Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2023 16:48:37 -0500 From: Braddy Boyce Subject: Hide and Suck 4 DISCLAIMER: The names and details of my characters are fictious. Resemblances to real people, living or dead, are coincidental. REMINDER: Please donate to Nifty! =====BB===== "You okay, Billy?" Sammy asked in a soft tone while we stood in the vast field, still playing Hide and Seek. Instead of counting, we waited five minutes. I managed a smile and nodded, trying to fight off whatever it was that made me uncomfortable about Donnie and Ralphie hiding together in the woods. Sammy was such a nice and sweet boy. "By the way, you can ignore what Ralphie said about the Valentine's Day card. I know you wouldn't want anything like that." Would I? I'd only received cards from girls in elementary school. Being in middle school, I didn't see it the same way anymore. "It's okay, I don't mind." Sammy's eyebrows rose. "Oh. You don't?" "Not at all." I gave him another smile. The last thing I wanted was for him to feel bad. Card or not, it wasn't a big deal like Ralphie made it out to be. I wanted Sammy to feel like he could be himself around me. He didn't say another word, but the smile on his face and the reddening of his cheeks made him look adorable. He looked like a blue-eyed Snow White in male form. "We should split up to find Donnie and Ralphie faster," I suggested. "Aw, but I want to seek with you!" Sammy frowned. "What about the ghosts?" I tried to hold a serious face because of how scared he was of dark basements, and Ralphie making up ghosts to get him to stay away worked like a charm. Would it be the same with creepy woods? "Oh... Are there ghosts there, too?" Sammy looked anxious. I wasn't sure why, but a part of me started feeling guilty for lying to him. All he wanted was to tag along like a sidekick. "No, probably not. Okay, you can seek with me." "Awesome!" We finally decided to seek Donnie and Ralphie in the woods. We made sure to walk carefully because of noisy twigs. We looked everywhere within the acres of the property. Where the heck could they be? Every time I glanced at Sammy, he glanced right back with a happy grin. I had to admit it was nice spending time with him, since Donnie usually hogged my attention. Farther into the woods, I spotted a small cabin I'd never seen before, with the door shut. Could Donnie and Ralphie be hiding in there? But whose cabin was that? Donnie lived a few houses down, and Sammy and Ralphie lived on a different road, so it couldn't be either of theirs. I placed an index finger over my lips at Sammy, gesturing a shush, and he acknowledged me with a nod. We continued as quietly as possible. The closer we got, the faster my heart raced at the possibility of Donnie and Ralphie playing Hide and Suck. When Sammy and I finally reached the cabin, I gestured another shush and signaled him to wait behind me. He seemed to be good at being obedient, even though he did have his whiny moments. The window was cracked open, and I inched closer to peek through the dusky room. My eyes widened in shock. "Ngh, keep going," Ralphie said in a low, breathy tone. He stood in front of Donnie with his shorts down to his ankles and his T-shirt on the floor, his smooth, semi-round butt in full view. He thrust in a medium pace, in and out. Donnie slurped loudly, but because of the angle, it was impossible to tell whether he enjoyed it. He had his clothes on, though. My chest and stomach tightened with that uncomfortable feeling again. "Ngh, yeah, I'm getting close..." Ralphie clearly enjoyed playing Hide and Suck, even if he might've not referred to it as that. "Maybe you can do this to me and Billy at the same time, you think? Maybe try other stuff together, too? But not with Sammy around since he's my little brother, you know?" Donnie stopped, but I couldn't see his face. "I trusted you with my secret!" "Dude, chill, I'm not going to tell Billy or anyone else. So, you actually like him as a boyfriend?" "Yeah, I do." My eyebrows rose, and I was more shocked about that than the Hide and Suck factor. Ralphie sighed as if annoyed. "But he doesn't feel that way about you, Donnie, so why bother? Besides, I told you Sammy likes him, too, remember? Better to not complicate stuff, right?" "Yeah, I know," Donnie said in a sad tone. Sammy liked me, too? So, the card was real? "Anyway, finish me off? Please?" Ralphie begged. "Okay." Donnie continued, slurping loudly again. A moment later, Ralphie breathed hard, then hunched over a little while gripping Donnie's head, grunting. He was most likely shooting the same stuff as me inside Donnie's mouth. Finally, he let out a big sigh of relief, pulled his shorts back up, and put his T-shirt back on. "That was amazing. Easily my biggest load ever." Surprisingly, Donnie retched, unlike with me. I quickly sneaked away from the cabin, and Sammy still stood there with a happy grin, clueless about everything. I still couldn't believe he liked me a lot. For the first time, I wondered if I could ever feel the same about him. Besides, if Donnie could play Hide and Suck with Ralphie, I could at least get to know Sammy like never before. =====BB===== (c) 2023, Braddy Boyce. All rights reserved.