Date: Mon, 05 Jul 1999 08:42:44 PDT From: Luke Subject: joshua-11 Disclaimer Don't read this if underage or upset by teenage boys doing sex stuff, etc... This is fiction. But hopefully someday the better parts of this will be fact. Thanks to nifty for posting it. Enjoy Joshua 11 'At first I was afraid, I was prettified I didn't know how long I'd live without you by my side' the radio was playing "I will survive" by Gloria gainer, have you ever noticed that when your down and upset the radio only play's depressing songs? I mean I usually love the song but considering I had just lost my boyfriend because he found someone else sucking my dick (expertly), it just depressed me more. I stood in front of my mirror looking at my naked self, trying to figure out what it was about me that attracted so much trouble, was it my blond hair with the brown fringe? Or my striking green eyes? Or my nice lean attractive body? (Am I like vain or what?) I just couldn't figure out why anybody could fall in love with me, I recently found out love is just another word for trouble. Yet I still wanted Tom's love, even if I had know how much trouble I would have to go through to get it all those weeks ago, I knew I would have still pursued it. I'm just a fool, although a fool in love. "Joshcould you come down here a minute?" my mum called up, my auntie must have told her I was home. I turned and headed for the door, just stopping short of opening it when I realised I was naked, I quickly turned around and threw some clothes on, than headed down stairs. "You call?" I tried my best to sound happy as I could be but you could easily tell I was faking it. "Oooooh honey, I'm so sorry" my mom stood with her arms out stretched for a hug. I ran into them crying my eyes out. "Mom, what am I going to do?" my tears were running down my cheeks like little water falls. "Well honey your going to have to go and talk to him" she was stroking the back of my hair. "Nooooooo!" I knew I had to but I really didn't want to. "I know it's hard but your going to have to see him at school on Monday anyway and I'm sure you'll both want to get this nasty business out of the way before than" "I know (sniff)" I wiped my nose on my mums shoulder. "Would you like me to take you to Tom's house?" she wiped the tears away from my eyes. "No it's okI'll walk. I will give me some time to think of what to say" I gave my mom one last big squeeze and a peck on the cheek and headed for the door. "Wait a second young man!" I turned round to face my mum trying to remember if I had done something wrong. "Yeah?" "Don't you want your birthday present?" did she say present? Oh totally cool! For that brief second I forgot all my worries about Tom and started to be a kid again, I felt giddy. My mum handed me an envelope and I quickly opened it. Inside was a bundle of money and a little note, it read: 'May you have the best birthday, we could not decide what to get our young man so we put together and gave you money to spent on what (or whomever) you want. Happy birthday love mum and your loving auntie.' It was followed by numerous kisses, ewww. I took out the money and counted it, in my hand I held 5 $100 bills. "Holy mother of crap!" I had $500, I couldn't believe it, it was more money than I had ever seen in my entire life! "Watch your language young man!" my mother gave me a serious look. "I would but my eyes are too busy looking at the bloody cash! I love you both, thank you so much" I took one of the bills and stuffed it in my pocket while giving the rest to my mum to look after than I ran out of the door as fast as I could. To were I hadn't a clue. I stared to head to the park, it was a nice warm day and I knew I could go there and relax and think about what to say to Tom. I walked into the park and looked around, before me laid a beautiful area of green grass, a few trees were scattered across the area with some flowers. In the middle there was a lake, looking as if it was made of glass. The park was full of life, there were couples making out and kid's playing everywhere, there were some really cute guy's roller-skating too, it was a total tease for my penis (hehehehe they were sex on wheels). I saw what I though was a miracle, an empty bench in the middle of a full park. I headed towards it, walking along the paths. I had my head down and wasn't really looking were I was going when BAMN! A heavy weight slammed into me, it sent me flying backwards onto my butt. I looked to see what had ploughed into me, it was a roller-skater a really cute one too, he had long blond hair down to his shoulders and crystal blue eyes. I got up and dusted my self off. "Oh god I am like so sorry, I should have been looking were I was going" I extended my hand to help him up, he made full use of it. "Yeah you should of, moron" he had a nice voice despite he called me a moron. "Sorry" I started back on my way to the bench. I sat down with a sigh and a second later the roller-skating kid sat next to me. "No I'm sorry I shouldn't have called you a moron, my names Alex" he extended his had to me, I smiled and shook it. "I'm Joshua but people call me Josh" "I know we go to the same school" we did? I hadn't noticed him around, and why had he noticed me? "Cool" I tried acting cool. Shit! I left my shades at home, I guess that means I'm in dorks-ville. "You seem sad, what's up? Let me guess relationship trouble right?" he put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a squeeze, which I found very erotic/uncomfortable and strange at the same time, I mean I had only just met him and he was touching me like an old buddy. "How did you know?" I said while shaking myself loose from his grasp. "I can just tell these things, you want to tell me what happened?" hahahaha there was no way in hell I was going to do that, does he think I'm an idiot or something? "All you need to know is I need to get my special someone back" "I suggest buying a present, it would always work for me" he gave me a little punch in the arm almost knocking me over. "Hey thanks for the idea dude, I guess I'm going off to the mall" I got up and started walking towards the nearest mall, a second later Alex joined me. "You didn't say goodbye dude, but anyway I was heading to the mall do you mind if I come with you?" he gave me a little hopeful smile. "Sure" why the hell not, I could use the company. Now I can talk a lot sometimes but boy he could beat me. He was full of energy, always whizzing around me on his skates making me dizzy and talking a mile a minute. In the time it took me to get to the mall I learned that Alex was the same age as me. He lived only 5 blocks away from my house and he liked everything I liked, I didn't know why but I kept getting a creepy feeling from him, like he had planned it all, y'know the knocking me over stuff. We headed from shop to shop, and from item to item, nothing seemed good enough for me to buy for Tom. We ended up in Burger King, munching on some fries; I was looking out the window, while I could sense Alex was looking straight at me. "So who is he and how come you both broke up?" the question caught me totally off guard; I almost choked to death on the coke I was drinking, spluttering like crazy and spitting it out to the amusement of Alex. "What do you mean 'he' are you trying to call me gay or something?" I tried to laugh it off but you could easily tell I was nervous. "Dude it's ok, I'm gay too" he put his hand on mine, but I quickly withdrew. "Oh" I was totally in shock, I mean he was absolutely stunning and absolutely gay, and I'm not sure but I think he's making moves on me. "So you want to tell me what happened?" "Hell no, I only just met you dude, it at least takes me a day or two before I trust someone" I was about get up and go to the loo when I felt someone was watching us from the window, I turned to see Jason. The strange thing was he wasn't looking at me but he was looking at Alex and Alex was looking back. Jason gave me a quick glance before quickly running off. "Who was that?" Alex said with a big smile on his face. "Forget about him he's an asshole" Alex still didn't loose his smile but it grew even wider. We finished up in Burger King and headed around the shops again. That's when I saw it, there in the window of a tacky sci-fi shop, a little trash can in the shape of R2-D2 now I know Tom would love that he's mad about Star Wars, and I didn't see one in his bedroom. I rushed in and bought it, it was a rip off though $50! But it was for Tom so it was worth it. I gave Alex an apology for not staying, and we swapped out phone numbers. With goodbyes exchanged I ran off to Tom's house. I found myself stood in front of Tom's front door. Images of the night before came flooding back, sending chills down my spine. A great fear was growing inside of me; I really did not want to face Tom I wished there were a way to get him back without talking to him. I was about to knock at the door when it swung open, there in the doorway stood Jason. End of part 11.