Max’s Awakening #51

By and J

Author’s Notes:

I know we’ve drug out getting here (not intentionally), but we do hope you enjoy Noah’s long awaited birthday romp! It was kind of fun to write some smut for a change.

Please remember to donate to Nifty so they can continue to house your favorite tales!

Chapter 51

I realized after getting home from practice on Wednesday that it was Noah’s birthday and I didn’t say crap the entire day. It registered only after Mom asked what the plan is for his party on Friday: am I going directly to Noah’s after school, or would I rather wait and go later with her? Whenever we all get together, the adults always have a drink before heading to the restaurant, so bringing me isn’t out of the way. Obviously, I opted to go home with Noah.

I fired off a text to Noah wishing him a happy birthday and apologizing that it took me all day. Even though I didn’t hear anyone else say anything, I feel bad. Sure, I’ve been preoccupied about Jamie and Seb, plus the whole Dom thing has thrown me, but that’s not an excuse. As expected, Noah didn’t think it was a big deal, but I still feel like a shitty friend and promised to make it up to him at our sleepover Friday night. 

I noticed the next day that Noah’s locker was decorated. Ashley really went to town, decking it out in wrapping paper, ribbon, and bows. It looks good — and time consuming. The silly stuff girls do.

As eventful as the beginning of the week was, the last two days of school have been normal and mundane. Not that I’m complaining (frankly, I could use more of that). There was one highlight: when we changed for PE, Liam was wearing these new, white underwear that were nice and tight, and damn if you couldn’t discern just about everything. You could definitely distinguish a clear outline of the head. He smirked when he caught me staring. I don’t think he knows what he does to me… or, maybe he does.

Spencer was back at practice on Thursday, but refused to talk about whatever is going on. I didn’t want to tell him I knew he got called into the office for fear of getting Liam in trouble, but I still pushed as much as I could. Something is definitely wrong, but he isn’t ready to talk about it. I need to get him alone, outside of school or practice. 


Come Friday, Noah was much more excited about his birthday. Ashley kept pestering him at lunch about his gift, trying to get him to guess what it could be. It’s not really Noah’s personality to play along with stupid games like that, but he did to appease her. I could tell he was getting a little annoyed, but didn’t want to hurt her feelings, which amused me for some reason. Straight boys!

After turning in my note from Mom, I rode his bus home. “Can we go to Craig’s?” he asked as we walked down the street. “You did say you were going to make it up to me for forgetting it was my birthday, right?”

“Oh, I plan to — but not until later. I said at the sleepover, remember?” I replied. “Cam and I have something special planned.”

“Fine,” he huffed, almost starting to pout. “I guess I’ll just have to sit next to Ashley at dinner, staring at her tits and boning up.”

“You’re not that sex-crazed. Besides, you can always have a quick jerk if it’s that bad,” I suggested. “But, I think Cam would prefer you being a little desperate.”

“Don’t worry. If I’m with Ashley all night, I’m going to be super worked up. You’ll give us a little privacy later, right? So, we can make out in the basement? You and Cam can go play ping-pong or something.”

“Sure. We may not even laugh or make snide comments,” I answered. “Noah and Ashley sitting in a tree…” I began to sing.

“Shut it!” he yelled, backhanding my stomach. “Ow,” he added. My stomach is too hard for him to get away with doing that. I started giggling. Serves him right. 

“Hey, maybe we can make out together,” I suggested. His face started to contort and I realized my words were unclear. “Er, you know what I mean. Like in the same room or couch or something.”

Noah didn’t say anything, but seems intrigued and is definitely pondering something.


Cam’s mom dropped him off about 4:30. He’s wearing nice shorts and a button shirt. I realized immediately that I’m underdressed for dinner. The hibachi place isn’t particularly fancy — you can wear about anything — but considering the occasion, my Huf t-shirt and Nike shorts aren’t going to cut it. I have clothes at Craig’s, but nothing dressier.

I ran upstairs to grab us all sodas and texted Mom, asking her to please grab me something nicer to wear. 

“Already have a few options in the car,” she answered. “I stopped at Marshall’s on the way home. I picked up a couple new things.” I guess that’s typical for moms, always prepared (and eager to shop for clothes). 

“Thanks,” I replied. I hope she didn’t buy anything over-the-top. I just wanted her to grab a polo from my closet to go with some decent shorts.


While I was texting with Mom, Craig surfaced. Adam handed him a Modelo and led him to their family room. I gave him a quick hug before scampering back to the basement.

Cam handed Noah a card. “I didn’t know what to get, so I’m sure you can guess what it is,” he said, laughing. 

“You didn’t have to get me anything,” Noah answered. With most people, those would be empty words, but not with him. He’s never given a shit about receiving gifts.

“Mom insisted. Besides, it is your birthday,” Cam replied, before leaning in close. “But I — er, we — have an amazing gift you’ll get later.” He brushed Noah’s crotch with his hand and grinned. 


After a round of Call of Duty, we joined the grownups right as Mom showed up. She’s armed with a bag of clothes and my overnight backpack from home. I dreaded that she was going to force me to go through everything in front of my friends, so I was relieved when she suggested I run next door to Craig’s and pick something out.

“If there’s anything you don’t like, just keep the tags on and stuff it back in the bag. I can always return it,” she offered. “And whatever you decide on, just keep at Craig’s.”

I could tell Cam wanted to join me, but thought better of it. That probably would have raised alarm bells with Mom, us sneaking off unattended to an empty house. There’s no need for any tension. It’s been a while, but I know I’m getting laid tonight. After several dry weeks, what’s a few more hours?

I ran next door, just as Kim was getting home. She waved from her car and I followed her in through the garage.

“Hey kiddo. How was school?” Kim asked, greeting me cheerfully.

“It was fine. I’m glad it’s the weekend. I’ve been looking forward to this night for weeks!”

She laughed. “I bet. It’s no fun being grounded, but you’ve had a good attitude about it, so I’m not surprised you’re getting a furlough.”

It occurred to me that Kim and I have never discussed why I’m grounded, which is for the best since it would be awkward as fuck. But… she still knows and that makes me cringe.

“Yeah. I got my phone back a few days ago, and I’m hoping I’ll be completely off restriction soon. I’ve been trying to earn trust back. Mom and Craig were so mad.”

She put her arm around me, and I returned her side hug. “Only because they care about you and want you to be safe and learn from mistakes. I know it’s unpleasant, but it’s part of growing up and becoming a responsible adult,” she said. I might normally bristle at someone saying something like that, like they’re being condescending or lecturing, but honestly, she doesn’t seem judgmental at all. “But, it seems like you already have, so no point dwelling on that unpleasantness. What’s in the bag?”

I lifted it higher so she could see where it’s from. “I forgot to pack something nice for dinner, and Mom went shopping. She told me to pick something out and she’d return whatever I don’t like.”

“Nice. Marshall’s has some good sales. I pick up things from there for Craigory on occasion,” she mentioned. A wry smile crossed her face. “I probably shouldn’t have shared that. You surely don’t want to dress like a middle-aged man with myopia,” she added, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. “I swear, the man would dress like a derelict if it weren't for my influence.”

I didn’t miss a beat. “His hot, young girlfriend thinks he still does.”

She’s unfazed by my teasing. “She must be blind then.”

“Funny, she says the same thing about you, on account of your ‘advanced age’.” I added air quotes for effect.

She playfully elbowed me and we both started laughing.

“So, do you want me to help you decide what to wear, or would you rather figure it out on your own?”

I shrugged. I don’t really care, but Craig has suggested I bond more with Kim, and this seems like a good opportunity.

“Sure, you can help. I have no idea what she bought.”

Without thinking, I stripped to my underwear. Then I realized Kim might not be thrilled with that. “Er, sorry,” I squeaked. “I can change in the bathroom.”

She shook her head. “Whatever you’re comfortable with. I don’t care. I’ve seen you in your undies before. Besides, it’s not like I didn’t walk by you coming out of the shower a few weeks ago.”

I blushed a little. I remember that. It was before school when I stayed with them, while Mom was in Denver on business. I hadn’t bothered to bring anything into the bathroom with me since they're never upstairs, but she came up for something right as I was walking back to my room. I didn’t care (I’m not embarrassed about my body), but Craig has warned me about being too open in mixed company and to have discretion around Mom and Kim.

She must have been able to tell I was slightly uncomfortable about her alluding to seeing me naked, because she tried to defuse with humor.

“Hey, the stories I could tell you about Noah,” she began. “Have you ever heard about how he’d run out of the house butt-naked to watch the trash truck? And when his parents tried to bring him in, he’d run maniacally through the cul-de-sac? It would take them a good five minutes to corral him,” she continued, before taking a breath. “The funniest part is, it happened multiple times. Like, how?”

I busted out laughing. “No, I haven’t heard that one before. And you definitely should share that memory at dinner.”

“Good idea,” she agreed. “So, what are your options?”

I pulled out three pairs of non-athletic shorts. The first two are fine — both solid-colored; one khaki and the other gray. The third, though… is some uniquely ugly type of plaid or something.

Kim wrinkled her nose. “Well… that’s, uh, a choice.”

I may just be the type of gay who cares about fashion, but even I’m appalled. “Why would she have bought these? They’re horrible!”

“And a company mass produced them. No wonder they’re at a discount store.”

I chucked them to the side before sliding the gray pair on. Kim’s Mom Mode must have kicked on, because she put her fingers into the waistband to check the fit. Mom does that sometimes too, which I usually roll my eyes at but go with. I guess when you’re buying clothes for growing kids you want to make sure they work well.

I reached further in the bag and pulled out three shirts. The pink and purple polos are nice, but the black button shirt is weird. Rather than stripes, it has bright green and yellow splotches that form something vaguely resembling a pattern.

“That’s, um, unique.”

I looked closer. “Are those… lizards?” Yep, I looked at the tag: leapin’ lizards. WTF? “This is awful.”

“Well, it isn’t to my taste, but I’m sure your mother meant well…”

“She’s lost her mind.”

I slid on the pink shirt. “What do you think?”

“It looks good, especially now that you’re tanned. When you’re paler in the winter, you might be a little washed out.”

I shucked it and slipped on the royal purple shirt.

“Oh, I really like that combination. I think we’ve found a winner.”

I ran to the bathroom to check myself in the mirror. She’s right: they look good.

“Yeah, I like these,” I said, as a thought crossed my mind. I stripped back to my underwear.

“So… why are you taking them off then?”

“Because,” I began, slipping on the hideous shorts and shirt, “this atrocity has to be seen to believe. A picture won’t do it justice.” I made sure the tags stayed on. “Let’s go over and see what everyone thinks.”

“Boys are so weird,” she said, shaking her head. “But that reminds me, I need to grab the avocado Squishmallow you picked out for Noah.”


I grabbed my bag, put the clothes I’ve been wearing on top, and walked with Kim across the lawn back to Noah’s. I know Mom wants me to keep them here, but I don’t feel like running up to my room.

When we walked in, I thanked Mom again.

Noah stifled a laugh. Cam looked to Craig, unsure how to react. He didn’t want to say the wrong thing and make me feel bad.

“I think this could be my new look,” I announced, completely deadpan. “What do you think?”

“You look like a freaking rodeo clown!” Noah replied. I was a little worried Mom might have her feelings hurt, but she laughed along with everyone else. “I know you’ve been grounded, but making you wear those clothes might be child abuse.”

“Hey, they were less than $5 each and I thought he might want something different and whimsical. I think they’re cute. Maybe not together, but…”

“You got ripped off,” Adam chimed in. “What else did you buy if he decided those were his best options?”

“Very funny,” Mom responded.

“Max, I’ll give you $20 if you’ll wear those all day at school,” Jackson squawked.

“Make it $50 and you have a deal,” I retorted. “I actually liked the other stuff.”

“Don’t do it Max. You’ll kill the rep of our entire lunch table!” Noah groaned.

Mom giggled and covered her mouth. “Maybe if you had your own, they wouldn’t seem so bad,” she said, pulling out another set. “I wasn’t sure on the size, so I got a larger version of both. I think they’ll fit perfectly. Happy Birthday, Noah!”

Here I was, concerned about offending Mom, and she’s been trolling us the whole damn time.

Noah looks mortified. Until Mom started laughing, anyway. I think he thought she was serious. The adults all got a kick out of it.

“Okay then, now that comedy hour is over, give me a minute and I’ll change for real. I wouldn’t be seen dead in these.”

As I turned, the doorbell rang and Ashley let herself in. She took one look at me and her eyes jumped out of her head. She looked me up and down in disbelief. “You’re wearing that… to dinner?”

“Yeah, it’s awesome, right? Noah got the same outfit. He was just about to change.”

“Um, I don’t think that would be a good idea,” she protested, before turning to Cam. “Cam, please talk some sense into these goofs. Prints and plaids? Tell me at least ONE of you gay boys has some fashion sense.”

Everyone observed Ashley’s reaction. After a few moments of awkward silence, the room erupted in laughter.

“What?” Ashley asked, confused.

“It was just a joke,” Cam explained. “If Max wore that anytime besides Halloween, I’d have to stage an intervention.”

A lightbulb went off. “Hey, that’s not a bad idea. I could make this into a costume.”

“What, a clown?” Noah snorted.

“Or a nerd,” Cam suggested. “Get some thick black glasses, throw some tape around them. Funky socks and sandals, you’d have it.”

“I love it!” I exclaimed.

“You can have my outfit, and you and Max can twin!” Noah offered.

Holy shit. They’re right; that would be epic. Cam and I haven’t been able to figure out a good couple costume. Mom may have inadvertently accomplished that task for us.

I wonder if clothes bought for Noah would be too big on Cam, though. I still wear a men’s small, and Cam is only marginally bigger than me. Noah probably has 30 or 40 more pounds and four or five inches on us. But, maybe the bagginess will work. After all, the intent is to look ridiculous.


I ducked around the corner so I was out of sight and swapped my outfit before making another entrance.

“Much better!” Craig announced.

“Yes, very handsome,” Lisa added.

Cam walked toward me and grabbed my hand. “So drippy.” I can tell by the look in his eyes he wants nothing more than to rip off my clothes and ravish me on the spot. Must. Not. Get. Erection.

“I thought those would look good together. I’m glad you like them,” Mom said.

Noah, ever the smartass, couldn’t resist tweaking her. “I love you Aunt Stacy, but I was starting to get worried about your vision. You really had me going.”


Dinner was a blast. The chef at our table was really good. I think they might have assigned us one of their best since it’s Noah’s birthday. He was really funny and good with the knife tricks they always do. 

Ashley was the undisputed champion of catching shrimp in her mouth. She was so good, he challenged her with a rapid-fire series of tosses and she caught all five. Those oral skills have to bode well for Noah’s future. Not that she’ll have anything on me or Cam, of course.

She and Noah were holding hands through a good part of dinner, which surprised me. I wasn’t sure he would be so forward in public, especially in front of his parents. He’s typically more reserved. Cam was first to notice, pointing it out to me with a nod and grin, before taking my hand. Kim saw and smiled approvingly.

It’s a small thing, but being out and able to show it without anyone freaking is really cool.


After dinner, we headed back to Noah’s so he could open his presents. He loved the fish thing I got him at the flea market. He was genuinely surprised and appreciative. I can read him and know when his ‘thank yous’ are polite versus genuine. 

Ashley got him a bottle of cologne, which he seemed less enthusiastic about. I don’t remember the brand, but Kim commented that it wasn’t cheap.

“She’s probably tired of smelling your Axe overdose,” Jackson teased. “It’s not a shower in a can.” Adam and Lisa grinned, which tells me they think Noah overdoes the Axe, too. Which, if I’m being honest, he does… sometimes.

Cam’s gift card to Dick’s will go to good use. He can buy fishing stuff, clothes, shoes — whatever. Jackson, who is in rare form, had a quip for that, too. “Of course, he got you a gift card to Dick’s,” he said quietly, meant just for us kids. Unfortunately for him, he said it too loud and he got groans from the adults as well as middle-named by his mother. “Sorry,” he mumbled, blushing.

His parents got him a new monitor for his PC. It’s big and has some high-end graphics. He was spazzing over some technical crap I know nothing about. He was very excited, so that’s good.

Craig slid him a Target gift card and Kim handed over the avocado pillow, which Ashley squeed over since it’s “adorbs.” That gave Noah the cover he needed to embrace the gift, because he immediately squeezed it and held it in his lap, smiling wider than I’d have believed if I hadn’t seen it myself. 

“Max picked it out. Said it was because you like guac,” Kim said, giving me the credit. “Once I convinced him kids your age can still like such things,” she added with a wink.

“For real. What’s not to like? It’s a fun, comfy pillow,” Noah agreed.

“That’s also super cute,” Ashley added. Girls.

I noticed Jackson smirking out of the corner of my eye, but held his tongue. If I know Jackson, he thought of some crass joke about Noah going full American Pie on a poor avocado, or dry humping the pillow, but thought better of vocalizing it in mixed company.

“Anyway, thanks everyone,” Noah said, as Ashley grabbed his hand again.

“Time for cake and ice cream,” Lisa said as she, Kim, and Mom excused themselves to the kitchen. Is that traditional gender roles in action or just moms being moms?


Everyone is still stuffed from dinner, so the chocolate peanut butter cake doesn’t have much of a dent in it, and Jackson did most of the damage. Still, it was tasty. I must have had some frosting around my mouth, because Cam wiped it. Mom gave us a funny look; maybe she feels usurped since she used to do that for me when I was little? Cam whispered that he wished he could have used his tongue. I can tell he’s really worked up. I hope he can manage to wait until we’re alone before he goes too far.

We all helped clean up before Noah ushered us to the basement. The adults stayed upstairs and were deciding on an aperitif, whatever the hell that is.

We settled in on the couch, Noah and Ashley on one end, Cam and I on the other. Jackson was standing behind us, casually tossing a nerf basketball around. 

Noah scanned Netflix and found something to watch. It was apparent very soon that the choice of movie was completely irrelevant. Five minutes in, Jackson headed to the bathroom and Ashley wasted no time locking lips with Noah.

Cam and I were caught off guard, but only for a moment. We’ve had scarce alone time ourselves, and Cam quickly put his fingers on my chin and pulled my gaze back toward him and began trading tongues. Around anyone else, it might have been awkward, but it feels safe and natural with Ashley and Noah. Besides, they’re pretty well occupied.

We must have been well engrossed in our activities because none of us heard Jackson come back out of the bathroom. “Oh Jesus,” he suddenly commented. “That didn’t take long.”

We all broke our liplocks. “You’re just jealous,” Ashley said. She was mostly joking, but damn, she’s cold! “I bet Cam will share if you ask nicely.”

He rolled his eyes. “Whatever! I think I’ll go upstairs and make sure the adults don’t overdo it. And as a gift to Noah for his birthday, I’ll run interference and keep them out of your hair. You’re welcome.”

Jackson closed the door to the basement and flipped off the lights. Nice touch. The TV cast a glow over us as we got back to business.


Cam’s fervor surprised me. He doesn’t know Ashley well, but he held nothing back as he aggressively mashed his lips to mine and explored with his tongue. His hands were active too, exploring my body as he pressed me further into the leather couch. Not that I’m complaining, it’s just that we’ve never made out like this with other people around. Which might be a little strange, considering we’ve done plenty of naked stuff before with others (Spencer, Ian, Noah), but that was more focused on sex and not kissing.

I nervously glanced to the other side of the couch, worried that Noah or Ashley might be put off. I need not be worried. They were sucking face too, though not as frenetic as Cam.

“God, I’ve missed this,” Cam whispered as he moved down to my neck and engulfed it in heavy kisses and hot breaths. Needless to say, I’m hard as a fucking rock.

Cam moved back up, nibbling my ear and sucking on the lobe. I couldn’t help but moan. “Quiet,” Cam whispered. “The adults are just upstairs.”

“I can’t help it,” I whispered back. “You’re driving me crazy.”

“I’m just getting started. Buckle up,” he answered before driving his tongue back into my throat. Cam is so hungry. I’ve rarely seen him like this, but recognize this level of intensity. When he’s been like this before, he would waste no time taking control and shoving his cock in my ass. Obviously, that’s not going to happen right now. Frankly, I’m worried he’s about to cream his shorts. I pushed him away slightly, trying to slow things down.

“What?” he asked. 

“Nothing. I just need to catch my breath.”

“Why don’t you lay back and relax,” he answered, pinning me down. My head is a few feet away from Ashley and Noah, who seem blissfully unaware of anything other than each other. Ashley is playing with Noah’s hair as she pulls his face into hers. 

I’m surprised when Cam pushes my shirt up and lays atop me, lapping at my nipples. Yep, this is definitely more than I expected. “Babe,” I whispered, trying to get him to think about where he is.

“Jesus Cameron,” Noah said. “Please tell me you don’t plan on taking off anything else.”

“Of course not. It’s just abs. Really hot abs,” he answered, blowing onto my navel and softly kissing each muscle. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“That’s so fucking hot,” Ashley mumbled, watching Cam and I. “But don’t worry about them.” I was a little shocked when Ashley pulled a blanket over her shoulders and straddled Noah, sitting on his lap. She wrapped the blanket around them and attacked his ear. She’s sitting right on his crotch and he’s definitely boned! And given his ample cock, she HAS to feel it. There’s no way she can’t notice. 

I’m suddenly not worried about Cam cumming prematurely. No, now it’s Noah who might lose it. Either she’s completely ruining the plans Cam and I have for later, or totally setting Noah up for it. It all depends on whether Noah can manage to control himself. 

Cam is working my hardened nipples while laying atop my raging hard-on. The fucker keeps shifting his body back and forth, basically jerking me off through our clothes. I let him go for a couple minutes before sitting up. If he keeps that up, dammit, it will be me who needs fresh underwear! 

I sat up, putting a stop to his frotting before either of us cum. Cam relaxed and laid back against the couch. I climbed atop him and gave him a hug, trying to de-escalate things. “I think we might have lost him for good,” he whispered, barely audible, before laughing. I looked back. Noah and Ashley are still making out, but I swear to God she’s actually rocking her hips, rubbing her girl parts against his crotch. Whoa!

“Christ almighty. I didn’t expect that,” I answered. Their rhythm is kind of mesmerizing to watch, both kind of erotic and gross simultaneously. 

Suddenly, Noah broke free and sort of tackled Ashley onto the couch. He started tickling her, much like Craig does to me, except Noah isn’t being at all platonic.

“Oh yeah,” Cam whispered to me. “He was about to cum. You can tell; he looks desperate.”

Ashley’s laughter filled the room as she squirmed from Noah’s touch. She finally pushed Noah off and he relented. She sat up, trying to subtly adjust her bra back into place. Cam and I looked at each other, exchanging glances. Yeah, Noah just got to second base.

“We should play pool,” Ashley suggested. “Noah and I will slay.” I think even she knew we should take it down a couple notches.

Poor Noah. He looks defeated and disappointed. Don’t worry buddy, we’ll take care of you in a little while. 


I’m not very good at pool. Cam tried to carry us, but Noah is a beast on his own table and Ashley’s no slouch, either. We were just finishing up our third game (and loss) when we heard thundering footsteps.

Jackson busted through the door and seemed surprised we weren’t still on the couch. “You moved onto more wholesome activities, I see. Thank God! You don’t even want to know what the grown-ups are talking about upstairs. The irony.”

“What?” Noah asked.

“Oh, nothing. Just a random conversation about their children being sexually active. I almost lost it, knowing what was going on when I left,” he chided, adding several tsks. “You all owe me, because I told them they didn’t need to worry since Ashley isn’t that type of girl.” Honestly, I’m not sure if Jackson is serious or not. It sounds like something he would make up to mock us.

Ashley blushed. “Well, I’m not. But Noah gets me going sometimes,” she said, twirling his hair. “Still, though. You know you’ll have better luck with Max than me when it comes to anything that actually involves clothes coming off.”

Jackson snorted and Cam is desperately trying not to laugh. Poor Noah looks absolutely panicked. Now it’s me who is blushing.

“You should play, Jackson,” Ashley commented, chalking her cue. Noah is watching her intently, about to faint, and I totally get it. The way she gripped the cue and ran her hand up and down a few times. I’m sure it wasn’t intentional, but damn, it sure looked like she was trying to jerk it off. “Noah and I need some competition,” she added as if she’d done nothing.

“You can have my spot,” I offered. “Someone needs to knock these two down a peg or two.” I know Jackson’s game is strong.

I decided to hydrate and headed upstairs. “Anyone need a drink?” I offered, but they were too intent on their game to take me up on the offer. Ashley was already racking the balls, ready to continue their clinic.


“There he is,” Mom said as I made my way into the kitchen. “I was just getting ready to head out. Are you having a nice time?”

“Well, I was,” I answered sarcastically.

“What’s wrong?” Craig asked.

“Nothing, except Noah and Ashley are dominating at pool,” I answered, pretending to rub my butt. “They beat Cam and I so badly, I had to seek refuge. And I need a drink.”

There was subtle laughter. “See, I told you there was nothing to worry about,” Kim snickered. 

Wait, was Jackson serious? Did they actually think we’d be bold enough to get frisky while they were all upstairs? Okay, so we kind of did, but our clothes stayed on. Mostly, anyway. My torso was exposed for a little while, and Ashley’s bra might have been dislodged. Noah tells me everything, so I’m almost positive that’s a milestone for them.

I helped myself to a Gatorade from the garage fridge. When I came back, Mom gave me a hug and kiss goodnight. Then I got the same from Kim. Craig held off on the kiss. If we were alone, he would have blessed my forehead with one. 

I ducked into the bathroom. Damn, my hair is a mess. 

“I’m going to go root for Jackson and Cam,” I announced as I headed for the basement. 

“Remind Jackson that it is Noah’s birthday,” Adam said. “Tell him to be nice. Those two get so competitive.”

“Don’t worry,” I answered. “Ashley’s really good. And even if Jackson is harsh, Cam and I will make sure Noah’s night ends well.” Jesus, did I just say that? Craig raised his eyebrow, but I’m not sure it registered with anyone else. “I mean we will let him kick our butt at Fortnite or something. We’re not too proud to let him win.” 


Jackson and Cam fared slightly better, but Ashley and Noah were still winning more than losing. Finally, about 10:15, Ashley declared that she’s going to “relax on the couch” for a few minutes before Noah walks her home. 

“Is there more of that cake?” Cam asked. “We should get some.” I don’t know if he was really hungry or just giving the two lovebirds a few minutes alone, but Jackson and I followed him upstairs. Adam has already headed to bed and Lisa is watching TV on the couch.

Noah complains about Jackson sometimes, but he’s actually being chill. We sat at the table, scarfed down cake, and chased it with milk. He asked about the upcoming season of gymnastics and how coming out at school has been. It’s an unusually serious topic for Jackson, and more empathy than he normally shows. He has consistently been accepting and non-judgmental about Cam and I, but showing this much honest concern is kind of new. Maybe he’s going soft as he gets older. Or, maybe his heart-to-heart with Noah after catching us fucking has mellowed him.

We were just putting our forks in the dishwasher when Noah and Ashley appeared. “I have to get home before curfew, or my parents will flip,” she announced, rolling her eyes. “Are you coming with?” she asked, before adding sarcastically, “I don’t want the birthday boy to get kidnapped walking home alone in the dark.”

“Nah,” Jackson replied. “I’m going to play some Xbox.”

Cam and I grabbed our hoodies and headed out.


Ashley and Noah held hands as we walked, as did Cam and I.

We cut through some houses to the walking trail. Noah lives in the middle of the neighborhood on one side of the trail, and Ashley is somewhere in the back. The trail winds through some woods for a short distance before reaching a small park — the same one Seb and I visited when he told me all about his teacher. 

“Let’s stop here. We have a few minutes,” Ashley said as she took Noah’s hand and led him to a bench.

Cam and I opted for the swings, about 50 feet away. We didn’t really swing, but they were a comfortable place to sit away from Noah and Ashley. It wasn’t long before they were kissing again, though not with the same intensity as earlier on the couch. They also seemed to be talking and laughing a lot.

“They really do make a good couple,” Cam offered.

“Yeah, Ashley is cool. They are a good match,” I agreed. “I’m glad they ended up together after I shot her down.”

“He’s smitten. He’ll do anything she asks. At least she isn’t the type to take advantage.”

“I almost feel guilty now about doing stuff with him. I know I outrank her, but I’m not sure how she’d react if she knew just how much we enjoy Noah’s, uh, company.”

“Yeah… I get that. We’ll have to make sure he’s on board. But hey, we could always give Jackson the royal treatment. Didn’t you say he was kind of jealous of Noah getting to fuck you?”

I laughed. I’m not sure whether Cam is serious, but it’s an interesting thought. “Yeah, he DID say that. But that would probably be awkward as fuck. Let’s stick with our original plan.”


Ashley and Noah exchanged one final, passionate kiss before walking toward us. “Come on, I’m almost late,” she said as they walked briskly past us.

Her house was a couple more blocks beyond the park. Cam and I stopped at the driveway. “Aren’t you coming in? It’s okay. My ‘rents aren’t monsters.”

I guess we assumed Noah would give her a quick goodnight kiss and bolt. Instead, we all ended up inside, meeting Ashley’s parents. Not what I had planned, but it was fine. 

Her little brother, Aron, was still up. He even ran and hugged Noah. It was kind of cute, the little guy was in his Pokemon PJs and Noah was really good with him.

“Hey, I remember you from the pizza place,” he said to us. “When we went to dinner with Uncle Chad.”

I’m not sure if anyone else noticed, but I sure felt the oxygen sucked from the room. Everything suddenly felt tense.

Cam swooped in. “Yep, that was us,” he said before pivoting. “So, what grade are you in?”

“Fourth!” Aron replied eagerly. “I can do my multiplication facts faster than anyone else in class!”

“That’s half our grade. It sounds like you’re better at math than Noah,” I teased.

“For sure. And you’re definitely more popular than us,” Noah said, ruffling his hair.

“Aron, sweetie, you need to get to bed. It’s getting late,” Ashley’s mom interjected.

“But Momma, I wanna stay up with the big kids. Noah’s my friend!” Aron yelled and started, like, rocking? It’s hard to describe. 

“I know, but you’re already up past your normal bedtime and you still need to brush your teeth and say your prayers.”

Aron started stomping around until Noah kneeled down by him. “Hey, next time I come over we’ll play some lightsabers, okay?”

He looked up excitedly and started bouncing up and down. “Really? Yeah!”

“Really, but I get the red one this time. It’s obviously the best, and since you’re such a beast, I need all the help I can get,” Noah said. Aron started giggling. “Why don’t you give us all goodnight fist bumps before we leave?”

Aron smiled widely and offered his small fist to Cam, then me. He threw himself into Noah, giving him a bear hug.

Cam and I looked at each other, then Ashley and her parents. They’re all melting. I know he isn’t being manipulative, but damn, if he ever wanted to score brownie points, Aron is a goldmine. 

He’s sweet and innocent, but also loud and a lot. Ashley has referred to him as ‘spazzy’ and ‘annoying’ before and it’s apparent he has a disability of some sort. I’m actually really impressed with how good Noah is with him. He’s always been kind and compassionate, but I guess I’ve never really seen him interact with younger kids before. 

While her mother excused herself to tuck in Aron, Ashley’s father offered us a bottle of water.

“So, are you the gay couple I’ve heard all about?” he asked, pointing between me and Cam. Noah choked on his water and started coughing.

“Daddy!” Ashley shrieked. She looked at Cam and I and apologized.

“What? You mentioned the gay boys at the dance when you got into trouble, and that they’re Noah’s best friends. I just assumed. I didn’t say it was a bad thing to be homosexual.”

“Um, yes sir, that’s accurate. We’ve been dating since March,” Cam said, grabbing my hand. “Definitely not interested in girls.”

He began laughing. “So, can I trust you to chaperone these two, then?”

“Absolutely. I don’t want to see her do stuff any more than you do, sir,” I replied, grinning. “Nothing personal. Just, you know, girl parts are gross,” I added, turning to her. She rolled her eyes but laughed.

“I like these two, honey. They’re witty,” her father said, offering his hand to us both. Craig taught me how to do a proper handshake, so I knew to make eye contact and pump assertively but not too hard, matching his cadence.

“Good night, Daddy.” Ashley sounds exasperated. “I can’t with you sometimes.”

He’s definitely enjoying embarrassing her. “I’m being dismissed. Good night, boys. It was nice to meet you. You’re welcome over any time.”


Cam and I waited on the porch while Noah said his goodbyes to Ashley. They partially closed the door, so we didn’t have to watch them suck face. At least they made it quick. I might now have better appreciation for how people must feel when me and Cam are parting. Are we this annoying and over-the-top?

Noah joined us a couple minutes later. “Well, THAT was awkward,” he commented as we headed down Ashley’s driveway. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?” Cam and I asked simultaneously. 

“Her dad, that’s what. I can’t believe he straight up asked if you’re the gay kids. Jesus! She’s mortified.”

“It’s not a big deal,” Cam replied. “Besides, an openly gay middle school couple is novel, especially for an older person. I get his curiosity.”

“Right. I mean, he knows all about what happened at S.N.O. and that you were defending us. It’s not like our existence is a state secret,” I added.

“I guess. It was still kind of out of left field.”

Cam shrugged. “Dude, if we don’t want people to treat us like we’re weird, we have to be okay with stuff like that. Don’t get me wrong, it’s all kind of new still, but if you think about it, we want people to be accepting and treat us like everyone else, and that’s exactly what he did. He welcomed us back any time and said he likes us,” he explained. “I see where Ashley gets her cool vibes from.”

“Well, I’m glad you guys aren’t put off,” Noah replied. “I kinda need some help.”

“Oh?” Cam asked. “With what?”

“What do you mean ‘with what’? I’ve been about to blow all night long. Seriously, like I’ve said before: blue balls are real. My dick is sore just from being excited for hours on end.”

Cam and I both laughed. “I couldn’t believe she was rubbing all up on you like that,” I said. 

“You felt her titties, didn’t you?” Cam quickly added.

Noah flashed the biggest smile I’ve ever seen grace his face, and I’ve watched him orgasm more times than I can count. “How did you know?”

“She had to fix her bra.”

“Guys, it was so awesome. They were so round… and firm… and perky. And her nipples…” Noah answered, finishing with a sigh, not completing his thought.

“You’re going to get yourself worked up again,” Cam joked. “So, did you motorboat ‘em?”

“God I wish,” Noah pined. “And there’s no ‘again.’ It’s been constant. I’ve had a semi since before we left my house. We were kissing downstairs.”

“And then again at the park,” I added.

“Yeah. I swear, I just about freaked out when Aron came and hugged me. I was trying to keep the little dude from rubbing up against it. He has zero filter, and I could just see him saying something. He’s announced his own boners a couple of times when I’ve been around.”

“‘Noah, why is your wee-wee all stiff’?” Cam mimicked, imitating Aron’s juvenile voice. 

“That would have been epic.” We all laughed.

“Well, thankfully I avoided that. But seriously, when we get home… can we, you know…”

“Hmm,” Cam answered hesitantly. “I don’t know. We were talking earlier, and now that you and Ashley are getting serious… I mean, she was literally rubbing her pussy against your hard dick, right?” Cam nudged me with his elbow. I already suspected he was fucking with Noah, but now I’m certain.

“Yeah, sorta. It’s not like we were naked.”

“But we don’t want to piss her off,” I added, laying it on thick. “Ashley is really cool and we can’t have her mad at us, or you. We’d feel awful if we were the reason you broke up.”

“Right,” Cam agreed. “But we’re kind of desperate. Can we like, uh… use your room when we get back? It’s been weeks for us.”

“What, without me? No! It’s my birthday and you guys promised,” Noah answered, starting to whine. “And besides, Ashley doesn’t care. She gave me permission.”

Cam jumped onto Noah’s shoulder. “Get out! No shit?”

“She said watching you guys make out made her horny. That’s why she climbed on top of me. Then, in the park, she actually suggested I let you guys, er, help me out.”

“No way,” I said. I know Ashley is chill and all, but I wasn’t at all confident she’d ever encourage him to do stuff with us. 

Noah stopped and grabbed my arm. “Yes, seriously. She told me if either of you were willing, that I should have fun and enjoy myself. Honestly, I think the idea of it makes her wet,” he said, sounding mesmerized by the thought. The idea of that shit dripping… just no. “Plus, she reminded me she won’t do anything that serious for a long time. Honestly, she was a little mad at herself for taking it so far on the couch. Even apologized for being so aggressive, and I told her not to worry because I was good with everything,” he added, laughing.

I couldn’t help but imagine Ashley, in her bed, touching herself thinking about what the three of us are going to be doing. I kept that thought to myself. Her playing with herself is kinda gross, after all. 

We made our way through the park and were entering the wooded section of the trail. “Okay, then,” Cam said. “If you’re sure she’s okay with it.”

“I am, I swear,” Noah replied. The desperation in his voice is endearing. “You can text her to confirm if you want.”

“I might just do that. Though, what if she is already asleep and doesn’t answer? I suppose we could play with Jackson instead,” I suggested sarcastically. 

“What? No way,” Noah retorted, his tone suddenly sharper.

“We’ll see,” Cam replied. “Is he bigger than you? I kind of want to level up like Max has.” He’s really making Noah sweat. 

“How the fuck would I know?” Noah answered. I swear, straight boys can’t ever admit they look at other guys. He shares a bathroom with Jackson. There’s not a chance in Hell he doesn’t know how big he is.

Adding to his agony, Cam had Noah talking about Ashely’s body all the way home. For a gay dude, damn can he manage some serious hetero dirty talk. If I didn’t know better, I’d worry he’s a little bi.

Noah went on in detail about Ashley’s round nipples and how hard they got when he played with them. “I had no idea they could get so big,” he exclaimed. 

“Uh huh,” Cam concurred. “That means she was highly aroused. I’ll bet you ten bucks her panties were soaked. They had to be rubbing up against your erection.”

“How the eff do you know so much about girls and shit?” I asked, sounding more paranoid than I intended (but also kind of intrigued by this side of him). “Since when are you bi?”

Cam laughed. “Oh, I’m not, I just like watching Noah squirm. I have zero interest in pussy. Well, except yours,” he said, sliding his hand directly into my shorts, between my cheeks, and rubbing his fingers against my sweaty hole. “And any other willing boy, pretty much. I love bussy. And I’m fucking taking yours tonight, so brace yourself.”

I moaned slightly at his touch. “Yes sir.” 

Noah coughed. “Seriously? You get me imagining Ashley’s wet pussy and then ruin it with that image. Fuck you guys.”

“Sorry. He’s right — tonight is about him. You have to wait, babe,” Cam said, before re-focusing his attention on Noah. “We can get back to girls if you want,” Cam replied, pretending to gag and choke. “So, how do you think you’ll do it the first time? I know damn well you’ve thought about it,” Cam answered.

“Well yeah,” Noah began, hesitating. “Maybe a time or two.”

“Uh huh. And?”

Noah didn’t respond. He looks very hesitant for some reason.

“What?” I asked.

“If you guys tell Ashley I told you any of this, I swear to God…”

“Relax. It’s us,” Cam said, putting a hand on Noah’s shoulder. “We all have way too many secrets to ever break your trust. Besides, you know we aren’t like that.”

“Yeah,” I encouraged. “I’m actually curious, God help me. It’s sort of like a car wreck. You don’t want to gawk, but can’t help yourself,” I added.

Noah stopped dead in his tracks. Apparently, it’s too difficult to concentrate on the details of his fantasies and walk at the same time.

“Well, honestly, I think most guys do it with the girl on her back the first time. But I thought it would be hotter to be on bottom, watching her straddle my boner and slowly lower herself onto it, moaning as she takes inch by inch into her hot, wet pussy. I want to play with her bouncing titties as she goes up and down.”

“Nice,” Cam said. It wasn’t so bad until he described the vagina.

“But,” Noah continued. “I think what I really want is to do it from behind. I don’t know why; it just seems the most natural. I can press my chest against her back and reach around and play with her nipples and kiss her neck and… arg, oh shit!”

“What?” I asked, starting to panic, looking around. 

“Guys!” Noah whined, grabbing his shorts.

“Yeah?” Cam answered.

“Seriously. I think I just jizzed my pants. How the fuck?”

“Wow,” Cam replied, laughing. “That’s impressive. I guess you WERE worked up.”

“I was just imagining… and it happened. My shorts are fucking soaked. We gotta get home,” Noah declared as he turned and started walking up the hill. I’m not sure if he’s embarrassed or angry at his body’s betrayal, but he’s definitely displeased.

“Well, that sucks,” I whispered to Cam. “It's sad when cum gets squandered.”

“No shit. And as horny as he’s been for hours, I bet it was massive, too.”

“Fuck. He may not even want our help now.”

“Yeah,” Cam sighed. “I’m sure we’ll tease him about this at some point, but not yet. He seems annoyed, and it’s too soon.”

Cam and I quickly jogged to catch Noah, who is still walking briskly. The creamed shorts must be uncomfortable. 

“You okay?” I asked.

“Yeah, just wet. I need to change, bad.”

“Just like your girl, I bet,” Cam joshed. So much for holding off on the jokes for more than thirty seconds. “I bet she’ll be sympathetic.”

Noah grumbled. “Very funny. But that was legit so weird.”


“It just, like, came out all of a sudden. I wasn’t touching anything! And I didn’t have the good feeling, either. I shot, but no orgasm at all, it’s so bizarre. Like a walking wet dream or something, not that I’ve ever had one of those.”

“What a waste,” I lamented. “I bet you don’t even want our present now.”

“What? Bullshit! I might even be hornier now. That didn’t count. It was kind of like having a cake with no frosting, or a pancake without syrup.”

“Oh, I think you got the syrup,” I teased.

“Hilarious. I swear, that did nada to make me less horny,” he explained. “But I will say, my balls don’t ache anymore. Just let me change.” 

“Whoa, our little birthday horndog, slow down. You have to agree to do things our way.” Cam answered. “You’re going to get off, don’t worry.”

“Eventually,” I said, laughing. “If you behave, that is.”

“What? Guys, c’mon. I seriously need to fuck something.”

“It's the price of admission for this,” Cam said, turning to shake his butt at Noah, and turning me around too.

Noah sighed. “Fine, whatever. Just nothing too weird. If I say, like, mango you’ll stop, right?”

“What? ‘Mango’?” I asked.

He shrugged. “It’s my favorite fruit.”

I looked at him blankly. What does that have to do with anything?

Cam must have seen my confusion, because he clarified. “‘Mango’ is his safe word, I guess. But yes, if you say that, we will know to immediately stop.”


Noah conveniently peeled off his hoodie as we approached his door, holding it in front of him. “You guys have to distract my ‘rents and Jackson, if they’re still up. I’ll die if they see this.”

He didn’t need to worry. The house is dark and quiet, save for the TV in the living room, where Lisa is asleep on the couch. Noah bolted for his room and Cam and I retreated to the basement. We have a scheme to hatch.


Jackson is still up, playing Call of Duty. 

“‘Sup,” he greeted us, glancing away briefly before returning to his ambush. Cam and I sat on the other end of the couch. I don’t know if Cam is just horny, or if it’s a ploy to get Jackson to go to bed, but he started rubbing my crotch with his foot. I suspect it was a little of both.

Jackson glanced at us and smirked, but still shook his head. He returned to his game, only to promptly get killed. “Dammit!” he exclaimed. 

“Sorry,” Cam said. “Didn’t mean to distract you,” he added, laughing.

“It’s fine. I should vacate and give you guys some space. I don’t want to intrude.”

He was putting the controller away when Noah resurfaced in fresh clothes. He’s wearing black Adidas shorts and a white t-shirt. Not that he’ll keep on either for long. 

“Don’t worry bro, I was just going to bed,” Jackson said.

“It’s fine,” Noah answered. “We’re just going to watch TV or something.”

“Yeah right. These two were just playing footsie with their dicks,” Jackson answered sarcastically. “Have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t.” Considering what he knows, that sure sounds like he’d like to join. He quickly closed the door and ran up the stairs. 


“I’m kinda hungry,” Noah said.

“We noticed,” I replied, laughing. 

“No really. I need some food first. Anyone else?” I guess he didn’t have that second round of cake before walking Ashley home. 

“No, we’re good,” Cam replied. “You go find something. We’ll be right here.”

Just as Noah started to leave, Jackson came back down the stairs. “FYI, I woke up Mom so she’ll go to bed. You’re welcome.” He added a wink in my direction. 

Yep, he totally knows what we’re going to do.


As we formulated our plan and stripped to our skivvies, my phone buzzed. It’s Ashley.

Ashley: it was fun hanging out tonight. You and cam are hot af together. Enjoy yourselves and make sure Noah doesn’t feel left out lol

She added winking, eggplant, and peach emojis. I showed Cam.

“Damn, he wasn’t shitting us when he said she was into it. How are you going to respond?”

I thought for a second before typing.

Me: lol thx we will. It is HIS birthday after all. It’s nice ur cool about everything. And he’s super wound up after making out with you all night

Ashley: np. Wish i could watch

She included that emoji with the tongue sticking out.

Ashley: Mariah showed me gay porn once. It was hot

“Whoa, didn’t expect that!” I said, showing Cam.

“For real bro,” he answered. “I guess we could take pictures… not.”

Before we could respond, another message popped in, which was good, because neither of us knew how to respond.

Ashley: gtg daddy is nagging me to turn in my phone before bed. See u monday


Noah must have eaten quickly, because he was back downstairs in no time.

“Everyone's upstairs in bed,” he announced happily.

“That’s good,” Cam replied. “I thought we could play a few rounds of Uno and Max always gets loud when he loses.”

“Only because you always cheat,” I added, playing along.

“Very funny,” Noah answered. “Uno you wanna play with my dick, so quit jerking me around.”

We all laughed.

“Ashley texted. She told us to have fun and not leave you out,” I shared.

“I knew she was cool, but damn, I didn’t quite believe it until I saw for myself,” Cam added. “You really are one lucky SOB. Not one, but two willing gay friends and a girlfriend who is super chill. What are the odds?”

He flashed the biggest shit-eating grin. “I know! It’s like I won the horniness lottery or something.”

“Just remember to be appreciative. Now, sit down,” I said, patting the couch between Cam and I. “It’s time for your real birthday present.”

“Thank God!” Noah exclaimed, marching around the couch, grabbing the remote on the way. “I should at least put on something, in case someone comes.”

“Someone is definitely gonna come,” Cam said.

Noah thumbed through the menu and settled on the latest season of Impractical Jokers.

“This is fitting,” he said. “You guys have been screwing with me all night.” He tossed the remote aside and flopped onto the couch.

“Technically, we’re just starting to screw you,” I teased. He shook his head at my bad pun.

“We’re going to start with these,” Cam declared, reaching under the couch and grabbing an eye mask from the collection of items he stashed earlier. “Put them on.”


“Because I said so,” Cam responded, somewhat harshly. “It’s part of the plan. Just do it.”

“You’re not going to do anything crazy, are you?” Noah asked.

“Nothing you haven’t already done before,” I promised. “It will be more fun if you’re surprised. A birthday should have fun surprises, right?”

“Okay, okay,” he relented, pulling the mask over his eyes. “What now?”

“Hold on,” Cam announced. He got up and moved a 15-pound dumbbell in front of the door. “We don’t want to be disturbed. Now, let's get his clothes off.”

Noah leaned back on the couch. I lifted his shirt and pulled it over his head. His large, dark nipples stared at me, just asking to be played with. I ran my fingers over them, gently squeezing them between my thumb and forefinger. They hardened. “You’re right. Nipples are kind of fun to play with.” Of course, I already knew that, but I wanted to connect with Noah’s dirty talk from earlier. 

“Uh huh,” he grunted.

Cam reached for his trunks and I grabbed the other side. We managed to peel his shorts and underwear off together. His cock is already ¾ hard, laying upon a patch of pubes that is shorter than I remember them being. Noah trimmed, maybe knowing what we would do and how we prefer that. He would look even hotter if he shaved totally. His balls are still smooth at least, and are drawn closely to his body. They probably have been all night.

The unmistakable smell of fresh cum wafted from his crotch. “Smells like jizz,” Cam noted.

“Uh, sorry,” Noah replied. “I wiped it off with a washcloth, but didn’t want to shower.”

“Don’t be sorry,” I answered, slapping the side of his bare ass. “You think we don’t like the smell of a fresh load?” I stuck my nose into his short patch of pubes and inhaled.

“Let me get some of that,” Cam added, repeating my actions. “Cummy. Very cummy.”

“You guys are so gay,” Noah quipped, laughing. 

“Lucky for you,” I said.

“Grab the other thing,” Cam instructed. He retrieved several items from his backpack and hid them under the couch. In addition to the eye mask (courtesy of Delta, which his father flies often), he brought a pair of toy handcuffs, lube, and a large beach towel. Of course, it’s just like Cam to have the foresight to bring his own towel to make sure we didn’t goober up their couch. 

I reached around, found the cuffs, and gave them to Cam. “Put your hands behind your head,” Cam instructed. He climbed onto the couch and quickly snapped them to Noah’s wrist.

“Are those real?” Noah asked, slightly alarmed. “Do I need to start ‘Mango’-ing already?”

“There from the police play set I had when I was 7,” Cam laughed. “You could rip them apart if you want. Relax — it’s just to make a point.”

“Which is?”

“That we’re in charge,” Cam answered as he gently traced his finger up and down Noah’s cock, causing it to flinch. A small bead of pre-cum formed at the tip. Cam expertly smeared it around the head before pushing his finger into my mouth. Nice of him to share. “Now, trust your gay friends to get you off.”

“Uh, oh… okay,” Noah replied. 

“You can’t touch yourself,” I stated. “That's what we’re here for. Understood?”

“Sure. Got it. Will one of you suck me now? Please?”

“Not yet,” Cam answered. “I want some of these first.” He moved up and started sucking Noah’s puffy nipples. While he did that, I gently stroked Noah’s hairless thighs as I watched his cock slowly get harder and harder. Every couple of seconds, it would twitch and move slightly higher, like it was ratcheting into place. I gently stroked his balls and the smooth area beneath them. His hips bucked, pushing his cock in my direction, practically begging for attention.

I slowly moved my fingers up, stroking only the base of his cock, teasing him. Pre-cum is starting to drip from the tip of his cock, which is now hovering an inch or two above his soft stomach. 

Noah began to moan. “Oh yeah. That’s nice,” he said. I wasn’t sure if he was talking about Cam’s tongue assault on his nips or my cock teasing. “I can’t wait to cum for real.”

Cam and I exchanged grins. If we have our way, that will be a while. Watching him squirm will be half the fun, as will him having what we expect might be the most intense orgasm of his life.

“Let’s trade,” Cam suggested. I climbed onto the couch while Cam slid to the floor. Both of Noah’s nips are hard. I took them into my mouth and gently nibbled on them. Noah gasped. While I fondled and sucked on his pecs, Cam was slowly taking each of Noah’s taut balls into his mouth, bathing them. 

I soon felt Cam’s hand caressing my ass, which for now was still clad in my bright yellow Calvins. That’s a good thing, because I’m starting to ooze and getting it all over the Reed’s suede couch would be bad.

Noah leaned back and stretched out, smiling. He’s enjoying this. I’m surprised he’s this relaxed, given a minute ago he was practically begging to be blown.

Cam pulled on my arm, signaling I should join him down below. We met in a passionate kiss just above Noah’s pulsating shaft. I reached under Noah’s leg and groped at Cam’s erection which was stretching the band of his boxers. 

He broke our kiss and moved his mouth onto Noah. Slowly, he kissed and sucked as he moved upward. Once he was midway up that fat, almost 6” cock, I moved below and lapped at Noah’s balls. “Oh fuck,” Noah moaned. It’s funny to me how one ball always hangs lower than the other. It’s the same with Cam, and me too. 

Eventually, Cam reached the top of Noah’s cock and cleaned up the collection of precum. I have to admit, I’m a little jealous that Cam got all that sweet nectar. Cam swirled his tongue around his cock head and gently sucked the tip. “Oh yeah, that’s awesome. More,” Noah pleaded. 

Cam instead removed his mouth and began to gently stroke him. 

I decided to get some of my own. I dropped to the floor and moved closer to Cam. I put my mouth against his obvious wet spot and sucked. The unmistakable taste of Cam’s precum splashed across my tongue. I reached for his waistband and gently pulled it over his erection. I dove onto it, taking as much as I could into my mouth. I was rewarded with a fresh glob of sticky pre, which I promptly swallowed. Yum.

I gave Cam’s cock a few more pumps and sucks and then pulled his underwear back up. I want to taste Noah again. And… I hope Cam will take the hint to give me a little oral. 

I pulled Noah’s erection — which is as hard as I’ve ever seen it — towards me and took it into my mouth. I twisted my hips so that my cock is easily accessible to Cam. As usual, we’re on the same page, and in a flash my Calvin’s are around my thighs and my cock is pressing into Cam’s eager mouth. I bobbed up and down on Noah while Cam did the same to me. God, this is fucking awesome!

Cam, always the conductor of our little sodomitical symphony, let that go on for about two minutes before signaling to stop. “How we doing so far?” he asked Noah.

“Fucking awesome. But seriously, I need to cum… SOON. Will one of you let me fuck you?” There’s something about a straight guy begging to fuck boy ass that is so hot.

“I don’t know,” Cam answered smugly. “Did you bring any lube?”

“What? No! I thought you guys would,” he whined desperately. “I can run upstairs, or maybe we can just use spit?”

Cam and I laughed. “We might have,” I added. 

“Good. Get it and let’s fucking go,” Noah demanded. He’s so insistent and URGENT!

“Don’t worry, we’ll get to fucking, but not quite yet,” Cam declared.

“Jesus. You guys are effing killing me. My dick is throbbing.”

“I noticed,” Cam replied. “Would you like some more suckie suckie?” he asked playfully.

“Please!” Noah practically begged. He started to lower his hands to his dick.

“Stop that!” Cam exclaimed. “We’re going to play a game.”

“‘A game’? C’mon guys, seriously. Not another fucking Uno joke.” God, I love his desperation.

“No, it’s called guess-the-mouth. One of us is going to blow you and have to guess who it is.”

“That will be easy. I have a 50/50 chance. If I win can I fuck someone, NOW?” 

“No, but we might give you a little extra something if you get it right. Ready?”


Cam and I exchanged glances and he nodded towards me to start. I carefully knelt between Noah’s legs and engulfed his cock. “That’s Max,” Noah said almost instantly. 

“Good boy,” Cam quipped, laughing.

“I know his, uh… technique,” Noah laughed. “It’s familiar. Comforting even,” he added.

Cam moved in and added his mouth to the mix, lapping at Noah’s balls. He moved up and we each took a side of Noah’s cock. It’s like we’re making out, with Noah’s wet cock conveniently between our mouths, mixing the best of both worlds. We lapped at his rod as our mouths pressed together. 

“Fuck, that’s awesome,” Noah exclaimed.

Cam stepped back. “Time for round two.” He pointed at me to take over again. This time I tip-toed to where Cam was standing and approached from the other side. Instead of engulfing his cock, I began kissing and slurping from the base, like Cam did minutes earlier.

“Even blindfolded, I’d know Cam’s lips,” Noah said confidently. 

I immediately pulled off. “Nope, you lose,” I said, swatting the side of his ass. “Too bad too, I was really enjoying that.”

I stepped to Cam and whispered. “It’s your turn. If he gets it right, I want to rim him while you suck.” He gave me a thumbs up. 

“Noah, lay flat on the couch.” He did as instructed. Cam quietly slipped off his underwear. His erection was pointing straight up, pressed against his stomach. He climbed onto the couch and straddled Noah, essentially getting into a 69 position. I’m not sure how Noah will feel about Cam’s junk rubbing up near his face. He quickly took Noah’s girthy cock into his mouth and went to town.

The spectacle was interesting. Noah has to know Cam’s crotch is just above his mouth, but he isn’t objecting. Of course, I bet he doesn’t realize Cam is now naked. A drop of precum dripping onto his lips would sure alert him. I have to admit, I had a hot thought of how sexy it would be if Noah just started sucking Cam out of nowhere. Probably too much to ask for.

“That’s Cameron. And it’s awesome. Please don’t stop.” Noah said.

“Correct,” I said. “Time for your reward.”

“Pull your knees up,” Cam instructed. When he could, Cam grabbed Noah’s thighs and pulled, lifting his ass off the ground, exposing his hole. I quickly climbed onto the couch and buried my face in his crack. It’s musty and sweaty, but I tongued that tight, smooth pucker anyway. The taste is muskier than I’d prefer, but it’s not like it's foul. Cam had to shift to get Noah’s cock back in his mouth, but he managed. 

“Oh, fucking A!” Noah exclaimed as we lapped at his most intimate parts. 

Slowly, his hole began to loosen and I pushed my tongue inside, causing him to gasp. I began to tongue fuck him, stiffening my tongue and diving it in and out. I can tell by the noises he’s making that he loves it all. As we worked him over, Noah’s breathing was beginning to pick up. Somehow, I managed to glance at Cam and we read each other: his orgasm is building, so we need to throttle down. 

But before then, I want to take him just to the brink. I left a large drop of spit on his pink hole and began tracing my finger over and around it, before gently pressing against his pucker. I fully expect to be mango-ed, but all I hear is heavy breathing and subtle moans. I run my finger a few more times along the edge and slowly push forward. After some slight, initial resistance, my finger slid in easily thanks to my thorough tongueing. I arched my finger, skillfully locating and massaging Noah’s prostate. His legs immediately fell back to the couch.

With my finger deep inside, Cam resumed sucking Noah at a frenzied pace. Noah’s moaning intensified and began to thrust his hips. He’s getting close. Cam quickly climbed off and I withdrew my finger.

“Oh fuck,” Noah exclaimed. “What the Hell? I was so close.” He reached for his cock to finish. “I need to blow.”

Cam gripped his wrist and slapped his hand, hard. “NOT YET, birthday boy.”

“Seriously, my balls are starting to ache again. Let’s finish up. Please?” Noah is bucking his hips, pushing his cock into the cool basement air. It’s twitching. I’m worried we got him too close and it may be past the point of no return. It would really suck if he came, hands free, AGAIN. I wonder if he’s thinking about Ashley.

“Let’s catch our breath,” Cam suggested. He handed us Gatorades he hid away earlier. How much does he have under that damn cushion?

“Guys, this is awesome, but I wanna cum. I need to cum,” Noah said, splayed out on the couch. His legs are laying across my lap.

Cam patted Noah’s tummy and kneeled beside him. “Soon, but not quite yet. We have one more game to play.”

“Oh Jesus. Now what?”

I smacked his leg. “Hey, like you haven’t been enjoying everything we’ve done to you. Don’t sound ungrateful, or Cam will have to discipline you.”

“No, it’s not that! It’s been amazing, I’m just… I’m ready to finish, you know?”

“You can’t rush art, Noah. Your body is our canvas,” Cam explained, laughing. “Begin.”

I shifted down further and took Noah’s toes in my mouth. Now, I have zero erotic interest in feet, but Cam and I agreed to finish with a whole-body tongue bath before the main event, and I lost the rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock, so here we are. The things we do for friendship.

Honestly, it isn’t too bad. No worse than rimming him before he’s showered. I washed his foot with my tongue, then the other, giving each toe attention while Cam focused on licking his upper body, from his belly button and nips to his ears and throat.

“Damn, sucking my toes feels nicer than I’d have ever thought. It kind of tickles, in a good way,” Noah described, throwing his head back in pleasure. I worked up his legs, kissing his ankles and shins and knees, culminating at his inner thigh. It’s interesting how his ankles are definitely hairier than points further north. I took one ball into my mouth, then the other, and kissed up his shaft before swallowing his cock. He had a tasty string of precum (which I devoured), but rather than spoil him, I withdrew quickly.

“Hey, that was nice. What gives?”

“This!” Cam and I swapped places and I began at his nipples and shifted across his chest to his armpit. I don’t like all the hair, but there was something kind of erotic about burying my face in his pit. Cam was working his way down his legs.

I worked my way up toward his face and started sucking on his throat. “Max, that feels great, but Ashley will know she didn’t give me a hickie and I don’t want to deal with all the razzing, knowing it was you,” he protested.

“Buzzkill. What about this?” I pushed my lips against his.

I anticipated he’d pull away and yell mango, but after a couple of seconds, he put his handcuffed hands around my neck and returned my kiss! I opened my mouth slightly and slid my tongue in. I wouldn’t say he was enthusiastic, but was cooperative as I started sucking on his tongue. Considering where my mouth has just been, I’m shocked he’s going along with this. He really must be worked up.

Frankly, I’ve fantasized about kissing Noah for years, but never seriously thought it would happen. I know I’ve been giving him head for months, and given up my ass now several times, but this feels more… intimate?

“Hey, what the hell? That’s my mouth to kiss,” Cam objected. I can’t tell if he’s serious or not, but before I knew it, Noah pushed me away and shifted himself. He took my right nipple into his mouth and started sucking! Damn, didn’t see that coming.

If his kissing was tepid, he was voracious with this. “Not quite so hard. Mine are a lot smaller than hers,” I said. He took the hint and softened his approach, alternating between the two.

“Not that I want to break up you discovering the joys of Max’s body, but my mouth is getting dry and we did promise you a fuck,” Cam declared. “Whose butt do you want? They need to be prepped before you pump away.”

Noah pulled his mouth from my chest. “It doesn’t matter. You decide,” he said before returning his attention to my nips.

Cam’s eyes met mine. “Best two out of three?” he suggested. “Winner gets pounded?”

I nodded. The night we went for Thai food, Seb taught us the nerdy variation on rock-paper-scissors, and it’s fun having a little more depth. Cam chose rock, me Spock. Yes! But the next round, I went with scissors and he stuck with rock. Damn. For the rubber match, I took lizard and he scissors. Shit. 

Also, can I just say, doing that game while you’re having your nipples sucked on for the first time by your straight best friend is an absolute trip.

“Looks like you get to tap me, Noah,” Cam bragged. “Max, you know what to do.”

Reluctantly, I pulled away from Noah. I’m all for servicing Cam, but I’m not at all convinced Noah will ever do that to me again and I was hoping it would last more than a couple of minutes.

Cam started gently sucking Noah, who is now deflated to a semi, while I shifted behind him and buried my face in his small bottom and began to lap voraciously. Not going to lie, Cam tastes better. It’s also been a while since he showered, but his flavor is almost… lighter? Sweeter? Less musk and more coppery? It’s hard to describe, but I love tasting him here. 

It wasn’t long before his hole loosened and started winking. I grabbed some lube, squirted it on his little slit and my right middle finger, and began rubbing. It slid right in. 

For mostly a top, Cam sure seems eager for this.

I found his prostate and gave him a similar workout I did for Noah, causing Cam to grunt. I withdrew and lubed up my pointer, returning with two fingers. “Ahhh,” he groaned. “Give me a second, babe.”

“Suck my balls,” Noah commanded. Cam must have obeyed, because a moment later I heard, “yeah, that’s nice.”

Meanwhile, I continued to stretch Cam’s hole and milk his prostate, while slowly jerking him off. His precum is glistening, so I shifted to lick the head and shaft clean, all while continuing to work my fingers.

“Enough. I’m taking that ass whether you’re ready or not,” Noah declared, releasing the handcuffs and ripping off his mask He sounds like a man on a mission, and I’m not going to argue with him. Frankly, my mouth is sore.

“Fuck yeah. I want to watch,” I said. “But you’re still not allowed to touch yourself, so let me apply the lube.”

A moment later, Noah was ready to go. Cam kneeled on the couch, ass up and face stuffed into a pillow. He’s offering himself in the same position Noah described earlier in his Ashley fantasy.

Noah spread Cam’s diminutive cheeks. “Damn. You know, your cheeks are kinda the same size and stuff as her boobs,” Noah observed, I think to himself. “You want this cock, don’t you?”

“Yes sir,” Cam replied. It isn’t lost on me he’s playing up being submissive, although I’m not sure Noah fully appreciates how rare that is. “Please put in my bussy.”

I couldn’t help it and started laughing. It just sounds so ridiculous coming from Cam.

“What?” Cam asked.

“It’s just that word. I’ve never heard it before tonight and I’ve not once heard you refer to your ‘pussy’ or ‘bussy’ or whatever,” I teased.

“I don’t care what you call it, I’m taking it right now,” Noah declared and pushed his entire length into Cam in one, swift motion. “Yeah, take it. Feels so fuckin’ tight.”

Cam yelped. That had to be painful, but he took it like a man and didn’t complain. Which is good, because Noah only gave him a couple of seconds before pulling out and crashing back to the hilt.

“Clench and milk my cock,” Noah demanded. “Yeah, that’s it. Good boy.” Noah’s enthusiasm is palpable. He’s fully invested. How far he’s come. He’s always enjoyed topping, but it’s like with Ashley’s blessing he feels liberated. 

In fact, I was about to tell Noah to tamp it down, but before I could, he made some weird animal noise, wrapped his arms around Cam’s torso, and held still. He’s cumming already. It’s been like less than a minute!

I swear, his balls pulsated for like thirty seconds, and he just laid there breathing heavily. Longest. Cum. Ever.

“Thanks Cam,” Noah finally said, pulling himself up. “That was incredible.”

“Happy birthday,” Cam replied. “But you were a little gruff, don’t you think?”

“Er, yeah, sorry,” Noah agreed, blushing. “Not sure what came over me.”

Suddenly, an idea washed over me. I still need to discipline Cam for getting us into trouble.

“I do. You were getting back at him for edging you for so long,” I said. “And his punishment isn’t over.”

I pushed Noah away and shoved my face back into Cam’s now-used backside. I’ve never felched before, but I dunno, it’s been a night of firsts.

“Now that is fucking disgusting,” Noah said. Now that he’s had an orgasm, he’s all done and the straight boy is reasserting himself. “But damn if you aren’t enthusiastic. Cam, you should see this. He’s going at it like it’s his last meal.”

I have to admit, the mix of cum and sweat and ass juices is enough to open your sinuses, but it’s also incredibly hot and… transgressive. Fuck yeah.

“Cameron, you got us both grounded and need to learn to listen to me,” I said as I gave him three swats — one on each cheek and then a third across his whole butt. “I’m fucking YOU tonight. Right now. Got it?”

He didn’t reply. I think he’s processing. Eventually, a faint “okay” was uttered. He’s disappointed since he wanted to do me.

I didn’t bother to lube up, and just crashed inside of him. Between Noah’s lube and cum, spit, and stretching, I met zero resistance. He groaned, then moaned.

“It hurts so much. But also feels so good,” he cried through gritted teeth.

“Good. That’s exactly what I was going for.” Besides, my 4.5” can hurt that bad after Noah pried him open, can it?

I began fucking him properly now, back and forth, wiggling my hips between thrusts, and pinching his nipples with my hands. He started arching his back to push his butt back into me.

“Shit, Max. Even I wasn’t that rough,” Noah said, shaking his head. “I’m going to go take a shower. Have fun.”

I can’t speak for Cam at the moment, but I certainly enjoyed myself. I’m not going to pretend I lasted very long, because I didn’t — but I sure as hell went longer than Noah!

“I’m gonna cum,” I announced. And I did, a lot. Maybe not for quite as long as Noah, but damn if it wasn’t close.

I collapsed onto Cam’s back, pulled his face toward me, and kissed his mouth. I was worried when he didn’t return it right away, but then kissed me back even harder.

“Did you learn your lesson?” I eventually asked.

“I think so. But that was kinda mean. And hot as fuck,” he agreed. “You may have cummed more than he did.”

“It wasn’t planned, I promise. But after seeing Noah fuck with abandon, I dunno, I felt inspired,” I confessed. “I told you I would discipline you for getting us into trouble.”

“I didn’t hate it, just surprised. And I was already tender after Noah. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to walk straight for the next week,” Cam joked.

“You'll be fine, babe. I survived Chad and he was way bigger and rougher.” 

Wow, I’m not sure where that came from. Who’d have thought I’d ever be comfortable referencing or joking about him?

“Let’s stay like this for a little while longer,” he suggested. “Kisses?”

Don’t have to tell me twice.


I’m not sure how long we made out, but it was long enough for me to completely soften and Noah to resurface.

He plopped on the couch next to us. “Jeez, you’re still all entwined?”

Cam launched a pillow at him. “Hey, we spent all night taking care of your needs. It’s been a while for us too, you know.”

I sighed. “He’s right though. We really should shower.” I peeled myself off of Cam’s sweaty back, and he quickly followed suit. There’s a dark spot on the towel where his junk was resting. 

“Maybe I can finally cum. I was leaking and all but I still haven’t shot.”

I grabbed the lube from beside the sectional. “Well, we can’t have that.” I took Cam’s hand and led him to the shower. “It’s your turn.”


As we turned on the water, I hugged Cam. “Sorry if I was too rough. I hope I wasn’t overly aggressive.”

He hugged me back. “It’s okay. Kinda fun being dominant, huh?” he asked. “Don’t get me wrong, it hurt, but the pain was also mixed with pleasure, so it wasn’t too bad.” He squeezed my butt cheek. “Now let’s get lathered up, so you can spread ‘em.”

The hot water feels great. This was, I think, our longest sex session ever — certainly with Noah, anyway. I’m not going to lie, I’m tired, but also know something is missing: my boy inside of me.

Cam gave me a loving shoulder and neck massage as we rinsed off the suds. I can feel his erection pressed against my crack, so I tried to line it up with my hole.

“Not yet. I want to eat out that bussy,” he teased.

In one swift motion, he crouched and spread my mounds. Then, he froze as the water beat down on us. 

“What is it?” I asked, starting to get concerned something’s wrong. 

“Nothing. Just admiring how beautiful you are and how lucky I am. Your ass is perfectly unblemished, your hole is amazingly smooth and bright pink and tastes incredible, and it’s all mine.” With that, he started lapping at my perineum and working his way further and further north. 

Before I knew it, he was teasing my hole — licking and sucking everywhere around, but not directly on, the opening. I shook my butt and his nose wiggled over it.

“That tickles,” I said, giggling. Without a word, he attacked it mercilessly with his tongue and reached around to rub my balls. His efforts elicited a moan.

He worked my butt over for a minute, alternating between licking and slurping and blowing his hot breath across my wet anus.

I heard the lube bottle open and spill out. I expected a finger or two, but instead he stood, turned me around so I was facing him, and lifted me. Now I’m stuck between the wall and him. I locked my legs against his back as he held me in place and thrust forward, causing me to gasp. His rigid cock plopped right in, as my sphincter engulfed him and formed a vacuum seal around his 5” penis. Like a moth to a flame, my butt pushed further onto him out of reflex or instinct or whatever forces are in motion.

“Holy shit,” I screeched, reaching my arms around his neck to pull him closer. God he’s strong, holding me like this and balancing us in these tight, slippery quarters. He’s finally giving me what I need. His kissing may be sloppy at times, but damn if he can’t skillfully fuck.

“I decided to go easy on you and only inserted about halfway. Just breathe, babe.”

I deserve an athletic fuck, like I gave him. It’s only fitting, and considering it’s been weeks and I know Cam has to be hornier than he’s ever been, I anticipated him to pick up his pace to that of a frenzy. 

Instead, he exhibited more self-control than I could, and slowly inched himself to the hilt, passing my magic button, and then back out. Cam is being very gradual in his strokes — deliberate, even. His discipline is impressive. It’s obvious he’s savoring this moment. And, as an added bonus, we’re in perfect position to kiss as he slowly splits me open.

In and out, in and stall, wiggle out, in and out, twist and push, in and out. He’d occasionally reach to tickle my boner, but mostly he rhythmically played my butt like it’s his favorite instrument, strumming away on my innards as strange sounds emanate from deep inside me. He’s still conducting, now with his penis.

“I’m close, babe. Get ready, ‘cause I’m gonna go faster.”

“Yes please,” I cried. “Give it to me hard.” I started tugging on my dick right as he impaled me even more forcefully and began to fuck with abandon. My body is almost vibrating, as if my prostate has developed a life all its own and is fighting to take control. My butt is convulsing involuntarily. 

It’s been too long. This — this feeling, of submitting to my boy as he adeptly rearranges my guts — is what I was built for… what I was born for. How could anyone possibly think it’s unnatural or wrong?

“God I love when you beg for it. It’s so fuckin’ hot when you reach that high pitch,” Cam declared as he bore down my bottom and slapped my ass for good measure.

It was a glorious, oh, fifteen or twenty seconds of fervorous lovemaking. I was whimpering, he was grunting, my hole went squish squish squish. Then, suddenly, I felt him stop mid-stroke as his cock expanded and expelled a warm jet of fluid, filling me. 

It was enough to send me over the edge, and I dribbled my own seed all over his belly.

We’re both completely out of breath. That was intense, in a slow burn sort of way. 

My legs feel like jelly, and the water is barely lukewarm. Cam grabbed the soap, gave his dick and my butt a once over, and I handed him the shower head wand to rinse us both.

Cam reached to turn off the water and hugged me tight. “I've missed you so much. And not just the sex, but getting to spend hours at a time together. I love you, Max Coleman.” He kissed the top of my head, not unlike how Craig does.

“I know exactly what you mean. Tonight has been… special,” I agreed. “I love you too, Cam. Let’s never get grounded again.”

“Not ever. Now, let’s brush our teeth and see what Noah is up to.”


As we exited the bathroom, I was immediately hit with the smell of cum and BO. The pungent odor of dirty, raunchy, feverish sex is undeniable. But it’s more than that, it’s the distinct smell of raw, pubescent sodomy. I immediately boned back up, but if his parents were to come check on us, it would be painfully apparent we did more than watch movies and play video games. 

I ran back to the bathroom for the air freshener and doused the room, while Cam removed the dumbbell from blocking the door. No point in arousing suspicions now that we’re no longer at risk of being walked in on.

Oblivious Noah is plastered to the couch, wearing just his boxers, watching an episode of Big Mouth.

“For fuck’s sake, that took forever. I was starting to worry you both slipped, hit your heads, and were knocked unconscious or something.”

Despite his fatigue, Cam is still quick on his feet. “Nah, just stamina. Not all of us are minutemen.”

Noah feigned offense. “Hey, you know I usually last longer than that, but you guys had me on the edge for so long I couldn’t help it. Consider it a compliment!”

I laughed. “Fair. I’ll leave out that particular detail when Ashley asks how it went.”

For a moment, Noah looked petrified at the prospect of me discussing his sexual performance with his girlfriend, before realizing I’m joking.

I yawned and curled up with Cam on one end of the sectional, laying between his legs and resting my head against his chest. He lovingly stroked my hair as Noah turned off the TV, and the steadiness of his heartbeat sent me directly into the hardest sleep I’ve had in weeks.

*End of Chapter 51*

Author's notes: We hope the wait was worth it! As always, feedback appreciated (email at the top).

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