Max’s Awakening #27



Author’s notes:

Thanks for all the emails from the last couple of chapters.   It seems many of you appreciate the realistic twist that the story has taken.

I wish I could take credit for thinking of the twist, but it wasn’t my plan. (My original plan pretty much had this story wrapping up after Mexico).  One of my readers (J) suggested the twist (along with many other great ideas) and has also been helping edit the past several chapters.  So if you’ve noticed the writing being a little crisper, thank J.  His input has honestly become invaluable and this is a much better story because of his input.  He and I are discussing the upcoming plot and he is helping me clean up the writing as it goes.  In fact, his involvement is so great that at this point I’d say this has very much evolved into a collaboration.  I honestly probably should add him as a second author.

Note 2:  I’ve stopped trying to name the chapters.  Just numbers from here on out.

Originally submitted: 8/8/2020

Updated: 9/2/2020; minor updates made to match details in Max’s Freudian slip Chapter 26.  Updated section is in red for anyone rereading.

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Chapter 27

I sat on the stoop in the Noah’s garage for what seemed like an eternity before Craig finally came down.   I am not sure what he spent so much time doing upstairs, but I was glad he took a while.  While I waited, I almost managed to stop crying.  Almost.

I heard Craig walking through the kitchen toward the garage.  His pace was slow and methodical.  When he was finally behind me, he leaned down and gently gripped my shoulder.  “You ready for me to get you home?” he asked.  His words were somber, almost emotionless.  Craig seemed like a zombie.

“I guess,” I managed to mumble.  Just being back in Craig’s presence was causing my tears to return.  I care so much for him and I’d let him down, over and over.

He let out a heavy sigh.  “Listen… Max,” he said softly.

“What?” I blurted out as new tears streamed down my face.

“I didn’t mean to get so angry upstairs.  It’s just…” he replied. 

“Just WHAT?  I’M SORRY, OKAY?  I’M FUCKING SORRY!  I know you hate me,” I yelled, jerking away from his grip.  My tear factory was back in full production.  “I keep trying to do the right thing, I DO!” I barked between sobs.  “But everything I try only makes it all worse.  I’m so stupid. Everyone would just be better off without me,” I blubbered, before burying my face back into my hands.

I felt Craig brush my side as he stepped around to my front. Both of his hands were soon upon my shoulders.   Even though my vision was blurred by my tears and hands hiding my face, I could sense by the pressure from his hands that he had knelt down.  “Max, buddy,” he started to say.  “Hey,” he said more loudly, getting my attention. I looked up at Craig through my watering eyes.  “Listen. I want to be very clear about something,” he said sternly.  “I could never, ever hate you.  I might be disappointed, but I’m not capable of hating you.”

I opened my hands just enough to yell back, “You should, because I do.  I’m so fucking worthless!”

He ran his hand across my hair and wiped my face. “You’re not worthless. And you’re not stupid either.  You’re 14.”

“So?  What’s that got to do with anything,” I replied through my hands

“It just means you don’t know about things and still make mistakes.  Look at me,” he instructed again.  “You are not a bad person, okay?”

“But you could get in so much trouble, and it’s all MY fault” I replied.

Craig took a deep breath and let out another sigh.  “No, I got myself into trouble.  It took both of us to get here.  I can’t blame you,” he said as he pulled me to my feet.   “Max,” he said solemnly, staring at me, imparting he was about to say something very important.  “I know I don’t treat you like a child, and have never really thought of you as one. It’s probably how I justified succumbing to my urges. The truth - and I know you don’t want to hear this - is that you ARE still a kid.  Jesus, your voice hasn’t even changed yet!  You are just starting to learn about and navigate adult things like love, sex, and the ripple effects of your choices.  There’s a reason for laws to prevent kids from having sex.” Craig said, looking as if it only just occurred to him. “I’m not trying to be condescending.  I’m just trying to explain why it was unfair and selfish of me to encourage you and Cam to get serious and physical so quickly and fall prey to my own lust. I blame myself for this mess, not you. You trusted me and I failed to be the responsible adult you needed. I’m sorry.”

I glanced up at him and realized for the first time that Craig’s eyes were tearing up as well.   He pulled me into an embrace and just held me tight for several minutes, neither of us speaking.   His polo shirt soaked up my tears as I once again inhaled his scent.  Being wrapped in his arms was so incredibly comforting and I could finally sense my tears subsiding.   Craig’s embrace feels so right…. but so did everything we did in Mexico and now that is causing us both tremendous angst.

“What are we going to do Craig?” I asked.

“I’m not sure.  I’m not sure what we can do. Unless we can come up with a good story, I’m screwed if they talk.”  

“You mean we’re BOTH screwed!” I retorted.  “I get that it would be REALLY bad for you, but it would suck for me too, you know?  I’d probably have lots of annoying strangers prying into my business. Well, OUR business.  My mom would be a basket case.  I’d be forced back into therapy I don’t need.  But the worst thing,” I said, looking up at Craig as I gripped him tightly.  “The worst thing is I’d lose you.” I rested my head back against his chest.

He rubbed my back and pulled me tight.  “Yeah, you are right.  It would suck for both of us,” he replied before releasing me.  He opened the garage fridge and helped himself to a beer.  He held out a Coke for me.

“I think I could use something stronger,” I joked as I took it from him.

“Yeah, me too,” he answered with a grin.  “But I’ve corrupted you enough already,” he answered. 

“You did, but I loved that,” I told him with a smirk.  I was glad the mood was improving, with both of us making small jokes.  I popped open the Coke and chugged it too quickly.  It burned on the way down.  “Maybe Cam and Noah won’t tell anyone,” I suggested, hopefully.

“Maybe.  But probably not.  It’s too juicy.” he answered.  He sat next to me on the stoop as we both drank.   “I guess all we can do is take one step at a time.  First thing is to get rid of these letters,” he said, pulling the roll of papers from his pocket.

“Then what?” I asked.

“Well, we wait and hope, and maybe come up with some brilliant plan.”

“We could both disappear to Mexico and never come back,” I offered.  I wasn’t really serious, but then again, the thought of leaving this all behind and going away with Craig did sound awesome.

Craig actually chuckled, which made me smile just the tiniest bit.  “You know that doesn’t sound half bad right now Max,” he replied, laughing.

“Thanks,” I whispered happily, glad to have finally said something he liked.

We sat quietly for a couple more minutes before Craig spoke.  “Max, do you remember the party here at New Year’s?”

“Of course,” I said smiling.  “We talked right here, remember?  After I told the world I wanted a boyfriend.”

“Yes.  I was just thinking of that,” he said.

“I did too, when I was waiting for you to come down.  That talk was when I realized you were special Craig,” I replied.  “It’s when we became friends.  Right here.  And,” I continued, my voice trailing off as I spoke.

“And what?”

“I was sure you were going to come down and tell me to get lost, forever.  Right here in the very same spot.  It was almost too much to think about.”

“This whole thing sucks, and I don’t know what will happen. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared, but there’s one thing I know with absolute certainty: I wouldn’t - I couldn’t - do that to you. You mean far too much to me to ever pretend you don’t exist,” he replied, looking at me with an intensity that was startling. Craig seemed to notice how heavy his statement lingered in the air, and added, laughing, “Remember, I AM your daddy. Daddies don’t abandon their sons.”

That brought a slight smile to me face.  “But you said that we have to not see each other?”

“Well that’s true too, but just for a while, until this shakes out, okay?  I still won’t stop caring or worrying about you, no matter what happens.”  I leaned into him and gave him a hug as he finished his beer.

“We better get moving,” he answered, returning my hug.  I wonder if my hugs are as comforting to him as his are to me.


An hour later, I was back at home, alone - again.   Mom had texted me earlier that she was going out with “the girls” for drinks to celebrate the end of the work week.   After we left Noah’s house, Craig and I stopped at his house just long enough to feed my letters through his shredder.  Even though I understood why they had to be destroyed, watching hours of very emotional effort being torn to bits was still depressing.  Craig shoved the shredded bits of my letters into a plastic grocery bag, which we then stuffed in a trash can at a convenience store on the way to my house. That took care of at least one part of our problem.  And I did get a cherry slushie out of it too.

Craig gave me a sincere and reassuring hug before I got out of his car and told me he loves me.   I think he knows I’m hurting and is trying to be that friend I so desperately need.  It weird though, because I also get the vibe that he is angry with me even though we kind of “made up”.  It is like he goes back and forth between wanting to hold and comfort me and wanting to slap the shit out of me for being an idiot.  I can’t blame him.

I wasn’t sure what to think about Craig.   At least things are in a better place than they were earlier in the week, or even in Noah’s bedroom.   It still makes me sad to think that we have to be distant.   And now I have Noah to worry about.   If he read the letter, which seems obvious, what does he think of me now?  What does he think of Craig?   I had planned to text him and tell him I retrieved the letter, but now that he appears to have opened and read it, I’m not saying anything.  Craig thought it would be better if we just waited and let him bring up the letter (and its contents) to me.

 I can’t even describe how much I hate having all this turmoil with my friendships!  None of the things I normally enjoy are remotely fun at all.   I guess some people can just put things out of their minds and go have fun.  I can’t do that.  I can’t enjoy anything at all while everything is such a mess.

In fact, I regret now that I made plans to have Spencer come over tomorrow.   I’m just not feeling up for it.   I wanted to call him to cancel, but I didn’t.   I realized that would be a dick move.  Plus I would have to explain to mom why the plans fell through.  Sure, I could just cancel with Spencer and then lie to my mom about him being sick or something, but the way things have been going that plan would probably just backfire somehow too.  Plus, I’m a terrible liar, so my mom would probably see right through my story.  I guess a small part of me hopes he can be a much needed distraction.  I’m hoping I manage to enjoy myself so he doesn’t think I’m a total ass.


I lay on my bed, mindlessly thumbing through my phone.  I really wasn’t paying any attention to the screen.  Instead I was wishing there was some way out of this mess.  Why do I keep getting hurt when I keep trying to do the right thing?  Why can’t the pain land on someone who deserves it – like that fuckhead Armando and the security guard who couldn’t keep his fucking mouth shut?

I concocted this elaborate fantasy in my head about Armando and the guard being busted.  In this fantasy, he not only rudely propositioned me (like he actually did), but somehow managed to force me into an empty hotel room where the guard was waiting.   They rip off my clothes and take turns holding me down while the other fucks me.   “That ass looked sweet in that blue Speedo amigo, but it looks even better stuffed with my verga,” Armando told me as he pumped his cock into me.

  This might seem weird, but thinking about that made me the horny.  If two people I knew and liked pretended to make me have sex with them, that would be kind of hot.  No -actually that would be really hot.

Anyway, in my made up, never-happened story, Craig figures out where I am because he can track my phone.  He barges in, sees what is happening, and beats the living crap out of both of them and calls for the hotel manager.   The thought of Craig coming to my rescue like that, and Armando and that guard getting pummeled, made me smile. 

I wish I had told Cam it was Armando who showed me that new sex position.  Hell, I could have even told him he made me do it.   Then Craig would be off the hook and Cam would have felt sorry for me instead of being pissed off.   As I thought about that more, I realized something.  Holy shit!! This might be the perfect cover story.  If I needed to, I could claim it was Armando who taught me things, forcibly, and not Craig.   I could say I only told Cam it was Craig because I thought he wouldn’t care and was too ashamed to admit that I let someone rape me.  I could even say I felt extra ashamed because he even made me cum, so I must have somehow enjoyed it.  This was brilliant!  Why didn’t I think of this before?

I got excited at having thought of this.  I grabbed my phone and started to call Craig to tell him my fantastic idea.  But I stopped.  Something in the back of my head told me this was probably just another stupid idea that would only make things worse and that he would laugh at me.  I decided I better think on it for a while before bringing it up to him.  There was probably some obvious reason that story would never fly.

When I cancelled the call, I noticed I had a text message from Craig.  I sat my phone down earlier, so I hadn’t noticed the alert.  He had sent me a GIF of a ghost giving a hug.   The caption said “Ghost Hug!  You can’t feel it but it’s there!”  He followed it with a simple text message that said “Hope you are feeling better.  Have fun with Spencer.” 

I don’t know if Craig has ever sent me an emoji, let alone a GIF.  It was out of character for him.   He’s typically direct and doesn’t waste time with anything extra. It was such a dad move on Craig’s part, but honestly, I had to smile.   I knew Craig was trying to cheer me and up and remind me that he cares.  The GIF emphasized that even more and kept it light.  It worked.  It made me feel better.  Even though he’d been very angry with me earlier, it emphasized that he was over it.   It made me feel loved and hopeful.   

My friends cringe (and curse) when their parents try to be cool with technology and send memes of GIFs.  I wish I had a dad that loved me enough to do corny things like that.   Kids don’t know how good they have it sometimes.  If only we can get through this mess, maybe Craig will still be that dad I need.    

I couldn’t resist giving him shit though.   “Lol that was cringey,” I texted back.   But then I searched though the Thank You GIFS and found one to send back.  It was 3D smiley face guy saying “Thanks” and flashing a couple of thumbs up.


I spent most of Saturday before Spencer arrived picking up my room and thinking.   My room was a total mess.  I knew it was getting messy, but I hadn’t been motivated to clean all week.  Once I starting picking up, I couldn’t believe how bad I had let it get.  There were dirty clothes and empty bottles everywhere, along with a few dirty dishes.  Picking it up gave me a little boost.  At least I’d accomplished something. 

While I cleaned and did my laundry, my mind was occupied with the whole “blame it on Armando” cover story that I had conceived the night before.  I tried to shoot holes in the story, but I couldn’t find any.   I had told Cam about Armando trying to force himself on me, but it seemed conceivable to me that I might have held off telling him any more than that out of embarrassment.   Then once he got angry, it also seemed logical that if I had tried to come clean and tell him the Armando version, it would not have worked because he would assume I was making it all up.  One thing was clear to me though.  If I had to use that story, whether it would work would come down to my ability to being believable.  And that concerned me.  I’m the worst liar in the world according to just about everyone.  One thing that would help convince people would be for me to write a new letter to Cam, explaining that I had lied about Craig and detailing what happened with Armando and explaining why I had been too embarrassed to tell him the truth initially.   

I was excited about getting started on this new letter, which was kind of funny, because I absolutely hate writing for school.   I sat down and started it, but quickly came to my senses.   We’d just had to jump through hoops to obliterate my last letters!  I decided that I needed to get Craig’s thoughts on the idea before taking any action.  

I did open up my laptop and make a cryptic outline of what that letter might include, but it was nothing anyone would be able to interpret.  Just having a framework made me happy though.  (It was good to know those outline skills they taught us do actually come in handy sometimes.)  I was so engrossed thinking about the Armando cover story that I hadn’t been paying any attention to the clock and was caught off guard when the doorbell rang.   Spencer had arrived.

It was a good thing my mood had improved, because Spencer came rushing upstairs a total ball of glee.  He was babbling a mile a minute and practically bouncing with excitement. If I were still really down, it might have been too much to handle.  He was excited about spending the night of course, but what he was most excited for and couldn’t shut up about was school.   It had slipped my mind that Spencer was now in 6th grade and would be at my school.

“It’s going to be so cool being in the same school as you Max.  We’ll see each other all the time.  At school.  At gymnastics.  Maybe we can have lunch together sometimes,” he gushed.

 I really like Spencer, but having a 6th grader hanging all over you as an 8th grader would make me look foolish.  Fortunately, the way they do things at our school, the 6th graders are largely kept away from the other grades.  “Dude, chill.   It will be cool to have you at school, but we really won’t see each other that much.   The grades don’t each lunch together and they keep the 6th graders in their own hallways most of the day.   I guess they are afraid of you guys getting picked on.”

“Oh,” Spencer said, looking dejected.  “That’s okay, I guess.”

“I’ll still look out for you though,” I promised. “You know, in case anyone gives you shit or something.”  Spencer was short, despite just turning 12 a few weeks before.  But he wasn’t exactly weak. 

“Thanks.   I can’t wait to go to the first Spartan’s Night Out though.  Do you go?” he replied. 

Our school does this thing they call Spartan’s Night Out (SNO), named after our mascot, once a month.   It’s just a chance to hang out on Friday.  They usually have a DJ (a bad one), some food, games, and stuff like that.   The first one is the first Friday of school and is more of a dance than anything.  Later in the year they do special ones with dodge ball and volleyball tournaments in one gym while the DJ plays in the other.  They are okay.  It was pretty fun in 6th grade and okay in 7th.   Most 8th graders are bored with them and only go to the first few before bowing out.   “I used to go,” I replied.  “But most 8th graders blow them off.  I’ll go to a few though, but they are kind of boring.  Most people just stand around and hardly anyone actually dances.”

“You could bring Cam and dance together,” he suggested.

“Can’t.  Only kids from our school can go to those.  Cam and I talked about going to a dance later in the year, but that doesn’t matter now anyway,” I replied, finishing almost in a whisper as the reality of not getting to go to a dance with Cam hit me.

“What do you mean?” he pressed. 

I wasn’t sure I really wanted to get into the whole deal with Cam right then.  “I’ll tell you later, okay.”

Spencer thankfully didn’t press me further, but resumed talking about school.  The kid had a gazillion questions about everything you could think off.  Teachers.   Homework.  Lockers.  Dressing out for gym.  I guess I was probably about as nervous and excited as he was two years ago too, but damn it was almost exhausting trying to explain things to him.  But in a way, it was cool too, having him look up to me and trust me enough to ask.  It reminded me of the sleepover at Cam’s when I had to help coax him into hot-tubbing with us all in the nude. 

I don’t remember having so many questions when I was starting 6th grade.  Maybe I just didn’t know any better and just figured it out as I went.  He was certainly over-thinking more things than I ever did.   Finally I put my arm around him and squeezed him to me.  “Spencer, dude, relax.  You’re cool and you’re smart and you’ll figure it all out.  Trust me, okay?”

He had just replied “Alright,” with a sigh when mom knocked on the open door and poked her head inside.

“Aw,” she said, apparently bemused by my arm around Spencer’s shoulder as we sat on my bed.  “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah.  Spencer was just getting worried about a bunch of school stuff and I was trying to get him to relax,” I explained. 

She gave me a big smile.  “Well if you boys want to be on time to the movie, we better get moving,” he replied, snapping her fingers.


Spencer mentioning Cam coming to the SNO and us dancing sent me into a funk.  I spent most of the movie dwelling on my lost boyfriend and barely paid any attention to the film.  It didn’t help when I realized we were in the exact same theater that I was in with Cam when we saw Pet Sematary a few months before and our romance began.  I was bummed out by the time it was over and had to try to act interested while Spencer rambled on about his favorite parts.  

We stopped and had dinner before heading home, which was torture.  I tried to hide my sadness and put on a brave face, but I must not have been convincing.  Mom glared at me, puzzled, raising an eyebrow.  I knew that look.  It meant, “I don’t know what’s up with you but you have a guest, so cut it out!”  I tried.

We returned home and went up to my room and played video games.  After about 30 minutes, I let Spencer play and moved over to my bed to play around with my phone.  When Spencer was finally killed, he walked over to me and sat on my bed.  “Max, if you don’t want to hang around with me because you think I’m a dumb little kid, just say it,” he said grumpily.

“What?  Why would you say that?” I replied.

“You’ve been acting weird ever since we left for the movie.  It’s like you don’t really want me here.   It’s fine if you don’t.  I know I’m just a runt 6th grader but I thought we were friends.  Real friends.”  Even though he said it would be fine if I didn’t like him, his tone and body language said the exact opposite.

Shit.  I put my phone down.  “Spencer, listen, we ARE friends.  It’s not you.  It’s me.  I’m just in a funk right now, okay?”  

“About what?”

I let out a heavy sigh.  “Well, you’re going to find out eventually I guess.  Cam dumped me,” I told him.  Dumped.  It hurts just to say it!

 His eyes about popped from his head.  “Why would he do that?  He’s an idiot.  I’d never dump you.  I mean if you were my boyfriend.  You’re the coolest guy I know,” he replied.  “And cute,” he added with a grin.

“It’s hard to explain, but it’s mostly my fault.  I’m trying to get him back… but so far it’s not working,” I told him.

“Wow.  That’s crazy.  Oh shit!”

“What?” I asked.

“What about gymnastics?  We need both of you and another year of you guys not talking will suck,” he explained.

“Spence, to be honest, I’ve been thinking about quitting.  It’s just not worth putting up with someone who hates me.  And I screwed up my ankle and it just doesn’t seem to be healing right anyway.”  The ankle part was just a convenient excuse, it was back to feeling pretty good.

“NO! You can’t quit!  You’re the best on the team and we need you.  Plus it will suck without you!” he pleaded.

“I dunno,” I mumbled.   I was getting really down again, just thinking about it.   In fact, I think my face was getting red in a buildup to crying.  I concentrated hard to stop the tears. It would be really embarrassing to break out bawling in front of Spencer.   He’s the one who looks up to me as a mentor of sorts and here I am breaking down in front of him.

What Spencer did next was surprising.  “Max, I think I know just what you need,” he said standing up.

“What?” I asked.

“You need a nice dick to play with,” he said, pushing down his shorts and underwear in one quick motion.  He climbed onto my bed and straddled my chest.   “You always did think my dick was cool, right?”

Spencer’s soft uncut cock dangled a few inches in front of me just below the hem of his red Nike t-shirt.   I couldn’t help but to smile at his audacity. This certainly wasn’t the same Spencer who was nervous about getting into the hot tub.  He was correct: there was something fun about playing with his uncut dick.   I found myself reaching for it, almost as if my hand were being drawn to it by some unseen force.   I gripped his soft cock and lifted it a little.  It seemed as his balls were hanging lower than I remember.   His cock came to life in my hands and hardened immediately.   I gave it a few strokes, watching his moist pink cock head come glistening into view before his foreskin collapsed back over it as my fingers moved forward.  I know for as long as I live, there will always be something exciting about watching the skin of an uncut dick do that.   Foreskins are so awesome!  I wish my parents had left my dick alone!

I kept stroking him as he moaned.  I assumed Spencer would want to play, but didn’t plan to do anything in my current mood.  But now that he so boldly started, I was more than happy to go along.  “Look,” he instructed, lifting his shirt.   My eyes followed upwards as more of his abs came into view.  Like all the guys on the team, he was pretty ripped.  I stared at his taut stomach, the hint of a six pack just visible beneath very thin layer of remaining baby fat.  I was not really sure what exactly he was trying to show me.

“Not there Max.  Look down here,” he said, brushing my hand away from his dick and pushing his erection down towards my chest.   The fingers of his other hand brushed at a few dark hairs that had sprouted at the base of his cock.  “Cool huh?”

“Hey, congrats man.  I was pretty excited when my pubes came in.  You’ll be spermin soon maybe.   When did they start?”

“Just a couple weeks ago.  Right after my birthday.  They are coming in kind of fast, don’t you think.”

“Yeah, not bad,” I said as I rubbed my fingers through the few soft hairs and then gripped his cock.   I don’t know what it was, but something about Spencer’s first few pubes were really arousing.

“Are you hard too?” Spencer asked.   Before I could even answer, he had reached behind him and grabbed my cock through my shorts. “Yep, you are,” he said with a grin as he rubbed my dick up and down.  Not that it surprised me, but I hadn’t even noticed my cock had stiffened.  We both kept feeling each other for several seconds.

“Can we do some other stuff?” Spencer asked.

“Like what?” I asked.  I assumed maybe he wanted me to fuck him or suck each other. 

I was about to find out Spencer was full of surprises.  “You ever heard of Xtube?” he asked me.

“No.  But it sounds like a porn site.”

“Yeah.  It is.  I’ve been watching it all summer while my parents are at work.  I’ve learned about a lot of stuff. Some of it’s kind of crazy.”

“Like what?” I asked.

“Huge dildos.  Gloryholes.  Bondage.  E-stim.  Pissing.  Spanking, CBT,” stuff like that he rattled off, as if they were common knowledge. 

Cam and I had watched some porn and I’d watched some on my own, but it was pretty basic stuff.  Other than a huge dildo and spanking which took no explanation, I wasn’t sure I knew what any of the things he just rattled off even were.  But I couldn’t let him know that. “Oh yeah, sure, cool,” I uttered.

“You wanna take a shower?” he asked me.  “Together I mean.”

Spencer ripped off his shirt and climbed off of me.  Completely naked, except for his socks, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up to my feet and proceeded to pull me to the bathroom.   I could sense an excitement in him.  It was obvious he’d been plotting this.   I flipped the lock on my door as we entered the bathroom.  Spencer was possessed.  He turned on the shower and started tugging at my shorts.

“Relax dude.  I really need to piss,” I told him as I pushed off my shorts.

“Pee on me,” he responded instantly, quickly flipping off his socks and climbing into the back of the tub where the water wasn’t reaching.  “Act like I’m your sex slave and pee on me!”

“What?” I asked quite confused.  I’d never considered pee as something sexual. “Gross!”

“It’s not gross.  Nothing that comes from your dick could be gross.  I wanna try it.   Lots of guys like it,” he explained.

“I dunno dude,” I replied.

“C’mon.  Just try it,” he said as he kneeled in the tub and arched his hips out.  “Pee all over my dick,” he commanded.  Who is this perverted little homo?   I wasn’t sure about this but I really needed to go.  I sucked down way too much soda at dinner.   

Standing next to the tub, I pointed my half hard cock down towards him and tried to start pissing.  Being half hard it took a bit to get it to start and the beginning flow was more a splatter that covered Spencer’s chest.   When my piss was nice and strong, I was able to do what he asked and cover his hard cock and balls with it.  He moved back and forth.  I was sure any moment he would get grossed out and tell me to stop but he didn’t.  In fact, he started moaning. “This feels so good and warm,” he said.    As I watched my slightly yellow piss drip off of him and mix into the shower water and run down the drain, he suddenly spun around so my pee was covering his butt. He spread his cheeks and let my stream of piss fill his crack.  I’m not sure why, but it was obvious he was enjoying this, a lot.  It seemed more weird than anything to me.   It was something I hadn’t thought of, that’s for damn sure.

As my bladder was emptying, I pushed out what was left in a few last squirts.  Spencer blew my mind when he spun around just before I pushed out the last squirt of piss and engulfed my cock right before the last of it shot out.  I tried to stop it, but it was too far gone.  And then he just kept sucking.  “Sorry man, I didn’t know you were going to do that,” I quickly apologized.  

He pulled his mouth off my dick and shrugged.  “It’s not that bad.   Just salty is all.  C’mon.  Get in the shower,” he urged me.  I pulled off my socks and climbed in and pulled the shower curtain closed.   We both showered relatively normally, that is until Spencer rubbed soap into my crack and then told me to bend over.   He stuck his face in my ass and licked at my hole.  Damn it felt nice!  He pulled his face free after a minute or so.  “I wondered what that would be like.  It really wasn’t gross or nothing,” he exclaimed happily.

I turned around and hugged him from behind as he rinsed his face.  “You thought that would be gross?  You just freaking swallowed some of my piss you dork,” I told him.  

“Poop is a different thing.  Yuck,” he responded as he pushed his back into my dick.   He grabbed my hands and pushed them up towards his smallish nipples.   “Pinch my nipples Max,” he demanded. The surprises with this kid never end.  I gently squeezed each on between my thumb and forefinger and rubbed them.  “Harder!” he commanded.  “Really pinch them.”  I pinched them harder and his knees weakened as he moaned.  “Yeah, like that,” he moaned.   I don’t know why this was so sexy for him but I kept pinching them a little bit harder and harder, waiting for him to complain but he never did.  I was resting my chin over his shoulder and I could see his hard cock sticking up.  With each pinch of his nips I swear his cock stiffened a little more and twitched as he moaned. 

Spencer seemed to have a plan in his mind.  He suddenly shut the water off.  “C’mon, let’s get dried off.”

“I suspect you have more fun planned?” I asked.

He smirked.  “Yes master,” he answered with another grin.  “Please don’t fuck me with your big cock,” he said with an obvious wink.   I figured that was what he was working up to.  This morning I would have told you there was no way I would have wanted to fuck Spencer tonight, but he’d managed to get me horny enough that I was actually looking forward to doing him now.

When we had made it to my room, Spencer went to his gym bag and dug around.  He pulled out a pair of plastic handcuffs like you would find as part of little boy’s play set.   I looked at him, confused.  “You better make sure I don’t try to escape master,” he said with another wink.   He was really getting into this.   He handed me the plastic cuffs and promptly dropped to the floor and got on all fours, putting his hands around one of the legs of my bed.   I knelt down and latched them around his wrists.  He looked up at me pleading.  “Please sir!  Please don’t put your big dick in my tight boy cunt and spank me while you fuck me, please!” he whispered, signaling exactly what he wanted me to do.

I slapped his bare ass, a little harder than I planned, causing Spencer to yelp.  “You’ll take my dick and like it!  BOY!” I said menacingly.   He looked back and smiled.  I dug out a condom and some lube.  While I covered my dick, I leaned in and ate out his pucker.  His hole immediately opened up and accepted my tongue.  It was obvious he has been playing with his ass.   I wondered what he’d been putting up there.  Or has Ian been over fucking him?   I lubed up a finger and inserted into his warm butt and quickly added another. 

Spencer moaned.  “That feels way better than a Sharpie.”  He pushed back against me, forcing my fingers deeper.   “Please sir, please don’t fuck me.  I’ll be good, I promise.”  That was his way of telling me he was ready.  At least I hope it was because I shoved my hard cock into his ass and fucked him hard.  He whimpered as I pounded him.  “Your dick’s too big,” he pleaded a couple times, continuing with the role of unwilling slave boy.   I smacked his ass and told him to be quiet.   I wasn’t really getting into the role play like he was, but I knew it was what he wanted.

As I continued to thrust into him, his moans got louder.  I leaned over and covered his mouth, sincerely worried my mom might hear him.   It dawned on me I didn’t even know when I had last cum, which also explained why I felt my orgasm come on quickly.  I could have used the tips Craig taught me in Mexico, to delay it, but I kind of wanted to get it over with before Spencer did something to attract my mom’s attention.  I gave him a few more thrusts and told him I was going to cum.  He frantically pulled on his cock as I shoved my dick into him a few more times and both of us seemed to cum at the same time.   Of course Spencer’s was still dry.

I pulled out of him and removed the plastic cuffs.  “Thanks.  You’re a good slave,” I told him. 

“Be right back,” he said as he marched off to the bathroom.   I sat naked on my floor watching my dick deflate in the cum filled condom.  I started feeling really weird about what had just happened.  I know Spencer liked pretending to be forced into it, but it was now reminding me too much of the whole Armando thing and giving me a strange feeling.  I really didn’t want to do that again I decided – not the role play part.  I’d fuck Spencer again, but just normally.

After he returned, I marched to the bathroom to flush the condom and wipe the cum off my dick.  I put my underwear back on and returned.   Spencer was lying on my bed in his underwear, black athletic trunks with green stitching.   He patted the bed next to me, indicating he wanted me sit by him.    I flopped down beside him.  “Did you like that?” he asked.

“Yeah, of course,” I stammered.  “The sex stuff anyway.  But maybe not some of the weirder stuff.  It kind of reminded me of some things that I’m trying to forget.”

“Oh,” he said, somewhat saddened by my response.  I think he hoped I would enjoy the kinky stuff more.

“I went along because I knew you were into it,” I explained.

His chin dropped.  “Oh, sorry,” he muttered.  “I was hoping you’d really like it and would maybe be my boyfriend,” he said, looking up at me.  “I’d let you do anything to me, any time,” he added.

I rubbed my hand across his chest and tickled him.  “Thanks for the offer man, but what I really want is to get Cam back, you know?  So the team can be together and all.”

“Yeah, okay,” he said, clearly dejected.  I looked at him as a small tear started to form in his eye.  He wiped it away quickly.  

“God dammit Max.  You’ve done it again,” I thought to myself.  This was supposed to be a nice distraction for you and you’ve done it again – hurt someone else.   I tried to cheer him up.  “Spencer, I like you a lot.  It’s just that right now I have a lot of things to sort out and I’m really trying hard to get Cam back.  Who knows though?  If I don’t maybe we could be a thing at some point.  Though, I may not be quite as kinky as you.”

“I’d give up all that stuff just to be with you,” he pleaded.  Then he looked at me with a sad face.  “Sorry, I’ll drop it,” he added with a sigh.  “Let’s play games or something,” he suggested.


We played games for a couple hours, but there was an uneasy tension between us.   I could tell he was disappointed at being rejected and I was mad at myself for not realizing what he was trying to do.   We had fun with the games but there was a lingering sadness.  I knew I’d hurt Spencer with my rejection and felt bad.

When it came time to go to bed, Spencer suggested I get blankets out so he could sleep on my futon.  “No way dude, I want you to sleep in my bed,” I told him.


“Yes. Duh.  Spencer, I still really really like you.   It’s just not the right time for me to be having a new boyfriend.  C’mon,” I said, pulling him towards my bed.


“So what’s this porn site you’ve been going to?” I asked him once we had settled next to each other under my blankets.  I figured asking him about his interests would cheer him up.  “I didn’t know half those things you mentioned earlier.”

He spent the next 15 minutes telling me all about CBT (which I learned was cock and ball torture, which sounded completely not fun), glory holes, bondage and other weird shit.  You could tell he was really intrigued by all of it, but it wasn’t remotely interesting to me.  It made me realize more than ever I just wanted Cam back so we could have regular, normal sex.

“Didn’t it hurt when I spanked you?” I asked him, remember that I smacked him much harder than I intended.

“It stung.  But just for a little bit,” he answered.  “But it made me horny as fuck!”

“I think I’ll stick to regular fucking and sucking.  I’m really sorry about earlier.  I didn’t mean to upset you, but what I really need is Cam.  For me.  For the team.  For everything,” I told him.

“I know,” he said.  “It’s okay.  I’ll find a boyfriend on my own.   If I were a little older I’d have all kind of dates from Grindr already,” he replied.

“From what?”

“Grindr.  You don’t know Grindr?  The app?”

“No, what it is it?”

He shook his head.  “How do you not know about Grindr?  It’s a dating app like Tinder, but for gay guys.”

I shrugged.  “I guess I never thought about an app.  You actually use it? Don’t you have to be 18 or 21 or something?”

“Yeah, but I just lied.  And found some pictures to use.  It’s fun looking at other guy’s dick pics and stuff.  I’ve even talked to a few guys and chatted about the sex stuff they’d like to do.”

“No shit?”

“Yeah.  Some older guys who like younger dudes mostly.”

“How old did you say you are anyway?”

“18,” he said laughing.  “I could pass for it right?”

“Not even.”

“I know.  But I’m not really going to do anything.  It just makes me horny to have sexy chats.”

“Just be careful, alright?” I told him.  I immediately thought of another Armando that would do bad things to Spencer if he got the chance.

“I will.  Max?”

“Yeah dude?”

“I got a boner.  Do you?”

I reached down to check.  “Not really.  Maybe part of one from you telling me about all that stuff.”

“Oh,” he replied, clearly disappointed.

“How about I make yours go away so we can get to sleep?” I suggested. 

“You don’t have to,” he replied.

“I want to.  I love your dick, remember?”  I pushed the blankets off of us and shifted towards the end of the bed.  My mouth planted atop his bulge.  I sucked at his cock through the material of his underwear.   It soaked with saliva as I teased him.  Finally I pulled them off and engulfed his hard little rod.   He thrust up into my mouth as I worked my tongue all over him.  He came surprisingly fast, his hands holding my head in place as he pumped his stiff uncut dick into my mouth.  I really did enjoy getting him off again.  It made me feel a little better about saying no to being his boyfriend earlier.


Just for good measure, I woke him up the next day with another blow job.  After he came again, I made sure that he knew we were just really good friends who like to make each other feel good.  He seemed to accept that.

Mom made us waffles with bacon in them for breakfast.  Her waffles are insanely good!  She had the local news on the small TV in the kitchen as she cooked.   We were each just finishing our first waffle and waiting for the next batch when what I heard on the TV made me drop my fork.  “Coming up after the break on Fox 9 news, a local man was arrested yesterday and is charged with having sex with a teenage boy.”  My heart sunk.  Oh my god! Could it be that Cam already blabbed and this is about Craig?   I suddenly realized Craig hadn’t texted me at all the day before.   Fear filled my body.  My heart raced.  Could this be it?  Oh FUCK!

I don’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing that mom immediately shut the TV off.   If it was about Craig and they announced his name, my mom might have had a heart attack right there.  But now I didn’t get to hear any details.

I ate my second waffle so fast it felt like a rock in my stomach.  I quickly excused myself to the bathroom where I sat on the toilet and used my phone to find the website for Fox 9 news.   “Please God don’t let it be Craig,” I whispered out loud as I waited for the page to load.   I’m not religious, and I really don’t pray, but at that moment I wanted all the help I could get.

I’m quickly scanned the story.   I began to calm down when I realized it wasn’t Craig.  It was a middle school teacher from a private school named Richard who was being charged with having sex with one of his students. 

While relieved it wasn’t about Craig, the story still freaked me out.   It could very well be Craig next time!  It certainly had a way of making me understand just how serious our situation was.  I realized I had broken into a cold sweat.    I rinsed off with a cold wash cloth before I came back out.  I couldn’t let mom or Spencer know I had been freaking out.

** End of Chapter 27 **

Hopefully this wasn’t quite as depressing as the last couple of chapters.  Craig and Max are still in a pickle, but they are in it together at least.  And hopefully the interlude with a kinky Spencer held balance the recent sad tone.

Thanks as always for the continued feedback