Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 13:54:17 +0000 (GMT) From: Jonas Henley Subject: Kids of Indian Spring, Ch 23c Kids of Indian Spring By Jonas Henley Chapter 23c Phoenix Tuesday, 20 June 1995 4:30 pm "I'll get it!" Kelly yelled as he slid up to the door in his sock feet. He was just in a T-shirt and his boxers when he went to the door, but he never really thought of them as underwear; they were more just really comfortable shorts in the summer. Sort of. "Hey . . . . . Malcolm. . . . what are y- . . . I mean . . . Hey - how's it going?" "Hey . . . um . . . . . Hi . . . . Ke- . . .uh . . . T-Tucker." "What brings you over?" It was certainly an oddity. Never before had Malcolm ever knocked on their door. Even when he was a little kid, back when his mother was alive, he didn't venture over this far. And after she died, he was much more secluded. By the time he had started school, he was already on the bitter, seemingly anti-social, though very lonely, path that brought him to being the Malcolm that everybody had thought they knew. But they were wrong. He had never turned from his desire to be loved and have friends; he just didn't believe in himself to achieve it. And every year the desire grew stronger, the desperation and despair deeper, but all people saw was the ironic protective layer he wore, the layer that saved him from depression and had warped his only lifeline of hope to where it was barely recognizable. But Ethan had seen it, and Kelley kicked himself later for not recognizing it. And there he was now, on the Tucker's front doorstep, looking awkward, not knowing what to say, what to do. His instincts were pulling him in two - half to run, half to plead for some attention. "Uh . . . ." Malcolm started, trying to control his fear and his total lack of control at this point, "You said, uh, that I could just, um, come by, and, . . . . . um . . . . . ." Malcolm was stuck, not knowing how to finish the sentence. He just shifted awkwardly, waiting, hoping for someone else to finish the sentence. "No, that's cool," Kelley said, rescuing the boy. "You want to come in?" Of course he did, but he still just shrugged his shoulders and looked non-committal. "OK." To the unobservant he looked non-committal, to Kelley he just looked scared - but of what? That was the question. Was it a fear of rejection or of acceptance? The boy came in the door, carrying with him an old leather sketch bag that had belonged to his mother. He was carrying the 2 x 3 foot slim black leather bag in his right hand, looking as casual as he could, even though it was among his most prized possessions. It had been used previously by his mother to ferry about her larger sketches and the occasional canvas when she would go out to paint. The boy lumbered inside with it, looking around the front hallway as he did so. "What's that?" Kelley asked. "Oh, it's, uh . . . it used to be my mom's. She used to put all her drawings in it. But I use it now." "What's in it?" "Well, you said you wanted to know something about me last time. I, uh, I like to draw." "Cool! I can see some of your stuff?" "OK, I guess. You can't tell my dad though. He doesn't like me drawing. I have to hide this under my bed. But he wasn't around today, so he didn't see me bring it." "How come?" "Cause my mom used to draw. He threw this away a long time ago. I got it out, but he bea- . . . I mean, . . . . he wasn't real happy I did. So next time he threw it away I just hid it at my fort. Now I just keep it hid under my bed. I only got one or two of my mom's old drawings left. He burned most those." "Oh, sorry to hear that." "It's OK." The boy still had that lost look, and his voice betrayed that the loss of part of his mother was anything but OK. "Um . . . you wanna see my drawings?" "Yeah! Let's go in the living room. No, wait, we can go in the front room. Nobody goes in there." "Kelly!" he heard his mom cry out from the kitchen, "Who was at the door? Is that Nathan?" "No, Ma'am! It's Malcolm!" "Malcolm? Malcolm McEwen?" The tone showed some disbelief, which was underscored by her appearing around the corner to see for herself, wiping her hands on an apron. "Why Malcolm! Hello ! It's about time you came over for a visit. Are you staying for supper?" "Oh, no ma'am. I gotta be home when my dad gets there." "He wants to stay, mom." Kelley said, and then turned to Malcolm, adding, "Duncan and Nathan are always coming by, sometimes other guys, so it's cool to stay for dinner. Always, right mom?" "Of course. It's just boring otherwise." Malcolm smiled nervously. He wanted to, but . . . . "I cant, uh, my dad . . . .he, uh . . . ." "Michael McEwen does not scare me, Malcolm," she said with a smile, "I can handle your dad. He'll be fine with it. You two boys go run and play, and I'll call you for supper." The two boys went in the front room and opened up the portfolio case, looking through the first few drawings. "Wow, Malcolm, you're pretty good! You been drawing your whole life?" "Yeah. My mom used to get me to draw all the time. I remember that, before she . . . . uh . . . . anyway, I still like drawing." "Where do you get the stuff to draw on or with, if your dad don't let you?" "I don't steal it." Malcolm said crossly, furrowing his eyebrows and looking through his drawings for another. "Sorry. I didn't think you did, you know." Obviously Malcolm's superficial resistance to friendship wasn't just going to go away in a day. The reddish-brown haired boy shrugged his shoulders, more to just deflect his own reaction than Kelley's reassurance. "Here, this one I did a couple weeks ago. It's just a quick sketch I did of some of the guys swimming at the creek." Swimming - an activity that Malcolm was never asked to join, Kelley thought, painfully aware that he was among the boys that had been so tactless. And really, when did he develop a good reason to be like that? At what point did Malcolm become so bad that any of them could even hope to be excused for behaviours prior to that? Kelley took the sketch from the skinny, 12 year old boy's hand. It was really good. Even lacking the detail of a finished work, it was easy to see not just the substance of the activity - swimming out at the creek, some in shorts, some in the buff - but also the very essence and emotion of the event. It was even more remarkable that Malcolm caught it when he wasn't even allowed to share it, practically. "Malcolm, this is really good!" "It's for you . . . . . I mean," He said, looking back through his drawings, suddenly even more shy, "If you even want it." "Are you kidding? Yeah I want it! I like it a lot. It's great!" Malcolm just gave a barest nod, almost afraid to look up. He continued pulling out various drawings to show Kelley, but Kelley was still amazed at his own treasure. [The drawing actually survived Kelley's childhood and remained the favorite of his memories. For years it would remind him of so many things every time he would look at it - the innocence of youth, the flash of summer in boyhood, the value of friends, and also - always knowing that it was drawn by a little boy excluded and hidden from the rest it - it reminded him of the value of human life and emotion and the ongoing need in everyone's life for a champion.] For now, though, Malcolm grew ever more excited in showing his single talent, one that maybe his deepest psyche understood was good, but his fragile nature was always fearful that if shown, the only thing he ever enjoyed doing would be crushed and ridiculed. "And these are from when my great-aunt used to take me to the zoo every year. She died last winter, though. I'd like to go again sometime, but I don't think I will." Kelley's favorites were the elephants. They had the fewest details but spoke so much through the lines. "These are my cousin Scott. When he falls asleep sometimes I can draw him; but I don't ever tell him I do. His mom used to buy me some paper, but my dad got mad. She's supposed to pick me up for the weekend on Friday. I don't know if she will though." Malcolm's lack of expectations weren't the basis of a pity party, just matter-of-fact statements. "I drew this one of the Vining house when they were on vacation. I like drawing houses. I got lots of those, too." "Hello boys!" Hal Tucker boomed as he came into the front room after just arriving home. "Hey, Dad!" "Kelley. Hello, Malcolm." "Hello. . . . uh . . .Mr. Tucker." "Are you going to be staying with us for supper?" "Um, yeah." Kelley leaned forward as if to look over a drawing and very quietly whispered 'yes, sir' to Malcolm. "I mean, yes, sir." "Well, good. Smells like King Chicken. That's Ashton's favorite, and it's a mighty good dish." "Ashton was real excited when mom got home," Kelley added, "He could smell the ingredients from the grocery bags." Hal laughed and looked over the boys at all the sketches spread out on the floor, coffee table and chairs. "Did you draw all these, Malcolm?" "Yes . . .uh, sir." "They are very good. You have quite a talent. You know, Kelley's mother used to draw in college and has talked recently about taking a night class or two at the School of Creative Arts down in the city. She works nearby. You should show her these; it might inspire her to do just that. Well, it's almost time for supper, why don't you boys go and wash up. Oh, and before I forget, here you go, Kelley; I had some time at lunch to run to the store." Hal tossed his son a 6 pack of white BVD briefs. "Wow, thanks dad!!" Kelley beamed appreciatively at the package. He had decided that he was actually looking forward to the role reversal this weekend. It definitively was not going to suck. Not for him at least. Malcolm's quizzical looks at Kelley's enthusiasm didn't bring any explanation, just a goofy shrug from Kelley. But Kelley caught a look, a look that he could have sworn was a pained envy, quickly extinguished by shame, just before Malcolm looked away, but then he could have been imagining things. Understandably, though, he couldn't know that Malcolm's dad never thought about such things as his kid needing new underwear. It was why Malcolm got a D in PE for almost never dressing out. He couldn't face the other boys making fun of him for his dirty, tattered underpants. His aunt, Scott's mom, used to buy him new socks and underwear when he would go to her house. But the last three times she was supposed to pick him up, something else always came up. She did bring him six new pairs of socks and some of Scott's old clothes the last time she visited a week or so ago. But that recent visit was probably just a signal that she wasn't coming back for him this weekend. And he was too ashamed to call and find out over the phone. A lot of pain was drug up, just by seeing another boy so well cared for by a dad. Just as Hal had said, though, dinner was amazing. And Malcolm dug in. At first he was afraid to really enjoy it, but with continued insistence, he eventually ate more than Hal or Kelley could put away. "Well Malcolm, I hope that means you enjoyed the King Chicken and everything else." Malcolm smiled and blushed. He had indeed. It had been a very, very, long while since he had ever had such a home cooked meal. Kelley leaned in and whispered, "My mom won't say it, but she really loves it when my friends like her food." "It was really good." Malcolm whispered back, but loud enough that Silvie heard it and beamed back at the boy. "Oh, well then I hope you still have room for dessert." "There's dessert, too?" The boy said quietly and marveled at the chocolate meringue pie as it was brought out to the table. He put a hand over his stomach, though, and realized that he had eaten too much already. He desperately wanted the whole experience that everyone else was getting. All of a sudden he looked disappointed. It was time to go and leave this dream life, and he wasn't even going to be able to take a piece of pie with him. But Kelley caught on, and proving himself evermore the hero to the slightly older boy, "Hey, mom, Malcolm and me are stuffed, can we have our pie a little later?" "Well, of course, sweetie," "I, uh, I have to go." "Why?" Kelley asked. "It's summer. Spend the night." "Really? You mean you want me to?" Spend the night???? He had never been invited to spend the night!!! At least not in the last 9 years. "Yeah, of course I do. My brothers' friends are always spending the night. Mine too, and that means you." Friend? Malcolm tried not to betray his emotion. "I, uh . . . but my dad . . . ." "Malcolm, son," Hal said, "I've already called your dad. I explained that you would probably end up staying the night, and he is fine with it." "You did?" Malcolm was flabbergasted. They really did want him to spend the night! "Great, it's settled!" Kelley said. "I don't, uh, have any clothes." He definitely didn't want to wear his ratty underwear to bed, or have anybody look too close at how hand-me-down his clothes were. "Well, we can go and get some from your house," Hal started, and Malcolm had a growing look of worry. "He can just wear mine." Kelley offered. This also floored Malcolm. He wasn't even sure how to react to this. "That's true, he could," Silvie said, as she dished a slice of pie up to Ashton. "Nathan does it ALL the time. He seems to love Kelley's T-shirts. I swear I don't know what he does with them all." "I think Nathan likes boys," Ashton threw out as he took his first bite of pie. Now this truly did stun everybody, though Silvie glossed over it nonplussed. "Don't talk with your mouth full, dear. Just eat your dessert." She said, continuing her blessing on Malcolm wearing Kelley's clothes. "And I don't even know the number of times Elizabeth Cormack and I have traded Kelley and Duncan's clothes back and forth. I couldn't tell you sometimes which underwear are Kelley's and which are Duncan's. So you just go ahead and pick out what you want to wear tonight and tomorrow from Kelley's closet and dresser. That's just the way it works around here." "Hey mom," Kelley cut in, not giving Malcolm a chance to find an excuse not to stay. "You should see how he can draw. He's really good!" "I would like to see your drawings, Malcolm, though I'm not surprised you are good at it. Your mother Natalie was quite a natural." "You knew my mother?" The boy asked in a small and somewhat fearful voice. "Well, of course. She was quite beautiful. She used to bring you over here when you were only 2 and 3." "She did?" Now it was Kelley's turn to be surprised. "Well, a few times, at least." She answered her oldest, "A couple of times when Hal did some legal work for her, and once when she drew that picture in the den of you hugging Ethan as a baby." "Malcolm's mama drew that?" Ethan asked, forgetting momentarily that he wasn't supposed to talk with pie in his mouth. "She sure did. And I believe I have another one of her drawings around here somewhere. I'll have to look for it." Malcolm looked back into the house, wondering where this den was that held a piece of his mother's history. "I didn't know that!" Kelley said. He was more amazed than Ethan. "Well, she used to encourage me to restart my own interest in drawing. Of course, on a good day I'm nowhere near as good as your mother was at her worst, but I've been thinking about it lately. Leave your drawings out, Malcolm; I would like to see them." "Yes, ma'am." A light inside him that had tried to flicker on over the last couple of days finally came on with a steady glow. It was still dull, and it threatened to go out at any moment, but it was on. "What happened to your mother? Where is she?" "Ashton!" Kelley was about to reprimand his little brother, but Malcolm answered him. "She was killed in a car wreck." Hal and Silvie gave each other a look that Kelley missed, but there was no mistake from Malcolm's voice that he clearly did not want to talk about it. "Ashton," Silvie jumped in and said, "If you are finished, you may be excused. Go and get a book to read. Kelley, why don't you take Malcolm upstairs and show him your room. The two of you get a shower and get on your night clothes, and maybe your father can take Ethan over to the video store and pick out a movie for the three of you to watch." "Come on, Malcolm." Once in Kelley's room, Malcolm was again feeling way outside his element. The Tuckers had no money, but everything seemed so clean and cared for. The room had an atmosphere of a boy happy in life, everything that Malcolm lost more than 8 years ago. But worse was the fact that Malcolm had no idea how to act normally during a sleepover. He couldn't remember the last time - he had only been 3 1/2. Fortunately Kelley was there once again to give verbal clues. "Go ahead and leave your clothes outside the door so my mom can wash them tonight. That way you can wear them in the morning if you want. Or you can just wear mine." "I'll just wear yours," Malcolm sort of mumbled, hoping that that was the right answer, hoping for more than one reason. He wanted to do the expected thing, so as to appear normal; but something about being able to wear Kelley Tucker's clothes felt strangely wholesome and gratifying. "OK, then let's get our showers." "Together?" Malcolm asked alarm, but then blushed and quickly added, "Sorry, that was stupid." Kelley laughed and said, "Well, I guess we COULD, if you really wanted. It wouldn't be the first time for me, and the shower really does fit two nicely. Ethan and me used to get our showers together all the time. He still does with . . . . well sometimes with . . . someone . . . who spends the night sometimes. But anyway, I just meant, you know, one of us first and the next one right after." "Right, yeah." Kelley slipped off his T-shirt, revealing that perfect 12 year old chest with the definition that said no more fat, but had as yet to be fully muscularly defined. But no doubt, looking at him you knew he was still a strong boy. Unfortunately for a few boys that had crossed Kelley's path the wrong way, it had been soon discovered that he was more than twice as strong as he looked, and quick and agile on top of that. "Why don't you go first, Malcolm. I'm going to go get the underwear downstairs that my dad bought me." When Kelley got back to his room, the door to the bathroom between his and Ethan's room was shut, and he could hear the shower running. He just opened it up, though, and scooped up Malcolm's clothes and dumped them in the hamper. Malcolm had been hurrying in the shower so he wouldn't take too long - his own dad always yelled when he was in there for awhile; but he jumped when he turned around and saw Kelley in the bathroom. The boy was bending over and retrieving a towel from under the sink. He looked so good in just his boxers that some strange thoughts even flashed briefly across Malcolm's mind, enough that his partially plumped dick got a jump. "Oh, hey," Kelley said as he turned around and saw Malcolm looking. "I put your clothes in the hamper, and I realized I forgot to show you where the towels were. I got one out for you." "Uh, thanks." Malcolm tried not to be self-conscious and cover up, but he wasn't sure what to do with his hands. "I was just gonna wash my hair again." "Do whatever you want. We're not in any hurry. Just let me know when you're done. You can leave the water going, and I'll get in right after you." "I guess you can get in whenever you want." Malcolm said without any pretext., he just wasn't sure of how these things were done over at a friend's house, though he was fairly certain most kids showered separately. Still, it was a huge shower. 'What the hell,' Kelley thought as he watched Malcolm start to lather up his hair again. Kelley had wanted them to bond; this would definitely count as bonding time. He didn't exactly jump in the shower anymore with Duncan and Nate, but maybe Malcolm had to make up for lost time. Kelley slipped off his boxers and dropped them in the basket. He could join him; after all, they were both boys. Malcolm had his eyes closed and was shampooing his hair when Kelley stepped into the shower. He jumped when he felt Kelley's hand on him, guiding him out of the way so he could get his body wet and start soaping up. Malcolm still had his eyes shut against the running shampoo and stepped into rinse, bumping bodies with Kelley who was soaping up. It was awkward, but Malcolm survived without getting a hard-on, but not without eventually taking in Kelley's incredible form and his perfect wet body, and also noting from the state of the boy's dick that this shower was really nothing in the least titillating for him. Eventually Malcolm stepped out and began to towel off, stealing glances through the glass at the other 12 year old boy continuing to bathe under the shower. He was therefore slowed in his drying off, and by the time that Kelley stepped out, Malcolm was still somewhat wet, especially his hair, and standing there with the towel awkwardly bunched around his waist. Malcolm was unsure if he should wait there, or just leave the bathroom. He started to leave when Kelley was done and about to step out. "Hey, can you hand me that towel?" Malcolm was even more sure of what to do now and stood there continuing to clutch the towel, but trying to let it go and hand it over. Kelley had not been thinking, really, of anything unusual in the request; he had expected that Malcolm would have already gotten dressed in something and left the towel in the bathroom. But he didn't want to make Malcolm uncomfortable. "Sorry," Kelley said, still standing there dripping wet, with a drop even now falling from the tip of his perfect penis, just dangling in front of his dropped hairless sac. His few honey brown pubic hairs appearing darker and even fewer in number while wet. "I'll just get another towel." "No!" Malcolm started, and then hesitated. "I mean . . . . . I'm already dry, I don't need it anymore. It's just . . . . . I mean . . . it's been around my nuts . . . and dick, and all." He had added the last part very quietly, but Kelley just smiled and shrugged, trying to hide that he was deliberately making light of the matter, "Well, so have I, you know." Malcolm smiled and relaxed some. "Yeah, I guess you have." He tentatively relaxed his grip and let the towel fall open, willing himself not to cover up like a little boy. He stepped forward, and handed the towel over. "Thanks!" Kelley said cheerfully, but handed one edge of the towel back to his new friend. "But your hair's still a bit wet." The two boys dried their hair at the same time with different ends of the towel. Kelley couldn't help but notice that even though skinny, Malcolm had a very nice body, something he hadn't noticed fully before now. But then why would he? Why was he even noticing that now? Kelley took the towel when Malcolm was done and began drying himself off, scowling inward at the thoughts he had had. They didn't seem to make sense. He knew he was straight. He definitely liked girls. He definitely wanted to date girls. Even though his kissing Jessica Odom was just practice for her and a trade-off so that she would teach Nathan how to play basketball; for Kelley it had been an unshakeable whirlwind of indescribable pleasure. It had been a watershed of his youth, and in truth, the trigger point for everything that had happened in the last two weeks, even though all he had intended to do was get a job so that he could date girls later. None of these after-effects were expected or even intended. And he still wanted to date girls. He still liked looking at Julie Henway and Emily Vargas here in Indian Spring, as well as the two Stephanies, and at school, or back in Sweetwater there was 13 year old Selene Patros. She was a dark hair beauty whose eyes were ancient pools of stories long ago. One grade up from him, she held Kelley's attention captive from the first day he started at Sweetwater, and he fumbled his way through a few obviously middle school boy gestures in trying to talk to her. But she had smiled at him. And she gave him more opportunities to talk to her. He had slowly, though only partially, gotten to know her. He heard through the grapevine that she thought he was cute. So he was really looking forward to the next school year to see her again. And that was just a couple months away. He had even asked around at Chase's once when a bunch of kids were swimming in his pool if anybody had seen her around that summer. Apparently, however, she had gone with her mother to Greece for a month. But she, as well as the possibilities with other girls, was the biggest reason he had gone through what he did to try and get that job. And why he was committed to going back tomorrow to finish the horrible task. So he really liked girls. That much was obvious, to himself and everyone else. He wasn't a pervert about it, and he didn't talk about it constantly, but he liked girls. So why were these recognitions about boy's bodies in his head? And why did he enjoy himself so much last night with Casey? "Are you OK?" "Huh?" "Oh, um . . . ." Malcolm started, wondering, should he have even said anything? "It's just, um, that, uh, you looked mad about something, or was thinkin' real hard bout something you didn't like." Kelley smiled and shook his head, clearing his thoughts. He could dwell on those things later. Right now he had a guest. And yes, even now he looked over the skinny frame of the slightly taller boy, with his reddish tinged, soft brown hairs in a semi-halo around the base of a partially inflated cock and hanging nuts that were pulling up into a dark compact scrotum, even as the boy was just standing there, nervous about what to do next. Yes, he was definitely a good looking boy - just needed a few more home cooked meals. "Sorry, it's nothing Malcolm. Come on, let's get something to wear. Hey, I know, want to try on a pair of the briefs my dad just brought me?" Malcolm was agreeable, though just like Kelley, he was conflicted in his feelings as he watched the trim and luscious body of the boy 3 months his junior pass him by out of the bath. It was a body to kill for; it couldn't be denied by any man, woman, boy or girl. Just something alluring and . . . perfect . . . about it. To make it worse, that ass was in full view as Malcolm followed it into the bedroom, unable to tear his eyes away. Kelley ripped open the package of underwear and pulled a couple of pairs of white BVD's out. Malcolm was mesmerized by the slight jiggle in the pert globes, each with a dimple on the side to show that they were muscle as well as eye candy. He blushed a bit when Kelley turned and caught him staring, but was all the same grateful to take the underwear offered. His rising young cock needed some cover, and quick. The two boys slipped on their briefs and found them to fit well. Kelley especially, as his ass rounded out the cotton, stretched it in such a way that both globes were caressed with no slack in the material but pulled down just enough within his crack to accentuate each as a desirable whole. There was some loose material on Malcolm's skinnier frame, though not much. However, a fullness of his pouch, ever expanding by his enlarging dick, more than made up for the loss on a ass-by-ass comparison. The two boys regarded each other with embarrassed, but somewhat horny smiles. Fortunately the tension was broken when Kelley's dad knocked on the door. "Kelley? Oh there you are. Well, now, those fit great! Do you like them, then? Feel comfortable enough for this weekend?" "Um, yes, sir." Kelley would have shown a bit more enthusiasm, except he didn't want to reference the weekend in front of Malcolm. "And you look fairly handsome yourself, Malcolm." "Thanks." The poor boy was still fighting that urge to cover up his crotch, yet still not sure what to do with his hands. "They're just a bit itchy," Kelley said. "Well, they probably just need to be washed first. Tell you what, your mom is starting a load of whites downstairs. Let's just throw those in. Go ahead and take them off and put on some boxers, and then you can come down for the movies." At the charge to strip down, Malcolm appeared very nervous and uncertain and looked to Kelley for his cue. He was clearly hard as a rock and not wanting to expose himself. Still he hooked his thumbs into the waistband and watched as Kelley just pulled his down and off, handing them to his dad. "It's all right, Malcolm. I can see the state you're in, and it's fairly normal for you boys to spend half your life hard." "Dad!" Kelley was even embarrassed for his friend. "Well, considering you boys and your friends, he'll have to learn quick not to be too embarrassed. Here, give him these boxers and change quick." Hal had his back to the boys as he collected the remaining new BVD's, and began re-ordering Kelley's chaotic underwear drawer. "I know your mother doesn't leave your drawers like this when she comes up here. How are they so disorganized? Do you fold anything Kelley?" "Dad! . . . . Mom lets me put my own clothes away. I am 12, you know!" "Oh, I definitely know that you are 12." In the meantime, Malcolm had pulled down his underwear and his hard 4 1/2 inches popped out, an audible smack against his belly was heard, but little movement was seen in the fully erect and engorged boy prick once it was pointing up and out. He quickly pulled up the boxers, but his dick made an unfortunate obscene tent straight up and unmistakable. Kelley, for all his wanting to make Malcolm feel comfortable and welcome, burst out laughing. At first an angry scowl came across Malcolm's face, but it was very short lived, and then he too erupted into a wide smile with added soft laughter. Hal turned around to see what was so funny, and he also broke into a smile. Both boys could see he was trying for all his might not to join in the laughter. "You boys better take care of that before you come downstairs." Hal left the two now giggling boys and returned downstairs, shutting the door behind him. Malcolm pulled the fabric of the boxers tighter, even pushing his erection down a bit, at least as far as it would go down, just to make it all the more obscene and both boys broke out in another round of laughter. "What do I do?" asked Malcolm finally, in all seriousness. "You got any pants I can wear?" "Just go in the bathroom and take care of it." "What? Do that here? In your house?" "Why not?" "I don't know. It's kinda private; I mean . . . . I don't think I could just do it in your bathroom." "You gotta be kidding!" Even Kelley couldn't believe how scared and nervous the former bully really was. But the boy was looking perplexed and unsure of everything. It was becoming less funny and more worrisome as to what he should do. Being friendly with people and staying in their house really should come with a handbook, he thought. About that time, as he was staring down at the erection that just wouldn't go away, Kelley reached out and grabbed a hold of it on impulse. Malcolm sucked in his breath at the incredible feelings that just raged through him and reached out for something that wasn't there to steady himself. Kelley gave it a few squeezes to size it up, each one sending waves of delight travelling at light speed along the boy's nerves, almost sending him up on tiptoes at one point. "Whoaa-oh-oh-oh-ohaahh-ahh . ." The moans were quietly coming out of Malcolm as he felt his new friend's massage of his tender private part. "You want me to take care of it for you, Malcolm?" What the hell - he owed the boy three more blow jobs anyway. Might as well start in on the repayment. Malcolm gave the barest of nods, though his eyes showed that he truly could not believe that this was going to happen again - to him! And by Kelley of all people. But there he was, going down on both knees before him. "Oh shit!" Malcolm let out quietly as he felt Kelley's right hand snake up one leg of the boxers and grab a hold of his nuts, while the other fished through the fly to pull out his dick - something that was very hard to do. Once it was out, Malcolm looked down, still in disbelief, as though he were going to wake up any second from the hot and amazing wet dream, or worse see everything dissipate like a mirage, only to find himself all alone, as he had always thought that he was meant to be. But instead, he watched Kelley lean in and open his mouth and take in the end of his impossibly hard cock. He gurgled out a scream that he had muffled as best he could when he felt the boy swirl the head and give it a good suck. When Kelley moved down the shaft, Malcolm seized the boy's head on instinct, holding it in an almost death-grip as he went up on tiptoes and tried to feed dick to the willing mouth himself. The exquisite pleasure was just tortuous and there was no way he would survive even a few bobs of Kelley's now talented mouth, Kelley had to move his hands out of the boxers and put them around Malcolm to grab his asscheeks for support, as the boy was practically trying to crawl into his mouth. Soon as he did, he felt his head squeezed and some desperate attempts on the boy's part to fuck his mouth, shortly before he erupted in fraughtful bliss into the expecting warm cavity. Kelley swallowed the first full load and swirled the second around his mouth, again noticing the taste of roasted vanilla, but even more of a hint of ginger this time, and maybe something else, but before he could think about it too much, the third and fourth loads of the boy's copious production were already spreading across his tongue, and he was forced to swallow. He continued swallowing, even through the last jerks of the pelvis and penis both. He sucked and swallowed past the point when nothing more was coming out, until finally an exhausted boy who could barely stand decided to crawl back down to Earth and push Kelley's mouth off his dick. Malcolm was still bracing himself against Kelley and breathing hard - sure he was saying thank you, though later neither boy would even remember that part. Kelley just stared at the still plump and only slightly deflated dick before him and contemplated the nature of a boy's dick. Up to now, he had mostly been finding it disgusting, and had thought badly of himself for sinking so low; but now as he looked at it, he realized it wasn't so bad as he made out. Well, now, true, there was always that part that would be degrading and disgusting for him. He wasn't denying that. And he would never crave dick, never actually WANT it, like Nate or Ethan would. But he didn't have to look at the whole experience as completely negative, he guessed. He cocked his head and contemplated cock. He needed to try it outside of having to do it. Malcolm got a post-cum wow-shock when Kelley suddenly leaned in and took the half-hard dick back in his mouth to get a proper feel of what an inch and a half of dick really felt like in his mouth, against his tongue, and surrounded by deliberately offered warmth and wetness. He had to admit, that it wasn't really that bad when he abandoned all connotations and treated it solely as a sensory event. He pulled off and then went in again, this time to fully sample, to lick and suck and tease the dickhead itself. Also not so bad. And the taste was really inofficious. There wasn't much to that. He hadn't noticed the dick start to fill again when he leaned in once more. This time he focused on the plump penis before as being specifically a part of Malcolm. As the enlarging dick entered his mouth, he concentrated on the thoughts of sucking Malcolm's dick, of giving Malcolm good feelings. The real shocker wasn't for Malcolm who was understandably getting horny again so quickly after a cum and realizing that it wasn't long before he could go again, but for Kelley. He was shocked that as he thought about specifically running his tongue over Malcolm's dick and savoring this boy part of him, that he was actually feeling a generated interest, a hunger if you will, for dick of the moment. "Oh gahhd, Kel- . . . Tuck-, you're gonna make me hard again!!" Kelley gave a few more tentative sucks, exploring this new feeling. He was actually liking it, and he could feel his body developing a hunger to drive down more and do more for Malcolm. Kelley dropped his head and bobbed a full 2 1/2 inches down the dick, slurping his way up, before sliding back down again. Once more he could sense Malcolm start to try and crawl up in there; he could almost feel the boy start to lose control of his faculties. Kelley was finished with his experiment and pulled off. "Oh gahhd, no, please don't stop; I can cum again, please, it wont take me long . . . please!!!" Kelley smiled, staring at the now raging again erection. It was only part because of the boy's pleas, but mainly because he finally realized that he could actually have fun with this. He could actually enjoy letting another boy enjoy himself in his mouth. Although a deeper part of him realized that that entailed a lot of conveniently ignoring of other realities. Realities that probably weren't meant to be ignored. "Oh fuck, Kel - I mean, Tucker, I was so close." Kelley smiled again and reached for the balls and gave them a light squeeze, standing up in the process. He would have to give this a lot more thought. "No. I was just trying something. You know . . . you ever felt a boys balls?" "No." Malcolm thought it was a weird question. Of course he hadn't. But . . . . . well . . . . . maybe he would want to. It wasn't that revolting an idea with Kelley, so maybe it would be cool. He tentatively reached out and grabbed a hold of where he thought Kelley's nuts would be, and he could feel them through the boxers. He guessed it was KINDA cool. He wasn't sure how much though. Kelley, however, pulled the boy's hand off and replaced it on his naked nuts after pulling his underwear down in front. Oh yeah, that actually was MUCH cooler. Maybe even fun. Malcolm couldn't believe himself, but this was actually fun. He smiled and looked up to see Kelley was having fun, too. Malcolm's curiosity grew, and he left the nuts and experimentally ran the back of his hand up the shaft of Kelley's now inflating dick. The dick filled in no time flat, and Kelley gasped as Malcolm grabbed his 4 inch erection and squeezed a little, pulled the looser skin down as he did so. "Like that?" Malcolm asked. Kelley smiled, fighting the glassy eyed effect that was trying to take over as Malcolm had fun manipulating another boy's dick for the first time in his life. He looked in Malcolm's eyes and saw the what could almost be described as an evil, bully-like smile, except that Kelley could see deeper in now and knew that Malcolm was deriving even more pleasure just from giving Kelley pleasure, than he was just the enjoyment of making another boy squirm. Kelley matched him smile for smile and reached and grabbed Malcolm's own hardon, giving it a deliberate squeeze and using the boy's flowing precum to exquisitely tease and masturbate him right at the tender head. "oouujhh fuckkk ..." the reddish-brown hair boy exclaimed under his breath, laughing a bit, though bug-eyed at how intense the feelings were just having another person do you. He bent over, as though his body were trying to pull away from the hand-rubbing onslaught, though inwardly praying that Kelley wouldn't let him pull away. Malcolm redoubled his efforts and reached forward with his other hand and grabbed back a hold of Kelley's balls, tugging them downward with the gentlest of squeezes, not knowing that this was the biggest erogenous combo for Kelley in getting off. "Ohhooppfffuuuu-uhh-uuhhh-ooohhh . . . . .gwnnahhh . . . . fffffffff . . . yes . . . that . . . . ggeeezzyyaaoohhh-oohh-oohh....." Kelley wasn't far from blowing a massive load, with Malcolm and his quieter moans but more intense breathing patterns right behind. "What are you guys doing!!??" "Fuck!!" "Yaiih!!!" Both boys exclaimed at once, hastily disengaged, and reached down to pull up their boxers. "Ethan!!" Kelley almost cursed in the next word, but instead just breathed heavy as he let himself come back down from both a near cum and a severe startle. The startle was such that it knocked him and Malcolm both back from firing threshold, though it did nothing to diminish their erect and sensitive penises, now pulling at the thin cotton of their boxers. Ethan was practically on the floor laughing at them. "You should have seen . . . . faces!!! . . . .. It was like . . . . . Blahhh!!! . . . . . and you were like . . . . . Aaagghhh!! . . . . " The boy tried to say more, but he couldn't get out any intelligible words because he was laughing so hard. Kelley had a good mind to be mad, but even Malcolm, as embarrassed as he was, couldn't help but laugh while watching the 10 1/2 year old dirty and precocious blond boy lose it after scaring his brother in such a compromising position. "What is so funny up here?" Hal asked as he came in carrying some folded laundry from downstairs. Ethan pointed at the two other boys and tried to explain but couldn't stop laughing. When Mr. Tucker showed up, both Malcolm and Kelley lost some of the sense of humor in it all and covered up their crotches with their hands, trying to hide the lewd tentings both still had. "Kelley," his dad said, just placing the clothes on top of the dresser, "I think you two failed in making yourselves MORE presentable. Oh well, it's not as though we don't see plenty of that around here nowadays. Why don't you two come down and watch the first movie. I've already told Ashton that he could stay up for it. I guess those will go down eventually. Ethan you go ahead and start the movie . . . Go on, quit your laughing and do as you were told." Ethan didn't stop laughing, but he did leave to go and get the movie set up. Hal looked at the two boys and smiled; he couldn't help but laugh a little bit himself. "Look the first movie is short. It's a cartoon, and then Ashton can go on to bed. He'll probably fall asleep during it anyway. Now, I know I don't have to tell you this Kelley, but for the benefit of everyone, Ethan is old enough now to join in on any fun that you boys want to have, but keep all sex play away from Ashton, understand?" "Yes, sir." Both boys said at the same time, neither boy laughing anymore, but abashed from their predicament, though after Mr. Tucker left they relaxed a bit and laughed a bit. "Um . . . maybe . . .later?" Malcolm asked uncertainly. "Definitely." Kelley said with a mischievous smile, and he didn't get too many of those. "Cool." Malcolm said, smiling back and relaxing his hands from around his crotch. He had an impulse to reach out and feel Kelley's dick one more time, but he didn't want to push a good thing. He had an even stronger impulse to reach out and give the boy a huge hug; but he held back on that as well. This was definitely becoming the coolest day of his life. Once downstairs, Ethan started up The Lion King and was watching it with Ashton. Malcolm joined them, and Kelley slipped out to see his mother who was in the front room. He didn't know that Malcolm had followed him out of the den. Malcolm had intended to just join Kelley and keep hanging out with him, which interested him far more than the movie would; but he slowed and hung out in the hallway, just out of eyesight and listened-in instead on Kelley and his mom. Eavesdropping and spying was a hard habit to break; and Malcolm had been doing it all his life, as it had been the only way he could ever get close to others having fun. "Hey, mom, whatchya doin'?" He heard Kelley ask inside the front room. "I was looking through Malcolm's drawings; these are really good!" "I know; isn't he great?" "Well, Kelley, I don't know if you understand just how good they are, given his age. At this rate he'll easily be better than his mother ever was." "Cool." "No, better than cool. Natalie would be so incredibly proud of him. But don't you go saying that. He doesn't like to talk about his mother." "What happened to her?" Kelley asked. "I know she didn't die in a car wreck." "And what makes you say that? Kelley Tucker you better not be going around listening to gossip!" "No, mom! You know I hate that!! But I think dad was right. He told me about my gift, and I can feel it. I can see through people trying to cover things up." "Well, I'm not so sure how much stock I put in your 'gifts,' no matter what Hannah O'Shaunessy said about you. Still, I suppose it could be all true; but don't you go getting uppity or arrogant about it." "I won't, mom. I already learned a lesson on that. I know it can blind me. But honest, though, I can almost sense my ability. Does that sound crazy?" Silvie Tucker looked at Kelley long and hard. She knew deeper within that she always believed old Hannah. She had seen too much otherwise among the Cormacks and the Lanhams, and she was noticing too much with Kelley. On top of that, Ashton was unnerving her more and more every day. "No, son. It's not crazy. But know this, whatever Malcolm wants to tell you about his mother, it's his to tell you. You accept it and don't dig any deeper. If any boy has a right to say what he wants, it's that boy." "Yes, ma'am." Silvie looked around some more before adding finally, "What I wouldn't give to have his talent." "Did you see this one?" Kelley asked, pulling one from off the top of the upright piano. "Yes I did. It's absolutely beautiful." "He gave it to me. I was wondering if I could get it framed and hang it in my room?" "Oh yes, Kelley, I would love that; but not just any frame. I know a lady who does some high quality framing. I'm going to save up some money and have it done right. It's almost the perfect picture of your childhood summers. Well, you get on back to your friend. Don't leave him on his own too long with Ethan; we don't want him scared off too quickly." "Huh?" "Oh I heard what you two were up to upstairs. You I can handle, but I swear I'm not sure if I will live through Ethan's hormones." As embarrassing as that revelation was, Kelley had to smile and laugh a bit. He loved his mom. Malcolm quickly retreated to the den, with a mixture of sorrow and happiness welling up within. Ethan was as engrossed in the movie as Ashton and hadn't noticed Malcolm leave or return. Malcolm was about to sit and pretend he had been there the whole time, when something in the den caught his eye. He was drawn to it, transfixed like a pilgrim before the shrine at the end of a long desired pilgrimage. That was where Kelley found him when he came back in, standing before the drawing of Kelley as a toddler hugging his baby brother Ethan. Before, he had always simply taken it for granted. It was protected by glass, and Malcolm reached up to reverently touch the outer lines of the drawing. Kelley could almost feel the immense energy building up in the sorrow rising within Malcolm. The energy called out a song of indescribable loss. A part of Malcolm would have liked to tell Kelley of how he felt when his mom had left him, had simply abandoned him, but he couldn't. He had once been very angry with her, but all he ever wanted these days was for her to come back. The sheer emotion from the transference alone was overwhelming Kelley, and for his own sake as much as Malcolm's he reached out to snap the boy out of it. He grabbed Malcolm's arm tight and gave him a jerk. "Hey! It'll still be there later. And you can come over and look at it whenever you want, but right now my mom's chocolate pie is calling, and I swear you never had anything better. So let's go get some." Kelley pulled the boy away just before the tide washed him out. Malcolm resurfaced, thankful for the friend he now had in Kelley and refocused his attention back on having fun for the night. Kelley dished himself and Malcolm up hefty slices of pie, and also a small slice for Ashton, with milk for all three. Hal stuck his head in to say good night. "I'm going to bed boys, I'll see you in the morning. I think your mom is making pancakes, so I will be waking you up, although you can always go back to bed afterward, and we will be none the wiser." Kelley smiled. He loved his dad, too. He gave him a hug goodnight, and Hal kissed him on the cheek, reminding him to send Ashton to bed after the movie. Hal then pulled Malcolm into a hug, and he felt the boy at first resistant. It was sad to think it was something so foreign to the kid; but then he felt Malcolm just melt into it. "I want you to have fun tonight, Malcolm." He whispered to the boy. "Kelley knows the limits. If he's OK with things, then you just enjoy yourself all you want." He gave the boy a kiss on the top of his head before releasing him. He didn't hear the barely uttered 'thank you' that came quietly from Malcolm. The boy remained quiet after this, even as they went back into the den with the pie. "Hey, where's mine?" Ethan asked after Kelley gave Ashton his small slice of chocolate pie. "Ashton doesn't get to stay up as late as you. You can have your second piece later with me and Malcolm. I figure we're probably gonna want some more." Malcolm was digging in to his pie and gave a hearty nod in the affirmative. This was the best thing that he thought he may have ever tasted. Silvie meanwhile drifted through and told the boys goodnight, giving each one a kiss, including Malcolm. "Kelley, I put the whites in the drier. The buzzer may go off in about an hour. It would be nice if you could fold them, though you don't have to." "Yes, ma'am. Good night." And so the boys watched and laughed through the rest of Lion King, three of them sated on pie.