Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 22:55:02 -0400 From: Subject: No Girls Allowed NO GIRLS ALLOWED! By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM WWW.TOMMYHAWKSROGUEMOON.COM "This way, come on!" Richard called to him. Kyle followed as quickly as he could, not easy, as Richard was weaving through some rose bushes (ouch, those thorns!) and then through a gap in a fence behind them. Kyle squeezed through and then there were some trees and bushes in unfettered confusion. Not a forest, just a few trees in that little gap between the plots of land here. A small amount of nature that was left behind to screen the homes from their neighbors. Lots of room here, plenty of room for kids to play and explore after school! It was why his family had moved here two months ago, between Christmas and New Year's. He'd had to start a new school halfway through the school term. He'd been catching up in classes and trying to fit into new school teams ever since. Maybe this time, it was actually paying off. He'd become friends, sort of, with Richard. And Richard had told him of a club that met after school three times a week. "And we have our meeting, and after, we get together a game of baseball or football, or sometimes Tim brings by his volleyball and the net from his dad's tennis court and we'll string it up and play a game. There's eight of us in the club, you'll be nine if they let you join." "If?" Kyle said, swallowed. "Why couldn't I join?" "You have to pass our initiation." Richard said with such scorn that Kyle immediately shut up. Richard, Tim, Jacob, Fred, Bobby, and probably others. All within a year of his age, and they were always staying over at each other's houses after school and going with each other on family trips and... God, he had to pass their initiation! If he did, his life here was going to be great! If not...he'd be years building such a network of friends all ready-made and waiting there at this club. "Here we are." Richard stopped under a tree. One hand on the trunk, he stood in a way that caused his shirt, unbuttoned more than halfway down, to gape open. His body, sun-browned beneath, formed a poetic curve of youthful beauty beneath Richard's face, clean and arrogantly handsome, he'd be a fantastically good-looking man one day. Deep brown eyes melted into Kyle's, from there they speared down into his heart! Kyle blinked, fought off this feeling, weird, how another boy could make him feel like this sometimes! Like he wanted to reach out and take hold of that boy and never, never let go! "Come on, they're waiting for us." "Where?" Kyle looked around. Where was their clubhouse? Then he saw the boards nailed to the trunk. Richard was holding onto one of them. Up in the trees, of course! The club of boys was being held in a treehouse! And Richard was climbing those rungs like a monkey. Kyle saw the treehouse, a good twenty feet overhead, gulped and climbed after him. If one of those rungs wasn't nailed on tight, it was a long way to fall! When the rung at the midway point twisted slightly in his hand, he nearly screamed. But it didn't twist any further and he gulped again and kept climbing. And he was up through the trapdoor and inside. Hands helped pull him on in. Kyle got to his feet and looked around, smiling as best he could, though he wanted to tremble. "Hi, guys!" "Welcome to our club." one of the boys said. "You mean I'm in?" Kyle said. "I thought you had an initiation...." The boys giggled at him. "Of course not, doofus. You have to pass the initiation to become a member. I meant, welcome inside our clubhouse." "Oh." Kyle said. "Sorry." "We will determine here, today, if you are to become a member." the boy said. "We must determine if you have the qualifications for membership." "What are the qualifications?" "You have to be a member of the neighborhood, living within a mile of this treehouse." the boy said. Kyle just shrugged and nodded. "What else?" "You have to be a student at Grover School." the boy, presumably the club president, went on. Kyle was, so he nodded again. "And most important of all, you have to be a boy." the president said. "No girls are allowed in the clubhouse at any time for any reason, ever! The penalty for being a girl in the clubhouse is to be thrown out of the window." And he pronounced the next word with relish. "Defenestration." "That means being thrown out of a window." Fred supplied. "It means that, and nothing else." "Yes, the penalty for being a girl in our clubhouse is defenestration." "So, okay." Kyle said. "What else is there?" "Where does Kyle live?" the president asked Richard, his sponsor. "He lives in the old green house over on Cypress Street." "Good, he satisfies the first requirement." The president said. "Is he a member of good old Grover?" "He is, he sits two chairs behind me in home room every day." "Is Kyle a girl?" "I'm not a girl!" scoffed Kyle, surprised. "How can we know that?" Fred challenged. "I'm not a girl!" Kyle said again. "Do you know he's not a girl?" the president asked Richard. "I looked at him in the boy's bathroom today when he was peeing." Richard affirmed. "He's got a wiener on him." "He was peeing from this wiener of his?" the president inquired. "Yeah, Joe, he was peeing from his wiener." Richard said. "Are you certain it wasn't one of those false wieners I've heard about." Kyle was grinning at this, he looked over to see Richard wasn't so sure. "Hey, Richard, come on." he said. "I don't know." Richard admitted. "I didn't get that good a look at it." "Oh, come on!" Kyle said, and he would have said more but the president (Joe) held up his hand. "Any outbursts from the prospective member is grounds for defenestration." Joe said. Kyle subsided. "I submit." Joe went on. "That we must examine this matter very carefully." "I propose that we examine Kyle to determine for certain he is in fact a boy." Fred put in. Kyle decided he must be the vice-president or something, for he was never told to shut up. "I second that motion." another boy said. "All in favor of examining Kyle to be certain he is a boy signify by saying Aye.'" "Aye!" came the chorus of voices. "What is this?" Kyle demanded, and that was when he was grabbed by two boys, one taking each of his arms. "Hey!" he cried out. "Let go of me!" "Calm down, Kyle!" Richard said to him soothingly. "It's a part of the initiation. Got to make sure you're a boy." "But you know I am, you know it!" Kyle was feeling very much like crying just now. Richard was supposed to be his friend! What kind of cruel joke were they playing on him. "I went through the same test when I joined." Richard said, kneeling down in front of Kyle. "You did?" "Yeah." Richard said. "We all have." "Have you?" Kyle looked around and several somber faces nodded. "Well...okay." and he quit squirming. Richard's small, delicate, beautiful hands were at his fly, holding his top button steady while he unzipped Kyle's pants. Once that was done, he undid the button and tugged the pants down Kyle's hips and down to his ankles. That left Kyle with only his briefs on. He was secretly glad he had put on a clean, white pair of them, because everyone was looking at them. Right at them! "See, there's a wienie in here!" Richard told Joe, Fred and the others. "I haven't seen anything yet!" Fred hooted. "Get those puppies down and let's see it!" That earned him a round of chuckles, and Kyle looked about, uncertain again, as Richard took his briefs at the top by both hands and shucked them down. "And there it is!" Joe said. "I see a wiener there all right." "Kind of small, isn't it?" Fred wanted to know. "It is." Joe agreed. "It still could be a fake." "Huh?" Kyle blurted out! They thought his peter was a fake? "Aw, come on!" "Better test it out." Joe went on. "Richard, you're sponsoring him. Show us how it works." And Richard, beautiful, wonderful, marvelous Richard! Richard took Kyle's dong in his hand and his fingers caught hold of the shaft, and he began to wiggle it! "Hey, hey, hey!" Kyle said, but that wasn't an exclamation, it was more like--a whisper. His willy surged up and got all stiff like it did sometimes when he was in bed, and he'd reach down and wiggle it in his fingers until it tingled really nice. It was getting that he liked doing that every night, maybe in the mornings, too, when he woke up early, and the house was quiet, and the sun was shining in and there was plenty of time, all warm and cozy in the blankets, and it was just a perfect time to make your wienie get all stiff and firm and then make it tingle-tingle-tingle, ooh-ooh-ooh, OOH! Such a wonderful way to start the day, much better than when he just wanted to sleep and Mom came in and nearly shoved him out of the bed! But this was even better! Having another boy working your willy was even better than that early morning fresh-as-a-daisy working in a warm bed. "Hey, he's nice and hard now." Joe said. "Yeah, look at that, all nice and hard." Fred nearly slavered like a hungry hound dog as he looked at Kyle's dick in Richard's hand. "Come on, Richie, work it faster. Make Kyle squirm, real hard, faster, come on, faster!" "I'm trying." Richard said. "Then let me do it!" Fred said and Kyle looked as he replaced Richard at his feet. "Yeah, Fred can yank a pud better'n anyone in the world, I bet." the boy holding his left arm said. The guy on his right was Toby, a kid from his homeroom class. "Yeah, Fred can really make you squirm." he said to Kyle. "Hang on and enjoy it!" "Yeah, because it'll be your turn next." "Huh?" But then was when Fred started working Kyle's dick. Oh, man, Fred WAS good! Kyle shivered, it felt so good. He felt his willy building up to that wonderful tingle, it was tingling, tingling, ooh-ooh-ooh-OOH! "Oh, oh, yeah, stop now, stop!" Kyle breathed huskily. "Forget you." Fred said. "Hang on tight, here's the real action." "Uh, stop, stop!" It was hurting,, it wasn't! Feeling good-good-GREAT-GREAT!" "OH, OH, OH-HUH-UH, UH-HUUUUHHHHH!" Kyle had never felt anything like this before! His entire body was tingling, not just his wienie! Like he was one gigantic wienie! He was a boy, HE WAS A BOY! "AH, AH, AHHAH, UH, UH, uhhh, uhhh, uhhh!" Kyle nearly fell down, it felt so terrific, he slumped and only the boys holding him kept him on his feet. Fred was looking at his hand. Kyle's dick had spurted onto it, and he was looking at the white come on his hand. "Cool! Kyle came!" "He did!" "Wow!" "Gee!" "Let me see, let me see!" the boys crowded around, staring at the gooey smear on Fred's hand. "I did that?" Kyle said when Fred presented it to him. "You did that." Fred said. He wiped the stuff on Kyle's cheeks, and said, "Kyle is a boy!" And everyone cheered! Kyle was still flushed with the incredible happy feeling he'd gotten, he grinned as best he could. Hands pounded his back, shook his hands. "All in favor of letting Kyle join our club, signify by saying "Aye!" called out Joe. "AYE!" The affirmation was deafening. "Hey, great!" Kyle said as soon as he could stop shaking hands and recover from the blows to his spine, he was staggering from the welcome. "I'm glad I joined this club." "We're glad to have you." "Well, at least the initiation is over with." Kyle said. "Over?" Joe said. "Oh, no, it's not over yet." "So what else is left?" Kyle frowned. "I passed your test, didn't I?" "Sure, you passed." Joe said. "Now comes the welcoming ritual." "What's that?" "Get down on your knees." Joe ordered. Kyle did, and Joe stepped before him, undoing his fly. "Come on everyone, get in a line to welcome our newest member." He presented his dick to Kyle. "Okay, time for our newest member to show his appreciation to us for letting him join." Kyle knew what he was supposed to do next, and he did, gratefully enough. His hand proceeded to express his appreciation to his new club president, then Fred the vice-president, then to Richard, his sponsor, then to Bobby, then Tim, then.... Well, every boy in the group! Boy, did his hand get tired. He switched to the left after a time. When only three were left, he was wincing and Richard got down beside him. "It's okay, Kyle, I'll take over for you." he said. "Thanks." Kyle sighed and watched as his new friend proceeded to wank off the last three boys. "And that's the end of our initiation." Joe said. "Kyle, you're a member of our club. We'll meet here next on Wednesday afternoon, okay?" "Sure." "And I'd like you to come to my house to stay tomorrow night." Joe went on. "I'll ask my Mom." Kyle said. "But I'm sure she'll say yes." "Come on, guys, let's go play a game of softball!" Fred called out. Kyle waited with Richard while the other boys scampered down the tree. "What do you think about our club?" Richard said. "It's great." Kyle said. "I'm looking forward to the next meeting." "Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday." Richard affirmed. "Gives you a chance to arrange for the next couple of nights with some boy, so you can play at night, too." "Yeah, I'm spending tomorrow night at Joe's." "Let's ask your Mom if I can spend tonight with you." Richard said. "I want a private viewing of you squirting juice out of your wienie." "Yeah, I got some on my tongue when Fred wiped it on me." Kyle said. "Tastes kind of salty." "Yeah?" Richard said. "I want to try it tonight." "I bet it tastes even better when it's fresh." Kyle agreed. "We'll find out tonight at my house." "And you got to come to my birthday party at my house next week." Richard offered. "We'll have cake and ice cream and all kinds of party games. Mom's got a real live cowboy coming, who'll teach us how to do some neat rope tricks with a lasso." "Great. Uh, are there going to be girls at the party?" "No girls allowed." "Right!" Kyle grinned. "Let's go play ball!" THE END Comments, complaints or suggestions? E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM WWW.TOMMYHAWKSROGUEMOON.COM