Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 16:52:40 EDT From: Subject: Many-Waters - Chapter-4 - (young-friends) Many Waters Chapter 4 Before any of you start reading the story I would like to add a little special thanks! I would personally like to thank Dan. A good friend to Me. Dan has helped me in more ways than he'll ever know. Thanks for being my friend! I would also like to thank Bill Watts another person who has helped me a lot. Bill if only you knew how just talking to me meant so much. ---------------------- Before you read this story I thought I would let you know that if you are reading this story to give your hand a good workout you should go elsewhere. This story is one of love. Disclaimers: This story is not true. Although some of the stuff in the story did actually happen this story was just made up. You should not read this story if you are not over 18, But I shouldn't be writing this story now should I? If you insist on reading this story and you are not over 18 don't (get caught). I hope you enjoy the story! :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- Many-Waters - Chapter-4 - (young-friends) Copyright 2000 by Kiddo stories I used Grandma's car phone to call the police. I didn't get out of the car while I waited. If I got out of the car He might've tried something stupid, and I'm to smart to let something like that happen. When the police finally arrived Grandma was just making it to her feet, Dad had been inside for a few minutes. I raced over to Deputey Bachler. "What happened?" He asked. " That Jack Ass hit Moma Smith!" Was the only thing I could get out. I looked at him without a clue of what would happen to my father, and at the moment I really didn't care. " Hey Dean why don't you give your grand-daddy a call?" "Ok sir," I went back to the car and called Grand-Daddy. He said he would be he would be there in 10 minutes. I got out of the car, and went to help Grandma Smith to the car so she could rest. Once she was in the car I looked up to Deputy Bachler and asked was going to happen to my dad. " I don't know Dean, but I'll do what I can to make sure that he don't get away with this!" " Thanks," Grandpa Smith showed faster than I expected. He was furious! He went straight over to his wife of 50-years. " Are you OK hun?" " I'm fine. Please James don't try anything stupid," " I won't." Jamie was fool of questions when we finally picked him up, and fool of even more when we finally picked him up. When I was dropped of at my house I asked Momma Smith if Jamie could just stay with me for the night, and that me and Momma would drop him off at school. She agreed with little fighting being done. We walked in the house where our mother was waiting. Once in the house we both recieved bear hugs from Mom. " Jamie, Baby, Sweetheart are you OK?" " I'm fine Mom. This is the first time that I know of him doing any drugs I promise." That night I told the whole story to Mom giving the details that I left out to Jamie. Mom was shocked to say the least. After hearing the story she said that tomorrow I didn't have to go to school, Because we were going to get Jamie's records from his school, and get him re-enrolled in my(our) school. Sleeping in a bed with Jamie was something that to little re-adjustment. I fealt much better have my best-friend right beside me. Jamie was stronger than me in many ways. He knew how to deal with things. I hopehe will continue to protect me forever. When I prayed that night I asked God to help my life get back to normal I was tired ofmy dad screwing things up, I was tired of looking over at night and not seeing a piece of myself, and I was tired of hiding my relationship with the most gorgeous boy on earth. The next morning after I finally awoke I called to tell Taylor the good news about Jamie coming back. When Taylor shot back with terrible news. Dr.B (Brian's dad) had been in a car wreck, and was in critical condition. Mom and Dr.B were good friends. Dr.B was my 6th grade teacher. We hurried thru the enrollement process, doing it as fast as possible, but when we arrived at the hospital he we were to late. He had passed away. I walked over to Brian and wrapped my arms around him. He burried his face in my shoulders and began sobbing. I cried myself seeing my good-friend cry, but some of the tears were for Dr.B. Dr.B used to take us out for ice cream during the summer. He'd get outside and play soccer with us. He really was a good dad. I wish I had a dad as good as Brian's. Brian's mom had also passed away, but she died of cancer. Mrs. Benson was also a very good parent. My heart went out to Brian. He'd lost both parents, and he had no where to live. I ran down the hall to get mom and use her phone. " Grandma? Brians dad was just in an accident and he has no where to stay can he stay with you?" "Sure! you knew the answer to that before you called," " I knew you would, but I just wanted to be sure," " Listen Dean The Benson's have been good friends aneighbors for years. I'd never let anything happen to Brian," I went back to the room and looked at Brian. He had a strange ' where have you been' look on his face. I just called Momma Smith and she said you could stay with her. "Thanks Dean your a true friend," When the time came we finally had to leave the hospital. We took Brian with us. We decided to let him stay with us tonight, so he'd have some friends to comfort him. I don't think any of us got any sleep that night. It was just to hard. Finally after 2 hours of tossing and turning I got out of bed. I grabbed my keyboard and sneacked down-stairs. I pulled my keboard stand out from under the couch. Once my keyboard was plugged in I plugged in the headphones. I fooled around with some notes for a while until a song started coming out. It took 3 hours of playing but finally I had song. Now It just needed words, but I'd leave that up to Jamie. I went back upstairs and climbed into bed. After another 30 minutes of not being able to sleep, I finally managed to get some sleep. Althought it wasn't very good. To be Continued (if you wish?) Please send all comments to: All comments are welcome. I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter and continues to enjoy future chapters. Good-bye for now and God bless