
the Unruly Student

Book 1

"Away, Away, just Away!"


Ruwen Rouhs


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Chapter 15

Haakon's diary

At the beginning we all stood straight, "Hello children," the woman with her wrinkled face in the flowered dress greeted us. "I am your class teacher! Are you as excited as I am about the first day of a new academic year? Yes!" She looked challenging from the girls to the boys and back, "We want to get to know each other!" that sounded threatening, "I'm Mrs. Hill and I'll call on one student after the other. Whoever is called, raise your hand and then he may sit down!" She took a short breath and, " Angenet, Klaus!" Klaus raised his hand and then sat down. On it went, "Brunner, Emil!" I didn't know him. But a blond boy raised his hand and sat down, "Carstens, Haakon!" no one spoke up. Mrs. Hill shrugged her shoulders, "Dell, Maria!" The first girl was called. She curtsied and sat down, smiling. "Flögel, Clara!" "Me, me!" cried a blonde, waving both hands wildly in the air. And so on, it went. At the end, there were only two students left standing, a rather tall boy and me. Mrs. Hill called out, "Porchart, Robert!" The boy nodded and sat down. I however, was the only one still standing, losing my confidence with every moment. Miss Hill went through the list again. She had checked off all the names except one. She looked at me with a furrowed brow, "What's your name?" The boys laughed, the girls giggled, I blushed and stood there like a watered poodle. Quietly I said, "Haaki!" She frowned even harder. Searched the list of names with her index finger. Frowned even harder, "Haaki???" she asked stretched, "Is it Haakon, Haakon Carstens?" I shrugged my shoulders and muttered under my breath, "No!" "Do your parents call you Haaki? This name is not a regular name at all. Is Haaki your nickname?" Miss Hill sighted relieved and decided, "In school your name will be Haakon. Got that? Now sit down, Haakon!" From then on, we were enemies, the whole first grade through, also the second, also the third through, until in the fourth grade Miss Hill was replaced Mr. Eggers. From then on, I enjoyed the lessons and became an active student.

Now only a few people are allowed to call me Haaki, my parents, Carlo, my brother, of course, and Paul, his best friend, for ages. However, now I added two persons to this list, Alies and Anders. Alies' official name is Alois Bundschuh and that of Anders Andreas Dürr. Despite the different surnames the two are brothers, half-brothers. They have different mothers but the same mysterious father. Since last night, Madz is also allowed to call me Haaki. Madz name is Magnus Felden. He's actually Anders' friend and Baby-Boy. I learned Madz is also Paul's favorite student and his Ganymede. Why he names him after Zeus's boy shepherded is a puzzle to me because Paul is not pedophile. I know that for sure because he never did hit on me. Also, Carlo and Paul have been a couple for as long as I can remember.

With Madz it seems to be different, Paul likes him, Carlo too, Alies anyway, but certainly not only because he is Anders' friend. Even the Father Mayer seems to have taken a fancy to this weedy boy, because he came around while we were celebrating Madz's arrival in Hallberg to attend Hall Boarding School like I. Suddenly he showed up at the front of the door of Alies' house and wanted to join the celebration. The whole evening, he either put his arm over Magnus' shoulder, as he calls him, or fed him like a toddler! I don't think he would have come for me or Anders, even when he pretended to do so, because we three will be students at the Hall Boarding School starting Monday. Towards the end of his visit he emphasized, "Magnus, Andreas and Haakon, I am glad that you are now my students, and from you two," looking at Carlo and Paul, "I expect you to keep a special eye on the three of them.

We, that is Carlo, Paul, Anders, Madz and I, are now Father Mayer's "Gang of Five. I just hope we don't have to turn the Hall boarding school upside down like Mao's successor, the Gang of Four. But we will be five of us, the Gang of Fife! I just hope we don't have to shake up the boarding school from the bottom up. I bet the Father Mayer wouldn't like that. After all, he's in charge there as the spiritual head. Well, I am digressing. Actually, I just wanted to tell you what has happened since last night. I hope it will be important for all my future life. But it is better to repeat what happened in the last two weeks before.

So, for two weeks now I have been living here in Hallberg, more precisely in Hallberg Castle, in the old castle building where my brother Carlo resides as chaplain. It was quite exciting and took some fighting before my parents agreed to let me transfer from the high school in the big city to a boarding school in a small town. "You have to promise to work hard from now on, HAAKON. You can't fail again. And your idée fixe studying arts? Put it out of your head! Learn something real, like your brother. It doesn't be a clergy man, become a lawyer!"

My parents had been working on me for weeks, since it was clear that I will fail junior high and told them I want to quit school. Luckily, I had Carlo and he had the best connections to the boarding school in Hallberg. So, at the end of the summer vacations father drove me to castle Hallberg, "You carry the responsibility for your brother, CARLO! In two years, he'll have his high school diploma! Make sure he forgets about studying fine arts."

He left and I was stranded in the middle of nowhere, i.e. in a town with two and a half thousand (oh so many!) inhabitants, a crumbling castle, a church, an elementary school and the Hall Boarding School. There was , but no swimming pool, no movie theater, no museum, if you don't count the holy pictures hanging in the church and in the chapel of Hall Castle. The thing about the museum is not quite true. There was one, if you count the dark undercroft in the keep a museum. The purest chamber of horrors with all its instruments of torture. The creeps only ran down my spine as long as the room was in the twilight. Once the light was on, the instruments of torture looked sooo harmless, at least not nearly as scary as in the Dracula movies.

On the first evening I didn't know anything about the village yet. So, after the early dinner I just sat there and felt sorry for myself. When a figure appeared at the glass door to the garden, I was about to retreat, "Your confession child?" I wanted to know. Carlo just grinned, "He would certainly have something to confess, but that's not why Alies comes. HE is curious about the Great Haaki, my little brother!" "What did you tell him about me? My defeats?" I hissed indignantly, "I'd better go!"

Apparently, it took Alies too long. He unlocked the door and before I could escape, he showered me with questions. By the time the evening ended I knew all about him, his half-brother and his favorite past-times. In addition, he invited me to his next soccer match. "I'll pick you up Haakon, but already at two a.m., because I'm the goalie and I have to change before the game. The game starts at three." In the same breath he turned to my brother, "Are you coming too Chaplain or do you have to hear confession on Saturday night?" at this he winked at Carlo. Something was up. I should have guessed what! Carlo declined the invitation with thanks!

I knew soccer only from school or from the television. On Saturday I was amused by the clumsy efforts of the players on both sides, district class!!! It was especially funny because the spectators protested loudly at every decision of the referee. Alies was not bad as a goalkeeper and when he declared after the game "I have saved the victory!" I had to agree with him. The beer break afterwards wasn't much fun either, even though the soccer girls swarmed around me. They also swarmed around Alies, but he didn't seem to care about them either. He devoted himself entirely to me.

When he drove me back to the castle after dark, he invited me, "You probably don't have any plans for next week, have you? If you like, I'll show you the city and the surroundings. With school just starting, I'm sure you won't have much time later on." After considering his invitation for a moment I declined, although Alies was kind of cute, maybe not cute, but cuddly! After all, I didn know him for one day only. Then, the next Saturday Magnus came, that is, Paul brought him on the motorcycle and the story between me and Alies took off.


No sooner Carlo and Paul were on their way home with the Father Mayer than Anders announced, "I'll take Madz upstairs and show him his kingdom!" With much laughter, he first chased Madz up the stairs, then down again and into the bathroom, "We have to brush my teeth, first!" and then it quickly became quiet in the house.

"I'll wash up first and clean the living room." Alies decided, "Because on Sunday the room must be clean and next week I also have a hard schedule. Will you help?" When I looked a little surprised, "Didn't you know Anders and I live here on ourselves? No mother, no aunt, no help. Some times ago I assumed the role of Anders' father and since then the whole village is keeping an eye on me. Now, as Madz is going to live here too, a few old hens will surely look even more askance. Fortunately, the Father Mayer has given his blessing!"

I helped. Faster than I thought, everything was spotless and the full moon shone through the window into the dark living room. The light was reflected in the glass cabinet on the opposite wall. Little flashes of lightning shot through the darkness from the old crystal glasses. Alies took me by the elbow and began to pull me up the stairs, "You're staying here tonight, agree?" When I quietly tried to protest, he tilted his head and put his index finger to his lips, "Don't wake Madz and Anders! I have something to show you! Come!"

His room was bright, as the window was very large and the moon seemed to shine much brighter here in the attic than in the lower floor. I recognized the room immediately from his descriptions after the soccer game, the shortwave equipment next to the window, the wide desk in front, the TV, the bed in the alcove at the back, and the large mirrored closet on the back wall of the room. Alies sat down on the desk with his back to the window. I stood next to it. In the mirror I saw that now our heads were at the same height. "Tell me about you." asked Alies. "I've told you so much about myself, you already know me inside out. From you I know almost nothing. I know you are taller than me, you have beautiful red curls and blue eyes and come from a big city. But I want to know much more about you! Everything!

I didn't know what I could tell him at first. We had only known each other for such a short time. "I want to be an artist, paint picture or a make movies!" I began. "That's why my parents sent me here. At the boarding school I'm supposed to study and not get distracted like I did in the big city." Alies nodded, but didn't comment. "I love Hieronymus Bosch, the two Breughels, and the fantastic paintings of the painters of that time. But especially Bosch." I hesitated a bit. Alies seemed so down-to-earth, so different from the people in the city. But then I dared, "I especially like Bosch because of his fantastic paintings. Do you know the Ship of Fools, the Hay Wagon, the Garden of Delights, the Seven Deadly Sins?" When he shook his head, I began to describe scenes from the Garden of Delights. I mirror it seemed as if his eyes grew larger and larger. Suddenly he turned his head toward me.

The full moon was shining through the garden window. It was now right behind us and the shadows of our heads could be seen in the mirror like silhouettes against its bright disk. I watched as Alies turned her face to me and breathed a kiss light as the summer wind on my cheek. I was startled. At first, I was unsure what to do. But then I turned my face to him and our lips carefully probed each other. Suddenly we were gaining confidence, both of us. Alies slid off the edge of the desk, took me by the hand and pulled me to the bed. He sat down, pulled me close, pushed up my shirt, and hid his head in the pit of my stomach.

His hair was straight and shimmered in the dim light. I began to stroke it, then got bolder and reached under his arms and pulled him up. When he was in front of me I kissed him on the forehead and slowly pulled his shirt over his head. He laughed softly "I have so wanted you to do this Haakon. I've been wishing for this ever since Carlo told me about you." With that he pushed my shirt up and as I bent down he pulled it over my head. "I like your red hair, your curls." He kissed it and began to gently feel my chest with his fingers, "Are the hairs on your chest as red as on your head?" and after a moment he added, "And the ones down there?" Slowly he began to unbutton my pants. When that took me too long, I helped and suddenly I was standing in front of him in just my underpants. The tight briefs bulged dangerously.

Alies touched my hard penis through his pants, but I pushed his hand away. He looked up uncertainly. I had to smile as I saw a shadow of fear flit across his face, "My turn now! Alies!" I knelt down in front of him and slowly pulled down his pants. His boxers got caught in his pants and he was suddenly naked in front of me. His penis was right in front of my mouth. Without meaning to, I stuck out my tongue and licked up the drop hanging from the tip of his glans. "You taste so sweet!" began I, Alies however pulled me up. "Not yet. Come on the bed!" He dropped in backwards, pulling me after him. I came to lie on top of him, kicked out of my underpants, and we began kissing. But it didn't stop at kisses. Alies felt my back with his hands, my neck, my shoulder blades, ran his fingers along my spine to the cleft of my buttocks, further to my scrotum, then back. In the crack between my buttocks he began to search for my hole. When he finally found it and began to feel it carefully with one finger.

Something suddenly occurred to me and I began to giggle, "Do you want to know if I'm a virgin or if the butt is clean!" When he started giggling too I kissed him on the ear, "First, I'm not deflowered yet and second I haven't washed the butt. So, you'll have to find out for yourself if it smells!" This elicited another giggle from Alies. He promptly brought his finger to his nose and smelled it, "You smell good Haaki, even if you haven't washed! I could even kiss you down there."

After a moment he sighed deeply. I was afraid I was going to force him to say something he would have preferred to keep to himself. But it wasn't like that, "Are you afraid that someone else has already deflowered me? After all, I'm older than you! Three years!"

At that moment, the door on the other side of the landing creaked, then went silent for a moment, as if someone was eavesdropping. It had to have been either Anders or Madz. We held our breaths and only gasped in relief again when the someone scurried down the creaking stairs. I slid off Alies' and snuggled up to him until the water in the bathroom rushed and the someone slipped back up the stairs and disappeared into the room on the other side.

"Well?" I asked quietly, "Are you! Deflowered?" "No, you're the first!" then he kissed me, "But you must swear to deflower me today. I want to and I can't wait anymore!" With that Alies got up and started rummaging in the desk. When he came back to bed he had a tube in his hand. "I got this because I'm a little scared of it."

"I'll do it! But you have to promise to make love to me too, right this night!" Then I pulled him on top of me and whispered in his ear, "An hour ago I didn't know I needed this! I need you. Please love me!"


Next morning Carlo pounded on my door, "Haaki!" When I didn't answer immediately, "Haaki, today school starts! It's already half past six," Tearing open the door, he stood in the doorway to my room, "Are you coming with me or would you rather walk? I have to be at the boarding school at quarter past seven, though. Teacher's meeting."

I yawned. Writing in my diary, yesterday evening I had forgotten everything around me. "Forgot to look at the clock, Bro. I am sorry. I'll rush!" I scratched my butt, "Thanks, you saved my reputation. I promised Madz and Anders that we'll walk to school together. However, I hope Alies will take us with his car, after all it's the first day in the Hal Boarding School for Madz and me."

After showering, I decided to write at least two more sentences:

A. At the welcome party for Madz on Saturday night, I did Alies and then he did me! It was nice to be deep inside of Alies, warm and soft and tight and hot. Afterwards, as we looked out into the night through the open window, the stars were circling in the dark sky. "Look Alies, the moon has moved on, but the stars have stayed. They watched us. Have you ever seen stars watching you?" Alies adjusted the pillows and propped back against the headboard, "Stars? Circling stars. These are fireflies in the garden. The males are searching the females." He kissed me, "Do you think there's a male firefly looking for another mate, also?"

B. As we ran up the stairs to Alies room after breakfast, I grabbed the back of his pants. I would have loved to pull them down so I could see his bottom better, the white bottom that had shone as bright as the moon itself in bed last night. Now in the bright morning light, it just appeared pale compared to his tanned back. When he threw himself belly-down on the bed and I began to kiss his bottom, he giggled. When I stroked his butt hole with my middle finger, he protested, "Careful! That hurts. Last night you did me real hard! Remember you took my virginity. It was only now that I realized why mine was tingling so strangely.

Later I stood in front of the large mirror in the closet door, spread my butt cheeks and inspected my little hole. "You've demolished me too, Alies! Just look! Wait, there's payback!" Then I took revenge on him and he on me. When Anders and Madz came back from mass, neither of us could sit without problems!


Today is the first day of school! The day at Hall Boarding School, the one with Madz and Anders and Carlo and Paul! What will it be like? A new adventure? Boring? How will it be with my new school mates? How will it be for Madz and Anders? How will it be for Carlo and Paul? Will the boarding school change us or will we change the boarding school?

End of Book 1 of "Madz, the Unruly Student."


Authors Note

This is the English version of the story posted in German language. My native language is German and my English is very inept. I hope you don't mind.

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And I would like to add, thanks for reading.

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