Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 04:32:44 +0100 (BST) From: Jonas Henley Subject: the-dawson-exclusion-(1968)-part-2 The Mackey Tails By Jonas Henley The Dawson Exclusion 1968 Indian Spring Community On the edge of a large city in Ohio Part II Sean didn't tell Hal what happened, or Holden either; he was way too embarrassed. In fact, he didn't go down to see Holden like he had planned because he was so spooked by Frankie's warning; he stayed out of Mackey Lands, just as the kid warned him. But that warning didn't include the swimming hole just beyond the Radcliff houses. That was neutral ground. He also didn't avoid Jake like he thought he would initially. A part of Sean just wanted to believe Jake had nothing to do with what went wrong. So he still swam and played with the boy, and all the other Mackey and Non-Mackey kids in the water and going off the rope swing. Jake wanted Sean to come back out to his house afterward and play around some more like they had been doing; but Sean wasn't so sure that he wanted to do that. It didn't stop Jake from pestering him about it, or from still trying to get into Sean's ass. But the more Jake pushed Sean to let him top him, the less Sean became interested in doing anything with Jake, and the less interested he seemed to be in fooling around with boys at all. After all, he saw the direction his three idols were already taking, that of doing more with girls, and that's what he wanted, as well. But it seemed as Sean moved more toward just thinking about girls, Jake was becoming a bit desperate about things, something that wasn't lost on Hal's good friend 15 year old Deecy Mackey. Now Deecy had suspicions, having seen Jake talking to Bart Corbin a lot back in May, and he also had a little brother who, like Jake, was going on the Choosing List. Deecy's brother was 12 year old Reed Mackey, a freckled, button-nose boy getting his first hairs down below --- unlike Jake who was still bald, both on and above his hanging nuts. Reed's lower hairs were as dark as the hair on his head, just as wavy, though not nearly as wild. It seemed as though Reed only ever managed to comb the hair on his head half the time. One day when they were all down at the creek, Sean had pushed Jake away, signaling his lack of interest in going further down the creek and messing around, something Cain Jacobs and Logan Mackey had done a short while ago and something that Hal had particularly warned Sean against doing, especially when there was a group of boys watching. Deecy noticed this and sent Reed over to chat with Jake and figure out what was going on. Reed came back a short while later. "Well, what did he say?" "Tole me to mine my own bis-ness," Reed said in his lovely lilting voice that definitely belonged to a boy, yet was neither deep nor high, but floated in a nice country sing-song sort of way. "Then'e change his mine, Deecy, 'n tole me I better be mindin' my own ass, 'cause he was out'a save his." "Wonder what he means?" Deecy was more likely to pronounce all of his words, but he still had that accent that Hollywood always strived for and failed to get. It was a comforting older brother country accent, dying out in the American Midwest except for Appalachia and holdouts like Indian Spring and the surrounding county. "I thank he done made a deal, with the devil a'sorts." "The devil?" "Yuh'know --- Bart." "Bart aint the Devil, Reed. Now, Elijah - he's the devil, and I don't ever want you around him. But if Bart's after something, he's gonna make it all legal and right, well not that it would make it right. But I wonder what he wants?" "I thank he wants Sean Dahwsun's ass." Reed had a way of saying 'ass' that made you wonder if there were two 'a's in it. "I thank he's 'aven Jake git'im t'av sex and git caught in'it." "Hmm. We should let Hal know. He's kinda like Sean's big brother. I'd want to know if someone was after you like that. Beat their fuckin' ass I would, too. C'mon, Reed, let's go find Hal." Neither boy had noticed 13 year old Evan Sanders, the youngest in the troubled lot that had produced Ethan Sanders, Evan's older brother who in turn was one of Hester's rapists and one of the many boys in the community currently off fighting in Viet Nam, like his fellow rapist Titus Corbin, Bart's older brother. With his brother gone, Evan had attached himself to Bart and was something of a spy for the boy on the goings-on of the Outer Mackeys. He watched and listened in on the conversation that Jake and Reed had, and when Reed left to report to his brother, Evan took off to let Bart know. Bart intercepted the two brothers on Spring Drive as they headed up to find Hal, or at least Michael or Seamus. Bart had Carter Mackey and Selby Mackey with him, while Evan lurked-about down the street that split off to where the Corbins lived. "Where are you off to, Deecy?" "Not afraid of you Bart, so go on and move out of my way." "Just asked where you were off to, Deecy. That's all." "You know where I'm going. Sean ain't one of us; you don't have the right to be messing with him. Hal's got the right to know what you're trying to do." "Hal Tucker isn't a Mackey." Bart said, now angry and menacing and stepping up to Deecy. He still stood three inches over the boy and he questioned him with a growl, "I wonder if you've just forgotten, or maybe only have turned your back on the blood that runs through you." But Deecy wasn't frightened or deterred. It was one of the traits that made him a natural friend to Hal. "I know who I am. I'm a Mackey same as you, and I know that Sean ain't. I would have expected you to abide by the rules you agreed to last year with Hal. I expect this of someone like Elijah, but not you. Or is it Paul that's really still the president of the Council?" This cut into Bart, and he visibly backed off; but he wasn't any less angry. "Well, that shows what you know, or at least, what you don't." Bart realized he was going to have to play his hand. "The boy never tells anyone, but Sean Dawson's great-grandfather is a Mackey." "That's pretty far removed." "It's enough." "Not if the boy doesn't accept it." "That's a matter of opinion. And he seems to accept sex with Mackeys enough as it is." "Only because you're pushing him into it." "Providing him the opportunity, Deecy; no one's pushing him." "Fine, then I'll provide him with the opportunity to back off. I'll tell Hal and let him handle it from there." Bart smiled and then looked over at Reed, who had so far been just as defiant, standing at his brother's side. The boy was definitely cute, a cuteness that would become boyish handsomeness, the kind that would allow any boy to scrape through troubles without people really realizing why they had let him off. To top it off, he was already starting puberty, which only added to his rough, but kind, exterior of comeliness. And, as any boy who had been skinny dipping with Reed could very well see with even the slightest of glances, Reed had the most amazing ass. The absolute, most amazing boy ass. It was like it was sculpted from plush marble with creamy butter in mind. It was perfectly formed and filled out his pants in such a way that it wasn't the most noticeable feature about him ---at first, but couldn't be missed once you zeroed in on it. Naked, the boy's tan lines flowed more evenly to dissipate slowly and imperceptibly, unlike some boys whose greatest feature was accentuated by the stark white of plump buttocks against the tan flat harness of their backs and muscular legs. No, it was Reed's ass in and of itself, just simply in existing, which was so perfect. What accentuated it were the muscles that made their subtle and definite impression as the boy moved. This wasn't some doughiness that was all form and no substance. It had substance and function distinctly expressed by the dimpling created when those gluteals were flexed, and the independent slight motions of one cheek to another that offset each other's independence in the whole of the ass. When he passed by, you could almost see some boys raise their hands without thinking and form hollows in their outward stretched palms, as if they were about to clutch and hold on to something squeezable. And for boys this age, the only thing that did that was the conscious recognition of a nice pair of tits or the unconscious desire for a nice boy bottom. But it still wasn't the first thing you noticed about the boy. Reed exuded an early sexuality, despite his lack of experience and despite his lack of interest. Of course, Reed would jerk off, and he enjoyed it to be sure, but it was no big deal to him if he skipped a day or three. He had noticed the goings-on, certainly, of other boys, including his brother and Hal (not together, but separately enjoying others), and he knew he wanted none of it. He never begrudged his brother having fun when he heard the sounds of whatever boy Deecy was sliding into, but he jusy wasn't interested himself. Despite --- and maybe all the more so because he was at that stage of puberty before everything burst out, when there were already obvious signs, but when the skin was still perfectly clear and the voice largely uncracked --- despite this, he still had a face and a body that evoked the sexual desire of others. Not just a lusting for that body, though it was very nice, but a desire and sexual burgeoning within the observer wholly separate from simply desiring interaction. Reed was developing into a walking aphrodisiac. Sometimes, when a young teen, boy or girl, stared into Reed's freckled, innocent, yet somehow lusty, face, he or she would picture herself or himself leaning forward, taking that smiling innocent face into his or her hands and covering the boy's lips with hers or his and pressing against them, feeling the warm flesh barely yield, the lips part, the tongues entwine. Then Reed would look at the boy or girl funny, and she or he would snap out of it, walk away, flushed and wondering what on earth came over him or her. Bart smiled as he briefly scanned aspects of this from his own recollection and stated, sounding as innocent as he could, "Reed, aren't you on the Choosing List this year?" Deecy at first didn't react. It was an innocent enough question, and it was on people's minds, as it was only two weeks away to the Choosing. "Yeuh, I am. Yu know I am." Just like 'ass' the word 'am' sometimes came out sounding like it had two 'a's in it. It was a beautiful masculine lilt in the voice, but sometimes unsettling for people to look upon the boy and hear such a strong and innocent-claiming accent come out of him. At first hearing, you might have expected more of a sultry, possibly gravelly, country accent. "But I shore don' wanna be pickt." "I'm sure you don't, and I bet your brother would do anything to protect you, too." Deecy caught on, and he was furious. "You come against my brother, Bart, or do anything to try and make him the bottom, I swear I'll---" Bart held up his hand, "I don't intend to. I'll stay completely neutral on it and won't encourage anyone, regardless of what you do. You have my word." Bart was smart, he knew he wouldn't have to encourage anyone; Reed's body would do that on its own. There was no need, nor was it safe, to go to any extremes to incur Deecy's anger. "But we both know he's got a great ass. You may be his brother, but don't tell me you don't know the attraction he'll bring on Choosing Day." "Aint nothin' spe-shul bout my butt, or me either," Reed countered. But Deecy was worried; he had never really thought about it like that. He figured he could protect Reed by bringing to bear the rest of the Douglas Mackey clan and possibly the Robert Mackey, Jr. clan, maybe Clarence's grandsons, some of James III and Joanna and Beatrice's (the first Beatrice) kind. He had figured that would be enough. "I bet you're thinking you can get the whole Douglas clan backing you, don't you?" Bart started in, "Did you forget that one side of the clan will have both Cain and Stephen Jacobs to protect? They aren't likely to spend any energy on you. Then, on the other side, there's Wayne and his brother Darren, who sits on the Council. Now Darren is not going to turn 19 until after the Choosing, so he gets a full vote as a Mackey, plus his vote as a Council Member. And little brother Wayne's been dying for an ass to call his own ever since that one was taken away from him last year by --- hmmm, now who was it that deprived Wayne of his own bottom to have, hold, and fuck? - Oh yes, your new best friend, Hal Tucker. So do you still think you'll have the support of your own family groups?" Maybe it wouldn't be as easy as Deecy had thought. Plus, Bart was a tricky one. He may not go against Reed, but he could rally protection for one or two others and make it more likely that Reed got picked. He wouldn't single out Reed, but it wasn't exactly being 'neutral.' "Oh," Bart said, as if he had forgotten something, "Then there's your Aunt Penelope's son, Gary, who will probably be elected to the Council this year, but might also be so unfond of your having fucked his little brother Christopher so many times in the year after he was Chosen, that he may return the favor to Reed." "That was different!" Deecy protested, though he squirmed a bit as he was acutely aware of how one of his favorite things two years ago was to hold Christopher by the back and hips as the boy slowly lowered himself onto his raging hard dick, and then fuck the boy while laying on his back and watching his dick spear, separate, and fuck those still tight tenderloin flanks. "Christopher and Porter had already been screwing each other when they were picked." "But just for their own fun; they never intended to share that as general community bottoms. No more so than Reed, regardless of whether the boy is still virgin or not." "Still am that." Reed answered for himself, referring to himself as virgin, "An I'm a gonna stay that way, too." "Perhaps; it remains to be seen --- in more ways than one," Bart loved seeing the cute younger boy squirm against the real fear of that possibility, but he continued, smoothing out his tone and facial features, "Now, just like Christopher and Porter, Sean Dawson belongs in that line-up. He's 12, he's descended from Mackeys, he hangs out - a lot - in the Mackey lands, and he's availed himself sexually of the Mackey, and not just little hairless boys, either; he's gone down on teenagers --- willingly --- and swallowed genuine Mackey sperm. And it's nothing evil or sinister to want to see him there. It's tradition, and a lot of benefits come to those who undergo the Choosing." "Those that ain't picked, you mean." Deecy challenged. "Of course, there is the possibility that he will get picked, but an equal possibility that he won't. Same as for any other Mackey. I won't even single Sean out, either." "No you'll just have Selby or somebody else do it." "Not me." Bart protested. "Oh I get it. Paul and Duane. Maybe Elijah? Seems they're too old to be making decisions like that. Should be, right Bart?" Bart shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't going there. "I only want Sean Dawson in that line up. What happens after that will be up to the boys that are eligible to vote." "Then it shouldn't matter for Hal to know." Deecy said as he made to leave. "This is none of Hal's business." Bart said, stepping in front of Deecy. Selby stepped up smugly next to Bart, as if to let Deecy know that he would have two boys to tangle with if he wanted to pass. Deecy nodded his head slowly and moved his tongue through his teeth like he was thinking about something, all the while watching Selby, who was almost a year older and an inch taller. "Well, I don't know where you figure so much that this ain't Hal's business, but I'll tell you one thing's for sure right now; if Selby steps up in front of me again, before we go any further in talking about this, I'm gonna see to it he has to have both his balls and at least two other body parts casted up by the doctor before mid-afternoon." Selby gave a smug snort and smiled at Bart, as if to say, 'yeah, right, like that will happen.' But he quickly saw that Bart wouldn't have his back on this one. Bart just raised his eyebrows briefly and said, "I think he means it, Selby." Selby's face flushed slightly and he slinked off to join Carter on the sidelines and tried to look like he wasn't retreating. "You can't protect Reed on Choosing Day." Bart said, plain enough. "I reckon I can protect him well enough," Deecy said, albeit with wavering confidence, wavering to the point of it being visible to everyone. "You can't protect him," Bart said, leaning in with a sinister smile, "as well as I can, Deecy." "You said you wouldn't interfere!" "I never said I wouldn't protect the other likely candidates, I just said I wouldn't target him. Neither will Selby or Carter, and we won't recruit anybody to go after him, either. Promise." "If he gets picked . . . . . . well, when he gets picked," Selby ventured, " I know my little brother would love fucking that tight hole that he must have buried between those luscious cheeks he's always flashin' around at the creek." "Like he's beggin' to get fucked," Carter added. Reed blanched at being discussed like this, as well as the horror of Aaron Mackey, an even more obnoxious ass than his older brother Selby, getting to slide in and de-virginize him, and spend one or two or three years just fuckin' him to his heart's content. Deecy stepped toward the two boys like he was going to pound them both, but he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder: "You can't defeat them both, Deecy," Bart said quietly. "At least . . . . not at the same time. But IF Reed gets chosen - IF he does - then I will give him to Aaron to break in and own his ass, right there in front of everyone on Choosing Day." "NO!!" Reed cried out aghast and repulsed. At the same time, Selby cried out "Yes!" and made a victory sign. "Aaron is so gonna owe me for this." "I can make sure none of it happens, Deecy." Bart said. "You can't guarantee that Bart; you don't have that kind of power." "No, but I have considerable influence and will bring it all to bear in favor of Reed; all you have to do is make sure Sean Dawson is there at the Choosing and bent over like the other boys. Every Mackey goes through it; and Sean's a Mackey." "He's never claimed to be a Mackey and no Kinset currently claims him; and you never went through a Choosing, Bart." "I would have, but they didn't have any when I was 12. I did my part the next year, though, when the choosing started back up." "What? You did your part by fucking poor Camden Mackey? Yeah, I bet that was real hard for you, Bart. No pun intended, of course." Bart smiled at the sarcastic word play; Deecy was not just a fierce and loyal, yet dumb, attack dog. He was smart. Smart enough to figure out what Bart was really up to while the others were distracted. "Someone had to do it, Deecy. I merely enjoyed doing my job. As for no Kinset claiming Sean, He's in the Ninth Kinset. We just haven't organized it, yet. He'll be in there with some Jacobs who are moving into that side of Indian Spring." "Against his will?" "With the will of the Mackey Clan as a whole, just as all of us are in this together. What will it be, Deecy, watch your little brother most probably get fucked, well and hard, I imagine, in front of all his friends and their brothers and cousins, or let me try to protect him?" "I don' wanna git picked, Deecy," Reed was almost pleading, "I don' wanna be fucked by nobody, not in fron'of'em 'n not not in fron'of'em." "Aint nobody picking you, Reed. I'll see to it." Deecy said, putting an arm around his brother. "Are you sure you can, Deecy?" Bart goaded. "Are you?" "I can protect him, I'm sure of it. I'll try my hardest. You have my full and complete word. No tricks. All you have to do is get Sean Dawson there. If for some reason, the boys want him bad enough and Reed gets picked anyway, I can demand him as a property of the Eighth Kinset. I know the rules; I know how it can be done." "What good would that do? Think I'd trust you controlling him?" Bart just shrugged. "It would mean I could both limit the time of his service and limit the access to his ass. Of course he would still belong to Aaron Mackey, not me." "I don' wan' speshly Aaron in my butt, Deecy. I don' wan' nobody in thair. Please!" Deecy looked at his brother with true worry. "Otherwise," Bart continued, "without my protection, IF he is chosen, he will become a community bottom for three years, maybe even becoming the most fucked bottom in the history of Indian Spring." "Deecy . . . ." Poor Reed didn't know what to pine or beg for. This was a horrible dilemma for him. "Well, Deecy?" Bart asked. "What's it to be?" Reed was filled with revulsion for this guy. He didn't buy into Deecy's estimate before of Bart not being evil. He could sense the darkness inside. "We don' need'im, Deecy. You kin protect me, cain't you? I know you can." There it was again. It was like the word 'can' had two 'a's, but this time because it was stressed pleadingly, with worry that maybe, just maybe, it might not be so. And Deecy had to tell his brother what they were up against; he could no longer pretend it wasn't so. "Ain't you ever noticed how guys and girls are starting to get when they're around you? You make them all nervous, Reed. You make them want . . . . sex. I don't know what it is about you, but if I were a year, two, younger, back when I did some more stuff with guys, well . . . . and of course if you wasn't my little brother . . . . . . I'd . . . . ." "Whut? . . . . yould whut?" "Well, I'd give anything to be one of the first ones in your butt. I'd not only vote for your ass, but try and get my friends to, too. Now, I'm trying to do the opposite, and I think I can without Bart, but I know I can with him, even if he did try a trick at the last minute." "But . . . ." "I ain't gonna let anybody fuck you, Reed. Not unless it was something you wanted. And I need Bart so I can be sure'd of that." A shiver of disgust and revulsion ran through Reed. It was the only answer he could give. He felt it was wrong what they were doing; they, like poor Jake, really were making a deal with the devil. But he couldn't control his natural reactions; the thought of actually getting fucked sent waves of fear and anxiety down his spine and tremors out to his arms and legs. And his equally scared butt felt like expelling everything in it, just at the thought of something coming up it. "All right, Bart," Deecy said with a heavy heart, "So what is it you want?" Bart smiled and filled Deecy in on all he had to do. He shook the unwilling hand of the defeated boy and turned, with Carter and Selby in tow, to go back to his house. Deecy hung his head, turned himself to the opposite direction of where he had been headed and began to walk back home. "Come on, Reed. Let's go." But poor Reed was a mess of conflicting emotion. There was a small knot of emotion - relief and joy - that he had dodged a bullet. He would reap the benefits of being a Mackey that went with going through the Choosing Ceremony, but without the risk of being Chosen. But this was a small emotion, and it knew it was a small emotion; it kept trying to wash his whole inner being with relief and paint a picture of peace and happiness, but kept being knocked aside by honor, kicked by the sadness of seeing his brother defeated and feeling miserable with the choice he made, and in general just beaten up by what he came to realize was his conscience. Reed didn't move. He just stood there, staring at the retreating three older boys who had crushed his brother's spirit, and he glanced off toward Hal's house. The three older boys going down the side street stopped and turned to look at the young boy. Reed's indecision had their attention. "Come on, Reed," Deecy called from down the road. "Let's go!" But Reed shook his head. Deecy walked back up to him and the older boys took a few steps closer to the road to see what was going on. "We cain't doit like this, Deecy." "I can't protect you by myself, Reed. And I can't live through seeing you picked." "You kin try. I'd even rether it be you that did me then do sumpn like we're doin'. Sean ain't askd t'be one 'us. I guess I knew it could be done t'me. Hal's yur friend; yur spost ta tell'im." Deecy was amazed at his brother's self-sacrifice for what was honor and courage in the young boy. He grabbed his brother tight into a hug and told him how proud he was to have him as a brother and to be his brother; and then he promised the boy that he would do all he could to make sure he wasn't chosen. Deecy finally let him go and looked Reed in the eye. "I might not be able to stop it, but if it happens, it don't mean nothing about you." "Means I'll be fuckd, but, yeah, I know whut yur sayin'." Reed said to agree, but he sounded miserable saying it. "And after a while, maybe it won't be as bad. It'll be over one day, right?" Deecy was trying to be light about it, but not doing the greatest job. The effort, though, wasn't lost on Reed. "And it's just ass, right? So who cares, really, right?" "Well, it's MY ass, but I gess so." Deecy grabbed the boy again and gave him another strong hug and whispered in his ear, "You know I love you . . ." "Yeeh, I know," Reed said, whispered, "But don' go gettin' all poofy on me." Deecy laughed and pushed his brother away playfully. "Hey Deecy," Reed said, low and concerned, "jus prah-miss me you won' go fuckin' me none yurself?" "Promise. And I'm also promising you to try hard and stop that from happening to you to start with. Let's go find Hal." The two boys headed up to Hal's. and passed the three boys who were amazed at the brothers' change in direction. Reed turned and shouted, "I'd rether git fuckd in the ass then BE an ass!!" Reed gave them the double 'a' version of pronouncing 'ass' and flipped them all a double bird. Because he so wanted to emulate the three older Near Springers he trailed behind, Sean also began a sexual pursuit of girls much earlier than maybe he should have. He turned 12 on June 30th, and the day after his birthday, on July 1st, he had his first sexual encounter with a girl. He had followed Hal and Michael down to the creek, shyly undressing with them as they jumped into the creek and proceeded to do dare-swings off the rope into the deep refreshing spring-fed waters. It was a rare treat that Michael would strip off and skinny dip in the creek, and Sean tried not to ogle in his fascination of the boy's red hairs that came up like darker flames above the root of that thick swinging penis. But this was only the eighth time Sean had ever even seen the red-headed boy naked since he started getting those cool red hairs --- red hairs with brown highlights when the sun hit them, rather than the reverse. It was one of the coolest things to Sean, and he had been caught more than once watching with awe as the sunlight wafted through them. All 14 year old Michael ever did was just smile and ruffle the boy's hair and just ignore it was happening. Sean had heard backchatter, though no one ever said who could testify to this, that Michael Cormack was the best fuck up a boy's ass that had ever been; Sean had never witnessed this, unlike he had for the other two of his older idols, and didn't even know who might have taken that swollen appendage up their ass. It was said that even a couple macho boys in the County who had had that dick pass through their tight, and once virgin, holes and slid up those warm chutes, had moaned embarrassingly at the exercise his dick had given their sphincters when he worked their holes. But as tantalizing as these stories were, Sean didn't know of whom they were told. He had seen Hal fuck one boy twice, and Seamus about three boys once each, including one boy that laid face down on the ground moaning with the pleasure of taking it, but never the delight of seeing Michael. In fact, he had only seen Michael twice get it hard, one of those times being just last week when the four of them, plus three Mackey boys were all skinny dipping and were surprised by several girls. Ordinarily the girls would avoid letting themselves be seen, and the boys typically just ignored whether or not they might be around, as the custom had been going on so long. Sometimes some girls in swimsuits would join them and boys would either slip on underwear or swim trunks or stay in the water, or just not care at all, depending on who the girls were and who all else was around. But one of the girls on this day was a County girl who had been visiting the Ford's middle daughter and convinced her to find Michael. Their search eventually led them to the creek, and the county girl met the boys' bluff and stripped down to a bra and panties. She was quite beautiful and easily excited the loins of the red-headed boy such that Michael was soon lifting above the water a marvelous, thick, bulbous-headed teen shaft where earlier only the tops of his pubes would have shown in the same depth. This greatly excited the girl and she left the water for the forest edge, giving a coy look back to the 14 year old randy boy before scampering away into the woods giggling. Michael didn't need any further encouragement than that. He rose out of the creek to the near side first where he searched in his pockets for something, which he immediately palmed and headed back across the creek and out onto the far side, his fully engorged man-member leading the way into the woods where the girl had entered. The flames at the base of that thick pole seemed all the brighter with the prospect of what was coming. The sounds later that got filtered back through the trees were disembodied distant grunts and cries that spoke of nothing but bodies, pleasurably entangled and embattled with desire. It filled the loins and imagination of young Sean, not even yet 12 at the time, and leaving him with an abandonment of boys and a thirst and longing to know the pleasures a girl could bring. He was too young for that, and it had given Hal pause to know the little kid was thus exposed to the older ways, but the exposure was already done. Arabella Ford even smiled when she heard it, but she was smiling for Michael's sake. She would tease and laugh about it with Michael later, but she would never invite the County girl back again. That had just been way too improper for a Springer girl. It was an indelible impression for Sean, especially as he had heard recently about another girl in the County who hit three orgasms in a row while Michael was easing that dick up her pussy and fucking her well with it. He so badly wanted to try it (pussy, that is), and it's what he was thinking about when he once again was caught staring on that first day in July. He was just 12 years old and a day and was already spending that day blushing, when Michael looked up and smiled at the boy staring at that thick hanging dick. Sean immediately looked away and downward, only then to realize that he was sporting a major hard-on. This caused him to flush even deeper and was accompanied by the good natured laughs of all three boys. They didn't mean to tease Sean, but somewhere inside he did take it a bit personally that they were moving on to girls and he was still a little kid. A little kid who was the only one around with an erect dick. Sean hurriedly went down to the creek and got in and pretended to swim about while he waited for his dick to go down. It wasn't until the third time that the boys called out that he felt safe enough and non-annoyed enough to get out and try the rope swing. Of course it was fun and, like with any kid, it immediately wiped away previous troubles. As more boys came down to the swimming bend, it became more fun, and all previous thoughts of sex were gone. Even the boys who didn't mind so much having the 'other' kind of fun with boys were only set on the conservative 'wholesome' type of fun. The fact that at least half were all naked was more of an innocent happenstance. Among the boys swinging in the jump-off competitions was Jake, who also, for a moment, could forget the line his ass was riding and forget the demon that was riding it, figuratively. He was just having fun like the other boys. When he saw Hal, he admitted he had been just afraid for his ass, literally and it was stupid what he had tried to do. Sean, of course, had been warned about the scheme with Bart trying to use his great-grandfather as a claim to him having a Mackey ass, and about Jake's part in it all. Jake had of course come clean and told all to Hal and Deecy - he wasn't an evil boy, just a scared and desperate one. Reed still wouldn't have anything to do with his cousin, but Jake's profuse apologies were finally accepted by Sean. It helped that Jake admitted he eventually hated doing sex stuff with Sean, even the part about getting his dick sucked. The make-up was slow -going that day, though. It took some playing together non-sexually, without the slightest hint, suggestion, or otherwise of sex, before Sean relaxed his guard and looked at Jake as a relatively good kid. The two boys tag-teamed several others, in fact, in several games of chicken, and then spent a half-hour more going off the rope swing. Jake even told Sean the history, as it was known, of the original rope swing, the threads of which could still be seen embedded in the bark of the limb, near where Mr. Radcliff had affixed the new one. He told the newly 12-year-old that it was his own dad, Garrett Mackey, and Hollis' dad, Jacob, that first put up the swing, along with Patrick O'Shaunessy's dad. While they were talking about it, the rumor came up amongst some of their age group about Patrick doing one of the Duffy girls already, and several of the boys would imagine in hushed whispers what it must be like to finally get with a girl. Sean was one of those, admitting to Jake how much he would like to try it. And it was about this time that Kurt made a re-entry into Sean's life. He had overheard Sean's admission and stepped up to whisper low to both boys: "If you really want to try it, Sean, I can make it happen." "No thanks," Sean said as he stepped away from the older boy, who, of course was as naked as the rest, but with the slightest lift to his dick. But what Sean was startled more to see was Kurt holding out his hand for a shake, or friendly gesture. "Consider it an apology for the way I was acting the other day. Total jerk off. Forgive and forget everything that happened." Sean eyed the hand suspiciously, but if what Frankie said was true, he didn't need the enemies. He took the hand and shook it. "OK, fine." "Come on, Sean," Jake said, pulling the boy away. Once they were far enough so Kurt couldn't overhear, Jake said in a low voice without looking back, "Stay away from him, Sean. He's dangerous. Bart still wants you to screw up with a boy, or around with, or whatever." "Nah, not gonna happen. I promised Hal after he told me about . . . . well, you know, what you were doing . . . I mean . . . . what Bart wanted you to do . . . . ." Sean paused briefly as Jake flushed a deep red in the shame of having it acknowledged again, "I promised him I wouldn't even talk about messin' around with another boy, Mackey or non-Mackey. In fact, I don't ever want to do any of it again. No offense. So don't worry. I'm not falling into any traps." "Good. . . . . Oh, that's Gus wavin' at me. Means I gotta go. I'm kinda on a, uh, probation sort of, for what I tried to do to you. I got into a lot of trouble with my cousins, especially Gordon and Frankie. My little sister even found out. She thinks I'm crap for doing it and says I deserve to get picked." "You mean she knows?? I mean . . . . . about what goes on . . . . . with boys?" "All the girls do; they just don't talk about it. None of 'em. It's considered the lowest of the low for a girl to talk about it. Except maybe your sister. Come on; I'll introduce you to Gus. He's Frankie's older brother. Will's the oldest, then Gus, then Frankie." "How are you related to them?" "Their dad and my dad are brothers. They're the closest of all Grandpa Abner and Grandma Carol's sons, so it's like having three older brothers sometimes. Can be good or bad. Mostly not-good right now. Not good for me, I mean." Jake introduced Sean to Gus, and the boy was nice enough, even though the greeting was more like, nice to meet you, watch your back, and just stay out of Mackey lands. And with that Jake was off, walking with his head down and following Gus down the back trails into the Mackey lands. Only the girls, the boys with bikes, and the boys with cars ever used the actual road when a trail could take you to the same place. Sean went back to wait in line for the rope swing, behind a couple of Outer Mackeys that he didn't really know, when the space behind him was immediately filled by Kurt. The older boy acted for all the world like he was just waiting his turn to go off the rope swing, which he did eventually, without saying anything to Sean except give a friendly smile. After the leap off the rope, he came right back up the bank and once again found a spot right behind Sean, the water glistening in his black pubes and dripping off his bigger dick. Sean looked around quickly for Hal, but then remembered Hal and Seamus had left out while Sean and Jake were starting up their third game of chicken. Michael had disappeared with a girl, again, and Sean was realizing that the considerably thinned out group was mostly Mackey at this point. He got to the rope swing and did his thing, but hung out in the water, not wanting Kurt to come right back up behind him again. Instead Kurt surfaced near him and just said, "Woooohooo!!!!" in a loud and playful voice, "Did you see that?" Jake nodded, but no, he did not. All the same Kurt didn't wait for an answer but swam back to the bank and got out and went right back up in line again. Jake hesitated. He wanted to go, but no one was getting in line behind Kurt, and two of the Mackeys were taking their time at the rope trying to generate dares for what they would do off the swing. Jake really wanted to go off the swing again. This was stupid, he finally thought. The older boy wasn't doing anything to him. It was just Jake's guilty conscious that was warning Sean off. Finally he pulled himself out of the creek and back up on to the bank to stand in line behind Kurt. "Hey." Kurt said in a friendly enough voice. "Hey," came Sean's shy and still uncertain reply. "I really am sorry, you know." "Yeah, I know. You told me." Sean wasn't meaning to sound rude and blow off someone's apology, but there was that kernel of distrust. "And I meant what I said. I know a girl that wants to do stuff with you. No boys, nothin' to do with Bart. If you wanted to meet her, I could go get her, and then I would just leave. If you don't like how it goes, go back to the near side and get Hal and tell him. I honestly just want to make things up somehow." Now, Sean knew the boy was shoveling it deep. Why would any girl he didn't know suddenly want to do something, anything, with him? And he asked pretty much the same. "Cause, she's seen you around with Holden; she lives out that way. She thinks you're 'cute' or something like that." "Really?" Sean's interest was piqued, and his face lit up to show it. "Yeah, but, you know, she says the same thing about Holden, but they're cousins. She's got this thing about not doing it with cousins." "Doing it?" "Yeah, you know," Kurt made some squeaking noises with his mouth and shoved his finger in and out of his other closed fist. Sean's eyebrows shot up when he saw that motion, unfortunately so did his heart rate and his dick. "So how come," Sean started, his voice catching, "you tried . . . . anything with her?" "Kid, . . . . . . gross . . . . for one, I'm even a closer cousin to her than Holden. And for another reason, we live close together, and she's got two older brothers who are bigger than me." "How much bigger?" Sean said with this new worry. "Ahh, they're kinda pansies. That's not the real issue as it is she's my dad's niece. Just be too weird. But I know she wants to do it. And she did say she would like to try you. But if you don't want, too, it's cool. You'll have plenty of chances with other girls---" "No wait. Um . . . . where would I . . . . . where would we . . . . ." "Well there's all kind of nice places in the woods. Beatrice knows some. It's not a trap. I swear you can tell your friend Hal, between him and Deecy and some others, you know they'd beat the shit out of me if I set you up to get hurt. I can even leave when she gets here and leave you guys to it, or hang out on the path and yell or signal or something if someone comes close. You want me to at least go get her? Maybe you can just see?" By this point, the two other boys had stepped out of line and poor Sean was hooked. He nodded, and Kurt told him to hang out at the creek at least another 40 minutes or so. Kurt dressed and left out on the trail to find 13 year old Beatrice Mackey. Sean wasn't sure he did the right thing, and was even less sure as the creek emptied out. Soon it was just him dressed back in his clothes and skipping rocks, and three late arrivals, who he recognized but didn't know, going off the swing. "Hey Sean." Sean turned around to see Kurt already stripping back down to nothing. "Come on, strip off," he said quietly. "We're goin' around the bend so those other guys don't see you slip off into the woods with her." "But I'll be naked when she comes to the creek." "Well, how did you think you were gonna fuck her?" Sean really didn't think that far ahead. But as he thought about it, Michael left totally naked to screw the county girl in the woods. Although he did go back to fetch something from his pants. Sean wondered what that was, as he reluctantly stripped back down. "Hey, Kurt," he whispered, although kind of loudly, "Do I need something else?" "What? You mean besides your dick? Don't worry about it, kid, everyone's nervous their first time. You'll do great." It was reassuring to hear. He felt his trust expand enough to get in the water and follow Kurt around the bend. "What'll those guys back there think?" "Probably just think you're gonna go down on me, or something." Sean shook his head. This was too dangerous and he turned to go, except Kurt grabbed his arm and held tight to him for a moment. "Relax, Sean, those guys are real Deep Mackey, way out by Andrew Mackey's old house. They don't know you and they don't matter. This is the last I'm gonna touch you, honest, OK?" Kurt carefully let go, but Sean didn't bolt. "Now, nobody but Beatrice is coming, and if you want, while you're doing her outta sight, I'll hang out on that rock over there. It's right off the trail and I'll see anybody coming on the trail or around either bend in the creek before they even get close and I'll yell out a hello to them. You'll hear it, unless you're really, really having a good time. And then you won't care." Sean smiled at the last part and both boys relaxed. Sean still felt he was doing something dangerous, but maybe that was simply because he was about to do it with a girl. They weren't at said rock for long before Sean turned, startled by a girl's voice. "Oh, he does have a nice butt, Kurt." Sean jumped quickly back into the water by Kurt. He wondered why the older boy would have told her such a thing about his butt and gave the boy a slightly menacing look, to which Kurt could only shrug. "Well, you do." Kurt said simply. Beatrice Mackey stepped down on to the rock and leaned downward to look better into the boy's face. Her shirt front fell open and the marvelous mounds that distanced her from the average 13 year old girl fell into view, and both Sean and Kurt were slack-jawed as they stared into the gift, along the soft curves and around and downward until each could see a nipple of the breasts that they were angled best to see. It was almost as if you could hear the extra swirl of water as their dicks swept upward quickly to full hardness. "Sean," the girl practically sang out like a breeze as she ran a finger down his face and under and along his jaw, pulling upward slightly to bring his vision up toward hers, even though his eyes were slow to follow, as they hesitated to leave the view of her breasts. "Are you still a virgin?" Sean had to look in her eyes now, though he was much too much in shock to blush, but just nodded dumbly. A virgin he was. "Do you think you could get out of the water so I can see what you have to work with?" Sean looked over to Kurt to get his advice, but the boy just nodded yes, he definitely should do what she wanted, except his eyes never did leave his cousin's breasts. "Close your mouth, Kurt," she finally said, and smiled once Sean was able to heft himself out on to the rock and show that his still bald hardness was definitely longer than 12-years-and-one-day should account. She was pleased that this wouldn't be a total waste. "Oh we're gonna have some fun with you. Kurt, keep an eye on the trail; make sure we aren't disturbed." "Yeah, sure." Kurt said quietly, knowing what he was going to be doing while they were at it. And he heard everything, from the first gasp and quiet 'oh shit' when Bea undid the rest of her shirt to give Sean a full view of her chest to the increasing wild encouragements to the rapidly faster pacing grunts of the boy in the first throes of orgasm into his first all-enveloping pussy. Kurt was right there with them, pumping his fists and cumming all over the rock, hitting his climax when it sounded like they were hitting theirs. And when they did it the second time, so did he. Eventually Sean came stumbling back on to the rock, dazed and smiling. A weird, shell-shocked happy smile. A plastered smile. But DEFINTIELY . . . . a smile. "You think you can get back home OK from here?" Kurt asked the boy that barely even gave him recognition. Sean just nodded as he passed the older boy and climbed into the creek and drifted back downstream more than swam. As he was about to round the corner, Kurt yelled out: "Just don't forget to get dressed before you go home." Beatrice came back onto the rock, fastening up the last of her buttons. Neither she or Kurt seemed to notice he was still standing there stock-naked. "Is he gone?" She asked. "Oh yeah, he's definitely gone." "Think he liked it?" She asked, and both of them started laughing. Now THAT was a stupid question. "Did you, Bea?" Kurt asked. Beatrice thought about it and smiled. "Yeah, it was fun. I almost feel sorry for him. He was so cute, it being his first time and all." "I'm just surprised," Kurt stated. "About what?" "I didn't think it would be as easy as Bart said it would be. Worked just like he said it would." "That's 'cause Bart's a lot smarter than you." "You don't know that, Bea. All you want is in Bart's pants. Is that the deal he gave you to do this?" "It's none of your business what he promised me. You just better hope those pills work and that little shit doesn't actually get me pregnant." "Relax. Got'em from my mom's medicine cabinet just two days ago. They'll work if you take'em like you're supposed to. Now go on before any other boys come around that bend. And let's hope your older brother Carter don't screw it up and tell your other brother Caleb too soon." Kurt played it cool after that, making sure he only ran into Sean at the creek when Jake wasn't around. He impressed upon the boy once again, that he couldn't tell anybody - not a soul. "If you so much as leak a word and it gets out, I swear I'll deny everything and let Beatrice's two older brothers take you apart all on their own." "I won't; I won't tell anybody, not even Hal." "Well, same goes for Holden, I mean he lives right near them. Or Jake, or any Mackey." Sean nodded an agreement. He wasn't going to tell anybody. "All the same, Sean, it still may not be safe for you right now in the Deep Spring. Best if you stayed out of Mackey lands for the next two weeks." "Until after the 15th," Sean repeated, remembering Frankie had the same warning. "Nah, nah." Kurt said, shaking his head, as if the boy got it all wrong. "UNTIL the 15th. It's the morning of the 14th that everything is happening. But it's all over by noon." "So what IS happening?" "I can't say; no Mackey can, so don't ask anyone. It's kinda considered rude." "Oh sorry." All Sean had been told was that some boys served as bottoms for the others, and they were picked somehow, and that Bart wanted him in this role. Nobody had actually ever told him about the Choosing ceremony itself. So he still didn't know that the day he was to avoid had anything to do with what Bart wanted of him. He still just thought it was all a static concern having to do with himself, and just him being him. "In fact, just to make sure you're safe, it's probably a good idea to just not even make contact with a Mackey until then. Just cut off all ties until then. Even at the creek." Kurt added. "But why?" "After everything that's happened?" Kurt said, looking amazed. "Hasn't Hal tried to give you a similar warning?" "Well, not that extreme," the boy mumbled, "but kinda sorta." Kurt nodded. He knew his work was done. "So just remember, you can come in the morning of the 15th, just avoid it through the 14th. After that, it's A-OK. You can go down to Holden's or anywhere down in that area." And on July 15th, after a several week absence, he was in the Deep Mackey woods walking with his friend, 13 year old Holden Mackey, who was Sean's closest friend outside of the three older Non-Mackey boys that he followed like a puppy. Unfortunately for Sean, Holden was one of Randall's children, who had let it be known to his sons Holden and Phil, after the Camden/Nathan fiasco of 4-5 years ago, that they were to particularly avoid anyone and anything related to the Choosing. Randall, of all of Clarence's children, was the most taken with the born-again faith movement and raised his children to be separate, somewhat, from certain aspects of the Mackey world around them. The result of purposely ignoring the affairs of the community in mid-July was that it slipped Holden and Phil's mind both that this was the 15th, and that meant it was Choosing Day. So when Holden saw Sean, he was just happy to see the boy. He didn't think to divest Sean of his misunderstanding, courtesy of Kurt, that today was a safe day. In fact, it didn't occur to Holden until they were outside and Sean asked where all the other boys were. "I didn't even see any guys around the whole way in." "Oh . . . . ." Holden said, realization dawning and suddenly looking a bit concerned. "Today's the 15th. I know where everybody is. Maybe today wasn't such a great day for you to be here." "But Kurt said that everything was over yesterday, whatever 'everything' meant." "Kurt did? . . . . . . Hmm . . . . No, I'm sure it's today." "Holden, please, what is 'it'? What happens today that everybody seems to think I shouldn't be here?" "Well . . . . ." Holden began uncertainly, not sure how much he should or shouldn't say, "You know how Bart was trying to get you fucked? And make it so that you'd be a community bottom for the Mackeys?" Sean nodded, he still only had the barest of understandings but he got the general import of it. "Well, today's the day the Bottoms get chosen. Every year, well seems like every year now, most or all the 12 year old boys get put on a list, The Choosing List. If you're on the list, then you go down to the Ceremony, where you bend over naked in front of all the boys in Mackey lands from 13-18 years old so they can look at your butt, and then they vote on who they want as the Bottom for the next year." "Wait, so a whole year, what, can anybody just . . . . do the kid up the butt?" "Well, not just anybody. And sometimes not just for one year. There's rules. I don't know'em all. They go over them every year at the Choosing." "So that's where all the boys are?" "I guess so. Come on, Nathan will know, that's his and Camden's house." They knocked on the door and asked for Nathan. Being a Monday, Nathan's dad (who was Holden's uncle) was home, since he worked Tues-Sat. "Hey Uncle Tyler, I was looking for Nathan." "He and Camden are down at Old Knot." Tyler Mackey said, not looking very happy about it. "You know what today is, Holden. I think your dad would prefer you and Phil spend it inside. I would, and he's more strict about it than I am. So head on home." "Yes, sir." "So is today the day or not?" Sean asked on the way back to Holden's. "Oh, it's today. Old Knot is where they have the ceremony." "So, did you go through it last year?" Sean asked, though not certain if this was something that should really be shared through friends. "No, they didn't put me on the list. A couple of us were skipped. If you get skipped then you might still get the same rights as anybody else that went through it, unless they call you out and let you know. Usually, you can't be fully accepted as a Mackey unless you go through it." "So what do you get if you're fully accepted?" "Um, lots of stuff that I can't say. But it includes getting to have sex, vote, be on the kids' Council and the adult one, later. Lots of stuff. If you have full rights, you could watch the ceremony if you wanted." "So how come you don't go down there with Nathan and Camden?" "I'm not allowed, and I don't really want to." "Oh." Holden was voted 'out' of the full community, though Sean still didn't know what that meant completely. "And if I showed up, it would mean I wanted to join them, which would mean me bending over like the other boys." "But you aren't 12." "Doesn't matter, if you show up like that. It's called a trespass, and they're pretty serious about it." "Sounds horrible." "Yeah, especially since it would probably mean I would get picked for sure, and then have to let boys put their things up my butt. I don't miss any of that anyway. I never felt like screwing anybody. Pretty glad I was skipped. I'd just as soon . . . . ." Holden trailed off and turned around. "What is it?" Sean asked. "Nothin' I guess. Just thought I heard something." "What's off over that way, anyway? I've never been back there." "No reason you should either." Holden said, perhaps a bit too sharply, but then shook his head and smiled. "Sorry. Must come with being a Mackey. Everybody's a bit protective about their land around here. Let's just get off the main path." Holden pulled Sean off the path, which, since it ran down through a meadow that stretched a ways, meant he dragged him back to the woodline about 30 feet away. "So how come Hal's family isn't better liked?" "Oh, they are. Just, you know, people being people. Some people don't like being told what to do by an outsider, even if the outsider is trying to keep outside-outsiders out." Holden laughed it off, but then started pointing different things out to Sean. ". . . . . . . . . and those houses back over there belong to the Thom Mackey clan, mostly; that one's my cousins Carter and Caleb, and I know they're down at the Knot. They like Choosing Day. Except, even Carter seemed a bit too excited this year. Anyway, way back that way is Elijah's main sti-uh, . . . . . . hobby . . . . place. And Hollis has got a 'sperimental farm of sorts just past that. And you keep goin' past his place and swing back over the creek on Havers Bridge and that takes you out to Andrew's old house, from back before the Civil War, and then some of his kin live over by it, as well as some of the last of the Havers, what haven't moved on. And beyond that, is Old Knot, and about 50 or 60 boys probably, maybe more, all cheering for a few asses." "Where's the parents?" "Home, work . . . . . . some of 'em wait out the Choosing on the other side of the Unnamed Wood." "The Unnamed Wood?" "Yeah, well, everybody's always fighting over what to name it, my dad says, so every time the State comes in every twenty or thirty years to survey it, it just goes . . . ." "Unnamed." "Yep." "I remember now. Frankie called it the nameless woods." "One and the same. Anyways, there's a Mackey-only Tavern, except it's run by the Sanders' lot, and it's where a lot of the dads go to drink, play cards, shoot pool, do all kinds of things my dad and uncles wouldn't do. And on Choosing Day, I hear they all bet on whose boy'll get picked, or other things that might happen." "Like?" "Like, well, I know one thing that can happen is you can get a checkmark on your back for not acting right or not doing something fast enough. And every check mark is a full public blow job you gotta give in front of all the boys - and swallow everything. So of course, you can only pick guys that got stuff to shoot. And it gets worse and worse with every check mark you get. That's one thing that can happen. But I don't know much else." "Sounds horrible." "That's what I think, too. Makes me glad my dad's more strict than other dads." "So you mean everybody's down there? Either at Old Knot or at the tavern place?" "Pretty much." Sean didn't really mean anything by the observation. It was just that, an observation. He was inclined to hurry up and take Uncle Tyler's advice and get back to Holden's house. It was sounding more like he picked the 'worst' day to go to Mackey territory. And he was also starting to wonder if Kurt purposely misstated the supposedly 'safe' date. "Hey Holden, can't just anybody be forced down there and made a bottom, right?" "Well, I don't know about 'forced,' but I don't guess everybody went down there 'cause they wanted to. There's certain reasons you can be taken before the Council, and that's where they hear arguments, also. And do the elections. But only Mackeys can be made to bend over. Your friend Hal made sure of that last year when they tried to hold a second Choosing in the Near Spring. You have to have Mackey blood in you." Sean felt a knot in his belly and asked, "What if your great-grandfather was a Mackey?" "Shit, are you serious?" "Uh, yes." "Well I don't know, Sean. I don't know all the rules. I don't know how much Mackey makes a Mackey. And you still gotta be on the list first . . . . but maybe you shouldn't have come seen me today." "Well, Kurt told me today was the day that it would be safe to come." "So you said, but I guess it explains something," Holden said, looking out and pulling Sean back more. "Like what?" Sean asked. "Like that," Holden said real quiet and quickly put a hand over Sean's mouth and pulled him behind a tree. Before Sean could react he heard other voices - voices coming up the trail: "I saw them coming up this way just a minute ago." "Well they must have gone on back to Holden's house." "If his mom or dad are there, we need to figure out a way to get them out of the house." "We'll think of something, Carter. Don't worry we'll get the fucker down there. You're sister will be avenged." The voices trailed off as they discussed whether or not they could or should bring Holden along as well; but the boys voices faded out before Holden could detect what their consensus was; but he didn't figure it could be good. "Who was that?" Sean asked. "My cousin that lives in that house I showed you, Carter Mackey, and one of the older Mackeys from James III clan. Don't know for sure what they were talking about, but I figure we shouldn't go back to my house just yet." "Yeah, and not to those other houses, either." "I got an idea, if you're up for it," Holden suddenly said, but with an expression of mischief that didn't quite match the just-passing brush-with-danger, in part because the whole time his mind had been turning over the observation made by Sean earlier. "What?" "Well, despite those two guys, and we at least know where they are, like you said - no one else is about. That includes Camden, and since Will is on the Council, then he and Hollis are down there too." "So?" "So, my dad'll kill me, but I always wanted to try it just once." "What?" Holden sheepishly added, "Wanna steal some pot and smoke it out in my treehouse. Just once. And we can't tell anybody!" Sean wasn't sure about this, but it was the sixties, and what adolescent - or near-adolescent - boy did not want to try it? At least once. "What if we get caught?" "Well, at worst - at worst - Will will give us a thrashing, but just once and then would probably be cool about it. Hollis wouldn't be happy, but he wouldn't do anything to us. Camden would just tell us off. But I promise, there's no way Will and Camden, at least, are even around." Sean thought about it and then smiled. It was kind of an adventure. "OK, cool, let's do it." And the boys took off down the trail. "Hey, Holden," Sean thought at some point, "So Carter has a sister?" "Yeah . . . .Bea; but I don't know what all that was about." Oh shit. "Bea, like, short for Beatrice?" "Yeah, you know her?" Oh shit, shit, shit. Why didn't he listen to Jake and completely avoid Kurt? "Um . . . . no. Not really. Let's just not get caught, OK?" "What, you think I want my dad finding out about this? We won't get caught." They were heading out in the 1968 summer heat to Hollis Mackey's still and 'experimental' farm, and along the way Holden added hopes of pinching a bit of moonshine from the 17 year old semi-hippy, in addition to just lifting some pot. Hollis had just last year begun growing some high quality marijuana, but had also been experimenting with several kinds of hallucinogens out in one of his fields, though they knew enough to avoid those. The problem was neither boy knew how to pick, roll, or smoke weed (or, to be honest, even identify it). So, the more the boys talked about it, the less certain they were about how or whether to do any of it. "Well," Holden said, finally giving in to his hesitations, "We could just steal some 'shine. We know how to drink that." Sean agreed, but Holden soon came to a stop. "Is this Hollis's place?" Sean asked. "No," Holden said, looking uncertain and somewhere between gathering courage and making up his mind. "But if we're gonna steal some 'shine, Elijah's got the best in the county, or so I hear. And I'd rather steal from that nasty old codger than Hollis, just to spite Elijah." "Uh, won't he be mad?" "Yeah, real mad if he found out somebody came on his property, much less took somethin'. But he won't ever know who, and he'll hate that even more." "Uh, you really think we should be making him mad?" "Absolutely," Holden said with a devious smile that was a foreign intrusion on his normally good natured face. "But every year during the Choosing, least since he left the Council, he takes a batch of Shine down to the Tavern and likes to sit there and gloat that his stuff is better than anything anybody else brought. He won't be around here; Elijah don't ever miss an opportunity to best somebody. Though I heard there was booby traps." "Booby traps?" "Come on, can't be anything that would kill us. It'll be fun!" So they took a detour off the path through to where Elijah Mackey's still sat. Elijah was only 24 at the time, but far advanced in his embittered and evil ways. He had no use for any of Clarence's grandchildren - damn religious nuts as most of that family was - and he certainly had less than zero tolerance for strays from the other side of Indian Spring. He had put two loads of rock salt into the fleeing behinds of two such boys last year (Peter Kemp and Kevin Seidel), though those two had never found the actual still. But Holden was in a sort of rebellious phase at the moment. This phase was only a few months in the making and was about to be snuffed out by his dad, Randall, but unfortunately that wasn't soon enough. Holden looked to see that no one was around and advanced into the clearing, the same clearing that 12 years into the future would be charred into an instant graveyard by an explosion from the still. Sean followed behind him, scared to be doing this, of course, but excited none-the-less. Honestly, this was practically Holden's backyard; what could really go wrong here if he was with a Mackey? As they went into the shed, neither boy had any idea, as indeed only two men did, of the over 2800 gold Double-Eagle coins just a few feet below the floorboards under their own feet. They each grabbed a couple jars of moonshine off a shelf and stepped out of the shed - and right into Elijah Mackey, none too pleased to see thieves, and one of them a non-Mackey. Even more odious to the 24 year old's sense of honor was that this thief had actually been led here by a Mackey. The young man looked as mean and evil as the reputation that preceded him. Holden screamed and dropped his two mason jars and ran away - unfortunately straight right into 22 year old Titus Mackey. Both boys were caught and held by the two men. "Well, well, thievin' leetle sheeits, whatchya spose we do with'em Elijah?" Titus drawled out. "Have some fun." Elijah said, with a slowly forming evil grin. And in all bone-chilling seriousness added, "I say we fuck'em. Ain't today the day to do it?" "Why it shore is." Sean couldn't believe these men could be serious, except Holden knew them both and he looked terrified. The boy looked scared shitless, like they might actually do it; but then Holden knew how evil Elijah was and that Titus wasn't above rape. It wouldn't have been Titus' first time. Hell, it wouldn't even have been Titus' eleventh time, if you counted two date-rapes before he was shipped out, and three women, two girls, and four boys while serving over in Viet Nam. He had crossed the line once too often, though, and got found out by a soldier that didn't share his views. Titus tried to intimidate the barely 18 year old boy, but the boy figured he didn't come all the way around the world and risk his life just to abandon his principles and those of his country. The army agreed, and Titus was sent back to the States, dishonorably discharged. He only escaped a full trial owing to the unforeseen coincidence that the same boy who would testify was blown up by a landmine just the day prior to his deposition. "No, Titus! Don't do this!! You can't do this!!" 13 year old Holden screamed desperately. "Ain't nobody gonna believe you, boah, if ya e'en tole, and Ah'll bet knowin' evybody else will know yer a bottom, if they did believe ya, means ya prolly aint e'en gonna tell." He had a point. Holden knew it, and Titus knew he knew it. "And we'd just tell everybody anyway we caught the two a'you a fuckin' each other like rabbits," Elijah added, "and maybe we'll just say those other three fuckers you like were doin' you too, but they got away." Sean knew that Elijah meant Hal, Michael, and Seamus, and he sorely didn't want to get them into trouble. But these were grown men! And he had never had anything up his bottom before, except a 12 year old boy's finger!! Unfortunately he could see they were dead serious on their intent. It was no bluff, as Elijah reached into the shed and grabbed a dirty, much-used tin of Vaseline and dragged Sean over to a table where Titus was headed with Holden. "Dayum!" Titus yelled out to the open air, "this is gunna feel so fuckin' good! An even betta that yous the sonuh Randall, dat piuhs fuckuh'!! Bustin' his own boah's cheerry, sweet heben aliv, this gonna be fine!!!" Titus hated Randall, though the feeling was mutual, and breaking Randall's own son's virgin hole, abusing that boy, and shooting loads of manseed into his tight, smooth, mighty fine ass all the while he's screaming, that put the hardest boner in years in Titus' pants. Oh, how he hoped the boy would scream! Titus threw the boy hard on the table and grabbed for the waist of his pants. "If you do it everyone will know! They're expecting us at The Choosing!" Holden screamed out, desperate to latch onto anything that could save him. "Yes!" Sean yelled, equally desperate to second any plan that could get them out of there, even though he had no idea what 'The Choosing' would REALLY mean to his ass, but at this point he didn't care. "The Choosing! We're gonna be late for it!!" "How old are you, boy?" Elijah asked Sean. "12." "Ain't no Mackey, tho." Titus exclaimed, still wanting to fuck some tight boypussy and tightening his grip on the waistband of Holden's pants and underwear, his curled fingers feeling that tease of the upper curves of the boy's soft virgin 13-year ass, increasing Titus' desire to rip them down and see that pussy with his own eyes. But he was worried now that he was seeing Elijah lose his resolve. Elijah had just told him about the deal cut last year between Hal Tucker and Titus' own brother Bart, who was head of the council then, and still was. The deal brokered said no more non-Mackeys could be coerced into a Choosing or held to it even if the boy went willingly. And the deal clarified that a non-Mackey was anyone not directly represented in a Kinset. And Titus pointed this out. "So he cain't be in no Choosing." "My great-grandfather's a Mackey!" Sean protested, and Titus mimicked him immediately afterward before slapping him hard across the face and telling him he didn't give a shit. "You know some of these near-Mackey shitpricks want the favors that come with being a Mackey, so the best way they do it is get in a Choosing and hope they don't get picked." Elijah observed. "You see a few Outside Mackeys doing it ever so often." "Ah still say we fuck these tight nahce butts here!" Titus said and then squeezed a handful of Holden's ass for emphasis. Nobody had touched him there since the last time his mom washed him, and that was about 8 years ago. But the shock of that squeeze was mostly only physical, the mental turmoil was knowing he couldn't stop what was about to happen, that even screaming out, as he had no doubt that he would be, would do no good, because, as Sean already pointed out, there was no one around. The worst was the psychological trauma that would begin even moments before his asshole was ripped open by the big adult-sized dick, and that trauma would last for decades. This wasn't like being turned into a Bottom by his age mates in a time honored ceremony with rules, this was just wanton rape and torture. And he was defenseless. Holden's heart was beating at about 150, and he couldn't decide if there was too much blood going to his head, forcefully bent over the table as he was, or not enough blood, since he was so scared he might pass out, cry, and pee his pants all at once. Sean wasn't doing any better, except that he already was crying. This was going to hurt, bad; getting fucked up the ass for the first time and by two adult dicks that belonged to even bigger dicks who could care less how the boys felt about all of it. "Still, fuckers might be tellin' the truth." Elijah said hesitantly. One thing that the boys had going for them was that even in his own evil Elijah was a coward when it came to pursuing it to a logical conclusion. But he certainly wouldn't have stopped anyone else from doing it, and even would have loudly claimed the boys deserved it. But now he was thinking of the other boys at Old Knot, and what they would say if they really were awaiting the two wayward boys. "Don't really wanna run the risk of going against the traditions right now." Titus saw Elijah put down the Vaseline, and he could see the other young man change his mind. It was in his eyes. Talk about a fuckin' pussy!! Damn invertebrate Elijah and his stupid rules and traditions. He never was any fun. Still, without Elijah on board, Titus couldn't go through with this and get away with it. He knew how these things worked. He again tightened his grip around the waistband of Holden's pants and underwear; but instead of jerking them down, he jerked them up, giving a nasty rapid wedgie-like impact to the young boy's balls. Holden's body was jerked up along with the pants and he was flung off the table and onto the ground, hitting it with a thud that knocked the breath out of him. While he was squirming on the ground trying to get his breath back and feeling the sudden pain in his balls rush to his head, Titus pulled his heavy booted-foot back and kicked the boy in his butt as hard as he could, just when Holden was struggling to get up. The kick sent him sprawling several feet away across the dirt, writhing now in pain both from his butt that absorbed most of the impact, and again from his balls, which also caught a bit of the kick. "Get up, pisa-sheit, fore I givya nother kick." And Titus meant it, too. He was angry about having lost that treasured opportunity to fuck such a nice tight, virgin ass, and one belonging in Randall Mackey's family, as well. "Wer gonna make shur you two don' get los' on yore way t'The Chewsin." Titus reached down and grabbed Holden's ear and yanked him up the rest of the way and dragged the boy after him. Elijah reached out and grasped Sean the same and dragged him along as well, with Sean still unsure what he just stepped into. But he knew what he had just escaped from, so it couldn't be worse. He just tried to keep up and not stumble too much, as he couldn't see where he was going really, and didn't want to lose an ear in falling down. Holden tried to loosen Titus' grip on his ear, but the big, ferocious bully just slammed his head into a tree a few times, all without letting go of the ear, until Holden got the point not to fight it, and they continued on the trail down to Old Knot where the ceremony was held. They stuck to the back paths so that they wouldn't cross any of the homes of the Andrew Clan or the Havers, what was left of them in Indian Spring, so that Holden never could call out for help. But shortly before arriving to Old Knot, Titus handed off his charge to Elijah, who grasped the boy just as strongly by the ear, and reminded Elijah that no one was supposed to know, yet, that he was back early from Viet Nam, at least until he could figure out how to present it. And with that, Titus disappeared down another path. Elijah nodded to the other man and continued on his way with the struggling and pleading boys, ignoring them, smiling and thinking only what a great pleasure this would be. They could already hear the excited voices of boys from the Choosing, and just a short while later the three burst upon the scene, to the astonishment of many and the smiles of a few who loved seeing a plan come together. The 1968 Choosing had started the same as most: with the Choosing List. Not every boy who was going to be 12 at the time of the Choosing made it on to the List. Some were overlooked, like Holden, in deference to key families who had certain strong beliefs against the Choosing; some were actually literally forgotten, until the List was actually made, and as long as they didn't happen to show up on the day in question, they were exempt. In those cases the Council usually still voted them all rights and privileges anyway. The same with the boys who had older brothers or other strong defenders that managed to keep them off the list, or pull them off the List after the first draft. Lastly, a boy whose brother was chosen the year or two before, might similarly be exempt. But even still, some of these boys were put on the List anyway, just to make the show more fun. So after the first draft was presented and argued over, giving many a 12-year-old early ulcers, hoping their brothers, defenders, or key Council members could keep them off the List, a final List was presented to the community on July 1st. Anyone with vacation plans without prior approval would be an automatic Bottom. Anyone who did not show up would be an automatic Bottom. So it was a long two weeks of speculation for the unfortunate boys on the now public List. There was no speculation over whether or not they would be there, that part was a given; but rather who would be Chosen. And, of course, each poor boy on the List would be ribbed and joked with by his friends, all in good spirits, over whether or not they would get to have a piece of his ass, as though it were birthday cake, on the day of his Choosing or have to wait for a few days more. Unfortunately every boy there knew the very real possibility of his actual friends, even best friends, eventually giving in and enjoying his ass. Sometimes with great regularity. It happened quite often, and it was considered both the norm and healthy for the Bottom to understand that it was nothing personal. He had a community role to fill. But until then, it was one more stressor every boy on the List had to deal with in the best humor he could until the actual dreaded day. This year, 4 or 5 boys never made it on to the List, though no-one was pulled off after the first draft. It contained 7 boys, none from Andrew or Oliver's lineages: Jake Mackey [7th Kinset] - son of Garrett, son of Abner, son of David Reed Mackey [7th Kinset] - son of Fielding, son of Cicero, son of Douglas Stephen Jacobs [7th Kinset] - son of Walter, son of Gloria, dau. of Douglas Cain Jacobs [7th Kinset] - son of Mark, son of Gloria, dau. of Douglas Justin Mackey [3rd Kinset] - son of Kenneth, son of Tate, son of Seldon, son of Thom Corey Sanders [10th Kinset] - son of Jameson, son of Stanley, son of Beatrice Lucas Redd [6th Kinset] - son of Cassandra, dau. of Thomas, son of Robert Jr. All the boys were from James' lineage, which was understandable, given that the bulk of the Mackey's in Indian Spring were descended from James Mackey. But what bothered the boys was the number, not so much how many came from which sub-clan. Because there was a total of 7, the possibility became all the more real that TWO Mackeys would be Chosen this time, putting even extra fear into the boys (although once Chosen, it was always a relief to have another Bottom or two to ease the burden of the community hormones, even if it was your best friend). So the List was made and everyone eagerly anticipated the Choosing Day two weeks away. Bets were under way, both among the fathers at the Tavern, and on the sly amongst a few boys --- very much on the sly, as betting on the outcome was strictly prohibited amongst any boys who could vote. It was also strictly prohibited for fathers to discuss their bets with their sons, just to keep the Choosing a more honest one. Pretty much all the fathers adhered to this, and most of the boys. The most common bettings were quiet ones between close friends or relations, but at the taverns, the bettings became loud and boisterous, especially when the fathers or uncles of the Listees were present. On the day before, each potential Bottom was typically sent to spend the night at another house within his Clan. He would be assigned an older boy from that household, and an older boy from a different Clan to safeguard him and make sure he didn't get lost on the way to the Old Knot. This was the rule, but where there was an older brother campaigning for his brother (for or against his becoming a bottom), the 'guards' usually hung back and let the older brother bring the Listee into the Clearing at Old Knot. All boys were to be in the area no later than 9:15 am; a check mark was placed on the candidate for every minute he was late by the official watch of the current President. Since every check mark was a public blow job, boys usually arrived well in advance of that, upwards to half an hour early. Regardless of when they arrived, upon entering the Clearing, the boy was officially recognized to all the observers and welcomed to the Choosing. He would be asked if he accepted in advance the rules as they would be later read and posted, as well as the outcome, whether or not he was Chosen. The boy either said yes, he accepted both, or had his shirt removed to receive a checkmark that was publicly announced to represent his acceptance. He was then told to immediately strip off his clothes and take his place along one of the padded logs set at an average waist-high for a 12 year old. He was to bend over the log and present his naked butt (legs spread 2 feet apart) to the stands where his fellow Mackeys would sit in observation and judgment of the ceremony, the same Mackeys who would later vote for the best ass, or boy, to fill in as Community Bottom for 1 - 3 years. Any opposition along the way by the candidate would result in a checkmark, each checkmark again being a public blow job to be given that morning following the Choosing, in front of everyone, and on a boy that could produce sperm --- not just clear semen. There had to be actual sperm, and plenty of it, being swallowed. The Checkmark Rules started in 1938 with Kevin Mackey, and if giving a public blowjob wasn't enough to scare a boy into behaving right, it only got worse. If you received 5 checkmarks, then you automatically got publicly fucked, once for every checkmark, regardless of whether or not you were picked as a Bottom. If you got picked as Bottom AND had five or more check marks, then you had to serve two years minimum as a full Bottom, no exceptions. Additionally, if you got over a certain number of checks, called the Magic Number, then you would not only owe that many public blow jobs that morning, but you would also have to give that many blow jobs to every boy who signed your back. These blowjobs would have to be given on demand, even if in public (if only boys were around, though special exceptions to allow it in front of girls were often applied for to the Council - and granted). Those blowjobs would have to be given, again whether picked or not, within the year - and could be asked for at any time during that year. The Magic Number was unknown to anybody until after the voting, as it was figured up by the number of regular voting boys present divided by the number of boys on the Choosing Line. So it depended on how many boys bent over and how many with regular voting rights showed up. Of course, to add to the uncertainty and 'fun', the President could raise or lower the magic number by deciding whether to count official Council Observers (since actual board membership was limited to five, based on the agreements with Hal Tucker last year) as special voters or regular voters. Council Members themselves were not regular voters, as each of their votes counted as two. On top of that, 19 year old Mackeys could come and watch the proceedings, but they could not vote. So no one, including the President, really knew what the Magic Number would be until everything was tallied in the end. Suffice it to say, no one wanted check marks, but part of that depended on how much the Master of Ceremonies, virtually always the current president, wanted to give out checkmarks. That was balanced both by the mood of the audience and the older brothers of the boys being bent over. However the President decided, conservatively or liberally, in applying checkmarks to bodies, it absolutely had to be equal measure against all the candidates. No favoritism was tolerated toward checkmarks or other punishments, with one exception involving amnesty. The President was, however, allowed to publicly and openly push for one boy over another to be Chosen as Bottom, trying to sway the votes, or even offer protection where he could. In this aspect, there was no wrong in playing favorites, within certain rules. And on that day in 1968, the first to arrive was Jake Mackey. He had come early to try to get a chance to talk to Bart, wondering if the Council President would still offer him protection. Despite his anger and guilt at what he had done, Jake did still do what Bart had asked in agreement of protection from being Chosen. Among the President's powers was that he could vote last (or actually, he could vote whenever he felt like it), offer amnesty for one checkmark or one punishment (the only exception to favoritism among checkmarks/punishments), and change the length of time that each ass was highlighted in the presentation. He could put on a show for one, and give only the rudimentary effort for another. Although, even here, excesses could, and usually would, be protested by one or more of the rest of the Council Members. Another issue was that Council Members did not have to vote FOR a Bottom. If they did, it was two votes for a Member and three votes for a President, though they could not split their votes among candidates. Alternatively, they could vote an exemption, by writing it, along with their names, on the boy's back. (Votes were cast by the voting boys who would visit a presented bottom, check out the ass and the boy, and eventually write their name on the back of the boy that they wanted Chosen.) If writing an exemption, then 3 votes would be SUBTRACTED from the boys tally for each Council Member that elected to vote this way on his back, and 5 votes would be subtracted if it was the Coucil President doing so. The boy's own sponsor could also write an exemption, though it would only subtract two votes. One more issue was that the President could change his vote before closing out voting, IF there was still at least one more regular vote to be cast. And he could interrupt the voting at any moment to tally votes, and thus try to change voting behaviors by eliminating the mood for futile candidates and concentrating on the leaders, especially if he wished to protect one with fewer votes and favor one who was running up a nice tally. It worked even better if the more precarious Bottom also had more than a couple of checkmarks and risked the Magic Number, as the more boys names on his back meant the more blow jobs he would give. Jake felt guilty asking for these favors from Bart, knowing the shame he had caused himself and his family in what he had done to achieve favor. But since what was done was done, and he really didn't want to be a bottom, Jake still decided to try for it. The only problem was that Bart wouldn't talk to him. When Jake got a little bit more boisterous about it, he earned himself a checkmark. "Now," Bart said, finally, but after drawing the checkmark on his chest, "are you going to behave and be quiet, or do you need another one?" Jake was in shock. And scared. But he had the presence of mind to shut up. It was futile at this point. "I'll be quiet." It was a meek and defeated whisper that came out of Jake, but Bart nodded to the shaken boy's acquiescence and sent him over to a log and told him to bend over and present his nice virgin ass to the audience. He wasn't there by himself for long, as Corey Sanders had also arrived early. Corey was an Outer Mackey and lived farther away and didn't want to take the chance of being late. Shortly after his arrival he was also stripped naked and his slightly pinker plump butt on display. His nuts, as could be seen just like Jake's dangling between their legs, were larger, though just as hairless. But where Jake's nuts hung down white in a smooth sac that had the same creamy texture and color as the skin going up to and fading into his white cheeks on display, Corey's balls were drawn up more and already darkening to a deeper reddish brown than his slightly pink bottom; and they were no longer smooth, already developing some of the rugae of early adolescence. Jake looked over, hoping to have someone to commiserate with him and share this tortuous existence, but Corey Sanders looked like he didn't much care what was happening to them. Jake had seen Corey's ass before, and he felt the boy probably should be very much concerned; it still looked more like a prepubescent boy's plumper ass than a preteen's developing one. Despite how calm the otherwise growing boy looked, Corey was embarrassed, to be sure, as any 12 year old would be, but he was only half there, as his much of his mind was concerned with a cousin who was far away and in a much more dangerous situation than the one in which he found himself on Choosing Day. His cousin had been through Choosing Day, as well. If his cousin could do it, Corey steeled himself, then he would too. Next came Lucas Redd, 12-years-old like the others and a great-grandson of Robert Mackey, Jr., through Robert, Jr.'s oldest boy Thomas. He was the youngest of four children (three boys) of Cassandra Mackey and Gregory Redd. Lucas' oldest brother, Peter, was 21 and finishing an engineering degree at the State college. Peter was just starting to get serious with Ruth Mackey, who was the technical 'aunt' of Elijah Mackey, even though Elijah was a year older. One of the things that Ruth liked best about Peter was that he was one of the few Mackeys his age who never shot a load up her little brother Solomon's backside. Peter was lucky among the three Redd boys in that there had been no Choosing Ceremony the year he was 12. Solomon had been picked the year before as Community Bottom, and Peter's friend, poor Butch Wilson, was Chosen the year after in 1960, in an 'unofficial' ceremony. Peter never fucked either of the two. (Peter Redd was actually named after Butch's father, Peter Wilson, who was highly decorated in World War II, specifically for a series of actions in which he saved his whole company, which included Gregory Redd [Peter and Lucas' father], and still exceeded mission goals. All three of Peter Wilson's boys later went on to serve in Viet Nam, and by this point in 1968, George, the oldest, was already back home with a Purple Heart; Dennis, the middle boy, was killed the year before; and Butch, the youngest, was still serving. If he had been home, Butch would soon be celebrating his 20th birthday; although, before he 'officially' turned 20, he would have first stood in the Ceremony to protect his little cousin, Corey Sanders. Although their fathers were first cousins, the dads had been raised as brothers, and the older cousins looked after the younger ones.) Peter's younger brother, and Lucas' next to oldest brother, Everett, wasn't so lucky. He went through a Choosing three years ago, about two years after Hollis and Will Mackey (who was now a Council Member) restarted the official Ceremonies, and he was chosen as the Community Bottom for a three year service which ended yesterday. Everett would be at the ceremony, probably, but he wouldn't come with Lucas. Instead, Lucas was escorted to the Ceremony by two of his cousins, 14 year old Logan Mackey and his 13 year old brother Drake, both of whom also had the honor of being the last to shoot their sperm deep into 15-year-old Everett Redd's rectum the night before. Logan was already a well-respected boy among his age mates and thought to be the probable Council representative for the 6th Kinset of the Mackeys in one or two years (he would, in fact become a Council Member in 1970 and then its President from '71-'73). He had told Lucas that should the small boy be Chosen, Logan had already secured a deal that would allow Drake to be the first one to take Lucas' ass. Once Drake hit his climax and unloaded the day's first sperms into the young virgin, he would gain special rights for three whole years. Lucas gulped. He had kind of been hoping that since his older brother had been Chosen three years ago, that he might end up somewhat exempt. But that definitely was not to be the case; and the cute, freckled, still hairless boy (except for the exceedingly dark black hair on his head) stripped off in front of the growing crowd of appreciative onlookers, now knowing that not only was he open game - he was completely open. As he bent over and took his place next to the checked-out Corey, he spread his legs and felt the cool air blow through the slightest part in his tight, compact ass. The slight crevice held an unprotected hole that every boy could just imagine was there and equally know that no one was going to stand up for it to protect it. Lucas gulped again. He tried to imagine what it would feel like when his fair-haired cousin in puberty, Drake, stepped up to slide his erection into and through that dark mysterious gate that heretofore Lucas had only been familiar with in wiping. He tried to imagine it, but he just couldn't go there; except he had no doubt that he would become well acquainted with what it felt like to be entered by Drake on a daily basis, if he was chosen. He liked Drake, and Drake was a generally nice cousin, which helped since they lived next door; but he also knew that Drake would be over at his house every day --- no, that wasn't quite right, Drake was nice, but horny as all get-out: He knew that Drake would be over at least twice a day to slide it in, pump him and cum deep inside for the whole time he was Community Bottom. Every single day, for all three years. An immense shiver of fear of the known unknown went through the smaller boy. About that time, though, Kurt Mackey showed up with his little brother Justin in tow. Justin was on the list and would have preferred that his oldest brother Mason be allowed to bring him in. But Mason was in the same Choosing that Everett had been in and met a similar fate. While Everett was made a Community Bottom three years ago, Mason was made a limited Bottom, meaning not just any boy could have him, certain boys could have limited or unlimited access to his anus. One of those boys was his conniving little brother Kurt. Only 11 years old at the time, Kurt nonetheless understood the politics of community and worked his way legally into pretty much owning his big brother's ass - literally. And now that Mason's time was completely up, Kurt wanted his little brother Justin bent over the same way. And Justin was no fool; he knew Kurt was up to something to get his ass, and once he did would fuck it without mercy, pass it around, and generally dominate him. But because Mason was Kurt's sometime bitch, so to speak, Kurt had kept him out of the escort. Kurt had it settled that he and their cousin Carter would bring Justin in - although Carter stayed behind to look for Sean Dawson. Kurt looked over to Bart and signaled him with a nod. Bart looked at Justin and gave an evil smile and nodded back. If Kurt delivered Sean, then Bart was going to make sure Kurt got Justin. Justin would have cried, except he wouldn't give Kurt the satisfaction. The irony was that Kurt had more or less been a fairly decent brother to him over the last few years. They weren't close, and not just because Justin didn't like what Kurt did to Mason, but that had been going on so long he more or less accepted it now. No, they just didn't get along if they were around each other for too long without others there as well, but other than that, he had been fairly decent. At least, that was up until about six weeks ago, and then Justin slowly began to piece together what his immediate future was. He undressed upon arrival to the clearing and headed over to the log benches and bent over next to Lucas, who was a nice kid, and presented his ass to the applause of several of the many boys who had gathered so far. Mason walked into the clearing and passed Kurt without saying anything. It didn't bother Kurt; he would have what he wanted. Stephen Jacobs and Cain Jacobs, who were first cousins and both on the List, came in next with Stephen's brother, 14 year old Jasper Jacobs, and their cousins, 17 year old Gary Sanders and 13 year old Christopher Sanders. Stephen and Cain didn't have much protest; they knew what this was about and were just biding their humiliation until they could get it all over with. Cain, though, being a fairly active/hyperactive kid, was already goofing off and got two checkmarks on his chest before he bent over and turned up that young, fresh, virgin ass. If it wasn't for the social delight in the prospect of making Reed, Justin, and Jake squirm, Bart and a few others might have gone after Cain. Except that Cain might be a bit too rambunctious a fuck even for them. All the same, Stephen, in particular, and also Cain, were fortunate in that Jasper and their close cousins, Gary and Christopher, weren't very interested in having close-at-hand ass to fuck, and just as much preferred that it wasn't their little brother/cousins. They had already rallied quite a few others on their side of the family to give protection to Stephen first, Cain second. But Cain had a nice ass, with an extremely delightful prospect barely hinted at between the luscious cheeks. But he was also a handful; he was even starting to get up again. "Dammit Cain! Do you want to get another check mark?" He did not. That settled him down some. He had, in fact, gotten the second checkmark because he thought the first one was just a joke. Being assured that the rumor of what the checkmarks meant and that the rumor true sobered him for a while. For a while. But not completely. Deecy (another veteran of the 1965 Choosing with Everett and Mason, though faring significantly better) showed up about 5 minutes later with Reed, the last of the boys on the List. With Reed's appearance the friendly bets and lively conversations soared as the 1968 Choosing Ceremony commenced. Reed's hair wasn't as dark as Lucas' such that it would call to either boy or girl to run their hand through it, but the wild curly and wavy thickness of it usually looked as if several people had already been running their hands through it. And he didn't have as many, or as pronounced, freckles on his face, but he had enough that with his button nose and cute/handsome facial features he could turn the heads of anyone interested in pre-puberty, puberty, or post-puberty when he would walk in. Add to that was the cute country accent and his endearing personal qualities, and he was wonderfully likable kid, who had a lot of friends among his many cousins. As he pulled off his shirt, showing his still largely hairless underarms (there were quite literally, two or four hairs if you looked closely) and said low to his brother Deecy, "Prahmis me ah'ain't gonna be a bottom after this, Deecy." "I prom--. . . uh . . . . I . . . . I'm gonna fight for you Reed." "I don' wanna be a bottom, Deecy," Reed said, kicking off his shoes, and then added as he hooked his fingers into both pants and underwear at the same time, "I cain't think'uh nuthin' worse than that." As the pants and underwear were slid down, only Deecy could see the few pubic hairs above his little brother's plump circumcised penis that signaled Reed's full entrance into puberty, though the sight of his nuts from behind, full and bullish, would do that as well. But what everyone else saw, besides those delectable nuts, was what made it so hard for Deecy to make such a promise to his brother. And as Reed bent over and brought his pants and underwear down over that fine, totally fuckable, completely virgin ass, hard is exactly what many boys got. Reed got the loudest cheer of all, and not just because there were more boys there by that point. Deecy walked his now naked little brother over to his position at the logs, and Reed stopped and turned to him and pleaded, one last time, "Least, prahmis me, YOU ain'ever gonna do me none, Deecy." "I done promised you that, Reed. I won't ever mess with you. Now bend over, and put your ass out there like they're all expecting so you don't get any checkmarks." "Hey, Deecy; Hey Reed," the next boy over said, as Reed bent over and got settled into the padding on the waist high log. "Hey, Stephen. Good luck to you. . . . ." Deecy said, as casual as his nervous self could manage. "Damn, Cain, you already have a checkmark on your back?" "He has three," Stephen commented about his first cousin. "There's two more on his chest." "That sucks. Sorry, no pun intended, Cain." "And it's going to be four," Bart said as he walked up and set a large jar of Vaseline down on the log next to Reed. "plus one for you Stephen, if the two of you don't quit being so chatty." Bart then pulled out his marker and made a moderate sized check on Reed's back that shocked Deecy. "What the hell are you doing?" "My job, and watch it Deecy, if you're gonna be his official protector and plead for his case, then any misbehavior from you, and I can punish Reed, got it?" "Yeah, I got it all right. Why did you do that?" Deecy asked, barely able to keep his tone civil. "Reed was the last to show up - almost late - and took his sweet time talking to you before he bent over." Deecy opened his mouth to protest, but Will Mackey stepped up and put a hand on his shoulder and said, "It's fair, Deecy; you aren't the only brother who has tried to protect a younger one. But if you fight it, Reed will be the one that gets punished." Deecy held his tongue and nodded at Will. But he was still angry. "Sorry, Reed," Deecy told his brother with some sympathy, "but you're now gonna have to give somebody here a blowjob after the Choosing. And in front of every boy." Reed hung his head in futile agony at the thought, but brought it right back up when he felt Bart's greased finger slip into his tight and previous never-invaded anus. He squirmed like he could get away from the sudden weird and foreign intrusion that spread a sense of unease through his body. But he knew he couldn't get away from whatever the hell that was. He felt a strong hand press him down to let him know that he wasn't going anywhere, but that didn't stop Reed from demanding Bart that he get his finger out. It earned him another check, though. Bart pulled out and wiped his finger on Reed's own T-shirt and then proceeded to clean up any excess Vaseline on the cheeks, so that now Reed looked both as naturally perfect as before, yet additionally ready and enticing for a fuck. "Relax Deecy," Bart said. "I'm not singling him out. Said I wouldn't, didn't I? Every boy is getting greased up this year, not just the ones I'm rooting for as Bottom. But if he complains any more, he'll get a lot more check marks, and that won't be good for him. At least he's clean back there." "He's clean." Came a tight answer from Deecy that only barely contained his anger. Like all the boys, Reed had cleaned up the night before with an enema, which was repeated in the morning, and had a shower that morning with increased concentration on getting the hole and ass clean. The practice started years ago in the early 20's when several of the mothers wanted to be sure their sons advertised their family properly by being perfectly clean back there, especially those families who were seeing money roll in from the dads' moonshining operations (like Mary Dooley Mackey and Adeline Mackey Havers, whose husbands were the biggest competitors in the county, although friendlier to each other than the wives were. Jareth Mackey ran the biggest and most successful operation in the state, keeping Chicago well supplied during the Prohibition, but Darius Havers gave him a run for his money in supplying Cleveland.) But at the moment, Reed was worried about a completely different moon shining - his own full moon. "I cain't b'lieve he put that stuff on me," Reed complained, though very quietly and he waited until Bart was already down to Lucas and enjoying the feel of his finger in that hot and especially tight ass. Something about the midnight hair on the boy's head made Bart want to delve even deeper into his other dark areas. So Bart didn't hear anything Reed said. "Deecy, take a look; tell me whut it looks like." Deecy did, and he felt more than guilty when he got hard at the sight open to him; but it was even harder to not gasp. "Wale, Deecy?" It was enough of an answer when Reed looked aside and saw his brothers pants immediately stretched out, but worse when he heard the tremor in the voice he was trusting to get him out of this. "Sorry, Reed; I don't know how to tell you rightly; but you look pretty damn good back there." Reed put his head down on the log where he was bent over and just moaned out quietly. "Aww, shoot." Bart had gotten down to Jake and set the jar of Vaseline on the log, right next to the boy, just to be sure he didn't miss it. "Please don't do this, Bart," the boy pleaded in hushed strains of a whisper born out of desperation." Only Bart and the next boy in line, Corey Sanders, heard it; but Bart simply replied that it was his turn. Every other boy was getting the same. "But you promised to protect me, not the other way around." Jake said, with a loss of hope and sadness on his voice. "Did I? It seems I would have remembered that. Or at least had something to show for it." Bart said, in a somewhat mean tone, threatening the boy as it were to go any further with this. He scooped up fairly large scoop of Vaseline and said, "At any rate, who says I'm out to get you? You're just getting the same treatment as everyone else." "Then how come you're working almost three times as much Vaseline up his butt?" Corey finally asked, feeling sorry for Jake as the other boy looked straight ahead and shed a tear, not so much for what he was about to become - a Mackey Bottom, though there was that fear, but for what he had become in the process of trying to avoid it. He had helped to try and set-up Sean Dawson. He had become just a low-down, dirty kid the same as Kurt. Only difference was that Jake had a conscience. Bart gave Corey a look that warned the boy to shut up as he worked goop after goop in and around Jake's hole, eventually slipping a second finger in and ignoring the sharp intake and cry of the boy that was still trying to get used to the longer-digit finger-fuck that Bart had been giving him. As soon as he felt the tip of that second finger slide in next to the first and open up that hole, Jake began to move up on to his tip-toes, getting higher and higher as he felt the full entry and width of the two fingers moving in to their base, opening him up more than anything in the past ever had, except a momentary bowel movement, but those always went out, not in; and they almost always lasted less than a few seconds at most. This foreign feeling came from another boy in control of his ass, and it was relentlessly headed in; even when it did tease and start to head out, Jake would tense and feel the reverse of direction and the wider base of the two fingers heading back in. It wasn't but after three or four of these and the action of Bart's two fingers speeding up, such that in his attempt to squirm away and escape from the marauders, especially as they began a twisting action, made it actually look like he was trying to fuck himself on the digits. Jake was for all the world trying to not moan out from the very uncomfortable, strange sensations, but he couldn't help from whimpering and crying, something that actually made Kurt happy and was starting to make a few other boys not-so-happy, especially Will. He was a Council Member and one of the closer of Jake's cousins (Will being the older brother of Gus and Frankie). "I think that's enough, Bart." Will said, in an unmistakable tone. In general, the rest of the Council tried to avoid rebuking each other in the presence of an audience, but Bart got the underlying tone. He still had to hang on to his support base; no sense splitting everyone too early. He pulled out and was about to wipe his fingers on Jake's T-shirt, the same as he had done for every boy before cleaning them up to look their virginal best. But then he spied Corey's ass and remember the remark the boy had made. Bart scooped up a bit more of the leftover Vaseline on Jake's cheeks and from around his poor, tired, worked hole and stepped back up behind Corey and without a warning, slobbered the extra leftover goop from Jake's ass around Corey's hole, placed his two middle fingers together at the entrance and shoved them slowly, but straight in, giving little pause before he started a surefire in-and-out on that hole. "OWwwooogghhh!!" Corey yelped and moaned at the unexpected re-violation and discomfort given to him as Bart's two fingers slid in and prepped that hole for something bigger. About 6 fucks in with the finger duo, Bart pulled most of the way out but hooked the two fingers under the stretched anal muscle, not only keeping it fully stretched to its limit, but also pulling it upward, and leaned in to tell the boy: "Maybe, Sanders, you didn't understand that I was being nice to him, seeing how it is fairly likely some big ole dicks are going to be stretching him WIDE open, soon. Perhaps you want me to show everyone your ass is also open and ready for business?" "N-no . . . n-no I d-don't." Corey sure hoped the Viet Namese that Butch was fighting were nicer than Bart. Bart gave one more agonizing tug upward on the hole and then wiped his hands and both their butts on Jake's T-shirt, before tossing it down on the log next to Jake as a way to further psych the boy out. Bart was disappointed that his behind the scenes attempts to get Sean Dawson failed; and he blamed this on Jake, regardless whether the boy did as he was told or not. It still remained to be seen if Kurt's own efforts would be more successful. Meanwhile, Bart pulled out his marker and put a check mark on Corey's back. "That's for the backtalk," Bart simply said, but Corey knew better than to protest it further. Bart stepped back and surveyed the beautiful line of asses; the power that came with this position could be enticing, but the memories of fucking so much delectable behind over the years, a memory elicited by the sight before him, that was both invigorating and intoxicating. He was 18 this year, which meant he could still be elected to another year as Council President; and though he would be too old next year to actually fuck any of the asses that would be before him, he certainly could relish yet another year of deciding their fates. For now, Bart decided he would actively promote Justin, as a promise to be fulfilled to Kurt, especially if Sean showed up, and passively promote Jake, hoping all the while he could swing Reed Mackey into the mix without breaking his word to Deecy. He wasn't sure who he would want more as the second Bottom, Reed or Jake. Bart had, in fact, already proposed that they should take three bottoms this year, but even a couple of his own supporters among the Council Members and Observers balked at that, given that there were only 7 boys on the list. Will pointed out that if they had wanted more, they should have included every 12 year old boy among the Mackey on to the list. Somehow that year, once again, Andrew's descendants were not on the list (though it was known they often had a sub-Ceremony of their own; no one protested this heavily since the fruits of that second ceremony were shared) and that Corey was the only 10th Kinset Mackey, despite their being several possibilities. Bart's argument was that if they first made their own Choosing more fruitful, then perhaps they could get more boys getting their little brothers and cousins onto the list. It showed the hint of swaying a couple of boys, but in the end the most they would yield would be two bottoms for the year. Of course, the way it was decided still left Bart with arguing for a third if Sean did show up. But until that point, he had to decide if he would press for Jake over Reed as the second bottom, or let Fate decide. He was bound by his own word not to press overtly for Reed. "Are we ready, Bart?" Darren Mackey asked. Darren served as the Council Member for the 6th Kinset. Resulting from the 1967 agreement between the Mackeys (represented by then 17 year old Bart) and the Near Spring residents (represented by default by then 13 year old Hal), the Council was now limited to five voting members, including the President, and six non-voting Observers, including a Near Spring Non-Mackey. Of those five regular members and five Mackey observer members, a maximum of one Member per Kinset was allowed in each group; but since there were 10 Kinsets, the Mackey's decided further that each seat could be voted on by only two Kinsets. Darren's seat, therefore, represented Kinset 6, which were the Mackeys down in Witch Hollow, and Kinset 4, which were Very Deep Mackeys from Andrew and Oliver's descendants, as well as a few Havers that had mostly moved away and Joanne's descendants. The 4th Kinset, which Darren was obliged to represent, often found itself allied with either 8 (the near Mackeys) or 10 (the Outside Mackeys who were still in regular communication with the Indian Spring Mackeys). Kinsets 8 and 10 were, in turn, represented by Bart Corbin. Will Mackey, however, the moderating force on the board who kept Bart reined in, represented Kinsets 7 and 9. Kinset 7 was usually considered to be the calmest and most level-headed of the Mackey, and included such families as Abner, Douglas (mostly), Beth Ann, and later Seth and Able. It was the core community with whom Hal, and later his own sons, would interact the most. Kinset 9, though, was an empty Kinset on the Near Side, west of the Drunken Brave, and had been empty for three quarters of a century. Many of the housing lots were still held by the Mackey in trust. There was talk by Percival of taking it along with some Jacobs at the turn of the century, but the Spanish Influenza wiped that out. Clarence had once thought about establishing part of his family there, partly as a 'respectable' move away from the stills that generated his income. Then, later, it was thought that Jane could occupy one of those lots, perhaps moving the stain of her rape and illegitimate child out of sight of the rest of the Mackey; that was actually made official, except she only went deeper, and her child deeper still, as she grew up 'wild.' It was Bart's reasoning that having Sean claimed by the Mackey and put into that Kinset, it could then be consolidated with the Jacobs families who were once again thinking about moving there. All of this was a part of the politics and the reasoning of the Mackeys. And it played nicely into the legacy Bart wanted to leave. But right now, it was time to get the show on the road. "I'm ready, Darren," he said, and then in a louder voice, "Welcome, Boys and Gentlemen, all Kinsets and Tribes; Welcome Mackeys, Sanders, Corbins, and even what remaining Havers are left. Welcome Garvins, Banks, Wilsons, and Redds. In short, Welcome all Mackey to the sixth consecutive annual Choosing Ceremony of this decade!!" A loud and rambunctious cheer went up from around the clearing known as Old Knot (although it technically wasn't a full clearing, but an old growth area of large trees and no underbrush). And from that moment, Bart played the role he did best, a ringmaster for the greatest show of the year. He went through some of the rules, from behavior of the boys to behavior of the bottoms, the meaning of the checkmarks (which elicited more cheers from the boys as they could see that several of the boys already had checkmarks), and discussion of the Magic Number, which would be determined later. But the oral punishments were a side show; the Big Show was the selection and deflowering of not one but TWO 12 year old boys, both of whom would serve a minimum of two years, perhaps longer as receptacles for the experimental, the excess horniness, and the general fun of the Mackey community as a whole. And the showcase started off with poor Jake Mackey. "To start things off with a Bang, boys, I have the perfect ass right here for just that - Banging!" Bart grabbed the boy's cheeks and gave them a squeeze and began to extol the virtues of Jake's ass in particular. He parted those luscious melons and showed the tight virgin hole within, taking care to mention that Jake took a finger better than anyone, and two fingers pretty well, so he was perfect to start off with the bigger dicks out there looking to have virgin stretch slide across and down their hard rods. "Do I have any takers who are ready to sign off on his back to be the first to fuck him? Raise your hands if you're willing to commit your signature right now, and I'll choose a boy from among you to be the first to fuck him. And if he's chosen, you'll get him a guaranteed three years, no limits! And if he's not Chosen, though I don't see how that would happen, you'll get the first blowjob of the ones he'll owe!" Bart was all smiles, putting everyone in the audience at ease with this auction of Jake's ass. It wasn't quite as cruel as it might have otherwise sounded, as almost all the boys present had been in a similar literal position once; just perhaps without anyone rooting so enthusiastically that he get picked. But four boys were willing to raise their hands for the chance to be first to fuck the kid, followed by a fifth boy who slowly raised his hand. "All right! We have four boys; are there any more? . . . . I think I see a fifth hand going up, yes? No? Make up your mind, Ike. . . . . OK, so five boys; anyone else? . . . . . No? . . . . All right, you five, come on down and sign your names, and I'll come up with a fair way to pick from among you." Bart waited until all five boys signed their names and had them stand up in front of the bent-over boys so Jake could see them, as well as everyone else. "Really," Bart said with a bogus surprised tone, "Frankie? Gus? Your own close cousin? I wouldn't have expected it from your side of the family. Oh well, I certainly won't hold that against you." Considering how Bart had once had his own brother Matthew picked and then spent two years giving him a well-fucked ass, it didn't make for any surprises that he approved of this line up. The cousins weren't very happy with Jake once they heard how he was doing sex stuff that he wasn't really into, but doing it just to be able to trap another boy, namely Sean Dawson. They felt this was fitting punishment for him. That and the fact that no one would stand up and speak for him, gave Jake a horrible feeling deep in his bowels that he was going to be feeling lots of things deep in his bowels before the day was out. "All right," Bart announced, "How many of you have ever fucked virgin ass or pussy? I know you have, Emerson, since you took Austin's cherry in last year's ceremony." 14 year old Clifton Mackey raised his hand, "Does it count if it was a girl's ass if she's already been done in front by somebody else?" Everyone else laughed and Clifton blushed. Bart also laughed and said, "Yes, Clifton, that counts. So I'm assuming that's a yes for you. You and Emerson can sit down. Now for you three, how to decide who gets Jake's nice, TIGHT, hot and greased hole? Well I think since he can take it so well it should be a nice sized dick, not too big, not too small. Boys, pull'em out, get'em hard and let's see what you got to fuck with!" Of the three boys, only 13 year old Ike was embarrassed in doing this, but he was already hard when he opened his fly and pushed the front of his pants and underwear down to reveal his 3 ¾ inches of ready dick. 14 year old Gus was also hard and had at least 4 ½ inches ready to stuff Jake's butt to the hilt. Only 13 year old Frankie wasn't yet hard, which was a bit surprising. "Frankie," Bart said, "How about you walk over there and get in Jake's face and have him get you hard so we have a proper comparison?" Frankie walked up to Jake who seemed to be begging Frankie with his eyes not to do this, but Frankie was more than a little pissed at Jake for trying to set Sean up --- and for involving him in the process. Even though it wasn't being publicly acknowledged that Bart had been behind everything, the fact that Jake played a part had spread like wildfire among the cousins. There weren't too many, if any, who felt sorry for him right now. Frankie put the head of his already semi-hard dick and told Jake to take it in and suck it. Jake was still afraid, and still trying not to cry, although he had already shed a few tears, but he opened his mouth and put it around the hardening dick of his cousin, giving it a few experimental sucks before the dick began to grow and elongate and Frankie started to fuck the younger mouth. He didn't do it for long though before he pulled it out and showed Bart and the rest of the boys his 4+ beautiful inches. "Very nice, Frankie, and in some ways almost the perfect dick to start the fucking when . . . . I mean, IF . . . . Jake gets picked, but I think an even better first one for this boy is something just a little longer and a little thicker, so we're going to give the first fuck of this virgin to your older brother Gus!" Several cheers went up and Gus smiled and raised his hands in victory, leaving his hardened dick out in the open for Jake to see and gulp in astonishment that his first time to be opened up was going to be with that thick 14 year old dick! "But that of course," Bart continued, "is IF Jake gets picked. For that we'll need a few more of you to come down and vote for him once we start the general voting. In the meantime, let's move on and meet the rest of the boys. Frankie, why don't you go ahead and finish off inside Jake's mouth." A general cheer went up that supported this surprise directive, and Frankie had no problem complying, but merely reinserted his rod into the slightly experienced mouth and set to pumping it. Over from the sidelines, Emerson and Clifton hadn't given up at least being among the first to fuck that ass and asked Bart how many would get to take Jake at the morning ceremonies. "An excellent question," Bart said and stepped up to behind Corey Sanders and continued, "Why don't we ask the next boy in line, the even more virgin and innocent Corey how many boys should get to fuck Jake today if he gets Chosen. Well Corey?" "Just one," the boy said angrily, not at all happy with the way that Bart was treating Jake. Bart, though, did not care for that answer. As a subtle threat of his intent he ran his hand down Corey's smooth boy-bottom and ran his fingers along the crack, dipping two of them inside, toward the base. "I'm sorry, Corey, I didn't hear how many boys you said should fuck Jake today, how many was that again?" Just as he asked, Bart slipped his two fingers into Corey's hole, twisted them around and pulled them apart to stretch the tender muscle. Corey yelped and tried to leap forward as the intrusion took by surprise and scared him. "Four! Four guys!!" "That's what I thought you said." Bart said out loud as he removed his fingers. "OK, four boys, so after Gus pops his cherry, then Frankie and Ike will have a go. Oh Gus, you can sit down, now, and Ike, since you're kind of left out in the cold, why don't you make use of that dick and Corey's lonely mouth and have some fun? Unless you want another check, Corey?" Bart said the last part low and menacingly so that only Corey could hear, just in time to cut off any protest from the boy. Corey just shook his head and opened his mouth when Ike stepped up. "Suck him good Corey," Bart called out, again in his louder showman's voice, "Ike has some balls on him, so he must have a nice big load of sperm to feed you. Make sure you get it all." Laughing and cheers from the audience showed that most, if not all, the boys were still in the mindset that this was all in good clean fun. "Hey Bart," Emerson called out, "So does Clifton or me get the fourth spot on Jake?" "Clifton, why don't you take it, and then you can tell us how the not-so-virgin by-the-time-you-get-to-him Jake compares to the not-completely-virgin girl you got to enjoy. I hope that was a County girl you were fucking, by the way." Clifton blushed some more, enduring some chuckles making the rounds and a few good natured noogies from the nearby older boys. But everyone's attention quickly shifted back to Bart, though more than a few were watching Frankie begin to speed up and hump closer in to Jake's mouth, the boy struggling to keep swallowing to maintain the dick abusing his oral pathways. And a few more were entranced with the no-longer virgin mouth of Corey Sanders trying to learn to suck Ike's dick and await that boy's own rapidly rising climax. "While we are waiting for Ike to bust a nut in Corey's mouth, everyone can see what a nice and thoroughly Virgin ass Corey Sanders has. But I want you to keep something in mind when you are voting. You all know that my own brother Titus is overseas in Viet Nam, fighting those dirty yellow cowards, and he won't have a chance to come back until next year." Everyone nodded, even though most of them did not share the base racist opinions of the Viet Namese as Bart held, and they knew that the irony was that Titus was about the dirtiest sort of human being that could be. And there were several boys that knew the rumors of Titus' part in the rape of Hester back in 1960, and they figured that that was what true cowardice was really about. The boy who agreed the most with Bart, but was despite this one of the nicest of the whole group, was Dong-Yul Mackey, Prentiss Mackey's surprise son from the Korean War. But the boys still gave their quite attention to Bart: "Well, you may also know that Corey, though he's doing a great job here sucking Ike's hard dick, his mind is on someone like a brother, who is also fighting the Viet Cong right now. And I'm pretty sure Butch Wilson would be here right now, otherwise, sticking up for Corey. For that matter, Corey's older brother Colin would, too, if he were here; I'm certain. I understand, though, that Colin just couldn't bring himself to come down today. He was closer than anyone to Dennis Wilson; and it's been a rough eight months for him since Dennis was killed. So keep all that in mind, when you vote." Bart effectively killed the mood in anyone that would otherwise have voted for Corey and that delicious ass he was squirming around and showing off unintentionally. He was squirming because he was trying to keep up with Ike as they both did a dance around that dick-in-a-mouth hot potato, but the hair trigger on the 13 year old boy was finally reached and he exclaimed out loud he was cumming just as he shot a small load into the prior virgin 12 year old mouth. Poor Corey was momentarily confused as he had never before expected to have another boy's semen shot into his mouth. As he felt the warm, slightly salty incoming load, he swirled it around the still jerking dick hesitantly at first, before swallowing it down and continuing a suck and swallow motion on the last dying spasms of the rubbery hard boy flesh that his tongue bathed. Finally Ike pulled out, panting and slipping his pants and underwear back up over his dick and balls, just catching a bit of a cool breeze blowing over the still-wet shaft. "Wow, Corey! That was . . . . . that was fucking incredible! I almost wish I had put my name on your back!" "Well, too late for that, Ike," Bart said as Corey blushed from the 'compliment.' Bart sent the dazed Ike back to the general audience and was about to move on to the next boy in line when Frankie announced his own impending orgasm into his little cousin's mouth. "FUCK . . . gyaaalleeee . . . . mmmmmnngghhhaaahhhmmmm cuummmmmnngggahhhhh . . . . . . ngahhh . . .mmm .. fffffffuccccckkkknnnghhhaahhh . .. . . . nnnghh . . . . nngghh . .. . . . .nngghah . . . . shhhh . . . .nngghh ?.. shhiitt . . . . . .. . . . . . man . . . . . . . fuckin . . . . swallow . . . . .all that . . . . . . . ." "Wow, Frankie," Bart said, getting back-up cheers and laughter from the audience, "I guess that felt pretty good." "Oh hell yeah," Frankie said with a smile and pulled out, and then leaned down and whispered into his humiliated cousin's ear, "So now you'll always know what it tasted like for Sean when you tricked him into blowing me. My only regret right now is that I cain't make you do this every week for the next year." He straightened up and steadied himself for a moment before tucking himself back in and going back to the rest of the boys, getting high fives and back slaps. "Moving on," Bart called out, "Next we have the very fine and quite compact and tight ass of Lucas Redd. I bet it's even tighter and more velvety smooth than Everett was on his best days. On top of that, while you're fucking this tight pussy, you can imagine all the different shapes those connect-the-dot freckles on his face will make as he moans and groans out each and every pounding. But the first claim to this ass, should this ultra-fine example of boyhood be chosen, has already been made. Vote for this boy and you will get to see his cousin, 13 year old Drake, make the first of what I'm sure will be many, probably daily, penetrations of the actual darkest recesses of the boy. Drake Mackey, come on down and sign your name to claim the boy - or at least the best part of him!!" Cheers and applause accompanied the smiling, tall, good-looking 13 year old as he came down to sign his name in black marker on his little cousin's back. Then he leaned down and whispered, "Nothin' personal or anything, Lucas. I mean, but you shouldn't have such a real nice ass. If you're gonna get picked and all, I wanna be sure it's me that gets to have the most fun up inside there. And damn if I already can see you're gonna be ten times as much fun as your brother Everett was to fuck." Drake returned to the audience, leaving a blushing and almost shaking Lucas behind as everyone stared at the small perfect ass and the super-dark hair on the back of the cute boy's head. Meanwhile, Bart continued on to the next boy in line. "This next boy, I will make no hesitation in announcing my interest in seeing him as first choice for this year's Choosing! I mean, look at the fine ass on Justin Mackey! This is an ass with an easy three years to please all and every cummer. Picture yourself sliding in and holding this boy by the hips and pounding his backside 'til you can feed him deep every ounce of cream you can shoot. Just picture how cute he'll be, begging you to take him deeper and deeper." Justin flushed half in embarrassment, half in anger, but gasped all the same when he felt Bart grab his buttcheeks and squeeze. "Trust me guys, I haven't felt a nicer piece of ass up here yet - although there is a pretty nice and available one that we haven't yet 'cum' to, but you'll have to figure that one out when we get to it. Meanwhile, don't pass up the opportunity to sign your name on this delectable boy, so you can enjoy years of fresh boy pussy. And speaking of which, take a look here:" Bart parted the boy's cheeks and Justin just turned even redder in the face. "Have you ever seen nicer than this Virgin hole? A hole that hasn't even thought about invitations, yet, but one that I can assure you, having had my fingers up here just a short while ago, is quite ready to accommodate any boy here. And his brother Kurt, who has first dibs on busting this cherry, has assured me that Justin is willing to host 5 dicks up his ass this morning. How about we say three right off the bat and then two more after a short break?" It was at this point that Justin was fairly certain he was going to start crying; and it was Mason, his oldest brother, and the one who had been pushed out of the role of protector, who was becoming flushed with anger. Bart stood back straight and just patted the white all-boy bottom with the small scrotum showing between the still-spread legs. "It's just a shame, though, that Justin hasn't earned any check marks, as I'm sure we would all like to see how well he can pucker up and go down on a big one. Maybe we'll be lucky, and he'll finally misbehave before we are all done this morning. But don't let that stop you from registering your vote on his back. Just sign right below Kurt's big 'Handcock'." More laughter came as Kurt stepped down and flourished a large signature on his brother's back. It added a total of 3 points, since Kurt was officially recognized as the boy's Sponsor. Then Bart announced that since, as President, he could actually vote at any time in the process, he was going to show his support for Justin right then, and he signed his own name below Kurt's, bring the boy's tally to +6 points, total. Justin just bowed his head onto the log in knowing defeat. Starting off with six points after just two names, he was a goner, for sure. Bart, however, was already moving on to the next two. He barely did much more than introduce Stephen and Cain and called down their Sponsors, as well as allowing Stephen's brother to come down. Technically Cain didn't have an official sponsor, but Bart allowed two active Bottoms to come down and unofficially sponsor the boy, all the same. Gary Sanders was going to be Stephen's official sponsor, and Christopher Sanders would be one of Cain's two unofficial 'sponsors.' Gary and his little brother Christopher first walked up to a nervous Deecy. Gary carried a lot of weight with the other boys. He was one of the boys that willingly offered himself up, along with Hollis, Camden, Will and the twins back in 1963 to get the Choosing Ceremony restarted and try to bring some peace to an increasingly divided community. It worked, and Deecy knew a that word from Gary would carry weight against his little brother Reed. And he knew that Gary didn't have to cast his vote as an exemption on Stephen, he could show his displeasure with Deecy by voting FOR Reed. "Deecy, I think you know I was never real happy with the number of times you fucked my little brother Christopher the last two years, especially that first year he was Bottom. You were inside him practically all the time." "Come on, Gary. I was only 13. And it wasn't like Christopher came to the Choosing a virgin. Don't take it out in my little brother, please. This is so far from anything that Reed is like. You know he's never even gone after Christopher or any other Bottom." "Well, it ain't been like he was really allowed to, Deecy. And Christopher and Porter may have had some fun together, but I didn't see them offering you any invitations to join them. So that don't excuse what you did." Deecy could have said that that's just the way things went among the Mackey. It was a tradition they all lived by; but that certainly wouldn't have helped his case any for Reed. Besides, there's some things you just don't say to a guy when justifying sex with his little brother. "Gary, please . . . ." But Gary held up his hand to stop Deecy. "I've said my piece, Deecy. And that being said, I'm going to use all my influence to protect Stephen, and maybe Cain. I won't go after Reed; he didn't have anything to do with you taking your time in my own little brother's ass so much." Deecy tried to say thanks, but Gary just walked away. 14 year old Christopher then stepped up, twiddling a black marker in his left hand; he still looked like he was barely 13, having a very slow-track puberty. He was technically still a Bottom, until this Choosing was over and the Council voted on whether or not to extend his and Porter's service to one more year. Unfortunately for Porter, who was certainly no slouch for looks, they would both likely get the extension just because Christopher's ass was so damn fuckable. Deecy was still worried what Christopher might do with that marker, as Bottom boys also carried influence in their voting, and their votes counted double, for or against; but the boy looked over his shoulder at his retreating brother and then looked at Deecy again, before breaking into a big smile. Giving the older boy a playful wink, he slapped Reed's exposed cheeks and told the boy: "Good luck, Reed. I hope you don't get chosen. It's really not for you. I'd vote you an exemption along with Deecy's, but me and Porter promised to help Cain." Another exemption would have been nice, as Bottom boys' exemptions were worth 2 points off the total. Reed mumbled his thanks as Christopher left. He always thought there was something a bit . . . off . . . . about the boy. Deecy had been right about one thing, though. IF Reed had been of age to go around fucking the Bottoms, he very likely wouldn't have. Nothing about it appealed to him in the least. Gary, meanwhile had gone over to his cousin and wrote an exemption on his back, effectively taking two points off, should anyone vote for Stephen. (The officially recognized sponsor could add three points on or take two off any boy.) Gary had been smart about it and made himself sponsor of Stephen, since, as a brother, Jasper could then still give a one point exemption (brothers who weren't sponsors could add 2 points to their own brother or take one point off; but with any other kid they were just regular voters). Between Gary and Jasper, Stephen was starting off with -3 points, which was a big deterrent to any boy that might otherwise consider voting for him. And after Porter and Christopher added their exemptions to Cain, he also started off fairly well with -4 points, which was even more fortunate for that boy since he had an ass that just begged to be fucked. Cain exuded just about everything there was in th e word 'fun' when fucking a young boy. "And now we move on to our last boy," Bart said, walking over to where Deecy stood by his little brother Reed. He was the only sponsor to stand down by one of the boys. It was a prerogative of the sponsor; and though he could not verbally or physically interfere, his mere presence was a deterrent to some boys that voted, especially if the sponsor was older, tougher, or bigger. And Deecy was using every prerogative he had to protect Reed. It was a risk, as it was generally accepted among the Mackey boys - and girls - that if you used your political and social capital to protect a little brother or cousin in a Choosing and you failed, then that social and community standing failed with you. You wouldn't technically be shunned by anybody, but you weren't held in anywhere near the regard that you had been before, even by the girls. If on the other hand, you succeeded, you were looked upon as a worthy entity at the least, possibly as a strong leader in the community. It wasn't an evenly distributed principle, but it was something to always consider. Gary Sanders had known about his little brother playing around with Porter just before their Choosing, and he declined to use his influence, and instead simply came in as an escort for his brother. The end result was that he retained all his former prestige and influence, and was even able to build upon it, after having an accepted Bottom in the family (that being poor Christopher's bottom). Deecy, though, was throwing his whole lot in to save Reed. It wasn't worth anything to him, otherwise. "Reed Mackey!" Bart explained, standing near the boy and showcasing the last presented ass of the day. "What can I say about this amazing ass that you can't see for yourself? Mmmm, mmmm, MMMM!!! Damn!! And such a looker on top of it; all with the added bonus, as his own older brother could surely tell you, of being the boy here who is most opposed in substance and character to serving as a bottom for other boys." Bart was skating a thin line in his promise not to showcase Reed's ass as a favorite for the Choosing. "Is all that worth your vote on his back? Well, you'll have to decide that on your own, as you weigh him against all the other equally delectable offerings on view today. Come on down boys, one and all and get a close look and feel of the fresh virgin asses on display for this year's Choosing. Remember that TWO of these fine asses will go on to serve their community for the next two to three years, offering endless pleasure as you pump them full of cum!! So come on down and---" "Go on 'n GIT in THERE, both of ya little thievin' bastards!!" Bart and every boy there stopped the excited chattering and applause and turned to see what the interruption was, only to see Elijah Mackey leading two boys in by their ears, giving them a final shove clear of him into the midst of the other boys. Bart, Kurt, Evan Sanders, and a few other boys smiled broadly to see Sean Dawson had made it down to the Choosing, after all. And Holden Mackey as a bonus!!