Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2008 00:18:10 -0000 From: Sky Subject: liam-and-skyler-5 Well now. Should you be reading this? I know my stories are awesome and all but is it worth going to court? If it's illegal for you to read this kind of stuff then I urge to look elsewhere. If it's against your religion or your beliefs then read no further, although.. If your curious and they tell you it's against your religion then fuck them! It's your life. I have decided to quit smoking.. Let's hope it pans out. [Catch Up] "You fucking tool" He quipped. He rolled on top of me and held his face close to mine. I raised my head slightly to initiate what would be my first kiss. He lowered his face. When his lips touched mine I was in extascy. Nothing compares to how he makes me feel. He gently explores my mouth with his tongue, rolling over each of my teeth separately. I had butterflies in my stomach. A first for me. I pushed him off me and he rolled onto the ground next to me. I had to catch my breath. "So.. Are you gay Liam?" I joked. He moved close to me and pushed his body against mine. Wrapping his arms around me, happy just to be with me like this and I the same. ~0~0~ As much as I just wanted to stay there with him, like this. I knew it wouldn't be possible because the school would send a search party out looking for us. Would you like to me to describe the rest of the school day in it's whole boring entirety? Answer A: for yes B: for no. Thought so. I hooked up with Liam outside the school and he gave his mum a ring to tell her that we'd finished school for the day and to come and pick us up. He's very polite on the phone, if only Carly.. Sorry, Carol knew how he really was. I smiled at this thought. We sat outside the school with a few of my friends whilst we waited to be picked up. "So, where you from Liam?" Jake asked from my left making small talk. "I'm from Devon, from the beach front" He quipped. So that's where he got that killer tan from, it was perfect. I imagined him without tan lines, but quickly pushed that thought to the back of my mind, it wouldn't do me any good now. "All right, she's here.. finally" Liam noticed. After saying our goodbyes we both got into the back of the car. Under most circumstances the first thing I'd say would be 'I got shotgun!' But I wanted to be closer to Liam. On the way home Carol kept looking at me in the rear-view mirror. "Skyler, your mother rang to say she would be working late at the office tonight. She has asked me to feed you so I thought we could go out for a meal. Is that ok with you?" she asked. "Sure thing Carol, that'd be sweet as a nut" "Sweet as a what?" Carol said, shooting my a quizicle look. "A nut." I replied smiling. She left it at that and we eventually pulled up outside Liam's house. She invited me in and Liam and I went to his room to get changed. I don't have a key to my house and Liam didn't want me to go to a restaurant in my uniform so he let me lend some of his. "What do you fancy wearing?" He asked smiling. "I have some crotchless pants if that's what your into" Liam quipped. "I'd rather stick with some warmer clothes. Thank you please" I said flipping him off. He threw me some white beach shorts with blue flower patern and a tight white t-shirt. I like his style. "Guess I'll wear the same, that way we look like twins." Liam joked. I didn't understand what he meant until he pulled out the exact same get up. Same shorts and t-shirt. I looked at him funny but Liam brushed me off. "Mum buys me two of everything one a size bigger so she can take the other back. It's easier than her taking me shopping. She says I'm too fussy. Pfft.. women." Makes sense. As I started to strip Liam tried to make a wolf whistle. Much to my amusement, he can't whistle. We got changed without much horse play and went down stairs to talk of the plan. "What's it gonna be mum?" Liam asked insistently "We going to Donté's?" "That's too far, we're not driving 40 miles just to eat." She said. I'm always pretty hungry after school so I'd eat just about anywhere. So long as the foods on a clean plate, I can't wait. "There's a pretty nice Indian place in town, it's not too expensive and the foods great" I said "That sounds very nice Skyler." Carol replied. Sorted. Planned. Ready to go. We jumped in the car and set out for a meal, it was an uneventful evening to say the least. It was a great night, don't get me wrong! Carol let me and Liam have a beer with our curry and after we went bowling. How awesome is that? I had a really great time and we set off home. Liam and I sat in the rear under the cover of darkness. His hand brushed mine, with my heart beating a million a minute I reached back for his hand. Our fingers entwined and we held each other in the dark, there was nothing more words could say. No words emitted. But my mind screaming. I'd never felt this before. Nothing that I can relate to anyway. I looked nervously into the rear view mirror to see Carol snatching glances at me and Liam. If I could see her eyes, she could see mine but no more. When Liam emerged out of the car and into the light cast by the street lamp I could see his face was flushed and he was wearing a very weak smile. Liam looked like he was weak on his knee's and used me for support. Carol asked what was the matter, but Liam replied he had car sickness. Clever. I knew he just wanted to get closer to me. What we have is Incomparable. I helped him to the door whilst Carol keyed the lock. When her back was turned he indulged me with a very quick peck on the lips. This wasn't enough. I wanted more and he knew it. Bastard. "Skyler, why don't you run along home and I'll see Liam to bed. Would you like breakfast tomorrow?" Carol asked. "Sure thing Carol! I'll see you tomorrow!" I said with glee. I stole another longing glance at Liam. He gave me an understanding look and I walked down the drive and towards my house. As I approached my house I noticed that my mum's car wasn't in the driveway. Odd, and I knocked on to see if she was back yet. My mum works late sometimes and I have to wait till she comes back. No answer. I tried for about another 10 minutes in case she was in the bath or something. Giving up, I walked back to Liam's house and knocked on the door quietly as I knew Liam was getting ready for bed. "Can I use you phone please Carol? My mums still not back." She gave me the typical motherly look and said no more, but held the door open for me. I reached for the phone and dialled her work number. It was engaged so she took me to the kitchen to get a glass of milk. She was trying to make small talk with me but I was just so tired and I wanted to go to bed. "I'll go and tell Liam we have a guest, you can sleep here tonight and I'll leave your mother a message." She said leaving the room. I'm pretty sure that if I wasn't so tired I'd be bouncing round the room with a grin on my face but I just wanted to get some sleep. It's just an added bonus that it happens to be with my boy. "Hey! It's so cool you're stopping here!" Liam said exuberantly wheeling round the corner. I smiled up at him and he took my hand and led me to his room. I didn't take much in as I was completely exhausted. What with school and everything I just lose energy quick. I'll have to start going to the gym or something. We started to get changed and ready for bed, I averted my eyes and so did Liam, it was if something had changed between us. Are we going out now? Who knows, we finished up and he put some music on. (Kill the Music Industry by Cold, if you're interested; Thanks Steve!) I heard Carol coming upstairs. She came into the room and sat me on the bed. She said something about an accident. I woke up, I wasn't sure if I'd been asleep. It sure felt like it. Bearings.. That's what you gain when you wake. I took a quick glance around the room to see Liam with tears in his eyes looking at me. ~0~0~ I know guys; "Write more.." "Why arn't you writing?" I have Lost my will to write (at the moment) so I thought I'd post what I'd done so far to please a few of you. I will write again its just I need a bit of time to sort things out in my own life. Sure, stories are great; they let me get rid of some of my feelings but life is so complicated for me at the moment. Thanks everyone who's supported me.