MNDB Sleepover Fun, part 8

Bully Fallout

From the last chapter:


Sunday was a quiet day. John had to be home by noon, so Kevin ran him home while the boys watched cartoons. Kam got permission to spend Sunday and just walk to school with the boys. Kevin had Hobie get his bath, and when he was done, he sent Stevie and Kam in to get a bath or shower, together. About 20 minutes later the boys came out and looked clean and very dirty. Kevin got them diapered and noticed Kam's boy hole was a little red and puffy, so he applied some cold cream to make sure it would be normal by morning. They were all in their sleepers and watched Nature about coral reefs. He let Hobie stay up and go to bed at the same time as Stevie and Kam. He tucked them all in, gave each their pacifier, a kiss, and wished them happy diaper dreams. All 3 boys were asleep very quickly. It had been a busy weekend. They did not even know that Kevin had set up some plans for them for the next weekend, as that was when Stan will be sleeping over for a night or 2.

Kevin got his shower and then went to bed. He went thru what he had to do this week and the appointments he had for the boys. Hobie had to see Dr. Shelby, while both Stevie and Hobie will see Dr Stan. He hoped the bullying issue will not become a problem, but he has to wait to see what the principal has to say next week. He needs to sit and talk with Hobie about the abuse he suffered from his older foster brother so that they can protect the other boy that is in the home and make sure no other little boys are raped by him. As he was working out his plan and schedule for the next week, he fell asleep.



---------------------- Begin Chapter 8 -------------------

Monday came bright and early for everyone. After a quick breakfast, everyone was changed for school, and on their way.

As the 3 boys got to school, they saw the bullies. They decided they would just try to avoid them. Hobie being in 2nd grade, has different recess and lunch than the older boys. Stevie told him if he had any problems to talk to his teacher. They would meet up to walk home at the blue bike rank like they normally do.

The day was going fine, until lunchtime. At lunch, Butch approached Stevie. Dave was behind him but he was really quiet.

"You runt piece of shit. You bruised the knuckles in my hand and broke one of my fingers. Now I have 3 fingers taped together and I can't play video games." Said Butch to Steven. Kam was standing there glancing around for a teacher.

"Butch, it's your fault. You open your mouth and nothing but worthless shit comes out. I would suggest you try being nice, but that assumes you even know how to be nice, and I doubt that. You are just a grumpy, mean, stupid, coward, that is so insecure and wimpy that to make yourself feel better, you pick on kids smaller and younger than you are. Getting your ass kicked by a kid that is younger and a lot smaller than you must have really made you feel like a wimp or maybe even a sissy. Is that what your dad called you, a wimp and a sissy when he learned you got beat up by a kid half your size?"

"My dad was super angry when he had to take me to the doctor because of my hand. I didn't tell him what happened, but when the principal called Friday I got in even more trouble. Dave said his jaw hurts so much that he can barely talk and eat. He got beat too when the principal called his stepdad."

"I got in trouble too, because I'm not supposed to get into fights, but if you guys touch me or my friends again, I will take the beating I will get, and I will make sure that you are in the hospital. That is a promise." Said Stevie.

Butch rushed at Stevie and grabbed him with his good hand. Dave grabbed Kam. The principal who was talking to a teacher and walking in the hall, saw what was going on, and stopped to watch. When she saw Butch and Dave grab the smaller boys, she yelled at them, but she was a few seconds late.

Stevie grabbed Butch's 3 wrapped-up fingers and bent them back until they snapped. The howl of pain that Butch released could be heard all thru the school. When Butch dropped to his knees crying and holding his hand, Steven gave him a hard kick in the groin, and then one in his stomach. This laid Butch out on the ground crying in serious pain.

Dave still had ahold of Kam. Kam turned to face him and proceeded to kick him in the knee and then in the balls as Dave was sinking down. As the 2nd kick made contact Dave let go of him, so he could grab his crotch, which was now getting wet as he was peeing himself.

A small group of students was watching this and saw the puddle of pee under Dave. They started to point and whisper. At this time the Principal and the Gym teacher made it to the scene. Steven and Kam were still there. In fact, Steven bent over and whispered something into Butch's ear and then went and did the same to Dave. Kam could not hear what was said, but he thought he heard something like, "Who's the baby now?" but was not positive.

The Gym teacher helped the bullies up and with the principal's help, got them to the nurse's office. Stevie and Kam were directed to wait for them on the seats next to the Principal's office. Kam started to cry.

"Kam, are you ok? Are you hurting? What's wrong?" asked a concerned Stevie.

"I'm ok. I was scared a little but now I am scared of my parents getting upset at me. I never got sent to the principal's office before. I bet my mom will have a cow because I got into a fight at school," said a sobbing Kam as he was trying to stop his crying.

"We did nothing wrong. They grabbed us. We have the right to protect ourselves, from known bullies that had hold of us, and have threatened us in the past. Once we got them under control, we stopped. Once Butch let go of me, I stopped. I think you did the same with Dave. We might get in trouble, and I know Kevin will be upset, but it's like what I heard on the tv about medicine. Preventive medicine I think is when you see the doctor before you get really sick or an injury gets really bad. We did the same. We stopped the attack they were going to do on us before they could hurt us again."

"Yeah your right. I don't fight and I know my dad has told me a few times I should stick up for myself, so I guess I just did what he told me to do. Did you see that Dave peed his pants after I kicked him?"

"I saw that and so did a lot of others. I hoped Butch would have when I kicked him in his stomach. I was aiming to try to hit his bladder and wanted him to pee himself. Maybe he already went to the bathroom and did not have to go. If he has any balls, I am sure they are sore, I got him good there. I think his fingers are really broken now too. I kind of bent them all the way back. I did not mean to do that, but I just kept bending thinking he would let go, and then I would stop."

The boys sat there for another 10 minutes. They did not know that the office secretary had called both of their parents, as well as the parents of Butch and Dave.

At this time the boys were taken into a different room. It was a small conference room. They were shown where they were to sit. A minute later Butch and Dave came in. Butch had his hand wrapped up and Dave was still in his wet jeans. They sat down and did not look at the younger boys.

A few minutes later the parents started to show. First, it was Kam's mom, she made sure the boys were OK, and then sat at the table she was asked to sit at. Next, it was Dave's mom, she went to check on her son and then she sat at the table. Then it was Butch's father. He looked upset and just gave Butch a dirty look, then took his seat. A few minutes later Kevin arrived, along with Steven's Mother. She had some time before she started work so she wanted to see what the issue was. They looked at the boys, Stevie looked at them and nodded his head, letting Kevin know he was okay. Kevin guided Kerry to take a seat. The adults were then addressed by the Principal.

"As you can see there are 4 boys in the seats back here. 2 are in 5th grade, and the other 2 are in 4th grade. It seems that the older boys have been bullying and picking on these younger boys." At this point Kevin interrupted her.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I would like to point out a correction. There is a 3rd boy, a 2nd grader that the older boys assaulted last Thursday, along with one of the 4th graders. So it would seem the older boys are targeting many boys, and all of them are younger and smaller than themselves. I am sure Hobie can be brought here if we need or want to address the assault on Thursday because if anything like that happens again, I will be pressing charges with the county sheriff and contacting Child Protection services, to look to see why older boys are assaulting much younger and smaller boys. The logical assumption all will start with is that the boys are being abused or neglected at home and acting out in the way they see their parents act."

"Kevin, thank you for pointing out that point. That is correct, Thursday was one 4th grader and a 2nd grader, and again both of the boys are half the size of the older boys. I wanted you all here so we can discuss this issue, as adults, because if it happens I was made aware that the police will be involved, and I will have no choice but to seek expulsion of the boys that are bullying younger and smaller kids. The school policy is clear on that. Because I did not see what happened on Thursday, I did not enact any punishment, but I witnessed what happened today, so there will be consequences to all those involved." Said the principal.

"It's just boys being boys, if they can't take a little bit of teasing, then the sissies should toughen up some or not be in school," said Butch's father.

"Sir, that is the most ignorant and lame excuse in support of violence I have ever heard. I can see where your son gets his lack of respect for himself and others. It's clear you have no understanding of what being a parent and teaching proper morals or ethics to your child is about. Granted those can't be found in a beer can, so I am sure you have a hard time finding anything that is not associated with booze. I am sure child services would have a field day investigating you, your house, and your son's homelife, as well as any other kids in your home for their safety, including mental and emotional well-being." Stated Kevin. While the women looked on in shock.

"You can't talk to me like that" was all Butch's father could say.

"Really, that is the best you can come up with? Your inbred bully of a son, can lay hands on my boys, assault them, use vile slurs at them, and that's fine. But I point out your Neanderthal behavior and clear lack of a safe home for your kids, and you get upset. Wow. You have major ego and entitlement issues. The social workers and police will love when they visit your home."

"Let's please calm down. I am hoping we can try to find out what the root of the problem is as to why Butch and Dave are bullying younger kids. Because as I said, if it happens again, I will be forced to expel them, and that would prevent them from attending any of the schools in the district. You can petition for them to be allowed in after a year to the rehabilitative school, for kids with various emotional or behavioral issues, but I can assure you, one issue while there, they would be expelled and have no chance of getting into any of the schools here. Not to mention that each of the issues of bullying has been added to their file, each year over the past 2 years, and if they are expelled, you might have a very hard time getting them accepted into any school in the state, because of their violent behaviors and poor academic status."

"I had no idea any of this has been happening. My David is a good boy." Said Dave's mom.

"According to his file, he has had 3 notices sent home over the last 12 months. All 3 were signed by his stepfather, and I talked to him personally on Friday about what happened last week."

"This is the first I have heard of any of it. I normally work during the day, and he is home most of the time since it's so hard for him to find good work. I was off today because they need me to work a double at the hospital tonight. Jack is out with some of his buddies today, fishing I think." At this point, she turns and looks to Dave.

"David, tell me the truth, is what the principal says true, and has it been happening now for over a year?"

"Yes, Mom. Jack says its ok because I'm bigger and stronger. I need to teach the wimps, sissies, and gays what real men are like and show them not to get in a man's way."

"I am very disappointed in you. I will not tolerate you being a bully and picking on others. I remember when you were in 1st grade and upset because a 2nd grader kept picking on you. Now you turned into what you hated. You are a boy, not a man, and you should never be mean to others. Karma says that if you are mean and hurt others, then life will return that hurt and violence back to you 10 times as much."

"But Jack says it's how real men act. Like it's a woman's job to provide for a man and make sure his needs are met and do what he tells her to do. He says that is why you work so much and he does not have to have a job."

The women were shocked to hear Dave say this. Kevin was a bit surprised, but more so that the boy just threw his stepdad under the bus. The shit will hit the fan at his home soon.

"Jack is a smart man," said Butch's father.

"WOW, are you from Arkansas or Mississippi? Is your brother your father too? Or is it your cousin? Your ideas and concepts of what is right and proper are so skewed, it is sickening and sad. I actually feel sorry for your son, having to live with such a stupid and narrow-minded POS for a father. As I doubt you are much of a dad because you have no understanding of the duties and responsibilities of being a dad." Stated Kevin.

"So what happened today? I see that one of the bullies appears to have pissed his pants, and the other has his entire hand bandaged. Did they bite off more than they can chew, yet again? Maybe kindergarteners are more their level when it comes to successful bullying. Maybe they should be in daycare instead of grade school."

Hearing this made both the older boys blush, and Dave had a tear run down his cheek, he was so embarrassed he wet his pants and was sitting in them in front of everyone. But if he was in a diaper it would be even worst.

"Well, my boy won't be doing anything with a kid that pisses his pants like that. He does not need to be around big babies. It's bad enough he seems to get his butt kicked by those younger sissies. He does not need to hang out with a big baby anymore." Said Butch's father.

"Dave is my friend, he is the only one that is nice to me and that I can talk to. You can't make me not be friends with him." Said Butch with some anger and fear in his voice.

"Don't talk to me like that boy, or I will whip you with the belt again and this time I will do it until you can't sit down for a week. You can't beat up a 4th grader that is half your size. Your friend could not beat up a 2nd grader and now pisses his pants. Stop being such a wimp and loser. I will toughen you up the hard way I guess when we get home."

The other parents were shocked at what they were hearing. Kevin was glad he had a mini tape recorder in his pocket to record the entire meeting.

"Wow, what a big man you are, having to beat up on a little kid. No wonder your kid tries to beat on younger kids. He has learned from his dad, that he is a loser and can't win an fair fight, so the only way to have a chance to win and make yourself feel good is to pick on those who are much smaller and are often unable to defend themselves. You are a pathetic excuse for a human. You are not a man, you are a coward and child abuser. I feel sorry for your son because he has such a worthless loser for a father." Kevin said. He was trying to push the man's buttons, and the principal realized what he was doing and was going to let him.

"I teach my boys that a wise man can discuss his problems and only a person with a weak mind and even weaker self-esteem has to resolve things by violence, after all, that is how wild animals act, not civilized people. I have punished them for what happened on Thursday, even when they were defending themselves from your son's violent attack and possible attempt of a sexual assault by your son. I can't wait to read the essay that will be written because of him defending himself again today. At least it's not my son that seems to keep needing medical attention. Most would be smart enough after the first doctor's visit to not pick another fight, but I guess your son got his smarts from his father. Now I would like to hear exactly what happened today, so I can decide if we will be pressing charges against the boys. Because if that is the case, I will ask the principal here to call the police or sheriff and have them come and take the report and take the boys to Juvenile Hall."

Before anyone else spoke, the principal put her foot down and said she wanted to explain what she saw and then wanted to hear from each boy. However, to see who was being truthful, she wanted the boys to wait out in the hall, and then they would be called in one at a time.

The boys were sent out and were seated separately from others so that no talking could take place or planning out a story to tell.

The boys were called in 1 at a time. Kam was first, then Dave, then Stevie, then Butch. Dave tried to lie but when asked about him grabbing Kam, he admitted he did grab him, after Butch grabbed Steven. He admitted that Butch had planned to get even for what happened on Thursday, how he let his dad down, and that his dad thinks he is a wimp. Butch was really upset at the beating his dad gave him and he wanted to give some of it to the other boys. When asked why he peed his pants, he blushed and said Kam kicked him to make him let go and it hurt and made him pee.

"Ok, fighting is not allowed at school, period. Even when defending yourself. However, when it is self-defense, that must be considered and punishment adjusted. Butch and David, you both will be suspended for the rest of the week. When you return to school next Monday, each of you must have a 2000 word essay explaining why bullying is wrong and not good for any of the students. You also need to have a written apology for all 3 boys you have been bullying this past week, that I am aware of. If these are not done to my approval, your suspension will continue. If it reaches a total of 10 days, you will then be expelled for the bullying and failing to serve the punishment associated with it. Normally I don't allow kids to make up school work from being suspended, however, based on both of your academic reports, I will have the teachers give you make-up work, that must be completed by the end of next week. If you don't do it, you are at risk of failing 5th grade and being held back. Furthermore, when you do return to school, you will then have 1 hour per day after school detention for a week, and lunch will be spent in detention also. That detention should help you get your work done. If you get in any more fights or do any more bullying you will be expelled. This is your last chance. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Maam." The bullies said.

"I can assure you David's attitude will change and he will not get in any more trouble unless he wants to go to military school for a few years. His stepdad was suggesting we send him so we would have more time together. But I think I would rather have him at home so I can help him more, but if he wants to keep getting in trouble, then the year-round military boarding school might be best." Said Dave's mom.

"Mom, please don't send me away. I will be good, I promise. Don't make me go away. I'm so sorry, I will do whatever you want, just don't get rid of me." Said Dave as he was trying not to cry.

"As for Steven and Kam, you both will have lunch detention this week. I expect you both to write an essay about how bullying hurts people, and why fighting is a last resort in solving problems."

"All of you boys are being sent home for the rest of the day as well. I think Butch needs to see a doctor, his fingers look pretty bad, and I am sure Dave needs some clean pants and undies. I don't think he wanted the nurse to get him a diaper or pull-up to wear, and if he stayed here, that is what would have happened. I expect all essays to be done well, and they are due to me, no later than the start of school next Monday."

They all left the room. Butch's dad was yelling at him as they walked. Dave's mom was trying to calm her son.

Kerry talked to Steven for a moment and then to Kevin for a moment, before she headed off to go to work.

"Dave, I hope you will turn it around. You seem like a good kid and just need to find better friends. I don't know your stepdad, but he seems a lot like Butch's dad. That is not healthy. I can tell your mom cares a lot about you, so I hope you will show her how proud she can be of you as you change your behavior and the way you think. I hope you and the boys can shake hands next week and have a fresh start. Good luck, and I suggest you use your time at home to think about what you want in life, and what you have to do to get there. The path you are on will have you in jail long before you graduate high school, and that is not any way to succeed and have a happy healthy life. Take care, young man." Kevin said to Dave. Then shook his hand, and his mom's and wished her a good day, while giving her his phone # as he suggested they talk because Kevin has worked with troubled boys in the past doing foster care.

The boys' books and backpacks had been brought up from their classes, so they had all the stuff they would need.

Kevin asked the office staff to get Hobie and release him for the rest of the day, so he did not have to walk home alone. Alice offered to watch the boys until Kevin got off work. He was grateful and thanked her.

"The boys have keys to the house, so if you need anything for them, they can get it. I am guessing that Stevie might need a diaper. Not sure about Hobie, but he does have some occasional daytime issues. It's your call."

"Kam has diapers at the house and I think they will fit them. I bet they could use a nap and then they can do their homework and start on their essays. I would like to talk about what you think about added punishment and what you plan to give Stevie. I think they should get the same punishment since they were together and acted together."

"Sounds good to me. I will think about it while I head back to the store and finish the paperwork I was working on. I should be done and head out at about 6, so should be able to pick them up at about 630. I hope that is not too late."

`That's fine, whenever you are done. I am sure they will behave and maybe they can help me in my garden when they are done with their work or they need a break."

Hobie showed up and looked confused. Kevin gave him a quick explanation, a hug, and told him and Stevie he would see them this evening and "behave".

Kevin headed to work, and the boys went to Kam's house with his mother, Alice.

Once they got to the house, she took all 3 boys to Kam's room. She got out 3 diapers and asked who needed or wanted a diaper. She said she knew Kam needed one. Both because they needed to rest and try to get a nap, and he will be in them after school for the rest of the week. She thought it would be good for Stevie and Hobie too, especially since she wanted all 3 boys to rest and try to get a short nap. Stevie agreed quickly, and Hobie finally agreed because the older boys were going to be wearing them, so then he figured he would be safe to wear them too.

She had all 3 boys in diapers quickly. They were almost too big, for Stevie, but they did fit. They were extra thick and very soft. Kam liked them a lot. She got them a sliced apple and some juice. Once that was done she had them all stretch out in Kam's bed. She suggested they sleep in just their diaper, so the boys took off their shirts. They relaxed and ended up sleeping for almost an hour. They woke up only because Alice came in to wake them and get them downstairs to do schoolwork.

Hobie and Stevie were a bit concerned about being in just diapers. Stevie knew Kam's sister likes to pick on him and tried picking on Stevie about his diaper, but he ignored her or told her off. But he wore clothes over it mostly when he was at Kam's. The only place he normally wore just his diaper was at Kevin's house because it was a safe place and no one could tease him about it.

For Hobie, the only place he ever was in just a diaper was at Kevin's house or his dads boat. He was punished once by a foster parent and made to only wear diapers for a weekend, and he was treated like a baby. He was embarrassed by it, but kind of liked it too. He was a bit scared to be in just his diaper at Kam's house. He could tell that Kam's mom was very nice so he was not worried about her.

The boys sat at the table and started their schoolwork. Hobie did not have much so he was the first done. He went to see if he could help Kam's mom, as she was doing stuff in the kitchen. He ended up helping her make cookies and then he cut up the veggies for the pot roast dinner she was making.

The afternoon went fine. When Kam's sister got home, she saw the boys in just their diapers. She did not see her mother getting stuff out of a cabinet in the corner. "Wow look at all the babies in their diapers. Looks like it's a nursery or daycare in here" she said to Kam and the boys. Hobie got very upset and started to cry.

"Look, one of the babies is even crying. Do you need your bottle and your diaper changed?" she teased Hobie.

"Cindy, THAT is enough! It's bad enough you tease and harass your brother about his medical condition. But now you are harassing guests in our house, and one is much younger than your brother. I will not tolerate it. I warned you what would happen if I caught you teasing your brother." Said Alice to her daughter.

"No mom, please don't do that, I won't do it again. I'm sorry." Cried Cindy

"You should have thought of that beforehand. You have been warned. I should have done it last week, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt. Now it is time for you to learn some respect for others and empathy. The bladder problem the boys have is a medical issue or disability. Teasing them for it is no different from teasing a person because they are in a wheelchair or need crutches. Now let's go to your room, and get you changed. You will be grounds for 2 weeks and lose electronics and TV privileges."

"But this weekend is Stacy's Birthday party. She is my best friend forever, and I have to be there. I was supposed to sleep over, but even if I can't, I have to be there for the party, please mom."

"If you behave this week and you treat your brother and his friends with respect and compassion, I will consider letting you go to the party. I might even give you the option to do the sleepover on Saturday night if you are good. But there will be conditions, and this punishment will still be in effect if you go to Stacy's house for the party or sleepover."

With that, Alice took her teenage daughter and put her in a diaper, like he was warned would happen if she kept teasing her brother. She also lost her phone, computer, and most other electronics. She still had a radio in her room, but that was all. She could watch TV with the family, but not on her own. This would last for a minimum of 2 weeks. If she behaved and did as she was told it would only last 2 weeks, but she was also warned that if she did it again during the punishment it would reset the time, and it would add a week also. If she teases Kam or his friends after the punishment is over, it will start with a minimum of 3 weeks, but would actually be 1 week longer than the total time she spent punished this time. Hopefully, this will help her learn to show respect to others and have empathy for those who are different from her.

She will be in diapers for the next 2 days at school, so she can understand how the boys feel wearing them out and about and to school. She will get a note to excuse her from gym class. However, Cindy is warned that should she get in more trouble and have to wear them to school, she will NOT get excused from gym and she will have to dress out and change clothes while in her diapers. She does not realize that when she goes to the birthday party she will still be in her thick diapers, and if she stays over, she will be in diapers and have to have Janey, Stacy's mom change her, or else Stacy or her sister could do it, with supervision.

After about 15 minutes Cindy was escorted out to the dining table where the boys were working. She was in a tee shirt, socks, and a thick diaper. Her eyes were red and puffy, and it was clear she had been crying.

"Kam, Steven and Hobie. I am sorry I teased you and called you babies. Just because you wear diapers, it does not make you a baby. I won't tease you anymore, nor will I tell anyone about your diapers. I am sorry, and I hope you can forgive me."

"Cindy, I hope you mean what you are saying. You're my sister and I love you, even when you are mean to me and my friends. I don't understand why you always tease, humiliate, and pick on me. It really hurts me. I hope you will not do it anymore. I do forgive you, but I hope you will learn how it feels to wear diapers and stuff. It can be embarrassing and it's scary when I do sleepovers or even when playing games with a friend at their house, because I could have an accident, and now they could see or hear my diaper. At least Stevie and Hobie know and are like me and they won't tease me or ditch me because of them."

"Young lady, I think you should sit down and take some notes and work on an outline for the essay I told you that you need to write. If you want to look up statistics or similar, you will need to have a list of what you want to look up, and we can look them up together on my tablet."

The rest of the day was uneventful. Kevin and Alice talked about the punishment he was going to give to Stevie. She laughed and said it seemed fair and would do the same to Kam. Alice insisted that they stay and join them for dinner, so Kevin agreed and let her know when you should get there.

When Kam's dad arrived he was a bit surprised to see Stevie and Hobie, much less all 3 in just diapers, and then his daughter in a diaper also. Once he got changed into more comfy clothes he got an overview of the day and why the boys were there and all the kids were in diapers.

Once Kevin arrived, the adults talked for a few minutes, then the kids were sent to wash up for supper. They had a good dinner, and the adults were becoming friends. Alice asked Kevin what Steven's punishment was going to be so that Kam could be given the same after the table had been cleared by the kids.

"I have decided it's a multi-part punishment. Since the essay is assigned by the principal, I will not do an essay. However, there will be extra chores added to the normal weekly chores. Along with that, there will be no video games during the week, unless it is family time playing together. Bedtime is 30 minutes earlier, because you acted more like a little kid, instead of using your head as I keep asking you to. Alice has offered to have both of you boys spend the next few afternoons here with her, after school, so you will be taking the bus with Kam until Friday. You are both to behave while here and Stevie, you will work on your essay and when you are ready to have your draft checked over, you can ask Alice to read it. The final part is not so much punishment, but let's call it treatment. I saw the look of anger and even after we saw how hurt Dave was, you still had that look. I don't want you to hate a person, even Butch. So to make sure you let any anger out, I think you need to be tickled for at least 10 minutes no less than 2 times an evening, and 3 times on Sat and Sunday. I think the laughter you will get is very important, as well as the feelings of love and tenderness you will get from it and being held afterward. If you have not peed your diaper when the 10-minute timer goes off, I will keep tickling you until you really wet it heavily. After the tickle time, I think it's best then to have you snuggle and cuddle with me for 5-15 minutes. I love you and I don't want to see you become an angry and bitter person like your father is. I want you to be a kind and loving person, and I know you have a huge heart."

Both boys were glad they were not being spanked. They can handle the chores, no video games, early bedtime, and the tickling. They thought it was cool that they would get to hang out after school.

Kevin had his boys get their backpacks. Their clothes were already put in a bag, so once they had their shoes on, it was time to leave. It was going to be a bit chilly, but not cold, as they walked to the truck in just their diapers. But it would do them good. The diaper looked like it would last until morning, so they were going to risk it.

Once home, Kevin had the boys get into a sleeper, and then they could all cuddle and watch tv together. Hobie loved this idea because he used to cuddle with his daddy and he really misses that.

The rest of the week went well. Kevin never told Stevie that Stan would be spending the weekend with them. Kam's mother was hoping Kam could spend the weekend as well, because she thought it would be good for him. He needed to get used to others seeing him in diapers, especially kids that understand and are like him. Kevin had the weekend off, so it was looking like a good weekend, and the weather was looking to be warmer and sunny, so they had options they could do outside. Both boys talked to the therapist about the bullies and how it made them feel.

Friday Hobie would get out of class early because he had to go see the Doctor Kevin preferred. He would give him a quick physical and do some bloodwork, to make sure his nutritional level and everything else is where it should be. He can also give a note to allow Hobie to wear pull-ups or even diapers at school as needed, esp on Thursdays and Fridays, when he has his spelling tests, as well as math quizzes and more. Because Hobie had been molested by the foster brother, he also wanted to have him tested for any diseases, just in case.

It is now Friday morning. The boys are in very wet diapers, and waddling to the kitchen to get some Cheerios for breakfast.

"Hobie, I will be picking you up at 1:30 today. You have a Doctor's appointment. Stevie, you are to walk home, and then start on any homework you have. Make sure to set out your spelling test for me please. We have plans this weekend. I think Alice had to run to St. Cloud, because she asked if Kam could walk home with you, and then she would pick him up later. You boys behave, and can change each other if you want to."

The boys nodded, as they finished their breakfast. Kevin got the boys changed and dressed. Hobie is in a pull-up, and Stevie is in a Pampers 6 overnight. It should last him all day since he flooded his diaper at breakfast. When the boys were ready, they headed out to school as Kevin left for work.

Kevin picked up Hobie and got him to Dr. Shelby's office on time. Once the paperwork was filled out, they only had to wait a few minutes.

The nurse got his height and weight, 3 ft 11 inches and 42 pounds. Then they went into a room and she got his vitals. He was stripped down to his wet pull-up. He is embarrassed because it is wet and is worried Kevin might get mad.

"After you are done with the doctor, we will get you out of that wet pull-up Hobie. It's not a big deal. That is why I had you wear it because I know many boys have a hard time focusing on their bladder and on a test. I wanted you to do your best on your tests today." Said Kevin.

A few minutes later Dr. Shelby came in. He gave Hobie the once over. Talked about his wetting issues and agreed with him wearing diapers or pullups to school on days he has a test, since Hobie, like so many boys worries about wetting his pants and thus focuses on his bladder and then has a hard time focusing on tests or projects.

When done, Dr. Shelby grabbed a size 6 diaper and the powder, then got Hobie in a fresh dry diaper. Hobie looked at the Doctor when he was done and gave him a shy smile.

"Hobie, I know that most of the boys Kevin gets are at least bedwetters, and many have some daytime issues. Pull-ups work well when you can get to the bathroom to use it, instead of the pull-up, after all, they are training pants to learn to go potty in the toilet. But if you are wetting the pull-up a lot, or for anyone that still goes #2 in a pullup, I always suggest a diaper instead. They hold more, leak less, and most boys say they are more comfortable. I hope you have a good day. I will see you again in a few weeks or a few months, depending on the results of the blood work," said Dr. Shelby.

Blood work was ordered, and Kevin asked the Doctor, for an STD test, due to possible abuse by a foster brother. He agreed and included it in the order. He gave a note to Hobie so he can wear diapers or pull-ups at school, and even gave Kevin a prescription for them, so he can order some and get the insurance to cover them for Hobie. They went to the lab next door and got the blood work done. Hobie did not like getting poked with the needle, but he liked the Pokemon Band-Aid.

It was a nice day, so Kevin thought it would be good for them to spend a little time together, just the 2 of them. After a quick stop for an Ice Cream Sandwich and a Coke, they then headed to the park that was next to the river. It was peaceful, has lots of swings, a nice playground, and a bunch of trees they could sit under and talk. Hobie finished his Ice Cream, and then spent about 20 minutes playing. Kevin pushed him on the swings, and it was a good bonding time. Then Kevin grabbed a beach towel, and they went and sat under a tree and talked. It was good, for both of them, and Hobie accepted that Kevin was not like the other foster parents and ws not going to just get rid of him again like all the others had. He really cared about him and any boys he took care of. He was a dad, or daddy, even if just a temporary one. Hobie cuddled into Kevin as they talked. They spend over 40 minutes talking. Then they headed home. School let out about 20 minutes ago, so Stevie and Kam should be home by now.

It turns out the boys were home. When Kevin and Hobie arrived, the house looked empty, but Kevin could hear some grunting and moaning coming from upstairs. Hobie wanted to go find Stevie and Kam, but Kevin stopped him.

"Hobie, I think Stevie and Kam are having some private time together. I do not want you walking in on them again. I hope you know that they are not hurting each other, and both enjoy playing together that way, but let's let them have their fun and release."

"Ok. I know they have special feelings for each other, and that Stevie was not hurting Kam. Kam told me he really likes it and it feels so good."

"Yeah when 2 people are gentle and care for each other, it feels great and you never want it to end, it might hurt at the beginning, but it's a good hurt and they don't try to hurt you. But if someone is forcing you it can hurt a lot, and you might still get your special feelings, but it does not make you feel special and loved. That feeling of being special and loved is important, at least to me, and many boys."

"When Tim put it in me, it hurt and he did not care if it hurt. When Braden put it in me, he was slower and when it hurt, he stopped and waited so I could get used to having something in my butt. It felt good after I got used to it. I hope he is OK, and Tim and his friend are not hurting him. How can I help him?"

"We can talk about what happened. I will record it and ask questions. Then I will give it to your social works boss, and tell him that if he does not get the police involved, then we will. I will also tell him what your worker told me. I don't know if Branden will come here if he is still there. He might go elsewhere, but I can also find out where he is so maybe you guys can have a sleepover or maybe just hang out at the park or something if you would like."

"Yah, I want to help him. I trust you will help him and me. I know you won't judge me for what he did to us. I would like to see him. A sleepover would be cool, but at least getting to hang out at the park would be awesome."

"Hobie, Stevie does not know this yet, but Stan will be staying over this weekend. Kam will also be staying. It is a surprise for Kam and Stevie. We can talk in private this weekend if you want, or else we can talk one evening next week. Whatever you want. But I think we should do it soon. If we do it this weekend, I will go see Phil, the head social worker on Monday morning."

"Wow, that's cool. Stan is really nice. I am glad he will be staying over. He said he has not had many sleepovers, because of his diapers. He was in an accident last year and has to wear them because of injuries he told me. He wore diapers to school for over a year but now is much better in the daytime."

"I talked with his mom a few times. She told me all about his accident and his issues. He still has some daytime issues, but not as many, and most are after school, or weekends it seems. He has pull-ups he can wear to school if he wants to, and he normally wears them on Fridays because of tests. Surprise surprise. He will be here at about 5pm. It's Walleye Opening weekend too, so I figured we could go fishing if you boys wanted to."


They waited about 5 minutes and then they did not hear the grunting and moaning anymore. A few minutes later the floor started to squeak, and then footsteps on the stairs. As the boys turned the corner, Kevin and Hobie scared them. Both of them were in diapers and they both wet them. Once calmed down, they all laughed and talked. Hobie stripped to his diaper and his shirt. Then the boys started on the little bit of homework they had. Kevin mentioned going fishing this weekend, and both Kam and Stevie got excited.

Kam still did not know he was spending the weekend, nor did Stevie.

A few minutes after 5, there was a knock on the door. The boys assumed it was Kam's mom. That was partly correct. Stan and his mom pulled in right behind Kam's mom, so they were all at the door together. Kevin invited them all in and called the boys out from the family room. The boys ran out, and when they saw Stan, his Mom, and Alice, they all froze. The look on their face was priceless. Stan got a good look at all 3 very cute diaper boys. He got a stiffy really fast. His mom suggested he wear a diaper but he said he would wait until later. She made sure he packed several of his thick diapers, as well as the GoodNites he wanted to pack. She actually added 6 to his duffel bag just before they left. They were on top so when he opened it they would be the first thing he saw.

"Kam, here is your duffle bag. It has some clothes in it, and your diapers. It should last you all weekend. I will see you after school on Monday, Behave, and don't forget your essay is due Monday morning. Love you." Said Alice. Then she gave him a big hug and a kiss.

"Boys, Kam is spending the weekend, and Stan will be sleepover over until Sunday. I see he brought his fishing pole, so that means fishing is a go for tomorrow if the weather holds up. He knows you wear diapers, so don't be shy. Show him where the fishing tackle goes, and then you can all go back in to watch TV, until I its dinner time."

Stan gave his mom a hug and said love you and then he followed the boys. His mom talked to Kevin and commented on how cute the boys were in their diapers. He explained that Stevie normally wears them on Thursday and Friday to school, and often pull-ups some other days, but it's his choice. Hobie is the same, and recently Kam has been wearing on Thursday and Friday and his grades are now As on his tests instead of the Bs he was getting. She commented on how much better Stan is doing wearing them on Fridays now as well. They talk for a few more minutes and then she heads out.

By the time Kevin gets into the family room, Stan is asking where he can put his diaper on at. Kevin says he can use the bathroom, or Stevie's room, otherwise, he normally changes the boys for bed, so he can change him, if he is not too shy. Stan blushes and is thinking about it, when Stevie and Kam both say, "He does a really good job, and if you get a stiffy when he changes you, he does not tease you about it." This makes Stan blush even more. He finally agrees and Kevin takes him and changes him into his thick night diaper. HE comes out in just his diaper, shirt, and socks. Now all 4 boys are dressed the same.

Its going to be a lot of fun this weekend for the boys. Stan might even learn a few things, he had no idea he would learn from younger boys. After all, his older brother just recently explained what jacking off was, how it worked, and some of the ways to do it. Otherwise, he is basically a total virgin and a newbie to any type of stimulation and sex. Just wait until he learns what he can do and have done to him. He will be learning it from younger boys that have a lot more experience and will rock his world.




---------------------- End Chapter 8 -------------------



Stevie is now 10, Kam is 9, going on 10, and Hobie 8, yet all 3 are small for their ages. Stevie and Hobie are about the same size. Most would think they are 6-7, not 8-10. Kam is actually the tallest and heaviest of the 3, but not by much.

Stan is having his first sleepover with other diaper boys that wear the during the days too. He is also about to learn about Boy Sex. This is a weekend he won't forget!

What happens to Butch and Dave?

Branden? Is he safe, or not? Will he be saved from the older boys? Will he live with Hobie again?

Stay Turned for the next chapter to answer some of these questions and more.


Would love to hear your feedback and ideas!!!!! Drop me a note.


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Check out my other ongoing stories:

Finding a Mentor, Max's Story. Adult Youth on Nifty, and AO3.


Be True to Your Heart, on Nifty Adult Youth and on AO3. (These boys are EXTRA HORNY and like to play around!)


To see all my stories, check out my AO3 author page.




Some fun and very enjoyable stories with a wide range of ages and actions.

These are about some very horny boys and/or some cute diaper boys.








7 The Story Teller

8. Lights, Camera, Action

9. The Orphanage Service

10. Willy Wanker















If you are into lots of sex and all types of sex with boys, be it boy on boy, man on boy, or a mix of grouping of all the above, then check out these bookmarks on AO3. You will find a very wide selection of stories covering the gamut of boy sex. From loving and gentle, to being used and submissive, to rough and the boy used for pleasure. If you are not a member of AO3 yet, I suggest you request an invite and join. Then you can subscribe to authors and stories you like for when new posts happen, as well as do your own bookmarks of your favorite stories. It's free and easy, so give it a go. When you find a story you like, check out that author's other stories and those that leave comments or kudos. It's how I find a lot of my favorite stories on AO3.



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