room, feeling guilty for taking Mrs Janderson's money for making out with her daughter (but still taking it) and walked home, skipping from sheer exuberance every few yards. "I touched her boob! For real! Under her shirt!" Greg thought over and over as he lay back on his bed when he reached his home. "I gotta tell Mike!" It was still only a little before five, so he called Mike on his mobile, then told his mom he was going over to Mike's to find out about some schoolwork. "Be back by six-thirty!", she yelled at his departing back as Greg raced out the door. Greg ran the two and a half blocks to Mike's house, slipping through the unlocked kitchen door when he got there, giving a quick wave to Mike's mom, before opening Mike's bedroom door. Mike was lying on his bed on his front, one hand under the pillow, the other appeared to Greg to be pushed down the front of his shorts (although he couldn't see it). "Mom! Sheesh! Can't ya knock fir- Oh! It's you", Mike calmed after his initial explosion of annoyance. "Shut the door!", he added in a stage whisper as he sat up and adjusted his shorts. "What's so urgent?" Greg sat down on the bed beside his friend. "You'll never guess what happened!" he gasped. "Beats me. Er...the school blew up?" Mike answered, wishing he was still jerking off. "No!" Greg spat in disgust. "You'll never guess what happened with me and Phoebe! At our guitar lesson! Go on, try and guess!" "Just cut to the chase and tell me, man. I was having a great time with my dick, and I want to get back to it", Mike answered, a little impatient with his friend. "Okay, right. Well, you know how I've been doing a guitar lesson every afternoon with Phoebe, and how she's been kind of coming on to me?" "Yeah, yeah, you told me. She gave you a kiss on the cheek, you already told me this", Mike recounted, a mixture of jealousy and boredom making his voice sound tired. He slowly rubbed the front of his shorts to keep his dick hard. "Right! Well, today, she...she..." Greg began, but quickly faltered as he sat down on the bed alongside Mike. How could he put what transpired between himself and Phoebe into mere words? It was so much more profound than ordinary sentences could possibly convey! Mike shook off his lethargy as his interest was stirred. "Come on Bassley, out with it! Don't leave me hanging! What happened?" All the lovestruck guitar tutor could do was open and close his mouth wordlessly. "Okay, then, show me! She kissed you, I bet. Not just a peck on the cheek, either, judging by that dying fish look your face is making right now. Come on, pretend I'm her, and do what you two did." Mike grabbed his friend around the shoulders and pulled him backwards with him onto the bed. "So did she kiss you on the lips?" Mike asked. "Uh huh" whimpered Greg, reliving the moment. "Like this?" Mike persevered, kissing his friend squarely on the lips. "Uh huh" Greg panted as the two boys broke their kiss for air. "Tongue?" Mike guessed, and all Greg could do was nod. The boys' lips met, with Greg duplicating in Mike's mouth what Phoebe had initiated with him. Greg felt a repeat of those amazing feelings that he had felt earlier, although a small part of him wondered how Mike knew all about this stuff. Mike broke off the kiss, leaving both boys breathless. "Okay, so you swapped spit. What else happened?" Mike asked, moving his hard dick to a more comfortable part of his shorts. "I...I touched her boob," Greg gasped, still overcome with awe at the magnitude of his achievement. "Oh...kayy - on the outside of her shirt?' Mike continued, now grabbing and squeezing the front of his shorts openly in front of his friend. "Uh, first," Greg nodded, still gasping for air after kissing his friend. Mike seemed to have no inhibitions at all, Greg thought wildly. "Under her shirt?" Mike said, amazed. "She let you touch it, for real? Show me!" Just as Phoebe had done half an hour earlier, Mike grabbed Greg's hand and jammed it up under his t-shirt. Greg shut his eyes, reliving the moment as the two boys fell back on the bed. Mike's lips found Greg's again, and the two boys frenched on Mike's bed as Greg's hand roamed around Mike's flat chest. Greg managed to find one of Mike's nipples and played with it for a bit, making Mike squirm. Greg didn't think what he was doing was particularly gay - Mike was always doing stuff like this to him, grabbing his crotch, talking about sex, and Greg was pretty sure Mike wasn't gay. Mike broke the kiss for a breath of air. "What did you do then?" he gasped. Greg flushed with embarassment. "I...uh..." the older boy muttered, unable to form the words. Even though the two boys were best friends, there were still some things you just can't say, right? Mike giggled. "You blew your load, didn't you! Didn't you?" Mike accused, chuckling, reaching down to Greg's shorts and grabbing at the place where he thought Greg's dick lay. Greg had stiffened again under the influence of all the kissing, so his cock was easy for Mike to find. "Still only making a droplet?" Mike asked as he rhythmically squeezed and released, squeezed and released. The two boys were used to this kind of talk. Ever since the incident in the locker room where the boys saw each other's woodies, Mike had led Greg down a path of increasingly frank discussions about the biology of boyhood. Mike had confessed that his orgasms were dry, and Greg had honoured this confidence by admitting that he only squirted a single drop when he came. But Mike sensed that this was the perfect opportunity to push the envelope a little further. "Yeah," Greg conceded, enjoying what his friend was doing to his dick. They were just fooling around, it wasn't really sex, Greg thought, which meant therefore it couldn't be gay. Then Mike made his move. "Gimme a look!" he blurted. "Come on, Bassley, I've heard about this droplet of yours tons a times, now I wanna see it. Come on, so I'll know what to look for when I finally get one. Come on, you showed me your pubes. An' if ya show me, I' ya what to do next with your girlfriend!" the boy added with a devilish grin. "She's NOT my g- uhhh," Greg moaned as Mike dragged the older boy's shorts down to his knees. Mike didn't want to give Greg time to think about what he was doing, or going to do, so he immediately pulled Greg's undies down at the front and hooked the hem under his balls. "Nice cock!" Mike remarked in genuine appreciation, even though he'd seen it before. He gripped it carefully by his thumb and two fingers and moved it back and forth like the gearstick of a car. "So where's this famous droplet?" he asked. Greg gave a feeble moan in response to his friend's manipulation of his erect tool. "Uuuurrgh, it's probably soaked into my undies by now, uhhh" "I'll check," Mike replied, a little too eagerly. He skinned Greg's cock up and down to make the older boy's knob appear and disappear, Greg moaning all the while. "Hmmm...I don't see no drop yet, Bassley - whadja do, eat it?" All Greg could do was writhe on the bed as his friend played exquisitely with his four-incher. Mike gave Greg an evil grin as he put the next phase of his plan into effect. "Want me to show you what to do next with your gir- er, with your 'guitar student'? Huh?" Mike smirked as he continued to play with Greg's boner. "Well...uh..." Greg responded. "I'll take that as a 'yes'. Next time she kisses you and lets you feel her up, unzip the old playground and let the wild beast out. Then push her head down on it - like this!" Those were Mike's last words as he opened his mouth and lowered it down to Greg's hot little knobhead, and swallowed it, making Greg groan even more loudly. Mike waved his hand to make Greg shut up, as his mother was downstairs, and continued to slobber on Greg's erection. "Uh...uh...uh..." was the extent of Greg's power of speech at that moment, as Mike tongued and suckled his stiffie for him. "Oh god...oh god... here it...uhhh!" Greg groaned as he came explosively. And it wasn't just the single drop he usually produced, it was four healthy spurts. Mike swallowed quickly to keep up, and after Greg was finished he licked the last drip off the end of Greg's knob and sat up. "That weren't no drop!" Mike accused, as he wiped a hand across his mouth. But he wasn't complaining - this was exactly what he was hoping for. "Looks like your days of makin' little drops are over, Bassley! Now you got something for Phoebe to swallow! Looks like I saved you from a case of blue balls - until tomorrow, that is." Greg flopped back on Mike's bed, still reeling from what just happened. He felt every one of the several spurts that shot out of his dick when he orgasmed - that was a first; he let his friend give him a blowjob: that was definitely a first, but somehow it didn't feel gay. Sure was sexy, though. And what was that Mike said about blue balls? "What...what the heck are blue balls?" he gasped. Mike lay alongside his friend. "It's a painful feeling a guy gets in his balls, kinda like an ache, when he gets all worked up, but doesn't get to come. All them sperms build up with nowhere to go. You know, like how your balls might feel if you rubbed Phebe's tits for half an hour, but she never let you get off," Mike explained, suddenly the more worldly of the two, even though he was the younger. Greg looked over at him. "So how do you know about all this stuff, when you don't shoot yet?" he asked, trying not to make it sound like he was insulting his friend's pre-maturity. Mike sighed as he came to a decision. "Remember a couple months back when my mom got sick and she had to go to hospital for a week? I axed her if I could stay with you, but she said I had to stay with family. So she sent me to live with my aunt, over in Gopher Falls. She's got a daughter, Rachel, that's my cousin, she's a junior, so I guess she's about 17. Her boyfriend goes to college, he's about 19 I reckon. Her mom, my aunt, treats her like an adult, so she pretty much gets to do what she likes. So some nights when my aunt was out at work, Matt would come over and him and Rachel would make out on the couch, you know, a cheap date. They didn't even care if I was sittin' right there in the same room watchin' TV." "Yeah, okay. So what's that got to do with blue balls?" Mike gave Greg his wicked grin. "The first night I was there, Rachel let Matt get to second base, but then as soon as he unzipped his jeans, she suddenly gets a headache and decides she has to go to bed. He moans at her that she gave him blue balls, but she just flounced out of the room, you know, like girls do, and there was Matt, on the couch, his dick stickin' out of his jeans, so I axed him to show me his blue balls." "You...asked to look at his balls?" an incredulous Greg asked. "Well...I ain't never seen blue balls before, have I! So anyway, he hauled 'em out, and they didn't look blue to me. They were big and kinda hairy, but just the normal colour. So then he explained to me that blue balls is just what you call the feeling you get when some girl gets you all sexed up but doesn't let you get off. So I axed him if they stay blue forever, or what. He says that since I'm Rachel's cousin, I can fix his problem for him. I thought he was a kinda cool guy, so I said I would. So he pulled my face down to his boner and made me suck him off" Greg was astounded. " sucked his, uh, cock? All the way?" Mike shrugged. "It weren't no big deal. He was already boned, and it didn't take long. He gave me five bucks afterwards, and let me have a sip of his beer." "Wow!" "Yeah, 'wow' is right! But that was only the first night. I was there for a whole week remember! When Rachel pulled the same girly stunt the next night, I just dived straight in and sucked Matt dry! The third night, he came over even though Rachel wasn't even there, she was at her study group meeting. Me and Matt went up to my room and-" Greg gaped. "And what?! Don't stop!" Mike smiled coyly. "Well, I dunno...maybe you're a bit too young to hear about it..." With a growl, Greg leapt on top of his friend, who had begun to giggle. "Too young, huh? Too young? I'll show you who's too young!" Even though he was a mild-mannered boy, Greg's lust had risen again after being sucked off only a few minutes before. He was annoyed that his friend, his younger friend, knew more about sex than he did, and had apparently experienced more. In fact, he was more than annoyed, he was furious! And that fury, added to the chagrin caused by Mike's taunting laughter, turned Greg into a ravening beast. "I'll show you!" he muttered again as he rolled Mike over underneath him and pulled the back of his friend's shorts down. Having his bare bottom exposed (Mike wasn't wearing underpants) only made the younger boy giggle all the more. Which made Greg more angry (and excited). He roughly dragged Mike's shorts all the way down his thighs and off his feet. Mike turned his head to tease Greg even further. "Oooh! Whatcha gonna do now ya got my shorts off?" he whispered. Greg's mind was a whirl of conflicting emotions - the kissy behaviour of his female music student, Mike's blowjob, the revelations about Mike's behaviour with his cousin's suddenly became clear to Greg: Mike had been asking for it all year, ever since the incident in the locker room. Yeah, he was asking for it all right, Greg thought. He was practically begging for it. And Greg was tired of being 'nice'. His dick was still out from when Mike sucked it. It got hard again as soon as he jumped on Mike. He looked down at the swell of Mike's bottom, and imagined how good it would feel to push his dick into the inviting crack between his friend's cheeks He squirmed lower and lined his dick up with Mike's asshole. "Go on!" Mike murmured urgently. "I dare ya!" Greg didn't need to be dared. He didn't need lube, he didn't need anything. Inspired by a porno pic he saw online once, he pulled his friend's hips upwards so that Mike was now on his knees. Grunting with exertion and lust, Greg pushed his boner downwards so that it lined up with Mike's little pucker, and pushed. Expecting it to be tighter, Greg was surprised when his dick went all the way in on the first go! Mike groaned, and started to wiggle his hips, trying to make Greg start with the in-and-out. Greg didn't need any more urging - he started to pound his friend's asshole, making the bedsprings creak loudly. "Slow down!" Mike whispered fiercely. "Or my mom will hear ya! Take it easy!" Through the red mist of lust, Greg understood the sensible suggestion and slowed down to a steady rhythm of fucking. Greg could scarcely believe anything could feel better than the blowjob Mike gave him earlier, but here was the proof - fucking felt...well, fucking fantastic! He picked up speed as he felt the urgency build up in his balls, holding Mike's hips still as he drove his friend downwards into the mattress. "Uhh! Uhh! Ooogh! Yeah!" Greg moaned as he came. He felt one blast of jizz shoot out of his hard dick, but that was it. Briefly regretting wasting his jizz in Mike's mouth a few minutes ago, he gave one final thrust, then pulled out and fell onto his back alongside Mike. "I bet they ain't blue now!" Mike whispered, still panting, and hoping his mother didn't hear all the commotion they made. Greg dragged himself off the bed and pulled his undies and jeans up. As he opened the door door, Mike called softly after him "See ya in school". Greg snuck out of his friend's house, hoping not to encounter Mike's mom, and decided his luck was in: the kitchen was as empty as it was when he arrived. Mrs Bassley was mildly curious when Greg arrived home and took himself straight to the shower without being nagged about it, but decided her son was growing up and was finally acting more mature. After his wash, he ate dinner with his mother, washed the dishes and retreated to his room to strum his guitar and do his homework. The next morning before school, Greg worried that Mike might be weirded out by what had transpired between them. It wasn't like him at all, Greg thought, to act lustfully, so forcefully. He thought maybe he should apologise to Mike and agree not to see each other again. But when Greg closed his front door behind him, he saw Mike waiting for him at his gate, smiling. "Hey, stud! Let's get a move on or we'll be late!" Mike yelled, grinning like a maniac. Greg faintly remembered that for a short time after the boner-in-the-locker-room incident, Mike would meet him at his gate and walk to school with him, but they quit doing that within a few days. It seemed to Greg that he was already forgiven, so he didn't bother with the apology. Boys never apologise for anything anyway, he thought. The two chattered about boy stuff as they walked the short distance to the place of their captivity. The subject of last evening didn't come up, although at one point, when Mike asked whether Phoebe was having another guitar lesson that afternoon, he reached over and cupped Greg's package, then gave it a little squeeze. "Quit it!" Greg whispered, urgently glancing around to see if they were seen by anybody, but Mike noticed that Greg didn't brush his hand away like he used to. He smiled and took his hand off Greg's warm crotch, thinking that he had scored a point over that snob Phoebe. Lessons dragged at their usual glacial pace. Ar lunchtime Phoebe still ignored him, but Greg didn't mind so much now. He ate his sandwiches with Mike in the shade of a tree by the sports field. He sensed that Mike was going to ask him to come over after school, and he had a reason not to all worked out in his mind, in case the question came up. But it didn't - Mike acted mostly normal, except when the group of girls from their grade, including Phoebe, walked past them, giggling. "Stuck up snobs," Mike muttered under his breath, his mouth still full of pb&j. Mike and Greg walked together to Greg's house after school had finished for the day. "Got another guitar lesson with Phoebe today?" Mike asked Greg as they parted at Greg's front gate. "Yeah," Greg answered. "But maybe later we know..." "Call me!" Mike replied, grinning and holding up his hand to his ear as he skipped away. He knew Greg well enough to know that now was not the time to be clingy or jealous. Greg entered his house and said 'Hi!' to his mother as he passed through the kitchen on the way to his bedroom. Grabbing his guitar and dropping his schoolbag, Greg headed back out the front door and up the street to Phoebe's place. Mrs Janderson wasn't in the kitchen, but on the breakfast bench sat a ten-dollar bill, like before. Greg almost felt like he lived at the Jandersons, coming and going pretty much as he pleased. He liked what he saw when he looked around at Phoebe's house, it sure was more luxurious than his own. "Uh, Phoebe?" he called out, just to make sure his student was home. "Up here," came here almost inaudible reply. Greg vaulted the stairs two at a time, careful not to bang his guitar against the wall. Phoebe's door was ajar, so Greg could see a narrow view of the inside of the girl's bedroom before entering. In spite of everything that had happened with Phoebe (and Mike) in the last couple of days, Greg was still very capable of being shocked, and his eyes bugged out of his head when what he saw through the crack was fully revealed as he swung the door open. Phoebe was in her bed, her honey hair strewn photogenically over the pillows. There were no blankets covering her body, only a sheet drawn up all the way to her throat, and she smiled a beckoning smile as Greg approached. A part of Greg's mind told him that Phoebe was naked under that sheet, while another part yelled 'This is it! This is it!' over and over inside his head. "Time for your next lesson, Greg," Phoebe whispered, even though Greg was pretty confident Mrs Janderson was out of the house. "Make yourself more comfortable and join me," she added, lowering the sheet until her modest boobs appeared, leaving Greg in no doubt as to what she was inviting him to do. He rested the guitar against Phoebe's desk and pulled his shirt out of his jeans and whipped it off. Shoes came next, followed by jeans, hastily unzipped and even more hastily cast aside. Greg wondered for a moment whether Phoebe's nakedness was complete, then decided it didn't matter. His briefs tented out in front, Greg pulled them down in one motion, stepping out of them as they hit the floor. Phoebe could now see Greg's body in its rampant glory, and she made sure she got an eyeful. Greg's four-inched bounced up and down with each of his rapid heartbeats. Phoebe eased greg's tumoil by pulling the sheet back even further, revealing her flank all the way to her lower thigh, answering Greg's earlier question. Phoebe was buck naked! Greg crept to the bed and lifted his knee to climb aboard. He could hear the blood rushing around in his head, and was forcing himself not to faint. "You're really pretty, Phoebe," he whispered, making the girl blush. Greg pulled the sheet back, revealing Phoebe's body all the way down to her knees. "Really very pretty. Beautiful," he muttered, almost to himself as he gazed at her crotch. She had a smll tuft of hair at the top of her slit, not even as much as Greg himself had. Phoebe held her arms out, giving Greg the opportunity he was hoping for. He climbed on top of her, supporting his weight on his elbows. Phoebe giggled again as Greg's hard dick touched her smooth tummy She opened her legs to allow greg's thighs to rest between them, as Greg found her lips and began to kiss her. After a few minutes of heavy oral action, Phoebe breaks the kiss. "You mustn't put your thing in me, Greg. Promise you won't" she whispered as Greg felt his leaky cock twitch as it prodded her navel. "Uh, sure, yeah," Greg agreed, ever the gentleman. Phoebe, now that the formalities were over and she had Greg exactly where she wanted him, was in the mood to talk, unlike the activity that Greg was now certainly in the mood for. She starts by telling him it is a relief to feel him hard. Greg is a little taken aback, and asks what does she mean by that? "A lot of people are worried about you, Greg," she explains. "All of my friends, anyway." "Worried about me?" Greg replies, trying to wriggle a bit lower down the bed so his leaking cockhead can get closer to Phoebe's slit. "What are they worried about?" Phoebe seemed oblivious to the fact that she had a naked teenage boy lying on top of her equally naked body - instead, she launched into a long explanation of the 'worries' that people had about Greg. "Well, a friend of mine, you don't know her, she has a big sister who is a friend of Rachel, you know, Mike's cousin. This friend told her that she thinks Mike might be gay. When me and my friends heard this, we all discussed this information, and we all agreed that it would be a pity if Mike made you gay as well. Such a waste!" Greg felt his cock go off the boil and start to wither. "Er, gay? do you mean?" Greg stutters, playing for time and wondering how to get from where he is to where he wants to be. "Well, everybody knows you're a good musician, with everything that entails, and that you don't have a girlfriend, and you hang around mostly wth other boys. That was three strikes against you, my friends thought, so they were naturally concerned. They had also seen Mike's frequent crotch-grabbing antics in the playground, and how the two of you are always together. So, I offered to my friends to, you know, grab you for our side before things went too far, you know, with Mike. That's why I asked Mom if I could learn the guitar. From you." Greg was shocked (again). But he also realised that he was lying naked in a bed on top of an equally naked girl. In spite of Phoebe's longwinded explanation, Greg's dick has regained some of its lost stiffness. He figures if Phoebe is really trying to make Greg straight (not that she needed to, according to him), then maybe she'll let him go a bit further. He asks Phoebe if he can put it inside her, just a little bit, only the tip. She 'reluctantly' agrees, but insists he can't push it all the way in her. He readily assures her that he won't. Phoebe opened her legs further, and Greg slid his body downwards a few inches until he felt the hot moisture of her nearly bald slit on his knob, which was fully skinned back. He reached down between their bodies and jiggled his cock around until the tip lodged at her opening. Phoebe moaned. and wrapped her legs around Greg's waist, locking her ankles in the small of his back. Greg felt urges in his hips to push harder into Phoebe, but he resisted them. He agreed not to push into her, after all, and he was still a gentleman. But what harm could there be in maybe just a little push, just to make sure his dick is really inside her properly? Especially as he could feel Phoebe's heels digging into his back. Phoebe yelped "No, Greg, don't!" but still pulled him in with her heels. Without warning, all four inches of his dick slide into her pussy. Phoebe moaned softly, still saying "no, don't", but at the same time she dropped her heels to the bottom of Greg's butt and is now pulling them upwards, almost forcing Greg's hips to push forward, making his dick move in and out of her. She has also locked her lips on Greg's mouth, which is a relief to him because it means she won't make so much noise. "I'm doing it!" was the single thought that dominated Greg's mind as his cock pushed in and out of Phoebe's tight opening. All that stuff she said before about being gay must have been some stupid girl bullshit, Greg rationalised, because he was clearly not gay, gay guys don't fuck girls, and here I am, fucking a girl! "Phoebe...uh...will you be my girlfriend?" Greg gasped, thinking this was the most obvious, the most perfect moment to pop the question. "What!" Phoebe yelled, the loudest noise he had ever hear her make. Her heels stopped pulling his butt upwards, and her vagina felt like it was trying to squeeze him out. "Your girlfriend? don't have a car, or...anything! You're only a year older than me! And I've never seen your mother at the Country Club!" Every protest that issued from Phoebe's lips made Greg's dick wilt faster and faster, until it just plopped out of Phoebe's pussy, wet, slimy and unfulfilled. Before Phoebe could start to enumerate all of the dozens of reasons why she couldn't possibly accept Greg for her boyfriend, he rolled off her and grabbed his clothes and guitar. Phoebe didn't try to stop him leaving her bedroom. He dressed hurriedly in the hallway and descended the stairs, ignoring the ten-dollar bill on the counter as he left Phoebe's nice house. Greg's vision didn't start blurring until he left the street Phoebe's house sat in. Hot tears stung his eyes and threatened to roll down his cheeks as he walked back to his own house. Mike warned me, Greg thought, over and over. He tried to warn me but I wouldn't listen. Girls are weird and they talk too much. They're really all talk. Without realising it, Greg's steps had taken him not towards his own house, but towards Mike's. He wiped his cheeks with the back of his hand and knocked at Mike's kitchen door. "Oh, hi Greg, come in, Mike's in his room, go on up," Mike's mom said. Greg did his best to give her a smile in reply as he hauled his guitar in behind him and walked to his friend's bedroom. He opened Mike's door without knocking, and grinned when he saw his friend lying on his bed, hurriedly withdraw his hand from the front of his shorts, by reflex. "Oh, it's only you. Come on in!" Mike sighed as his hand crept back under his waistband. "What's up?" Greg sat in the bed alongside Mike, smiling as he watched the younger boy play with himself. "Nothing's up, I just...wanted to see you, is all." "Just wanted to watch me jack off, di'ncha, ya perv, huh?" Mike grinned as he rubbed his little erection under his clothes. "Maybe not just watch," Greg answered as he bent over and planted a kiss on Mike's lips. Mike's smile broadened as he curled his free hand around Greg's neck and held him in place, making the kiss last longer. A lot longer. Both boys were panting for breath when their lips parted. "Whew!" Mike gasped. "What brought this on? Did Phoebe get you all hot and bothered, huh? I ain't complainin', like, I just wanna know." Greg sat up and let his hand fall on Mike's crotch, gently squeezing his friend's small package in much the same way as Mike had done to him on many occasions before. "There's something I gotta know too, Mike. Can you, uh, tell me what you and Matt did? All of it?" Mike grinned. "Keep doin' that to my dick and I'll tell ya! Well, I think I already toldja about sucking his dick for him the first two nights? So when he came over on the third night, Wednesday, I think it was, Rachel wasn't home, she was at some study thing at her friend's house. Matt said we should go to my bedroom, and when we got there, he said to leave the light off" Greg's squeezing continued. "Yeah...then what?" he murmured. "I thought he wanted me to suck him off again, because he took his jeans and shirt off. But he said 'You get undressed too', so I did. I felt kinda weird, just standin' there in the almost dark with nothin' on, but Matt kissed me again and said I was cool to be doin ' this stuff with him, so when he said to lie down on my bed, I just did it. Then it really started getting weird! You know what he did next?" "What? What?" Greg could barely contain himself. He tugged at the front of Mike's shorts so he could get at Mike's dick a little easier. Mike helped by raising his butt off the bed. "That sure feels good, Bassley, keep it up. Where was I? Oh yeah - so I'm lyin' there, on my bed, naked, and he puts his face to my crotch and sucks my dick!" Greg thought that given what Mike had done for Matt, this wasn't so weird, and he said so. "I know, man, but that wasn't the weird part. After suckin' it for only like a minute or so, he turns me over and starts kissin' my ass! For real! And not just the curvy bits either1 he got his face right into my crack and-" Greg interrupted, his voice betraying as much shock as he could muster. "He never!" Mike grinned, pushing his hips upwards so his dick made better contact with Greg's hand. "He sure did! His tongue got right in my crack and! I swear!" "Wow!" was all Greg could muster, still diligently playing with Mike's cock, rubbing it up and down slowly. "Yeah! Double wow!" Mike answered. "But then it got even better! After lickin' it for a while, he said 'You ready?' I didn't know what he meant, but after that lickin' I thought I was ready for anything! Matt climbed on top of me and eased his boner into my crack. I thought he was gonna miss my hole, so I sorta lifted my butt a little, and his woodie poked right in! Hurt like a bitch at first, but then it felt better. A whole lot better!" Greg thought about this for a moment. "So...he fucked you? You let him fuck your ass?" Mike smiled. "Sure did! He did it the next night, too! He knocked at the door and I answered it. I told Rachel I was goin' out with Matt for a soda, and she just said 'Whatever', you know how chicks say that, and we did it in the back seat of his car. I sorta sat in his lap and bounced up and down. Not as good as in a bed, 'cause my head kept hitting the roof of the car. On Friday he picked me up and we went to his mom's house, she wasn't home, so we did it in his bed. That was the best one of all!" Greg was silent. He wasn't sure if Mike had orgasmed, but he let go of Mike's dick and put his hand on Mike's chest. "Uh, so... are you still seeing Matt?" Mike's face twisted in a puzzled frown. "Seeing him? Whattaya mean?" "Well, after doing all that er, sex stuff, I guess I kinda thought, maybe, you might have, you know, feelings for him, or something?" Mike gave a short bark of laughter. "Feelings? You mean like am I going out with him or somethin'? Bassley, he's, like, ancient, he's 19 or something, I'm twelve! We just had fun, is all." Greg allowed himself a small smile of relief. "So, he's not your boyfriend, or anything?" "Hah!" Mike laughed. "Boyfriend! In his dreams!" After looking at Greg's sappy smile for a few moments, Mike wriggled out of his shorts (which had reached his knees) and kicked them off his feet. "Enough talking! Get those jeans off and give me some of that cock, Bassley. I know ya wanna!" Greg stripped off faster than he did earlier at Phoebe's house, revelling in Mike's smile as his boner came into view. "That's what I want!" Mike rasped, grabbing behind his knees and lifting his legs, which fell open to reveal his tight little asshole. "This how we did it in Matt's bed," Mike commented as Greg knelt between his friend's thighs and instinctively knew to grab his boner and point it towards Mike's pucker. "Oh yeah, Bassley, now push it all the way in," Mike urged, and Greg complied. Greg's only other experience with intercourse had occurred not long before, but he felt like he knew what to do. He wrapped his arms around Mike's neck, rested his head beside his friend's, and started pumping. After getting his rhythm going, he turned his head to the side, putting his mouth at Mike's ear. "Mike," he murmured. "What?" Mike answered, a little annoyed that Greg was distracting him from the feelings of having his ass drilled. "What is it?" "Uh, will my boyfriend?" Greg slowed his fuck down, making his strokes deeper (or as deep as he could go with a 4 inch cock). "Boyfriend, eh?" Mike mused. "Well, you fuck pretty good, for a beginner...and I warn ya- I'm gonna be wantin' lotsa sex...but it's the best offer I've had I'll give you a twelve-month trial!" Greg paused his fuck, only for a split second, before resuming. "Twelve months?" he gasped. Mike wriggled his butt to get Greg to push even deeper. "Well, I can only give you a year, 'cause when I hit puberty, maybe I'll start liking girls!" Mike explained. The two boys fell silent for a moment, Greg lifting himself up onto his elbows so he could give Mike his most incredulous look. After a second of staring at each other's eyes, they both burst into giggles at the ridiculousness of Mike's reasoning, then happily continued their fuck. Greg moaned as he came, his hips jerking as his cock expelled a few bursts of semen. Mike sighed his own satisfaction at the same time. The next day at school, the two boys lunched together on their sandwiches, sitting in the playground. Greg saw Phoebe and her clique standing together in the shade of the library, all talking at once. The sight of those girls talking made Greg's mind up for him. "Come on, I got something I got to do," Greg suddenly said to his friend. He grabbed Mike's hand and dragged him to a point about ten feet away from the group of girls. Seeing him approach, they stopped their chatter and turned to stare haughtily at the two boys. "Hey Phoebe!" Greg called. His former guitar student tilted her head a fraction, to hear what he had to say. But Greg didn't need words. He turned to Mike and kissed the younger boy squarely on the lips, then turned and dragged him back to their seat. Both boys expected to hear insulting remarks from the girls directed at their departing backs, but all the girls instead rounded on Phoebe, calling her a useless slut and saying that everyone knew her mother was a lush, and generally acting like bitches towards her. Mike and Greg smiled at each other as they finished their sandwiches. end Would you be my boyfriend? greg asks Mike says he'll give greg a twelve month trial, but he has to give him plenty of sex or the deals off Greg fucks his friend and decides it's better than guitar lessons. Next day in the schoolyard, Greg drags mike by the hand over to where phoebe is standing and talking with a groups of friends. He calls to her "Hey Phoebe!" then kisses mike on the lips passionately. the two boys walk away hand in hand. They expect to hear jeers and catcalls, but instead hear a chorus of recriminations against Phoebe.