Max’s Awakening #56

By J and

Authors’ Note: We have some good news and bad news. Good news: We managed to write, edit, and publish a new, lengthy chapter in under 3 weeks, which might be a new record for us. The bad news? We still didn’t quite get to the Halloween party.

We know, we promised… but as we started writing a few final things before the party, it ballooned and we found some compelling scenes that were too good to pass on. So while we apologize for the ongoing tease about the Halloween party (which will be epic), we hope you understand and enjoy what we wrote. Some of it really is good stuff (we think, anyway).

Unrelated — the last chapter elicited a few responses that Craig has become a total jerk and harsh towards Max. It came off a little differently than intended. Some of this chapter smooths that over a little (although we didn’t really change anything already planned), but J penned a response to those concerns. It’s included at the conclusion of this chapter for anyone who feels like they need / want to read it.

As always, thanks to everyone who continues to read and take the time to send us feedback.


Craig & J

P.S. Donate to Nifty!

Chapter 56

Part I (Friday) —

I expected to toss and turn as I recapped everything from my shitty day. To my surprise, and probably out of sheer emotional exhaustion, I was out from the time my head hit the pillow. I didn’t stir until my spiteful bitch of an alarm clock shrieked.

For one blissful moment, in my grogginess, I completely forgot about my terrible Thursday. Unfortunately, reality quickly set in and the knot in my stomach came rushing back.

I skipped a shower since I took one last night, so I was quick in the bathroom. Once dressed, I glanced at my phone. I had several notifications from Cam.

Cam: I’m sorry babe I overreacted

Cam: I know we shouldn’t have done stuff at the gym and when craig called me on it I freaked out

Cam: he didn’t really threaten to tell daddy, just pointed out he’d be mad if he found out/the roles were reversed and he discovered it, and how we’re playing with fire. It stressed me out

Cam: I’m really sorry I got you in trouble and then piled on. that was shitty

I glanced at the time stamps. The first message was sent at 1:12 and the last at 2:49. He must have been up half the night worrying.

At least I know he isn’t still pissed at me.

Me: it’s okay. Yesterday sucked and we were both dumb. We’re good babe.

I added the kissing emoji, which he promptly returned.

Cam: thanks max

Me: maybe we can make up jerk sometime on FT? I’ll show you my butt lol

Cam: lol hell yeah. Love you. Have a good day

Damn, I’m hard. It’s a shame we can’t make up now, but with my luck Mom would come barging in.


Instead, reluctantly, I trudged downstairs and found Mom in the kitchen.

“Morning,” I said hesitantly.

She motioned me toward her.

“Good morning sweetie. I’m sorry I was so gruff last night,” she offered, wrapping her arms around me. “It’s not an excuse, but I had a really stressful day at work and have to work late tonight and again tomorrow. I was annoyed and overreacted. I’m sorry I projected that onto you. I know you had a rough day, too.”

She kissed my forehead and I squeezed her back.

“It’s okay. I’m sorry I spaced the package. I wouldn’t blow you off on purpose, promise.”

She patted my rear before letting go. “I know. I shouldn’t have assumed you did.”

“I knew you were mad because I can’t remember the last time you didn’t give me a goodnight hug.” Well, it was probably the weekend of the SNO, when I was completely pissed at her. But I don’t think that counts, because that was me withholding affection from her.

She looks pained. “What I’m hearing is, we have a deficit,” she said, pulling me back into her embrace. “Feel better?”

I rested my head on her shoulder as she rubbed my back. I can feel my stress and anxiety starting to dissipate.

“How about: we always give good morning, home from work or school, and good night hugs — even if we’ve argued. Deal?”

I nodded. “Deal.”

She kissed my cheek and broke her hold.

“Good. I’m going to drive you to school since we won’t see each other much over the next couple of days.”

“Because you'll be busy at work? It sucks you have to go in tomorrow.”

“Yeah, but I talked to Craig last night after you went to bed. He and Kim are going to take you the next two nights. And your well-check is this afternoon, so he’s going to pick you up early from school.”

Shit. I completely forgot about my physical. Normally I’d be stoked by the idea of spending not one but two nights at Craig’s, but considering how we left things last night, I’m a little worried it’ll be awkward. 

“Do you want me to make you some ham and cheese toast or run through a drive-thru? We have time.”

“Breakfast burritos please.”


We had a nice 45 minutes or so talking in the car. She asked about the incident with the sub, and I told her I was scared I was in trouble but everyone told me I did the right thing. She agreed (apparently, Noah preemptively texted her the recording), but reminded me I have to keep my temper under control, especially at school — and not get sucked into being disrespectful. Did she and Craig compare notes?

“Mr. Tim joked he wished he could clone you. He hinted that sub has been a problem and said he’s no longer welcome at Olympia.”

Huh. Interesting.

When she dropped me off at school, she handed me her insurance card and told me to keep it in my wallet for safe-keeping. She shared that it’s a little weird for her, not taking me to the doctor for the first time, but she’s trying to make peace with me growing up. 

Honestly, now that I think about it, it’s a little strange for me too. She’s who has always taken me to Dr. Andersen.


Mercifully, school was chill. The hug heard round the world was forgotten about, and it was nice to have a day with zero drama and no homework. I told Noah we might get a chance to “finish our game” from yesterday, which induced a grin. I’m not positive, but I think Ashley overheard, because I swear she smirked.


My pass to leave school early came sooner than expected, right after lunch. I sure hope things aren’t weird with Craig. 

As I walked into the office, Craig was talking to Mr. Tim and the office ladies.

“Hey bud, were your ears burning? Everyone was just singing your praises,” Craig said cheerfully. I leaned in for a quick hug and he ruffled my hair. He seems normal!

“I was going to give you a hard time for starting your weekend early and leaving us in a bind, but then I found out you’re going to the doctor,” Tim said. 

“Yeah, time for my annual ‘turn your head and cough’,” I joked. Craig managed to keep his poker face, but Tim stifled a laugh. Then I saw the secretaries, and blushed. I can’t believe I made that reference in front of them. 


Craig put his arm around my shoulder as we walked toward his car.

“Max, I wanted to apologize for last night. You made a big mistake, but I shouldn’t have mentioned Chad,” he said. “It’s just… the pattern of behavior worries me, and I was frustrated, but I’m never trying to make you cry.”

Damn. I’m four for four on apologies. Tim, Cam, Mom, now Craig.

“I’m sorry too. Cam and I agree we were dumb. We get so horny and stuff happens. I know that isn’t an excuse.”

“I know your sex drive is really intense, but you can’t succumb to urges whenever, wherever. But we can discuss that more later.” We separated to get into our seats. “Right now, I just wanted to say sorry. I felt bad for invoking him.”

I nodded. “I don’t love thinking about him, but I understood the point you were making,” I acquiesced. “So… does this mean I’m not in trouble?”

He laughed. “Nice try, but I wouldn’t be a very good dad if I let you completely off the hook. You still broke a major rule. Even though I didn’t handle my reaction perfectly, that isn’t a get-out-of-jail-free-card.”

I hung my head. “Yes sir.”

“That being said, I thought we could discuss options and come up with something fair. We may have to be creative since more traditional sanctions are off the table. But don’t worry, I wasn’t planning on putting you on the rack.” 

It’s interesting he’s making me help come up with my own punishment.

“Well, I don’t have practice today, and missed PE,” I began, “so maybe I could run laps or do wall sits or planks? That’s what Coach makes us do if we screw off at practice.” I winced a little. I don't love those, but at least they serve a purpose.

Craig nodded. “Yeah, that could work. I know you’re working hard at the gym, so it has benefits, too. I also thought you could write a short essay on why it was inappropriate and how you’ll avoid those temptations in the future.”

I laughed. Craig looks confused. 

“What's so funny?”

“Nothing. That’s fair, I was just thinking how nice it was not to have any homework for a change, and now I do. Thanks Mr. Peters.”

Craig tickled my stomach. “Hey, keep calling me that and maybe I will put you on the rack!”


Part II (still Friday) —

As we pulled into the doctor’s office, Craig reminded me to be careful.

“I know we discussed disclosing that you’re sexually active, but remember you’ll open a whole can of worms if you even allude to sexual contact with men,” he said nervously, removing the key from the ignition.

“I know, Craig. I won’t.” Does he really think I want to bring up Chad? Or that I’d throw him under the bus? “I got this.”

I handed Craig the insurance card and he filled out paperwork. I glanced at the table with old parenting magazines and instead began scrolling through Snapchat. It amazes me how many people post from school.

I’m not entirely sure why, but I took a pic in the waiting room and added a syringe emoji. 

I don’t particularly enjoy going to the doctor, but I’ve been seeing the same pediatrician for as long as I remember. Dr. Andersen has always been chill and is even kinda funny. Noah sees Dr. A too, and I know he doesn’t mind him either. I can’t imagine what it would be like to see some grumpy woman doctor. 

“Max Coleman?” a young woman’s voice called out. I stood. “Dad, will you be joining us?”

Craig looked at me. I answered. “Yes, he will.”

I shucked my shoes before they took measurements. “Looks like you’re just over 5’2” and 105 pounds.” the nurse announced. She took my temp, blood pressure, and pulse, then asked a few questions before leaving the room.

Dr. Andersen appeared about ten minutes later and looked startled when he saw Craig, who introduced himself and explained our connection. Dr. A glanced at the computer. “Yes, it looks like Ms. Coleman faxed an authorization for you to make any decisions.”

He made small talk about school and gymnastics, and teased me that I’m ‘probably not having any trouble finding a date to school dances.’

“If I go to them, my date will be Cam. We’ve been boyfriends since March,” I proudly declared. I’m almost positive my dance-ban is over, although non-Olympia students aren’t allowed so I’m not sure about Cam coming.

Dr. Andersen paused, appearing surprised as he glanced toward Craig, but then smiled. “Oh! So, how do you identify, or are you still figuring that out?”

I didn’t miss a beat. “Gay. Definitely.”

He nodded. “Do you mind if I add that to the social history part of your chart?”

Weird. I never realized doctors kept details like that. “I don’t care. I’ve been completely out for a couple of months.”

He started typing. “How has that gone? Any issues?”

I shrugged. “A couple of hiccups, like at school. Some people are jerks, but everyone who matters has been cool.”

“That’s great,” he said, turning to Craig. “What immunizations should we do today? We’re gearing up for flu season, so I would suggest influenza. It looks like mom chose to wait on HPV, but my notes say she was open to it. What would you like to do?”

I like that Dr. A is talking to me, and not just Craig.

Craig grabbed his phone. “I say go for it, but let me double-check with her, to confirm.” He called and put her on speaker, and asked if she was good with me getting both. She agreed. 

Awesome, I hate shots. But at least I’ll have a couple days to recover from a sore arm before heading back to the gym. 

“I’ll have the nurse prep those, and while we wait, we can complete the rest of the exam. Mr. Peters, if you’ll please excuse us.”

Craig nodded, but I objected. “I don’t care if he stays. We’re all guys.”

It’s not like Craig hasn’t seen it all, and honestly, I’m hoping he’ll help bring up me being sexually active. I promised I would, but how the hell do you start? ‘Oh hey, doc, by the way, I like to take it up the ass. Can you test me for STDs so I can keep doing it with my friends?’ 

“It’s totally up to you. I can always pull the curtain, but usually guardians of teens wait outside.”

Craig stood. “I’ll be in the waiting room if you need anything.”

So much for that. I guess I understand why it’s weird for him to stay. And if I know Craig, he expects me to be “responsible” and handle it on my own. Ugh!

Once he left, the doctor checked my reflexes and ears and stuff.

“So, tell me about Cam. That’s a pretty long time to be in a relationship for someone your age.”

I told him all about how we met at gymnastics, feuded, became friends, and finally realized we’d both been crushing on each other. I included that we briefly broke up, but reconciled. He smiled and asked when I realized I was gay, amongst other things.

“I know it sounds dumb to most grownups, but we love each other.”

“I don’t think that’s dumb at all. It is rare for young relationships to last, but it isn’t unheard of.”

He told me to lay down and checked my abdomen. “Do you have any questions or concerns about puberty?”

I thought. I have been more anxious about things lately. “Just, like, when it’s going to speed up. I feel like I’ve been stuck for months while everyone around me is getting bigger. My friend Noah is a lot taller, his voice has changed, and he already has hairy pits and legs.”

He laughed. “That’s normal, to be frustrated or insecure, but I don’t think you have anything to be anxious about. Speed varies, but you’re definitely further along than you were the last time we saw each other.” He glanced at the computer. “You’ve grown three inches and gained 12 pounds since your last exam 14 months ago. That isn’t insignificant. And Noah has always been bigger. It’s genetics.”

“I guess, but my voice is still so high and I can’t grow any hair besides pubes. I look like a baby compared to my classmates.”

“That’s typical. I think you’re progressing, but if you want me to check your privates, I can. Or, we can defer that part of the exam. It’s your call.”

I shrugged and pulled down my shorts. Maybe it’s a good thing I haven’t shaved in a couple of weeks?

“Yep, absolutely normal. I’d say you’re early Tanner Stage three, so you’re just getting into the height of development. Don’t be surprised if you hit a growth spurt before summer,” he announced. “Fairer skinned people also often have less body hair. Don’t stress about it.”

“I guess. I figured, after I started cu—“ I caught myself, hearing Mom telling me to watch my mouth. “…er, ejaculating, things would take off, but it feels like everything stalled.”

Wow, I didn’t think I’d ever talk about cumming with my graying pediatrician. 

“There is definitely a standard order of things to expect, but it can vary, and timing is very individual. If you’re producing semen, you are obviously developing. Even if you weren’t yet, I wouldn’t be concerned,” he said, trying to reassure me. “I really don’t think you have anything to worry about, Max.”

He asked about nutrition and sleep. I assured him I’m good with both. Mostly.

“I know this might be awkward, but since you told me about a long-term boyfriend you have strong feelings for, I have to ask: are you sexually active?”

I rubbed the back of my neck and sighed. “Well… yeah.” I’m relieved he asked versus me having to bring it up. “Craig told me that I should mention that.”

His eyebrows raised. “To make sure we’re on the same page, what does ‘sexually active’ mean, exactly?”

“I’ve done, um, pretty much everything,” I admitted. “With boys I mean.”

I didn’t expect this to be so uncomfortable. Talking with Dr. A about sex is nothing like talking to friends or Craig. I feel like he’s going to think less of me or like I’m a slut or something. 

“I see. And with just Cam, or have you had multiple partners?” He doesn’t seem surprised or bothered. I guess he talks to teenagers about sex all the time.

Still, I blushed. “I’ve experimented with a couple other friends.” Dammit. Why did I mention Noah earlier? I bet he’ll assume Noah is one of my ‘other friends.’ I hope he doesn’t grill him when he’s in for his next check.

Liam, Noah, Spencer, and Eduardo are still just a couple, right? I know, it’s actually a few, maybe even several, but it’s not like it really matters.

“Like, mutual masturbation or…”

“More than that.” Ugh. This is so awkward. My knee is bouncing.

Dr. A didn’t react sharply, but I can tell by his body language that I surprised him a little. I wonder what he’s thinking.

“I see. You mentioned your mentor, Craig, suggested you discuss this. So he knows?”

“Yes. I tell him everything. He has good perspective.”

He smiled. “It’s good you have someone you trust.”

“Even Mom knows. It caused a big fight when she found out because she thinks I’m too young.”

“I’m sure. That’s not something Moms like to think about.”

“It’s easier to talk to Craig about stuff. He’s a guy and was my age once and doesn’t get too judgy or pissy about me growing up like Mom can, even if he isn’t always approving.”

“Well, I can’t say I think it’s a good idea, but I appreciate you being open and honest. You may not have to worry about pregnancy, but there’s still the risk of disease. Especially with anal sex, and particularly if you’re the receptive partner. Do you use protection?”

I sighed. “Sometimes, but not usually. I mean, it’s not like anyone is doing anything outside of our little bubble.” I hate lying, but at least it’s true for everyone else.

“Until they do, and you can be unknowingly exposed to infection,” he explained. “Condoms are definitely smart to use, particularly if you have multiple partners and are engaging in higher-risk sexual activities, like anal intercourse.”

“You sound like Craig. He lectures me too.”

Dr. Andersen laughed. “I’m not trying to lecture, but I do want you to stay safe and healthy. Sexual activity at such a young age can be tied to worse mental health outcomes, but I also understand it isn’t likely to stop once it has started and the drive at your age is incredibly strong,” he explained. “If you’re choosing to be sexually active, you should mitigate the risks as much as possible and consistently use protection. There are slimmer-fitting options, if that’s a concern.”

I nodded slightly. I guess he thinks my dick is small. Or he could be suggesting Cam is. “The regular ones fit fine,” I declared, looking away.

He smirked. “Noted.”

This is so much more uncomfortable than I thought it would be, and he’s not even being a jerk.

“Do you have any symptoms or concerns about disease? Any bumps or sores? Or painful urination? It doesn’t sound like it, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t ask.”

I shook my head. “No, nothing like that. Although Craig thought you might want to test for STDs, just to be safe. He says it’s a good habit to be in once you’re doing stuff and aren’t married, but said you should decide whether it was necessary,”

“Craig sounds like a smart guy. I’m really glad you have an adult you can talk to about these things, who is giving you good advice,” Dr. Andersen replied. “Since your mother is already aware you’re gay and sexually active, I’m not worried about outing you, so testing is probably a good idea even if we’re almost certain they will come back negative.”

“Okay, that’s fine. I’m not worried about it.”

He looked at me nervously for the first time. “Even if the risk of disease is low, there are other potential risks, like internal injury. Especially if not enough lubricant is used,” he began awkwardly. “I know this is awkward to discuss, but do you ever bottom?”

Is this room getting hot or is it me? 

“Not always, but yes,” I mumbled quietly.

“Do you use plenty of lubrication?” 


“Good. Is there ever any pain afterwards, or blood?”

“No sir,” I answered. That’s a bit of a lie. After Chad, it hurt like a bitch. But I’m not considering that in the discussion since it was the only time. I never have any regrets with other boys, and even with Craig I never felt very sore after. The point is, it doesn’t hurt.

“Make sure you are using a good water-based or silicone lube,” he continued, “especially if you are using contraceptives, like I suggested. Condoms and Vaseline or lotion are a no-go, understand?”

I nodded. 

“We’ll have to draw blood and take a urine sample. We’ll only contact your mother if we find something. So, no news is good news.”

“Okay. How long does it take, to get the results?”

“A few days. I don’t think there’s anything to worry about,” he replied, placing his hand on my shoulder.

As we wrapped up the exam, he asked if I ever drank alcohol or did any recreational drugs. My face must have contorted, because he laughed and said he wasn’t trying to offend me.

“You might be surprised how common marijuana use is amongst youth. Or, maybe you wouldn’t. I’m sure you see it at school,” he said. It made me think of Spence sneaking that edible from his mom, and how much Aidan has changed since he started smoking. “I always advise steering clear of substances until your brain is much further developed.”

It’s interesting how much more forceful he is about drugs than sex, especially since he brought up brain development. I suppose he did say he didn’t think having sex was a good idea, but his tone is so much sterner about drugs.

Finally, the nurse came in and administered my shots. They hurt, but not horribly. Then they took me back to suck my blood and told me to pee in a cup.

I’ve never done either before. I learned I don’t like to see my blood filling up the tube, and thought it was funny I had to wipe my dick head with an alcohol wipe before letting it flow.

Thankfully, we’re finally done and my arm is only a little sore. Of course, I’m slightly embarrassed having talked about butt-fucking with the doctor who has basically watched me grow up. But… I am thankful we got over that hump. It will be easier talking to him again, if I have to. 


After the doctor, we stopped for a fancy drink as a treat. I opted for an orangesicle Italian soda and we joked about the doctor’s cold hands.

Craig asked how it went. 

“So awk and embarrassing, duh,” I replied. “But he didn’t seem, like, totally shocked.”

“For better or worse, you aren’t the only teenager having sex. It’s probably something he sees regularly, although probably more with straight patients who are in high school.” 

“It won’t be as hard, next time. And I guess it will be good to know I’m clean, for sure.”

Craig patted my leg. “I’m proud of you for handling this maturely. Being sexually active, and growing up in general, comes with responsibilities. It sounds like you handled things really well.”

I have that warm feeling I always get when Craig compliments me.


Once home, Craig handed me a bottle of water and said if I completed my essay and exercises, I could spend the rest of the afternoon “playing” with Noah. 

“Before I forget, I have to run a couple of errands before we meet Kim for dinner. She wants to try this new, bougie Korean-Mexican fusion place,” he explained. “You’re always welcome to tag along, but I know waiting at the bank, post office, and car wash is dull. You’ll probably have more fun hanging here.”

The truth is, I’m never bored with Craig. I know it’s weird, but I like going with him to do stuff like that. But, while I wouldn’t mind, I see what he’s getting at.

Still, I can’t resist the urge to zing him. “Maybe I can read some sexy stories?”

He rolled his eyes. “I’ll swing by about five so we can make it to the restaurant by 5:30. Noah can come too, if he wants,” he said. “Now, get to work.”

I prefer cloudy weather, but it’s a beautiful, sunny day. It’s only 52, which might be a little crisp for some, but I still shucked my shirt since I know I’ll be sweaty. I love this time of year.

We run for 10 minutes in PE every Friday, so I ran around the block for 15, admiring the changing colors of the leaves and the crunch under my feet. 

Back at the house, it was 50 burpees, capped off with three minutes each of a plank and wall sit. I suggested five, but Craig said I didn’t need to torture myself.

“Take a quick shower, then you can borrow my laptop to write your essay. It needs to be at least four paragraphs.”

I did a pit sniff test. Not too bad. “Hey, I have like five pit hairs now!” I said excitedly. 

“You’re growing up. Which explains why you stink.” He wafted the air dramatically. 

Well just for that, I’m going to be cheeky. “I’m not going to find any smutty stories saved on your desktop, am I?”

He gave me a playful swat with his magazine. “Go take your shower before I asphyxiate.”

Time to escalate. “Okay.” I did an about face and stripped on my way to the stairs, shucking my shorts and underwear just as I reached the top. They’re strewn everywhere.

He shook his head. “Max, you know better than to leave your socks inside out and underwear bundled in your shorts like that. Pile them correctly and I’ll gather them to add to our load.”

I did as instructed, then ran back up the staircase. I kind of like when Craig bosses me around, so I was starting to get a semi. I shook my butt at him for good measure.


My shower was quick, and the essay only took about half an hour. Craig nodded slightly as he read silently. Then he laughed. 

“Sorry, the line about not wanting to ‘walk in on chicks munching carpet’ took me by surprise.”

I shrugged. “It’s true. There isn’t anything wrong with that, but I still don’t want to see it. I get why some people wouldn’t want to watch me suck dick,” I said. “Even if Cam is hot as fuck.”

“Um, right. It isn’t yucking someone’s yum because you don’t want to witness certain acts, but it’s part of the social contract to do sexual stuff in private. It’s a consent and respect thing.” He took a swig of water. “Am I correct in assuming you’ve learned your lesson and we can move on?”

“Yep,” I said, pausing to correct myself. “I mean, yes sir. It won’t happen again.”

He put his hand on my shoulder. “Then let the weekend begin. Let’s grab the football and go to the backyard.”


Part III (still Friday) — 

I don’t really like football as a sport, but I love throwing the ball around with Craig. I wish we did it more often. We played catch before I ran some routes.

At one point, I returned a pass and juked him hard. I thought that was funnier than he did, and when I tried it again later, I didn’t get past him. He picked me up and spun me around.

“No fair. You have, like, a foot and hundred pounds on me,” I protested. He’s carrying me around like a rag doll.

“You were all mouthy a little while ago. That was all talk, huh?”

I’m squirming, but he has me gripped tightly to his side. He talked all sorts of smack.

After parading around the yard, gloating at his prowess, he gently placed me on the grass, under the big maple, and laid down beside me. We’re both panting.

He looked me in the eyes and smiled as we regained our breath. 

Our connection is hard to describe, but I’ll say this: it is absolutely mutual. 

I nudged him with my elbow. He ruffled my hair. I love when he does that. 

I’m so content. For a second, I wondered if he might kiss me on the lips. Or, maybe that’s what I hoped he’d do. Instead, he put his arm beneath my neck, gave my shoulder a squeeze, and I curled up tightly against him.

He started to speak, but stopped. 

I think he senses the same thing I do: this moment is perfect. 

We laid like that, silently staring at the clouds through the flurry of orange leaves floating around us. The warmth of the sun and cooling breeze has me drowsy.

I was just about to nod off when we heard the school bus rumbling down the block.

“Noah’s home,” Craig announced, starting to sit up. I grabbed his arm.

I pulled him back, toward me. “He can wait.”


Once inside, I texted Noah to brush his teeth and come over.

About five minutes later, he appeared and made small talk about school with Craig. Somehow, they got onto Noah’s costume for Halloween.

“That reminds me, you're helping at the church’s Trunk-or-Treat tomorrow. Consider it a chore for Europe.”

I perked up. “Sounds good. Can I invite Cam?”

“He’s still technically grounded, but I’ll ask. I bet if I frame it as community service, Bob will be amenable.”

Noah looks wounded. 

“And Noah?” I added.

Craig patted his shoulder. “Of course. Kim asked Lisa weeks ago.”

Craig reminded us he’ll be back in an hour-and-a-half, and to “treat yourselves and my home with respect.”

Noah blushed, but I rolled my eyes. Does he think Noah is going to drill me on the kitchen table?


Noah instinctively squeezed his crotch. “‘Treat the house with respect’? What did he mean by that?”

I shrugged. “I think that means doing it right here on the kitchen counter is out.”

“Nah, I don’t want you to get crumbs or coffee grounds on your butt,” he joked. “Or worse, leave a pube by the toaster.” Gross! Kim would never forgive me.

“I think he’s saying it’s okay to have fun, but we should listen just in case someone comes home. Contain it to my room and make sure the house doesn’t reek of sex,” I thought out loud. “I think we can manage, don’t you?”

“Yeah, that’s not hard. But I sure am.” Damn. I love when he’s amped. 

“How was Dr. A?”

“Good. He’s cool. But he did ask if I’m ‘sexually active’,” I answered, adding air quotes. “It was embarrassing.”

“Whoa. What did you tell him?”

“That I’m gay and have a boyfriend and done it all.”

“Oh man, what did he say? Did he freak?”

“Nah. Just told me to be safe and all that. Same stuff Craig keeps harping on.”

“Craig bugs you about that? I guess that makes sense, but didn’t realize he knew we don’t,” Noah said. “So… we’re using a condom, then? I don’t mind… I mean, if you have one.”

“I have some at home, which Craig bought, but don’t keep any here. It’s fine. Dr. A tested me to make sure I didn’t have anything. It’s cool.” I probably should have told him I didn’t get the results yet, but let it go. No way am I missing out on Noah’s cock again.

He put his hand down my undies and squeezed my cheeks. “Damn it’s so smooth and soft.”


Noah hadn’t showered, so even though I did a couple of hours ago, I joined him. Maybe if he knows my butt is clean he’ll try rimming?

The shower was mostly innocent. Sure, there was some nipple rubbing and groping, and I had him lather up my hole so he’d know it was soaped well, but nothing beyond some light touching.

I raced back to my room, Noah lumbering behind me, and I fished out the lube from the nightstand. I flipped the LED lights to a green hue.

“I’m pretty sure you promised to jerk me off yesterday. And kiss.”

Noah scratched his chin. “That’s because you were really stressed after such a hard day. You’re fine now. Can’t we just do the usual stuff, like normal?”

I scoffed. “You mean, me servicing you? Nice try,” I said, patting the spot next to me. It isn’t lost on me that’s right where Craig lays when he tucks me in. “Come on, you ‘don’t mind’ kissing me, and no one else is here.”

Noah knows when he’s defeated. “Fine, but leave out this part if you tell Cam. Okay?”

Why he’s suddenly shy about it in front of Cam, who has watched us kiss before, is beyond me. But… whatever.

“Okay,” I replied, putting my arms around his neck and pulling him onto me. We’re both still naked and slightly wet from our shower. His semi rubbed against my leg, and I’m already completely hard and drippy.

I kissed him, which he reciprocated. He was timid at first, but relaxed after a minute. Hell yeah. 

Noah isn’t the greatest kisser in the world, but damn if it doesn’t feel right. And I kind of dig his heavier frame splayed on top of me. I bet Jamie would be all sorts of squishy. 

Eventually, he moved down to my throat, then my nipples, which are completely stiff. I handed him the lube, and he started half-heartedly jacking me.

This is nice, but I don’t want him to lose interest or get worn out with a hand job.

“Your turn,” I said, rolling out from under him, and climbing atop.

I kissed him again, then mimicked his move down to his much bigger nipples. It’s funny, one of his nips is totally hard like mine but the other is soft and puffy. The contrast is interesting and I liked sucking and nibbling on both.

I continued to work my way down, kissing his belly and licking his navel. I sniffed his pubes before taking his cock into my mouth. He sighed and gently rubbed my head.

If I didn’t know better, I’d swear he’s even thicker than last time. It took a moment for my jaw to adjust.

For as pronounced as his bush is, his balls and inner thighs are still completely smooth. I rolled his scrotum around in my mouth, before burying my face in his butt.

He flinched and stroked my arm. “Oooh, that’s nice.”

Cam tastes…well, Cam doesn’t really have a taste. Kinda sweet and coppery? Ditto for Spence. Noah is just as smooth, but I dunno, there’s a little more musk or something. It isn’t objectionable, just a little different. I lapped greedily as his hole twitched. He’s moaning.

“Suck me bro,” he urged. “Please?”

Who am I to say no? I shifted back and noticed a pearl of pre oozing out of him. Yum!

I licked it off, skillfully dragging the tip of my tongue under his head, before scooting back toward his face.

“Your turn.”

“Aww, you were doing so good,” he whined. “I guess we’re done kissing, since you licked my butt and stuff?”

Ack. I didn’t think about him having that reaction.

“We just showered. Both of our butts are clean. Here, let me show you.” I flipped around and put my butt by his face, my dick resting on his chest, and my mouth hovering above his cock. I grabbed my cheeks and spread them. “See, clean. No smell or anything.”

He rubbed my hole tentatively. “You want this dick, don’t you?”

I wiggled my ass a little, and kissed the top of his cock. 

“Fuck yeah I do, but you gotta loosen me up first,” I said. “You should eat out my… pussy,” I managed to get out, wincing. But if it helps him, my pride can take the hit. “You know, to practice for Ashley.”

He didn’t say anything for a good 10 seconds. I nibbled on his shaft playfully as he squeezed my cheeks.

“You want me to lick your butthole?”

“You liked when I did it to you. You know it’s clean. Is it any different than eating out a girl? Vaginas are way grosser.”

He snorted. “Shit doesn’t come out of pussy.”

“Yeah, just piss and blood and babies. And whatever makes them wet.” I cringed just thinking about it.

He laughed. “Yeah, okay, fair. But it’s different.”

“Not really. It’s just like kissing. I’m not asking you to suck my dick or anything,” I pointed out. “If it’s gross you can always stop, just like you did when you tried sucking Cam that one time when I was in Mexico. But you’re close enough to tell it doesn’t stink or anything.”

“I don’t know…”

“Just pretend it’s her and you’ll be fine,” I urged. “Please?”

“Ashley did tell me to make you feel good, but I don’t think I can.”

“Come on, man up and try it. You’ve liked everything else. We’ll 69 and I’ll suck you good.”

Noah pushed me off. “I can’t. Stop trying to pressure me!” 

I wasn’t doing that, was I?

“Noah, dude, chill,” I responded. He’s standing now, his erection starting to deflate. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to piss you off. I just really like to get eaten out and your dick is thick and it helps prep me. But you don’t have to, if you don’t want to.”

He sat on the bed. “It’s just too much. I’m trying to be more considerate and stuff, like with the kissing and nipples and jerking, but the idea of eating ass makes me wanna puke. It isn’t personal.”

I sighed. So much for that fantasy.

“It’s okay. Sorry I pushed it. I thought it would be good practice, but I wouldn’t eat out a girl, so I get it,” I admitted. “Do you want to stop? We can go shoot baskets or something.”

Noah looked at me. “I want to get off. How about I finger you?”

I guess I should be grateful a finger isn’t too gross.

I grinned. “Yeah, me too. Here, lay back down and I’ll get how I was and you can use your hands.”

We got back into position and I handed him the lube. I started lapping at his balls to help get him hard again.

“I want to try something new. Use your thumb and push it in, then down, and rub.”

He did as instructed and I felt a jolt of pleasure radiate through my entire body. “Erghg, keep going,” I moaned. I started sucking with gusto. 

We went along like that for a minute or two. I can feel my dick sliding on his chest as my precum pools. “Your thumb feels great, but I want more than that.”

I stood, turned around, slathered some lube on him, and sat down.

I should have been more deliberate, more gradual, but my excitement got the better of me and I went too fast. 

It hurts. Bad. I groaned. 

Noah, however, moaned. “Are you okay? You look like you’re about to cry. I can pull out.”

I shook my head. “No, I just went too damn fast. Give me a minute and I’ll be fine.”

Dr. A popped into my head, his deep voice encouraging me to use condoms and not skimp on the lube. 

Maybe not using enough is part of why it’s hurting?

I closed my eyes and started rubbing his belly. His chest is sticky from my pre, which made me laugh for some reason.

“That's not a sound a guy wants to hear as he’s fucking,” Noah protested. “Why are you giggling?”

“Sorry, it’s funny. If you had told me a year ago I’d be sitting on your dick, rubbing my precum all over your tummy, I’d have said you were nuts.”

He laughed too. “Yeah, who’d have thought?”

“I hoped,” I said.

“Dude, if I had known your ass felt this good, I’d have started taking it at 11 or 12, I bet you were even fucking tighter then. Goddamn, son.”

He is wound up!

As hot as that would have been, I still thought butt stuff was weird then, or didn’t even know what it was. It wasn’t until Cam walked me through things that I realized how good it feels. 

But, yeah, I bet I’d have loved it then too. And it’s kind of hot hearing him fantasize. 

I decided to feed into it, clenching my hole and starting to rock back and forth. “You want this boy ass, don’t you?”

Noah’s eyes rolled to the back of his head. “Fuck yes. Bounce like a little bitch.”

Well, that’s new. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about it, but I don’t hate it. I complied eagerly. Noah started meeting my movements with his own thrusts, and my cheeks clapped loudly against his thighs every time we made contact.

I caressed his torso. I like that he’s still a little soft. His arms are definitely getting bigger, but his torso is kinda, um, undefined? It’s interesting, compared to muscular but thin Cam and scrawny and bony Spence. 

I bet Liam is similar. 

“You’re so fucking tight, Max. I’m gonna wreck you for Cam,” he declared, grabbing my hips and squeezing. “You fucking love this dick, don’t you?”

Man, he’s really getting into it. He wants what he wants and the dirty talk is hot.

“Y-yes,” I moaned, starting to jerk myself as we crashed into each other. It never ceases to amaze me how I can go from searing pain to intense pleasure so quickly.

He slapped my hand away. “Don’t cum yet, because I’m not done with your pussy.”

I growled.

He rolled and there was a loud plop as he exited me. I feel so empty.

“Get on all fours,” he commanded, even snapping his finger and pointing. He knelt behind me, and thrust forward. “Yeah, that’s good man. So. Fucking. Tight.”

He pushed my back down and gave me the most feral fuck I’ve ever had. He’s being wild and forceful and I *love* it. I’m practically whimpering for him to do it harder.

“Yeah, you’d fucking like that, wouldn’t you? This is the best dick you’ve ever had, huh?”

Well, no. That was Craig, hands down, but now is not the moment to get into technicalities.

“It feels amazing,” I cried, turning my head to face him. I’m moaning uncontrollably. “K-kiiiiiiss meeee.”

He shot forward and, to my great surprise, leaned down to feed me his tongue. I gladly accepted.

He slowed his thrusts as our tongues danced. He wrapped his arm around my torso and pulled me toward him so he could get even deeper.

He’s fucking me just like he fantasized he would a girl, as we learned from our walk home from Ashley’s the night of his birthday dinner. And you know what? That’s okay. I’ll be his girl, if only for a moment, so long as we get to do this together.

He pulled his mouth off mine. “I’m gonna cum!”

With one final thrust, I felt his cock stall and twitch, as a warm, wet feeling began to spread in my guts. He grunted loudly and collapsed on top of my sweaty back, and held me in place.

As much as I enjoy body contact, my cock is rigid. I need to cum. “Keep going and let’s see if you can coat me again.”

Noah’s out-of-breath, but started pumping again. It isn’t nearly as spirited as before, but put enough pressure on my prostate to make me cum. My body jolted and I yowled.

One rope, two ropes, then a third. I dribbled I don’t even know how much, but my orgasm must have lasted a good 15 or 20 seconds.

I lurched down, and my perspiring face met the coolness of the pillow. Noah finally let me go, and flopped beside me. I turned to face him, my knee grazing jizz.

We’re both panting. That was intense.

“Thanks man, I needed that bad.”

“Me too,” I replied, breathing heavily. “But shit, now I have to wash the bedspread.”

At least he won’t make me lick it up like Chad did.

He laughed. “Yeah, I felt some on my forearm when you shot.” He quickly grabbed a tissue and wiped his arm. “Blech!” he exclaimed. I’m not sure if he’s really grossed out or if he’s being dramatic. 

We laid like that, catching our breath, for a few minutes. It's nice, but I know better than to initiate cuddling.

“So, Ashley is looking out for me?” I asked.

“She overheard you earlier and figured it out. Keeps bugging me for details, which I’m not fucking giving, but said I better make sure you have a good time, too,” he explained. “You did, right?”

“Oh yeah,” I agreed. “Although, if you call my butt a ‘pussy’ again, you’ll be denied entry. I told Cam the same thing.”

He looks alarmed. “I’m sorry, it was the heat of the moment,” he said. “I could have sworn you said that earlier, though. Did I mishear?”

I patted his shoulder. “I’m mostly teasing. And I did say that. I thought if I used that term, you’d be more willing to eat me out,” I explained. “Damn, I guess that was kinda manipulative. My bad.”

“It’s okay. I overreacted. I know you’re right, that it would be good practice and not nasty, but it still feels too gay and gross. I don’t think I can,” he said. “I know that sounds insane, considering everything else.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’d love for you to, but it’s no biggie. We can do all the other stuff.”

He yawned. I’d love to chill and have pillow talk, but we might fall asleep and then Craig would come looking and I’ve had quite enough embarrassment for one day.

I looked at the clock. 4:32. We went at it for almost an hour.

“Let’s get cleaned up. Are you coming to dinner?”

“Duh. I’ll race you!”

Comically, Noah ran toward the bathroom, bare assed, then suddenly jumped to slap the top of the door frame.


Noah hopped in the shower while I sat on the toilet. I don’t think he even noticed until I pushed and a rude sound was made. He poked his head out of the curtain.

“I know we’re close, but are you really taking a shit in front of me? And yes, I know how that sounds.”

“No, but if I don’t purge your load, it’ll start leaking out at dinner and make a sticky mess. Plus it can itch. I’ve learned the hard way.”

“That is fucking disgusting. I did not need that visual.”

“Hey, it’s your handiwork.”


Part IV (will Friday ever end?) —

Dressed and hydrated, we chilled on the couch until Craig honked. 

We ran to greet him. I remembered to sit in the back seat with Noah this time.

“Aww, your hair looks so cute, wet and freshly combed,” Craig teased.

“We didn’t want to stink for Kim. You know how sweaty you get in PE,” Noah replied cheekily. He can’t even say that with a straight face.

“Yeah Craig, I told you we have to run every Friday.”

Craig smirked. “Uh huh.”


Kim was excited to see us. She knew about me, but didn’t expect Noah.

The restaurant was actually really good. Korean-Mexican is not a combination I’d ever expect, but it worked. We munched on tortilla chips with a kimchi sweet chili salsa, which was better than it sounds.

Kim noticed a fancy drink caught my eye and insisted that Noah and I order mocktails. I have no idea what they were, besides sweet and fruity, but would highly recommend. I never get those sorts of things when I’m out with Mom.

Noah and I wanted to try different things, so I had the kalbi beef quesadilla and he got the Korean BBQ chicken tacos, and we split them. Everything was great.

One thing was strange. When Noah asked if he could sleep over (normally we’d stay at his place, but apparently Jackson has some hockey buddies over and they’re douches), Kim made a funny face and mumbled something to Craig about not being sure it’s a good idea. He told her it was fine and Noah needed a break from the jocks. 

He also said they’d make a big breakfast since they didn’t get a chance this morning, like they normally do on Fridays. (Craig explained he went into work early since he knew he had to pick me up from school).

If I’m being completely honest, as much fun as getting fucked again sounds — I’d prefer a quiet movie night, snuggling with Craig. I know he won’t tuck me in with Noah around.


Unfortunately, right as we were finishing eating, I started to feel weird. Kind of shaky. Shivery? And achy. My whole body, but my left arm especially hurts.

By the time we made it home, my head was pounding. So. Dizzy.

“You don’t think he has food poisoning, do you?” Kim asked, concerned. “I’d feel awful if the place I wanted to try made him sick.”

“No. Noah ate the same things, and he’s fine. Plus, I don’t think food poisoning would manifest so quickly. I think his vaccines are catching up with him, especially since his arm is so sore.”

Whatever it is, this sucks.

“Noah, please run to the hall closet and get the heating pad,” Kim asked. “I’ll grab the thermometer and some ibuprofen.”

“Don’t worry Max, I won’t take your temperature the old-fashioned way,” Craig joked.

“You’re so cringey,” I mustered.

“See, you aren’t feeling that bad if you can give me crap. Now, open up.”

Noah joined me on the couch, sliding under my feet, and started playing on his phone. 

“101.2. No wonder you’re feeling cruddy,” Kim said, handing me two pills and a glass of ice water. “Drink.”

“I’m going to call Stacy. He’s fine to stay here — we’ve taken care of sick kids before — but if I were her, I’d want to know.”

I heard the FaceTime ringtone and Mom’s voice. Craig filled her in and handed me his phone.

“Hey baby,” she said. “I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. I’ll get out of here right now and come get you. They’ll have to manage without me tomorrow.” I already forgot she’s working late.

“Mommy, I’m fine. It’s just a headache and low-grade fever. No big deal,” I protested. “Stay and get your stuff done. Kim and Craig are taking good care of me. Noah too.”

Kim and Craig agreed. She sighed, but acquiesced. “Fine, but if you get any worse, I’ll be right there. I love you.”

“Bye Mom. Love you.”

Kim patted my shoulder. “Can I get you anything else, sweetie?”

I shook my head. “Where’s Craig?” 

“Right here,” he replied, carrying a pot. “Just in case you get nauseous. I’d rather not clean up vomit from the carpet.”

Noah, who is sitting on the other end of the couch, piped up. “Cam says to feel better and that you’d better not flake out on work tomorrow. I guess his dad is letting him tag along?”

“Whoops, I forgot to mention,” Craig interjected. “Bob was okay with Cam helping, since it’s a ‘service-learning opportunity’.”

“Whatever that means,” Noah said flippantly. “That guy is too much. He can’t just let Cam hang out with his friends, he has to be a control freak and turn it into some lesson.”

Kim flicked his ear, which I found funnier than he did.

“Ow! What was that for?”

“Don’t be disrespectful. There’s nothing wrong with having high-standards for your child, or doing community service.”

I could feel Noah sink further into the couch. “I didn’t mean anything, just that Cam’s dad is way intense.”

“He isn’t wrong,” Craig agreed, gently lifting my head as he sat down. He began stroking my hair. Yes, this is what I need, Craig Cuddles. “Of course, neither is she, Noah. Bob is a good man who loves his son, is my friend, and treats Max very well. Please do not disparage him.”

“Sorry,” Noah said sheepishly.

My mouth is watering, and not in a good way. I’m going to be sick.

And I was. Several times. Good thing Craig grabbed that pot.

“That’s so gross,” Noah said, half-retching himself. “I’ll, um, get a wet washcloth.”

Craig rubbed my back. “Aww, bud. I’m sorry. You’re okay, I’m right here.”

“No offense Kim, but I don’t think I want Korexican again,” I managed. “But actually, I feel a little better.”

“Craig, hand me the pot and I’ll wash it.”

Ugh. “Sorry Kim.” She shouldn’t have to do that.

“You have nothing to be sorry for, sweetie. Can’t help if you’re sick,” she replied. “I’m a mom. It’s what I do, even if it has been a few years.”

I feel a cool wet on my forehead. 

“We aren’t having a sleepover tonight, are we?”

“No, I don’t think so,” Craig agreed. “I guess you can crash on the couch, or in Emma’s room, but I better get Max to bed.”

“Thanks, but I might as well go home and brave Jackson’s dumbass friends. Night Max, hope you feel better bro.”

Craig walked him to the door. “Breakfast…” Why is the room still spinning? “I’ll text if something changes.”


When I stood, I felt woozy, but managed to climb the stairs. I feel better than I did, at least. Craig walked right behind me. I feel better than I did, at least. 

I quickly brushed my teeth, stumbled to the bed, and shucked my shirt, falling backward. Craig pulled off my shoes, then my socks

“Man, this sucks. I was all excited for a movie night and have a snug sesh, and instead I have to get fucking vertigo.”

Craig put the pot on the nightstand. “I’ll stay with you. We can still hang, but I think you should try to go to sleep. I bet you’ll feel better in the morning.”

“Thanks,” I said, yawning. “Can I sleep on your chest? I promise I won’t throw up on you.”

He laughed. “I know you won’t. I have cat-like reflexes.”

Normally, I’d ask if he’d take off his shirt too, so I can pet his chest hair. It relaxes me, but I’m so tired.

Damn, my eyelids are hea—


Part V (Saturday) —

I can see light coming in from the window. I opened my eyes. Craig is fully dressed, standing beside the bed. It’s 7:58.

“Hey bud, sorry I woke you. Go back to sleep, I just need to grab my phone,” he said, nodding to the nightstand.

I rubbed my eyes. “You stayed? All night?”

“You were sick. I was worried I wouldn’t hear you from downstairs. I know you could always text, but looking at a screen is no fun when you’re dizzy,” he said. “You’re stubborn and won’t ask for help, so I’d have to check on you, and it would have been a whole thing. I intended to move next door after you were asleep, but I guess I dozed off. How are you feeling?”

I grinned. I love that Craig slept beside me all night; too bad I was too out of it to notice!

“Thanks! I feel normal today. That was really weird.”

“It happens. I think two shots at the same time hit your immune system,” Craig explained. “Congratulations Max, you’re the lucky one percent to have a moderate reaction.”

“Gee, what an honor,” I replied. “I need to thank Kim again for helping to, um, clean up.”

“You’re fine. It’s nothing we haven’t dealt with before. That was actually pretty mild. This one time, when Rachel was five…”

Gah, he’s smirking. Troll Craig is feisty for eight in the morning.

“I need to pee. But I can sleep a little later?”

He nodded. “I told Noah, but I guess you were kind of out of it. Breakfast is at 10 and we’ll leave about noon for Trunk-or-Treat.” 

More sleep sounds nice. Maybe he’ll come lay back down if I ask? 


“Hey Max, suck me off real quick,” Noah whispered.

My eyes shot open.

“God, that was too easy. You can’t be so gullible,” he said. “The look on your face was priceless, I wish I had my phone out.”

I pushed the sheet off of me. “Hilarious. And here I’ve got morning wood.”

“Point it away from me. Doing something with Kim downstairs would be a terrible idea.”

“Agreed. Hand me my shirt, would you?”


Breakfast was good, but nothing elaborate. Kim scrambled eggs and made toast, but said she didn’t want to risk me ‘overdoing’ things. “We’ll go out to a nice dinner after volunteering, if you’re up to it.”

Honestly, I feel back to normal. I think Craig was right, it was just a side effect that has passed.

“I almost forgot, I bought these for you after meeting Aron,” she said, handing us Pokémon onesies. “He told me at the meet he was going as Pikachu, and when Ashley’s mom picked them up, I recognized her from the HOA. Her church is helping to sponsor today too, so Aron will be there. I thought you all would look really cute together, dressed as the same character.”

I hadn’t planned on dressing up. I thought we would help set-up and hand out candy. I could have packed my nerd costume, but honestly, that seems kind of out of place at a church function. 

And she’s right, Aron will flip if we have matching costumes. I’m really looking forward to seeing his reaction.

“Cam’s going to feel left out,” Craig commented. 

“We can swing by Target on the way,” Kim interjected. “But we need to get going.” She snapped her fingers. “Hop to it boys, get these dishes taken care of so we can leave.”


Noah and I made quick work of cleaning up, and I took a five-minute shower. Even though I took two yesterday afternoon, after being sick, I felt grimy. Plus, Noah whispered I had BO. I think I forgot deodorant after the second, and it caught up with me.

The Halloween section was picked over (seriously, why does Target always have so many empty shelves?), but we managed to find a couple of Pikachus.

“Noah, you have the one-size-fits-most version, but I think Cam would fit better in the boy’s extra-large like I bought for Max,” she said. Great, she thinks I’m small too. It’s demeaning, still being able to shop in the boys’ section. “Ah, we’re in luck. I was worried they’d be sold out.”


Noah and I were busy setting up, adding some decorations to Kim’s hatch, when Cam arrived.

“Hey babe,” he said, patting my rear lightly. “God, your ass looks good in those joggers.”

“Thanks babe,” Noah mocked, in a ridiculously high voice. “I’ve been working out.”

I flicked his ear, just like Kim did last night. “I don’t fucking sound like that!”

“Hey, I’d take your butt if you’d let me,” Cam replied, greeting Noah with a fist bump.

“Never gonna happen. It’s an exit only.”

“He doesn’t know what he’s missing,” Cam said, turning to give me a hug. “Hi. I’m glad you’re feeling better.”

“Guys, how about we curtail the profanity and sodomy talk until after the church-sponsored event for young children?” Craig said. Shit, I didn’t even know he was around.

Cam winced. “Sorry sir, I started that.”

“Normally it’s no big deal, but let’s keep it PG this afternoon. There will be little ears everywhere. And, Kim would be mortified.”

We all nodded.

“Thanks for inviting me to help,” Cam said. “It’s nice to get out of the house and see friends.”

“And serve others. That’s why you’re here, not to socialize,” Bob said, sneaking up on us. He handed Craig a huge bag of candy. “Not that you can’t do both, but spending time with Max and Noah is secondary.” He turned to face us. “Hello boys. Noah, are you looking forward to ice fishing this winter?” 

Noah looks like a deer caught in headlines, but waved. “Hi Mr. Rice. Um, yes, but I’ve outgrown all my winter gear.”

“I bet. You’ve shot up practically half a foot since we met last spring.”

Beats my three inches or whatever Dr. A said. Sigh.

Noah beamed. “Thanks!”

I’m not sure why he’s thanking him for observing he’s gotten taller, but he did.

“And please, you’re one of Cameron’s best friends. Call me Bob. Max does,” he said, putting his hand on my shoulder. “I’m so relieved you’re better. Adverse vaccine reactions can be nasty.”

“Thanks,” I replied, leaning in for a quick hug.

“It’s about time to change into your costumes, then we’ll see if anyone else needs help,” Kim suggested, handing us the onesies. 

“I think I’m going to run inside,” Noah replied. “I need to pi—ee anyway.”

“Good thinking,” Cam added.

Craig pulled Cam and I aside. “Gentlemen: remember expectations.”

Cam nodded, but I’m slightly annoyed. “We know, Craig. We aren’t going to do anything at a church, you don’t have to nag.” I guess I could have added that I had a massive cum yesterday, and am not even horny, but decided it was better left unsaid. 


“These are going to be hot as fuck, but at least they fit over our clothes,” Noah griped.

“Yours is bigger, I’m not sure mine will fit,” Cam said, pulling his shirt over his head. “But, it’s so soft. I love how fleece feels on bare skin.”

Gah, his abs are hot. Maybe Craig was smart to say something, because I’d like nothing more right now than to feel him up. And drag my tongue across his torso — and parts further south.

Focus, Max. How was I not horny three minutes ago?

Mine is fine. It’s snug, but not tight.

But damn, it set off Cam’s rear. I want to grab his little lightning tail and bend him over the counter.

“Hoods up, boys,” Noah said dramatically. “Let’s do this.”


Once we returned, Kim beckoned us to help set up the snack table. It wasn’t anything fancy, but someone brought hot apple cider (you wouldn’t think it would be necessary, since it’s sunny and in the 50s, but the wind is pretty bad) and there was a good spread of donuts. Definitely not YoYo’s, though. We each grabbed one before heading back to Kim’s vehicle. 

…where we found Craig, in his own costume, as Ash Ketchum. He looks ridiculous and it’s hilarious. We all lost it.

Craig shook his head, as if in disbelief he let himself be debased so publicly. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m trying to be a good sport.”

Kim put her hand on his shoulder. “If we have multiple Pikachus, there has to be an Ash. Craig corrals the three of you all the time, so it was only natural he’d be the PokéMaster.”

“I still can’t believe I let you talk me into this. I feel ridiculous,” Craig whined. “And I don’t even have a cold beer to make it tolerable!”

Bob is grinning from ear to ear.

“You look great, Craigory. Don’t let the boys give you a complex. And I’ll buy you two beers at dinner — if you behave.”

Noah gave him a high-five, then Cam. We’re all dying. Kim promising beer for behaving is effing gold.

I leaned in for a quick hug. “She’s right, Craig. It’s neat you’re willing to go with it, and Aron will love it.”

Unfortunately, our moment of humor was cut short, as the masses are starting to arrive.


Kim left us to dole out the goods while she roamed around, talking to other moms. Having Noah and Cam here made it even more fun, but I have to be honest, I really like handing out candy to little kids. The way they smile when they spot their favorite in Kim’s massive offering is cute, and it gives me a warm feeling to see them happy. I know it’s probably cringe, but it makes me feel good. Plus, some of their costumes are really clever. 

We’d been at it for about 10 minutes when Aron arrived. I heard his voice from across the lot. “Where, Ash? Where are they?”

Ashley took him by the hand and pointed towards us. Noah had sent her a pic of us in costume. 

“I don’t see them,” he repeated several times.

I pulled down my hood and waved. “Hey Aron! Over here, little dude!”

“Max!” he exclaimed before bolting across the lot and launching into me. 

“Great costume,” I complimented, ruffling his hair.

“We match!?” he exclaimed. I noticed Bob recording out of the corner of my eye. 

Noah and Cam greeted him enthusiastically, and it was funny to watch his jaw drop as he took in that we’re all Pikachu.

“Wow! There are 4 of us. Cool! PikaPika!”

Okay, I have to admit, I wasn’t totally sold on the idea when Kim first mentioned it, but it was totally worth it, to see the smile on his face.

Then he saw Craig.

“Mr. Craig? You’re Ash?” Aron squealed with delight and jumped up and down. He’s still holding Ashley’s hand, but grabbed Craig’s as well. “I have two Ashs now!”

He must have found that hilarious, because he giggled maniacally.

Once he calmed down, Cam and Noah each gave him a hug before Noah set him up with a decent haul from Kim’s candy bucket.

Ashley moved in for a hug from Noah. Ducking to the side of the car, they exchanged a quick peck. 

Cam, always the clown, grabbed Noah’s tail and pulled it straight up. “Pika!” he yelled, laughing.

Noah jumped. “Mother…” he began, before laughing.

“I’ll catch you again before we leave. Let me leave you with a smile,” Ashley said. For a second, my thoughts were impure. Instead, she grabbed Noah’s hand and removed a blue sharpie from her purse, and affixed her mark (a smiley face, between his thumb and index finger).

She handed it to Cam. “Do you want to do each other?”

“Heck yes we do. Max, come here.”

Cam smiled, pushed hair from my forehead, and made two lines with a curve below, on my cheek. He gave my right hand the same treatment, before handing it to me.

I colored in his already adorable nose, then added whiskers. Gah, I can’t even with how cute he looks.


I’m surprised there are so many older kids at this thing. There are more people our age (okay, not quite our age — but clearly middle schoolers) than I expected. I guess free candy is free candy. 

A couple reminded me of Seb and Spencer, and triggered a few PG-13 thoughts. They were two who just put on their wrestling singlets as a costume. I’m not sure how old they were, but they were Spencer’s size, so probably eleven or twelve. Even with a hoodie on, I could still make out the bumps and curves below the belt. Those singlets really show off a boy’s booty! Not to mention highlighting their little bulges in front. One of them looked to be packing (at least for his age).

Now I have to go watch Liam wrestle. Just the thought of him in one of those is making me bone up. I wonder if wrestlers ever pop boners during a match? I sure as hell would if I was romping around a mat with a hot guy. I swear, it would be impossible to hide. 

I bet they frown upon bringing binoculars to wrestling meets.

Noah, who continues to impress me with how good he is with younger kids, asked what grade they’re in. “Fourth!” they replied in unison.

Well, shit. That’s too young and makes me feel dirty. I know Spence was in fifth grade when we started doing stuff last year, but he was also already 11 and I was only 13.

It’s interesting, though. They’re the same age as Aron, but are noticeably bigger. Although, as I take a closer look, they probably aren’t quite Spence or Seb’s size. Maybe ten pounds lighter and a couple inches shorter. Still super cute, though. One has the same kind of freckles as Spencer, which I freaking love. 

A memory of Craig lecturing me came flooding back. It was after I hooked up with Spence, right before school started. He warned me not to do anything with someone younger than him.

Ugh. Is this how Craig feels?

I forced myself to look away, shook off my anxiety about perving on them, and got back into the spirit of things.

It wasn’t long until there were a couple bands of middle school girls roving. The first group fawned all over us, giggling uncontrollably as they told us how much they liked our costumes. One of the girls declared that she’d “be into Pokémon a lot more if all the characters were this cute.” I so wanted to tell her that two of us are gay and not interested. Thankfully, they moved on… eventually.

“I don’t know what you see in those things,” Cam declared, elbowing Noah. 

“Thank God Ashley isn’t like that. If she was, I would have never asked her out,” he answered. Ashley doesn’t do that whole giggly-girl thing, even when she’s surrounded by her friends. Which is good, because it’s annoying af. 

Several minutes later, a girl approached us our age in Cat Woman garb. The outfit is tight, and she had a younger boy in tow, dressed as Batman. 

“Oh, hi Noah,” she said as he held out the candy bowl.

“Um…” Noah reacted, “hi?” It’s clear he has no idea who she is. Neither do I.

She pulled up her mask. “It’s me, Tabitha. Hi Max,” she added, turning to flash me a wide grin.

“Oh shit… shoot,” Noah replied. “I didn’t recognize you.”

“Hey,” I waved. Tabitha… Tabitha Green. Why does it seem like I thought about her recently? I haven’t had a class with her since sixth grade.

“It’s fine,” she said, still grinning my way. This is my little brother, Derek.”

“Well, well. Isn’t THAT something. Nice outfits. What’s up?” An older teen is standing a few feet away. It took me a second. It’s Logan from the Philly place. My stomach immediately started fluttering. 

He’s Tabitha’s brother. Duh. It’s all coming back to me now. I realized I never bothered to follow him on Insta.

“Don’t be a jerk,” Tabitha spat, turning her head towards him.

“Hey, I’m just admiring their costumes. Chill.”

“Right,” she replied, rolling her eyes. “C’mon D, let’s snag some more candy.”

Logan approached us instead of following his sibs. “Didn’t expect to see you here, Max,” he said directly to me. “But I really do love the look. Looks great on you. These your friends?”

Boyfriend,” Cam interjected.

“I’m definitely JUST a friend,” Noah added. I almost busted out laughing. Noah tries so hard not to have anyone think he’s gay, even though he was balls deep in me yesterday.

“Ah, cool. You’re a lucky dude,” he told Cam. He’s looking him up and down. I realized Cam has partially unzipped his onesie (it is warm in the sun, although that wind has his nipples hard) and his muscular chest is on display. “Though I have to say, maybe Max is the luckier one.”

“I’m Cam,” he said, introducing himself. “Who the hell are you?”

Logan laughed. “Sorry. I’m Logan. My little witch of a sister, Tabitha, goes to Olympia. Do you know her?”

“Nah. I go to Widmer.”

“Oh sweet. Hot and rich.” Damn. He’s flirting with Cam harder than he did with me on Thursday.

“Not really. So, how do you know Max exactly?”

“He came into the restaurant I work in, a couple days ago with his dad. By the way,” he continued, turning to me. “I’m still waiting for that Insta add, Max.”

“Sorry, I forgot.” I honestly don’t even know where the napkin he scribbled his id on ended up.

“Uh huh,” he replied. “So, do older people get any candy? Next time you come in, I promise to give you extra meat, free of charge,” he continued, winking. “On your sandwich.”

God, he’s so corny — but damn if he isn’t still cute as hell, too. I’m staring at the bulge in his sweats. It isn’t small.

Cam offered him some sweets.

“So, what are three cool dudes like you doing at something this boring? Don’t you have better things to do?”

“We were voluntold,” I said. “It’s so lame, but we didn’t have a choice if we wanted to have our Halloween party next weekend.”

Noah and Cam are frowning at me. Jesus, where did that come from? I can’t believe what I’m saying. Why am I trying to be cool for this guy? Other than the spastic girls, it’s actually been really fun.

“‘Halloween party’?” he asked. “Tell me more.”

“It’s at my house,” Cam explained. “Some of the guys are sleeping over. I’d invite you, but I don’t think my mother would approve.”

Cam definitely thinks he’s hot — and Logan’s not even trying to hide his attraction. He was much more subtle with me. Perhaps because he was at work? Or, maybe he’s hornier now.

“Awww, shucks. Maybe you could sneak me in the back door after they go to bed. We’d have one hell of a good time.”

“Maybe,” Cam smiled, then laughed as he repeated ‘back door.’

I’m shocked he didn’t shut him down. His parents would lose their shit if they caught an older boy crashing the party. Is it weird I don’t like how much attention Cam is paying to him? There is no way he’s inviting him to our party, but he’s leading him on so fucking bad. 

“So, you’re ripped,” Logan said, gently nudging the flap of his onesie aside. “Gymnastics, like Max?”

“Yep. Max and I are on the same team.”

That caused Logan to laugh. “Me too,” he winked. “But I play hockey. Forward. I have a great wrist shot.” It was subtle, but I swear he just did a quick jerk off motion. “So, hot, rich, and flexible. This just keeps getting better.”

I grabbed the bowl of candy from Noah and moved away from the smarmy conversation between Cam and Logan. Thankfully a group of ninjas appeared just in time to distract me from them drooling over each other.


I ducked into the back seat to grab another box of candy bars. 

“‘Lame,’ huh?” Kim whispered in my ear. “I thought you were having fun.”

Oh shit, she overheard that? “I am! I just… “

“I know. You had to look cool for the handsome older boy.” I can tell she’s disappointed, even though she’s trying to hide it. “The girls were the same way at your age.”

I feel bad. I know I hurt her feelings. “Sorry. I don’t even know why I said that. I really am having a blast, honest. Can I help next year too?”

She sighed. “Sure, sweetie. I’m just giving you crap. I get it.”

I gave her a big hug. Kim really is the coolest.


“Bro! You meet a hot gay dude like Logan and I don’t even get a courtesy report?” Cam asked once we were without customers.

“Honestly, I forgot. That day was shit, remember?”

“It’s cool,” he said excitedly. “I got him on Snap. He can add you too. Us gays gotta stick together.”

I’m baffled by his enthusiasm. “You really want him to come to the party? Tell me you’re joking.”

“Yeah, I know… not going to happen. But damn, we can dream, right? He’s smokin’.”

“He seemed like a douche to me,” Noah said.

“Nah, he was just being flirty.”

Noah shook his head. “No offense, but why does a guy who can drive want to get with skinny eighth graders whose voices haven’t even changed? Seems a little desperate to me.”

What the eff! He’s like two, maybe three, grades older than us. It’s not like he’s in college. 

Does that mean Noah judges me and Spencer, too?

Cam didn’t miss a beat. “Because Max is hot.”

I blushed. “Aww, right back at you babe.”

Noah started dry heaving.

“Seriously though, we hang out with Seb and Spence, and they’re 12,” I added. “We’re two years older than them, he’s a couple years older than us. And Aron is even younger. His age doesn’t bug me.” 

Noah looked around before whispering. “Well, you don’t eye fuck the shit out of Aron, like he did both of you.”

Cam laughed. “It was mutual. Did you see his bulge, though? I bet he’s bigger than you, Noah.”

Noah rolled his eyes. “I don’t check out other guys. And duh: he’s like 16 or 17. His voice is deeper too,” he said flatly. “No surprise he plays hockey. He reminds me of Jackson’s douchebag friends.”

“Logan is cute. And kinda charming,” I admitted. “But I get what you mean, it’s like he tries too hard, comes on too strong.”

Noah scoffed. “Him? You lied about being forced to be here and how ‘lame’ it is, to try to seem cool. Talk about lame.”

“Yeah Max, that was rude,” Cam said, giving me a not-so-gentle swat. “But… he is hot, so I kinda get it.”

Damn, they have me there. I glanced down. “I know, that was stupid.”

“Kim looked hurt,” Noah said tersely. I didn’t realize he noticed her reaction.

“I already apologized and reassured her. She told me she understood. Maybe you have to like boys to understand?”

Cam nodded. “Not gonna lie, there’s something about him.”

“All I'm saying is, you just met the dude and are already channeling his dickishness. That guy is a tool,” Noah declared. “And besides, don’t you two get enough dick already, that you don’t need any strange?”

Cam bumped into him. “You don’t have to be jealous, Noah. You’ll still get yours.”


Part VI (Saturday night) —

The event turned out great, and after cleaning up, Kim treated us to dinner at Top Golf as a thank you for our help. I’m a terrible golfer, but it was a really fun evening and the food was amazing. Craig even received his promised beer. 

More than anything, it was nice to get a little time with Cam, since Bob agreed to join us. He held my hand practically the entire time we weren’t swinging clubs. 

When we left, Bob allowed Cam to ride with us, so we could have a little more time together. Since Cam is still on restriction, his dad is being cool. 

As nice as it would have been to make up that sleepover with Noah, I begged off. I need my alone time with Craig more.

So, we ate popsicles and watched Uncle Buck (“I would have totally thrown a quarter at that evil Bach woman to get that stick removed from her butt, but Kim made me promise I wouldn’t lose my cool,” Craig commented when we reached the iconic scene where Buck accosts his niece’s assistant principal). I laid my head on Craig's stomach, his arm draped around me the entire time.

When the credits rolled, Kim gave me a goodnight hug. 

I turned to Craig. “Will you tuck me in?”

“Of course, if you want me too.”

“Yes!” I exclaimed, making a fist and pumping my arm. “I'll grab snacks.”

“No crumbs in the sheets,” Kim warned. “House rule.”

“Great, I can’t escape your nagging even when I’m on a completely different level of the house,” Craig grumbled. “And this kink in my neck is never going to go away. Max only gives me about ten percent of the bed.”

“Well, you could always stay on the floor, old man.”

Craig, having none of my teasing, threw me over his shoulder and carried me straight up the stairs. I’m laughing and also getting hard, so I focused on the least sexy thing I can think of: those giggly girls from earlier.

“I have a Pokémon to contain,” Craig said once we reached the top of the stairs. “Say goodnight, Max.”

“Goodnight Max!” I yelled. “Goodnight Kim. Love you.”

Craig finally deposited me on the mattress, and told me to get ready for bed. He ran back downstairs to brush his own teeth. 


By the time he returned, I was already in bed, sporting my Calvins, and had the lights set to purple. I texted Cam my nightly shirtless pic and plugged in my phone.

Craig sat on the edge of the bed and maneuvered toward me.

“You aren’t taking your shirt off?” I asked.

“Max, come on, you’re already in your undies. The optics are bad enough.”

“I don’t care about those, and no one is going to see, anyway. Kim wouldn’t care even if she did,” I said. “Besides, I didn’t get to pet your chest hair last night. You know it’s how I relax. And I know you normally sleep shirtless, so you being bare chested in bed isn’t out of the ordinary.”

He sighed, but didn’t argue, and slipped it off.

“Were you serious about your neck hurting? I can give you a massage if you want. Cam says I have magic fingers.”

Craig laughed. “I bet he does, but you don’t have to do that.”

“I know I don’t have to, but c’mon, you do a ton for me — including taking care of me last night. Let me do something for you,” I said. “I promise, my hands won’t wander like they do with Cam.”

“I really can’t tell you no, can I?”

“You do all the time!” I protested. “You’re stricter than Mom on everything except profanity and sex, and you refuse to let me do the… stuff I really want to.”

“…because it isn’t appropriate or in your best interest.”

“Uh huh.” I don’t agree, but I’m not going to argue with him. “Roll on your belly and I’ll get on your back.”

I thought he might object, but he complied, and I climbed atop.

“I wish I could grow hair like you,” I said, lightly scratching his hairy back. “I can almost braid it.”

He snorted. “No you don’t. Hair is annoying, and itchy. Enjoy being smooth for as long as you can,” he said. “I’ll teach you to shave when the time comes, but it’s a pain.”

“Shaving isn’t that big of a deal,” I replied. 

Craig groaned. “Wait until you have to shave your face every day and have to deal with body hair, everywhere. If I only shaved my junk once a week, I wouldn’t hate it so much, either.”

“True,” I agreed. He’s right. It’s so easy. It isn’t a very big area, and I don’t even have to do my balls yet.

I started rubbing his shoulders, then neck. I immediately found a knot, and bared down on it with my elbow.

“So, what do you want to talk about? I figured that’s what you really wanted when you summoned me.”

I thought. My initial hope was that he’d get tired and fall asleep with me again, but I couldn’t exactly come out and ask Kim for permission.

“Um, Noah and I had fun. He’s getting better—“ I caught myself. I almost said ‘at kissing,’ before remembering Noah asked to keep that private. “…at stuff.” 

“Great. I didn’t think about how you haven’t changed your sheets since then. I’m not going to find a random jizz spot on my pillow, am I?”

“Like you’d care!” I answered. “We didn’t get under the covers, but I did put the bedspread on to wash after I… defiled it,” I added, laughing. “Damn, I forgot to move it over to the dryer. I hope it doesn’t stink.”

“Kim took care of it this morning. She thought you were sick in the night and I ran it. I didn’t dissuade her, which is why she went easy on your stomach for breakfast.”

I started chopping his back. “I felt bad at the church. I didn’t mean to, but I hurt her feelings.”

“I heard, but you made it right, and she understood the context. You are going to act like a teenager sometimes, and pretend you’re too cool,” he said. So, she did tell him. “But, we should talk about that.” 

My body tensed.

“Peer pressure is real and gets worse before it gets better,” he explained. “Don’t get sucked into nonsense, trying to impress someone else. Remember your values and the expectations of everyone who loves you.”

“Yes sir,” I acknowledged. “Cam and Noah already gave me crap.”

“As they should. That’s positive peer pressure.”

“They don’t let me get away with shit,” I said, laughing.

“Because they’re good friends. And more importantly, good people. You’re lucky, you know that, right?”

“Yeah. They’re the best.”

My hands are getting tired, but I think I loosened up his knot. I’m also getting hot, even with the fan going, so I slipped off.

“Thanks Max, it feels better,” he said, cupping his ear and pushing on the side of his head. Three loud cracks came from his neck. Damn! “Do you want a massage too?”

That surprises me, not because Craig isn’t kind and considerate, but because he’s so careful about stuff, especially in bed. I guess he knows I won’t try anything?

“I didn’t give you one so you’d do it to me,” I replied, “but my back is a little sore.”

“Well, I can’t climb on top of you, but if you get on your side, I’ll see what I can do.”

Actually, I’d like him to lay on top of me, kinda like Noah did yesterday, but I know that’s a nonstarter. 

Craig’s hands make me feel small — and safe. I’m not sure he’s touched me like this since Mexico, and I melted. Except for my dick, which stiffened immediately. 

Where are annoying girls when you need them?

“So, the lad you were trying to impress, I recognized him from the Philly place.”

“Logan,” I said, moaning slightly as he dug his thumb into my shoulder blade. “He was flirty on Thursday, and even more today. Especially with Cam, who was super into him.”


Uh oh. “What does that mean?”

“Nothing, really. Just tread carefully. Plus, he’s older… and older boys only want one thing,” Craig explained.

“Isn't that all guys?” I pointed out. “I don’t think he wants anything we don’t already enjoy doing.”

“Okay, fair. Promise me you won’t let your hormones rule and rush into anything?”

“I won’t. But he gives me butterflies,” I admitted. “Cam mentioned our party, and Logan joked we should sneak him in. Bob and Jeanine would flip.”

Craig paused briefly. 

“Yeah, that’s a hard no,” he said. “Remember when I told you if the time came I told you to wrap up, you would?”

This again? Wasn’t the mortifying conversation with the doctor who has known me since I was in diapers enough? Still, Craig has that tone — the one that tells me he isn’t actually asking.


“I don’t want to be presumptuous, but it wasn’t lost on me how you looked at him. Both Thursday and today. And how he undressed the both of you with his eyes,” Craig said. He really was watching us closer than I realized! I thought he had his nose in his phone, watching the game, or wandering around. “New rule: sex with anyone older than you requires prophylactics. Every time. Agreed?”

I sighed. I know he’s just trying to keep me safe, and that isn’t an unreasonable compromise. It grandfathers in all of my friends.

“Yes sir, I swear.” 

“Good. Dr. Andersen would be relieved to hear that.”

“It’s like the two of you read from the same old man manual,” I teased. 

His response? An immediate tickle attack, the bastard. I writhed around the bed and howled.

Once he stopped, I looked up at him, smiling. I love him so much.

“There is one more thing on my mind,” I began tentatively.

Craig sat up. “You sound so solemn all of a sudden. What is it?”

“It wasn’t just Logan I was attracted to,” I admitted, looking away.

“Okay? That’s no surprise. Cam was there, so was Noah. You guys really did make cute Pika-chi.”

He doesn’t get it. “That's not what I’m talking about. There were others.”

“Well, inexplicable as it is, I know you’re attracted to me too. Did some of the dads get you excited or something?”

I shook my head. “Not a dad. A boy.”

“So? You’re a boy, you’re gay and horny all the time, news at eleven. What’s the problem?”

“The problem is, they were in fourth grade!”

Craig sighed. “Oh.”

“I felt really skeezy, but they were big for their age. Way bigger than Aron.”

“And you’re worried this means you’re… turning into me?”

“No!” I yelled, worried I offended him. “I don’t know. It was confusing. I saw how cute their bottoms looked in their singlets, and their little bumps out front, and I dunno, it activated something in me. When Noah asked what grade they were in, I about shit myself.”

“The wrestlers. Yeah, I noticed them too. They were cute. Polite, too,” he acknowledged. “I figured they were 10, maybe 11.”

“Look at us, bonding over being pervy. The one with freckles even had a big-ish bulge.”

“Something I didn’t fail to notice,” he muttered, before sighing. I leaned my head against his shoulder. 

“Is this how you feel all the time? Guilt and shame and embarrassment?”

He still didn’t respond, not right away. Like, for a good twenty seconds.

“Not every waking breath, but yeah, it never completely fades. Add in constant anxiety and existential dread about being discovered,” he said pensively. “You get better at burying it, or at least tuning it out when you have to.”

That makes me sad. “That must be really hard.”

How difficult must it be for him to resist me constantly? I’m willing — eager, even — often shirtless and currently in my underwear, rubbing all against him. And he refuses to make a move, because he worries it might hurt me.

I don’t think I could ever be that strong. 

He beats himself up, but he might be the most honorable man I know.

“It isn’t easy, but you get used to it. Sort of,” he replied. “But I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

“Why not? You told me in the summer not to do anything with someone younger than Spence because you thought I might like it too much.”

“And that was good advice, but Max, think about it,” he began. “You are smack dab in the middle of puberty. Your libido is crazy, which is a big part of why it was wrong for us to do stuff, because it took advantage of your vulnerable state.”

“You didn’t take advantage of me, and I wasn’t vulnerable!” I interrupted.

“I wish I believed that as much as you do, but let me finish,” he continued. “You’re horny all the time. And you’re attracted to all kinds of males. We were just talking about your liking an older teen, remember?”

“That’s true.”

“And you definitely like grown ass men. Including overweight, hairy trolls like me.”

I elbowed him sharply. “Don’t talk about yourself like that.”

“I’m just making a point. If you were some burgeoning pedo, you wouldn’t have a thing for middle-aged men. Or any guy older than you. Right?”

“I guess.”

“So you saw a couple of cute boys who didn’t leave much to the imagination, and it wound you up, because you like penises and butts and theirs were shown off,” he explained sagely. “But let’s be honest, sometimes at your age, staring at a bare wall can get you excited.”

I laughed. “True.”

“Max, in all seriousness, if I were worried about you becoming… like me, or worse, I would confront it head on. I do worry about your impulsiveness and judgment sometimes, but I know in my heart that you’d never take advantage of a younger boy. Am I right or wrong?”

I exhaled deeply. “You’re right.”

“Now, if those moments become more frequent, or more intense, or they’re still happening when you’re older, tell me and we’ll navigate them together. I don’t want you to ever feel alone like…”

He yawned. It has been a busy day.

“Thanks for looking out for me. Even if it is annoying sometimes.” 

He chortled. “Especially when it’s annoying. That’s how you know I’m right, if I won’t let you do something you really want to. Because if I issue a veto, you know it has to be an objectively terrible idea.”

That’s… actually a really valid point. While Craig is strict about his expectations, he’s usually chill and understanding. He definitely picks his battles, so if he throws down on something, it should make me think.

I can’t admit that to him, though.

I yawned and reached my arms out to give him a goodnight hug. “Love you too… Dad.”

*** End of Chapter 56 ***

Authors’ Note

Don’t you love their dynamic?

We’ll be skipping forward five days, to Halloween! It’s already outlined. (We’re conflicted on whether we push on with that or catch-up Craig first, as he’s already two chapters behind. We would take him through his side of Halloween. We’re still deciding). If you have a preference, let us know!

But, we knew there was some disappointment about teasing a Max and Noah scene that didn’t happen (and we know how many of you love Noah! We do, too) in the last chapter, so we wanted to make up for that.

There is also another, almost completed chapter that will come directly after Halloween, so those two should come in close in very close succession to one another.

Authors’ Response to some of the feedback from the last chapter:

The last submission engendered strong feelings about Craig and his recent interactions with Max. Basically, there are concerns that Craig is being a jerk/mean/harsh toward Max and some are nostalgic for the (lecherous) Craig of earlier chapters. At the risk of eroding subtext, it felt important to address.

First, it’s amazing that after all this time (and sheer word count), this saga continues to resonate with readers who share our passion about these characters and their stories. It’s impossible to know how many people are actively engaged and read closely, so it’s gratifying to have confirmation that the time and effort is worthwhile. We appreciate feedback, and it's especially meaningful when it comes from folks who are invested and put so much time and effort into sharing their thoughts.

We strive to keep this story realistic, or at least plausible and logical. It resonates and stokes passion in part because (we hope) it is relatable and, despite being fiction, not completely ridiculous or outlandish. We work really hard to flesh out characters and interweave plot elements and story arcs while maintaining authenticity. That isn’t always easy across two stories of this depth.

Character development is paramount. It would be incredibly dull if they were static, perfect, and one-dimensional. We pride ourselves on portraying characters who are compelling, complicated, and flawed. Who grow and change and have bad days and sometimes hurt or disappoint those around them. Just like all of us.

Likewise, from a story-telling perspective, contrast is absolutely vital. Our negative experiences accentuate the positive. Max has little control over the vagaries of life, but he can still grow from them… and better recognize his blessings.

Think about it: would you truly appreciate the weekend if you had zero responsibilities during the week?

It’s also important to remember that Max’s chapter is told from Max’s perspective. That may be skewed, because he’s a hormonal, moody eighth-grader with baggage. He’s hypersensitive — as is so often the case at his age — and there may be things he mishears or misinterprets.

Max is 14. Everything is amplified, and narcissistic anxiety the norm, because puberty sucks. Middle school is hard. And yes, sometimes adults just don’t understand or are a drag. That’s their job, trying to keep youth safe and under control. Max, like any adolescent, is going to feel alienated from time to time. It’s developmentally-appropriate and so totally unfair.

Craig’s perspective is obviously different (and you’re literally missing half the story and important context if you aren’t following both sides). Also, keep in mind that while the story has been written over several years, in the story universe, it’s been less than three months since the pivotal events of Mexico. Just like Max is affected by what happened, so is Craig. Things are still settling.

A major arc is Craig’s realization that Max needs a dad, not a daddy. So when Max messes up, he’s going to react as a father and not a friend. Yes, it’s complicated and muddied and he blames himself for that, but he’s committed to doing right by Max — and discipline is part of the deal, because their relationship has deepened.

Craig would be remiss if he only encouraged or fawned over Max, even when he’s making bad, impulsive decisions. Does he overcompensate or overreact sometimes? Sure, because he isn’t perfect. No parent is. He loves Max fiercely, but like any parent, there are moments he may not always like him or approve of his choices. He was not abusive, profane, or threatening — he simply, if assertively, registered his disapproval.

That said, Craig is still pretty damn permissive and indulgent. Yes, he has high expectations because he cares about Max and believes in him, but it’s important to not lose sight of the fact that a tremendous amount of his time, energy, and money goes to a kid who isn’t actually his own. He dealt with Chad and advocated for him repeatedly at school. He’s paying for Max to go to Europe (and agreed to chaperone so Max has that opportunity to begin with). He supports his passion. He sanctions his relationship and accepts him being sexually active. He consistently provides the emotional support Max needs, to the point of giving him a bedroom in his home.

Craig treats Max as one of his own.

At the end of the day, he always has Max’s back… and Max knows it, which is why he’d never kick Craig to the curb.

They’re family — and sometimes, families are messy.

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