Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 05:53:09 +0000 From: Skyler Liam Subject: liam-and-skyler-14 Yes, I know.. So many typos and gramatical errors in the last chapter, I'd already submitted it before I'd read it.. I guess that's my own fault. Anyway, I'd been drinking when I wrote and well, it's 6 minutes past the day I wrote that so I'll get started on the next one. If I was drunk before god only knows how this will turn out. [End note] Well now. Should you be reading this? I know my stories are awesome and all but is it worth going to court? If it's illegal for you to read this kind of stuff then I urge to look elsewhere. If it's against your religion or your beliefs then read no further, although.. If your curious and they tell you it's against your religion then fuck them! It's your life. [Catch Up] "You shoot the one closest and I'll take out the one by the far wall, you ready?" "Yeah." "OK, as soon as I see the first guy go down I'll shoot the other." He said with a smile. I took aim, the other boys didn't have a clue we where just a few feet away from them. I shot him ~0~0~ Almost as soon as I'd shot the boy Liam had fired, both of them where flashing and cursing. Liam punched the air when I noticed a shadow moving closer towards where we were. I dragged liam down and put my finger to my lips causing him to regain his composure. I motioned in the darkness that there was one person and thumbed my way to the gap in the ceiling. Liam seemed to of understood and started to inch his way back towards the wall, pointing his rifle at the hole he guestered for me to cover him. From the flashing lights I could see a shadow move across Liams face, he may not of seen it due to strobe light effect flashing but I did. I sprang up and shot into the room above taking out the would be assasin. Liam hi-fived me and we scrambled out of the hole. "That was awesome! Nice work!" he told me. All of a sudden I saw myself taking control of the situation and motioning for Liam to get against the wall. Someone had rushed down the stairs too loudly for nobody to hear. Liam shot him as he rounded the corner. There where 4 pretty irate boys cussing and making their way out of the fort. I reckoned there would be atleast another two people upstairs if not more, from the count we'd taken down and not adding in how many people would of joined the game since we'd entered. I was pretty sure that anyone left in the complex would of noticed the people with flashing helmets leaving the building. Trying my best to listen out for any noise-. "FUCK!" I turned around to see Liam's suit flashing and then my own, the game was over for us. A boy of only around 12 climbed from beneath where we'd just came. Son of a bitch had been following us this whole time, I smiled inwardly at being beaten by someone better. Sure, we'd done all the work but he was clever enough to let us do that for him. We shook hands with him as he past us and made his way up the stairs. Liam was pretty upset but he had no reason to be, we where beat and that was that. In the darkness I kissed him, no pity; only pride. He rested his head on my shoulder and patted my back. "We did good didn't we?" Liam asked. "We did great, we took out how many? Seven people?" "Yeah, I guess we did!" He replied cheering up. "C'mon, the nights not over yet." We walked out of the arena happy knowing that we'd tried our best and we'd been beaten by someone better than us, there was no shame in that. As we were making our way towards the exit a group of 10 or more kids entered all ready to storm the fort, perhaps they'd have more luck than us, perhaps not. "So how was it?" Carol asked when we approched them. "Better than I imagined." I replied "Yeah, it was pretty good. Skyler's a natural." "Can we do it again next weekend?" "Sure." My mum said. "Pizza and a movie?" "Sweet!" Me and Liam said at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed, I put my hand on his shoulder and we left. My mum the radio on, happy tune for a happy day. She pulled over at Blockbusters on the way home so we could pick a film, I was more interested in the games they had on display. I'd been dying to get the new Call of Duty but I didn't know if my mum would let me get it or not, I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. "Muuummm.. Can I get this please?!" I said pointing to the game. "Can I get it too?" Liam asked directing the question at Carol. My mum and Carol shared a look and rolled their eyes. She picked up two cases and went back to looking for a film. I was really excited and I couldn't wait to try it out. I didn't really care what film they rented I was more interested in getting back to try out the new game, I think Liam shared my excitement although he was containing it better. In no time at all we were pulling into the driveway, we settled on going to back my house as that's where we'd parked. "What film did you get?" I asked. "Terminator 4" As much as I wanted to watch that I had to think hard. You know when you put your teeth together, smile and look up whilst squiting? No, well that's how I think when faced with a tough decision. It was still pretty early so I'd have time later, I sat down in the two seater sofa and Liam sat next to me. My mum rang for a pizza while the whole "You wouldn't steal a handbag.. You wouldn't steal a car.." thing was rolling before the title. About 20 minutes into the film the pizza arrived. My mum ordered two 14" pizzas, one with ham and pinapple and one with donner & spicy meat for me and Liam. We ate and watched the rest of the film, I think the coolest part was when Arnold made an appearence, that was pretty cool. Pizza finished and film ended my mind went back towards the new game. "Mum, can I go and try out this now?" I said holding up the case. "Sure, don't make too much noise." We parted and made out way upstairs with a game in each of our hands. I don't know why we took both upstairs, there was only one xbox. Looking back it was pretty pointless but go figure. Liam made himself comfortable on my bed while I set about getting the game started. The credits came on and we watched the mini-movie before the start screen came up. We didn't say anything, just sat there watching. When I play a game I always play it on the hardest mode so it lasts longer, I'd grown up since I was 11 playing 50 cents bullet proof on easy mode and using cheats, I got it for christmas and I completed it in eight hours.. A complete let-down I can assure you. "Top left." Liam warned. The first mission was in an airport and it was fucking hard, Liam kept pointing out baddies popping up. I knew they where there from the radar but I wanted him to be a part of this more than anything. Sharing a passion we both held close to our hearts we took it in turns after each death supporting one another. It took us over two hours to complete the first level. Death count 294. "I think that's a record." He said smiling. My palms where sweaty from holding the controller and my heart was beating fast from the gameplay. I needed to calm down or I'd have a panic attack. "Hey, you want me to get you a drink?" I asked. "Whisky, on the rocks." "You don't drink whisky.." "Coke, in a can?" "I can manage that." I left him looking at the stats of the last level and made my way downstairs quietly. I walked in the living room to find my mum and Carol giggling holding a wine glass in their hands. When they saw me they stopped laughing and put on their serious faces - Do you ever feel that someone's talking about you? I walked past them and grabbed some coke out of the fridge. "How's the new game?" Carol asked. I had to stop myself from going into some huge speel about how awesome it was and how many terrorists I'd killed because I wasn't entirely sure they knew what kind of game they'd bought me. "It's better than 4 and waaayyyy better than 5." "Are you saying I wasted £40 on a game you don't like?" My mum chirped in. "..not exactly. It's a good game in its own right but it could never compete with the one before it." "How so?" "Well, the fourth one was set in modern day.." I was trying not to go into too much detail about the action. "..and the fith one is set during world war two or world war one, I'm not too sure. The new one is set in modern day and it's a sequel to number 4." "You're being pretty vauge." "I know." I joked. "OK, have fun." "Oh hey mum, can Liam stop over tonight? We want to play this game real late." I asked. "Oh, and Carol can Liam stay over tonight? We want to revise some homework." Carol rolled her eyes and laughed, my mum said sure so coke cans in hand I went back upstairs pretending I didn't ask. Liam was still checking through the stats looking at how many headshots we'd got and he started rambling on about how we can improve and what gun was the most powerful. He prefered the M4 wheras I prefered the MP5. I'm deadly with an MP5, I can storm a room and clear it out, I knew how many bullets it took to take someone down and where to shoot to be most effective. On Live I was a ninja, perks set to stay hidden off the radar, MP5 silences with a red dot laser sight and smoke grenades. Can you tell I'm addicted to this game yet? "Are you going to hand me one of those cans or just stand there?" I looked over to Liam, I was still stood in the doorway just staring at him. I couldn't help but blush, thank god he liked me less he'd think I'm some kind of nut. I threw a can to him and he nearly opened it, stopping himself with a flashback of the other night and laughing. He set it down on the side and pulled me towards him when I sat down. "Give us a swig?" He asked, his eyes wide. "I can arange that." I opened my can and drank some down, passing the can to him. He handed me the controller, it was warm and sticky. I pulled a packet of baby wipes from under my bed and wiped it down. "Why do you have baby wipes?" He asked more out of curiosity than anything else. "Oh, my cousin comes round sometimes and he has a habbit of fucking with all my shit. I sweat he sweats sticky." "What's his name? Is he cute? How old is he?" "Do you think of your family members like that?" I asked frowning. "Well, no.. I just figured same bloodline he must be atleast a 10th as hot as you." "I'm sure there's a compliment in there somewhere." "There sure is." Liam put the other can down and pushed me back onto the bed. His hand under my T-Shirt rubbing my chest and his face close to mine. "I'll have to go soon, I can't wait till tommorow." He finished with a soft kiss. "You can stay tonight if you want, I asked when I was downstairs." He didn't say anything just went back to kissing me. My hands over his back and towards his shoulders. ~0~0~ Is it time for the money shot? Who knows.. Comments appreciated: