Lucky's Last Chance – Last Chance, The Next Generation

****Warning, this story involves gay boy love, diaper wearing and usage, and piss play. If it is not legal or moral for you to be reading this story, or this is not the sort of story that you enjoy, then I strongly suggest you exit now. If you decide to risk it and continue on, I hope that you enjoy. Please remember that I write for myself and share with others who may enjoy, but I remind you that this is my property, and ask that no one posts it elsewhere without my permission. I love to hear from my readers, even though I do not require it to continue, so, should you wish to do so, please email me at erich5748 at Also please remember to donate to Nifty to keep their great service going for all us that enjoy it. I hope that you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.****

Preword: This is a sequel to the story Last Chance, to better understand this story, may I suggest you read that one first if you have not already done so. To find it, look in the Authors section of Nifty, search for me under erich, and there you will find all my stories, including that one. Now, onto the story.

Chance is now the principal and father figure of his very own Last Chance School, now a parent to hundreds upon hundreds of needy children. Already hundreds have poured through his doors, every last one of them far better for his amazing help and guidance. It has been ten years since Chance took on this challenge and made their home, and in that ten years, he has only failed to help three students, two girls and one boy, and like his savior before him, Peter, he still feels like he failed those kids, yet he knows that he had truly done everything in his power to help them, but that they were simply too far gone, or there was something wrong in their heads, and so, he had to hand them over to the justice system to take care of. Yeah, except there is no justice there for those kinds of people, they will have been locked away and pretty much left to rot, he knows that, and he still feels bad for it.

Chance went with his boyfriend, his other half, Zayden, and though they never officially got married, they truly are husbands, and Zayden too is there to help all, and he too feels bad for the scant few that they simply were unable to help.

Chance's own mom even came with them, well, when she was able to, and also helped all the children, for she had been raised in much the same gutters as all their children had been. She died only the year before, but for many years, she finally got to feel good and happy, and Chance was truly happy for her. But years and years of alcohol, drug, and physical abuse finally catches up with even the most turned around person, and she died happier than she ever felt she deserved.

Same as his first Last Chance School, Chance has ensured that all his teachers and staff came from rough backgrounds, he found all the teachers that society had said were useless, he took ex convicts that learned excellent skills in prison to staff his kitchen and clean the place, even one of his teachers was there because he had been in prison himself, for supposedly raping a fourteen year old boy, but Chance believed him that not only had it not been rape, but that the boy had sworn that he was legal age, but, as always, that sort of thing matters absolutely none at all to the police or the courts.

The school itself had been pretty near a garbage dump when he and Zayden had made it, in fact, they laughed, and wondered if they were going to be able to make anything of it at all, but they did. Their new school district had given them all the help that they could, though there was not a lot of money, Chance took what little they could give him, and ran with it. They started slow, with just a few kids and a few teachers, and slowly they all got the place cleaned up, fixed up, and livable. They built dorms, they found portable buildings to turn into housing, and they did it all with little to no money. Especially at first, they were out every weekend scouring the entire city as much as they possibly could to get donations and materials, if it was free or dirt cheap, they pretty much always took it. No matter what it was, because same as Peter, they had the kids fix anything they could, and then they sold it to help pay for their school.

By the time they were there for a year, already the school was running quite smoothly, but by their second, they were already at pretty near full capacity. Chance had sprung almost all his first class of kids right from the local kiddie prisons or half way houses, and together they made it all happen.

By their tenth year, they had already helped the entire city to get cleaned up, and though Chance still always has children, they now usually have upwards of fifty beds free at any time. He can house up to as much as two hundred and fifty students, but he now seems to be holding steady at just about two hundred now, so that is good.

Same as Peter before him, he has taken hundreds of kids every year, and gave them life, and virtually every last one of them, they who had been destined for permanent street life, and/or prison, all went on to do so much good. With Chance and Zayden's knowledge of all learning disabilities, for they had specialized in that above all else, they were able to help the children to find ways to allow them to learn. Chance has fully ninety five percent of his children graduate and go to some form of higher education, and probably forty or so percent of them to university, which is utterly amazing, considering their backgrounds. Still a great deal of the children go into trades and whatnot, but that is just as great, every year they may see a dozen or more that go into building, carpentry, mechanics, metal working, and whatnot, and usually a few that go to university to become even more. So far Chance has or has had three students go to become doctors, two that became teachers, and several more spread over an equal number of other high paying professions.

It is mid September, another school year just started, though Chance too just runs all year long, and helps his kids all the time, though summer time is mostly dedicated to fun studies. All his kids and teachers are in class, and Chance had just gotten off the phone with the police, he is on first name basis with virtually every member of the police department now. They had just found a boy who they classify as wild, and asked if Chance would be willing to take him on, and of course he said hell yeah.

Half an hour later, in walked two police officers, very nearly carrying a small child who has not stopped screaming, hitting, and even biting the two officers attempting to hold him down. They are both bleeding, Chance can see that they are beyond mad, but they are keeping it together, because they do understand.

“Thanks John and Peter, go see my doctor right now to get cleaned up, make sure that he tests you for anything, there's no telling what he could be carrying, and thanks for not beating the shit outta him, even though you both look like you wanted to do nothing less.”

“Yeah, but, I can't hit a kid, no matter what he does to me.” John said, gritting his teeth, because he is in pain.

“I know, but when you were here as a kid, you woulda had no qualms whatsoever, in fact, I think it was a kid about this ones age that you damn near killed, wasn't it.”

“Yeah, still have nightmares about what I damn near did to that poor kid. I was a wreck, that's for sure, and you turned me right around. I hope you can help this one too, but, even he might be a stretch for you. Anyway, we'll lock the door and let James know.”

“Thanks.” Chance said, and then the two officers left him, locking the two of them into the room together.

For well over an hour, the young boy raged; he screamed (sometimes at the top of his lungs), he swore (rather vehemently and impressively for someone so young), he tore everything apart (leaving virtually nothing untouched), he broke as much as he could get his hands on (And attempted to break even that which he could not grab), he attempted to break out the door (but Chance had learned a few years ago to have a very solid and well locked door for this reason), and he would have attempted to break open the window and jump out, until he looked out and realized they are three stories up, though it did not stop him from throwing something at the window anyway, to find out that it was not actually glass, and the chair he threw just bounced right off, and damn near hit him as well.

Chance damn near laughed when that happened, but managed to keep it in check, knowing full well that such a reaction to the young boy in this state would only infuriate him even more. It had been after the first student to rage out in his office broke the window, that Chance had had it replaced with something virtually unbreakable. The entire time the young boy did this, Chance just sat there with his fingers intertwined on his belly, sitting back in his chair, saying nothing, and watching the young man. And The one and only time that the young man cam near to Chance, Chance just put up his finger in a stalling motion, and shook his head no firmly, and he bypassed Chance from then on. Finally he must have realized that there was no escape, and the small man in front of him was not going to do anything, no matter how much he destroyed. And so, he sat down, looked at Chance, the look on his face furious, bordering on murderous.

“Hello, how are you this beautiful day?” Chance asked happily.

“Huh.” The young boy said in shock.

“It's okay, everything in here can be replaced, and I know where you're coming from. I was once dragged into just such an office, though I didn't rage out quite like you did, but you're not the first to destroy everything in here, and I'm equally certain you won't be the last.”

“What if I hada killed you?”

“I doubt you could've, I keep nothing at all weapon like in here, and I'm pretty good at self defense. I wouldn't hit you, or even try and hurt you, but if I haveta restrain you, I will. With that being said, though, had you managed to kill me, you'd die as well. You see, there's only one way this door gets opened now, and that's if I ask for it, so, if I'm dead, you'd haveta eat me first to survive, but, you'd run out of food, eventually, and then you too would die.” Chance said serenely.

The young boy looked at Chance with a look of shock, he was not certain if the strange man was being serious or not.

“So, may we start?” Chance asked softly.

“What do you mean?”

“I usually like to start with introductions. So, I'm Chance, this is the Last Chance School, and I am your last chance. From here, you either do well, or you go to jail. There are only two options, one or the other, and I truly detest using option number two, and I would very much appreciate it if you weren't the fourth child that I've had to send to prison. So far I've sent three out of a bit less than a couple thousand kids there, and I still feel bad for it. Now, you may be on your last chance with society, but here, I hope it will instead be your first chance to shine, to do amazing things. So, who are you, and tell me, why are you here, why is this your last chance with society?”

“Um, I'm Lucky, and people don't like me.”

“Is it because they don't like you, or is it more that you don't like or trust them?”

“Probably.” He admitted.

“Was a pretty impressive tirade you had going on there, very vocal, I can honestly say I've never met a child quite as young as you that could swear quite like that, and you destroyed a fair bit too, I might add.”

Once more, the young man had no idea what to make of Chance, so he said nothing.

“I told you that I was once dragged into a school just like this. I'd almost killed someone, again, the police said there or jail, my choice, but then dragged me there, kicking and screaming the whole way too. Then, you know, the funniest thing happened, I found out that I wasn't alone, I found out that I wasn't garbage, and I found the single best home that I could ever hope to find. So, now, here I am, a new garbage dump of a city, trying to do my part to help make it just a little better for all the poor kids out there. I've been here ten years, and already the rate of kids coming through my doors has started to decrease, which is excellent, because I'd prefer to stay right in the two hundred kid range. Most of the kids here think of me and my teachers as parents, since I'm of course more a father figure to every last one of these kids than most of their real fathers are, and certainly a far cry better than a few. So, tell me, what drove you to be like this?”

“I don't know.”

“How so, are you able to explain?” He asked softly.

“The streets, they're all I ever knew. I don't know who my parents are, I've never been inside a school 'til today, I steal anything I need, and I'll kill anything in my way if I haveta.”

“Yeah, was pretty close to the same myself, except I did know my mother, and I did go to school, but the rest pretty much described me too. So, any clue as to how old you are then?”


“I'm gonna say nine, just because of your size, but, that's often quite misleading with street kids, so you could be as old as twelve, but I wouldn't say any higher at all. However, any hair on your boy bits?”


“You know, your dick and balls?”

“Oh. No. I know I'll get it some day, but not yet.”

“Okay, so not likely any older than twelve. If I hadta guess, I'd say ten or eleven though. So, tell me, have you sold your body for sex?”

“Yeah, why, you wanna pay me too?”

“Thought as much, but no thanks. If you were cleaned up, you'd probably be right hot, but I have a husband and he's all I'll ever need, so no thanks.” Chance said simply.

This too is pretty common, virtually every gay boy and straight girl has offered, and he has turned every last one of them down.

“Oh.” He once more had nothing to say.

“It's okay. Now, I can't help but to notice your smell, you smell like most of the homeless kids did, except for a scent that only a few have also had. You wet the bed at night, don't you?”

“Um, yeah.” He actually blushed, but also looked quite angry again.

“No worries, here we have lots to help keep you warm and dry and comfortable all night long, and not have to worry about a thing. It looks as if your pants were wet recently as well, is that also normal?”

“Yeah, at least once a day.”

“At least, so sometimes more than once per day, and that's every day?”

“Yeah, that's why I beat everyone up, if they say anything, then they get a beating.”

“I understand. That was one of the reasons I became so mean as well. So, you'll also get something during the day to help with that as well then.”


“Have you ever heard of diapers?”

“Mmmm, no, not that I can think of.”

“I thought you might not've. What they are is a tape on absorbent underwear type garment that collects all your pee, and once it's soaked up all it can, you change it. They'll be at least a million times better than wetting your pants, trust me, I know, because I wear them all day for those very reasons myself.”

“Really, you piss your pants too?” He asked with at least a hundred times more emotion than he has shown so far.

“Absolutely. Now, you've sold yourself before, that much we know. Was it men, women, or both?”

“Mostly men, I hated going with women.”

“Thought so. Do you know and or understand what gay is?”


“And do you feel that you are?”


“Yeah, to tell you the truth, you certainly seem all gay to me as well, but so too am I, as you may've already guessed, since I said I have a husband and all.”

“Yeah, I kinda caught that.”

“So, can you tell me what the rage session when you walked in was all about?”

“To show dominance. If no one thinks they can fuck with me, then they won't.”

“The only reason you're not dead, you know, is because most people would never kill a young child. You're probably more than a little lucky you didn't meet one that wouldn't care about that. That little episode there, had you done that to the right person, he or she likely woulda just shot you instantly.”

“You honestly think I wasn't waiting for it, hoping for it?”

“Yeah, kinda felt that much too. The problem is, your name is you, through and through, isn't it. You're lucky to have made it this far, it's not just your name.”

“Yeah. Lucky, that's me, the luckiest person on the planet.” He deadpanned.

“Maybe you are. Look, I know it's a lot to take in, but, this place, this school, my home, I promise you with everything in me, that this can and will be the most amazing place you've ever experienced, if only you'll gimme a chance. We can teach you so much, I wanna truly make you shine. I feel in you someone of great potential.”

“You probably say that to everyone.”

“To a certain degree, yes. Everyone has a great amount of potential to go out and do great things, but you, no, you I think have even more. You remind me a lot of me. I was absolutely brilliant in my schooling and whatnot, and I was a complete and total menace to society. You've never even gone to school, but you won't be the first here that we've hadta start right from scratch, so don't feel that you'll be in any way at a disadvantage. No, I feel a shockingly warm and caring young man buried inside you, under all those piles of shit that've been dumped on you. There's a goodness that's just peeking out, I can see it, and I think you want me to help you unbury it.”

“I don't know how or where you could see this goodness, there's nothing like that inside me. Maybe there usedta be, but, no, not any more.”

“No. I don't make mistakes like that. It's there, it's buried, but it's there. Do you think that you could make me a promise yet?”

“I don't think I can promise anything.”

“Okay, fair enough. I'm still gonna ask anyway, and I want you to think on it for a few minutes, okay.”

“Um, okay.”

“I'd really like for you to try and trust me, and I want you to promise to try as hard as I'll try to help you. I promise you with everything I have to do everything in all our power to help you, to make you shine, to make you good. Now, I want you to close your eyes, I want you to just sit there for a few minutes and think on all that, okay.”

Lucky closed his eyes, and Chance just watched him. For more than five minutes, Chance watched him, and at around the four minute mark, Chance saw tears start coming down. Finally Lucky opened his eyes, and looked to Chance with so much pain and hurt in his eyes.

“I wanna trust you, I want you to help me, but I'm scared.”

“I know. You took a good long hard look at your life and realized that that's really not who you are, nor who you wanna be, and it hurts. I get that. I understand that. I usedta be in your shoes. We can help you. Can you promise yet to do your best?”

“I don't even know what a promise really is.”

“No, I don't believe that you probably do. What a promise really is, is a vow to me, or to yourself, and in this case almost solely to yourself, that you will do what you said you will do. What it means is that you'll do whatever it takes mentally to let me help you.”

“Oh. I think I understand. What if I fuck up though?”

“Then so what. You think we don't all fuck up from time to time, because we do, all the time. What's important though, is that you accept the fact that you're gonna fuck up from time to time, learn from it, and move on. So, you ready yet?”

“Okay, I promise to try my best.”

“And I too promise to do my best for you as well. Now, you need cleaning, dressing, and food. So, let's see about getting you all cleaned up first.”

Chance went and knocked three times, paused, and knocked two times, and then the door was opened. The secretary took one look at the office and laughed.

“Wow, spirited little fucker, was a pretty impressive stampede he had going on, and it looks like he did more damage than most too.”

“Meh, what's a few little things here and there, but, the little shit didn't even destroy the paperwork I hadta do for the school board. I should just go back and tear it all up and say he did it.” Chance grinned, ruffling Lucky's hair.

“Sorry.” Lucky whispered, probably the first time he had ever said it.

“Don't be. I understand fully.”


“So, let's go get you into the shower, and while you're in there, I'll find you a robe to wear to start.”


Chance led the way to the only bathroom with a private shower, it is in the nurses office. Chance showed him where everything is, told him to use lots of soap, and to wash his body and hair at least three full times, so, he did so. While Lucky was in the shower, Chance went to the store room and found a robe for Lucky, and then headed back. He then grabbed a diaper from the stack in the nurses office, and set it out for Lucky. It took just over half an hour, when Lucky opened the door and started coming out.

“Just a second. One of the school rules is that you're not allowed to be nude anywhere but in a washroom or your own bedroom, so put this on.” He said, handing the robe and diaper to Lucky.

“Um, what's this?”

“The diaper.”

“Oh, and how do I put it on?”

“Ah, yes, I guess we'll haveta show you that, huh. Gimme a minute, I'm gonna get my secretary to come and witness this, since I refuse to be alone with any students while they're nude, to protect myself.”

“Oh.” He said in understanding.

A few seconds later, Chance was back, and so, he taught Lucky how to diaper himself, and he did a pretty good job of it. Chance had to admit that the little boy is a stunningly pretty little gay baby boy, and when the other gay baby boy diaper lovers in the school find out about him, Lucky is going to have his pick, even though they pretty near all have boyfriends already.

“There you go. It'll get easier as you learn it, don't worry. Now, put your robe on, tie it up, and then we'll go to the store room to find you some clothes that'll fit you, and we'll just get you a pair of slippers for now. The kids here all knit their own, and so too shall you once you're in that class, but there's a few older pairs that you can use that other kids grew out of, so no point in throwing them away.”

“I'll learn how to knit? Isn't that a girls thing?”

“Hell no. Here's the thing. There's no such thing as a girls thing, or a boys thing, only things that you enjoy doing and/or can do. And if you ever say anything of the nature to our trans students, you're probably gonna have a very bad day.”


“It's okay. You'll learn so much here, you're gonna love it. I see curiosity rolling off you like heat from an oven. You want so desperately to learn, and we'll happily help you with that. I know you're pretty young and dumped on, but is there something that you always dreamed you could do?”

“Yeah.” He said wistfully.

“What, I'd be happy to help you with nearly anything to help you become nearly anything?” Chance asked softly.

“Yeah, but I learned a long time ago never to say the things out loud that I want, they just get taken away.” He said softly.

“Ah, yes. Sadly I too know that pain. I can't promise that whatever it is that you're dreaming is within your reach, but, I can promise that if it's an attainable goal, I'll do everything in my power to ensure that you get everything that you need to do just that.”

“You really mean it, don't you?”


“I'd really liketa be an astronaut, go up in space and everything.”

“Ah, such a wonderful goal. You understand, I hope, just what it takes to become one of the elite that gets the chance to do that, right?”


“I don't pretend to understand all that you'd need, and so, I won't say it all yet, but you're gonna haveta be incredibly smart, driven, and fit. I think that you're already all that, and more.”

“No I'm not.”

“Hell yeah you are. How long have you been all alone on the street?”

“I have no idea.”

“Exactly, and you're alive, and in reasonable condition, so, you're absolutely driven. You have an amazing body already, you're a tough little bugger, so you're already good and fit. As for smart, maybe not all the way there yet, sure, but you have incredible street smarts, cunning, and you know how to stay alive, and I'm betting that that's gonna be the kinda smartness they desire almost more than anything. Out there, in the gutters, and probably in space too, it's way easier to die than it ever will be to stay alive. I don't detect on you that you're addicted to anything, which is also hard to do, but if you are, we'll get you cleaned right up. No, you're smart, and we'll make you more so, have no fear.”

“You think so?”

“I know so. So, what we'll do is find everything that you needta know to become what you wanna be, and then we'll tailor your schooling around that. Of course that doesn't mean that you getta shirk all the other schooling and responsibilities that you'll have, all of which we'll go over soon. Now, here's the store room, in case you hadn't already noticed, so, let me get you some reasonable clothes, and a diaper shirt.”

As they had been talking, they had been walking, so they had entered the store room, and then stood and finished talking. Chance went and found a few articles of clothing that would fit the tiny little boy. Lucky will not be the only boy that came to him at about the same age and/or size, and Chance has always ensured that he has clothes for all sizes, so he knows that he will find what he needs, but there will not be a lot. Chance found some pants, a shirt, a diaper shirt, and then a pair of slippers.

“Here you go, go into the change room right over there and try all these on and come out and let me see if I needta change anything.”

“I can just change here, I don't mind, I'm not shy.”

“Yes, you could, but it's also not allowed. And yes, I do know why you made the offer, please don't. It's simply not necessary. Absolutely you're a stunning young man, and any boy is gonna be lucky to have you, but don't try with me, you'll never have me.”

“Oh. You saw that.”

“Yep, from you and several hundred other boys and girls.”

“Oh. I saw how you looked at me too.”

“Yeah, once cleaned up, like I said, you're simply gorgeous. I don't mind looking, especially when presented in a diaper like you are, but I'll never partake either.”

“Oh. You think I'm gorgeous?”

“Oh hell yeah. Tell me, did you ever have trouble finding a man who'd pay?”


“That's why. Even buried in all the shit of your life, it couldn't hide it entirely, so others will've seen it, and I bet they paid well too.”

And he really is beautiful too. He is tall, already pretty muscular for his age and size, bright curly blonde hair that is wild and unruly, stormy grey eyes, good nose and ears that fit his face perfectly, and beautiful, luscious full red lips.

“Yeah, they always did.”

“I bet. Now, scoot, go get changed. Diaper shirt first, it snaps in the crotch, I'm sure you'll figure it out.”

So, Lucky headed to the change room and took only a few minutes to change, and then came out. Chance appraised him, smiled, and told him that it is perfect.

“How's it feel?”

“Really good, actually. I'm usually lucky if I manage to steal clothes that fit decently.”

“Yeah, and how's the diaper feel?”

“Little thick, and it feels a bit warm, but not bad, and I think it's already helped, I already felt that I started pissing and didn't realize it again.”

“Good thing you have it then. Tomorrow when you visit the doctor, he'll look into that to see if he can see an obvious reason as to why you can't hold your pee, but other than going to the hospital, we might never know. Most of the other kids I've ever had here never bothered to go, because as soon as they finally got diapers, they fell in love with them and decided that they wanted to keep them. My mom found out the reason I need diapers, and though I know that I could get it fixed, I really don't wanna. And just so's you know, we have almost a dozen kids here, nine boys and two girls, that are simply diaper lovers, they don't even have a need to wear them, yet they love doing so. Half those boys are gay, by the way”

“Is that bad or something?”

“For some strange reason, there are a lotta people who do think that it is, but for no reason whatsoever as far as I say. When and if you fall in love with them, you most certainly won't be alone in that here. My husband and I, as well as pretty close to two dozen students, and two more teachers share that same love, and I say what's not to love, really.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“Now, food. I bet you want some, don't you?”

“Yeah, but I just ate yesterday, so it's not too bad. I don't usually have too much trouble getting food.”

“That's good, and you're certainly not malnourished or underfed in any way, which is great. Come to the dining hall with me so that you can get filled up properly though.”

Chance led the way, and as soon as they walked in, Lucky paused, sniffed, and then sighed. “Oh god, it smells so fucking good in here.”

“Yeah, it usually does. There's almost always at least some food in here, we mostly have three actual meal times, but we always have whatever leftovers available as well for just in case someone needs a snack, or I have a new student come in. Go ahead and see what all there is and what you'd like, and then come and join me.”

Chance went and sat at a table and waited for Lucky to fill up a plate and come over. The funny thing is, as far as new students go, Lucky filled his plate far less than most. He came and sat down, and started eating, at a nice slow pace, not nearly inhaling it like most new kids do.

“So, tell me Lucky, do you know what your last name is?”

“Sorry, no.”

“That's okay. Do you ever remember any time before being on the street?”

“Sometimes yeah, but most of the time, not really. Sometimes I'll wake from a bad dream and swear I was with my dad. He's the only person I really remember, but he died. It was after that that I took off.”

“And do you know his name?”

“Um, yeah, I think it was Andre or something like that, why?”

“Well, because I'm gonna try and see if I can maybe pinpoint who you are. Sometimes to help the future we needta know the past. I have a feeling that you were very well taught in your younger years. You speak shockingly well for a street kid, you eat like royalty, and you just sound, well, more.”

“But I'm just trash.”

“Baby, we're all trash here, that's what makes this place work.” Chance grinned.

“Yeah. How will you do it though?”

“Well, I figure that you're between the age of ten and twelve, and for your memory to be that hazy of the past, at your age, I'd guess you were about five or so when you hit the streets, and I'm assuming you didn't wander far from home, so, all I haveta do is check for all the obituaries for this city from the times of about five to seven years ago, but, just to be safe, I'm gonna search from four to eight years. It'll take a little time and patience, but I've done it before, and found a shit load of information for at least a few students over the years.”

“Oh, what if that finds information I don't wanna know though?”

“You don't really believe that, do you?”

“Well, yeah.”

“No, if it's there to be found, you should know it. One should always be aware of who they are and where they came from. Really though, I doubt there'll be any information that you wouldn't wanna know anyway.”

“Not so sure about that.”


“I don't know, just a feeling I have is all.”

“Then, to me, that's the best reason to do it. If you're having bad dreams and bad feelings, then we needta get it all outta you. Group therapy here is wonderful, and even just sitting one on one with the therapist here is great too, it's always so nice to get all that shit outta our heads.”

“Oh. So, what all is there to do around here then?”

“So much it's not even funny. We have several games rooms and lounges, we have a pretty amazing theatre, and we do a movie night every Friday in the main gym with so much popcorn you'll get sick, we have the three shops, two computer classrooms that are welcome to be used when there's no class and with lotsa cool toys to play with, there's the library, there's the gym and the sorta field for playing other games, we have two different arts and crafts rooms, a music room, and probably at least a couple more that I'm forgetting about.”

“Why three shops?”

“One for each woodworking, metal working, and mechanics. When I got this school, the shops were already here, but, I asked for them to be made larger, and in the case of the woodworking shop, I asked them to more than triple it, so, pretty much all the classrooms that had been down there got turned into three even larger and better shops, and then I even had them put up a huge outdoor sheltered area, where we could store things, and even do work outside.”

“Oh. Never even touched a tool before.”

“Neither had I before going to my Last Chance School, but as it turned out, I was really good at it, and I'm now classified as a master woodworker as well. When I'm not doing actual work, and wanna just play, that's usually where I am. I still love creating things outta wood, and I still sell every piece I make to help support the school. After our first year, I don't think I've taken more than just a few dollars here and there for the operation of this school. You kids, and us teachers, what we make and sell, helps to pay for us all here. Hell, about the only thing the school board pays now is our wages, and about half the food.”

“Why only half the food?”

“Because we grow the other half ourselves. The entire roof of the school is a massive garden, there's five greenhouses up there, and tonnes of planters. Even in the yard, where possible, we have fruit trees and berry bushes, and other plants as well. Even the roofs of every exterior dorm building has plants on it, growing our food, we use every cubic centimeter of space we can to grow as much as we possibly can. We probably have more plants growing in our small area than half the city does together I'm sure.”

“Oh, that's good I guess.”

“It's great, actually. We even have a chicken coop with a hundred laying hens providing pretty near all our eggs, and then another chicken coop that has all our best breeders in it, hatching all the chickens we need to supply our laying hens, and our meals. We have a massive rabbit hutch where we grow rabbits for food, and then our really crafty kids take their pelts when we get them back, and make slippers and other things outta them. We also have three sheep, and when they get shorn, kids here take that and make their own wool for knitting.”


“Yeah, we try and grow and raise as much as we can, but, of course, with two hundred students, that's not nearly enough for meat and eggs, so, clearly we haveta buy the rest.”

“What about power and gas and whatnot?”

“This school, for some reason, was never equipped with gas service, so most of it's electric. We actually make almost all our own power though, we have eight wind turbines up top, and that does most that we need, but we also use solar power collection, since our school gets good sun exposure, so that we're using that as well. We also have a huge boiler system that I helped to develop for my old school when I was just a kid, so we made another for here, that uses all our scrap wood and sawdust, to heat almost all our water, then the electric water boiler does the rest. It used to be a huge oil fueled water boiler when I got here, but I had them take that out and replace it with an electric one. Then of course, everything else that we do to save power helps. You'll learn a lot about all that.”

“Okay. What about all the supplies, you said we have all the shops and arts and crafts and whatnot?”

“Ah, now that's our biggest pride, and where everyone's involved. You see, we go out into the community about once a month and collect donations and whatever free shit we can get. We get pallets and free sheet goods from several places now, once a year two different mills bring us all the shit wood that they can't use, but I also buy at least two more lifts of really good stuff from them as well at the same time, so that they're not doing it all for free. I also have a deal with a scrap metal place, and his customers are allowed to dump their materials in a place and donate it to us, and a few times a year, he brings us a large truck load of scrap metals, man, the kids in there are impressive in what they do with it all, they melt it all down, make their own blends and mixes, and create stunning stuff. And at least once per year we get a vehicle of some sort donated to us that gets fixed up and sold, though we kept one for ourselves to get around. Then of course in the mechanics class they also get lotsa broken down old tools, and so, they make new ones with the old parts, or rebuild what they can. We actually make shit loads of money here, and all the kids love doing that.”

“What happens to all that money then?”

“Well, once a month we go and buy all the supplies we need, and whatever food we want, we give a shit load to the local food bank, and then the rest is put into the bank to help pay for all you kids' schooling. I assure you, almost no matter what you wanna do after here, you won't haveta pay for it. I always search out every grant, bursary, or anything, and then we pay the rest. Once here, we take care of you better than our families ever did or could.”

“Oh, that's really good.”

“It's excellent, really. We teach you all the skills that you need to make it, no matter what you choose to do. A good portion of the kids here, they're not great at the academic side of things, but they're great at other things, so, we take that, we shape that, we make them excel at it, but, we never let you slack off and not learn everything else as well. You see, learning, bettering yourself, there's simply no better high, and we'll gladly help you with that.”

“That's nice.”

“So, how do you think you're gonna like it here so far.”

“I think I'm already really starting to like it.”

“Yeah, most do. Some of the kids already knew what this school was, and were thankful to be coming here, most don't really know, and think it's just a kiddie prison, I assure you, it's not. You could technically leave here at any time you wanted, but, as you already know, should you leave here, and stay away, you will be going to prison. No, none ever wanna leave once they get here though, well, except three, but even I can't help everyone. So, now that you're finished eating, would you liketa take a tour?”

“Yeah, I would.”

So Chance led him on the tour. They headed downstairs and outside first, where they toured the yard, and saw their few portable housing units, but they do not have a lot of them, since most of the housing is actually inside. There are stairs leading to the roofs of each unit, and guard rails around the exteriors for safety, and Lucky can see all sorts of planters on top of each one. The school is three stories tall, a grey brick, kind of drab and dreary, but, on the lower level, where they could, many kids over the years have done amazing murals to really brighten and liven it up. There really is not much of a field, but there is one, and the grass is kept as nice as they can, but the sheep are usually in the yard eating the grass, keeping it nice and short and clean. There are locked gates on all the exterior fences to prevent intruders and escaping sheep. Every area that lucky can see where something would grow, is being utilized in some way, either trees, bushes, or planters with all sorts of plants in them. The only open area in the fence is the front by the parking lot.

The lower level is now pretty much all the shops and their storage areas, as well their Music room is there too. Lucky is amazed at how much space was dedicated to the shops, especially the wood shop, but, like Chance told him, he loved the wood shop himself most of all, and so, he made sure to make it right. The other shops are just about as large, that one is just more so. Even the music room is nice and large. The only other real student use area on the lower level is the large gym, which Chance told Lucky had had to be completely torn down and replaced when he got there, since the roof of it had been caving in, so, they made it twice as large as it had been, even though the school board had not really wanted to, or really had the money to do, but, like Chance said, get me up and running, cover me for the first year, then it will cost next to nothing to run, and he was right. The school board has now fully paid back all that they had paid out in not having to pay for all that much else, electricity being the largest thing that they have to pay almost nothing for, food being second.

The second level of the school houses a good portion of their housing, almost three quarters of the rooms to house their maximum of two hundred and eighty some students are there. Each room is compact and nice, a bunk bed in each, and then a nice large dresser. There are twelve washrooms on this floor, all with room for up to twelve students to use either toilets or showers at the same time. These too had all been added, the school board paid for them, Chance told Lucky that he and his students had taken care of all the bedrooms themselves. The cafeteria is also on this level, and like Lucky had already seen, it is pretty large and well set up. There is the buffet centre near to the kitchen, but now Lucky got to see that as well, and it is a very nice kitchen, that Chance had told Lucky had needed to be almost totally gutted and redone, but that he and his first group of students and teachers had done that for the most part.

The top floor has all their classrooms, and where many of the students currently are, there had been lots in the shops, music room, and gym, but other than seeing them, Lucky had not talked to any of them. Most of the doors have glass in them, so Lucky is able to look in and see what everything sort of looks like. It looks like most of the classrooms are nice and bright and cheery. Every classroom has been fully refurbished, painted, and equipped to be as amazing as all the students in them. The library is also up there, and it is probably the largest and most comfortable looking room they have seen so far. They have dozens of really nice chairs all throughout, though not a one matches another, they had all been trash picked, repaired and/or refurbished, and are now very comfortable, most of them antiques, but the rest redone to look antique. Each chair even has a light beside it that can be adjusted for not only position, but brightness, to make it more comfortable for reading. All the shelving units to hold their thousands upon thousands of books had been built by Chance and several students, and where visible and possible, they were made to look old fashioned and very nice. There are also many tables throughout, and on a few Lucky sees several puzzles all on the go. Chance tells him that they always have a few going, and that when and if he wants to, he can just sit and do them quietly, whichever one he wants to, it does not matter, they all work on them. All in all, their library is a very rich, warm, comfortable, and inviting space, designed to relax and inspire, looking how Chance had always felt a real library should look.

Then they went up to the roof, there is a stairway leading up there from inside, but there are also two exterior staircases as well. They looked at everything up there, and Lucky was amazed at it all. This too is where they keep almost all their animals, since most of their food is up there too. He can see the wind turbines, and asked why they look home made, and was amazed when he was told that they are. They even have twenty solar power collectors, and there is a massive water tank for watering all their plants and whatnot.

On all floors are their lounges, games rooms, and various other rooms, wherever they can fit. These are done according to their use; so the games rooms are with loud and fun colours and designs, while the lounges are done in much softer and warmer colours, with comfortable seating, and the rest are designed the same. Even the bathrooms are done really nicely and are kept shockingly clean and bright.

Probably the most impressive room in the school that Lucky had seen, though, was on the ground floor, near the main entrance, and in it are all sorts of wood works, metal works, and all forms of arts and crafts, clothes, electronics, machinery of all sorts, and everything in between. Chance told him that this is their display room of all items currently for sale, but that, for the most part, everyone can view the items on the schools web page. Lucky just walked through this room and looked at everything in awe, because there are some truly amazing things in there.

“So, what do you think of your new home now?”

“This place really is amazing.”

“Thanks, it took a lot of work to get it to this stage, but we're all very proud of our home. Now, for the rules. I have them written down, so that you can always look them over, but I liketa go over the key points verbally and get your agreement myself. So, first rule, above pretty much all other rules, is learn, just learn all that you possibly can. If you have trouble learning something, ask for help. There is absolutely no shame in asking for help, especially here.

“Second rule, respect. Respect yourself, your teachers, and your fellow brothers and sisters here, for here we are all family. What that means, because most of you kids, when you first come here, have no real concept of respect, is that you will do not to anyone that which you would not like done to yourself. And then respect for yourself is even harder, you do not call yourself names, you do not hurt yourself, and you do not cause hurt in others in order to get them to also hurt you. If you have a disagreement with someone, be it another student or a teacher, and you cannot resolve it with softly spoken and respectful words, then you come see me, and I will moderate. There is to be absolutely no fighting, unless it's a highly moderated boxing or wrestling match, because some do feel better when they get to flex their physical muscles instead of just their brains.

“Third, there is to be no sex with any adults, or anyone plus or minus three years of your own age. You are not allowed in any way to even attempt to seduce a teacher, and you are not allowed to bring any other partners here. When and if you find yourself a boyfriend here, we turn a blind eye, as long as it's kept strictly to your own bedroom, and you keep public displays of affection to a minimum. Holding hands, hugging, and even a quick kiss are okay, a full out tonsil hockey session, or full out fucking in the middle of the hall, simply not allowed. Sex until our doctor has you fully cleared is to be protected, no questions asked, but even then, we strongly suggest that protection be used at all times. Should you desire to be with multiple partners, then protection must be worn at all all times, regardless, we cannot risk anyone getting sick.

“Fourth, you must always be dressed appropriately at all times when not in your bedroom or bathroom, which you get assigned as well. Now, that's pretty lax here, all it means is that you may not show off any part of your body that may be considered sexual. How you wish to cover it is entirely up to you. You will see all manner of dress here, and we allow almost all of them. If you decide to wear something, and it is deemed inappropriate for some reason, we'll talk it over with you and find a way to make it appropriate if you feel that it is who you are. And that's really it for the main ones. Any questions?”

“Yeah, a few. Why's the first rule learning?”

“Mostly because that's something that a great deal of you kids have never done before, so I wanna drill that into your heads early on. There's no better feeling than to do something that you never thought you could, and ace it. Believe me.”

“Okay. You're right, I don't understand respect, especially for myself. So I can't call myself stupid when I do something stupid?”

“Exactly. Who and what you were before coming here matters none at all. You are not stupid, no one is stupid unless they don't care to learn. I want you to care to learn, and that'll be my biggest job, as it is with every other student here.”

“Oh. I'm really not allowed to have sex with adults, but, well, I love being fucked, it feels so good, especially when a massive cock gets rammed into my little asshole.”

“Ah, a bit of a masochist I think.” Chance chuckled.

“What's that?”

“Someone who enjoys pain, amongst other things.”

“It never hurts, just feels good.”

“Really, I think your urges cloud your judgment on that a little. I know all about pain and sex, it hurts so fucking good, and you can't help but to crave it. The truth is, most people are a little masochistic if you ask me, especially us gay guys, because it always hurts, at least a little, unless your partner's prepared you well, and if you just like having a cock rammed into you, then I'm guessing you're more so. You're so small that I'm betting that the average man's easily twice as large as you're capable of taking comfortably.”

“Well, okay, maybe, but not a lot. Usually it's the next day I'm sore, but happy too. So, what do you mean about clothes?”

“Well, here we have many boys who liketa dress as girls, and girls that liketa dress as boys, that's perfectly fine. We also have several diaper wearers, and a few are diaper lovers, and as such, love showing that off, so wear smaller or less clothes that show that off. We even have a couple baby boy diaper lovers, and they love dressing up in baby clothes. There are at least four kids who like leather clothes, but honestly, half the clothes they have even they feel are not allowed outside their rooms, so that's good. There are five kids here who like dressing up as animals; dogs, wolves, cats, you know, they have some pretty creative costumes actually. Then there's pretty much everything in between. Most of the time, kids are dressed just like you, and outside of the school this is how you must be dressed, but sometimes you kids just wanna show off who you truly are inside, and that's great too. If ever you're unsure, ask and I'll come and view it and let you know my thoughts.”

“Oh, okay. Kinda seen some of that sorta thing out there before, so that's nothing really new.”

“Yeah, you do see all manner of dress out there as well.” Chance chuckled.

“So, that's it, what about the rules for running inside, or swearing, or anything like that that the security guards wherever I was at always yelled at me about?”

“Meh, who gives a fuck about that. Say what you needta say, however you needta say it, we don't really care all that much, to tell you the truth. I mean, it's considered highly disrespectful to swear at someone, and certainly never call them names, and in such a case you and I may needta have words, but the rest of the time, don't really care. You'll, of course, be taught how to use other, far better words, but sometimes the word fuck really is the only word that works. As for running in the halls, if you think you needta for some reason, we're not gonna stop you, but, I see no reason that you'd ever really needta.”

“What if I'm late for a class.”

“We don't have bells here, we don't do it that way. When a class is done, you're dismissed, then your next class starts as soon as everyone arrives. If you needta be late, such as you haveta go for a soggy bum change, try and let your teacher know, it's the respectful thing to do. We work on respect here, so, if you're gonna be late, try and let whomever know, and just try not to be, which, again, is the respectful thing to do. When it comes to soggy bum changes, if you feel you needta do it, just ask permission to go, don't be afraid to tell everyone that you're super soggy and need a soggy bum change, we're not shy around here, and in fact, I'm gonna be in need of a soggy bum change here soon myself, but I'll wait 'til Zayden's free, so that we can change each other. He'll be done his last class here pretty soon anyway.”

“Oh. Okay.” He shrugged.

“You'll find that in this school that we do things a little differently. Because you've never been to school, you might not understand just how differently, but everything there's so rigidly structured. That sorta environment simply doesn't work on the type of students we usually have here. Instead, here we teach each student to be free thinkers, use your own head, think about all others around you, learn and use respect, I personally think it's the best way to teach kids. Even in the learning here, you go at the pace that suits you. You'll find we have no set grades, so you could be in a class with kids from your age right up to eighteen. Some of the younger kids are at a more advanced level than some of the older kids, and that's just fine, because not everyone learns everything as fast as others do, just that you do learn is all that truly matters. Now, you've never been to school before, but, do you know if you can read or anything?”

“Yeah, I can, but not very well.”

“How about counting and math and whatnot?”

“A little, I suppose.”

“Okay. That's perfectly fine. I think you're quite bright, so I have a feeling that we're gonna be able to get you caught up shockingly fast. So, I know that you've hadta use most of your resources just to survive, but, is there anything that you enjoy doing, other than sex?”

“I don't know.” He shrugged once again.

“We'll figure something out for you. I'm a firm believer in finding something that everyone truly loves to do and allow them the freedom to do so. For instance, for me it's woodworking, that's how I relax and let go all my creative energies. For you it might be something entirely different, and that's excellent as well.”

“Okay, not a clue what I'd liketa do, never had the time to just do something before for fun.”

“Yeah, I was the same once too. Here you'll get that freedom to just be a kid. Just like you are.”


“Now, let's go get you a bedroom. Would you like inside the school or in one of the portables?”

“I don't know. I've never even had a bedroom before, never had a bed that I remember, so it kinda doesn't really matter to me all that much.”

“Let's put you inside then, I think they're nicer bedrooms anyway. Let's go find you some more clothes, and we'll get you the premium diaper selection, so that you always have what you need in your bedroom. Right now you'll get a room to yourself, when and if you choose to take on a room mate, that's up to you. Most of the kids, even if they're not sharing with a girl or boyfriend, choose to pair up, just so that they have someone there. Most are with their girl or boyfriends though.”

“You allow that?”

“I see nothing, I know nothing, kids here never have sex, I have no idea what you're talking about.”

“Ah, I see.” Lucky giggled, for probably the first time since he was very young.

“You have a cute laugh, I like it.” Chance smiled warmly to him.

“Thanks, I think that might've been the first time I've ever laughed.”

“Probably not, at least for a very long time.”

Chance led Lucky to the two different store rooms that they needed, and got him all set up. Chance told him that any time he needs more of anything, to just come to one of those two rooms to get what he needs, but that when he grows out of something, or wears out something, to put it where it belongs. Chance showed Lucky where he does his laundry, for each student has to do their own, and that is right next to the clothes store room. Chance told him that room mates usually do their laundry together, and to only do so once they can fill a load, which for most kids is about once per week.

Chance then showed Lucky to a free bedroom, all the doors have small plaques on them showing whose bedroom it is, and Chance tells Lucky that he will get the chance to make his own very soon, but, for now, Chance writes his name on a piece of paper and hangs it on the hook with a clip that he grabbed from his pocket, for just this purpose.

“There, now it's all yours, and that way no one will enter unless you say it's okay. Which is another rule that you should know, no one is allowed to enter another person's bedroom without their permission, unless under emergency or special permission. I will almost never order that, though, so it's supremely rare.”

“Wow, so much space, just for me?”

“Yes, even though I know where you're coming from, these rooms are actually pretty small, but they really are all that we need, and even us teachers have not much more. Now, since you're the only occupant, you get to choose either the top two or bottom two drawers as your own, and then you get to choose top or bottom bunk. Then we'll go and show you where the blankets and sheets are, and you can get what you like. You'll also get the chance to make your own patchwork quilt for your bed, and you can even use our knitting machine and knit a nice blanket too, they're great for the cold months. You can even make your very own pillow. Now, no matter who you are, all beds are to be equipped with waterproof mattress protectors at all times. For you, it's important because leaks happen, for everyone else, it's important because accidents happen, not to mention that sex can be messy, and we don't wanna haveta replace the mattresses before we really needta, they can be rather expensive.”

“Okay.” He said, and then chose the top drawers and the bottom bunk, and put his things away.

Chance then led him to the store room that has all their bedding, and helped him to choose what he wants, and he did so, then Chance went and helped him to make his bed, having to show him how to of course.

“There, now you have a bedroom that's all yours.”

“Thanks, I've never had anything to myself before.”

“Yeah, I know. Now, all the kids are gonna be done classes in just a few minutes here, I've already asked that they all meet us in the gym to meet their newest brother.”


“Yeah, we're all family here, since, let's face it, a good portion of us have no other family, and in many cases family that they'd liketa forget. I had a mom, and she was good to me, but not good for me, hence going to Last Chance myself. She got herself all cleaned up after prison, and came and worked here for me, but she died last year. She finally got to know happiness as well, so she died happy, and I'm happy for her.”

“Oh, yeah, I guess I have no family, and sorry to hear about your mom.”

“Don't be. We all know that death is a natural part of life, but no one wantsa bury a friend or family member before their time. My mom wasn't really all that old, but years of abuse to her body added up, but, at least she got to know a good life, finally, and now she's free.”

“Yeah, I suppose that's true too.”

Chance led Lucky to the gym, and Lucky got to help Chance to get everything set up and ready to go. Not even two minutes after getting everything ready, the first of the students started pouring in, as well the teachers. Within about ten minutes, Chance felt that everyone was there. So, leading Lucky to the front, he introduced the nervous young boy to them all. Lucky would not speak though, there were so many people there that he just shook his head no, looking rather green from the request, so, Chance did all the talking. He did not have to tell everyone that he is gay, everyone could pretty much tell, and he did not tell everyone that Lucky is diapered, though probably every diaper lover there can see it, and many of the others will notice as well. Chance did not choose clothes that hide the fact, and now that Lucky is getting nice and soggy, it is showing nicely. He did tell everyone that Lucky has been on the street since at least the age of five, but that he has no idea when, told them that he has never been to school or anything, and at least a few other things. Once Chance was done, everyone happily called out welcome.

Shortly after that, the students were all set free to go do whatever they pleased until dinner time, and Chance led Lucky out. Zayden stayed behind to be with his baby. They snuck a quick kiss, and then grasped hands.

“So, this is our newest problem child, huh.” Zayden teased, mussing up Lucky's hair affectionately.

“Yeah, and a right little cutie he is too, especially in his nice thick diaper.”

“I bet. It's really good to meet you though Lucky, you're gonna love it here, I promise you. Now, I don't know about you two, but I seriously need a soggy baby bum change.”

“Yeah, me too, and I'm certain that Lucky's in need of one as well.”

“I'm not a baby.” He said softly.

“Yeah, just like neither of us are, yet we kinda are too. We both need and love our thick thirsty tape on baby diapers. You might not be there yet, maybe you'll never grow to love them like we did, and maybe you'll never truly be a baby like we are, and that's just fine too. You'll just haveta forgive us calling each other babies, and referring to them as baby diapers, because we kinda are.” Zayden said all upbeat.

“Oh, okay. I don't know if I love 'em, but I sure am liking it so far. I've peed so many times already because I was nervous, and it's held it all, and it's really comfortable, and kinda even more now that it's wet.” He admitted freely.

“That's excellent. I think that before too long, you're gonna be a full on gay baby boy diaper lover as well, I can tell. You've been wearing it for what, three hours, maybe, and you already really like them. It didn't even take me a whole day to go from your current feelings to absolutely loving diapers, and Chance just always did.”

“Is that bad?”

“Does it feel bad?”

“No, it actually kinda feels real good.”

“Exactly. Just let go, accept that you need your thick thirsty tape on baby diapers, and before too long, you'll realize that you'll never go without ever again. Trust me, I know it from personal experience, and I've seen it dozens, maybe even hundreds of times now in others.”


“Do you remember your way to your bedroom?” Chance asked.

“I think so.”

“Why don't you go ahead and head there, then, get that cute little soggy bum of yours changed, and we'll meet you there, and take you to the home ec room so that you can start making yourself a blanket or something.”


They separated then, Chance and Zayden to their bedroom to change each other, having a very good soggy baby bum change. Lucky headed to his bedroom, and stripped, then laid down, and started changing himself as well. As soon as he was down to just his soggy baby diaper, he could not help himself, and felt the front of it, and sighed deeply from the feel. His little diapered dinky enjoyed the sensations, and stood up to get more attention, and so, Lucky continued to rub himself through his soggy diaper, until he had his first orgasm.

“Wow, now that's nice.” He sighed deeply to himself.

And so, Lucky continued rubbing himself through his soggy diaper, until he came a further two times. Finally he felt that he was done, and so, released the tapes holding it on, and pulled it out from underneath himself. He then grabbed a couple wipes, cleaned himself, then grabbed the lotion and lotioned himself like Chance said he should. He then slipped underneath himself a fresh thick thirsty tape on baby diaper, then grabbed the diaper rash cream, and applied a really good coating of that as well. He cleaned off his hands, pulled up and taped on his diaper, and only had to readjust it once.

Once more, as soon as he had his fresh diaper pulled up, he sighed.

“Mmmm, yeah, I really am a gay baby boy diaper lover.” He whispered to himself, realizing what that sigh meant, because it had been completely involuntary.

Lucky then got himself redressed, and just as he exited his bedroom, Chance and Zayden were walking up, holding hands as they usually do.

“Ah, perfect timing. You have a wonderful soft glow about you. Undoubtedly you jacked off, I'd be shocked and disappointed if you didn't, but, there's more.” Chance said softly.

“Yeah, I really think I just might be a gay baby boy diaper lover already. It just feels so amazing. I've never felt anything amazing before, and rubbing through my soggy baby diaper was the best thing I've ever experienced.” He said unashamedly and contentedly.

“Excellent. Just wait 'til you get yourself a hot little gay baby boyfriend, and you get to share everything with him, I assure you, it's even better.”

“Mmmm, I can't wait.”

“So, did you suck any of your sweet baby pee from your soggy baby diaper?” Chance asked.

“No, why, people do that?”

“Oh yeah, and it can be quite erotic. Don't worry if you don't enjoy that, I just thought I caught a hint of a diaper sucking grin there. There's several of you here now. Zayden and I don't do that to each other often, but we do enjoy it every so often.”

“Oh. Sounds kinda nasty, but kinda nice.”

“Mmmhmm.” Chance and Zayden sighed together.

With that, the men led Lucky to the home ec room, this one being one of the largest actual classrooms, other than the shops. Lucky was introduced to the teacher, and then Chance and Zayden said their goodbyes, saying that they want to go to the wood shop to play.

“So, Lucky, you're a right little cutie pie. You were good and soggy earlier, now not so much, I hope you had a very good soggy bum change.” He said.

“Yeah, you saw?”

“Oh yeah, but every last one of us diaper lovers probably noticed, but don't worry, here that's a beautiful thing. So, what would you liketa make? Are you a baby boy diaper lover, or do you just need? Maybe you'd liketa make yourself a cute baby diaper shirt, or a mega thick cloth diaper! I can teach you to make just about anything your heart desires.”

“Oh, um, I think I'm starting to love them, but a few hours ago was the first time I've ever worn a diaper, but I do seemta need 'em.”

“Excellent, the world needs more good and gorgeous little gay baby boy diaper lovers.”

“Um, yeah. Chance said I could maybe make a blanket, he says that it's fall now, and because he doesn't keep the school warm, since it's a waste to heat it too much, that I'd probably want a nice blanket to add to the one that I already got, and that maybe I could make a quilt too.”

“Of course. So, the cool thing is, a few years ago we were donated a used knitting machine for making blankets. It's kinda hard to use at first, but it does most of the truly hard work for you, you just needta know what to do. It's not fully automated, but that's just fine. Inside of a couple hours, you'll have your own blanket. So, what's your favorite colour?”

“Not a clue.”

“Okay, we have hundreds of colours of all sorts of yarns, in cotton, wool, or various synthetics. I suggest cotton for a nice knitted blanket though, I find wool is too scratchy, and synthetics don't keep you as warm. So, come on over.” He said, and led Lucky to the storage area.

As lucky was looking through the selection, he was told that the machine could accept up to two colours, so if he wanted to mix it up a bit, he was more than welcome to. He searched for only a few minutes, and then found one that he liked that there was more than enough of, a pale purple colour. He decided on only the one, so, the teacher took him to the machine and walked him through how to load it, set it up, and how to start it. He was warned never to leave it while running, because it is old and a little finicky, and if it needs to be shut down for some reason or another, then he has to be right there.

Lucky watched in amazement as the machine did it all for him, and in just over an hour, he has a really good quality blanket that is just a little larger than he needs. By the time it was done, it was almost time for dinner, so, the teacher told him to go ahead and take that to his bedroom, and then head to the dining hall for dinner, which he happily did. He then headed to the dining hall with the rest of the students who had also started heading that way.

As soon as he made it, Lucky joined the queue to get food, and it smelled heavenly to him. He is still almost full from lunch, but it just smells so good, and he knows that he needs it, so, he starts dishing up when it is his turn, but he only took a tiny amount of each item there, which still amounted to nearly a full plate anyway. He went and found an empty seat at a nearly empty table, and started eating. So far most had either only nodded to him, or said hi, but as of yet, no one has actually talked to him at all, but then, they all know what he is going through, so, they are letting him get used to things a little first, which he kind of appreciates.

“So, how you holding up here?” Chance asked Lucky once he was finished.

Lucky had just finished eating, he had enjoyed it, but could not eat it all, and was just sitting back with his eyes closed.

“Pretty good, actually. I was just thinking, this is the first time I've ever felt, well, good. Thanks. I'm also good and full now, something I rarely gotta feel. About the only times I ever got truly fed, or cleaned, was when someone wanted me for the night. I still keep feeling that that's what I'm here for, but deep down, I know it's not, I know you're not lying to me, I can feel it.”

“I know, your head and your heart are at war with each other right now, but that's not your fault, it's how you were raised, in other words, not at all. It'll take a few days. As soon as you fully relax, realize that here's where you belong, where you needta be, then you'll be free, and the other kids will come to you. So far they've kept their distance, they can tell, half of them were in your shoes, the other half opened up to the idea of this place right away. You're still so scared, and we all understand that, some of us far more than others.”

“Thanks, and yeah, I think you're right. I used to dream, but they never came true, now this just feels like another dream that I'm gonna wake up from and be miserable again.”

“Yeah, sadly I've heard that far too many times. Just relax, go with the flow, try and enjoy yourself, and before too long, you'll be free. If you needta, I'd even be happy to hold you and talk to you, and cuddle you as you cry. Strictly speaking, teachers aren't allowed to do such a thing, except here, because fully ninety plus percent of my students never felt such a thing, so, we do that here, because, honestly, it's what most of you need almost more than anything else.”

“I don't think I've ever cried before.”

“No, you probably haven't, but, trust me, before too long, you will. You're not ready tonight, it might take a few days, but, when I think you're ready, we're gonna do just that, okay.”


“Now, you didn't finish your dinner, I didn't figure you'd be able to eat that much, but it just all looked so good, huh.”

“Yeah, sorry, I shouldn't waste food like this, but I just can't. We can put it away and I'll finish it in the morning.”

“No, that's okay, I understand. What I was gonna tell you is that we don't put food scraps in the garbage, it either goes in our compost bin or into the feed bin for the chickens and rabbits. Pretty much any uncooked foods go to the animals, the rest goes to the compost. If you're ever unsure, just ask anyone.”

“Oh, okay, I like that, that way it all gets used.”

“Exactly. We actually produce shockingly little garbage here, and in fact we take what others consider to be garbage and make it into something new a lot around here. So, come with me, and I'll show you where it goes, and then you can help me and a couple others to take tonight's waste to where it needsta go.”


Everyone else was pretty much already done, so they had all scraped off their plates into the proper receptacles, and then put their dishes in the dishwasher racks, so that they could be washed. Chance instructed Lucky on what to do, and it really is pretty easy. Then everything from those bins, as well as the ones from the kitchen, were put onto dollies and wheeled outside. The feed bins were the most full, and rather heavy, so Lucky needed help with those. They distributed all the food between all the different cages, and their animals took to it right away. Lucky had thought that it would be way too much food for them all, but then, he realized that there are hundreds of animals, and Chance confirmed that sometimes they get extra food as well, but usually their scraps are almost enough.

“There, what would you liketa do now Buddy?”

“I don't know.”

“You think you're ready to just go play?”

“Not really.”

“No, I didn't think you were either. There's a few lounges around, why don't I take you to one, put on some nice soothing music for you, and you can just relax. I'll put a do not disturb sign on the door, and you can just lay back and relax, do something I doubt you've ever done in memory.”

“I think I'd like that, thanks.”

So that was what they did.

When Chance left Lucky, he already had his eyes closed. He joined Zayden, and they headed to their office to do some research. Shortly before bed, Zayden found the information that they were looking for. Chance went to get Lucky, so that he could tell him the information, but when he knocked, he received no response, so, entered, and found Lucky passed out. His thumb was in his mouth, and he was sucking it softly as he slept peacefully.

Chance felt bad for doing so, but knew that there was no way that Lucky's diaper was going to hold up, so, as carefully as he could, he picked up the shockingly light little boy and carried him to his bedroom. He then proceeded to strip him and change his diaper. Chance decided to just leave Lucky as he was, in just his nice thick diaper, and as he pulled up the covers, Lucky whispered in his sleep, 'thanks dada'. Chance almost got teary eyed from that.