Horny Little Hudson

****Warning, this story involves boy on boy, man on legal teen boy, gay sex, diaper usage, and piss play. Should you not desire to read, or are not permitted to read such a story, please leave now. It is your choice and yours alone to read further. Please know that this, and all my stories belong to me alone, and I ask that you get permission before posting them elsewhere. I write for myself and share with those that enjoy this sort of tale. Sadly, this is only a story, and as such never happened, other than in my own head. If you would like to contact me, please feel free to do so at erich5748 at ymail.com, and if you wish to view all my stories, hit up Nifty, go to authors, find me as EricH, and there you will find lots. Don't forget, while there, to donate what you can to Nifty so that we can all continue to enjoy this amazing service. I hope that you enjoy this story, and maybe others. Have a good day.****

Timothy, Tim to most, was at one of his favorite kinds of places once again. Being a history lover, he always loved to go to places of history; old forts, ghost towns, ancient castles, and even museums. He is twenty five, tall, lean, muscular, handsome, and though the women throw themselves at him constantly, he is as gay as they come. He has long dirty blond hair, deeply tanned skin from spending many hours outside researching, deep blue eyes, and deeper dimples when he gives his cheeky grin that everyone loves.

Though Tim knows that he is gay, he has yet to find a partner, male or female, he has only ever had sex with himself, and loves to fill himself up as often as he can.

One of the main reasons, though, that he has never had a partner, he has never found one that wears diapers like he has to. From a young age, Tim knew that he was a full on diaper lover. Sure, the nerves to his bladder never developed, he has never been able to hold his pee at all, and nor will he, unless he goes for surgery that may or may not help, but, he never will. He grew to love his diapers at a very young age, and though many of the foster families tried to make him use the catheters that the doctors suggested, he refused. Then again, he was young, and they hurt, and then he became so scared of them that he would never try again.

Being that he is a diaper lover, Tim has always desired another diaper lover as well. Whether he has to, or even only just likes to wear diapers, Tim really does not care all that much. As long as he wears diapers all day, every day, that is good enough for him.

Today Tim is at an old ghost town that was turned into a tourist attraction, one of the larger ones he has ever been to, and though it is a fairly quiet day there, there are still several people. He has been there several times, it is one of his favorites after all, so he has seen the place incredibly busy. Then he saw one of the things that he likes to see most of all, a cute boy wearing a diaper. Sure, it is just a Pullup he can see, but a diaper none the less. The boys' pants had ridden down, and his shirt had been pulled up, and was even tucked into his diaper. This Tim loves, but it is a rare and cherished sight. So, he followed the little guy at a distance, but realized that there were no adults near to him. When the little guy sat down, Tim watched for a few minutes as he looked around.

Tim watched more, could see the look of fear in the little boys eyes, but he just sat there. Tim crept around to get a better look at him, and saw that he has a brace on his right leg, going from just under his knee into his shoe, how he had not seen that right away, Tim figured was only because he had seen the diaper first. The boy is cute, at first he thought he must just be a large three years old, being in diapers and all, since seeing older boys in diapers is almost impossible, but as he looked closer, he is pretty sure that he is a small five, or possibly even six years old. You can tell, he does not look like a baby or a toddler, he looks like a young boy. He is missing three teeth, he has a cute little button nose, cute little round cheeks, deep brown eyes to match his short dark wavy brown hair.

After watching for at least five minutes, Tim decided that he had better go and take the boy to the main office to call out for a missing child. He went and sat down.

“Hi there young man, how are you today?”

“Good. I guess.” He whispered.

“You seem to be missing your parents. What are their names, so that we can call them.”

“I don't know, I don't remember.”

“What do you mean, you don't remember?”

“I just moved in with them a few days ago, and I don't always remember things so well.”

“Oh. Are you a foster child then, like I was?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“And how old are you, and what's your name Handsome?”

“Five and a half, and my name's Hudson.”

“It's good to meet you Hudson, I'm Tim. So, tell me, why do you wear diapers?”

“'Cause I haveta, can't peepee on the potty.”

“Same as me then.”

“Really, you wear diapers too?” He asked almost too loudly, not that it embarrasses Tim all that much, but the fewer who know the better.

“I sure do, but please don't shout it out. You should also pull our pants back up and pull your shirt outta your diaper, so that you don't advertise the fact that you do too.”

“Oh poop. I hate it when that happens. The kids in kindergarten last year were always teasing me about that.”

“Oh, so you're going to grade one in the fall are you?”

“Yeah. I don't wanna go, though, they always tease me 'cause I'm still a baby.”

“Meh, the way I see it, they're the bigger babies for making fun of someone else for a disability. Though, like me, I suspect that you call yourself a baby anyway, don't you. You don't hate that you haveta wear diapers, do you?”

“Yeah, I do, and no, I kinda like 'em now.”

“And tell me, you're wearing a Pullup now, but how much do you wish it were still a nice thick Pampers baby diaper?”

“Lots.” He grinned brightly.

“Yeah, they tried putting me in Pullups too, so that they didn't haveta change me any more, but I asked for proper diapers when I was almost seven, said I'd change myself, and finally after point blank refusing to wear Pullups any more, my wish was granted. They tried me with catheters, but they scared me, and it hurt the first time they did it to me, so I never tried again, I refused. I was just a little older than you are now, almost six.”

“Maybe I should try that then. They tried that with me too, but I didn't even let them put that thing in my peepee, I was too afraid, even though the doctor said it wouldn't even hurt. It looked way bigger 'an the hole in my peepee, not sure how it wouldn't hurt, so I said no, and wouldn't let them.”

“That's a good baby boy, keep your nice baby diapers at all costs.” Tim grinned to him, and he smiled brightly to Tim.

Just then, Tim saw a couple look to Hudson, give a look of relief, and come rushing over.

“Oh, Hudson, we're so sorry. We're not usedta having kids, you're our first, and you kinda just wandered off. Are you okay, is this man scaring you?”

“No, he was nice, kept me from being afraid.” He said.

“I was keeping Hudson company 'til I figured out where you were. I was gonna take him to the office to call you, except he can't remember your names.” I said.

“Thanks. As you probably heard, we're brand new foster parents, so having kids with us is kinda foreign. When he wandered off, we didn't notice, and then we just kept going. Hudson's special needs though, and we were warned that he's a little wandery, that we hadta make sure that this didn't happen, and so we do so within only three days. I'm so embarrassed.” She said.

“I can understand, no worries, especially if this is your first child. How's Hudson special needs, other than the fact that he has a brace on his leg, and he needs diapers, he seems fully capable otherwise? In fact, from the way he speaks, I think he's quite bright.”

“Those are two of his issues, but he has limited short term memory, so it takes him a long time to remember things. But it's weird, because he has nearly photographic memory for certain things, but names and dates, things like that, no, he won't remember at all.”

“It's true, I already don't remember your name.” Hudson said.

“It's Tim, and no worries. I was classified as special needs as well, I hadta wear braces on both my legs, only they went all the way up, I didn't really walk all that well 'til I was almost six, and only because of the braces, and I'm dyslexic, which is funny, considering I'm a history writer now.”

“Really. My right foot is all floppy, the doctor said that the same reason I can't hold my pee is the reason my foot doesn't work.”


“He has damaged nerves, he was in a car accident when he was three months old, his parents didn't survive, hence the reason he's in care.”

“Ah, I see. He's a ward of the court then.”


“And no one will adopt him because of his special needs.”


“And you're clearly not his first foster parents.”

“No, sounds as if we're his fourth already.”

“He's only five and a half, for what possible reason could they move a young boy so much.”

“Sounds like the other families just didn't wanna deal with constant Pullup changing and wet clothes, because they never checked him enough, letting him tell them when he needed a change, but, he forgets that. Then there's his memory issues, he doesn't remember simple things, yet I bet he can tell you everything he's seen here today. He instantly memorizes things, and can tell you them, just not your name, and several other little things like that. They think it has something to do with the accident as well, but they've never had a memory issue quite like his before.” He said this time.

“May I suggest you just keep him in proper diapers, teach him how to change himself, and work with him to check it routinely, so that he'll start to remember to do so on his own. Trust me, they hold more, and are far more comfortable, he and I share the same problem, though I was born with it, whereas he seems to have had it thrust on him.”

“But he's five, we didn't wanna treat him like a baby.” She said.

“A diaper is a diaper, really, and if he changes himself, there's no difference to you. Ask Hudson, I know what his answer will be.”

“Yes.” He said before they could ask.

“Okay, if that's what you want, in a few days when we haveta replace your Pullups, we'll get you whatever diapers you want.”

“Pampers please.”

“Okay.” He said, looking at Hudson in an odd way.

“So, Hudson, do you poopy on the potty by yourself properly then?” Tim asked.

“Oh yeah, I hate stinky diapers, and I can feel that no problem, so I poopy on the potty.”

“What's my name?”

“Um.....um......um....Ah, Tim.”


“So, where do you folks live, I'd liketa keep in contact with Hudson, he and I have a lot in common?”

“In town here. Why?” He asked.

“Like I said, he and I have a lot in common, I was a foster kid, I was bounced from home to home because I was too much work and cost too much money. Trust me, soon you too will give him up, because his diapers will start to add up in cost, to the point you're gonna start to complain. And unless the ministry pays for the diapers now, that comes out of your budget. I was a lot of work for little pay, and I assume that Hudson is much the same, you've already hinted at it.” He said, and though he tried to not make it sound accusatory, it still came out a little that way, but they nodded none the less.

“Sadly, it's true, we're not really getting paid all that much, especially for what we haveta pay out, but we didn't really do it for the money. We can't have kids, so we decided to foster.” She said.

“That's good.”

“Well, we haveta go, so, come on Hudson.”

“Could I get your name and phone number please?” He asked, though he knew what their response would be anyway.

“Sorry, we really shouldn't.” He said.

“I expected that much. Thanks for the talk, and it was really good to meet you Hudson.”

“It was good to meet you too.”

“What's my name?”

“Tom.” He scrunched up his nose, trying hard to remember.

“Close, Tim. Hopefully we'll meet again.” He smiled and they left.

Tim spent the rest of the day there looking around, gathering information for the newest book he is writing, but he could not seem to get Hudson out of his mind. He had never had the desire to have kids, now he desperately wants to adopt Hudson.

Three days later and Tim had an appointment with the case worker for Hudson. He had asked about the possibility of adopting a child, and that he had met Hudson and they were a good match.

“So, tell me, why would you choose Hudson? He's mentally and physically disabled?” She asked pointedly seconds after they sat down and got over the formalities.

“Because, he's not, no more than I was and am. I was a foster child with almost the exact same issues as he has, and I was bounced around from home to home to home. I don't want that for him. I became bitter and angry, no one wanted me because I was too much work, you probably have no idea how damaging that is to a child. I left care when I was sixteen, they didn't wanna let me, but I made it well known that I wasn't moving again. I would've aged out at eighteen otherwise. I had lots of therapy that's helped, and now that I'm in a position where I could easily afford to raise a child, I'd like to, and Hudson is perfect, because I understand him and can help him where no other possibly could.”

“But you're a single male. What makes you think that we'd allow that?”

“Ah, you assume I'm just adopting a boy so that I can rape him! It amazes me how many women think that that's all a man wants if he adopts a child. I hate to break it to you, but us men aren't all like that, and there are just as many women who do that sorta thing as men, and that number is really quite small. No, I have zero desire to abuse that poor abused boy in any way.”

“How can you call him abused, he's never been abused, at least he's never said anything.”

“How many homes has he been in now?”

“Four, why, what does that haveta do with anything?”

“And you don't classify that as abuse. I'm sorry, I wholeheartedly disagree with that. After having lived through it, I can tell you with all honesty that it most certainly is. Being told that you're too much work for too little money, that you're nothing more than a paycheck, that you're neither wanted nor loved, no, that leaves scars the likes of which I hope you can't possibly understand.”

“That's not abuse.”

“Then you and I are clearly at an impasse. Maybe I should just go and talk to your boss then, because I can see that this isn't gonna work out.”

“Why would you needta talk to him?” She asked, almost panicking.

“Because as Hudson's case worker, it's your job to assure that he's loved and made to feel wanted, he doesn't feel that that's happening, just like I didn't, and I call that abuse of almost the highest order. I wish to adopt Hudson to save him that, and I don't feel that you're willing to do so. Not one thing you've said to me yet has led me to believe that you'll let me adopt Hudson. So, as such, I'll go higher. Yes, I'm a male, yes, I'm single, but, I can raise Hudson better than any other possibly can, and I can also afford to do so. I'll never complain about his cost of diapers, nor his specialized schooling that he'll need, and I certainly won't ask you for help.”

“Now, hold on, let's not jump to conclusions here.”

“I wasn't jumping, you led me there of your own free will.” Tim pointed out simply.

“Look. Hudson is to be adopted, but, sadly no one will take him. He's been up for adoption since he came to us once he was out of the hospital just after he turned one. No one will keep him though, he's too much work. This was the last family who was even willing, and probably only because they're brand new.”

“She might be willing, but he won't be, I guarantee you that. Even she doesn't care for the fact that he's five and diapered.”

“How do you know?”

Tim explained exactly what happened the other day, every aspect, even the fact that they accidentally forgot him, which, like he said, is understandable in a way, yet still not truly forgivable.

“In order to petition for adoption, you haveta do lots of work. It's not just me that you haveta convince. You haveta go through all the paperwork, the interviews, it's not an instantaneous process. It can take months, sometimes even years. Are you willing to do that?”

“I'll do whatever's needed, but, I'd really rather that the next home that Hudson's moved to is mine, and sooner rather than later, so that he doesn't start shutting everyone and everything out, and moving inside himself like I did.”

They got the paperwork started right then and there, and for almost a month, Tim jumped through hoop after hoop after hoop, doing his best to adopt Hudson. His psych evaluation went perfectly, all his paperwork was accepted, and finally, his court appearance came and went, and he was granted the adoption. By the time that Tim was made Hudson's father, it was almost exactly a month to the day that they had met. He got to go, with the case worker, to go and pick up Hudson, which, as it turned out, was perfect timing, because the family had asked to have Hudson moved, because he was just too much work, for far too little money.

“Hi there Hudson, it's so good to see you again. Do you remember me?”

“Yeah, I do, but I can't remember your name, sorry.” He said sullenly.

“That's okay Handsome, I understand. It's Tim. We'll get it all into your head, no worries there.

“Why's he in Pullups again?” He asked the parents.

“Because he could never remember how to change himself, so we hadta do that, because we didn't wanna haveta change him all the time.” She said.

“Ah, hence the being too much work and asking for him to be moved. I believe I told you that you'd do that eventually. You claimed it wasn't the money you were in it for, I knew you lied, but that's okay, I adopted Hudson so that he wouldn't haveta be abused any more.”

“We never touched him in any way?” He said in shock.

“Never said you did, yet, you still abused him just as much as his previous families did. Treated him like he was too much work, for too little money, that he's only here for a paycheck and nothing more, no love, no understanding. I'm sorry, that's how I grew up, and I know that that's abuse. I hope you remember that, and that you never do so to another child.” Tim said to them, then turned to Hudson, his son. “Now, how would you like for me to be your father Hudson, I'll never make you leave, I'll be your daddy?”

“Really, I'd really like that.” He said happily.

“Excellent. Well, let's get your things then and head home shall we.”


Tim grabbed the garbage bag full of clothes, though left the pack of Pullups behind. Hudson saw this and smiled. He led Hudson to the car, strapped him into the booster seat that he had had to buy for Hudson, and then put his things in the trunk, before hopping in himself and heading out.

The drive home was not long, only about fifteen minutes, before they pull up to a house that was easily twice as big, and quite a bit nicer than any house Hudson had ever lived in.

“Wow, is this your house?”

“No, it's ours Baby. You're my son now, legally and all. So, this is your home too.”


“Absolutely Baby. Now, would you like for me to take you in and change that soggy fake diaper and put you into a nice thick Pampers baby diaper?”

“Yes please, but I can never remember how to put it on properly.”

“That's okay. We'll work on it, and I won't ever mind changing you either.”

“You mean it, but I'm a big boy, I shouldn't haveta be changed like a fucking baby.”

“Is that what they said to you?”

“Yeah, all the time.”

“Really. Well now, I guess you just got them fired then, huh.” Tim grinned.

“What do you mean?” Hudson asked curiously.

“That's most definitely not allowed. So, am I to guess that you didn't like living there then?”

“No, I hated it. They were nice for the first few days, then he started getting mean to me, calling me a baby, and not in a nice way like you do. I know I'm a baby, I can't learn properly, but he said I'm just a useless three year old in a five year olds body.” He said, sniffling lightly.

“Oh Baby, come here.” Tim said, and picked Hudson up and cradled his cute little diapered bum and held him lovingly.

Not even ten seconds later, Hudson started crying, and Tim held him lovingly the entire time.

“I know how you feel Baby, I went through the same things, that's why I asked to adopt you specifically, I didn't want that for you, because you and I are exactly the same.”


“What's my name?”

“I don't remember.”

“It's Tim, or Daddy, whichever you prefer.”

“I can remember Daddy.” He perked right up.

“Since I'm your daddy now anyway, and if you wanna call me daddy, then please do, because you're my beautiful baby boy now.”

“I'm not beautiful. Everyone says I'm an ugly baby boy.” Hudson whispered softly.

“Oh Baby, you're so far from ugly it's not even funny. They were being mean, but I never want you to believe a word those meanies ever say to you again, okay.” Tim said, patting his cute soggy baby bum as he said so, since he is still holding the shockingly light little boy.

“Okay, I'll try.”

“Okay, you have a super soggy baby bum, and I have lotsa nice thirsty Pampers baby diapers already here and waiting for you, as well as a couple other surprises that I think you'll like every bit as much as I do, so, what say we go change my beautiful baby boy?”

“I'd really like that please.”

Tim carried Hudson all the way to his bedroom, and as they walked in, Hudson looked around in awe.

“Is this really my bedroom?”

“It sure is Baby Boy. Yours and yours alone.”

“It's huge.”

“Well, not huge, but certainly a very good size bedroom for such a little baby boy, that's for sure. Now, your bed can be either a regular bed, or a crib, which would you rather?”

“Crib please, I fall outta bed all the time still.”

“Then we'll change it to a crib, and when you think you're ready to make it a big boy bed again, you tell me, okay.”

“I'll probably forget.”

“Probably, but I'll ask you every now and then, would that be okay?”

“Yes please.”

Tim laid Hudson onto his nice large change table and proceeded to strip him until he is naked. At no time did this appear to embarrass Hudson in the least. When Tim ripped the sides of the saturated Pullup and pulled it down, he exposed a very happy little boy erection.

“Uh oh, do you haveta go peepee, or are you just happy?” Tim teased.

“Must be happy, I can't hold my peepee 'member.”

“I was just teasing you Baby, you're quite hard, it's cute, and you're a pretty good size for a little baby boy.”

“You think so. I've never seen another boys' peepee before, I always thought I was tiny.”

“Well, if you were to compare you and I side by side, you'd probably think so, but you're only five, coming up on six, so you have tonnes of time left to grow, and some day soon, you're gonna be even bigger.”



As they talked, Tim was busy pulling out the fake diaper, and slipping a proper diaper into its place, he then proceeded to wipe Hudson down completely. Tim continued to tell Hudson some of what can be expected in the future, and why his little penis gets hard, and why it feels so good to touch it, which Hudson happily admitted that he very much enjoys doing. As Tim lotioned and creamed Hudson up gently and fully, Hudson would make the cutest little gasps and pants every so often, and then, finally, Tim pulled up the diaper, only, there was a nice thick diaper doubler in it as well.

“Wow, this diaper's way thicker than the Pampers I got after we met the first time. I like it.”

“They'll likely be the exact same, except I put something called a diaper doubler in it as well. Technically they're way too big for you, and probably nearly triple your capacity, and I have the next size up Pampers for you for when we're at home and you desire to be double diapered as you are now, which is what I have you in, the size seven, since your regular size will be six. For when we go out, that's what you'll wear, so it's not so obvious. I also have diaper shirts, and a few other cute baby clothes for you. The baby clothes are only for at home when you want them, the diaper shirts are of course for when we go out. The choice is yours as to when and if you wear cute baby clothes. I also have some really cute rubber baby pants for you, which I'd liketa slip onto you now if you'd like.”

“Really, I'd really like that, and the baby clothes please.”

“Okay, then I'll dress you up, and then I'll go change my super soggy baby bum, and then I'll slip into my baby clothes as well.”

“You have some too?”

“Sure do. We're a lot alike, we're both baby boys, and though we don't like poopooing our baby diapers, we both seem to like most of the rest, though I don't sleep in a crib, mostly 'cause it's too hard to get in and out.” He grinned to his baby boy.


“Now, are you remembering anything that I've told you in the past few minutes?”

“Some of the things, like I can call you Daddy, and why my peepee gets hard and that it's okay to play with it. Not much else though.”

“Tell me, though, when I first saw you, I was pretty sure you were reading the cards, were you, can you read?”

“Yeah, I can read really well already, I can even tell you what I read that day too.”

“Interesting. So, verbal learning is outta the question for you, yet you seem to have a nearly photographic memory for things you see and read.”

“I guess so.”

“So, we should write down all the information that you need to remember then.”

“Okay, that'd be a good idea.” Hudson smiled brightly.

As they continued to talk, Tim had grabbed the rubber pants and slipped them up Hudson's legs, and then encased his nice thick baby diaper fully in them. They talked a bit more as Tim found some really cute little snap crotch shortalls and a really cute and babyish diaper shirt. He dressed Hudson in it, and he had been correct in thinking that Hudson would look spectacular in them, because he most certainly does.

“Wow, you look super cute like this.”

“Thanks. Can I see.”

“Sure Baby, you have a full length mirror in your closet, go look.” Tim said as he lifted Hudson down and set him on his feet.

Hudson scampered to his closet, opened the door, turned on the light, and found the mirror right away. As he looked at himself in the mirror, he could not help but to smile brightly at what he is seeing.

“I like this. Thanks so much.”

“You're very welcome Baby. Right from the minute we met, god, I guess it was a month ago already, I could tell that you and I were a lot alike, and even though it was a risk buying you these things, not knowing for sure, I was almost a hundred percent certain that you'd like them as much as I do.”

“Oh, I do. Now, can I change your soggy baby diaper and help you get dressed?”

“Sadly I haveta say no Baby. You won't really be able to change me. However, you're more than welcome to come and watch and hand me things as I need them if you'd like.”

“Oh, okay, I guess so, but I really wish I could change you too.”

“I know Baby, and I appreciate that. Know this though, I only say no because of how some would construe it. Sorry, that means to deduce or interpret, or assume the meaning of.”

“Oh, okay, I think I already knew that though.”

“You certainly do know a lot more words than most children I've ever met, though, I really have no idea what being around kids is like. We're both gonna have some learning to do with each other. Now, what I was meaning by that, some people may assume certain things if they found out I let you change my diapers for me, but we'll never do that, so it's just best if you don't change me, okay.”

“Um, okay.”

“It's okay. I'll write all this down for you, so that you remember it, okay.”


Tim led Hudson to his bedroom, where he stripped until he is standing before Hudson in nothing but his very wet diaper. Hudson started to feel an uncomfortable tightness in his diaper, and seeing Tim in just his soggy diaper is causing certain feelings that he is still too young to truly understand. Tim, though, is watching Hudson as he exposes himself, and one of the things that he suspected on their first meeting he is now seeing fully, Hudson is gay.

Tim then climbed up onto his change table and proceeded to change himself fully and completely, and though he had asked Hudson to pass him things, it often took Hudson a few seconds to register the request, because clearly none of his thinking was being done up top. Tim had even watched Hudson have to push his rock hard little baby erection into a more comfortable position four times during his diaper change. He did not allow himself to get hard, but he gave himself the full baby treatment, and finally he pulled up his double thick baby diaper, and taped it up nice and snug and secure.

“Looks like you enjoyed the show there Baby.” Tim said softly.

“I've never seen another boy all nakey, you're huge.”

“Compared to you, yes, I probably am, but I'm only just average size, not too big, not too small, and one day soon, you'll get to be as big as me, maybe even bigger, considering how big you already are for your age.”

“Really, you mean it.”

“Yes. I know you probably don't remember all the details of what we talked about earlier, but that's one of the things that we already talked about, but I'll write it all out for you, so that you'll remember it.”

Tim then proceeded to grab his rubber pants and slip them on, then he grabbed himself his matching clothes to Hudson's, only his diaper shirt had a different babyish picture on it, but they are roughly the same colour, and their snap crotch shortalls are almost identical, other than size.

“Wow, you look really good like this as well.” Hudson said.

“Thanks. So, question for you. I know you don't remember things that I've said to you, but do you remember the things that you've said to me?”

“Um, kinda, but not really. Most of the time I don't remember most of the stuff people say I said. I remember it if I did it, but not if I said it.”

“Interesting. So, we needta start learning to write a lot of our conversations out then. Do you remember actions that people do, because then you're seeing them?”

“Oh yeah, I remember everything I see.”

“And how about if you did it?”

“Yeah, o'course.”

“Hmm, wonder if maybe we shouldn't be learning sign language then.”

“I already know some, that's easy.”

“Then, you know what, we're gonna do that, but, so that we can try and train your memory even better, we'll still talk completely as well. We'll haveta find someone to teach us that then.”

“You think it'll work?”

“I think it will, and I'm more than willing to spend all the money needed to try something to see if it helps you. Now, I have some questions for you. They might be a touch embarrassing, but I don't want you to be embarrassed at all, okay. Let's go cuddle up on the couch, and I'll ask, and I want you to answer as best you can, okay.”

“Okay.” Hudson said, shrugging, not really caring.

As soon as they were sat down, and Tim hugged Hudson right to him, he started.

“As you were watching me change my super soggy baby diaper, I saw a look in your eye that said something I'm not even sure you know or understand yet, though your young penis seems to understand it. As you were watching me change, can you tell me what you were dreaming?”

“Um, well, I really wanted to rub the lotion and cream into you.” He said, blushing only slightly.

“I think there's more. What else? You can tell me anything, absolutely nothing you can say will make me love you any less. I already think I know the answer to my question, and I want you to be brave and give me the honest answer, okay Baby.”

“I wanted to see you hard, I wanted to suck your peepee like a soother, I wanted to sit on your peepee and take it inside my bum hole. Is that wrong, am I bad?”

“No, you're most certainly not bad. However, the law says that it's very bad for us to do anything of the sort with each other, so we never will. I love you very much, that'll never change, okay, but we can't do what your little erection was telling you to do, okay.”

“It can't talk.” Hudson giggled.

“Oh really. Do you believe that after what I just witnessed?”

“Um, no, not really.”

“Exactly. Those thoughts, they're not wrong, but you're also only five and a half, getting close to six. You're not even supposed to know anything about that sorta thing at all yet, though most boys do start playing with themselves quite young, but, it just feels amazing. Tell me, do you know what the word gay means?”

“Depends on where you read it. Sometimes it means happy, sometimes it means homosexual.”

“Very good Baby. Then, do you know what it means to be homosexual?”

“Yes, it means that you're a boy who only likes other boys in a sexual way.”

“Very good. When did you start researching this?”

“Almost as soon as I could read, so just about a year ago already.”

“And can you be brave enough to tell me why you started researching that particular subject matter?”

“Because I went onto the computer and typed in why I wanted to suck other boys' peepees. I know I'm gay, homosexual. You are too, aren't you?”

“Yes, I am. When did you know?”

“I think I felt it the first time we met.”

“Same. I felt that you might just be gay as well, though with children so young, it's not always easy to tell, and when you go through puberty, things could change.”

“That's what I read as well, that as we get older, our feelings change. I don't think I will though.”

“No, I don't think you will either, to tell you the truth, but only time will tell. Now, once more, just 'cause we're both gay baby boy diaper lovers, it doesn't mean that we'll ever do what that cute little erection of yours was telling you to do. So, please never ask, okay.”

“You're sure you don't hate me for dreaming of it though?”

“Never. I'm flattered in fact. I wasn't much older than you are now when I had my first man crush, he was my teacher, and I so totally woulda let him diaper fuck me good and hard.”


“Yep. And with the research I can only assume you've done, you know exactly what that is, and I'm willing to bet that at night when you finger your little gay baby bum, that you've whimpered to yourself to fuck your little gay baby boy pussy, haven't you.” Tim grinned.

“Oh god yeah.”

“Know how you feel. I was fingering myself every chance I got at your age too. I even had toys that I enjoyed.”

“Really, could we maybe buy something like that for me?”

“Sure, tomorrow we'll go shopping, and you can see if you can find something to play with. You already have some toys in your bedroom, but not that kind.” Tim laughed, and even though he had almost bought a couple things, he had held off, he wanted to take Hudson for that shopping trip, so that he could see exactly what Hudson wanted.

“Thanks.” Hudson said, hugging his daddy tightly.

“You're very welcome Baby.”

They talked for a few more minutes about that sort of thing, and then Tim decided that it was lunch time, so they headed to the kitchen to get some lunch. This is when Tim surprised Hudson with a full baby bottle of apple juice, and he himself had one as well. Hudson grinned around the nipple of his baby bottle. Tim did too. After eating, Tim passed Hudson a soother, and clipped his own on as well, and then popped it into his mouth, Hudson grinned and did the same.

“This is nice, thanks. No one understood my desire to suck a soother or a baby bottle. I asked the family I was with a year ago for a soother, and they said no, I wasn't a baby, as we were buying Pullups for the baby.”

“I thought you might like it, and any time you wish to have a baby bottle or your baby soother, when we're at home of course, you feel free to do so, okay.”


After that, they went and sat down at the computer and talked and typed away for almost the entire rest of the day, learning everything about each other, Tim telling Hudson everything that he needs to know, and they only stopped to have dinner when it was time. It was almost an hour before bed when it was decided that their incredibly thick baby diapers were getting too full, and that they needed to change, so they went and did so, and once more, Hudson was hard for both changes, and this time Tim put them both into very cute summer baby jammies. They look like a diaper shirt, but are cut more like shorts instead, and show off very well their double thick baby diapers. Hudson really likes these, a lot.

When it was bed time, Tim put Hudson to bed in his crib with a tender kiss to his forehead, and Hudson sighed deep and smiled softly before closing his eyes, and falling into blissful sleep.

Tim went to bed almost an hour later, but only after diaper fucking himself really well. The fact that he totally ruined his not quite wet yet diaper meant nothing to him, he really needed to be fucked. After changing himself, he too went to sleep, and slept well.

The next day they did much the same things, only after breakfast, they changed their diapers to just a single diaper, got dressed into proper clothes, and went shopping. Tim made sure to bring a tablet computer with them so that they could type their questions and answers to each other, so that Hudson would remember what was said and talked about. When they were driving, Tim even set the computer to display what they were saying, so that Hudson would maybe be able to remember everything. He claims that it is working, because he remembered everything.

When they went to the toy store, not only did Hudson pick out a couple things that he felt would feel amazing inside his little gay baby bum, but also a few other toys that he really liked as well. For the toys that only certain boys use for the same reason, Hudson picked out a Lightsaber and a pair of bath torpedo toys, one larger than the other, and though Tim warned Hudson that it might be too big for his intended purposes, Hudson grinned and said he did not think so. It was Tim's turn to groan. It was not exactly small, yet still not quite large enough for what Hudson truly dreams he could get, but knows he cannot even ask for.

After the toy store, they went shopping for other things that they are needing, Hudson got even more clothes, now that he is there to try things on and all, since most of the clothes he had are garbage and do not make the stunningly beautiful boy look anywhere near as good as they should.

They even went somewhere to look into learning sign language, and found that there is a course that they can take that will teach them everything they need to know in only a month, so Tim signed them up for it, and paid for it right away. Their first lesson is in a week, that is when their next course starts. This should hopefully be perfect.

They had a really good day out, and by the time they made it home, they are both in desperate need of soggy baby bum changes and dinner. They had had lunch out, and had had to change their diapers after that. This time Tim showed Hudson triple diapering, and Hudson got a Pampers size six with holes in it, a diaper doubler, and then a Pampers size seven over that. This time they went without clothes and stayed in only their baby diapers for the rest of the day. At bed time, Hudson happily skipped to his bedroom, and Tim laughed when he saw Hudson grab his small torpedo toy and the baby lotion. Tim kissed Hudson goodnight, and headed to his own bedroom to play once more.

Tim knew, without a doubt, that he will have to go in and fix Hudson's diaper before he goes to sleep, but that is okay. Once Tim no longer heard Hudson playing, and he lasted even longer than Tim had, he went over to inspect the carnage, and is only mildly surprised to find the toy still inside Hudson's tiny little bum. It appears though that he had done so almost full inside his diaper while up on his hands and knees, because his diaper is still holding the toy firmly inside him. Also, with how Hudson had done so, his diaper is still in perfect condition. Then thinking that he knows how he would feel about this himself, he just readjusted Hudson to a more comfortable sleeping position, left the toy buried inside the horny little boy, ensured that his nice baby diaper was covering his baby boy correctly, and covered him up.

Tim went and slipped his butt plug in, thinking that if Hudson got to sleep with his toy inserted, then he should as well, and then in the morning, they will get to show that off.

They both had a really good sleep, and when Tim went and got Hudson from bed, he picked him up, cradled his super soggy baby bum, pressing the toy even further inside Hudson, and he moaned lowly, panted a little, and shuddered some as well. Tim said nothing, just laughed to himself.

They went and ate breakfast together, having a baby bottle with it, and then Tim decided it was time to change, so took Hudson to his bedroom first. He laid Hudson up on his change table, and then started opening up his soggy diapers.

“Oh my, what's this Baby?”

“A nice toy up my gay baby boy pussy.”

“I trust you enjoyed.”

“Mmmhmm.” He sighed deeply, but half of that was likely caused by Tim slipping the toy out, not that Hudson was not already pushing it out some.

“That's good Baby. Now, why don't you hop down and go poopy on the potty, I'm sure you need to.” He said, showing Hudson that his toy was none too clean.

“Yeah, I do.”

Hudson scampered naked to the bathroom, sat on the toilet and took care of his messy business, and was back only a few minutes later to be diapered for the day. Tim cleaned him up fully and properly, and then diapered him up once again. Once more in only a single diaper, and getting him dressed in proper clothes, because they will go out. When it was time for Tim to change his diaper, Hudson got to see what a real butt plug looked like, though he has seen them on the computer, and watched with rapt attention as Tim removed his rather large plug. He then hopped down and went and emptied himself out as well, before coming back, cleaning up fully, and diapering himself up properly. Finally he got dressed, and they headed out for the day.