Date: Wed, 5 May 2010 02:22:11 -0700 (PDT) From: Subject: Learning to Love Learning to Love Solsticeman His brother had been just six years old when Jeremy was born. Just old enough to understand the wonder of the small life that now shared his. Seven when his brother started to walk... walking to Jeffrey... not their mother! His eigth birthday present from his little brother was the word "Heff", spoken with great care and repeated twice. It was the gallant attempt to manage his name that gave Jeff the greatest pleasure that day. Even after Jeremy could manage "Jeffery" perfectly well, Jeff still insisted that he call him "Heff" in honor of his eigth birthday present. Inseparable, Jeremy followed his Heff like an affectionate puppy, getting underfoot and frequently in the way. Heff took this in surprisingly good part. When Jeremy spoilt a football game, scoring an own-goal or handling the ball, Heff defended him against his irate friends, saying... "Leave "BP" alone... he's too little to get it right, and at least he's trying!". As it was Heff that owned the only ball that was fully inflated they backed off or wandered off grumbling... either way they left BP alone. His friends often asked what BP meant, and neither they nor Jeremy ever got a satisfactory answer. Jeff always said "Dont remember, he's always been BP". That wasnt true. It had only been a pet name since Heff's eigth birthday... it actually stood for "Birthday-Present". Jeffrey often thought of that gallant little face screwed up in concentration in its attempt to get "Heff" right. Little BP had soon insisted that they share their bath. Pretend-fights over the soap resulted in floods of tears when the inevitable happened and one or other of them got soap in their eyes. Jeff loved the slippery wet feel of his brother and felt very responsible for his safety when they moved up from the plastic kiddy-bath to the full size... ever so deep... grown-up bath in the bathroom. For some reason that Heff could never recall later, they never played pee-in-the-bath or grab. It just wasn't what the two of them did together. Instead, when they were nominally clean (their mum sorted out the details at towels-time) they preferred to snuggle up together, huddled under the water and foam for warmth, slippery skin against slippery skin, BP cradled in Heff's strong young arms to keep him from harm as they dozed until mother banged on the door.. Their mother thought it cute that they climbed in together even when Heff turned 11 and Jer was 5. Their father, a distant figure who made his presence felt only at weekends, looked increasingly dubious. His doubts were countered by their mother's view that "at least they dont fight like normal brothers" which was, one supposes, the essence of their father's doubts. Their mother was firm in her belief that there was no harm in their close bond, and that the protection Jeff extended over BP was worth fighting for... so she didn't... she simply moved bath-night from Sunday when father was home, to Tuesday when he was not! As Heff approached his twelfth birthday he began to develop as all twelve year olds do. School and his mother had made sure that he understood the basic mechanics of what was happening to his body, but as with all twelve year olds it was still a thing of wonder to see his shoulders and chest thickening, his waist slimming... and his winky? well the less he said or thought about that the better! BP was over the moon... his big brother was turning into his BIG brother. He could see that soon his brother would be a young man, who played football and basketball and... everything! That he might lose him to a girlfriend never crossed his mind. It didn't seem to cross Jeff's either. One of the "fittest" boys in their class, the girls chased him for form's sake, but seemed to recognise that his mind was elsewhere. He was the brightest kid in the class, so it was assumed by the girls that he was studious, a sort of good-looking, fit (boy was he fittt!) geek. Certainly not a nerd, his skill on the sports field proved that, but definitely clever and with a life studiously uncluttered by the needs of a needy girlfriend. His father worried again! His mother countered with the thought that there was plenty of time for all that when he was in a good college, maybe Ivy League on a sports scholarship. The trick was to keep his concentration on sport and schoolwork. As she said to his father... "If he doesnt screw-up now he'll have plenty of opportunity to screw later". She was of course correct! At twelve he qualified for a number of new experiences... One was the girlfriend he was studiously passing up on. Another he embraced with astonishing enthusiasm... Scouting! He learnt his knots and laws and... everything! He was rapidly a badge machine, His shoulders and arms grew to make room for the brightly coloured patches that spoke of his skills in all sorts of arcane studies. His favorite was woodcraft. He spent a lot of time in the woods around their home. Most of the time he was accompanied by BP, now six going on seven and enthusiastic to get his consolation prize in a year or two... to join the Cub-Scouts, which he knew were very nearly as good as the real thing! It was a few days after his thirteenth birthday... Way to go!...a teenager!... that Jeff had news for his brother. He cleared it with their mother and then waited for bath-time. As they snuggled under the water, a tight fit now, with Jeff's increased bulk and BP's growing eight-year-old bod, Jeff told him he had some great news! "You know you will be old enough for Cub-Scouts this year... well Skip has decided you are old enough for the next Taster-Weekend" The Taster-Weekend was intended to sift out the little guys who either weren't ready for the rough and tumbles of Scouting, or who needed their mother rather more than a life of woodcraft and camping. It was a weekend when prospective Cubs who had an elder-brother who was already a Scout, could come for a camping weekend in the woods. They would share a tent with their brother and get a taste of what woodcraft was all about... strange noises in the night and strange things in the food! It also gave Skip the chance to discover which brothers were a pain-in-the-neck when together, a great help with forward-planning! The weekend came round eventually, as weekends do... even ones as anticipated as this one. Jeff packed his camping gear in his rucksack, added BP's change of clothes and towel, and strapped on a blanket roll. He had his own sleeping-bag, the blankets were for BP... their mother had decided not to buy another sleeping bag until BP's career in Scouting was a little more definitely established. The Scout mini-bus delivered them to the camp-site, unloaded and departed, leaving them in the clearing at the edge of the forest. Skip had discovered years ago, that not having immediately available transport home worked wonders in preventing terminal cases of "I want my mummy". At thirteen Jeff qualified for one of the more distant two-man tents, and he proudly assured Skip that there was no danger of "I want my mummy" from his little-brother as long as he was with him. They did all the usual things... Hide and Seek in the trees... then... Find the ones who got lost... Cooked sausages and marshmallows around the campfire, and a sing-song until the noise dropped to a level that suggested more than half were already asleep. One final round of Ging-gang-goolee and it was bedtime. Jeff used his torch to show BP the way to the tent. The bedding was ready and Jeff stripped off assuring BP that it was more than acceptable to wear only his boxers to sleep in a tent. BP had doubts about that... it felt as if his coat would be more suitable than boxers as night-gear, but he dutifully stripped down to his Transformers pants, and climbed into his pile of blankets. The sheet in the middle was awfully cotton and awfully cold! His teeth were soon chattering, so Jeff suggested that they share the sleeping bag and throw the blankets over the top for extra warmth... that struck BP as a brilliant idea and he cheered up as he warmed up. Naturally they cuddled as they always did in the bath, their limbs intertwined, Jeff with his leg over the top of BP, holding him secure at his side. "This is fun" Jeff said. "Yes, but I'm missing mum's bedtime-story, and I shan't get my goodnight-kiss either! Or "Gentle-Jesus" " It was a few years since Jeff had said Gentle-Jesus at bedtime, but he dutifully took BP through it, and the sigh of satisfaction after "Amen" told him that it had been the right thing to do. "Now" said Jeff, trying to be funny..."What about that goodnight-kiss" "Yes please!" replied BP, completely stumping his brother for a reply. Jeff bent across to his little brother and kissed him on the forehead... "Not like that!... Properly... like mummy does..." BP leaned over and pressed his lips to those of his big brother! "Wow"... "That was better than mummy!" Jeff was stunned... the soft warmth of his brother's lips... the intensity of his hug... they were more, much more than a goodnight kiss. He had never had a girlfriend, he had never kissed... even his mother had stopped goodnight kisses when he made twelve. He had no idea what had just happened... except... He was sure he wanted it to happen again! "Goodnight BP... let me do it this time, I'll do it properly". He leaned towards his brother, closed his eyes and made contact... lips to lips. This time he lingered... savoured the moment... felt the softness of their lips and felt his face flush and get so warm. "This must be what its like with a girl" he thought, and then... "This must be love!" That made sense, the one person in the world that he loved with an overwhelming certainty was BP, his little brother. That it was love made perfect sense, and that love could feel so good in a kiss made sense. What didn't make immediate sense was that he knew that it felt like it would with a girl. But, that was alright too... It would have felt just as un-right if it had happened and BP had been his little sister... in fact that, he thought, would have been even less right! It's "love" that makes the difference, he thought. Love for a girl, love for your brother... its love that makes the kiss special. "God-bless BP"..."God-Bless Heff". They lay back to sleep, and then once again, drawn to one another, they kissed... a kiss that went on and on, until first BP and then Jeff slid slowly, gently and peacefully into sleep, their arms still about each other, their cheeks touching, breathing the sweet warmth of each other's breath. About their tent, owl's hooted, twigs snapped and in the far distance the sound of quarrelling in another tent. But for BP and Jeff there was just the peaceful, reassuring warmth of each other. Morning came and Jeff woke to find his arm still snuggled around his brother and his nose resting in the curls on the top of BP's head. Thoughtfully he kissed his hair, savouring the mix of his brother's sweat and the shampoo he had used on it just before they left home. "I love you" He whispered. "I love you too Heff" came a very small and soft reply. All was not as well at the other side of the camp-site. Skip had needed to intervene twice in the night between the Jackson brothers, John 14 and Joseph 10. They had quarreled incessantly from the moment they got into the mini-bus. If truth were told they had been quarreling for at least five years before that, but Skip didn't count that. After breakfast Skip declared that brother-pairs would swap partners, this was partly to stress them a little to see who couldn't cope on their own, and partly to split up the Jacksons to give him a morning's peace. The resulting pairs were Joseph and BP, and John partnering Jeff. It worked amazingly well, the Jackson brothers became model citizens when apart, and BP coped well without Jeff. Not that he didnt miss him, but he knew he was close by, within call, and last night had reinforced the certainty that nothing bad could happen to him, Jeff would see to that, and... he was within call! Skip set them a sort of orienteering task with a compass. Two hundred paces North, then East, South and West and see how far from their start point they were at the end. It wasn't North that was the problem, or East... it was when the headed South.... BP and Joseph met the ten year old sons of the farm that adjoined the forest. "What are you doing here? This is our Dad's farmland" "No, it isn't, we're still in the forest and thats rented to the Scouts!" "Clear Off..."... "No, you clear off"... "We'll tell our Dad"... "We'll tell Skip!" BP could tell that Joseph was terrified... he was holding his hand and could feel him shaking... "Dont worry" he whispered ... "We can take them, and Heff and John are within call if we shout, they were starting right after us" "John wont come if I shout" "Yes he will, and we dont need both... I just need Heff... and he WILL come!" Like all fights between small boys it was more bluster than blood when it happened. Joseph ended up with a swollen lip, but BP got in a glorious haymaker that took the larger of the farm boys by surprise, bounced off his cheek, split his lip and sat him down... rather firmly! The farm boys ran off crying, BP looked smug and Joseph looked relieved! At that moment their big brothers came running out of the trees... "Are you alright Joe?" Surprisingly, it was John running up to his little brother and holding him by the shoulders to turn him about, looking for damage. He gently touched Joseph's lip... "Is it sore?"... "Nah, its nothing... did you see BP? He was great... he knocked him down!" Heff had a proud arm around his heroic brother... "Well done... proud of you"... but BP felt a little shy about that. "It wasn't me really... I'd have been just as scared if I hadn't known you would come if I called out" John heard this and said "Yes, and I would have come if Joe had shouted!" "You would?" Joseph looked astonished... "You'd have fought for me?" "Course I would... you're my bro!" Joseph was frankly astounded... it had never before been him and his bro against the world... they had never even been on the same side before... this was going to need some working out! "Lets not tell Skip, it'll only cause trouble with the farm, and I dont think we'll see them again this trip, BP saw to that!" "You sprats go ahead and finish the course, we'll give you a couple of minutes head-start and we'll come along behind" Both pairs had a lot to think about... BP and Joseph discussing the benefits of having elder brothers, and Jeff and John talked about how worrying it was to be responsible for the little guys. BP asked Joseph... "Did you really think your bro would let you get beaten up?"... Joseph nodded silently! "Think you are wrong! He'd have come storming in if you'd wanted" "He doesn't like me!" "Silly sod, course he does... he was worried by your lip!"... "and gentle" "Your bro is nice" Joseph said wistfully. "Yours wouldn't be bad if you gave him half a chance!" "Do something nice for him... did you bring any sweets or stuff? Kiss him goodnight... just dont be such a beast!" "Kiss?, you are kidding?" "Yeah, course... just be nice to him... give him a chance!" A very similar conversation had taken place between the bigger boys. They had concluded that it was great for Jeff to have a little bro that he loved to bits, and that John had never really given his little bro a chance to get close. "It's difficult to be close" said John. "No it fuckin' isn't!" said an exasperated Jeff... "For fuck's sake you're sharing a tent, practically in bed together!" "Give him a hug, tell him you love him, let him know you care" "BP only took a swing at that kid because he knew I was there to cover for him if it all went wrong!" "Give him some support. He's missing his mum, give him a goodnight kiss!" "A kiss, you must be kidding!" Coincidence is a wonderful thing! BP and Joe, and Jeff and John were separately trecking through the trees, silently as they could (well they were scouts!). At almost the same moment they heard muffled voices... On the other side of some bushes, there were two of the other scouts, about 14, kissing! Wow! they all said (or at least whispered, breathed or thought!) "Boys dont do that" said John and Joe... "Yes they do!" said BP and Jeff, and instantly regretted it! BP was excited although he didnt understand how or why. So was Joe. He had an older mate Martin, who had "helped him out, until we can do it with girls", so he understood immediately what the older boys were doing, even though kissing was always something Martin said was "too gay". Understand it or not, all of them now felt a surge between their legs. The older boys had a hand in their pocket and were feeling themselves up, not quite masturbating, but as near as damn-it! BP whispered to Joe... "I've got a woody!"... "Me too, its great!"... "Feel?" BP wasn't sure whether that was an offer or a request, but was sure what the answer was... "OK, if you want" Joe made things clear by grabbing BP's hand and folding it round the now pronounced bulge in the front of his shorts. BP gasped as he felt the aggressive hardness within... Joe sighed with contentment... he had been missing Martin and the things they did nearly every afternoon after school. He hadn't time for niceties... "Do you wank?"..."Wha... whats wank?" "Wanking, jerking off, masturbate" hissed Joe. The boys kissing in the clearing paused and looked around, then continued, except that now they were holding each others bum and grinding their fronts together as they kissed. "Dunno" BP admitted... "Do I?" Joe was beside himself with excitement from what they were watching, as was BP except that he hadn't a clue what was going on! Joe pushed BP's hand aside and unzipped, pulling his penis free he started to rub vigorously. BP had never seen an erect penis before. When Jeff had become erect in the bath or when they cuddled he had been careful to hide it from BP. "Like this, rub it like this... its great! Go on, quick!" BP grasped the outsides of his own shorts and gave it a few tentative squeezes. Joe was right... it did feel good, and without stopping to think about what his mum or Jeff would think of him, he got it out down the leg of his shorts and copied what Joe was doing. His decision was helped by the boys in the clearing... One of them had dropped to his knees and taken the others penis in his mouth and was bobbing up and down on it. "What are they doing now?" BP whispered. "Thats a blow job, he's sucking his cock... that feels even better!" "Well, I'm not..." BP began... "No, nor me... I would but I'm too !!!" and Joe's body tensed up, jerked, tensed and jerked three or four times! "Shit that was good!" "What was?" "Dont stop, keep going, you'll see" BP, eyes glued on the scene in the clearing, rubbed on... The boy whose cock was being sucked started to spasm just as Joe had done, his mate held on tight and his adam's-apple bobbed as he swallowed something. BP began to feel strange his tummy was fluttering and his knees were wobbly and then he spasmed... he had no idea, no warning.., nothing... just the most wonderful warm feeling as every muscle jumped in sympathy, and he abruptly sat down. The boys in the clearing looked startled, grabbed their things and ran off. Meanwhile John was down to the short-strokes on the blow-job he had been giving Jeff. There had been no decision for them to make... Both had played with mates before, a few times in Jeff's case, many times with the same Martin for John. "Suck?" John had said, pausing in his masturbation. "OK, go on" Jeff replied... willing to be sucked... keen to be sucked!, but not keen to do the sucking, he'd never even been close to sucking with any of his friends... gross!! The feeling was exquisite, soft, warm, wet and so exciting that he could barely stand still! He tried to warn John, but his hips and stomach jerked, his knees went... John grabbed his hips to hold him up... and he exploded! He had been having wet-cums for six months and this was the biggest ever! "Is it always like that?" he said. "It is if I do it!" John said smuggly. "My turn?" John said hopefully... but as with most boys, having cum Jeff was pretty embarrassed, not grossed, but certainly a bit shy about what had just happened! "Can't... too shagged"... "Keep it for Joe at bedtime!" "Joe... you are kidding?" "Why not, try being nice to him!"... "Give him a goodnight kiss and see how far he'll go!" "You kiss BP?" "No!!... well a goodnight kiss, he missed his mum... don't tell!" "You played with him?" "Shit no! he's my little bro... he doesn't know anything about all this... far as I know!" "What about Joe, think he knows?" "Maybe, there's a guy... Martin... he may have" "Well anyway, give it a go... with all your quarrelling, its not like BP and me... I'm more like his mum or dad... try it with Joe, at least it'd get him on-side!" That was how things stood at bedtime... In the Jackson's tent there was an unusual... almost strange atmosphere. It was peaceful! Joe made the first advance... towards peace that is... "Thank you for being nice about the farm-boys... I was glad to see you!" "That's OK... you are my bro'... I love you really!" "Why do we quarrel so much?" "I dunno really. When you were little you had a helluva temper... it was funny to see you get mad." "I suppose it was only ever started as a game, but I never worked out how to end it." There was silence in the darkness, for a while, then... "But you love me really then?" "'Course I love you!" "I love you too, really!" John reached out and squeezed Joe's hand. Then he was shocked to realise that Joe was crying... not quiet sobs, but floods of tears! He pulled his little guy to him and cradled him in his arms... "Whats the matter bro... you can tell me" "This is so... nice... you being kind and lovey and all... it's like mum, so I missed mum, is all!" "Nothing's wrong?" "Nothing... everything's perfect!" If it hadn't been dark John would have seen his little bro's broad smile, while tears still ran down his face. "Come in my sleeping-bag, and I'll cuddle you till you feel better" Joe already felt as better as he could without bursting... but it was an offer he could hardly pass on. They cuddled silently, Joe's head in the hollow of John's bare shoulder, just where he could kiss the top of Joe's head. The first couple of times Joe didn't notice, but then one was firmer than the others, and once he knew what to wait for he realised that his big brothers was kissing him... a lot! Tentatively, not sure how to go about it, Joe turned his head towards his brother and kissed the first thing he met... John's bare chest... and not just his chest but his right nipple. John was still at that boy-boob stage where a boy's nipples are puffy and very sensitive. By the second and third kiss he was fully erect and in a state of excitement that he could hardly comprehend... His liitle brother was kissing him and had made him horny as hell. John had no idea what to do, and Joe had no idea what he had done! The older boy was certain that he should hide his state of excitement from Joe, and bent in at the waist to keep his erection away from Joe. It didn't work because Joe instinctively followed him until they were curled in a perfect spoon. Now with nowhere left to go, John's erection made contact, firm contact, with the back of Joe's thighs. Joe had been around Martin enough to realise what was happening now. He parted his thighs slightly so that John's cock slipped between his thighs, then he lowered his leg, trapping John's cock between his smooth soft thighs. The result on John was completely instinctual... he started a slow fucking motion... at first without even realising he was doing it! Joe picked up on the motion, and rocked in counter-rhythm... John was now kissing his neck... Both boys were extremely excited, and neither knew what to do next! Joe took things in hand by reaching down and holding his brother's cock in his hand, squeezing it rhytmically, in time with John's fucking hips. Then... he lifted his hips to make room and presented John's cock to his bum-hole. "No!" John tried to pull back... but Joe held on... "It'd hurt you!" "Dont worry... Martin's done me... I can do it! honest!" Showing he really did know what he was doing, and really did want it... Joe spat in his hand and wetted his hole. Then he moved John to the right place again... and pushed back firmly. Before John could think twice about the rightness or wrongness of what was happening... he was deep inside his brother, and surrounded by a feeling of love that blocked out the world. He was fucking with a ferocity that came from so many years of missed affection. Joe meanwhile was biting his lip... hard! Martin had indeed done him... but never like this! He could feel the wildness of his brother's need and was happy to be able to make it so good for him... but it did hurt! As the pain subsided and John got himself under some slight control, the pain in Joe's bum turned to pleasure. His brother was much bigger than Martin, and seemed to reach places Martin never had. To make things perfect, John reached his face round his brothers head and kissed him on the lips. Then, to make things more than perfect he reached round Joe's hip, took Joe in his hand and began to masturbate him gently. They took up a comfortable rhythm, until the inevitable began to happen... Joe felt John's face become very hot against his cheek. "Go for it bro... fill me!" Martin had always been very vocal! That thought... that he was about to fill his brother was all it took, and it was all that Joe needed too! The two boys spasmed together... Joe shaking all over, his muscles contracting fiercely, trapping John in their rhythmic grip.. John in turn began a series of spurts of hot fierce cum into the very depths of his brother. They lay there, neither wanting to disconnect, softening slowly... "That was wonderful... I love you Joe!" But Joe, was already fast asleep... It had been a big day! And in the other tent? What of the other two ? Well, things developed very similarly, but with no tears, just a lot of hugging and kissing. Here too the cuddle turned into a spoon, and here too the older boy's erection started to receive attention. "Love me Heff, please" "I do BP, I love you so much it hurts" "No, I mean... Would you like to? Heff? You know?" "No! no need... this is enough... I love you like this... it doesn't need the other, it isn't what we do." BP sighed contentedly and said "Mmm, nice " when Heff kissed him goodnight, with his hand cradling BP's soft boyhood. They drifted happily to sleep, with none of the sexual drama of the other tent... But they did have the most spectacular wet-dream! One dream, the same dream... with both of them in it! All four boys woke with a broad smile, and a big kiss... Love was grand!