Max’s Awakening #48

By and J

Author’s notes:

This chapter picks up where the last one left off – Max was playing flag football in gym class and got leveled by a homophobe. Liam helped him get cleaned up and taken to the office, where is waiting for his mom to arrive.

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Chapter 48

This might sound stupid, but having Noah back may have been worth getting leveled and spit on. Suddenly, everything just feels right again. I know I should be upset or annoyed, but honestly, I’m really not. Considering the shit I’ve gone through with my dad, the stress of breaking up with Cam, enduring Chad, and worrying about losing Noah puts things in perspective. Dom just isn’t worth stressing over. 

Come to think of it, my encounter with Liam in the locker room also wouldn’t have happened if Dom hadn’t been such an asshole. I’m not entirely sure what that was, or what it means, but I didn’t hate it and I can’t help but think something has shifted between us. Like, we’re closer now or something. 

I know grownups like to chirp about finding silver linings, but honestly, everything since getting hit has been positive. I think it’s dumb people are freaking out, but Mom and Craig dropped everything and immediately rushed here to check on me. Sure, Mom might have to, but Craig sure as hell doesn’t and I can’t help but feel loved.

I was basking in my elation when Mr. Tim showed Mom and Craig in. Mom ran to me and checked the damage, making a fuss. “Well, it doesn’t look as bad as I thought it might. How are you feeling, honey?”

I can tell she’s quickly turning this into some major event, even though it isn’t. I don’t want drama. 

“I’m okay,” I replied. “Everyone is making a big deal, but I just want to go back to class. He’s a jerk, but it’s not like I was sent to the hospital or anything.” I assume Dom’s in major trouble, so there’s nothing else to do.

Craig’s not convinced. “Only out of sheer luck! It could have easily turned out differently,” he said as he grabbed my face to do a thorough inspection. I acquiesced and held still for a few seconds before jerking my head away. I can tell by the look in his eyes that he’s not going to let this go.


Still, I really underestimated how pissed Craig and Mom are. As soon as Principal Johnson and Dr. Brenner joined us, Craig went OFF! 

“What is going on in this school? It’s only September and Max has been victimized repeatedly for being gay. This is getting ridiculous,” he barked. “Can you keep him safe or not?”

“I have to agree. I’ve been understanding, but my patience is waning,” Mom added. “Look at his face. This isn’t just words anymore.”

I’m happy they’re here and speaking up for me, but honestly, it’s also kinda embarrassing. I can’t explain why.

Dr. Brenner attempted to calm them down. “I completely understand your frustration and concern. Frankly, as both an educator and father, I share it. What’s happening to Max is unacceptable,” he responded. “I'm not going to condescend to you and guarantee nothing will ever happen again, because that isn’t in my control. What I can promise is the school is dedicated to doing everything in our power to prevent this harassment. You have my word I will continue to thoroughly address any bullying.”

That’s fair. He’s been nothing but nice, supportive, and helpful.

“I appreciate that, and I don’t doubt your intentions, but from our perspective this just continues to escalate,” Craig answered. “Honestly, some of the issues came from your predecessor.” Oh damn! I can’t believe he threw shade at Bach. I’m so glad she’s gone. She would have found some way to blame me for Dom being a dick.

“Which was addressed swiftly,” Mr. Johnson quickly interjected. I can tell rehashing Bach’s attitude is not what he wants. “But I completely understand your position. You have every right to be upset. If we may, we’d like to walk you through today’s incident.”

Dr. Brenner gave an overview. I have to say, he knows exactly how it went down. He even knew about Dom acting like an ass before we started playing, and being forced to change teams. 

“That was Liam,” I added, as they were leaving out names. “He kicked Dom off our team after Dom called me a fag. Liam had my back.”

Dr. Brenner finished his summary. “A few minutes into the game, the same boy launched into Max and threw his forearm right at his head. Max crumpled to the ground, blood went everywhere, and the boy yelled another slur and actually spit on him. Thankfully, the PE teacher was right there and there were a plethora of witnesses.” 

‘Crumpled’? Jesus, that makes me sound like a pussy who can’t take a hit! Sure, I went down, but it was more of a thud than a fucking crumple. 

Mom won’t stop stroking my arm. Honestly, this meeting is so uncomfortable. I hate all of this.

“The other student was clearly motivated by prejudice when he targeted and assaulted Max,” Dr. Brenner continued. “It is certainly your prerogative, Ms. Coleman, to press charges.”

What the fuck? Police? This is getting crazy. I hope Mom doesn’t show any interest. 

“You don’t have to decide now,” Craig commented.

“Correct. I understand it’s a lot to process, but if you decide to pursue that avenue, please let us know and we’ll contact the school resource officer.”

This is so weird. Shouldn’t I be who gets to decide? I sat up and pushed Mom’s hand away. “What the… heck? It’s NOT that big a deal!” I wouldn’t usually say ‘heck,’ but with all these adults I’m trying to be on my best behavior. 

“The hell it isn’t!” Craig retorted. “You could have been seriously hurt.” I guess he’s right, but I wasn’t truly injured, so can’t we just let this go?

Craig looked at Mom. “I’m not encouraging you one way or the other, but considering how many schools don’t want to suspend students anymore, the juvenile justice system might hold this delinquent more accountable.” 

I don’t think he saw my eye roll. I mean, Noah could have gotten worse for decking Brady, but nobody talked about pressing charges then. At least, I don’t think they did. 

Principal Johnson jumped in. “While it is true there is a movement across the country to reduce suspensions and improve equity by encouraging restorative practices, and MPS is engaged in these reforms, there are still exclusionary mechanisms available,” he explained, whatever the fuck that means. I hate when adults talk like you aren’t there, especially when it’s about you. “I can assure you; District administrators support the more… traditional consequences the school has assigned to the offending student.”

“I’m happy to hear that. My friends who are teachers talk often about how bad decorum has become and how discipline doesn’t happen in some schools,” Craig said. I didn’t know he has teacher friends. I wonder if he’s just saying that and really heard about it in the news or something.

“I can’t speak for any other school, but at Olympia we hold our students — and staff — accountable,” Mr. Johnson responded. He paused and looked at Dr. Brenner before continuing. “Because of FERPA, we can’t get into specifics about another student’s discipline, but I will say that Max is… unlikely to run into his assailant again at Olympia.”

I don’t know what ‘fur-puh’ is, but my ears perked. Is Dom really being expelled? Whoa. 

My mind swirled. The adults kept talking, but all I can think about is Dom’s friends being incensed and making my life even worse. I mean, he deserves to be punished, but I never expected them to kick him out of school. That seems like such overkill.

When I checked back into the conversation, they were saying something about me having the option to change schools. Tim alluded to that earlier, but what the actual fuck? 

“I’m not changing schools and leaving my friends!” No fucking way.

Mr. Tim tried to intervene. He knows me well enough by now to realize I don’t want to go anywhere. I guess I said as much a few minutes ago, before Noah barged in.

“Max, has the person who hassled you at the Spartan Night done or said anything since then?”

It’s nice being spoken to directly. “No sir. Brady has left me alone. A couple of his friends called me names the week after it happened, but nothing since.”

“Good. Do you feel unsafe at school?” he asked. I get it. He’s subtly trying to make it clear this isn’t a daily occurrence and I’m not intimidated or anxious. 

“No, not really. I know I can come to you or Dr. B if I have a problem, and I have friends who look out for me.”

“And Mrs. Hickman, amongst others.” I smiled. That’s true; she’s a force and definitely someone you want on your side.

I recalled Noah mentioning he heard Dom is who put those pics on my locker. Since I’m finally being addressed, I have to take the opportunity to ask. 

“Is it true Dom put the posters on my locker? Apparently, that’s what everyone is saying.”

The principals suddenly look very uncomfortable, but Tim replied calmly. Honestly, I don’t know why he isn’t in charge of the whole school. “As has been alluded to, there is a pattern to your mistreatment and the school is responding with progressive discipline to ensure it stops.”

Before I could fully register his confirmation, Craig slapped the table and pushed his chair back. I half-expected him to stand up and start ranting. 

“So, the same kid who hurt Max today also put the threatening, homophobic stuff on his locker?” Mom demanded to know. She has the same tone as when she grounded me after the S.N.O. and basically said I couldn’t have sex anymore. “And you didn’t think that was relevant to share?”

“Yeah, that seems like burying the lede,” Craig added, his tone calmer than I expected based on his body language. 

Mr. Johnson shook his head. “I apologize. Our intention was never to withhold; we were getting there. We are under legal obligations to maintain confidentiality for all students, which makes certain disclosures a fine line,” he explained. I might only be 14, but even I see through that bullshit. “However, in this instance, the other boy’s parents are very much dismayed by their son’s repeatedly hateful behavior.”

Dr. Brenner joined the fray, handing Mom an orange sticky with numbers scribbled on it. “In fact, they asked us to pass along their contact information so they can apologize to you directly, if you’re comfortable reaching out. They also offered to pay any medical bills should you decide to take Max to the doctor to be checked.”

Doctor? This is getting more ridiculous by the minute. “I don’t need to go to the doctor! He gave me a bloody nose, that’s all!” I practically yelled. “I JUST want to go to class. Please?”

“Sorry sweetie. I’m not sure about the doctor, or even school tomorrow, but I am definitely taking you home today.” 

FML. I pulled away, sulking, and slid deeper into the chair. I crossed my arms defiantly. This sucks. It’s like I’m not even here and my opinion doesn’t matter. 

Craig can sense I’m getting upset. He gave me a shoulder pat, which helped me to relax a little. 

“Yes ma’am,” I reluctantly agreed. I’ll go without making a scene, but I have no intentions of skipping practice or staying home tomorrow. If I do, kids will say I’m scared or think Dom really hurt me. 

“Come on Max, I’ll walk you to your locker to collect your things,” Tim offered. He handed Mom some papers. “Since you mentioned wanting to elevate Mr. Peters’ level of permissions, this is the paperwork to make him a primary contact, instead of just for emergencies. The other is the office aide permission slip.”

I dunno what the difference between contacts is, but I’m for anything that recognizes Craig’s importance. And I’m excited to be an office aide, so that’s cool.

I eagerly jumped up to follow Mr. Tim. He can tell I’m uncomfortable and desperate to escape the awkwardness, which even Craig hasn’t registered. Plus, it’ll be nice to get him alone for a few minutes. 


As we walked out of the office, Mr. Tim let out an exaggerated sigh and wiped his brow, before flashing me a grin. “Glad to get out of there?” 

I swear he can read my mind. “For real! Thanks for helping me escape,” I said, exasperated. “Pressing charges? Expulsion? Having me go to the doctor? Seriously, I don’t get it.”

We turned and headed towards the eighth-grade hall.

“I understand how you might perceive things that way, but what happened is not trivial,” Mr. Tim explained. “And yes, while your mother and Mr. Peters were a little more on edge than I expected, it’s not a bad thing to have people in your corner. They have every right to be concerned and upset.”

“I guess. I know their hearts are in the right place, but that was so awkward,” I replied. He’s right, and I’m not mad at them, but ugh. Just ugh. “It’s embarrassing. I never thought coming out would cause so much freaking drama.” 

It’s not like I regret it. Good has come of it, but sometimes I wish things could just be normal again. Is that bad?

“You have had a string of nonsense. But I can tell your discomfort runs deeper than that,” he said knowingly. “You don’t like being pitied or the center of attention.”

Mr. Tim, as always, reads me like a book. He is completely in my head.

“Yeah! I’m just tired of everyone making a big deal out of everything and treating me like a victim,” I said, biting my lip. “I guess I’m lucky no one ever said anything about my dad.” 

Shit. Where did that come from?

Tim paused. God, why do I spew all my shit onto him? Well, maybe not all of it. Craig gets that honor.

“You were younger, which helped. You were still off social media. And we nipped anything that came up, like if people were gossiping.”

“So… people did talk about it? No one said anything to me.” Weird. My stomach is knotting up.

“A little. You know how quickly kids get distracted and move on from things — but yes, there were a handful of times it came up,” he said, tentatively. “Mr. Johnson directed that anyone who said anything be immediately brought to the office to call home.”

Awesome. All I can do is nod.

Tim hesitated and looked at me. He gave me a smile, but not out of pity. Empathy, sure — but it’s different with him. What I see is mostly respect, like he thinks I deserve to know.

“The same thing after the Spartan Night. Anyone overheard being unkind had a mandatory parent phone call, and ISS if it happened again. And several kids were sent home for the melee at the dance. Dom isn’t the first kid to be suspended,” Tim informed me. Damn. Maybe ignorance is bliss. “They really are trying to keep people off your back. It’s why I had to call Mariah’s parents even though you didn’t want me to.”

It all tracks. I guess I knew kids had gotten in trouble, but not how organized it all is. I’m not sure how I feel and don’t react. 

“So, it sounds like if I can’t get ahold of your mom, I can call Craig,” Tim finally said. “Since you’re such a troublemaker who causes me so many problems, I’m sure I’ll have his number memorized by the end of the week.” He started laughing, signaling his intent. His humor helped loosen me up. I smiled back. 

“Yeah, Craig is always there for me, even when I’m being stupid or rude. Mom is great, but…” I trailed off.

“Sometimes it’s easier talking to a guy?” Tim said, finishing my sentence. “Like you would with a dad?”

“Yeah. Craig cares about me more than my own dad ever did. He’s been so good to me — and FOR me. It’s nice Mom sees it.”

“He seems like a nice guy. Noah was happy to see him, too.”

“Yeah. They’ve been neighbors for so long, he’s like Noah’s uncle. And since we’re like brothers, and our moms have been best friends since college, it works out.”

Tim smirked. “Well, someone has to keep you miscreants under control. Those Coleman and Reed boys get together and watch out. I’m glad Craig can corral you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Your jokes are just as corny as his.”

My lock spun. “See, it’s stuff like that, which Craig does. I love her and she’s a great Mom, but she doesn’t get guys and how we tease each other and stuff.”

“Well, I’m glad he’s able to fill that role for you.”

“Me too.”

I shut my locker as a couple of seventh graders walked by, whispering and hurrying their feet. And so it begins. My shoulders slumped.

“Well, try not to worry. Tomorrow will be awkward, but I promise it will be forgotten before you know it,” he said adamantly. “There’s always the next thing for people to fixate on.”

I’m not so sure. “Will it though? What if all of Dom’s friends are pissed he got in trouble? I really don’t need his friends giving me shit the rest of the year.”

“‘Shit’?” he asked.

“Oops, sorry,” I answered, blushing slightly at my casual use of profanity at school in front of an adult.

“It’s fine. I’m just giving you… shit,” he confessed, laughing. “I’ll handle it if they do.”

I sighed. “Is it weird I think him getting kicked out of school is too much? I mean he’s a jerk and all, but… I dunno. It just doesn’t seem much different than what Noah did to Brady at the S.N.O., and nobody ever talked about kicking him out of school.”

Mr. Tim shook his head. “It’s not the same. Noah was defending you, and Ashley and Spencer for that matter,” he said. “And this is, sadly, a pattern with Dominic. Honestly, it’s out of our hands now. It’s been referred to the central office and it’s up to them to determine what happens next.” He paused and looked at me. “I do think if he’s willing to apologize, and you’re not traumatized, it wouldn’t hurt to listen.”

“I can’t see him doing that, and if he did, it would probably be fake,” I suggested. I have a hard time envisioning him being sincere.

“Possibly. But if his parents are along, he might surprise you. And if he’s putting on an act, trust me, they’ll know. It may not change anything, but at least they will realize their son is, um…”

“A dickhead?” I asked innocently. 

“Something like that. But if he’s sincere, maybe it’s ultimately a good learning opportunity for him.”

“You mean, if I cut him slack, he might not think gay people are so bad?” Interesting. 

Tim cocked his head. “Hmmm. I never thought of it like that, but I suppose it could have that effect. But only if he means it,” he said. “I don’t know him well and have no idea what’s going on inside his head.”

“My therapist told me once something like ‘it never hurts to be nice to people because you never know what people are going through.’ I mean, I get what it’s like having stuff you can’t get out of your head. He might have baggage, too.”

Tim nodded. “In many cases where kids feel the need to bully, they often have significant issues with their own self-esteem. They project their own insecurities and tear others down to make themselves feel better,” he explained. “I can’t speak to that with certainty here, but I appreciate you adopting a very mature, empathetic perspective. But — you also don’t want people to think they can walk all over you, either. It’s okay to stand up for yourself.”

“Right. I mean, he could just be an asshole who doesn’t care, but even if that’s the case, there’s probably some reason,” I said. “Do his parents really want to arrange an apology? That’s kind of surprising, since… you know.”

“Well, a lot of acorns don’t fall from the tree. But in this case, they are appalled. Neither approves of his behavior, if that’s what you're asking.”


At Mom’s insistence, I applied ice almost all night. Since I was hurt, she let me watch TV. She said I couldn’t really read with one eye and it’s hard to do much else with an ice pack resting on your face. I’m not going to milk it, but it’s nice she’s being understanding. 

I was a little annoyed with her mother hen routine, especially since she made me skip practice. Thankfully, by late that evening, the swelling was almost gone and while I did bruise, at least it’s small. 

Craig called to check on me. I didn’t talk to him, but listened in as he spoke with Mom. She assured him I was fine and then was quiet for several seconds. “I guess that would be okay,” she finally answered, breaking her silence. 

I sat up. I’m not sure what Craig is asking, but Mom quickly addressed me. “Would you like to ride the bus home with Noah tomorrow? Craig will take you to practice, provided you’re not too sore.”

“No. I mean yeah, I’ll go to Noah’s! And I’m not too sore to practice. I could have gone tonight.”

That earned me a motherly frown, before she returned to the call. “That sounds good,” she said. “I’ll make sure he has everything he needs.”

“Thanks,” I offered, once she disconnected.

“Craig said you and Noah could use some time to hash things out, whatever that means,” she said before pursing her lips. “Just remember, you’re still grounded and shouldn’t be having too much fun. Got it?”

“Yes, ma’am,” I replied meekly as I rose to offer a hug. I’m anxious to find out what made Noah so bitchy last week. I was worried it might be a while before I could find out, but it sounds like Craig came to the rescue and worked it out. I bet Noah put him up to it.


I retreated upstairs to take my shower before bed. I examined my face in the mirror as the water warmed. I'm relieved I don’t look awful. There’s just enough discoloration to tell I was hit, which I suppose is good in a way. If I went back to school and looked normal, everyone would probably call me a pussy for making a big deal out of nothing. At least now it looks like something actually happened. 

Honestly, I’d take another one if I got to spend a few moments with Liam alone in the locker room again! Just thinking about that has me boned. I gently rub myself through my underwear before peeling them off and stepping under the spray.

I’m stiff as a board and I can’t get my mind off Liam. Kissing him was awesome. He was better at it than I ever expected, considering he has zero experience. He tasted good, too. And just thinking about his hand caressing my chest… fuck! It was so hot. I’m stroking myself as I relive it, and pinch my nipples. I bet it’ll feel amazing when he sucks on them for the first time. 

I take my time in the shower, alternating between washing and paying attention to my erection. My mind’s running wild with possibilities. I wish Liam were here with me, naked. We would make out, our wet bodies pressed together, our hips thrusting our rock-hard cocks against each other.

Getting him off in the shower at Cam’s was great, seeing his swollen dick shoot spurt after spurt of cum. But that was just the beginning, at least I hope. I want more of him. And I know Cam does too. I want to taste his thick cock, but what I really want… I spit on my finger and reach behind, sliding it into my hole. I moan. Yeah, what I really want is to feel Liam inside me. I want to be his first.

I towel off, still hard. I quietly make sure my door is locked and retreat to my bed. I’m so fucking horny I can’t stand it. My cock is throbbing. After last week, I’ve got some pent-up desires that are ready to be released. Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I’ve gone this long without an orgasm. Probably when I was 11 or something.

I retrieve lube from my nightstand and put the towel down on my bed. I start fingering myself with abandon, adding a second finger. “Oh god yes, Liam,” I whisper to nobody, “give it to me.” I alternate working my hole and cock, fantasizing about Liam drilling me. Any time I get close to shooting, I slow down and edge. I’m desperate to cum, but I also want it to be epic. I know if I keep getting close and stop, once I decide to finish it will be intense. 

I fantasize about how I want Liam to take me. I want to be on my back, so I can watch his face as he slides in and feels what it’s like to fuck a boy for the first time. I can only imagine how his soft face might contort as he comes close to depositing his load inside of me. Usually, I think of guys my age as cute, or even hot, but Liam is handsome. He’s undeniably sexy in a way that’s hard to describe. 

I suddenly imagine another possibility. What if once he was done, Cam was ready to take over? Oh god, what a thought… getting fucked by both of them. I grip my cock. I’m so close. Shit, what if Noah was there for thirds?

I can’t take it and close my eyes as I keep jerking. I can feel the week’s worth of jizz rush up through my cock and explode. “Ahhhhhhh aiiiiiiiiiie,” I scream, a little too loudly, before catching myself. My chest is splattered with my thin, barely cloudy baby batter. A few drops even hit my face.

I can barely catch my breath. When I do, I glance down. My cock is still hard, glistening in lube, a long drip of cum slowly falling onto my belly. I bet Liam will like the taste of my jizz.

God, that was great. I really needed a release. I want nothing more than to roll over and fall asleep, but I know I need to clean up my mess. And say goodnight to Mom.

As I grab the tissue box, I reflect more on our kiss this afternoon. That was so unexpected. If I’m being honest, I wanna do it again. I can’t wait to curl up against him, make him feel good, and let him inside. Literally and figuratively. Yes, I want sex — but it’s more than that. I want to share something special with him, like I do with Cam. Like I did with Craig. It won’t just be sex, even if that will be part of it. Thinking about it gives me butterflies. It’s the same feeling I had back when Cam and I first became more than friends.

I pull on a fresh pair of underwear and shorts, wash my hands, and lumber to Mom’s room to give her a goodnight hug.

She looked up from her book. “Is everything okay? I thought I heard you yelping or something a couple of minutes ago.”

Oh Jesus. I felt my face flush. “Um, yeah, I just stubbed my toe,” I lied. I don’t like lying, especially to Mom, but I don’t think she really wants to hear about my epic ejaculation as I fingered myself.

I leaned over and she patted my back. “Sleep well baby. You’re sure you feel up to going to school tomorrow?”

“I’ll be fine. Mr. Tim and I talked on the way to my locker. He thinks it’ll all blow over soon.”


I crawled into bed early mostly out of boredom, but since I’ve recovered from my post-orgasm bliss, I’m not actually tired. I could ask Mom for permission to watch more TV, but I’m not really in the mood for that. The fact is, I’m as content as I’ve been in a while and relish my happiness. 

As terrible as things have been, everything is beginning to feel normal again. I’m still grounded, but Noah’s back, Cam and I are great, and I’ve got an awesome new friend in Liam (and Seb). Plus, this Chad shit is basically behind me. Sure, this meeting or presentation or whatever still has to happen, but I know after making that video with Craig over the weekend, there’s nothing more for me to do or worry about. And it isn’t like my grounding will last forever. I’m lucky they’re still letting me go to the gym where I can see Cam.

Cam! It just dawned on me that he’s probably worried since I missed practice. I grabbed my Gizmo and texted Craig to see if he’ll message Bob to explain why I was absent. 

In typical Craig form, he took care of that hours ago so Cam wouldn’t be worried. I sure hope he doesn’t go hunting for Dominic. He’ll be pissed about that and I’ll probably have to tell him to chill out, just like Noah. I guess everyone being angry on my behalf is a sign of being cared about. I really am lucky to have so many people in my corner. 

I still can’t get Liam out of my mind, especially the hot scene I conjured where he, Cam, and Noah are naked and feeding me their dicks (one way or the other). I bone up again almost immediately; I can’t help it. I realize my fantasy from earlier was all wrong. Liam can’t be the first to impale me. Cam has to go first, since he’s the smallest, then Noah, and finally Liam. Although, to be honest, Liam and Noah are pretty close in size. I think Liam is probably a little thicker. I need to get them side by side to compare. I wonder if Noah would even ever go for that… I mean, he’s comfortable around me and Cam, but adding another guy might be too much for a straight boy. 

I just love that idea of servicing a bunch of horny guys. I guess I truly am on the submissive side of things. It’s just so arousing to know I’m there with a job to do: provide pleasure and get them off. It would be even hotter with more penises involved. 

I consider adding Seb and Jamie, and even Spencer, to my little dream session. Something about that just doesn’t quite feel right. Jamie might be shy, Spencer would want to get fucked too (it’s my fantasy and those are MY cocks to play with), and Seb just feels too much like a little brother. Maybe I could add Jackson. That would actually be hot and I’m almost positive he would go for it, given the opportunity. Though, in real life, Noah would definitely bow out if Jackson were included.

I’m stroking again, but only casually. I keep thinking back to Liam’s tongue darting in and out of my mouth. Our friendship has been deepening quickly, and skipped several rungs up the ladder today.

My attraction to Liam is definitely similar in intensity and feeling to Cam (and Craig, to a certain extent). Noah and I are best friends, and I enjoy his cock, but I don’t feel the bond I do with Cam or Liam. Ditto with Spencer, Jamie, and Seb. That’s just sex, fooling around to cum, but nothing deeper than that. 

I suddenly feel guilty. Would Cam be pissed if he knew I feel so strongly about Liam? He likes Liam’s bod as much as I do, and he’d do anything with him, but what if Cam and Liam’s dynamic is more like Noah and I? Friends and sex, but not really lovers or bonding on a more emotional level. Would Cam be hurt or jealous if he realizes my feelings are so strong?

I have to talk to him. We promised not to have secrets, and this feels like it could be a big one. I’m so confused. Why the hell can’t someone love multiple people at once?


Mom insisted on dropping me off at school. It’s overkill, but I don’t love riding the bus plus she stopped by Starbucks on the way, so I didn’t object. 

Noah caught me in the hall before class. “Doesn’t look too bad,” he commented. “You’re coming to my place after school, right?”

“Hell yeah,” I answered, bumping fists. She thought she was hilarious and ordered him a drink, so I handed over his frappe. “Mom brought me to school and stopped for breakfast. Said this was payment for supervising me this afternoon,” I said facetiously, rolling my eyes.

“I’ll text her thanks right now and assure her you won’t have any fun,” Noah said, grinning as he snuck his phone. “Maybe you can even do one of my chores as part of your grounding.”

“Very funny. I don’t think doing shit for you is how I’m paying for Europe,” I said, bumping into him playfully. “Craig put me to work on Saturday. Yard work for hours. That’s where we were when you came looking for him. I haven’t been that sore in forever.”

Before he could respond, I was spotted and soon mugged by several people peppering me with questions about what happened. The rumors are flying and are unbelievable. Dom was arrested. Dom’s been expelled. Dom’s dad beat his ass in the parking lot. I bled so much I needed a transfusion. Nobody knows anything, but they all still talk and pass on everything they hear, and apparently alter and exaggerate the details. It’s like we’re back in second grade and playing telephone. 

I don’t know how many times I told kids that he wasn’t arrested because we didn’t press charges. I also told them his consequences were not officially determined. People seem disappointed there isn’t more drama, which is honestly kind of shitty. They so want this to be a big deal even though it’s really not. 

Anyway, I’m glad to dispel the rumors and hopefully make the whole damn thing go away.

Several girls fawned over my bruised eye, expressing concern. “You’re still super hot,” I heard variations of more than once. God, they’re so obnoxiously flirty and thirsty. It’s annoying af. 

Mariah was actually chill. “I’m glad you weren’t hurt,” she offered. I get the impression she’s trying to make up for her crazy-ass antics last week. I politely thanked her and walked away. 


Lunch was finally fun again. Liam’s absent, which sucks, but everyone else is back at our table and nobody’s pissy. Noah still hasn’t told me anything, but I know I’ll find out after school. He’s waiting until we’re alone.

Thankfully, the cafeteria was a refuge from gossip, as no one brought up Dom decking me (which was a pleasant surprise). I think my friends realize I’m tired of talking about it. Some of the girls in math were all over me before the bell and I might have been short and snarky with them, which Seb and Jamie probably noticed. Or, maybe they’re just good friends and know me well enough to avoid it. Either way, it was the funnest, most relaxing lunch in a couple of weeks.


The rest of my day was a blur. Mrs. Hickman kept me after class for a moment to check on me, but when I said I was fine, she didn’t press. 

I swear, time slowed down for the bus ride to Noah’s. Seb was excited to see me and spent the whole drive turned around, leaning over his seat to talk to us. He’s so glad to be free from his mom’s car. Really, the bus kind of sucks sometimes, and I bet a lot of kids would rather get picked up, but I get how it’s different for him. It’s still novel, and a break from his well-intended but overbearing, protective parents.

His big news was that he and Jamie decided on some really clever Halloween costumes. He kept teasing, but wouldn’t share their plan. I’m actually curious, but I’ll let it be a surprise.

“We really should have a Halloween party,” I said to Noah after Seb got off at his stop. “I bet Cam can host. We can invite our lunch table, some of Cam’s school friends, and Ashley and some of the other girls.”

“It would be lit to trick-or-treat in the rich people’s neighborhood. I bet we’d score. I was thinking I would skip this year, but I like it,” Noah said. “Only thing is, we promised Ashley’s ‘rents we’d take Aron to get candy.”

“Maybe he could come with us for the trick-or-treating and then get picked up. Cam’s parents won’t let girls spend the night, but —“

“Too bad!” Noah interjected, laughing. 

“I bet they can stay until 10 or so, since Halloween is on a Thursday and there’s no school Friday since it’s the end of first quarter. And some of the guys could crash.”

“Yeah, that would be cool. Though I might have more fun if it were just you, me, and Cam,” he whispered, grinning. Damn, he’s not going to be into my little gangbang scheme, is he?


We jumped off the bus and set off down the hill. “Can I come to Craig’s?” Noah asked. “I have some shit I have to tell you about and I don’t know if Jackson will be around.”

“Of course.” I thought about joking that he wanted to get sucked off, but I recall how angry he was last week when I tried that line of humor. “I’ve been dying to know what’s going on. I know you said yesterday there was something you needed to tell me. It must be major, huh?”

“You could say that. But I don’t want you to get upset. It’s part of why I didn’t mention it sooner.”

“I won’t, honest.” He’s starting to freak me out. What the hell could it be?

He stopped walking to face me. “Are you sure?” he asked solemnly. “It involves Chad.”

I’m surprised. “Oh,” I commented softly. I swear, the mention of him almost made me stumble off the sidewalk. I convinced myself last night I’d never have to think about him again.

“Yeah. C’mon, let's walk faster,” he said, leading me. “Did you know he was at Ashley’s house two weekends ago, the night you guys snapped him?”

“Yeah, I heard. Crazy coincidence, but so what?” 

“Well, it creeped me out just being in the same room. But I swear to God, he spent as much time checking on the kids in the basement as he did up at the adult party. And there was another boy around Brett’s age, and Jesus, he was hanging around him all the time and like touching his arm and back and stuff.”

“Gross. What did you do?”

“Not much. I just tried to steer him away, but he was glued to this kid. Chad kept talking to him about how he should come over and play Xbox with Brett sometime.”

Ugh. What a creeper. I’m disgusted, but also a little guilty since I gave him a taste for boys, or at least helped to lower his inhibitions. “You should tell Craig.”

“Oh, I already did. Told him everything — well, now I have. I held some stuff back at first.”

“Huh? Why would you do that? We tell Craig everything. He’s… Craig.”

“I know, but…”

We walked across the yard. “‘But’ what?”

“I’ll tell you inside.”


We both grabbed a Gatorade from Craig’s fridge and sat at the kitchen table. I might be wrong, but Noah looks like he’s starting to sweat. Whatever else he has to say must be bad or embarrassing. I’m just glad he hasn’t started to chew on his shirt collar. 

“You remember last spring, when I was camming with those girls?” he began.

“Of course.” I mean, I alluded to it in front of everyone last week, which was a big part of what pissed him off. “Why?”

“Well… remember how you told me I should be careful? That some of them were probably fake?”


“I’ve been way more careful since my first few times, but, um...”

“You were reckless at first?”

“Yeah, very. And dumb as fuck about it all. And well, there’s a video out there on the Internet of me jacking off,” he admitted quietly. He turned away, but I can tell he’s blushing

“How do you know that?” That sucks and all, but I’m not getting the connection to Chad. “You should tell Craig, maybe he can make them take it down somehow?”

“How I know is that fuckhead showed it to me on his goddamn phone!”

“Chad did?” Shit.

“Yes, Chad! Said he found it on the dark web, whatever that is.”

My stomach lurched down. “Jesus fucking Christ.” This guy is unreal. What are the odds?

“I wish that was all.” He hesitated, and I urged him with my eyes to continue. “He told me Ashley would enjoy my ‘big dick’ if we ever get around to having sex.”

I groaned. “Ewww, gross.” I love Noah’s dick, and Ashley might too someday, but nobody wants a grownup you barely know talking about your junk. That’s so fucked up.

“He acted like it was no big deal seeing me jack off. And I was stupid, my face was in it and everything.” He looked down in shame. 

“Oh shit.”

“It gets worse.”

“‘Worse’? What could be worse?”

“He threatened to send it to my parents anonymously. Unless… I uh, uh…”


“He suggested we, um, get together so he could get me off.”

“That motherfucker!” I screamed, punching the table. “We gotta tell Craig, now!”

“Dude, relax. I told him all of this yesterday. Everything. It was eating at me all week, worried my parents were going to come knocking on my door asking when I became such a perv.”

“What did Craig say?” I demanded.

“He told me he’d take care of it. There’s some meeting with Chad later this week and he’s going to make sure I never have to see him again or worry about the vid.”

“Damn, that’s crazy. No wonder you were acting weird last week. Even Ashley noticed.”

Noah looked up, almost in a panic. “She did?”

“Yeah, like on Thursday, after I blew up on Mariah, we were talking about that and she mentioned you’d been off all week. She was worried about you.”

He looked alarmed. “Damn, I thought I hid it better.”

“Not even,” I said, patting his arm. “Dude, I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I can’t believe I brought up your camming right after that happened.” I paused and we sat quietly for a moment. “I guess we both had a lot of shit going on, huh?”

“Yeah. But I was a bigger dick. I was blaming you for my own stupidity, which wasn’t fair. I just kept remembering how you and Cam told me I shouldn’t be doing that. And you never said it, but I was sure you’d tell me ‘I told you so.’ And add Chad into the mix… I dunno. I wasn’t thinking straight. I was barely sleeping.”

I leaned my head against his shoulder. Poor Noah. “Are you feeling better now?”

“Yeah, after yesterday. Talking to Craig helped, a lot.” 

I laughed. 


“Bro, talking to Craig always helps. You shouldn’t have waited a week to tell him! He’s way better than any therapist.”

Noah smiled weakly. “I know. But I was just so ashamed and mad at myself.”

“I get it. I’m sorry for anything I did that made it harder or worse.”

“And I’m sorry, too, for acting like such a prick.”

Without a word, we both stood and gave each other a serious hug. It wasn’t romantic, but definitely intimate. It was the sort of embrace you give when you’re saying we’re-best-friends-and-always-will-be.

“Come to my house and we’ll raid the pantry. Mom just made Costco run and loaded up on snacks.”


Noah and I were chilling in his driveway when Craig pulled in. Without saying a word, we intuitively rushed to show Craig our friendship is back on solid ground. I know he’ll be proud of us for working things out.

Noah begged him to take us on a smoothie run, which I really didn’t need after binging on junk food, but I still downed most of it. Besides, Noah doesn’t get the amount of time with Craig that I do.

I asked Craig to take me to practice early. I bet Cam will be there already. It will give us time to talk before everyone else rolls in.

“Was school bearable?” Craig asked as he drove. 

In his driveway, I had already told him about being fawned over by girls, which was annoying, but that otherwise my friends were chill.

“Noah and I being good again made a huge difference,” I added. “Last week sucked.”

“Like I said a few days ago, you guys are too close for any consternation to last. You were both dealing with a lot of heavy stuff and lashed out,” he said, patting my leg. “But that’s the time to lean on your friends, not push them away.”

“I think we both learned that lesson. Good friends matter a lot,” I concurred.

Craig nodded. “And you have several. Liam sure wasn’t afraid to stick out his neck for you. It seems you two are becoming closer.”

I looked away. I still feel guilty for how hard I’m crushing on Liam. As usual, Craig noticed my apprehension. 

“What?” he asked.

“Liam is awesome,” I began tentatively. “He’s really nice — to everyone.”

Craig grinned. “He doesn’t stick up for everyone as strongly as he did for you though, right?” 

“Maybe not, but he would help anyone who needs it. It’s just the way he is,” I acknowledged. “But yeah, we’re getting closer. It’s just so easy with him.”

“I see,” Craig replied, reading right between the lines. “You know he has a crush on you, and I know you all played around at Cam’s.” He paused. “I get the distinct feeling it’s become more than just fun between friends, though.”

“How did you know?” I asked, looking up. 

“Just a hunch.”

Might as well put it all out there. “He kissed me in the locker room, right after I cleaned up.” I admitted. “It took me off guard and was awkward, but also… kind of awesome.”

“Ah, so there is more to it. You’re worried Cam might not like that? Or feel bad for developing feelings?”

“I’m planning to tell him what happened tonight. I don’t want to keep secrets. Besides, it was Liam who started it. He felt really bad after, which just makes me like him more,” I said, sighing. “To be honest, Cam likes Liam a lot and has said he wants to really get to know him, if you know what I mean.”

“You guys are incorrigible,” Craig teased. “Really, each other and a side of Noah isn’t enough? There are only so many hours in a week.”

I smirked. “What can I say? We’re always so horny.” On instinct, I rubbed my crotch. Craig averted his eyes. “Sorry.”

He just shook his head. I decided to continue. 

“I mean sure, he’s hot. But I'm starting to realize I’m feeling about him like I do Cam — and you.” Jesus, I’m not sure why I said that out loud. “So, it’s more than just about getting off. I really like him, it’s mutual… but knowing all that and still doing stuff with him feels like cheating.”

Craig put the car in park. “Which is why it’s a good thing to be completely up front with Cam, about all of it. If it’s going to be an issue, you should know now before anything happens.”

“Yeah. It’s just uncomfortable. I don’t want to cause any drama or hurt feelings,” I said, leaning over the console to rest my head against his shoulder.

“Part of having real, mature relationships is honestly dealing with your emotions and confronting problems head on,” Craig said, reaching over to ruffle my hair. “If you want the freedom of having an adult relationship, you have to fulfill the same responsibilities. It sounds like you’re doing that.”

I closed my eyes. “I’m trying. But part of me is worried about Cam. I’m afraid the risk of hurting him or Liam is high.” Cam was so upset when he found out about Craig and I in Mexico. 

“That’s because you’re a good person. You can’t control who you like and Cam knows that,” Craig said, squeezing my shoulder. “All you can do is be open and honest. I think he’ll appreciate that.”

“I hope so.”


Just as I predicted, Cam was waiting for me, already stretching. His face lit up when he saw me. “I was hoping you’d come early.”

He rose and greeted me with a hug before inspecting my face. “You know I’m gonna beat his ass, right?”

I honestly couldn’t tell if he was serious or playing, until I frowned and he laughed. “Just kidding, although the thought did cross my mind. Daddy told me it was being handled and how pissed Craig was.”

“Yeah, he’s a douche, but it wasn’t that big a deal. You’d think he tried to murder me the way Mom and Craig were about to lose it.”

“I get them being angry. That’s a good thing. What he did is a bunch of bullshit,” Cam said. “Tell me what happened. Daddy told me you were attacked, but I didn’t really hear any details.”

I sped through the specifics. What I really need (and want) to tell him is how Liam became frisky in the locker room. 

“Liam had my back. Then he helped me get changed and to the nurse.”

“Cool. He’s nice. I like him.”

“He is. But, um, there is something else.”

Cam looks confused. “Yeah?”

“I think being alone with me in the showers must have reminded him of his visit to your basement.”

Cam laughed. “Did he bone up or something?”

“After he kissed me and stroked my bare chest, he sure did.”

“Whoa! In the school locker room? The Mormon boy isn’t so pure after all. Sounds hot.”

“I know. It didn’t last long because I pulled away, but he’s a great kisser, and we got close enough I could tell he was hard. So was I.”

“Damn. Trying to make me jealous?”

“No, not exactly. I just didn’t want to keep it a secret.”

I paused and looked away. I need to get to my growing emotional attachment. Otherwise, it feels like cheating.

“What is it?” Cam asked. Yep, he can definitely tell something is up.

“Well… It was really intense. It was all such a surprise, but it reminded me of when we first started being boyfriends and sexting and doing stuff. It wasn’t just sex or physical like it is with friends, you know… like Noah or Spencer.”

He wrinkled his nose. “You mean you have, like, feelings?”

“Yes. There’s definitely a spark between us,” I admitted, guilt washing over me. “I feel bad. I didn’t mean for it to happen, but after he kissed me, there’s no denying it’s strong. Liam is really nice and he’s been a great friend the past few weeks.”

Cam stepped toward me, an alarmed expression on his face. Shit. Before I could say anything, he fucking grinned! 

“Babe, I get it. As much as he’s been there for you lately, of course you’re going to feel close and connected. And we both know sex is even better when you really care about the person,” he said. “I like Liam a lot too. There’s just something about him.”

I’m relieved he’s being so chill. I was worried he’d be upset or jealous.

Cam looked around to make sure no one was looking. “I’ll need to make it clear to him you belong to me, and he only gets access when I’m around.” Cam squeezed my butt and I immediately hardened. “And I’m definitely conquering his chunky ass. The idea of tapping a devout Mormon boy and making him squirm in pleasure is on my bucket list.”

I laughed. That conjures a vivid image. “That’s basically what I told him, that we can only do stuff when you’re around, at least starting out. He was really respectful and apologetic for kissing me without asking. He actually teared up when he thought he crossed a line.”

Cam smiled. “That doesn't surprise me. I’m sure he felt awful when he thought it wasn’t welcome.”

“Yeah I had to assure him I wasn’t offended; it just wasn’t the time or place and you weren’t there.”

He patted my butt again. “Yep. The only person you’re allowed to do stuff with when I’m not around is Noah. He’s exempt, but I supervise anyone else to make sure they’re treating you right. Understood?”

God, I love when he’s dominant, especially since it comes from a place of love. I grazed the front of his shorts. No surprise there: he has a stiffie. “Yes sir.”

“Good,” he answered casually, before abruptly changing the topic. “Speaking of Noah, did you hear about his run in with Chad? That’s crazy!”

“He just told me today. How did you know?”

“Craig called and Dad told me. I guess that explains why Noah was kind of a dick last week, eh?”

“Yeah, right. I had no idea. Now I feel shitty for being dickish myself.”

“But you’re good now, right? Things always work out,” he offered with his typically confident smile.

Before I could respond, Coach yelled at us to get to work.


The next morning, Liam was waiting for me as soon as I walked through the door at school.

“Hey. Can we talk?” He sounds anxious and his hair is disheveled. Usually it’s neatly combed, but it looks like he just rolled out of bed. He was absent yesterday, so I assume he’s been sick.

I was caught a little off guard by his sudden appearance. “Yeah, sure. What’s up?” I followed him to the cafeteria, where we sat at an empty table.

“It’s about Monday. I still feel really bad about what I did in the locker room. It’s been bothering me ever since,” he said, hanging his head. “I was sick to my stomach yesterday just thinking about it. I wanted to say sorry, again.” Damn. He’s really hard on himself. 

“Dude, seriously, just stop! Okay?” I replied, shaking my head. “It wasn’t that big of a deal, plus you already apologized. I liked it. We BOTH liked it.”

“I know, but you’re like… with Cam and everything, and were vulnerable after Dom attacked you. It was wrong and disrespectful,” he said, hanging his head. His gaze is affixed to the table.

“I told you at the time I wasn’t bothered, it just wasn’t the time or place. It really wasn’t a big deal,” I said, trying to reassure him. “Sure, Cam is my boyfriend, but I really like you, too. I’m so glad we became friends.” I paused to let that sink in. “I told Cam about the locker room. He wasn’t angry.”

Liam finally looked up toward me. “He wasn’t?”

“No. If anything, he was jealous. He likes you, too.”

A slight smile cracked his face. “Really? That’s good I guess. But I still feel like I forced myself onto you or something.”

I shrugged. “Was I expecting it? No, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t like it or that it was unwelcome. It felt good and gave me something to jerk off to last night.” He blushed but definitely smirked. “Cam says you just need to wait until he’s around — then you can do anything you want, with either of us.”

“Oh boy. You might not be ready for all the things I’ve thought about,” he answered, laughing. 

“You might be surprised,” I replied. I glanced around to make sure no one was within ear shot. I lowered my tone, to almost a whisper. “Gay sex is awesome. Getting off with another guy is amazing, feeling his dick twitch in your mouth… or the warmth of his cum deep in your guts.”

Liam’s eyes widened and he bit his lip, but didn’t say anything. I reached over and used my index finger to stroke the top of his hand. It might be laying it on a little thick, or even risking someone seeing, but I don’t want him stressing over offending me.

“You don’t realize how sexy you are. Plus, you’ve become one of my best friends in just a few weeks, it’s crazy,” I said. His reaction is funny. His mouth has fallen open a little bit, like he’s hanging on my every word and wants to stick his tongue down my throat. “So don’t feel bad. I really want to make you feel good. It will make us even closer… and I want to be close.”

He swallowed. “I would love that, but I don’t ever want to disrespect you or Cam or be the source of any tension or drama. I’d never forgive myself if I was the cause of you breaking up — even if I do sometimes wish you were single.”

I considered telling Liam I’d jump at the chance to be his boyfriend if I didn’t already have Cam, who I truly do love… but I decided against it. That almost seems unkind, getting his hopes up by teasing something that can’t happen. Still, it is true. He’d make a great boyfriend and whoever lands him will be so lucky. Hell, he’s more mature and kind than either Cam or I.

“You’re a great guy, Liam. You’ll be a great catch for someone, someday,” I said, playing footsie under the table. He beamed, and now that I’ve captured his attention, I gave him my best seductive look. “Until then, Cam and I plan to corrupt the fuck out of you. As soon as we’re ungrounded, anyway.”

He adjusted himself. Bingo, I definitely have him hard. “And, um, when will that be?”

“Not sure. I was kind of a jerk and didn’t earn credit for the first week I was grounded. Craig and Mom say when it’s over is based on my attitude and stuff,” I explained. “I sure hope it’s finished by Noah’s birthday in a couple of weeks. I'm not sure Cam will be by then, though. His dad is strict.”

“I can relate. My parents don’t play around either,” he said. “I won’t ask how you got grounded for longer, but I didn’t realize Craig was part of it. I thought he was like a mentor or something. He punishes you?”

Liam isn’t being judgmental or nosy, just genuinely curious. I guess I haven’t talked about Craig a ton with him so he wouldn’t realize how close we are. 

“He’s like my dad,” I said. “And he doesn’t really ‘punish’. He calls it discipline and assigning consequences I’ve earned. But yeah, he will correct me if I’m being bad or dumb, so I learn. But we always talk about it and make up and stuff. He’s always fair and listens, never mean or anything like my actual father.” Damn, that actually came out. 

I stopped myself before mentioning our cuddle seshes and how Craig can always get me to calm down and stop crying. As cool as Liam is, he might think that’s weird or lame. I doubt he’d be judgmental, but still.

“He sounds a lot like my father,” Liam offered. “Thanks for not being angry with me. I'm glad we talked; I feel better knowing you and Cam aren’t upset.”

“Dude, like I said, it’s all good. But, we should get to class.”

We bumped fists and headed for our lockers.


Craig suggested to Mom that I ride home with Noah again on Thursday. He told her he has an important meeting and would be running late to get me to practice. Of course, he didn’t tell her specifics, but I know it’s with Chad.

I didn’t mind. More time hanging with Noah is good, and plus, Craig can debrief us both when he gets home.

We spent the bus ride talking about the potential Halloween party. Cam and I talked about it at practice and he likes the idea, especially if we can have it be a boy/girl party. He doesn’t want it to just be gay guys because that would be too much. 

He’s going to wait for his father to be in a good mood before bringing it up. With him being grounded, he knows the timing is critical. If he isn’t off restriction by then, it’s going to be out of the question. Bob isn’t likely to grant exceptions.

I told Seb about how great Cam’s setup is for a party. “He has a huge basement, pool table, and hot tub. It’s fire.”

His excitement was evident. “Seriously? Can we spend the night?” he asked.


“Do you think he’ll let Jamie and I use the hot tub for a while… you know, alone?” he whispered very seriously.

Noah and I laughed. “Maybe if you bring some good snacks,” Noah teased. “The hot tub is clothing-optional. As long as his mother isn’t around, we don’t usually bother.”

Seb’s eyes popped out and he noticeably grazed his crotch, a little tent clearly growing. Noah glanced at me and smirked. 

“You skinny dip with gay boys?” Seb asked Noah.

“Sure. I may be straight, but we’re all guys and the three of us are super close. Being naked around other boys is no big deal. We all have the same parts,” he said, shrugging. I doubt that attitude is super common amongst straight guys, though. “Besides, I’m way bigger than either of them and I like showing off.” He laughed and smacked my stomach.

Seb’s gaze was transfixed on Noah. I couldn’t help but notice as he peered down toward his shorts. He’s curious about Noah’s bulge.


“Were we that horny last year?” Noah asked as we walked down the street. “It kills me how fast he gets worked up.”

“You were pretty girl-crazy. It’s not like you weren’t jerking off when you were 12,” I said, perplexed by his surprise. “And I definitely was. But even if you weren’t then, you’re sure making up for it this year,” I said, nudging him with my elbow. “Wanna come up to my room at Craig’s?”

“Nah,” he replied matter-of-factly. That surprises me, but maybe it reminds him too much of Chad propositioning him? 

“Okay.” I’m slightly disappointed. I’m still amped from my encounter with Liam, but I’m not going to say anything. We did just get back on good terms and I’m not going to fuck it up.

“Honestly,” he continued, “I’m just anxious to hear what happened with that motherfucker. I think Craig said the meeting was at two, right?”

“Something like that,” I answered. Honestly, I don't remember for sure.

“It’s funny, when it got to be time for the meeting, I couldn’t help but picture Chad sitting there shitting his pants. It’s been in the back of my mind ever since.” I did notice he was only half-engaged with our party discussion.

“I’ve been trying not to think about it,” I answered. “I just want to know that it’s freaking over.”

“Me too. I’ll be more relaxed after it’s done,” he admitted. “THEN, I’m going to need a release.”

“Your birthday is coming up and I don’t have a clue what to get you.”

He grinned. “Just get ungrounded, okay? It sucks not hanging out more. I feel like I’m being punished, too.” 


I dropped my backpack at Craig’s and used the bathroom. There was a note on the counter for me, asking me to please unload the dishwasher and load the dirty dishes. I usually grumble when I find notes like that from Mom, but somehow Craig asking makes me feel good — like I’m truly a part of their family. He’s treating me just like he would his own kids.

I made quick work of the task (though I’m not sure I put everything exactly where it goes) and headed next door. Just like on Tuesday, we waited in Noah’s driveway for Craig to arrive. Except this time, we sprinted to his house as soon as we saw his car. 

He parked in the driveway and jumped out, greeting us with hugs. “How was your day?” He seems to be in a good mood. That’s a good sign.

“Good,” we both answered and then stood in silence. 

“Well?” Noah finally asked.

Craig let out a slight laugh. “It was freaking GLORIOUS.” 

Noah hooted. “Hell yes!”

“So, he really showed up?” I asked, with a mix of curiosity and unease.

“Oh yeah. And he left with his tail between his legs.”

“Let’s fucking go!” Noah exclaimed, pumping his fist. 

“We have the whole thing right here,” he said, grabbing a thumb drive from his pocket. “We don’t have time to watch it now, but trust me, you will enjoy yourselves.”

“I can’t wait,” Noah exclaimed. He’s almost bouncing with excitement. 

Meanwhile, I felt that pit in my stomach return. I’m not sure why, but I don’t think I will. I don’t ever want to see that shithead again, even if it is just a recording of him getting his ass handed to him. I don’t want to sound ungrateful, though. I know a lot of time and effort and money went into it. “Yeah, cool,” I muttered.

“We’ll set up something,” Craig replied, shifting to face me. “But for now, young man, we need to get you to practice.”


We were halfway to the gym when I finally spoke up.

“Craig? Do I have to watch the video?”

He’s definitely surprised. “Well, no, but I thought you would want to. Is there some reason you’d rather not?”

I closed my eyes. “I dunno. I guess he still creeps me out. Maybe you could just give me the highlights?”

He reached over and patted my leg. “Whatever you prefer. I will say, there were some fine moments. I might have, uh… sort of assaulted him.”

I immediately turned to face him. “What?!”

“He said something that pissed me off so bad, I barged into the room and tackled him.”

“Nuh uh!” He has to be teasing. 

“Seriously. It wasn’t my finest moment… and I don’t think the PI was very happy, but he said he understood why I reacted so strongly.”

I have to admit, that part might be worth seeing. 

“If I hadn’t gotten a shot in, I’m not sure I’d have felt settled. So, in the end, it was worth it. Seeing him squirm and actually bleed a little was super cathartic,” he said, chuckling.

He made him bleed? Damn.

“It’s totally your choice, but I know you want to find closure and move on. Watching it might help.” He paused. “But, maybe not. If you’re uncomfortable, that’s totally okay too. Just think about it, and if you still don’t want to, that’s all I’ll say about it unless you ask for details.”

“I will. Thanks for taking care of it.”

He ruffled my hair. “You’re my boy. He’s very lucky we didn’t completely fuck him up. But he knows we’ll destroy his life if he EVER steps out of line again.”

I didn’t respond. I’ve seen Craig be forceful before. I mean, he’s been stern and even yelled at me a few times when I’ve been bad. But he isn’t violent, or vengeful, and seeing him so matter-of-fact about dominantly inflicting pain on Chad is a side of him I’ve never seen before. 

I’ll say this, it helped ease that pit in my stomach. Craig loves me and won’t ever let anything bad happen to me. And if I do make a mess, he’ll be there to help clean it up.

As he parked and we exited the vehicle, instead of walking into the gym, I walked toward him and jumped in his arms.

“What's this?” he asked, alarmed but awkwardly cradling me.

I started to tear up. “You’re just always so good to me, even when I don’t deserve it,” I said, my voice cracking. “I love you, Dad.”

He squeezed me tighter, holding me at least a foot off the ground. He kissed the top of my head and just held me. I’m sure it looked completely odd to anyone in the parking lot, but whatever, I don’t care. He’s my dad and I love him and he loves me and I don’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks.

I was almost to the stairs leading up to the door when I heard Cam call out. “Max! Wait up!”

I paused as Cam sprinted across the parking lot. “Everything okay?” he asked as we walked in.

“Yeah, why?”

“I just saw you and Craig hugging it out. I thought maybe there was something wrong.”

“Nah, I was just kind of thanking him. It sounds like the Chad shit is finished.”

“Fuck yeah! Daddy said Craig about beat his ass,” Cam began, grinning. “It’s funny, because if you had told me things became physical, I’d bet money on it being my dad, not Craig. He’s always so chill.” Cam was absolutely beaming. “Anyway, I can’t wait to watch later!”

“Yeah, I guess,” I muttered. 

Cam sensed my lack of enthusiasm. “What? You don’t want to see Craig pound him?”

I shrugged. “Maybe? I dunno… I’m glad it’s over, and I appreciate everything they did, but honestly I just want to move on.”

I expected he might question or prod me, but he didn’t. Instead, he put his arm around me as we walked to the corner of the gym. “Babe, don’t worry about it. If you don’t wanna watch, that’s cool. But Daddy did say it was pretty fucking incredible.”

“I know. Craig said the same thing. I might eventually, but for now, I think I’ll pass.”

He tightened his embrace. “I get it. Daddy was going to have you and Craig come over to watch all together, maybe Noah too. But we can tell them at dinner tonight to make other plans.”

I cocked my head. “‘Dinner’?”

“Yeah, after practice. Craig didn’t tell you?” Cam said, looking at me confused. “I guess the PI that worked Chad over really wants to meet us. Daddy said he feels like he already sort of knows us, but wants to meet in person.”

“No, he didn’t mention. But I guess that will be okay.” It feels weird. This guy knows a lot of very personal stuff about me. I mean, he knows all about the things I did with Chad and about my father. Honestly, I’m kind of embarrassed. I just have to remind myself that it’s bonus time with Cam and Craig, so I’ll be fine. Focus on the positive.


After practice, we headed to Craig’s and my favorite restaurant (you know, the one where I first checked him out at the urinal so many months ago). Bob and Cam rode with us.

En route, Bob filled us in more about Raymond, who is meeting us. Apparently, he was a police detective for a long time before retiring and starting his agency. 

“He’s seen almost everything,” Bob explained. I suppose he added that for my benefit, hoping I would be more comfortable with him knowing my intimate business. “He dealt with all kinds of cases on the force. Nothing can shock the man, but he was still taken aback at the breadth of Chad’s activities.”

I was nervous, but honestly, Raymond turned out to be really nice. He was waiting for us in a secluded booth in the corner and wasn’t what I expected at all. For one, he was older than I envisioned. I guess knowing he retired, I should have expected him to look old, but he seemed positively ancient. Gray hair, balding, bushy eyebrows. I guess spending your life dealing with murderers and crazy people would be hella-stressful and age anyone. 

He gives off strong grandpa vibes. He was warm and funny and extremely complimentary of both Cam and I. He told me he thought my statement was “very well done” and commented on my “poise and maturity.” For Cam’s sake, he told him getting Chad to incriminate himself was “incredibly adept, if reckless.” I don’t think Bob approved, but he didn’t say anything.

“Maybe I can hire you when you get a little older,” he added to Cam. “A summer internship perhaps. You should consider studying criminology. You have a knack for it.”

Bob is definitely uncomfortable. He’s still pissed about what we did, and Cam did top it all off by sending a picture of his junk to Chad. Raymond must have picked up on this as well, as he quickly included a caveat. 

“Of course, it wasn’t wise to engage with such a dangerous deviant,” he added. “And I understand you are both receiving appropriate consequences, which as a father, I would have dealt out as well. So, while you shouldn’t have gotten involved so directly, if nothing else, you were certainly creative and effective in your misbehavior,” he added with a slight laugh.

Bob relaxed. “They will think twice before trying a stunt like that again, I’m sure. But after today, I don’t think there will be a need.”

“I’m confident everything is under control,” Raymond agreed. “Rarely is the evidence so lopsided and a perp so cowed.”

Cam saw his opening. “Thank you again for your help, sir,” he began in his typically respectful tone. “Max and I know we crossed the line. We’re trying really hard to be on our best behavior so we can get ungrounded. We’re hoping to throw a party for Halloween — if it’s okay to take over the basement?”

His approach was brilliant. Had he asked while alone, Bob might have immediately pushed back. In the presence of Craig and Raymond, he couldn’t without looking like an overly-strict buzzkill.

Bob looks amused, as if he knows he’s been painted into a corner and can’t help but admire Cam’s guile. “I suppose if you keep your noses clean between now and then, that would be fine. As long as it’s okay with your mother.”

Cam and I exchanged quick smiles. “Thanks Daddy. We thought we could invite a few kids from Widmer, some from Max’s school, and a couple from the gym. Both girls and boys. Nothing crazy, we just want to go trick-or-treating and then hang out for a while. Maybe a few of the guys could stay over since there’s no school the next day.”

“We can discuss it with your mother when we get home. We’ll have to keep her from taking over and turning it into a major social event. She’ll probably want to hire a DJ and cater food.” I think he’s joking, but I’m honestly not sure. The Rices do things on a whole other level. I can’t even imagine having money like that.


After we finished eating, Raymond informed me that he’d be keeping in touch with Craig and Bob. 

“I don’t know if Craig told you, but Mr. Marlow will be making a sizable donation into an education fund on your behalf. Since your mother isn’t, um, aware of the situation, I’ll make sure both Mr. Rice and Mr. Peters have access to the account. Once you turn 18, it will be yours to manage.”

“Thank you,” I answered. I’m not sure what else to say. I want to ask what ‘sizable’ means. I mean, like how much cash did they extort out of Chad? That would be tacky, though.

Raymond took care of the bill, despite almost coming to blows with Bob over the matter. Raymond said it was his pleasure to treat us. He went on to wish Cam and I well, noting that it’s getting easier for gay kids to be themselves all the time.

Before we left, Raymond shared an anecdote. Judging by their surprised reactions, I don’t think either Craig or Bob had heard it before. 

“My wife and I raised one of her nephews many years ago. He came out of the closet when he was a little older than you two are now, only his parents weren’t supportive. They told him he needed to ‘change his sinful lifestyle’ or move out — so he came to live with us. He graduated high school, then college, and is happy and well-adjusted. He and his husband have two great kids.”

Craig smiled. “That’s great you were able to help. Sometimes that makes all the difference.”

Bob put his hands on Cam’s shoulders and squeezed. “Don’t get any ideas, son. You and Max are too young to start a family,” he teased.

Cam snorted and looked up at him. “We know, but it’s still fun trying to conceive.”

Oh shit. Craig looked incredulous and Bob appeared to tighten his grip. “Cameron!” he exclaimed.

Cam turned beet red and covered his mouth, realizing it was neither the time nor the place. FFS, he had to make it weird in front of gramps. So much for our party. 

But Raymond was completely unfazed and even smirked. I can tell he’s trying hard not to laugh. “Well, better you than Mr. Marlow.”

I’m not sure why, but I let out a big belly laugh, which seemed to ease any tension. It’s like I can finally breathe again.


We bid Raymond farewell and dropped Cam and Bob back at their car. I got out to say goodbye to Cam. Before we parted, I couldn’t help but needle him.

“Really? Innuendo in front of Raymond? Know your audience,” I chided playfully, channeling Craig’s previous lectures. “I thought your dad was going to squeeze the life out of you right in the restaurant.”

“No shit. I bet my shoulders still have his thumb imprints,” he said, laughing nervously as he massaged his collarbone. 

“I was sure our party plans were done for. Thankfully Raymond has a dark sense of humor.”

“I bet I still get an earful on the way home about ‘being appropriate’,” Cam said flippantly. Nope, he’s not going to minimize or be lippy. I’ve done that enough for the both of us lately.

“Shit Cameron, you’re lucky he didn’t drag you out of there by your ear. He and Craig have given us lots of chances and we keep messing up. They're going to start thinking it’s intentional and that we’re being defiant,” I said, adopting a sharper tone. “And we’re already grounded because…” I trailed off. I don’t want this to get awkward.

“I’ve already apologized for that!” Cam replied defensively. “You don’t have to rub it in. I know I was dumb and need to listen to you more. I’m working on it, okay?”

Ugh. He’s getting pouty. That wasn’t what I was going for. “I’m not mad, I’m just saying we have to learn,” I said, pulling him toward me. “And since you seem to be having a harder time learning, I’m going to discipline you when we’re ungrounded. You’ve earned it.” I gave him a single swat and squeezed his butt. I meant it to be playful but it was harder than I intended. 

He looked at me with confusion, which melted into a smile as I put my arm around him and leaned in for a kiss. Honestly, that went on longer than planned. The lot is basically empty and I guess neither of us cares what any passerby thinks. I expected Bob to interrupt, but he waited patiently and didn’t say a thing.

If I’m being completely honest, it was better with Liam. Making out with Cam always seems to get excessively slobbery. Maybe he just generates more saliva or something. I don’t really mind, that comes in handy when he’s sucking, but when it comes to kissing… there’s just something about Liam. 


On the way home, Craig broke the ice.

“You two were getting a little handsy,” Craig said. He doesn’t sound pissed, just broaching the subject.

“Yeah sorry, that wasn’t planned,” I said, cringing slightly. Here I was getting on Cam, and Craig is correcting me. Again. “It’s just been a while, you know?”

“You poor thing, an eighth grader being deprived of sex for a couple of weeks,” Craig teased, rolling his eyes. “Is that why you smacked his butt?”

I smirked. “No. But I did tell him he’s in trouble for getting us grounded and popping off in front of Raymond,” I stated calmly. “Don't worry, he knows he’s gonna get it when we’re ungrounded. I’ll take care of it, so Bob doesn’t need to.”

“Wait, I thought… but you know what? Never mind,” he said, shaking his head. “I’m afraid to ask. I’ll pass along your message to his father,” he added, stifling a laugh.

I started giggling maniacally. It’s like all the stress of the last few weeks has withered away.

“What? I’m tired of Cam’s mouth getting us into trouble, so I’m going to do something about it. After we earn back privileges, I mean,” I explained. “Do you have any more chores for me this weekend?”

I don’t think he was expecting me to ask. “Honestly, I’ve been so preoccupied with you getting hurt and all the Chad stuff, I haven’t even thought about it.”

“Okay. Just let me know. Mom says I have to do whatever you need me to,” I said seductively. I tried to keep a straight face, but started giggling again.

“You're a mess tonight, Max,” he replied, reaching over to tickle my stomach.

Once I recovered, I decided to change the subject. I asked Craig exactly how much money Chad is on the hook for.

“Ten grand this year, and another five each year for the next decade,” he replied. “It will be invested. $60,000 in principal could grow significantly.”

“Holy shit, I’m rich!” I answered. “I’m pretty sure that’s more than Mom makes in a whole year.”

“Don’t get too excited. I know that sounds like a ton of money, but it goes quickly and isn’t a slush fund. Depending on where you go to school, it may not pay for more than a couple years.”

I don’t see how that could be possible; it seems like so much money.

“The point is to help set you up for success in adulthood, and not be strangled by student loan debt right out of the gate,” Craig explained. “It’s the least Chad can do, and is far cheaper than his legal bills would be if he were criminally charged or sued in civil court. Which Raymond told him, point blank.” He paused, choosing his words carefully before continuing. “I know you’re not sure about watching the presentation, but Raymond really did put on a masterclass.”

I nodded. “How much did it cost?”

“What? Raymond’s services?”

“Yeah.” It feels awkward asking, but whatever it is, Chad’s first deposit can be used to pay them back. They shouldn’t have to spend money to clean up my mess, and besides, it would be kind of funny to make Chad pay for his own bitch slap.

“It doesn’t matter, and Raymond did a lot pro bono,” he said, sighing. “In any event, you’re worth every cent — and that’s my final word on the subject.”

“Pro what?” I asked.

“Pro bono. It means he did it for free. Well, not totally. I think once he realized the scope of Chad’s transgressions, he was willing to help for much less than he normally charges,” Craig explained. “He can be gruff and demanding, but he has a soft side as well.”

“Like with his nephew. Maybe that’s why he wanted to help Cam and I?” I suggested.

“I think you're probably onto something,” he answered. “He’s a good guy.”

Craig gave me a big hug in the car before I got out. “I hope having this settled makes things easier. You deserve normalcy.”

“I hope so. Thanks for everything,” I answered, squeezing him tight. “I love you Dad,” I added. He always smiles when I say that.

“Love you too,” he quickly replied. I might be wrong, but I think he was starting to choke up.


“Hi Mom,” I said happily as I climbed the stairs from the garage. 

“Hi baby,” she answered. “You seem happy. Good day?”

“Great day!” I exclaimed, giving her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Well, it must have been. Practice was good? And school?”

“Yes, both. And we had dinner with Cam and Bob too. The food was amazing.”

She smiled. “I’m glad. It’s nice, seeing you so happy. It’s been a while.”

“I know,” I replied, giving her another hug. “I better shower.”


After my shower, I grabbed an orange before heading to bed. Mom is curious about what exactly has me in such a good mood. Of course, the main reason is that Chad is no longer a concern, but I managed to appease her with tales from school and practice, topped off by bonus time with Cam and Craig.

I can tell she’s relieved to see me so happy. “Don’t forget, I’m picking you up from school tomorrow. Your appointment with Jan is at 3:30.”

I’d totally forgotten Mom was sending me back to counseling. Last week I might have agreed it was a good idea. After today, it seems pointless, but I know there’s no getting out of it. Jan is cool, so I honestly don’t mind. It will be like catching up.

Sleep is elusive. I’m too wound up, in the best possible way. I don’t think I realized how much this whole Chad thing has been weighing on me, and it’s like it’s finally registering that it's over. 

Fully and completely, just like Craig promised.

I ponder what I’ll talk with Jan about tomorrow. I was seeing her weekly around the time my father was sentenced, which was right before Craig and I started hanging out more. I know we met after that because she approached Craig about being my mentor.

Honestly, everything is so good right now, I don’t feel like I’ll have any issues to discuss with her. Okay, maybe my temper and impulsivity, but I think those will improve now. I really don’t recall the last time everything seemed right. It had to be just before Craig and I left for Mexico.

I guess there is plenty of drama I can share. I mean, everything since Mexico has been a giant clusterfuck. I honestly can’t remember what it was like to lead a normal, semi-boring life, devoid of drama. I had to stop and think about what spring was like before Cam and I started dating. Nobody knew I was gay, no one tried to hassle or mock me, and my friends were the same core group I’ve had for years.

I’ll have to mention how I’ve lost my temper with Mom and Craig a few times. After all, that is what’s landing me back in her office. But, Jan will also want to know what’s going on with my life before we delve into that. 

The past six weeks or so have been crazy. Mexico was amazing, and I love what Craig and I shared. Of course, that was also where we had our first fight, after I was caught on the beach blowing Eduardo (which was super stressful itself). 

But despite an incredible trip, it was an absolute mess after we came home. Cam dumped me and Craig was livid that I shared our secret. Then, during all of that, I was a complete dumbfuck and met Chad. Ugh, I’m still angry at myself for being so stupid. I shuddered, remembering my reaction after running into him at the pizza place. I’ve never felt like that before. It was scary. 

Noah tried to be supportive, but his sleepover attempt to get Cam and I back together was brutal. I guess that wasn’t all bad, because they hatched their S.N.O. scheme, which definitely worked — until it blew up. Being outed and getting suspended for making out in front of the entire fucking school was not how it was supposed to go. 

Speaking of school, that’s been a shitshow, too — pics on my locker, Dom’s attack, Mariah’s ridiculous bullshit, Noah being pissy. I don’t regret coming out, but it’s been a lot.

I can share a lot of that with Jan, but obviously I can’t mention having sex with Craig and I’ll have to skip over the whole Chad debacle. But even minus those events, I’ll have more than enough to keep her interested for an hour. I suppose we’ll mostly focus on being out at school and some of the subsequent bullying. That’s what she’s likely to be most interested in.

I know she’ll ask about how things are with Craig, since he was the main reason I stopped seeing her to begin with. 

The truth is, Craig and I are closer than ever. But I’m ashamed of the moments I’ve been so mean to him (and Mom, for that matter). I can’t believe I accused him of using and plotting to molest me, after all the Chad stuff. Some of the stuff I said… I guess I can’t blame them for wanting me to go back to therapy. Who would have ever thought Craig would ever have had to spank me? That was so embarrassing. 

And talk about embarrassing… walking in on Bob railing Craig at the lake was traumatic. Well, more so for Cam than me, but still. I’ll gloss over that as well. Cam can tell his therapist if he ever sees one.

Jesus, it really has been a roller coaster. But thank God, I think this crazy-ass ride is over. It’s time to chill and just enjoy what I have: an amazing boyfriend, the best Dad in the world, great friends (Noah, Liam, Seb, Jamie, and Ashley). Mom is awesome. Mr. Tim is like a surrogate Craig. It feels good to have people on your side. I can add Bob, Mrs. Hickman, and now Raymond to that list too. 

Honestly, I’m grateful. Life could be so much worse, and has been. I was at a low point a few months ago with all the shit with my father — the biological one, not Craig (who honestly is my real dad now). But even through all of the insanity, I always knew deep down I was loved unconditionally. Craig has stood by me even when I’ve been horrible to him, and Mom is always in my corner. 

Good has come out of everything, too. I’ve walked through fire with Craig — and Noah and Cam, for that matter. Liam, Seb, Tim — none of that would have happened without the bad. It’s funny, thinking about how different life would be if you change one or two variables.

I know it seems weird, but I don’t even mind not having a phone. I’ve grown accustomed to being without it. Honestly, I don’t miss the drama and have been able to focus much better on gymnastics and school. I wonder if Cam feels the same way. I’ll have to ask.

I am probably as content as I’ve been since Craig and I went on vacation. That was definitely the last time I wasn’t worried or upset about some facet of my life, and for the first time since July, that feeling has returned.

I can’t wait for what’s next.

*** End of Chapter 48 ***

Author’s notes: As we wrote this, it occurred to us this might read like the end of the story. It is not (although it probably closer to the end than the middle). It may very well be the end of Max’s rough patch, though. Maybe. 😉

Feedback as always is appreciated. (email address at the top)

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