Max’s Awakening #53

By and J

Authors' Notes:

We’ve broken this chapter into ‘parts’ - part 1, part 2, etc. Several people commented that with our long chapters they needed an easy way to stop and know where they left off. Hopefully this helps.

Chapter 53

Part 1 - Monday

I’ve been worrying about Spencer since we parted in the office. I wanted to greet his mom, but thought better of it. Honestly, the rest of the period was low key. The other aide is nice and showed me some things, and I managed to chip away at my homework between tasks.

When I walked into gymnastics, Spencer was already there, tightening tape around his wrists.

“Hey. Everything go okay?”

He sighed. “Yeah, I think so. I have three days of ISS.”

“That blows. But, is it with Mr. Tim?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Well, if you have him, that’s not the worst thing that could happen,” I said, trying to be reassuring. “So, um, what did you do anyway?”

“More stupid shit, like always,” he replied through gritted teeth. “I’ve been a total fuck-up since the S.N.O.”

“Well, trying to take on Brady wasn’t very smart.”

“No.” He laughed nervously. “Everyone said I had a death wish. To be honest, that kind of gave me a decent rep. At least for a while.”

“So… what screwed it up?” I asked tentatively. I don’t want him to shut down again. “It sounds like you’ve been in a shit ton of trouble.”

“Yep,” he concurred. “I talk too much in class, especially if I forget to take my meds in the morning. I’ve had two detentions for that. And my grades aren’t great,” he added, looking away. “Mom is threatening to make me quit gymnastics, but Dad is telling her no way. But since he moved out, Mom might win.”

Shit. “Your folks split?”

“Yeah, over the summer,” he said softly, staring at the floor. “I haven’t told anyone.”

My heart sank. Poor Spencer, going through that alone. “I’m sorry dude. That’s rough,” I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. “But I’m confused. None of that would get you hauled down to the office.”

“Well…” He looked around to make sure no one else was within earshot. “There’s other stuff.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

He inhaled deeply. “I pulled down my shorts and shook my bare ass at someone in the locker room Friday afternoon, and Coach saw.”

Oh Jesus. “Spence! Why would you do that?”

He shrugged. “They were teasing me about liking dick.”

“How would anyone know that? Because you’re friends with me?” As soon as I asked, I knew that didn’t track, but it was the first thing I thought of. I mean, Spencer is hardly subtle. When we were in ISS together, he gushed about how hot Noah is, right in front of Ashley. I doubt he could keep his attractions secret, even if he wanted to.

“No, it isn’t that,” he answered, confirming my suspicions. “I told people I knew you from gymnastics.” He paused. “Like I said, I could use some do-overs.”

“Then how did it get out?” Knowing Spence, he’s probably just told everyone without thinking.

“I spent the night with this kid — a new friend I met after school started.”

Damn, I know exactly where this is going. Spencer tried too much and without enough tact to back off gracefully. I guess after Ian, Cam, and I, he assumes everyone is eager. Plus, Spencer has no filter. I can see how easily that could blow up in his face.

“Let me guess,” I interrupted. “You tried to get into his pants and he freaked out?”

“Yes and no. Of course, I tried, he’s hot as fuck. He said no thanks, but didn’t spaz. We stayed up a while and played Call of Duty after. He swore he wouldn’t tell anyone.”

I cringed. “What exactly did you try to get him to do, anyway?”

“I just suggested we jerk off together — which we did. He had a nice dick, too. It wasn’t very big yet but still totally suckable, although we never got that far,” he said, grinning. “He never really jerked much and hasn’t ever even had a drymax. He wasn’t sure he was doing it right.”

That doesn’t sound terrible. Like, even straight boys jerking off together isn’t exactly rare. “And…?”

“I kind of, uh, offered to do it for him — you know, to show him how,” Spencer answered innocently. “But when I reached over, he pulled up his underwear super fast.”

“And said ‘no thanks’?”

“Right. He didn’t seem bothered at all. Like I said, we played C.O.D. until like two in the morning and joked and stuff after.”

“But he talked shit after?”

“He must have, because it got around that I tried to touch his dick. I’ve tried talking to him, but he won’t even look at me.” Spencer bent down to tie his shoes. “Everyone’s calling me names, especially in the locker room. I got tired of it and shook my butt at them, telling them they knew they wanted it.”

I shook my head. Although, he’s probably not completely wrong. If Noah is any indicator, a lot of guys would take boy ass if they could — and I know first-hand what a perky little bubble Spence has.

“I know! I fucked up, okay? I was just so pissed, and frustrated.”

That would be awful. It occurs to me, though… Craig wasn’t happy when I told him how I made Dom squirm by joking that Cam and I wanted to break him in, before I’d say I was okay with him coming back to school. I guess Craig’s right and that could have gotten me into big trouble if Dom reported it.

“Dude. Not everyone is gay, or bi, or even like Ian. You gotta be more careful. If you had just asked casually and not reached, you might have gotten away with it. You could have been like, ‘I’m not gay, but I could maybe show you how it works for me,’ or something like that.”

“I was so horny and his boner was pointing right at me. Ian won’t even spend the night anymore. He says he’s done with gay stuff, and now that he’s in middle school he wants a girlfriend,” Spencer explained. He rolled his eyes, but sounded so sad. “Why are girls such a big deal to everyone now? I don’t get it.”

I laughed. “I dunno man, I don’t either. Guys are way more interesting.”

“For real! But all of a sudden, everyone is always trying to show how much they’re into girls — like it’s some kind of contest or something. It’s annoying,” he lamented. He’s right, and while I’ve gotten the point I can tune most of that out, I remember in sixth grade when it was constant and I was distinctly aware I wasn’t like everyone else. “So, all that’s been going on, and you haven’t wanted to hang either. All of my elementary friends are at Ian’s middle school. I kind of lost my mind.”

I feel so bad for him, and like such a shitty friend. The last couple of months, since Mexico, have been such a blur — from my breakup with Cam to the Spartan Night debacle and all of the drama with Chad. Still, I managed to help Seb, Jamie, and Liam, despite being super stressed from feuding with Noah, Mom, and Craig and getting grounded twice.

I’ve neglected Spence when he needed someone most, and that’s not okay. 

“I wish you had come to me sooner. Not that I’ve been super available, but I could have reminded you to be chill and given some advice, right?”

“I guess,” he said quietly. Yep, he’s definitely frustrated with me for not being there more for him. “They did an investigation today about the locker room incident. I thought for sure I would get OSS, especially since they said the boys around me felt ‘sexually harassed’ and ‘propositioned’ and don’t want their gym locker near me anymore,” he explained, using air quotes and everything. I get Spence was dumb, but that’s definitely a chickenshit overreaction. He isn’t a predator or anything, and it pisses me off when people play the fucking victim after they start shit.

I put my arm around him. “That sucks.”

“I think the school kind of felt sorry for me because I’ve been getting bullied hard about what happened with Amos. My ‘rents are losing it, though. I couldn’t spring on them that I’m gay, not in the middle of their divorce. I had to make up a huge lie to cover it up. I feel bad enough already.”

“Little bro, their issues are NOT your fault.”

He shrugged, not convinced. “I know I can be a lot. I’m really trying to be calmer, but it’s hard. Stuff just happens sometimes and I don’t even know why.”

“You can be a little… um, blunt and impulsive,” I replied, putting a hand on his shoulder. “But you’re not a bad person. And whatever is going on with your parents isn’t on you. Trust me, I know from experience.”

He relaxed at my touch, not unlike how I do with Craig. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. But it’s been rough.”

“My school year has been pretty weird so far, too. You don’t even know the half of it. But I’ve made some new friends and know for sure who has my back.”

He looked away. “I wish I had that.” I didn’t realize, until now, just how lonely he is. It doesn’t sound like he has any friends. I can’t even imagine going through all of my stuff without a support system around me.

“You do, man. Cam and I at the very least,” I said. Of course, at school, Cam isn’t around. I need to do better by him. “I’m sorry, Spence. I should have checked in with you more. You need to talk to me more, got it?“

“I know. Thanks Max,” he said, leaning into my side hug.

“You should come to Cam’s for Halloween. We’re going to go trick-or-treating and then a few guys will probably sleep over.”

Spencer immediately perked up. I can tell by the grin on his face exactly where his mind went. I sure hope we’ll have some sexy fun, but depending on Cam’s mom and who all spends the night, that may or may not happen. I need to temper his expectations. The last thing anyone needs is him doing something reckless. 

“Slow down. Don’t expect a repeat of the gymnastics sleepover. Cam is inviting some dudes from his school… straight guys, I think anyway, and I’m inviting some peeps from Olympia. Plus, Cam’s mom will be around. It’s not necessarily going to be like that, but we’ll still have fun.”

“That’s cool. I don’t mind. It doesn’t always have to be about getting off, although I miss playing with other dicks. I would love to sneak away with you and Cam for a few minutes,” he whispered. “But my mom probably won’t let me, not after today.”

“It’s a couple weeks away. Let her calm down before you ask. Or better yet, maybe Cam can sweet talk her. That’s his specialty.” I probably shouldn’t volunteer Cam, but it’s true. He has a genuine charisma with adults. I had some initial reservations about whether Cam would want to include Spencer, since he’s younger and can be extra, but I don’t think Cam will mind. And frankly, Spence could use the social boost. Assuming he isn’t grounded.

He practically bounced in excitement. “Thanks. That’d be awesome!”


Spencer had just excused himself to take a leak when Cam came into the gym. I promptly greeted him with a hug, and told him Spencer is having a rough time at home and school.

“I hope you aren’t mad, but I invited him to Halloween.”

Cam looked at me funny. “Why would I be? I always assumed we’d invite most of the team, although he’ll probably be the youngest kid there,” he replied. “Are we sure he’ll even be allowed, though? If he’s been getting into trouble?”

“No. I figured that’s where you’d come in, to charm his Mom,” I suggested. I looked over his shoulder and saw Ms. Schwab in the stands… talking to Bob of all people.

“You make it sound like I have magical powers. I’m just polite and respectful,” Cam said, laughing. “But I’ll try. Maybe since you’re ungrounded already, you could have a sleepover this weekend.” He raised his eyebrow and grinned. God I love him, wanting me to get laid even when he isn’t around. “Assuming you’re up for that.”

I can feel my junk begin to tingle at the prospects. “Hell yes, that’s a great idea. I bet Spence would love it too.”

“‘Spence would love’ what?” Spencer asked quizzically, resurfacing from the locker room.

“Oh, I was just suggesting to Max that the two of you hang this weekend, now that he’s finally free again,” Cam responded, smirking. “I’m sure you’d have a great time.”

Spencer lit up, before the reality of his situation set back in. “I'm not sure I’ll be allowed. Mom was pretty pissed when we left school.”

Cam put his hand on Spence’s shoulder. “Maybe not, but let Max and I try before we leave.”

I nodded. “Why don't you work out with us? Assuming you’re ready to bust your ass.”

Spencer fucking giggled. I guess I walked right into that, even if the double entendre wasn’t intentional.


We worked him hard. It’s amazing how a little attention and encouragement spurred on Spencer, who was sweating more than I’ve ever seen. It’s not like he normally slacks at practice; he wouldn’t be as good as he is if he didn’t work at it. But we really pushed him, even amping up our workouts in the process.

Damn if he didn’t have a good attitude and push through. Honestly, I think he channeled his frustration and anxiety as motivation. Whatever the cause, he was sopping wet by the time practice finished.

We quickly changed in the locker room and made our way to the stands. Mom waved, now sitting between Bob and Spencer’s mother.

“You gentlemen sure pushed it hard today,” Bob said, ruffling Cam’s hair. “That’s what I like to see.”

Cam leaned into a hug. “Yes sir. Spencer was a beast out there.”

“We couldn’t let him show us up,” I added, bumping into Spencer.

Spence is absolutely beaming. “It was fun, but I’m tired. And sore.”

Ms. Schwab stroked his hair. “Maybe all you need is for Max and Cam to wear you out. I’ll have to keep them both on speed dial for when you’re driving me crazy.”

God bless Spencer, he managed to not react. Cam, though? He had to turn his head to stifle a laugh.

“Now that you mention it, Ms. Schwab, Spence and I were wondering if we could have a sleepover this weekend,” I said, broaching the subject. I mean, she gave me a great segue. “He shared that his grades haven’t been the greatest, so I was thinking I could help him catch up on homework, before we play anything.” Boom, how can she say no to that?

I turned to Mom. “Is that okay? Sorry, I should have asked first.” She nodded her assent.

“And on Halloween, we’re having a bunch of kids over to trick-or-treat, and then a party, and some of the guys are spending the night. We’re hoping Spence can come,” Cam interjected.

Ms. Schwab looks taken aback — and relieved.

“Please, Mom?” Spence pleaded. “I promise I won’t get into any more trouble.”

“Yes ma’am, we’ll watch out for him,” Cam said. “And smack him around a little if he needs it.”

Ms. Schwab smiled warmly, looking back and forth between Spencer and us. “If you get all of your school work done the next few days, and no phone calls or emails home, then I guess that would be okay,” she agreed. “But if we have any more incidents, there will be no Halloween party. Understood?”

Spence threw himself into her, giving a huge hug. “Thanks Mama! I promise, I’ll be good.”

She squeezed him back. “I know you’ll try. But I’m still keeping all electronics for the rest of the week.”

“Yes Mom.”

“Good. Now, if I recall, you spent the night at Max’s right before school started, so it seems like we should host this time. Stacy, perhaps Max can just come home with us after the meet on Saturday?”

“Sure,” Mom replied. “That is, if you can stomach riding home with two sweaty, stinky boys.” She waved her hand in front of her nose.

Spencer’s Mom laughed. “I’ll manage, but I know what you mean. Someone has a habit of neglecting their deodorant.” She glanced sideways at Spencer.

“Mom!” he complained, embarrassed and starting to blush. “I do not… mostly. I just sweat a lot at practice. Sheesh.” I feel his pain. Mom got onto me for the same thing last week, in front of Craig. Sometimes there’s not enough deodorant in the world to keep you from reeking! Maybe girls just don’t perspire like that?

She continued to tease him. “Well, you certainly put a lot of effort in tonight. I won’t even mind having to roll down the windows.”

“So, Saturday it is,” Mom confirmed. “Make sure to bring your overnight bag to the meet.”

I gave a quick nod and thumbs up. “It’s supposed to be over by midafternoon, since it’s just an exhibition to open the season. We’ll be done early enough that I can still help Spence with his homework.”

Ms. Schwab looks pleased. “Sounds like a plan.”

We said our goodbyes, and Spencer enthusiastically bounded out the door.

As the four of us walked to the parking lot, Bob spoke up. “That was nice of you, to include him. His mother mentioned he’s been going through a hard time.”

“Yes. I know eighth graders don’t usually hang out with sixth graders,” Mom added.

Cam shrugged. “Of course. Spence isn’t just our teammate, he’s our friend.”

I nodded. “Right. It’s hard because we don’t see each other at school much, but I’m going to try to keep a better eye on him.”

Mom smiled. “Well, I’m still proud of you for being compassionate and inclusive.”

“Yeah, it sounds like he needs solid friends more than ever,” Bob added.

They’re right, but damn, what did Spence’s mom tell them that they’re so complimentary about us being nice to him? I sure hope she didn’t sugarcoat things. 


I tried to get Mom to spill the beans about whatever she talked with Spence’s mom about, but she was intentionally vague. “Oh, you know, just how he’s struggling with his father moving out and going to a new school. It sounds like he’s gotten off to a rough start,” was all she said.

I tried to coax more out of her by mentioning I had to escort him to the office. “I guess he mooned some kids in the locker room.”

“Oh my,” Mom replied, clearly surprised. Apparently Spencer’s mom didn’t get into specifics, which is good. I’m glad Ms. Schwab isn’t telling everyone about the rumors going around about her son.

Anyway, Mom is ecstatic that I’m willing to be a good influence on him. Apparently, it ‘speaks to my character.’

Part 2 - Wednesday

I was back at aide duty Wednesday afternoon. I had just delivered some things and was heading back to the office when Ashley came out of a classroom, just ahead of me.

“Excuse me Miss Richardson, can I see your hall pass?” I asked sarcastically.

“Ha ha Max,” she replied, pushing me away while waving a summons. “My mother is waiting for me. I have to go to the dentist.”

“Cool. Well, I mean the dentist isn’t exactly fun, but… “

“It beats English,” she interrupted, finishing my thought. “But neither is as fun as last Friday. Noah’s party was fire.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. She has no idea. At least I don’t think she does.

“Did you guys have fun after I went home?” she immediately asked with a grin.

“Yeah,” I laughed, turning a little red. Just thinking about what we did with her boyfriend made me blush. “Of course.”

“Uh huh,” she said facetiously. “Noah refused to tell me anything.”

“Oh,” I said, somewhat surprised. I mean she gave him permission to enjoy himself with us, so I don’t know why he’s embarrassed. “I mean, there isn’t THAT much to tell.”

“Then why are you smirking and turning so red?” she asked, stopping by the water fountain. “Don’t BS me Max.”

“Well… let's just say Noah’s favorite present, other than your cologne, might have come after everyone else went to bed.”

“Hot!” she exclaimed. ‘Hot’? She isn’t wrong, but that wasn’t the response I expected. 

“Really? I know you said it was, um… okay. But hot?”

“What? Straight boys love the idea of two girls hooking up, why can’t a straight girl be just as interested in boys — HOT boys — doing stuff?” 

It dawns on me that watching Cam and I make out must have really turned her on. No wonder she was grinding all over Noah! “Uh… I never really thought about it that way.”

“Well, now you know. It’s not weird. I know other girls who also think gay sex is hot as fuck.”

What a strange trip down the hall this turned out to be. Are girls really into that? Interesting. “I didn’t realize that was a thing,” I admitted.

“I’m not saying, like, every girl feels the same way, but I don’t think it’s rare,” she said, leaning in closer to whisper. “Maybe someday I can get one of you to give me some juicy details. Or even better, I’d love to watch.” That would seem like an odd request for her to make, but she definitely enjoyed watching Cam and I, so…

Still, this is awkward. “I dunno.” It just doesn’t feel like my place to say anything. Noah would shit a brick. “I don’t want to break Noah’s trust, you know?”

“I get it. You’re a good friend, and I respect loyalty,” she said, patting my arm. “Honestly, I should be thanking you. You’re doing me a solid: he gets off without annoying the crap out of me to put out.”

I nodded, and we walked the final distance to the office in silence. I’m not sure what else to say. She’s not mad, but is definitely curious af. Not that I blame her, because I would be too, but it’s never really occurred to me a girl could be turned on by gay stuff. I have zero interest in girl parts or like scissoring or whatever shit they get up to together.

I doubt Noah knows just how aroused she is by the concept. I wonder if she gave permission because she wants to hear all about it. If he only knew it might be his ticket to second or third base, I doubt he’d be so tight-lipped.

It occurs to me, Ashley wanting to know deets because she finds it erotic isn’t completely unlike Craig. Now that I think about it though, he isn’t so overt — and usually I just start talking, although I know he enjoys it. 

Whatever the reason, it feels natural to share with him but kinda uncomfortable to talk about with her. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t have the same equipment, or because I know Noah hasn’t wanted to discuss it with her? 

Craig and I have been through fire together and have an unbreakable bond. I like Ashley a lot, but at the end of the day, she’s been in a middle school relationship with my best friend for like six weeks. That’s like a year in adult time, but still. If she knew too much, would she burn Noah if they broke up? She doesn’t seem the type, but I’ve also seen how she can totally destroy when she’s pissed.

Frankly, I’m a little surprised Noah hasn’t said anything to me about her asking. He didn’t swear me to secrecy or even give me a heads up.

As we walked into the office, I saw a familiar face. “Hi Mrs. Richardson,” I greeted Ashley’s mom.

“Max! It’s so good to see you again,” she greeted, patting my arm. “Aron is waiting in the car. He’s a little anxious about going to the dentist and the radio calms him,” she explained. “He’ll be so disappointed he decided not to come in. He talked all weekend after meeting his new ‘big kid friends’, Max and Cam.”

Ashley may or may not have rolled her eyes, but I smiled. “Well, give him a fist bump from me,” I suggested.

“You know Max, you’ve worked hard and earned a break,” the secretary interrupted. “Why don’t you walk them out and say hello? Aron is in my daughter’s class, so I know how excited he’ll be.” She winked at Ashley’s mom.

“Oh, he’d love that. He always eats up any attention Noah gives him. He doesn’t have many friends, and we try to encourage positive social interactions,” Mrs. Richardson shared. “But no pressure. Seriously, please don’t feel obligated.”

I shook my head. “It’s fine. I’m happy to say hello.”

As we walked to the parking lot, Mrs. Richardson asked about gymnastics and I explained we have our first meet on Saturday.

“Maybe Noah and I can come watch for a little while to cheer you on,” Ashley suggested, turning to her mom. “If it’s not too far away?”

“Probably. We’ll talk to your father and see what else we have going on,” Mrs. Richardson replied. “Max, give me your mother’s phone number and we’ll coordinate.”

“Mom!” Ashley protested.

“What? You know the rules, Ash. This isn’t anything new or different,” Mrs. Richardson replied, before turning to me. “Her father and I expect to have contact information for the parents of any friend she socializes with outside of school. And I need to make sure it’s okay to have extra spectators, as well as all the details.”

I nodded. “Yes ma’am, my mom is the same way. I don’t mind giving you my parents’ info.”

Mrs. Richardson looked at me funny. “‘Parents’? I thought…” 

Ugh. So, she knows about my father. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. 

“Mother, stop!” Ashley exclaimed, stomping her foot on the sidewalk. “God, I swear you and Daddy live to embarrass me.”

“It’s definitely a perk. We get so few joys as parents,” she said, completely deadpan, before breaking into a laugh. “Anyway Max, you were saying?”

“Would you rather I just tell you, or text their stuff?”

She gave me her phone number and I sent her their details. I guess she has my number now, too.

“My mom’s name is Stacy, and my… Craig, who is Noah’s next-door neighbor, is like my mentor slash surrogate dad. If you can’t get a hold of her, Craig and his wife Kim are like my second family. And you already know Lisa and Adam, who are basically my aunt and uncle.”

She grinned. “Man, all those adults. I bet you don’t get away with anything.” Ashley is fuming. Honestly, her mom is being chill, not judgy, so I don’t mind the banter. 

I laughed. “No ma’am, not much. I actually just got ungrounded for doing something stupid a few weeks ago, although it’s not like I try to get into trouble,” I replied. “Do you want Cam’s father’s number too, since we’ll all be hanging out on Halloween?”

“Please. Does he have a mother?”

I hesitated. “Um, yes. Her name is Jeanine but I don’t think I have her number. Things are a little strained between them, so his dad, Bob, is your best bet.”

She gave me a quizzical look, but didn’t press. I sent her another message, after looking up Bob’s number. I don’t have his memorized like Mom or Craig.

“What Max is too nice to say is Cam’s mom is a phony, homophobic witch that no one can stand,” Ashley added. 

I maintained my silence but slowly nodded and pursed my lips. Mrs. Richardson glared at Ashley, disapproving of her daughter’s gossip and characterization of an adult she’s never met. 

“Well… according to Noah, anyway,” Ashley added cautiously. I have a feeling she’s going to get an earful once they’re in private. I’m not sure pinning that on Noah was her best move.

As we reached their Subaru, I knocked on the backseat window. Aron lit up in a huge smile and immediately jumped out of the car to give me a huge hug.

“Hi Max! What are you doing here? Are you going to the dentist with us?”

Mrs. Richardson laughed. “No, sweetie. Max helps out in the office and when I mentioned you were waiting in the car, he wanted to come say hi. Isn’t that nice?”

For having only met once before, Aron is still hanging onto me. I squeezed him back. “The dentist is no fun, but I’m sure you’ll be brave and won’t have any cavities.”

He made a face. “I hope not. Mommy makes me brush twice a day ‘cause the doctor says that keeps cavities away.”

“That’s true. Especially after you eat candy.”

“I’m not allowed much sugar, but I like Skittles. What’s your favorite?”

I thought. “I’m a chocolate guy. Snickers or Twix probably,” I responded. “What are you dressing up as for Halloween?”

“Pikachu! He’s my favorite Pokémon.”

I remember my Pokémon phase, although I think I outgrew it by the end of fifth or sixth grade. “That's cool. My favorite was Squirtle.” Maybe that’s why I like turtles?

“Can we go trick-or-treating together?”

Mrs. Richardson gave me a look and intervened. “Sweetie, we should let Max get back to class. And we don’t want to be late for your appointment.”

Noah mentioned, around the time we were fighting, that he and Ashley planned to take Aron out on Halloween. I don’t see the harm in letting him tag along for a little while.

“Well, Cam is having a big kid party on Halloween, but I bet I could go with you for a little while before,” I agreed. “If you don’t mind being seen with a nerd. That’s my costume this year.”

Ashley and her mother look like their ovaries might explode. I’m definitely earning brownie points.

Aron giggled. “That’s funny. You aren’t a nerd!”

“And you aren’t Pikachu. But pretending can be fun.”

Ashley shook her head and laughed. “Your outfit looks ridiculous.”

“Aron, say goodbye to Max. We need to get going.”

“Bye Max. See you on Halloween!”

I gave him a fist bump. “See you then, little dude. Be good for your parents and sister.”

“I will.”

Ashley waved goodbye and climbed into the front seat, but her mother turned to face me. “Thank you for being so kind to him. I wish more people were that compassionate. I really am glad Ashley has such genuinely nice friends.”

I shrugged. “No problem, but it’s no big deal.”

“It is, more than you know. Your Mom is doing something right, that’s for sure,” she declared.

Part 3 - Thursday

At lunch the next day, Ashley brought up this weekend’s meet. “Aron can’t stop talking about going to watch you and Cam ‘do flips and somersaults’.” I thought it was funny that he thinks of gymnastics as just that.

“Yeah, except when Aron says it, he pronounces it summersaws,” Noah added. 

“That’s funny,” I answered. “I hope you all aren’t bored to death. It’s a lot of waiting around between the minute or two that Cam and I do our routines.”

“I’m sure we’ll manage, right babe?” Ashley replied, giving Noah’s arm a squeeze.

“Uh, yeah. I mean I’ve been to Max’s meets before… once.” I think that was like at least four years ago. I’m a little surprised Noah even remembers.

“What’s this about a meet? I’d love to come and be bored too,” Liam interjected.

“Oh Jesus,” I groaned. It’s nice they want to come, but I could do without the pressure of fucking up in front of my friends. 

“Max has his first meet this weekend and it’s in town. You should totally come,” Ashley encouraged. “It will be fun.” 

“I’d love to,” Liam said, flashing me a grin. I know he’s thinking he’ll enjoy watching the guys in their tight white pants. “Do you think I could snag a ride?”

“Guys, you’re really setting yourself up for disappointment,” I tried to explain. Craig and Kim are already coming. With them, Bob, Mom, Noah, Ashley and Aron, and now maybe Liam, I’m going to have my own damn cheering section, and it’s going to be embarrassing af. “This is the first meet and it’s just with a few other local gyms to kick things off. It’s like preseason and won’t be anything special. Plus, the bleachers are going to be crowded and uncomfortable,” I warned. Everyone looked at me blankly. They don’t care. I sighed. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“Fair, but Aron won’t know the difference. We’re going mostly for him anyway,” Ashley answered. “My mom already got all the info from your mom, so you’ll just have to put up with us rooting you on.”

“So, can I ride along or what?” Liam asked again.

“Maybe,” Ashley answered. “I’ll ask Mom.”

Seb and Jamie looked on quietly. “Damn Seb, we’re missing out on the party,” Jamie said. He was joking, at least I think… or hope?

I gave him a look. “Save it for Halloween. I hope that will be the real party,” I whispered. I swear, if anyone else showed up I think I’d develop performance anxiety. 


After school, I was just finishing a snack and was about to start changing for practice when I got a text from Liam.

Liam: Crap. I can’t ride with Ashley and Noah to your meet

Me: why not?

Liam: no room. Her rents are dropping off her, Noah and her lil bro then doing some shopping

Is it bad I’m kind of relieved? I really didn’t want an entourage.

Me: that sucks

Liam: yeah. I was hoping to see some good eye candy lol

Me: ohhhh, so you weren’t coming to watch me ;)

Liam: hey, your DEFO the best eye candy. And in those tights?

Me: lol nice save

Liam: my parents have to take my brothers to a birthday party or they would drop me

Me: sorry dude… there will be more meets if you REALLY want to die of boredom. And hey, halloween will be great. I’ll give you all the eye candy you want then… promise

Liam signed off with googly eye emoji. Pretty sure he’s flirting. Or maybe that was me?


Come Thursday, it’s Craig’s turn to take me to practice, which makes it one of my favorite nights of the week. Plus, I want to get his thoughts on Spencer’s troubles. I didn’t share all the details with Mom, but Craig is different. I know nothing will shock him and he often has ideas or insight that don’t occur to me.

He wasn’t surprised at all that Spencer got himself a bad reputation by being too forward. “I knew from that weekend in Madison, back in May, that he’s super impulsive. Unfortunately, he’s the type who has to learn things the hard way. Weren’t he and Ian kind of… you know?”

“They were,” I explained. “Apparently Ian isn’t interested anymore. Now that he’s in middle school, he wants a girlfriend.”

“That’s common, I suppose. Some straight boys are willing to experiment and fool around when they’re younger, but then something shifts and they’re just not open to it any longer. That’s how it was with my boyhood friends, anyway.”

“I guess. But some straight boys seem to really get into it more and more — kind of like Noah. Some have hang-ups even though they haven’t ever done anything, and others seem to find them only after doing stuff. It’s weird and hard to make sense of.”

“Yep. Human behavior is like that. I dare say all of that is probably quite typical and normal. It’s just that one person’s normal may be out of bounds for someone else. Some people are more open minded and adventurous, others have a heightened disgust reaction or are insecure. Especially so with sex.”

I nodded. He’s right, and it makes sense, but it’s still confusing. I mean, what’s not to like? 

“I also realized I haven’t been a very good friend to Spencer. Here he was, starting middle school and getting into trouble and I've paid very little attention to him. I had no idea he was struggling so hard with school. Or that his parents are splitting up.”

“Sounds like he’s had a rough few weeks. But then again, someone else has too,” he added, giving my leg a pat. “I love that you’re so empathetic, but you can’t beat yourself up for not noticing.”

“I know, but I still feel crappy about it. I’m going to spend the night at his place on Saturday, after the meet,” I said. Craig’s eyebrows raised, so I knew I should qualify things. “That was actually Cam’s idea, God bless him,” I added with a chuckle. “Plus, I invited him to Cam’s for Halloween, so he’ll have plans and people to go out with. He doesn’t really have any other friends right now.”

Craig looked at me. “First… do we need to have the condom conversation again?”

I rolled my eyes. Craig has given us condoms before, and insisted we use them together in Mexico until our last session, but I’m not sure I’m up for a lecture.

“Hey, you didn’t live through the ‘80s. It was bad, and you aren’t exactly monogamous.”

“I know, but we’re all friends and it’s confined to just a small group we all do stuff with, and none of us have diseases.”

“That you know of. After… Mexico, then Chad, you really should get tested,” he suggested. “It isn’t like you’ve just been with other boys who have only played with each other.”

I’m a little annoyed that he brought him up. “We used condoms… mostly, and so did he, so…”

He sighed. “Still, it’s best practice. And the thing with disease is, they don’t always show symptoms. You can spread it without even knowing. You just need to get into a routine of maintenance testing every few months, or at least at your annual check-up.” 

“I know Craig. I won’t get any diseases. I get that I’m sexually-active with different people and that seems risky, but it’s different when you're our age and everyone is only doing stuff with each other,” I tried to explain. He looks unconvinced. “Honestly, this might be the safest time in life to ditch the latex, at least until you find your person and only do stuff with them.”

“I know I’m never going to convince you with Cam, or probably even Noah, but don’t put yourself at undue risk,” he urged. He looks so serious. “I know I’m an outlier, as an adult, being okay with you having sex at your age. Please don’t make me regret it.”

“I won't.” Craig is more passionate about this than I realized. “I'm sure we’ll start using them with other people, if we aren’t already totally monogamous in a few years.”

Craig thought for a second. “I’m not going to ask you to promise, because that isn’t fair or realistic, but I want assurances.”

I cocked my head. “Of what?”

“That when the time comes you absolutely need to start consistently using protection, you won’t argue. That you’ll trust me when I say it’s time, at least until you’re 18,” he asserted. 

This conversation turned quickly. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised he’s being adamant. It might seem controlling at first glance, but it’s also a very Dad Thing. Plus, it has to soothe some of the guilt he clings to about what we did.

“Once you’re legally an adult, I can only advise. But I hope that we’ll have a strong enough relationship that you’ll still value my judgment.”

Damn. Of course, I will and he knows it. Plus, he is usually right, even when it’s annoying.

“Yes Dad. Can we talk about something else, please?”

His expression changed as his face turned back into a smile.

“Okay. I think it’s awesome you’re including him, even though he’s younger. It’s a sign of maturity and being a good person when you feel guilty about something you needn’t. I’m proud of you for stepping up to be there for him. I’ll be sure to give him some accolades at the meet as well.”

Normally, I might be worried about a parent being too extra, but I know how Craig is. He does it so effortlessly it just feels natural. 

“So, you and Kim are still coming? It might be kind of crowded.”

“‘Crowded’? Why? I thought this was like a practice meet or something.”

“It is! But now Noah, Ashley, and her little brother are coming,” I said, shaking my head. I explained how it came about, running into Aron and Mrs. Richardson at school. “Now even Liam is trying to come. I’ve never had friends come to a meet, except Noah like four or five years ago, but that doesn’t count. Besides, it’s weird, like gymnastics and school worlds merging.”

Craig wrinkled his nose. “What’s wrong with extra support? I’m sure they won’t do anything to embarrass you.”

“I hope not,” I mumbled as we pulled into the gym parking lot.

“Seriously? They aren’t going to show up with homemade signs and hoot and holler. Noah would turn ten shades of red himself. I’ll keep them under control.”

“Yeah, I know you’re right, it just makes me a little anxious. Like, what if I make some huge mistake and everyone sees me land flat on my ass or something?”

“Max, look at me,” Craig instructed as he put the car in park. I can tell by his tone that he isn’t making a request.

I immediately made eye contact. He’s giving me a stern look. My body tensed on reflex. “S-sir?”

“They’re your friends. They want the best for you and are choosing, of their own accord, to spend their free time supporting you. Do you know how fortunate and rare that is?” he asked, shaking his head. “Look, you perform in front of hundreds of people at big meets, right? Just focus on the job at hand, do your best, and everything will be fine. Trust me on this?”

He smiled and ruffled my hair. I love when he does that.


I finally remembered to tell Cam about Ashley prying in regards to Noah, and how into it she is.

“Funny. Girls usually seem so proper and not fixated on sex like dudes are,” he said, looking around to make sure no one could overhear before lowering his volume. “I don’t know about letting her watch, though. It’s not like I’m shy or anything, but boy sex just seems like guy stuff, you know?”

I nodded. Having a girl around would be uncomfortable.

Like Craig, Cam didn’t seem worried about having a cheering section. “There’s no way they’ll embarrass you more than me. I’ll be right there screaming at the top of my lungs, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it,” he teased, elbowing me. “I’m going to be so cringey you’ll want to break up.”

Spencer, who began stretching a couple feet from us about 20 seconds ago, laughed.

“Not possible,” I replied, sneaking a peck on the lips. “I know you’re desperate to finally score higher than me, but distracting me would be cheating.”

“I’d even record your routine and Cam being extra, as a keepsake,” Spencer said sarcastically. I'm not sure if he’s teasing me, Cam, or us both, but he's either back to being spunky — or mouthy. 

“Like you’ll have your phone back by then,” I replied.

Cam looked at me, unsure how sensitive Spencer would be. Thankfully, Spence laughed.

“Yeah, that’s true,” he said, nodding. “So, I’ll just have to join Cam and cheer obnoxiously too.”

“Hell yes. The more the merrier.” Cam is definitely encouraging him. They’re both grinning, tag-teaming me like this. Fuckers.

I gave Cam a playful swat, and might have let my hand linger longer than I should have.

“Hey, save some of that for me,” Spencer joked, continuing our banter. “I’ve been watching spanking porn recently, and it’s so hot. I don’t get why it’s always some old dude spanking a twink. It’s funny, but also hot.”

Jesus. The shit Spencer watches I didn’t even know existed in seventh grade, much less sixth. I’m not judging, but I see how they say porn can be a bad thing for kids. He’s too into it, maybe because he isn’t getting laid?

I never watched porn until earlier this year, and I still don’t have time to indulge very often, nor do I care to. This seems like one more thing I need to talk to him about. 

“It can be. Less so when you’re actually in trouble though,” Cam said. I just nodded.

“I never really got spanked as a kid. They tried a few times, but always stopped. Maybe they noticed my boner and it freaked them out,” he prattled on obliviously. “I can’t wait to try it for real.”

Cam laughed at his bluntness and said something about that being hot, but I’m not so sure. I guess I have experimented a little with Cam, but then, everything with Cam is different.

What we do isn’t just sex, it’s love making. We can safely explore things together. He’s my boy. While I care about Spencer, he’s still just a friend I get off with occasionally.

Cam grinned. “If you’re up for it, you should let Max completely dominate you.” Oh Jesus, now he’s actively encouraging that?

“Fuck yeah! I’d be down,” Spencer squeaked. “Please Max? I want to try some new things and I don’t have anyone else. Plus, you know you’re hot and I know my booty is nice. Some of those boys I mooned at school didn’t turn away, they stared.”

Well, he isn’t wrong about that. He really does have a cute little butt.

“I'll think about it, but you know I’m more naturally submissive myself, right?”

“Maybe, but you’re also older and bigger, so it only makes sense for you to be like the daddy and for me to be the son. I can’t pass for a man yet,” he giggled.

“Well neither can I,” I protested. That… is an interesting way he phrased that, though. All that porn he’s watched, I wonder if he’s ever come across anything, um, illegal? Seems like he’d jump at the chance to be with a man, even if the idea hasn’t occurred to him yet.

While I totally get the appeal, considering the Chads of the world and how horny he is, I worry.

He looked over my shoulder to make sure no one was around. “Well, no, but at least you can make sperm and grow hair. Plus, your muscles are bigger,” he said, wrapping his hand around my bicep. I looked down and saw a small tent in his shorts. He’s aroused.

“Maxwell! Spencer! Cameron! Stop bullshitting and get your asses into gear,” Coach bellowed.

Shit, he sounds pissed. And now I’m distracted about Spencer wanting me to do extreme stuff. But whatever, I need to get to work. This is our last practice before the meet.


I don’t know if it’s nerves and preoccupation about Saturday, or Spencer’s obsession with kinky sex, or what… but I was completely off. For some reason, my mood completely shifted. I was unmotivated, making stupid mistakes, and things were just not clicking. Cam tried to be encouraging, and Coach rode my ass all night, telling me to stop being lazy. Honestly, I just want to go home and be left alone. 

It sure as hell doesn’t bode well for Saturday, which doesn’t make me feel any better. And now, with the added pressure of friends coming? Ugh.

I grumbled goodbyes to Cam and Spence and plodded to Craig’s car.

“Are you okay?” Craig asked hesitantly. “You didn’t seem like yourself at practice.”

I don’t even know why, but I snapped at him. “I already fucking know I sucked!”

Craig took a deep breath. “Whoaaa! Max, I know you’re frustrated with yourself, and I’m sorry practice didn’t go well, but you don’t need to be rude to me. I’m trying to be supportive here — and you need to check your attitude and tone, right now.” 

I didn’t respond. I know he’s right, and it’s not fair to take it out on him, but I want to punch something.

“Can I make an observation?”

I grunted. Whatever.

“I've watched a lot of your gymnastics practices, and I’ve always been impressed by how hard you work and encourage others. I didn’t see that today, and I’m a little concerned because that’s so out of character for you. Is everything okay?”

I began to protest, but he interrupted. “Max, can you honestly say you tried your best? That you had a good attitude?” he asked. “I think you’re upset with yourself because you know you didn’t, and you’re embarrassed and anxious and stuck in your head about it now.”

I glared at him. “Why are you calling me out so hard when you know I’m already upset? It’s kind of dickish.” 

Craig shook his head. “I’m sorry it feels that way, but I’m calling you up, not out. You can do better, because you usually do, and we both know it,” he declared, staring me down. “I believe in you too much to let you wallow in self-pity.” He buckled his seatbelt. “Take responsibility, learn from your mistakes, and move forward.”

I just want to go home, not be lectured. I folded my arms.

He adjusted the rearview mirror. “I’m sorry things didn’t go well tonight, but it isn’t fair to take it out on me, or anyone else. Make sure you write this down for Jan, in your anger journal,” he instructed, patting my knee. His tone is back to normal. “Let’s get dinner. Food might improve your disposition. I think you’re hangry.”

Now that I think about it, I am hungry. The PB&J after school didn’t stick with me. 

But, I’m also exhausted and annoyed. I just want some alone time.

I looked out the window. “Maybe we can just go home? Please? I’m tired.”

Craig looked at me. “No, sorry. You need dinner. So do I, and I think you’ll feel better. This is one of those trust Craig moments.”

“Fine.” I looked out the drop-speckled window. The storm started right before practice and is still going strong. I’ve always liked rain. There’s just something soothing about it.

Craig normally lets me control the radio when I’m in his car, but he turned it to the news station. I might have worried he was being passive-aggressive, but I don’t think that’s it. Besides, now that I’m getting older, I kind of like knowing what’s going on in the world. And, it helps keep things in perspective. 

Like I’m stressing about having too many people cheering me on and having sex after while there are people around the world who so much bad stuff happens to.

It wasn’t long before the car pulled off. When I said I didn’t care where we ate, I was worried he might want to go to a full-service restaurant. Thankfully, Craig chose a pizza place, so we can order a slice or two, scarf it down, and get out of there.

“Two slices and a soda for $9.95? Do you want to get a side salad too? They’re only $3.00.”

“No, I just want to eat, shower, and get some sleep. I really am tired.”

“I’ll have a slice of the pepperoni-jalapeño-pineapple and sausage mushroom, plus a side Caesar.” He looked at me. “Max?”

“Carnivore and cheese please,” I said quietly. I grabbed our cups. Craig doesn’t drink soda often, but sometimes with pizza or burgers he’ll have a Coke Zero if they have it.

I gathered our drinks, straws, napkins, and made sure the table had parmesan and red pepper flakes (they’re too spicy for me, but he likes them), while Craig paid and waited for our food. I glanced at my phone. Liam texted and said his parents looked at the map and realized the birthday is only a couple of miles from the venue, so they can drop him off on their way and get him on the way back. 

Awesome, more of an audience. He seems excited, but that news doesn’t improve my mood. It’s not like I can tell Liam not to come. Though, now that I think about it, he’s who I’d like there most. I’m not sure why, but I don’t think I’d even be embarrassed if I screwed up in front of him. I know he’ll be supportive and understanding. Not that Noah and Ashley won’t be, but I can’t explain it — it’s just a stronger feeling with him.

“My parents want to connect with your mom though,” Liam added in a follow up message. “Can I get their number? Sorry.” Just like Ashley’s Mom, although I don’t see the big deal. Mom has always wanted to talk to parents of other kids I spend time with.

“Thanks for getting the table set. Here,” he said, handing me my plate with two humongous slabs overflowing the edges. “Damn, look at how gooey your cheese is.” 

It’s the same amount as at least five or six normal slices. It really does look and smell good.

I dug in, downing my first slice without saying anything. It tastes amazing. 

“Thanks for dinner. I’m sorry I was pissy earlier. I’m just nervous and don’t know what happened today.”

Craig smiled, wiping his mouth. “I know bud. What can I help with?”

“Well, my friend Liam texted that his parents can drop him at the meet and pick him up after. But they want to talk to you or Mom, I guess just to make sure it’s okay or something.”

“No problem. I can handle that, but you should still share your mom’s number too,” he suggested. “I’ve wanted to meet Liam, anyway. You seem to really like him.”

“Thanks,” I replied, biting into my second slice. Craig is right, the pizza is having an effect. I’m starting to lose my bitchiness.

“Maybe Liam can keep Noah company if Ashley has to deal with her brother — Aaron, is it?”

“Yeah, but I think it’s spelled with one a, for some reason,” I explained. I wonder where the second a came from, anyway? “He seems sweet, but different. Like he has some sort of a disability, but I don’t know what.”

Craig suggesting Noah and Liam hang together reminded me of my hallway convo with Ashley. I wonder if she’d enjoy watching Liam and Noah get naked. I know I do, but I don’t think girls are as turned on by penises and buttholes.

I decided to bring it up. Why not? I wonder if he will think it’s weird a teenage girl is turned on by the thought of gay sex.

“So… did I tell you Ashley gave us permission?”

Craig looked at me confused. “Huh?”

“On his birthday, she told Noah he could do stuff with Cam and I. Texted me too.”

He coughed as he swallowed his soda. “Who brought that up?”

I shrugged. “Her, I think. She’s cool with it,”

“So, I guess Noah had a happy ending to his happy birthday, after all.”

“Twice. Once with Cam, then with me the next morning. And Cam and I did each other in between.”

Craig shook his head. “So, the three of you had six orgasms in like ten hours?”

“Seven if you count Noah splooging on the walk home,” I corrected, laughing. “Some people jerk off four or five times a day, so once before bed and another when you wake up doesn’t seem that crazy.” I’m so glad it’s late and the place is empty. Good thing I chose a table far away from the counter.

“Yeah, but that’s still a lot of anal sex in a short period of time,” Craig stressed. “And the two of you still had energy to sneak attack me?”

“Well yeah, we aren’t old like you,” I teased.

Craig grinned. “As I recall, I handled you easily.”

“Enjoy it while it lasts, old man.” We both started laughing. I wish we started wrestling sooner. It’s really fun.

“So, Ashley sanctioned things? Interesting.”

“Yeah, she saw me alone a couple of days ago during my aide period. She said Noah wouldn’t tell her anything, but was curious how our night ended. Said she’d love to watch sometime and thinks boys doing stuff together is hot. Even enjoys gay porn. Weird, huh?”

He thought for a second. “Not really. Some women are aroused by the idea, although I’m not sure how common it is. So it stands to reason that some girls who like boys would find that sort of thing exciting.”

“I guess. I just never thought girls could be like that. Guys are sex maniacs, but girls?”

“Everything is a continuum, and girls have urges and attractions too. It’s more intermittent and sometimes more tied up with emotion, but it’s not like they don’t have desires.”

I know Ashley really got into making out with Noah — while watching Cam and I. So I get they aren’t all innocent virgins, but I guess the idea of a female classmate being turned on by how I have sex just never occurred to me.

“Anyway, what did you tell her?”

“Nothing really, just that I didn’t want to break Noah’s trust. She said she appreciated the loyalty to him and reiterated how hot she thinks it is. I thought it was odd Noah didn’t warn me. Like she talked to him about it first, right?”

“Probably, but he may not know what to say. I think you’re right not to get into details, though. If they break up,” he said, saying it like it’s more a matter of when, “and she gets angry, she could spread rumors. And if she ever took a picture or video, it would be very bad.”

I nodded. “That occurred to me too. I like Ashley, and I don’t think she’d be like that, but if she was it could be ugly. She can be vicious. I saw it when she defended me against the haters,” I explained. Ashley has been a good friend to me. “It just felt awkward, although I really do like her. I’ve never had a girl as a real friend before.”

He smiled. “You're growing up. Emotionally connecting with the opposite sex is a big part of adolescence, even if it is non-sexual.”

I ate the last bite of my crust. Damn, I was hungry. Craig finished his salad but saved his second slice in a to-go container. 

“Yeah, I don’t mind making friends with girls. It’s the sex part that feels strange, even though I talk about sex with my friends and you a lot.”

Craig blushed slightly. 

“By the way” I continued. “Is Cam right? Do you not like when I talk about sex with you? Does it make you uncomfortable?”

Craig tapped the table for several seconds. “No. It’s embarrassing, but I do appreciate you sharing. That being said, I never want you to feel compelled to. I know I shouldn’t be interested, but I am.”

I bumped my foot into his. “It’s okay. Boys are hot. I get it.”

“Now, whether it’s actually a good idea or appropriate, well…”

“Maybe not to most grown-ups, but I don’t think it’s hurting anything or anyone else’s business, what I talk to you about. It’s not like I wouldn’t still have sex even if you didn’t approve.” That’s true, and it occurs to me that Mom and I still haven’t had that argument. I shudder at the thought.

“I just don’t want you to ever feel awkward about it. I’m happy to listen and give you advice and try to keep you safe, but yeah, I do enjoy details. I hope that doesn’t make you feel weird.” 

He laughed nervously. I patted his hand. “I don’t think men liking boys is weird. I like boys. Girls like boys. Boys like women. Boys can even like men, like I like you, so why can’t the inverse be true too?”

“Society doesn't see it that way. Plus we have the father-son thing going on.”

I scoffed. “Aren’t kids supposed to want to talk to their parents about big topics? And get advice and be guided and supported? Why can’t I share a big part of my life with my dad? Why is sex or relationships any different? It’s no one else’s business what I choose to tell you.”

“I love that you still want to share, that you trust me enough and value my opinion. I just don’t ever want you to feel like you have to, if that makes any sense. If it ever feels wrong, stop.”

Craig is always looking out for me, even when he doesn’t need to. “I know. You’ve never made me feel uncomfortable.”

“That’s good. The same goes with your friends. If they aren’t comfortable, don’t say anything. I get the feeling maybe Cam doesn’t think you should.”

“He doesn’t care, not really. I mean, I don’t think he’d ever want to do anything with you in the same room, but he knows I keep no secrets from you. Everyone, even the adults, knows I tell you everything and they don’t think it’s strange. So why would I?”

“I don’t think he shares your attraction to men.”

“No, probably not. But he isn’t, like, grossed out by it either. He doesn’t judge me — or you, for that matter. Noah either. They love being around you almost as much as me.”

Craig smiled weakly. “We should probably head home. I know you’re tired.”


As we hit the road, Craig made a wrong turn.

“Are you confused, old man? My house is in the other direction.”

“I texted your mom while we were waiting for our pizza, and told her you were in a mood. I joked that I felt like I needed to return you in as good or better shape than I found you in. She suggested I keep you for the night.”

“She did?”

“She was joking, but then I realized with your meet and sleepover with Spencer on Saturday, tonight is the only chance to have you over this week.”

“So, I’m sleeping over?” I asked excitedly. I don’t know why I get so pumped about staying at Craigs, but I do. He nodded. “Really? Will you tuck me in?”

“Of course, if you want. But she does want you to FaceTime after your shower.”

For being so stressed an hour ago, tonight is turning out okay. I didn’t think I’d get Craig Cuddles.

As we walked into the living room, I greeted Kim with a hug. She’s already in her robe and asked how school was. Craig must have told her not to bring up practice.

“Friday morning is when Noah comes over for breakfast before school. Does anything in particular sound good?”

I shook my head. “You don’t have to make anything special for me.”

“Nonsense. We’re going to all sit down and enjoy a nice meal together. So, do you have a hankering for anything?”

“I’m easy. Eggs, waffles, cereal and yogurt, toast, whatever. I’m not picky.”

She hugged me again. “Good night dear. Sleep well.”


I took a quick shower and had just pulled up my underwear when I called Mom.

She answered, in bed. “Hey sweetie. Are you feeling okay?”

“Better. Craig insisted I eat and we talked. I gave him a little attitude at first, but he told me to stop and I did.”

“Well, I’m glad you were able to reset. Make sure to write it down for Jan,” she suggested.

“Yes ma’am,” I answered. I don’t usually ma’am Mom, but after being rude with Craig earlier, I know I should be on my best behavior. I don’t want to put the sleepover in jeopardy.

“By the way, it dawned on me that I forgot to make your annual doctor appointment after your birthday. I guess it slipped my mind with you and Craig going to Mexico. I’m going to call tomorrow to schedule something.”

“Okay. Can we do it after school? I don’t want to miss my aide period.”

Mom smiled. “Craig pointed out that, since you’re growing up, you might be more comfortable with a guy around. Would you rather he takes you?”

“Yes please,” I replied. I don’t want to hurt her feelings, but she asked. “I mean, you can still bring me if you want, but Dr. Jefferson kicks you out pretty quickly these days, so I don’t think it really matters.”

“Craig offered to take care of it. I will try for a Thursday so he can just take you to practice like normal. I can meet you two later for dinner and ice cream.”

Mom and I have always had a tradition where she gets me a special treat after going to the doctor. It helped ease the anxiety of getting shots when I was little. I really haven’t needed a reward for a long time, but we still make an outing of it. When I was younger, it might have been a candy bar or drink at Caribou, but the last few years, we’ve always gotten lunch or dinner after and then ice cream.

“Tomorrow night, we’re going to go on a date, just the two of us, so decide where you want to go for dinner,” she informed me. “I want to celebrate the start of the new season, and you’re going to Spencer’s after the meet. Plus, you need to get to bed early, so we’re going to have a low-key evening. We’ll watch a movie or play board games or something when we get home.”

“That sounds fun,” I agreed. Craig knocked and walked into the room. “Craig is here to tuck me in, so I should go.”

“Okay, sleep well baby. I love you.”

“Love you too.”


“You brush your teeth?”

I rolled my eyes. Craig is such a nag, but I love him for it. “Yes father.”

“Good. Do you still want me to get you settled?”

“Duh. Will you lay down with me until I fall asleep?” If any of my friends knew I still asked my dad to lay with me, I think I’d have to run and hide. Noah and Cam would understand, but I think guys like Paxton and Reese would never let me hear the end of it.

Craig smiled and sat down on the bed. “Sure.”

I grabbed my phone and changed the LED lights to a purple hue.

“Thanks for offering to take me to the doctor,” I said, wrapping my arm around his torso and resting my head on his shoulder. 

“Of course. I figured you were getting to the age that you didn’t want your mother tagging along,” he posited. “Even if she stays in the waiting room, I bet it’s awkward. I stopped taking the girls once they got to be nine or 10. I knew it wasn’t my place.”

I shrugged. “It never bothered me. She would usually stay just long enough to say hi and ask a couple questions about shots or whatever, then got the ban hammer.”

“I see. When we go, I do have a request,” Craig asked hesitantly. 

I can tell by his tone he’s nervous about whatever it is. “What?”

“After everything the last few months, I want you to be honest with the doctor about being sexually active. He might want to test you for STDs,” he said, stroking my hair. “I doubt you have anything to worry about, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Plus, it’s just a good habit to get into once you’re sexually active.”

I sighed. “That seems like overkill, but if you think it’s important, I trust you.”

He must have appreciated my willingness, because he scratched my head. I like when he does that.

“So, do YOU get tested? I mean you do things, like you know… Bob,” I asked. I honestly expected him to have some excuse why he didn’t, but I was mistaken.

“Yes sir, I do. I had my annual physical right after we got back from Mexico and did a complete work-up.”

“Does that mean your doctor knows you…” I began before pausing. How do I bring up that he doesn't just have sex with his wife, without making it sound judgmental?

“Yes, he’s aware that I have more than one sex partner. He’s never asked for details and just suggested regular testing until I told him it wasn’t necessary. It makes me wonder if it’s not as rare as I assumed.”

“Supposedly straight dudes doing stuff with other guys?”

“Yes, that,” he stipulated. “Anyway, Raymond, the PI, can arrange for very discreet testing in his office even if the doctor doesn’t want to. But he suggested we wait until mid-November.”

“Why then?”

“Some STDs can take up to 90 days to show up on tests. And mid-November would be about three months since your encounter with, uh, he-who-shall-not-be-named.”

“Chad?” It’s funny to me he’s being coy now, since he mentioned him earlier.

“Yeah, him. If your doctor knew about him, he’d order the tests for sure. And he’d be required by law to report it. It would be best to avoid mentioning him.”

“And you.”

“Yes. I hate to tell you to lie, but you need to make it clear your sex life only includes other boys your own age.”

I nodded. “Got it.”

“If your doctor wants to test you now, that’s great. If not, we’ll take Raymond up on his offer. I’ll feel much better knowing for sure that you’re clean, after what that asshole did to you — so you can forget about him once and for all.”

“Yeah,” I answered. I don’t love when he comes up. Plus, the thought he could have had a disease hadn’t really crossed my mind. He used a condom, so I assumed it was safe. I guess needing to be tested is freaking me out a little.

Craig must have noticed my anxiety, because he tried to reassure me.

“Don’t worry. It’s highly unlikely the tests will come back positive for anything. Most things would have shown up by now, and since prophylactics were used, I’m not as fearful of the things that don’t show immediately.”

I sighed. “Okay.”

“But, maybe now you understand why I’ve been pushing you about condoms?”

“Yes sir. I get your concern.” I don’t necessarily agree I need to use them with my friends, but I do understand where he’s coming from. 

“Good. I’ll make sure you are resupplied,” he stated. “Anyway, we’ll see what the doctor thinks. And I’ll be there with you if you want, or I can stay in the waiting room.”

“That would be dumb. You know everything already. And don’t worry, I won’t be too honest.”

“I know you won’t,” he replied softly.

We laid there quietly. I moved my hand to unbutton his polo.

He startled. “Max, what are you doing?”

“What? You know I like petting your chest hair. It’s soft and relaxes me.”

I made sure not to put my hand, like, fully under his shirt or touch his nipples or anything. He tensed a little but didn’t object.

We laid there quietly for a few more minutes. I hadn’t fallen asleep yet, but Craig must have assumed I had, because he extricated himself and kissed my forehead. “Sleep well,” he whispered. I thought about responding, but was too comfortable to even mumble.

I’m still worried about Spencer. How could I not realize what a rough go he’s been having? Craig has a point — I have been distracted with my own stuff. Still, that didn’t stop me from being there for my other friends. I know it’s a cop out, but there aren’t really opportunities to interact with the different grades, so I just don’t think about it.

Of course, Seb is a sevvie and I managed to help him, although we also have a class and lunch together; the only time I could conceivably see Spence is maybe before school.

Wait… actually, that’s a good idea. Noah and I did that for Seb a few weeks ago and it seemed to help build him up. Why couldn’t we do the same thing for Spence? I dunno if it will work, but it doesn’t hurt to try, right?

The school really doesn’t like the grades mixing, but if we’re quick about it, I doubt any of the teachers will say anything. It could be a nice boost for him right before our meet, too.

Part 4 - Friday 

“Hey kiddo, it’s time to get up.” I vaguely recognized Craig’s voice, but I’m so tired and pulled up the covers even higher. “You must have forgotten to set your alarm. Breakfast is almost ready and you need to eat before the bus comes. Noah should be here in about five minutes, so put on some deodorant, brush your teeth, and throw on some clothes. You don’t have time to primp your hair.” He must have thought he was clever, because he laughed at that last part.

I groaned and rolled over. “Go away.”

My eyes flashed open. Shit. I didn’t mean to sound pissy.

Before I could say anything, he ripped the comforter away and attacked my bare sides with his hands, tickling me with gusto.

I lost it and started laughing uncontrollably. Damn, my morning wood is stiff. He must have noticed too, because he stopped.

“See, I have ways of dealing with you when you aren’t being cooperative.”

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. “That was a cheap move, even for you. Can I get a good morning hug?”

“After you deal with that,” he said, pointing to my boner. He kissed the top of my head instead.


Kim made breakfast sandwiches, out of both biscuits and croissants. Egg, cheese, meat, butter — what’s not to like? They were great. I scarfed down two with some fresh fruit, but Noah downed three and grabbed another to go. “What? I’m in a growth spurt.”

I told him about my plan to surprise Spencer at school. “I’m down. I bet Ashley and Liam would help too.”

While Ashley met Spencer in ISS, Liam doesn’t really know him. “Liam? I don’t think they’ve ever even met.”

“Maybe not, but I bet he would still go with us. Do you know anyone nicer at school?” Noah asked. “Besides, two office aides and the staff might not freak out on us for being down there. Sixth graders are such short little shits, we’ll really stand out.”

Well, he has a point there. Liam is one of the calmest, kindest people I’ve ever met.

Seb smiled when he saw me. I scooted over so he had room to sit. Noah doesn’t love being crowded on the bus, but I don’t mind sharing. I can tell Seb doesn’t really understand me sleeping over on a school night, but it’s not like Craig and Kim let me stay up all night.

Noah’s bus drops off a good five to ten minutes earlier than mine does, and as soon as we walked in the door, the scent of cinnamon rolls was potent.

“Damn those smell so good. Let’s grab one before they sell out,” he suggested. Noah loves those.

I stared blankly at him. “We just had a huge breakfast. How are you still hungry?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “Just am. Dinner was like 14 hours ago, and besides, dessert is a thing.”

I shook my head. I’ve never heard of a post-breakfast dessert.


Noah made quick work of his bun, somehow. He even had the forethought to save a bite for Ashley. “She likes the center.” He’s learned from the last time, when he almost forgot to share. 

We separated long enough to drop our crap at our lockers before mustering just outside the sixth graders’ wing. Liam met me on the way and I explained Spencer was struggling with stuff (but didn’t explain why) and needed a boost.

Ashley and Noah were already waiting when we turned the corner. I must say, I’m really happy how everyone responded to the text Noah sent while we were on the bus. No one hesitated when he asked for their help. I really do have great friends.

Ashley greeted me with a hug. “It’s nice of you to try and help your teammate. I heard all about the sixth-grade drama, but I didn’t want to gossip about your friend, so I didn’t say anything.”

While I don’t pay much attention to school politics, I'm savvy enough to realize Ashley is pretty dialed in. That being said, as a rule, eighth graders don’t pay attention to sixth graders. How bad must it be if she ‘heard all about’ it?

As we walked past the threshold, I immediately noticed how much smaller everyone is. Noah’s right. It’s kind of fun being tall for a change, comparatively.

“Were we ever this short?” Noah asked. “Well, I mean, you sort of still are.”

I smacked him. “Hey, I’m over five feet. Most of them aren’t.”

It occurred to me that I have no idea where Spencer’s locker is. I cannot believe I never came to show him how to open his locker. I remember how nerve wracking that was when I started middle school.

It took a moment, but Noah finally spotted Spencer sitting alone at a bench. He was scribbling something in a notebook.

“Show time,” Ashley said confidently, before raising her voice. “Spencer! It’s good to see you again. I love your hair.”

Spencer looked startled but smiled when he saw me. Ashley gave him a quick hug. I went in for a fist bump. People are starting to notice. 

Ashley’s right. His hair does look good. I guess I just never see it until he’s sopping wet with sweat. Spence really is getting cuter.

Noah gave him a high-five. “I hear you’re doing Halloween with us. That’s cool, being the only sixth grader at an eighth-grade party.”

“Yeah, Max and Cam invited me this week.” I can tell he doesn’t know what to think, exactly. He’s definitely caught off guard by our presence. 

“Liam is coming to Halloween too,” I said. “Have you met him? He’s chill.” Liam extended his hand. I might be wrong, but I could swear they’re checking each other out.

Spencer looked around, uneasy with the attention we’re attracting. “So, um, what are you guys doing in The Nursery?” I hate that stupid term. Some of the older students refer to the sixth-grade area as ‘The Nursery’ because the kids are “still babies.” It’s dumb and demeaning and I refuse to say it.

“We just wanted to wish you luck before your meet tomorrow,” Noah said.

I nodded. “We’re going to kick ass, aren’t we Spence?”

“And we’ll all be there cheering. No pressure though,” Ashley added.

“Hey Ash, what’s up?” a small, high voice asked. I shifted my gaze and saw him.

Brett. Chad’s son. The kid — his kid — that he wanted me to break in for him. The only other time I was in the same room as him, at the pizza place, I freaked the fuck out. Is it getting hot, or is it just me?

No wonder Ashley knew everything going on. Her cousin is Brett, and he’s a sixth grader. Duh.

“Not much, just checking on my second favorite sixth grader,” Ashley replied, elbowing her cousin “Spencer and Max are on the same gymnastics team and have a meet tomorrow. We’re taking Aron to watch, and wanted to wish him luck.”

Brett looked between us. It’s obvious he knows about Spencer's struggles. I mean, he’s a boy in the same grade, how could he not? He started to say something, but stopped. I can tell he’s surprised his cousin and an entourage are outwardly supporting the sixth-grade pariah. If I had to guess, he probably participated in Spencer’s ostracization. He looks just the type.

It didn’t register with me earlier that Brett was Ashley’s source of sixth-grade intel. He’s definitely talked to Ashley about it, which means they’re closer than I realized. And if they’re close, what does that mean about her and Chad? It makes my stomach queasy that she could be close to him. 

I can feel my anxiety rising. Noah must have sensed it, because he rested his arm on my shoulder. He isn’t usually demonstrative (especially in public), but I can tell by the look on his face he’s concerned about how I might react. I just wanted to do a nice thing for Spence, now all I can think of is that piece of shit. Brett totally has similar features. I can’t look at him without seeing his father staring back at me. 

“But, we should probably get to class. I’m shocked none of the teachers have nagged us to go away,” Noah said, laughing. As if on cue, the warning bell rang. “See you tomorrow, Spence.”

“Yeah, bye Spence. Glad we finally met. Max always speaks highly of you,” Liam said. I'm not sure that’s true. Did Liam lie, to make me look better and help someone else feel good? “Do they say break a leg in gymnastics?”

“That’s theater,” Ashley responded. Spencer giggled.

“Breaking a leg in gymnastics would be very bad,” I added. Brett is staring at me. Actually, it feels more like a glare. He doesn’t know, does he? That’s not possible, is it? There’s no way his father told him about me. At least not the truth… unless he made up some lie to pre-emptively discredit me. I’m probably being paranoid. It’s more likely he knows I’m the infamous gay kid at Olympia. 

“All right, time to get moving. You know you aren’t supposed to be down here,” a familiar, deep voice nagged. It doesn’t sound as friendly as it usually does. 

“Sorry Mr. Tim, we just wanted to wish Spencer good luck. He and Max have a gymnastics meet tomorrow,” Liam explained. “But we were just leaving.”

Tim’s expression softened and he smiled. I think he understands what we were trying to do.

“Bye little cuz,” Ashley said, messing Brett’s hair.

“See ya Ash,” he replied. “And Noah and Liam and… “ he paused when he got to me.

“Max,” Ashley interjected. “I thought you’d met.” So, I was paranoid. He didn’t even know my name. I guess I didn’t actually meet him at Pizza Pit.

As we walked toward class, Ashley and Liam peeled off.

“Are you good?” Noah asked. “I could tell you got nervous when you saw him.”

I sighed. “Yeah, I’m fine, I was just surprised. Thanks for the assist.”


Liam confirmed at lunch he’d be at the meet. He heard from his father, who apparently called Craig to get details. I have to admit, Liam’s excitement is giving me good vibes. Maybe Craig and Cam are right? 

I did feel sort of shitty after, though. It dawned on me that I’ve never asked about going to watch one of his football games. I'm a little embarrassed to admit it never even occurred to me, even though we’ve talked about his stats before. I definitely need to reciprocate, if not with football, maybe once wrestling starts. I didn’t realize he wrestled until he mentioned last week he only has a couple weeks between seasons. 

Come to think of it, I’d much prefer watching wrestling. I mean, those things they wear are kind of revealing. 


Mom took me to our favorite Italian place for our date night. It was a struggle, but I managed to eat light. I don’t need to be bloated for the meet. Dinner was nice. Mom even offered a toast to the new season. It seemed a little cheesy, toasting with water glasses, but we both laughed. Mom made a point to skip the wine after last weekend. She said she was saving her single glass a week for when the lumberjack takes her out tomorrow night.

Once we got home, I texted Spencer to tell him to get to bed early so he would be ready to dominate at the meet. I thought it was a good way to encourage him. I know his last few weeks have sucked. After being stuck in ISS for three days and still dealing with shit from the other guys, I really hope our mission helps. Maybe I’m overestimating how much sixth graders care about a classmate having older, ‘cool’ friends.

Of course, Spence has a one-track mind. How did he reply? Some smartass comment about how he doesn’t expect to get much sleep tomorrow night when I stay over. I suppose I walked into that by using ‘dominate.’

Although — he’s probably not wrong. I’ll be tired, but I’m also getting horny thinking about that tight little ass. I'm getting hard just thinking about it, but decided to skip jacking off tonight. I want to be wound up.

Part 5 - Saturday

For all my worry about embarrassing myself at the meet by flopping, I really shouldn’t have. I was on fire. Cam too. I don’t want to brag, but it was clear the two of us were the best gymnasts there, by a mile. I mean it was a pretty small event, but still. I’ve watched our teammates at practice, but it took a real competition to see how much Cam and I have advanced. The extra time we’ve been putting in has paid off. It’s definitely a silver lining to having been grounded, and we just need to keep it up. Truthfully, I doubt we would have put the extra time in if it weren’t for being bored and isolated during our groundings.

I completely destroyed the vault, rings, and my floor routine. Cam was a total beast on the pommel horse and bars, although we basically placed first and second in each event. Spencer made some crack about the athletic fucks we could all have together, being so strong, flexible, and agile. And you know, he’s not wrong.

For all the chewing of my ass Thursday, our coaches were pleased. Everyone did well, but they held Cam and I up as examples of how hard work and a good attitude pays off.

Once I got going, I didn’t even mind the audience. Aron’s cheering was actually cute. Speaking of cute, Liam looked hot. He wore khakis and a polo, which seemed like way too much, but he explained he had some church function before getting dropped off and didn’t have time to change since his parents had to get to the birthday party. But damn if they weren’t just tight enough to set off his muscles and best parts. I caught him checking out the guys several times, and he smirked when our eyes met. There were a couple boys from other teams that were fine.

As Cam and I made our way out to the bleachers, a man called out to us. “You two were amazing today,” he offered, walking towards us. “My name is Blake. I’m a coach for the U of M men’s team. I came to watch my niece, but couldn’t help but notice how much the two of you absolutely ripped it up out there. Very impressive.” He extended his hand, which Cam immediately reached to shake.

Holy shit! Minnesota has one of the best men’s teams in the country. To have their coach know who you are… whoa! “You guys should come watch a meet some time and maybe I could show you around the facility,” he offered. “We have some outstanding gymnasts on the squad. Toby Jones has a solid chance to make the team going to Tokyo next summer.”

I was too stunned to talk, but Cam did his usual awesome job. “We’d love to. We’ll have to check with our parents to see when, right Max?”

“Uh, right,” I managed to mutter.


Once we finished talking to Blake, we made our way past the bleachers where our parents and friends were waiting.

“Nice work, boys. You both looked amazing out there,” Bob offered, pulling Cam into a hug.

“Bravo! Bravo!” Jeanine added along with one of those pretentious claps you do at the opera or something. God, she’s so uppity, but at least she’s trying to be supportive.

Kim couldn’t wait to give me a hug. It was her first meet and she was impressed. “Why didn’t you invite me to these before?” she asked as patted my back. “That was so impressive.”

Craig greeted me as well. “I can’t believe how much you’ve progressed since last spring. Wow! All that hard work is paying off. I’m proud of both of you.” As we talked, Spencer finally made his way off the mat and joined us. I could see his mother closer to the door, on her phone. “You all looked fantastic. Great job Spencer,” Craig added, offering him a fist bump.

Mom was hanging back, but greeted me with a giant hug. “That was so fun to watch. This really is going to be the best year yet. I can hardly wait for the next meet!”

Ashley, Noah, Liam, and Aron were waiting patiently for us to get through the parent gauntlet. Well, that’s not quite accurate, Aron is not being patient. He’s literally bouncing up and down and Ashley has a death grip on his shoulder, holding him back.

I glanced at her and gave a smile. “Aron!” I said excitedly. 

Ashley let go of his shoulder and he ran to me. “Max! Max!” he exclaimed as he launched into a hug. “That was so cool. I loved it when you did those ring thingies!”

I returned his hug and let him slowly slide to the ground.

“Who’s this?” Spencer asked cheerfully.

“This is Aron,” I answered. “Ashley’s little bro.”

“I saw you too!” Aron announced, pointing at Spencer. “How can you do splits like that?”

“Aron, this is my friend Spencer.”

Spencer gave Aron a fist bump. “Thanks for coming to root for us. I heard you cheering for Max and Cam.”

“I can cheer for you next time,” Aron replied. I honestly can’t believe his excitement. It’s like a kid going to an amusement or water park for the first time.

Spencer smiled. “Thanks! Would you make a cool sign for me next time too?” Who knew he was so good with younger kids?

I hadn’t noticed, but Aron was clutching onto a wrinkled poster board that read “Go Max! Go Cam!” and included crudely drawn, uh, gymnasts? I laughed, since Craig said that wouldn’t happen, but it’s so sweet and endearing I can’t help but smile.

Cam finally broke free from his parents and joined us, greeting Aron with a high five and a hair ruffle. 

“I love the sign. Would you take a picture with us, holding it?”

“Sure! Sis, please take my picture with Max and Cam.”

We posed and Ashley took our picture. She shook her head and whispered, “he’s been carrying on non-stop about you for the past three hours. I think he’s convinced himself you’re a celebrity or something, and Noah might hate you a little now.”

Noah pulled both Cam and I into a headlock. “Jesus guys, I had no idea you were capable of all that.”

Liam nodded. “Seriously. I don’t know how anyone can contort and balance like that. The strength and poise are unreal,” he said. “Aren’t you, y’know, exhausted and barely able to move?”

Cam shrugged. “A little. Daddy gives the best massages after meets, so that helps the next day. But yeah, I’ll sleep well tonight.” 

“We won't!” Spencer announced proudly. I looked at him incredulously. Cam covered his mouth to shield his grin and Craig rolled his eyes. Thankfully, no other parents are nearby.

Time for damage control, especially since I saw Mom and Kim making their way towards us. They’ve been talking to Bob and *cringe* Jeanine. I can only imagine how that went. 

“Yeah, sleepovers can go late, but I bet we crash once we finally eat and relax.”

Liam gave me a bro hug. “Nice work. I think someone likes you,” he said, nodding towards Aron. “I can see why. Dude, that was amazing. You guys never told me you were this good. You said it would be boring, but that was fun to watch.” He gave Cam a fist-bump and leaned into us and whispered. “And not just because those outfits are so tight, if you know what I mean.”

Cam laughed. “Well, I know we are both looking forward to you visiting again.” 

I nodded. “Definitely.”

“‘Definitely’ what?” Spencer said, butting in. “Hi Liam.”

“Hey Spenny. Nice work, dude. I’m impressed.”

“Thanks,” Spencer replied, smiling. I’d never heard anyone call him ‘Spenny’. Where did that come from? I swear Spencer is checking Liam out. He’s definitely scanning his butt and crotch areas (not that I blame him). Like I said, the khakis he has on really do a nice job of outlining his plump, round butt.

Noah interrupted to tell us they had to go since Ashley’s Mom arrived. “Aron insisted on saying goodbye.” I thought it was cute that Aron was holding Noah’s hand. Even Ashley is smiling about that. The kid may be nine, but he’s still… little? It’s hard to describe, but he’s just like, innocent and pure?

Aron gave Cam and I a hug. Spencer too. I was happy he didn’t seem to mind. He actually seems to be enjoying the attention. 

“My parents should be back soon too,” Liam said. I can tell he was a little anxious that his ride isn’t here yet.

“You could just come home with us,” Spencer quickly offered, grinning. “Max is spending the night.”

“Settle down, Spenny,” I teased. Liam does not, in any way, present as gay. Spencer has to be more careful. It’s like he hasn’t learned anything.

“Hey, only Leemy can call me that,” he answered, nudging Liam. Where the eff did these ridiculous nicknames come from? They met yesterday at school and spent maybe two or three minutes in each other’s presence.

Just then, we heard a man’s voice calling for Liam. His dad and little brothers are by the door.

“Luke?” Spencer said, clearly surprised.

“Wait, what? You know my brother?” Liam asked, confused. 

Spencer couldn’t answer because he was already heading towards Liam’s family. We followed.

Luke and Spencer are definitely happy to see one another. “How do you two know each other?” Liam asked.

“Spencer was in Chess Club with me after school,” Luke answered. Luke is nine or ten, so definitely younger. I’m surprised they would be friends. I guess I never realized Spencer and Liam went to the same elementary school.

“You play chess?” I asked. It just doesn’t seem like something Spencer would be into. Seb? Sure. But Spence?

“Hey, I never said I was good at it. It was that or daycare. Mom didn’t trust me home alone after school. She thought I was too ‘impulsive’ and ‘reckless’,” Spencer added bitterly. “Luke tried to teach me, but I never got much better.”

“You weren’t that bad,” Luke said sweetly.

“Yeah, right. I was the first one done with my match almost every day, because I got beat like a drum. And Luke here was like the school grandmaster. He was done so fast because he destroyed everyone.”

“I’m not that good,” Luke said modestly.

Spencer shook his head. “Dude. You owned the whole club.”

“He was always better than me too,” Liam agreed. “I was never great at chess either.”

Luke shrugged. “I guess. But it was more fun playing Uno after.”

“Yeah, that was fun. I could at least win. I loved how we always teamed up on Jeremy Barnes. He would get so frustrated.” They both laughed.

“I know. That was hilarious.”

Liam’s father frowned. I guess he doesn’t approve of the idea they were piling on someone, although he didn’t comment on their Uno alliance. “Well, what a nice surprise for you two to run into each other,” the dad said.

“I wish I knew you were here,” Luke said. “We could have left the party sooner.” 

“Yeah, it was so boring,” Eli, Liam’s youngest brother, stated. I think Liam said he is seven.

“Elijah Kimball,” his father corrected him. “Don't be unkind. That is not choosing the right.”

Eli immediately looked down. “Sorry Daddy.”

While Luke and Spencer recollected, Liam reintroduced us to his father, who had several questions about the meet.

Of course, all the adults eventually made their way over and we had to do introductions all over again. While the grownups talked, Cam, Spence, and I retreated to the bleachers to help clean up. Gyms take turns “hosting” meets where their teams are responsible for breaking down stuff. Liam tried to peel off to help, but his dad asked him to take his bros to the restroom before they left.

“So Spencer, can I trust you with my boyfriend tonight?” Cam asked, bending down to gather empty soda bottles. 

“What do you mean? Are you really going to be mad if we do stuff?” He sounds alarmed. That wasn’t Cam’s intent, but poor Spencer is anxious. He obviously didn’t see Cam’s smirk.

“I’ll only be mad if I don’t get to hear all about it,” he answered. “I expect you to make sure Max has a good time. I don’t need him all desperate while I’m still grounded.”

Spencer looks mischievous. “I'll do anything he says. And if I’m bad, he’s going to correct me. Right Max?”

I laughed nervously. I’m still not sure about that, but I’m not going to lie, I’ve been looking forward to pinning him down and ravaging his backside.

“Hey, I promised your mom we’d finish homework first, so you have to earn this,” I said, thrusting my groin toward him and pointing down.

We all laughed, but before anyone could reply, Ms. Schwab appeared. “Okay boys, are you ready to go? I thought we’d run through a drive-thru on the way home. I know you have to be starving and exhausted.”

“Yeah Mama, we’re both really hungry.” He licked his lips and smirked at me.

“Bye guys. Have fun,” Cam said, giving me a quick hug, and whispering. “Loosen him up for me.”

*** End of Chapter 53 ***

Authors’ Notes:

We fully intended to take this chapter through their sleepover, but somehow, it became much longer than we anticipated and didn’t want to delay things any longer or make it completely unwieldy to read through. We’ll push through with Spencer, and then catch up on Freudian Slip.

So, plenty of amorous activities to come — and some more Spencer character development. We know he’s been a favorite of many long-time readers and hasn’t gotten his due as we weaved in new characters and subplots. (And before anyone completely pervs out, nothing smutty will be happening with Aron, Luke, or Eli.)

As always feedback is much appreciated –

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