Max’s Awakening #42

By and J



Author’s notes:

In the last chapter, Jamie visited Max after school to tell him about his sleepover with Seb, shedding light on why Seb is acting strangely.  We pick up later that night at gymnastics practice….

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Chapter 42

I managed to pull Cam aside at practice and gave him the abbreviated version of Jamie and Seb’s sleepover drama. 

“Strange.  I’d understand if he felt some guilt after, but it doesn’t sound like they got very far, much less finished.”

“Right,” I concurred.  “It's very confusing and is driving poor Jamie crazy.”

“Who knows, it could be something else entirely.  Like, what if he just has a crazy-ass mom acting all erratic?”  He suggested, rolling his eyes. 

“I think that’s just you,” I replied with a laugh before pivoting.  “Anyway, I thought you might check on him.”

Cam demurred.  “I dunno.  I mean, I like him and stood up for him and all, and he did help me some in math, but it’s not like we’ve ever really been friends.  If I message him not out of nowhere, he’s going to know we're talking about him.  That would probably put him on edge, and Seb’s smart enough to see right through it,” Cam pointed out.  “You’re already closer to him than I ever was.”

He makes a good point.  “Yeah, I guess that’s true.  I’ll see what kind of response Jamie gets,” I agreed.  “So, how IS everything with your mom, anyway?”

Cam sighed and rolled his eyes again.  “Bizarre.  Almost perfect.  She and Dad act like nothing ever happened, and she hasn’t nagged me about anything.  She’s being almost…  overly nice?  Even wants to take me shopping.”

“Cha-ching,” I replied with a grin.  “Things between you have been shit lately, and she’s probably feeling guilty about leaving and stuff.  Must be trying to buy her way back to your good side, but you might as well gain some benefit from all of her weirdness.”

“That’s exactly why I don’t even wanna go, because I know that’s her angle.  It’s so transparent, and fuck if I’m going to forgive her and pretend she didn’t run off as soon as I came out!  She’s going to have to do a hell of a lot more than buy me a new pair of shoes.  Which, by the way, Daddy will end up paying for anyway because she’s too damn lazy and spoiled to ever actually have a job,” Cam fumed, shaking his head derisively.  Damn, he’s even more bitter than I realized.  “Besides, it isn’t like she genuinely wants to spend time with me.  You know, the real me, not the phony version she pretends exists to try and impress her friends with.” 

Cam seems to be stuck between his righteous anger and understandable dejection.  Part of me wonders if he’s overreacting and holding onto a grudge that isn’t worth his energy. 

“I know that’s annoying, and you‘re right about everything, but dude: go,” I urged.  “If it makes her feel better, let her spoil you.  Enjoy it.  You deserve something nice, and shouldn’t deny yourself because you’re punishing her.  That’s only going to make you feel even more miserable.  And hey, maybe you can even talk her into some sexy new underwear.”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you,” he replied, briefly laughing before turning serious and pursed his lips.  “I guess.  I mean it just seems too easy, immediately letting her off the hook like Daddy has.  We’ve always gone along with her nonsense, and I’m fucking tired of it,” Cam practically yelled.  It was loud enough to cause Spencer and Ian to look at us, startled.

I put my arm around him.  His tense body immediately relaxed. 

“I get what you’re saying, and you aren’t wrong to be cautious, but she’s also making an effort.  I’m not trying to compare, but you know, that’s more than my father ever did,” I said with a hint of bitterness.  “Maybe she’s actually changing for the better.  You won’t know if you don’t give her a chance.”  I’m not sure I believe that myself, but he should give her an opportunity to make amends.  Besides, Cam is letting it eat at him and nothing good will come from that.  He needs to chill the eff out.

Cam looked at me, his face flushed, before leaning his head against my shoulder.  “Maybe.” 

“Okay, lover boys,” Coach called out.  “Back to work.”  Cam quickly wiped his face and went back to work.  I don’t know how he does it.  He can just flip a switch and focus, even after being upset. 


I received a text from Jamie later.  He sent Seb a note apologizing, who continues to deny anything is wrong. 

Jamie: I still don’t believe him

Me: same.  Let me see if I get the same story

Jamie: K.  lemme know

I wrote several messages to Seb, but didn’t like any of them, and deleted each.  I decided to wait and see how he acts at school tomorrow.  Maybe we’re all overreacting and should just give him a little space. 


Tuesday at school started off with a bang.  Principal Johnson ended the morning announcements by informing us that Mrs. Bach had been “reassigned” to some job at the district office.  I swear, half the class cheered and even the teacher smirked.  I hate that woman, but didn’t realize my sentiment was shared by so many.  With everything going on, I hadn’t noticed, but it dawned on me that I hadn’t seen her around for a couple of weeks.  Really, not since the SNO debacle.  I wonder how long she’s been gone.

He briefly introduced the new eighth grade Assistant Principal, Dr. Brennan, who shared he would be around at lunch to meet students.

Of course, the immediate discussion amongst the class was about the coincidence that Dr. Brennan was also a character from Stranger Things.  “I wonder if Eleven will be joining us,” was a common, but lame joke.


My plan to gauge Seb’s demeanor was shot.  In math, his seat sat empty.  I glanced at Jamie, who looked just as surprised by Seb’s absence.  He’s trying to play it cool, but I can see the concern on his face.

“So, I guess he didn’t mention being out today?” I asked as we headed to lunch.

“Nope,” he answered.  “Maybe it’s his stomach still, and he really has been sick.”  He sounds almost hopeful, which is a change from yesterday.

“I guess it’s possible,” I replied, but it sure doesn’t seem likely.  I quickly fired off a message to Seb trying to find out.


Jamie was reserved at lunch, clearly distracted about Seb.  Maybe we’re all just tired, but it was the quietest our table has been in a while.  Nobody seemed to have much to say, at least at first.  Somehow, we ended up talking about bedtimes and curfews and bitching about parents.

It started with Ashley complaining about how unfair it is that she had to be home by 9:30 on Saturday.  Noah was only able to walk her home because his curfew is 10 on the weekend, but his parents are much stricter during the week.  Home by 7:30 and bed by 10:30 at the latest. 

“At least they don’t nag me to go to bed on Friday or Saturday,” she said.  “But if I try to stay up past 10 on a school night, you’d think I was committing a felony or something.  They even make me turn my phone off at nine, which is dumb.  And I have to be home by eight on a school night.”

“So lame,” Mariah agreed.  “You have to train them better.  We’re too old for bed times, and my parents don’t say anything so long as I have my phone.  They’d never think of taking it away.  It’s my phone.”

That seemed extreme, but then Mariah is always a little extra.  I wonder who she thinks pays that bill?

“My parents flip if I’m not home by 10 on the weekend, but they don’t pester me to get to bed before 11 during the week,” Jamie shared.  Austin nodded.

Noah hasn’t said much, but he sure had his hand clasped tightly to Ashley’s.

I shrugged.  “Mom doesn’t really get on me, so long as I stay out of trouble and get decent grades, but I always put myself to bed around 10, anyway.  I’m freaking tired after school and practice.”

“I bet you are,” Mariah piped up.  “I'm sure it takes a lot of work to keep that physique.”  I could feel her stare as she looked me up and down.  She’s starting to creep me out.  It’s almost pervy.  I’ve had sex with people who look at me with less lust.  I realized her gaze reminded me of how Chad leered at me.  I shuddered and quickly put that out of my mind.

“Max is so worn out because of all those workouts he does with Cam,” Austin teased.  Everyone laughed, even Jamie.  Usually, he’s the one who makes the sex jokes at our table, but he’s still out of sorts.  Anyway, it is technically true, since we do pair off at the gym.  And bedroom.

I must have blushed, because Noah said something about it not being anyone else’s business.

“So, what about you, Liam?”  Ashley asked.  “You’ve been quiet.”

He looked embarrassed.  “My parents must be really rigid, because it wasn’t until this school year they let me have a different bed time than my little brothers.  Even now, it’s nine during the week, and 10 on weekends.  But my family is full of morning people, so maybe that’s part of it.  And no screen time on Sunday.”

Mariah looked shocked and disgusted.

“I guess it could always be worse,” Ashley admitted.

“Yeah.  I’m grounded if I’m not home by seven during the week or eight on weekends.  But we spend so much time as a family and with church activities that it’s not usually an issue,” he shared.  “Plus, I like spending time with my parents and sibs, so it’s fine usually.”

“You’re going to get corrupted, hanging out with all of us heretics,” I joked.

“Or maybe I’ll convert you and you’ll be saved,” Liam retorted with a grin.  I think the ‘converted’ quip was a double-entendre for my benefit.  Noah seemed to think the same thing, because he laughed.

Before I could respond, the cafeteria was quieted by Mr. Tim, who got onto the microphone to present the new AP, Dr. Brennan.  He introduced himself before making the rounds at different tables.  He didn’t look very old for a ‘doctor’.

He seems very nice and enthusiastic.  He asked several kids their names and inquired about their interests.  Some people do stuff like that and it seems phony, but he seemed genuine about it.

When he approached our table, I spoke up.  “Hi, I’m Max Coleman.  Welcome to Olympia.”  I’m really not a suck up, but if this is the new Bach, I would prefer he like me.

“Ah…  Mr. Coleman,” he replied, a small smile flashing across his face.  “It’s a pleasure.”  He extended his fist to bump.

It seemed odd, like he already knew about me.  But, I am probably imagining things.


Mr. Tim caught me outside the cafeteria, just before lunch was wrapping up.  “Did you get to meet Dr. Brennan?”

“Yeah.  He seems chill.  Way better than…” I caught myself before saying something disparaging about Bach. 

“He’s great,” Tim assured me, grinning.  “I think you’ll really like him.  I can’t say too much, but let's just say I think you’ll find him more empathetic than his predecessor.”  He added a wink and patted me on the back.  “Have a great day, Max.”

I almost asked if I could talk to him about Seb, but didn’t.  It’s too soon.  We don’t really know what’s going on yet, if anything. 

When I turned, I slid my phone from my pocket to check for Seb’s reply.  Nothing.  Damn. 

“Put it away, Max,” Mr. Tim chided as he rested his hand on my shoulder.  “I know it’s your break, but I really don’t want to have to confiscate your phone.”  Olympia has a strict no phone policy, but I was surprised Mr. Tim was being a hard-ass at lunch.

“Sorry, I’m just worried…  about a friend,” I answered.

“I know.  Seb should be back tomorrow.” 

Wait, what?  I looked up at him, mystified.  How could he possibly know? 

Mr. Tim smiled.  “I know you have a good reason and aren’t just playing Clash Royale or something, but you also understand I can’t be seen playing favorites or giving special treatment, so do me a favor and please lead by example.”

I could swear he gave me a nudge when he referred to ‘favorites’, but that has to be in my head.

It sure seems like he knows about Seb being absent, but how?  Or why?  He’s busy, there are over a thousand kids in the school, and Seb isn’t even in the grade he’s responsible for.  Surely he doesn’t keep track of every kid who is absent.  Maybe he just noticed he wasn’t at our table, but then why would he say he’d be back tomorrow unless he knew more?


Mom shocked me when we got home.  “I hear there is a new principal at school,” she asked, dropping a couple bags of groceries on the counter. 

“Yeah.  How did you know?”  I asked.  I planned to mention it, but hadn’t had a chance.  They must have sent the eighth-grade parents an email or something.

“He actually called me,” she said.

“What?  Why?”  I’m so confused.  “I didn’t do anything, I swear!”

“Sweetie, relax.  He just wanted to reassure me he takes all matters of harassment seriously and is dedicated to making Olympia a welcoming environment for all students.  He didn’t bring up anything specific, but I got the impression he was calling a few parents who might not have been thrilled with Mrs. Bach — as a courtesy, to let them know there’s a new sheriff in town.”

So, I wasn’t crazy!  He did know who I was.  I wonder if Mr. Tim gave him some sort of run down on the entire grade or something.  It’s kind of bizarre, knowing you’re a topic of conversation for someone who has the power to ruin your life, but I can’t say I’m bothered by it.  I trust Mr. Tim, and he speaks highly of him, so that’s good enough for me.


I finally got a short and vague response from Seb, just as practice was ending.  “Just had an appointment.”

I’m eager to ask for details, but don’t want to come off as nosy.  I told him I’ll be glad when he’s back, adding that lunch was boring without him.  He uses read receipts, so I know he saw it, but he didn’t respond.  That’s so unlike him.  WTF?

Cam still seems stressed, but didn’t mention his mother.  I hope their couple of days alone goes well.  She did give me a pleasant wave from her car as we left practice.  I know Cam isn’t convinced, but it truly does seem like she’s trying.


Mr. Tim was right, and I was happy to see Seb back in Geometry.  “Hey my dude,” I said as I walked past his seat.

“Oh, hi Max,” he answered, completely devoid of any enthusiasm.

“Glad you’re here,” I whispered.  “We missed you yesterday.”

“Uh, thanks,” he answered before looking away.  He’s definitely still in some sort of a funk.  Jamie watched our entire exchange.  He took a deep breath and shook his head.  “Fuck,” he mouthed.

Seb hastily exited when we were dismissed, just like Monday, when he never showed up at lunch.  In fact, he might have been even faster out the door today. 

I got up quickly, myself.  Jamie grabbed my arm, just outside the door.  “What’s his deal?”  He asked.

“I’m not sure, but save my seat at our table.  I’m going to see if I can get to the bottom of this.”  I ran, trying to catch up to him.  I was thwarted by other kids coming into the hall.  I weaved the best I could through them, but when I turned the corner towards the MPR, the hallway in front of me was nearly empty.  Where the eff did Seb go? 

I stopped to look behind me, wondering if I passed him.  I hadn’t.  I went into the lunch room and looked around.  Nothing.  I’m stumped.

I backtracked, thinking maybe he stopped to relieve himself.  The restroom by the lunch room was empty, except for Scottie Cunningham using one of the urinals.  He gave me a strange look as he left.  Considering he (grossly) failed to wash his hands, who is he to judge me?  I guess it’s not everyday someone looks in every stall without actually using one.

I went back down the hall.  There is another boys’ room right by our classroom.

“Seb?  You in here?” I asked after stepping inside.  My voice echoed off the tile.  It was quiet.

I went back to the lunch room.  Our table was filling up with the usual gang, but no Seb.  I approached.  “Any luck?” Jamie asked. 

“No!  None.  Not here, either?”  Jamie shook his head.  “I’ve been looking.  He isn’t around.”

Jamie started to get up.  “Eat your lunch, Jamie.  I’ll keep searching,” I told him.  I’m not sure why.  I suppose I know I need to talk to Seb alone, if I ever actually manage to fucking find him.

I checked the bathroom again, in vain.  Then I had an idea: if Mr. Tim knew where he was yesterday, perhaps he went to see him.  I walked fast to Mr. Tim’s office.  The door was closed.  I knocked, but no answer.  He must be gone.  Of course, he usually does help supervise lunch. 

I don’t know where else to look.  I wasn’t even hungry, but meandered slowly back towards the MPR.  I’m playing with fire, being in the halls without a pass. 

I was almost to the cafeteria, when it hit me: the library!  It’s always open for students to use during lunch.  I hung right and entered.

“Good morning,” the librarian greeted me.  “Can I help you with something?”  Our librarian is an older lady who always tries too hard to assist you, like we never learned to find a book on our own.

“No thank you.  I just want to look around, if that’s okay.”  I’m sure she thinks I’m up to something.

I walked towards the rear.  In the non-fiction section are tables and study carrels in the corner that are secluded.  If someone was hiding in the library, it would be there.  I paused just before a short book rack.

There he was, alone at a back table with his nose buried in some book.  He glanced over his shoulder towards the librarian before pulling something from his backpack and taking a quick bite.

I checked my phone.  Only 12 minutes before passing time.  I considered my options.  Should I just wait until tomorrow and follow him to the library when I’d have more time to talk?  Ask Mr. Tim to intercede and have us both come to his office later?

Fuck it.  I don’t want this to fester any more than it already has.

I quietly approached and pulled the chair out next to him.  His head spun around and he flinched.  I startled him. 

“Oh, it’s you,” he said.

“Yeah.  It’s me,” I said sitting down.  “You’re a tough kid to find.”

“I didn’t think anyone would come looking,” he mumbled.

“What?  Why?  We miss you.  Jamie’s worried sick.  So am I.”

“Nothing to be worried about.  I’m fine.”  He didn’t sound remotely convincing.


He shrugged.  “I guess.”

“I don’t believe that.  I know we haven’t known each other long, but I can tell something is bothering you.  You’re my friend and I care about you, and I know being the new kid sucks.  Hell, middle school sucks.  So, if you need to talk, I’ll listen.  About anything.”

He sat silently.  His lip trembled slightly.  “No, really.  I’m fine.  I just think it’s better if I hang out with kids my age.  I’m not making any friends in my own grade,” he confessed.  “I should probably drop back to Algebra, too.  Geometry is getting confusing.”

“Dude, stop!  You should be tutoring me in Geometry.  And your friends are only like a year older.  We are basically the same age,” I stipulated.  I’m not sure whether it’s the right move, but decided to push forward.  “I don’t know what’s going on with you, but I have a guess.”

He looked up at me in fear.  “What?”

I paused.  I wasn’t sure how he would feel about Jamie telling me about them kissing, and definitely didn’t know how he’d react about my awareness of his Widmer drama.  I had a hunch there was a link.  But, should I lay it all out on the table?  It could send him over the edge. 

He continued to look at me, waiting for an answer.

I decided it was safer to bring up the teacher than he and Jamie getting frisky.

“Does it have something to do with what happened at Widmer?”  I asked, hesitantly.

He paused, then nodded.  “I kind of figured you knew about that.  Cam?”

“Yeah.  He told me about what was going on with kids bullying you, only I didn’t know it was YOU.  And I had no idea you’d end up at school here, let alone that we’d become friends,” I confessed.  “Cam wasn’t gossiping, I promise.  I think he was just pissed at how people were treating you and was venting.”  I left out that it was really Noah he told initially, and that I heard it from him.  Plus, it’s still technically true, and I did hear the news story.  “But that’s your business, and I figured if you didn’t want to talk about it, it was your decision.  Just know I’m here for you and don’t judge if you ever do.  Trust me, I get it.”

He nodded.  “I was supposed to do this deposition thing yesterday.  I didn’t want to, but my dad made me.  Mom has been more understanding, but Dad is still on the warpath.”

“That was your ‘appointment’?”  Cam was right, at least partially and in reverse.  It’s his father who is driving him crazy. 

“Yeah.  It was awful.  I didn’t want to talk about what happened but they kept asking me stupid questions.”

“I’m sorry, that sucks.  But at least it’s over, right?”

“Not exactly.  I refused to say much of anything yesterday, so they want me to come back.  Dad was raging because I was ‘uncooperative’.  He wants me to spill my guts, but I don’t want to.  It’s no one else’s business, plus I was totally willing.  Mom and dad got in a big fight last night over it.  Mom says it should be up to me and Dad thinks I should do everything I can to punish him.”

“The teacher?”

“Yeah.  Mr. Albertson…  Rich.” 

“Rich?” I asked. 

“Yeah.  He told me to call him by his first name.  I really don’t want him to get into more trouble.  He already got fired from his job.  I like him.  He didn’t really do anything wrong, anyway.”

I could relate.  It would be like someone trying to make me rat on Craig about Mexico.  Heck, I wouldn’t even want to go through something like that to get Chad in trouble, and he deserves it.  It wouldn’t be worth it to me.

“Got ya.  I mean if you don’t dislike him, or what happened, and consented, I wouldn’t want to talk about it, either.”

“Exactly.  My therapist lady keeps telling me it’s up to me, but Dad and the detectives and DA keep pressuring me.”

“It would be different if he hurt you or something.”

“He didn’t!”  Seb exclaimed adamantly. 

“I’m sorry,” I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.  “That’s a tough spot.  I had a therapist for a while, too.  It was weird at first, but I kind of liked her after a while.  She was nice.’

“YOU went to a therapist?  What for?”  He was clearly surprised.  “You’re, like, totally put together and confident.”

I smiled.  If only he knew about my meltdowns.  “Not even.  I had a particularly rough stretch when my piece of shit dad got in trouble.” 

He looked at me stupefied.  He clearly knew nothing about it. 

“You don’t know about my father?”

“Should I?  What about him?”

“Oh, wow.  I guess it’s something you can kind of relate to.  He’s in prison, actually.”

“Prison?  No way!  For what?”

“For the same thing they want to send your teacher away for.  Except he was doing stuff with girls.  And they were younger and not willing.”

His eyes got big.  I could tell he was shocked and didn’t know what to say.

“It was totally different, though.  Whatever he did really messed them up.  I think girls are different about sex and stuff.”

“Yeah,” he muttered in agreement.

“I have a suggestion, if you want to hear it.”

“Might as well.”

“When do you go to counseling again?”

“Tomorrow after school.  Why?”

“Have you told her about how you don’t want to talk to anyone else about what happened?”

“I explained being nervous about testifying.  I didn’t really say I didn’t want to, or why.  She encouraged me to get it over with so I could process and move on.”

“Hmmm.  Maybe you should tell her why and straight-up say you aren’t interested.  She might not like it, but I think it’s okay for you to share that you don’t want him to get in more trouble.  That’s your choice, I think.  Or it freaking should be.”


“Sure.  Ask her to talk to your parents about it.  Perhaps she can convince your dad to back off.  It doesn’t sound like it’s the best thing for you to go through, right?”

He nodded.  “I enjoyed what we did.  The only thing that has stressed me out about any of it is everyone’s reactions.  It’s none of their business but they’re hell bent on guilting me into ruining him.”

I patted his shoulder.  “Jan, my therapist, always told me I should have a say in any matter that affects me.  She talked to Mom about a lot of things, and even helped me get a mentor.”

“Maybe I should get a new counselor,” he said, a smile finally cracking.

“For real, dude.  Like if you’re not totally comfortable, you should.  Jan was lit.”  

“Thanks,” he answered, sounding relieved.  “I never thought about how my therapist could be helpful with my parents.”  That last part seemed to be said mostly to himself. 

“No probs.  Only, I don’t get why you’re hiding from your friends.”

“Oh,” he answered, hanging his head.


He was staring at the floor.  “I don’t want to get Jamie in trouble, too,” he eventually squeaked.

“Huh?”  I asked.  “For what?!”  He blushed a little, but didn’t answer, looking away.  “Why would Jamie get in trouble?”

“Well, you probably have figured out I might be gay, like you.”

“Yeah, I thought it was likely, but wasn’t positive.  But like with the teacher thing, I didn’t want you to feel like you had to say anything.”

“Thanks.  I don’t want to say anything about anyone else, and I guess I don’t know for sure, but you seemed to notice how flirty Jamie is with me…”  He trailed off.

“Uh huh.  I told him not to come on so strong.  He’s never been attracted to another boy before, and is kinda confused, but he’s been crushing hard.  He really likes you, more than he ever has any girl, anyway.”

Seb gave a weak smile, before looking back at the floor. 

“I really like him, too.  But he’s older than me,” he finally answered.

“Only by a grade.  You’re both middle schoolers.  What does that have to do with anything?”  I asked.

“A grade, but almost TWO years.  I don’t want what happened to Mr. Albertson to happen to Jamie,” he explained, tears beginning to form in his eyes.  “And you guys have been so nice and welcoming, but you’ve known him for years.  I knew you’d choose him and be mad at me, like everyone at Widmer was when their favorite teacher got busted.  I didn’t want to make it weird for anyone.”

I was astounded.  That’s what’s bothering him?  He thinks Jamie would be accused of molesting him?  And that we’d all make his life hell?  Poor kid.

“Dude, chill.  It doesn’t work like that,” I stated.  “And we’re your friend, too.”

“What doesn’t work like that?”

“Jamie’s older than you, but not by enough to matter.  He’s still a kid.  His voice hasn’t even changed yet.  He wouldn’t get in trouble if you two…  um, well you know, did stuff and he didn’t force you.”  Hell, if that was the case, I’d be at risk for playing with Spencer. 

He shook his head as if he didn’t believe me.  I was considering mentioning my encounters with a couple of 11-year-olds (I mean, they were nearly 12) when a familiar adult voice interrupted my thoughts. 

“Everything okay?”  I turned.  It was Mr. Tim.

Seb started hastily zipping his backpack.

“Relax.  There’s a couple more minutes of lunch left, and I’ll write you a pass if you need it,” he said sitting across from us.  “Jamie asked if I knew where either of you were.  I guessed you might be in here.  Just talking?”

“Yes sir,” Seb answered nervously.  He doesn’t really know Mr. Tim.

“And sneaking a few bites of his lunch,” I added.  I realized I was starting to feel hungry myself.  “Got anything to share?”

Seb handed me a Nutri-Grain bar. 

“Thanks,” I told him.

“You shouldn’t eat in the library.  Mrs. Cowper would be beside herself,” Mr. Tim stated.  “Save it for when you’re heading back to class.”

“I will,” I answered, slipping it in my pocket.

“So, anything interesting?”

“Sorta,” I answered.  “You should ask Mr. Tim if you don’t believe me.”

“‘Believe’ you about what?”  Tim asked. 

Seb looked horrified.  He shook his head.  He clearly wasn’t willing to talk about this with Mr. Tim.

I spoke up.  “Theoretically, if an eighth-grade student and seventh grade student were to date and, uh, do what couples do, would the eighth grader be breaking any laws if they were, say, almost two years older?”

Seb stared at me, his eyes wide in disbelief and mortification.  I’m sure he couldn’t believe I just asked an adult — a teacher, even — so nonchalantly about sex.

“Ah…  I see,” Mr. Tim said, leaning back and pausing to choose his words carefully.  “I wouldn’t advocate students your age being sexually active of course, and you should always talk to your parents about such things, but so long as everything was consensual and everyone was willing…”

“They were,” Seb interrupted.  “I mean, they would be.”

“Well then, no,” Mr. Tim answered.  “That wouldn’t be a problem, at least not legally.  Minnesota’s age of consent is 16, unless there’s an authority figure involved, in which case it’s 18.  But there are exceptions for youth if they’re within two or three years,” he explained.  “As long as they aren’t sexting, which is always illegal.  Now, the parents of these hypothetical adolescents probably would not be thrilled.  And like I said, waiting a few years would be best.”

He looked at me and gave the slightest grin.  I’m sure he’s aware Cam and I fuck each other’s brains out.  God, I hope he doesn’t think I’m trying to entice Seb.

The warning bell rang, signifying our need to head back to class.

“Relax.  I’ll write you both a pass if you need to finish your discussion,” Mr. Tim declared, pulling some slips from his shirt pocket.  He put the time as a few minutes in the future so we have a buffer. 

“Thanks!”  Seb said excitedly, his demeanor changed.  He was suddenly smiling.

“Seb, just a reminder, you are free to come talk to me, or your counselor, any time.  I know Miss Sara is the security for seventh grade, but it’s also easier to talk to a guy sometimes.  We all know we connect better with certain kids, so no one will think anything of it,” Mr. Tim explained.  “Of course, that’s only if Max is unavailable,” he joked.


With a pass in hand good for at least ten minutes, we talked while Seb organized his binder.

“Thanks for tracking me down, Max.  I don’t think I’ve ever had a friend like you before,” Seb said.  “I feel a lot better, but there’s more.  I think we should talk somewhere more private than at school, though.  If you want, I mean.”

Seb wants to get stuff off his chest and is choosing to confide in me.  I’ve always felt a little responsible for him, but suddenly had a swell of pride and an abrupt warmness toward him.  I wonder if this is what Craig experiences when he helps me?

“Sure.  I’d love to hang out.  I don’t have practice tonight if you want to do something this afternoon.”

“Let me check with my parents to see if it’s cool.  They’ve been watching me like a hawk with everything lately.  I talk about you a lot, but they haven’t met you yet so they might be a little nervous,” Seb explained.  He glanced to make sure the librarian wasn’t in sight and fired off a text.

“Good idea.  I should check in with my mom, too.”

When I looked, I noticed she had sent me a message apologizing because something unexpectedly came up at work and she needs to work late and might even have to go to Denver later in the week.  She said Craig would grab me for dinner.

It sounds like a shit show, but I’m always up for bonus Craig time!  It will be a bummer if she has to go out of town, but maybe I can stay with him and Cam can visit after school.

“Mom says it’s probably okay, but she wants to meet you and talk with your mom first.  She asked for her phone number and suggested you just come when she picks me up,” Seb suggested.  “They aren’t letting me ride the bus yet because of how mean the other kids were at Widmer.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

I gave Seb her number and sent mom a brief message explaining the situation and that she’ll probably get a text or call from Seb’s parents.  I didn’t go through the formality of asking for permission, but added that I was assuming it was okay unless she responds no before school is out, and added a kiss emoji. 

It’s possible my assumption could piss her off, but she’s never hassled me before about hanging out with friends, so I don’t think she’ll care so long as she knows where I am and who I’m with.

“Boys, what are you still doing here?  Lunch is over.  You have to get to class,” Mrs. Cowper, the librarian, scolded.

“Yes ma’am, we are.  Mr. Tim gave us passes,” I replied, waving the pink piece of paper he signed minutes earlier.

She smiled.  “Oh, okay.  Just don’t be too late.”

“Of course, we’re going now.”

As we ambled toward math, my phone buzzed.

Nice.  “Mom says it’s fine, and she already heard from your mom, so we’re good.”

Seb jumped up and down out of excitement, bouncing into me.  It’s the most animated I’ve ever seen him.


As we walked back to class through the empty halls, Seb nudged my arm.  “Can I ask you something?”


“Does anyone else know about me…  and the Widmer stuff?  Other kids, I mean.”

“As far as I know, only Noah,” I replied.  “Cam actually told him about your situation before he told me.  That all went down when we were broken up.”

“I almost forgot all about the SNO make-up.  Or was it makeout?”  Seb replied, giggling.  “I don’t know how, though.  That was hot.  And sweet.”

I laughed.  “You should have seen when we really made up.”

“I can only imagine,” he said through a fit of giggles.  “I have, if I’m being honest.”

I stared at him.  It’s the first time he’s ever alluded to anything overtly sexual.  It’s like a switch was flipped and he’s suddenly and completely at ease around me.

“You’ll have to sleep over sometime,” I suggested.  “Of course, when you clear the air with Jamie, you can do whatever with him.”

His boisterous playfulness faded.  “I want to make it up to him, if he’ll forgive me for being so weird.”  He sounded unsure.

I patted his arm.  “He will.”

“I hope so,” he said, before returning to the topic he broached.  “So, Noah is it?  You really didn’t tell anyone else?”

“Of course not.  Trust me, there’s nothing worse than everyone knowing your business and gossiping behind your back.  I lived through that shit with my dad last year, and now coming out to start this school year.  I would never do that to someone else.”

“Oh, right,” he mumbled, sounding embarrassed.

Seb stopped just before the door to Mr. Beckham’s classroom.  He put his hand on my shoulder, to stop me from going on.  “Thanks again for being such a good friend.  I feel a lot better.”

I gave him a side hug.  “What are friends for?  C’mon, let’s get back to class.  If we are much later, the rumors will really start to fly.” 


As we walked into math together, Mr. Beckham gave us a look before we handed over our passes.  Jamie was studying us intently.  As I walked by his desk, I gave him a subtle thumbs up and brushed his elbow.

Class really only had a couple of minutes left, and when the bell rang, Seb and Jamie beelined for the door.  I followed them down the hall about thirty feet to a back stairwell, adjacent to a couple of book rooms.  There’s a corner that’s fairly private, and the area isn’t heavily trafficked.

I didn’t hear what they said, but blocked the view so no one else could see anything.  They did something you don’t see often between guys our age, at least at school, and gave each other a big hug.  Like, fully embraced.  It must have lasted at least 10 or 15 seconds.

“I have to get to science.  FaceTime tonight?”  Seb finally said loud enough I could hear.  Jamie nodded.  “Max, I’ll meet you at the flagpole after school.”

Jamie's gaze lingered as Seb climbed the stairs.

“Looks like that went well,” I suggested.

Jamie had a gigantic grin spread across his face.  He looked happier than I’ve ever seen him.  “I don’t know what you said to him, but thanks.  He apologized and said he’d explain later.  I guess you already know what he has to say, huh?”

“Yeah.  But I’m sure he’ll tell you all about it.  I get the feeling he can’t wait to be alone with you again.”

“Seriously?  Are you sure?”

“One-hundred percent.  I saw a side of him I haven’t seen before.  He seems totally into you and is definitely horny.”

“Yeah, he told me he wants to make it up to me and grazed my junk.  Between that and our hug I half chubbed right there,” he said as he adjusted his shorts.

I laughed.  “Down boy.  Just don’t go too far, too fast.  Savor it.”  Look at me suggesting sexual restraint.  Craig will be so proud.

“Says the guy who gives up his ass every weekend.”

“Hey, sometimes it’s me who tops, you know,” I whispered.  “Fucking is awesome, just saying there’s a lot more stuff you can do besides that.”

“I know.  I haven’t thought about anything else when I jack off since we met.  Well, minus reliving the show you gave me right after the SNO.”

I smiled.  We jerked together on FaceTime that weekend, when we had just met Seb.

“Well, now that you’ve made up, we probably shouldn’t do that again unless Seb is there.  Or at least is okay with it,” I declared.  “I have a lot to teach you.”

“Can't wait, but we have to go.  If I get another tardy it’s a detention and my parents will ground me for sure.  Then Seb won’t be able to make up anything,” Jamie explained.


Liam checked in with me in the locker room.

“I didn’t see you at lunch, so I sat at my old table.  They gave me crap, so I may have to split my time between you guys.”

“Yeah, I get it.  Noah and Ashley do that some.  Reese and Paxton, too.”

“Where were you, anyway?  You didn’t get lunch detention, did you?”  He sounded concerned.

“No, I just needed to check on a friend.”

“That’s nice of you,” he replied, before confusing the hell out of me.  “Have Seb and Jamie made up, yet?”

I stared at him, and not just because he’s standing there shirtless.  Man, his puffy nipples are almost begging to be sucked, and his smooth legs are basically calling my hands to caress their creamy softness.

I jolted back to my senses.  “How…  what do you mean?”

He gave me a look.  “Come on, Max.  They flirt constantly.  It’s obvious they’re into each other.  Jamie wouldn’t shut up last week about their sleepover, then Seb has been a no show this week and Jamie’s been all emo.”

Liam is very observant.  I wasn’t sure whether to be unnerved or impressed.

“I got up to throw my trash away and Jamie walked over to where I was, to talk with Mr. Tim.  It was loud, but they were right next to the garbage can and I heard Jamie ask if he knew where you guys were.  He was almost in tears.”

I wasn’t sure what to say.  It isn’t my place to share their business.  He seemed to be able to read my mind, or maybe my body language, because he said “nevermind, I shouldn’t pry” when I didn’t respond right away

“I think everything’s going to work out,” I finally said.


I had just gotten to my place in the attendance line when I heard a burly voice.

“Coleman, this is for you!”  Coach Bremerton bellowed.

My heart sank.  He handed me a dreaded student summons, and I took the walk of shame to the main office.  I know I’ve had my phone out several times today and wandered the halls some, but I can’t be in trouble.  Mom will skin me alive.

I showed the secretary my pass and she told me to sit on the bench outside of the AP’s office.  The last time I sat here was the night of the SNO.  I shuddered.  I had been in the office since, when Mom and I came to meet with Principal Johnson that following Monday and my consequences were changed from OSS to ISS, but this place holds bad memories.

It’s where you wait when you’re about to get suspended.  It’s where I lost my shit and blacked out.  You can almost see the tear stains and grooves from stressed kids digging their nails into the wood.

“Oh, you’re already here,” a familiar, cheerful voice greeted me from down the corridor.  It’s Mr. Tim.  “Come on in.”  He opened the door and motioned me inside.  Mrs. Grisham, my counselor, was right behind him.  I’ve only ever talked to her about an occasional schedule change. 

Dr. Brennan smiled and walked from his desk toward a round table.  “Max, it’s nice to see you again.  Please, have a seat.”  He extended his hand for me to shake.

I’m so confused.  I can’t help it, but my leg is bouncing like crazy.

Tim grabbed my summons and shook his head.  “I asked them to write ‘not in trouble’ before they sent this,” Tim muttered.  He sounded annoyed.  “I’m sorry, Max.  No wonder you seem so nervous.  I try to always let kids know when it’s not a negative thing they’re being called down for, but someone dropped the ball.”

I exhaled.  So, I didn’t get a referral.  That’s a relief.  But what the eff am I here for, then?

“I’ve been meaning to meet with you, but it’s been a busy week and I really try not to pull kids out of their core classes when it isn’t necessary,” Dr. Brennan explained.  “Mr. Tim tells me you’re quite the leader in your grade and have considerable character.  He, and Mr. Johnson, both suggested we talk.”

I wasn’t sure what to say.  I felt blindsided.  Not necessarily in a bad way, but I was at a loss for words.

“Like I told your mother, I just want to assure you I take our anti-harassment policy seriously.  I know you’ve had a lot of stress the last year and a half, and been a victim of several incidents recently.  I understand you’re close with Mr. Tim, but I want you to know you can see me anytime you might need to, as well.”

What did that mean, ‘the last year and a half’?  He seemed to be alluding to my father, since his arrest was in late April of sixth grade.  I barely commemorated the first anniversary, since things were so good with Cam and Craig.  I wasn’t sure how to feel about him being briefed about my whole history.  If Mr. Tim thinks it’s relevant, I guess that’s okay?  I squirmed in my seat.  “I, um…  thanks.”

“As far as I’m concerned, the Spartan Night Out is water under the bridge.  After conferring with Mr. Johnson, I’ve rescinded your ban on attending future SNOs and dances.”

“Thank you,” I replied, unsure of what else to say.  I’m not even sure I’ll go to any others, but it’s a nice gesture, I guess.  Eighth graders pretty much punt after the first or second SNO, but Cam and I did talk about going to each other’s dances so maybe that could be fun, especially if it was a group date thing.  I was about to ask if Noah would be allowed too, since all he did was defend others when the adults were oblivious, but he continued before I could.

“I firmly believe your orientation is irrelevant to your character,” Dr. Brennan continued.  “Still, I know how middle schoolers can be.  And unfortunately, not every educator is a paragon of kindness or professionalism.”

I assume that last part is a veiled insult of Mrs. Bach.  It made me smile, anyway.  I think I’m going to like this guy. 

“I told you I’d let your teachers know you have a hot pass to come see me if you’re getting stressed, angry, or overwhelmed,” Tim added.  “I did email them, but am embarrassed to admit I got busy and forgot to give you an actual pass to use.  As well as you’ve been handling everything, I doubt you’ll need it often, but bad days and hormone surges happen, so keep this with you just in case.”

He handed me a laminated pass that explained I could leave class to come see him, Mrs. Grisham, or Dr. Brennan.  “Remember what we talked about.  It won’t save you from a tardy or get you to the restroom, and if you abuse the privilege, I will be… most displeased.”  Disappointing Mr. Tim is the last thing I want to do.

Honestly, I forgot about the whole thing.  He offered it back when I was in ISS and someone threw a tampon at me the first time I was in the hall after coming out.  It’s only been a few weeks, but feels like ages ago.  The locker picture thing last week must have jarred his memory.

“Understood.  I won’t misuse it or let you down, I promise.”

“Max, I know Mr. Tim has become your person, and that’s great, but I’m always available as well,” Mrs. Grisham added.  “The important thing is you have a trusted adult you can talk to if things get rough.  It doesn’t matter who it is.”  

I guess it’s nice of her to chime in, but I wasn’t sure why she was even here.  I suppose it’s part of her job as a counselor, but I’d never go to her in a million years with anything personal.  But I was polite and kindly nodded.  “Yes ma’am.  Mr. Tim explained the same thing and offered to get you, but I’ve always been most comfortable talking with him.  Thank you for the offer, though.”

“Of course.  You’re in good hands with him.  Just know I'm here for more than schedule changes,” she explained.

“Do you have any questions?”  Dr. Brennan asked.

I thought for a second.  “No sir, not right now.  May I return to PE?”

“Of course.  And I appreciate good manners.  It’s not often that eighth graders are so polite,” he complimented.  Cam will be jealous of my accolade.  We compete about everything else, so why not that, too?  “Let me sign your pass.”

“That's okay, I’ll walk Max back,” Mr. Tim announced, motioning me to join him.


“I think you made a good impression on the doc,” Mr. Tim shared as we walked across the foyer, toward the gym.  “He seems to like you.”

I wasn’t sure what to say.  I’m not even entirely sure why Tim is escorting me.  It’s not like I’m suspended.  Not that I’m complaining, of course.  I enjoy talking with him.

“If you play your cards right, you might be able to be an office aide next semester.”

While not exactly a mark of popularity, office aide positions are tough to get.  It’s elective credit and an easy A with zero homework or stress, with time to read or finish assignments or whatever. 

A ton of students apply, and you have to have teacher recommendations and maintain a certain GPA.  It’s an indicator of being well-regarded and trusted by the staff, and you definitely know more about what’s going on in the school.  It can also help you connect with staff, who can make your life way easier.  Rumor is, they also spoil aides with the occasional thank you gift and snacks normally only there for faculty.  Basically, you get more freedom and privileges.

“Would I get to hang out with you more?”  I asked before realizing how thirsty it came across.  Whatever, though.  I enjoy chilling with him.

Mr. Tim beamed.  I think I made him feel good.  It was nice, reciprocating for once.  I wonder if he enjoys my company as much as I do his. 

“Some.  It can get busy, and you have to be efficient and responsible.  You’re there to help the entire office, not just me.  It’s a lot of delivering and fetching things, and helping with random projects,” he explained.  “There are perks, though.  Most students really like it.”

“I should ask Liam.”

“He seems to enjoy the work.  If you’re interested, grab an application from the office to take home.  It helps to get it in early,” Tim suggested.  “You can put me down as your reference, but your mom still needs to sign the permission slip.”

“Sounds good.  Thanks.”

“I can’t guarantee anything, but if you continue to keep your nose clean, grades up, and be a good role model…  your chances are good.  I usually select several of our aides each semester.”

“That’s cool.  Can I ask a question, though?”  I inquired.

“Sure.”  He sat down on the seating area by the stairs and patted the spot next to him.

I wasn’t sure how to word it, so I decided to take the Jamie approach and just be blunt.

“Why me?  Like, there are all these students, and I know you’re busy, but you’re always so nice and look out for me.  Some teachers don’t even seem to like kids, but you’re kind to everyone and always go the extra mile,” I stated.  “But what changed?  We’ve never really interacted much until this year, even though you’ve been with my class since we started sixth grade.”

He looked at me stoically and paused before answering.  He seemed to be studying something.  I hope he doesn’t think I’m wondering if he’s, you know, interested in me.  I don’t think that’s what it is, because he said he’s engaged to a woman and has never asked anything from me, but I basically did point out he didn’t pay me any attention until he saw me kissing another boy. 

Fuck.  I hope I didn’t insult him. 

“Astute.  To answer your second question:  there are around 350 students in your cohort.  Multiply that by three for the entire school.  Add in all the enrollments for those who transfer in, and I could never interact meaningfully with everyone,” he explained.  “The youth I get to know best are those who participate in activities I supervise meets for, and those who are in trouble.  You never did anything to warrant discipline until a few weeks ago and aren’t in any school sports or clubs.”

“Oh.  That makes sense.  So, you didn’t even know I existed?”

He shook his head.  “No, I didn’t say that.  I told you before you’re well-regarded, both amongst adults and peers.  I’ve always noticed how polite, helpful, and inclusive you are.  Our paths just didn’t converge often.”

“Until I got in trouble for making out at the dance.”

He laughed again.  “Well, yeah, something like that.  After which you had a really rough time, and I could tell you needed more support.  But I also discovered what a leader you are, and office aides are a good way to reward good, honest, hard-working students who don’t always get the recognition they deserve.”

Being reminded of how I freaked out on Bach, then Mom, and finally Craig, made me cringe.  But what he said is true. 

Mr. Tim paused, as if he wasn’t sure whether he should say what he was thinking.  “Do you want the full truth?”

That was foreboding.  I looked at him quizzically.  Has he been omitting something? 

“Sure?”  I said, realizing it sounded more like a question than an affirmation.  “I hate when grownups are condescending and don’t think we can handle things.”

He took a breath.  “If I’m being completely honest, Max, you’ve been on my radar since everything happened with your father at the end of sixth grade,” he shared.  Shit.  I didn’t expect him to say that.  “I tried to make sure no one hassled you, but you seemed mostly unaffected by it, at least at school.  I assumed you’d feel alienated if I suddenly initiated contact, and your mom informed your counselor that you were receiving services in the community.”

“Oh.”  It was all I could muster.  Mom never mentioned talking to the school about dad’s stuff, or that I had a therapist, but I guess it makes sense she would have.

“I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable or wonder why I was meddling in your life.  That’s why I never checked in.  Maybe that was a mistake and we could have gotten to know one another sooner if I had.”

Tim looked at me kindly, and noticing my discomfort, stood.  I think he was showing there was no pressure to respond.

I didn’t reply right away, but finally managed to.  “You’re probably right.  About all of it,” I admitted.  “I would have been weirded out.  But I also wish we could have connected sooner.  I like talking and stuff with you.”

“Me too.  You make me laugh and keep me on my toes with that intellect,” Mr. Tim replied, smiling as he ruffled my hair.  “And when you stood up to Bach… well, I knew you were worth getting to know.  That took courage, and you were right to take a stand.  I bit my tongue far longer than I should have, and you helped me recognize things had become untenable and burying my concerns wasn’t in the best interest of kids.”  

I’m not exactly sure what ‘untenable’ means, but apparently I inspired him to speak-up?  Is he trying to tell me I started the ball rolling of Bach’s reassignment?  Whoa!  I knew better than to ask, though.  He wouldn’t share that kind of thing with a student.

“Thanks,” I said blushing.

“I bet Coach B is wondering where you are, so we should get you back so you can run off a little energy before Mrs. Hickman puts your nose to the grindstone.” 


Seb was waiting for me by the flagpole.  “Hey,” he waved happily as I approached.  “Mom should be here in a few.  She hates the traffic, so she usually times it to show up after most people are gone.”

“That’s fine,” I answered.  “Craig is going to pick me up at your house around 5:30.  I hope that gives us long enough to hang out.”  I texted Craig on the way to my locker a few minutes ago, to coordinate.  Thankfully he replied right away.  “I just need to send him your address.”

“Cool.  Is that your mentor?  I’ve heard you and Noah talk about him, but I never really understood who he is exactly.”

“Yeah.  I can explain later.  It’s kind of a cool story.”

“There she is,” Seb announced, pointing at a white Subaru.  I’d not given any thought to what Seb’s parents would drive, but a Subaru wagon was so perfectly fitting, it struck me as funny somehow.


Seb climbed into the back seat and scooted across to the opposite side.  “Mom, this is Max.”  The way he introduced me was interesting.  He sounded excited, almost proud.

I thought about how Cam would be in this situation and tried to emulate his smooth demeanor.  “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Marks.  Thanks for letting me come over.”

“It’s my pleasure.  I’m so glad Sebastian has had such a promising beginning at Olympia.  He talks about you and the other boys non-stop.  I’m gratified he finally invited someone over.”

I glanced at Seb, who looked mortified.  I’m not sure if it was her calling him by his full name or the reference to not having an exciting social life.

“Well, most of us are busy with extra-curriculars.”

“Max is an amazing gymnast,” Seb announced.  “He practices like every day after school.”

“Well, not daily.  I’m off on Wednesdays, which is why I can come today.”

“How nice,” she replied.

Seb looked at me pleadingly as the car fell silent.  He began to nervously fidget.  I smiled at him, trying to get him to relax.  It’s not like his mom is the only one who can be cringey.


Seb lives much closer to Noah and Craig than I realized.  Basically, four streets over.  I bet they’ll ride the same bus, if Seb’s parents ever let him.  Having Noah’s protection might actually make them more comfortable with the idea. 

It occurred to me I never asked where he lived; I’m not sure why.  Perhaps, since he went to Widmer, I assumed it was further away and in a swankier neighborhood, like Cam’s.  Anyway, his house is nice. 

His mom immediately offered snacks.  I was famished after not eating lunch, and gladly accepted the string cheese and apple.  It wasn’t long before ‘Sebastian’ asked if we could ride scooters to the park.  That was news to me, but I followed his lead.

“She can be so annoying,” he said as we pushed the Razors down his driveway.  His scooter was pretty beat up, but he kept up despite the strange sounds his wheels made.  It wasn’t lost on me that he insisted I ride the newer one.

“Typical mom,” I answered.  “She seems nice.  And she’s on your side, right?”

“Yeah.  But she’s so protective.  Especially now.”

“Like I said, typical mom.”


There’s a small park and adjacent woods in the middle of the subdivision.  I know it well, as Noah and I used to play here often.  He dropped his scooter in the grass once we arrived, and led me up a ladder to a fort.  It must be a relatively new addition, because I don’t remember it.

“Cool,” I said as I sat in the corner opposite him.  “Nice little hideout.”

“Yeah,” he agreed, sounding solemn.  “I come here when I want to be alone.  Which is often, lately.”

“Well, I’m glad you aren’t alone today.  I can tell you have some stuff you need to get off your chest.”

He nodded.  “I don’t even know where to start.  Some things I haven’t really told anyone.”

“You don’t have to tell me everything, if you don’t want to.” 

“No, I do — but just to you.  I dunno…  I think you’ll understand, and I know you can keep a secret.  I trust you, and you’re so easy to talk to.”

I have to admit, it feels good to be thought of so highly, and reminds me again of what Mr. Tim has told me.  I wonder if he and Craig revel in this feeling, too?

“Thanks.  I’m just trying to be a good friend.  Maybe you can tell me why you got upset at Jamie’s.”  It occurred to me that Seb may never have had a ‘good friend’ before.  That made me sad, because he really is a great guy.

“Sure,” he said before taking a deep breath.

“I should tell you something, though,” I said, before he could begin.


“Jamie was really upset on Monday.  He biked over after school to talk and kind of told me some of the specifics of what happened at his house.  Still, I’d like to hear your version.”

“It doesn’t surprise me that he confided in you,” he replied.  “That’s okay.  It’s like everyone comes to you, huh?”

“Not really.  Just you and Jamie.  And Cam, of course.  This week, anyway,” I added in jest.  I wasn’t about to say anything about Liam or Noah.  Or even try to explain Eduardo and Joshua.  Jesus.  It’s like I’ve started my own counseling service for horny boys.

“So…  you know we kind of made out and stuff like that?”

“Yes.  Jamie’s first kiss.  I swear, he had stars in his eyes as he told me about it.  He loved it,” I explained.  “I told you, he’s super into you, and it makes him nervous because he’s never crushed on another boy before.”

He grinned.  “It was kind of like that for me, too.  My whole body like buzzed or something.  I really shocked myself by being so bold.  I was worried at first he would be upset, you know, if I didn’t read him right.”

“He didn’t mind, trust me.”

“I could tell.  His boner pressed hard into me,” Seb said, deadpan.  “What else did he tell you?”

“Well, let’s see,” I answered as I tried to recall what Jamie relayed.  “He said you were scratching and rubbing each other’s backs and when it was his turn, you climbed up and sat on his butt.”  He nodded, and smirked.  “I believe he mentioned feeling an erect penis pressing firmly against him.”

Seb giggled.  “And I distinctly remember him saying it seemed uh…  sizeable,” I added.

“No, he didn’t!”  Seb retorted, “did he?”

“He did!  I wouldn’t make that up.  He was surprised because it felt larger than he expected.  You’re not exactly a big kid, so…  you know.”

“You’re right.  I’m pretty tiny.  That part does get kinda big, comparatively.”

“Oh?  Cam and I are both a little over 5 inches.”

“I’ve never measured, but it definitely grows when it’s hard.  It’s pretty small when it’s soft.  And I only have a few pubes.”

“Cam says some guys are ‘growers’…  like they go from small to big.  Other guys are ‘show-ers’ and look larger when soft, but don’t change much when they’re boned.”

“Interesting.  I figured everyone was the same as me.”

“Nah, there’s a lot of variations in penises,” I said authoritatively.  Great, he’s going to think I’m a slut.  “Anyway, Jamie said you guys were making out and then you seemed to get upset.”

“Yeah,” he replied, suddenly solemn.

“Something freaked you out?”

He nodded, but didn’t offer any details.

“Was it something Jamie did?  He said he was rubbing your crotch and started to suck your nipples.  He was afraid that was too much.  Cam and I love that, but I can see how it might be startling if you aren’t expecting it.”

His legs began to bounce and he started to chew on his shirt.  Damn.  It’s the same thing Noah does when he gets anxious.  “Did it feel weird or something?” 

“No.  It actually felt really nice.  It’s just…  it reminded me of something that made my stomach lock up, like it was full of rocks.  Like someone flipped a switch.”

“Jamie said that was bugging you,” I replied.  So that was technically true and not just an excuse.  I waited, expecting he would explain.  He didn’t.  “So, what did it remind you of?”

Seb looked right at me, almost asking for permission to tell me.

“Rich…  er, Mr. Albertson.  When we got caught, that’s exactly what he was doing.”

“Sucking your nips?”

“Yeah.  And he was playing with my dick.  It was the first time he’d ever done anything to my nipples, but it felt good.  Until the janitor walked in.”

“Oh, shit!”  

“Yeah.  I was supposed to be sure to lock the door, but I was so excited to be alone with him and have our fun, I spaced it.  It’s my fault we got caught!”

Damn.  No wonder he’s so stressed; he blames himself.  It brought me back to how I felt when I thought Craig would get busted.

“That sucks,” I tried to empathize.  “So, does that mean you did things with him before?”

Seb nodded, and stared into the distance.  Eventually, he explained. 

Essentially, Seb had been in computer camp for a couple weeks.  Some of the other boys were teasing him because they were talking about jacking off and Seb didn’t know what it meant.  His teacher overheard them and stopped it.  Apparently, Seb was late being picked up that day, so he stayed with him and used the opportunity to explain what it was other boys were joking about.

Seb was confused and still didn’t get it.  The teacher grabbed his phone and, after promising to keep it a secret, showed him a video of a guy masturbating.  Seb was mesmerized.  After the man shot his load, and Seb asked for clarification, Mr. Albertson suggested he try it at home himself to see if he could ‘make babies yet’.  When Seb stayed the next day, he told the teacher he wanted to, but wasn’t sure how.  “I watched the video, but when I tried to do what the man did, I didn’t feel anything so I gave up.”

“One thing led to another, and he kind of…  did it for me the first time,” Seb reported.  It seemed like a big leap to go from showing an ‘instructional video’ to giving Seb a hand job, but I didn’t dig for details.  When people say things like that, I figure they don’t want to get into the specifics.

“I get now that I wasn’t supposed to let him do that, and he was probably hoping I’d ask when he introduced the topic, but it was the most amazing feeling ever,” Seb reported enthusiastically.

“The next camp session, he asked if I wanted to stay late and help him do a special coding project.”

“Only there wasn’t really a project, huh?”

“Oh, there was, but it didn’t take long.  Then we played again, and it was even better than the first time.  I loved it.”

“So, he wasn’t forcing you to do anything or making any threats?”

“Of course not.  Rich wouldn’t do that!  He always asked permission first and said I could tell him to stop anytime and he would.  I even tested him a couple of times and he listened right away.”

“That’s good, that he was respectful of your boundaries,” I agreed.  I have the feeling no one has been listening to Seb and that pisses him off.  “So, how long did this go on?  What else did you do?”

“Only a couple of weeks, but pretty much every day after everyone else left.  I told mom I was staying late for advanced tutoring, which was true,” Seb joked.  “He taught me about lube and edging and explained I still have dry orgasms but will probably be able to ejaculate in a few months.  Sometimes he’d get me off two or three times before I left.”

“He’s probably right.  Most guys I know started cumming in the middle of seventh grade,” I explained.  “It sounds like you enjoyed yourself.”

“I did.  He never made me do anything or even asked me to touch him.  I started to, but only because I wanted to make him feel good, too.  And I was fascinated watching him squirt,” Seb shared, smirking.  “Besides he’s good looking and not exactly an old geezer.  Other boys are cute, but men are hot too.”

“I understand.  I find some men attractive, too,” I admitted.  I wasn’t quite sure whether to read him into my own history, but this didn’t feel like the moment.

“It never moved beyond playing with each other.  The day we were caught — when he was licking my chest — he said there was a present he wanted to give me and was going to work his way down with his mouth.”

Seb was obviously sheltered, and his ‘friend’ definitely corrupted that.  But if he was being made fun of because of it, is that such a bad thing?  Maybe so, but Seb doesn’t seem harmed or haunted by it.  It is interesting to me how he knew he was attracted to older guys but hadn’t discovered masturbation or porn or anything.

“Anyway, I was sitting on the counter of his classroom in my shorts.  He was kissing my nipples and rubbing me through the mesh when the custodian walked in.”

“Fuck.  What happened then?”

Seb shuddered.  “We jumped away from one another as soon as we heard the door, and then kind of froze.  The custodian yelled ‘get away from that boy’ and charged him.”

“Damn.  That sounds scary.”

“I fumbled for my clothes.  Thankfully, I was fully dressed by the time he radioed for help and everyone else got there.  Rich was pinned down and yelling.  It was awful.”

“Sounds like it,” I agreed, patting his arm.  Talk about traumatizing. 

“They called the police and my parents flipped.  They took me to a doctor who checks kids who have been sexually abused, which was embarrassing because they took swabs and looked…  everywhere.  It’s crazy, because I wasn’t abused!”  Seb yelled.  “I wouldn’t say anything other than nothing happened and no one forced me to do anything and I was perfectly fine.  I said it was just a big misunderstanding and my shirt had gotten wet.”

“I bet they didn’t believe that.”

“No.  They keep trying to get me to talk, tell me I’m a victim who didn’t do anything wrong, and say all kinds of terrible things about him,” Seb said, his tone now sad.  “Rich is my friend.  He cares about me.  Maybe he did ‘take advantage’ and ‘misused his position’ like they say, but it was fun and didn’t bother me and I don’t see what the big deal is.  Adults teach kids all sorts of things and do fun stuff with them, so why is what we did any different, since I wanted to?”

“Well, like Mr. Tim explained, the law says we aren’t old enough to consent because grownups can trick or overpower us.”

“But he didn’t do either of those things!  Why doesn’t anyone believe that?”

“I do, but I don’t think it matters legally.  And adults always think they know best and have to ‘protect’ us.  I get it with little kids, but we have urges and stuff.  It’s so stupid.”

Seb was fuming.  “It’s not fair.  I finally made a friend who understands me and made me feel special.  Then everyone acts like it’s the end of the world because he’s 26.  What difference does that make?  Everyone has always told me I’m mature for my age and act more like an adult than a child, but then treat me like I’m a baby.  Which is it?”  Seb asked rhetorically.  “They keep telling me I’m a ‘survivor’ and what happened was wrong, but the only bad part has been how everyone reacted after they found out.  Like it’s any of their business.”

“That sounds really stressful,” I said.  Craig might be incensed, but I decided Seb needs to be reminded he isn’t alone.  “I believe you.”

Seb looked up at me.  “Thanks.  That means a lot.”

The words were on the tip of my tongue, but I was struggling to get them out.

“You know Cam is my boyfriend, but he isn’t the only guy I’ve done stuff with.”

Seb’s eyes widened.  “Really?”

“Yeah.  Can I tell you a secret that you can’t ever tell anyone else?  Including Jamie or your therapist or parents.”

“Of course, but you’re really going to tell me something even Jamie doesn’t know?”  Seb asked, his expression a mix of shock and pride.

I took a breath.  “I’ve done different sexual stuff with few other boys,” I stated before pausing.  “And a couple of grown men, too.”

“What?  No way!  Were they teachers or relatives, or what?”

“Um… strangers,” I answered, half-lying.  I realized I had to cover for Craig.  “I made an account on Grindr, this app you can use to find guys to mess around with.”

He looked shocked.  “I know, it was stupid.  But I was desperate when Cam dumped me,” I explained.  “I deleted it.”

Seb didn’t really say anything but gave me a curious look, so I continued. 

“The first man was really caring and kind, and I loved our time together,” I said wistfully.  “So I totally understand what you’re saying.  I would hate myself if he ever got in trouble, and would deny it if anyone asked me about it.”

“And the second?”  Seb asked.

“A complete asshole.  He was super mean and aggressive, almost abusive.  It was horrible.  I’d love to see that fucker get burned, but it wouldn’t be worth going through reporting him.  So, I get that too.”

Seb smiled.  I don’t think it ever occurred to him that peers could have similar experiences and reactions. 

“Thanks for trusting me.  It does make me feel better, that someone else gets it,” he replied.  “I wondered if I was crazy.  Everyone acts like I should be mad or sad or act like I’m broken, and I don’t understand why.  I’ve felt so alone and like something was wrong with me for not feeling what they think I should.  But you understand.”

“I totally do.  When I had that shitty experience with the abusive fucker, I experienced a lot of those feelings they keep trying to put on you.  But the other guy, the nice dude who was so gentle, didn’t make me feel that way at all.  The opposite, actually,” I stipulated.  I was trying to stay vague and not implicate Craig in any way, but also demonstrate how I can grasp so well why Seb feels the way he does.  “I was careless, and the nice guy I really liked almost got caught.  He freaked out and I felt terrible, so I know how stressful and lonely it is when you realize you inadvertently destroyed someone you like.  It feels like your world is crashing around you.”

“Right!  Exactly!  They won’t even let me see him.  Not that he probably wants to, since I ruined his life.  I can’t believe I forgot to lock the door.”  Seb hung his head. 

I can’t believe a teacher willing to do that with his student left his safety up to a 12-year-old, but I guess Seb is pretty mature and responsible.

“Mistakes happen.  You can’t beat yourself up over it.  Besides, janitors have keys to every room, so he could have unlocked it in a couple of seconds, anyway.”

“That's true!  I hadn’t thought about that.”  Seb looked like I just absolved him of guilt that’s been eating away at him.  “I feel so much better being able to talk about it, and not be judged or pitied.  I’ve kept everything to myself because I was worried if I said anything, it would be twisted around to hurt him.”

I nodded.  “It’s hard when you usually try to be respectful and listen to adults, but some things just aren’t up to anyone else.”

“Yeah.  They talk about how my ‘molester’ was just using and tricking me, but isn’t that what they’re trying to do?”  Seb asked.  That was insightful.  “I overheard my parents say that if I don’t cooperate, they might have to drop the case.  I know it looked bad with my shirt off, but I get undressed every day in the locker room.  And I guess the custodian really didn’t see much since we separated so quickly.  They thought they’d get DNA from the doctor, but with the craziness of everything, I snuck away to wet my clothes and washed my torso so they didn’t find anything conclusive.”

“Jesus.  Smart.  So your story is technically plausible and there isn’t any real evidence?”

“Pretty much.  They think they know what happened, which is basically true, but they can’t prove anything if I don’t testify,” he explained.  “My parents are pissed at Widmer because they think they bungled things and then didn’t protect me from bullying, but it was still summer so I’m not sure what they were supposed to do.  They’re suing, and the school is trying to settle, but I just want it all to go away.”

“That’s rough.  At least your mom seems to get it more.”

“Yeah, I guess.  Dad’s been kind of a jerk about it, though.  I know his heart is in the right place, but he just doesn’t understand and is on my case constantly,” Seb vented.  “I wonder if it would help if I came out.  But I doubt they’d believe that.  I can just hear how I’m ‘confused’ and ‘projecting’ because of my ‘trauma’,” he added, using air quotes.  “God, I hate all those stupid therapy terms.”

I probably shouldn’t have, but couldn't help myself and laughed.  Seb isn’t flaming, but it shouldn’t be shocking to anyone that he’s gay.  Plus, it was funny how he worded that. 

“Yeah.  Even though my therapist was cool, I know what you mean.  It’s like they speak their own language and get everyone else around you to talk the same way, and then act like they're the smartest person in the room.  It’s annoying.”

“You really do understand,” Seb said, almost to himself.  He let out a deep sigh.  It was like he was releasing tension he’s been strangling himself with for weeks.  I sure know how exhausting and stressful that is.  “Thanks for listening.”  He lurched himself into me, giving one of the biggest hugs I’ve ever received.  I happily reciprocated.  It feels nice, being able to be there for him.

“It’s amazing the difference a little time makes,” he said.

“What do you mean?”

He paused.  “Max, since we’re telling secrets and I’m getting stuff off my chest, can I share one more thing?”  He sounded eager, but also timid, if that makes any sense.


“I feel way better, and I swear I wouldn’t, but with everything that went down — I had some moments where I wondered if things would be better if I wasn’t around anymore.”

I nodded.  “That makes sense.  You’ve had a ton of stress, been arguing with your parents, blaming yourself for everything, people were mean to you.  Lots of kids fantasize about running away and changing schools.”

Seb looked at me funny.  “That’s not what I mean.”

What is he getting at?

Oh fuck.

“Seb!  You don’t mean —“

“I'm not saying I would, just that the thought crossed my mind a few times.  I never had a real plan or anything,” he tried to assure me.

I don’t know what to say.  “Did you talk to your therapist about that?”

“Not really.  I couldn’t tell anyone anything.  And they’d just have taken it as proof I was ‘abused’ and ‘traumatized’.”

That makes sense, I guess.  Still.  “But you’re feeling better now?”

“Yeah.  Everything had gone to hell, and I thought I was the cause of all of it,” he explained.  “It was worse before I came to Olympia.  I never really had many friends at Widmer, but then I met you and Jamie, and everyone was so nice and welcoming.  With my…  flashback, or whatever it was, I was certain things were ruined with Jamie and he might even hate me, and I’d be right back to where I started.”

“None of that was ever true.  Jamie was worried about you, but even if you guys had a falling out, it doesn’t mean we couldn’t still be friends.”

Seb gave me a displeased look.  “That’s nice of you to say, but you’ve known me for a few weeks, he’s been one of your closest friends for years.  I’m just some random seventh grader put in your math class you took pity on because you’re a good person.”

I shook my head.  “Look, maybe there was some of that when we first met.  Mr. Beckham did ask me to show you around at lunch your first day and make sure you didn’t get eaten alive.  I was also pretty sure you were the kid with the sex scandal who had been tormented at Widmer, so I wanted to ensure you stayed safe.  But since then, I’ve learned how fun you are.  Everyone genuinely likes you, and you fit right in.  You’re like our spunky, hilarious little bro.”

Seb looked so happy.  I gave him another hug.  Maybe it’s corny, but I feel this surge of affection toward him.  I really do care about him.

“Please promise me if you’re ever feeling like that again, you’ll talk to me?  Or someone?  I’m sure your parents and therapist would help, but Mr. Tim is super easy to talk to, as well.”

“I promise,” he said, holding onto me tightly.  “It seems silly when I think about how down I was, but I feel better than I have in a long time.”

“You know, Jamie would be beside himself, too.”

“Yeah.  I want to make up for how I treated him.  Ghosting him wasn’t cool, but I just didn’t know what else to do.  If I got him into trouble too, I honestly don’t know what I might have done,” Seb admitted, looking away.  “I wonder if he’d want to be my boyfriend.”

I smiled.  Wide.  “I can almost guarantee he’ll lose his shit if you ask him out.  I’m not sure if he’s gay like us, or bi, or just confused and horny, but I am absolutely certain he’s mildly obsessed with you and will probably spontaneously cream himself right on the spot,” I joked.  “He might want to keep it a secret, but there’s no way in hell he says ‘no’.”

That threw Seb into another fit of giggles.  “I’ve watched gay porn.  There are lots of things I want to do with him.  And you,” he added sheepishly.

“That would be fun for all of us.  But, you want to be careful not to do too much too fast, and make sure Jamie and Cam are cool with it, too.  I’m sure they will be, but still.”

Seb’s pocket began vibrating.  He pulled his phone out.  “Mom says we need to get back.  I told you they’ve been super protective.  She asked if you’re staying for dinner, but Craig is picking you up, right?”

“Yeah,” I responded, pulling out my own phone to check the time.  Damn.  It was already almost five.  “You should show me your bedroom.”

“Really?  Sure!”


Seb’s room looks like a computer lab.  Multiple machines, monitors, and components.  He said one he just uses as a server.  I have no idea what that means, but nodded so as to not appear clueless.  It’s an impressive setup.

Seb’s father arrived right before Craig was supposed to.  Just long enough for him to (proudly) introduce me.  His dad looked at me suspiciously, like I was toying with his son or something.  I tried the ‘Cam’ approach, and he loosened up some, but still seemed tense and skeptical.

It was becoming awkward, his dad’s gaze fixated on me.  I think his mom noticed, too.  “Would your friend like to stay for dinner?” She offered, trying to break the tension.  I thought Seb already told them I was being picked up?  “It’s nothing gourmet, but we have plenty.”

“No ma’am, but thank you anyway.  Maybe another time,” I replied.  “My ride should be here soon.  It’s my mentor.  He’s taking me out to eat since my mom has to work late, but actually lives just a few blocks from here.”

“‘Mentor’?”  Seb’s dad questioned.  “You have a ‘mentor’?”  I didn’t like the way he air-quoted that.  It’s rude af and condescending, but I’m trying to make a good impression, for Seb’s sake.  I could tell he thought it was strange an eighth grader would have such a thing. 

“Um, yes sir, it’s a long story.  He’s actually the next-door neighbor of my best friend.  He helps my mom out with rides and stuff, since my dad is…  out of the picture.  He’s more like an uncle I guess, but he’s not related, so I call him my mentor.  His name is Craig.”

“I see.  Sounds like a Big,” Mr. Marks replied.  “I was a Big Brother to a kid many years ago, before Sebbie came around.”  I have to remember ‘Sebbie’ and ‘Sebastian’ to tease Seb about later.

I was about maxed out on awkward small talk.  Seb’s mom is nice, but dad is icing me out.  I guess I can’t blame him, but I’m trying here and don’t have much to work with.  Thankfully, I heard a car door.  “Please be Craig,” I thought to myself.  He would be his usual charming self and make a good impression. 

Seb looked on, silently.  I could tell he realized his dad was making me anxious.  He frowned and looked down.  When the doorbell rang, he quickly offered to get it.

“Cam?  Noah?  Oh my gosh!” Seb exclaimed.  Huh?  I took a few steps around the stairs towards the door.  Sure enough, Cam and Noah were staring at me through the glass door, waving and smiling.  What the heck?

Seb escorted them in.  Noah and Cam immediately offered fist bumps to Seb.  “Hey little genius,” Cam quipped.  “It’s good to see you.  What’s up?”

Seb beamed.  “Not much.  Just the usual.”

“I didn’t know you lived so close,” Noah chimed in.  “My bus goes right past your house on the way to school.  I can’t believe I’ve never seen you on it.”

“I guess I never asked where you guys lived,” Seb replied.  “And you haven’t seen me on the bus because mom drives me.  I’m hoping she’ll start letting me ride some,” he added — pointedly, looking right at her. 

“You can totally sit by me, if you want.  I’ll make sure no one gives you a hard time,” Noah answered.  “I guess that gives us something to talk about at lunch tomorrow.  You will be back, right?  It’s been boring without our favorite sevvie.  Everyone’s been wondering where you are.  Ashley was just saying today she missed your jokes.”  He kind of bounced into Seb and elbowed him affectionately.

I glanced at Craig.  He’s never met Seb, and I noticed him observing the scene with considerable interest.  As were Seb’s parents.

More friends?”  Mr. Marks finally inquired, his tone uneasy.

“Honey, why don’t you introduce us?” Mrs. Marks suggested nervously.

Cam took charge before Seb could speak.  “Sir,” he began, stepping up to Seb’s father and quickly offering his hand.  “I’m Cameron Rice, but everyone calls me Cam.  Seb was in my algebra class last year — at Widmer.  He helped me out quite a bit.  He’s like a savant.” 

“And this is Noah Reed,” Seb added.  “He’s one of my lunch friends from Olympia.”

“Nice to meet you both,” Noah offered.  “You’re not just my lunch friend, Seb.  We’re friend friends,” he added as an aside to Seb, but loud enough for everyone to still hear.

“And how do you all know each other?”  Mr. Marks asked, pointing between all of us.

“Cam and I do gymnastics together, sir,” I offered.  It just isn’t the moment to explain he’s my boyfriend, too.  “Ever since he moved here from Texas, anyway.”

“Almost two years ago,” Cam explained.  “I’m originally from outside of Houston, but my dad got a promotion so we came north.”

“Noah and I have been best friends since pre-k,” I continued.  “Our moms went to college together.”

“They’ve all been good friends to me,” Seb announced excitedly.  “Max is in geometry with me and Jamie, and we eat lunch with Noah and some of the other guys.  Plus Ashley.  She’s Noah’s girlfriend.”  

Seb’s parents looked on, almost in shock.  “Well, we’ve met Jamie of course, but I never realized your circle was so large.  And these boys — they seem so...” his mother commented, unable to finish her thought.  I had a feeling she was about to say we all appeared ‘normal’ or ‘athletic’ or ‘not nerdy’.  Whichever it was, they are clearly surprised to see Seb with so many buddies.  We must not present however they expected friends of Seb’s to appear.

Craig finally spoke up.  About time.  “And what good group for your son to have discovered,” he said proudly.  “They’re all fantastic kids, Mister and Misses —”

“Marks,” Seb’s dad said, moving towards Craig to shake his hand.  “Kevin Marks.  My wife is Julie.”

“Nice to meet you.  Craig Peters.  Noah lives next door to me.  I’ve known him since he was still in diapers.  Max too, though we’ve been spending more time together recently.  I met Cam through Max, and they’re all three inseparable now.  We all went fishing a couple weekends ago,” Craig replied.  “They really are great boys, all of them.  I can assure you they are the best of influences.”  

Well, except maybe when it comes to sexual corruption.  I doubt they’d approve of the things we do when we’re alone.

“Well, I’ll be,” I heard his mom mutter to herself.

“See mom,” Seb spoke up.  “I told you the kids at Olympia are nice.  Public school has been so much better.”

“Actually, they all talk about Seb pretty regularly — all good, of course — so I’m happy we’ve finally met and now I can put a face to the name I hear so often,” Craig added.  That is probably somewhat of an exaggeration, but he’s making a point.  I appreciate how intuitively he can read when I need an assist.  He always swoops in at just the right moment. 

I glanced at Craig and caught his attention.  I nodded towards Seb.  If we’re all going out to eat, which I presume is the case, I want him to see if Seb can tag along.

Cam must have had the same idea.  “Hey Craig, is it okay if Seb comes with us to dinner?”

“Of course,” he replied, before turning to face the Markses.  “We’re just going to grab some Thai food.  If it’s okay with you, I’d be glad to have him.”

“Can I?  Please?”  Seb is practically begging.  His mom looked baffled, still in disbelief.

“Of course you can,” Kevin answered.  “Your mother and I can have a nice, quiet dinner to ourselves and I can take the leftovers for lunch.”

“Yes!”  Seb declared, running to put his shoes back on.

“I’ll get my purse,” Mrs. Marks offered.

“Don’t worry dear, I’ve got my wallet,” Mr. Marks said before digging into his pocket.

“No need,” Craig insisted, waving them off.  “It’s my treat.”

“That’s so nice of you,” Mrs. Marks gushed.  “I can’t even remember the last time Kevin and I ate dinner alone.”

“I’ll have him home in a couple of hours, probably less.  I know they need to finish homework and get to sleep,” Craig said.  “It’s been a while since my daughters were middle schoolers, but I remember how important bedtime still is at their age.  Otherwise, they’re impossible the next morning.”  He pointed to Noah, Cam, and I.  “Their parents would kill me if we stayed out too late on a school night.” 

Seb’s parents nodded.  Oh man!  Craig is totally hitting it out of the park.  He’s saying all the right shit to score huge points.  In just a few sentences, Craig managed to work in his own experience as a father and demonstrate he’s responsible, while also reinforcing we’re well-parented and not allowed to stay out all hours. 


Seb practically bounded out the door behind us.  He was absolutely giddy with excitement.

“Not that I’m complaining, but what are you guys doing here, anyway?”  I was finally able to ask.  The impression we made on Seb’s parents was pure gold, but I’m still confused by their presence. 

“Craig is giving me a much needed break from Mother,” Cam informed me.  I could almost hear his eyes rolling. 

“And I saw Cam next door and just kind of invited myself,” Noah added, laughing.

“Now, Noah.  We understand you have strong desires, but you must know you aren’t going to get lucky tonight,” Cam teased.

Noah immediately smacked him.  “Always the comedian,” he said, shaking his head, “Maybe lay off the jokes a little with other people around?”

“Like they’d care,” I added.  Although, it occurred to me Seb hasn’t officially come out to them yet.

As we were able to pile into the car, Noah called ‘shotgun’.  I guess that makes sense.  He’s the tallest, Seb is short and might be uncomfortable in the front seat with someone he just met, and Cam and I can totally work in an unexpected, bonus cuddle in the backseat. 

I don’t think anyone will mind…  right?  The last thing I want to do is annoy Craig with excessive PDA, so we should keep it G.  Well, maybe PG.


When we got to the restaurant, Noah, Cam, and Seb were first out of the car.  Craig and I were a few feet behind.  “So, how's your week been?  Anything new?” He asked, as I gave him a side hug.  I thought it might seem odd around Seb’s parents, but idgaf around strangers.

Anything?  Holy shit…  what a week!  Where do I even start?  Just today has been exhausting. 

*** End of Chapter 42 ***

Author’s Notes: 

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