Chapter Twenty

When JJ arrived home, he checked his phone and found a voice mail from his parents saying they'd be home next Tuesday, and they expected his room to be clean. Grumbling under his breath, he gathered trash bags and gloves and set to work. First, he picked up all the trash on his floor. Then he cleaned under his bed, cringing when he found a moldy slice of pizza and crusty socks. Once he'd gathered up all his dirty clothes and placed them in his hamper, he swept the floor and took the trash out. Then he showered.

Once he was clean, he called Brianna and Rachel to see what they were up to. Brianna was busy braiding hair while Rachel's phone went straight to voicemail. Henry was busy too, as were Lance, Mitchells, David, and Jason. Sighing, he told Alexa to play I'm Just a Kid by Simple Plan. He scream-sang along to the lyrics, feeling more alone than ever at that moment. JJ was halfway through his third listen when the alarm on his phone sounded.

Shit, I forgot all about my Google Hangout with Travis. He rushed around the room, trying to remember where he put his laptop. After finding it, he booted up and logged on.

 ~DaJoshFather has entered The Hangout~

It took a second for Travis's image to load, and when it did, he looked beat.

"Hey," JJ said, nibbling on a candy bar.

 Travis yawned. "Cute username. DaJoshfather, like the God Father? 

Smiling, JJ said, "Yeah. It's legit my fav movie. So, where do you wanna begin?

 A pensive look came over Travis. "Your name, birthdate, and family history would be a good start."

JJ nodded. "My full name is Joshua." He cringed. "Joseph Giovanni and I was born April 1, 2003."

Eyes wide, Travis said, "You're almost two years older than me. How are we in the same grade?"

"I was held back twice. On purpose, mind you. I used to go to Choate, then I flunked all my classes to get my parent's attention. But all it earned me was a grounding. I did the same thing the next year, and they transferred me to AP Prep."

At Travis's confused look, JJ said, "What's wrong?"

"I don't get why you'd want to flunk two grades. 

As soon as I'm old enough, I'll take the GED test and be done with school."

"Why do you hate school so much?"

Travis rolled his eyes. "Why do you think?"

JJ looked down. "Sorry." 

Neither of them said anything for a while until Travis broke the silence. "What are your parents like?"

"Demanding. Always going on about how I must uphold the dignity and honor of our family and how my every action reflects upon them. Honestly, it's a load of horse shit. What about your parents?"

"Mother is an RN, and Father is an electrician with a local construction company. They work a lot, leaving me to look after the twins when they can't get a babysitter."

"I wish I had a brother or sister."

Travis laughed. "No, you don't. They're annoying brats, and I'd rather be an only child like you. Back to my parents. Mother, being from old money, is prim and proper, always hectoring me about `dressing for success and my image. Father is stoic but has always stressed the importance of education and hard work. Even though I have a 3.666 GPA, he's always telling me I can do better. The truth is I learn more outside of school than I do inside it. Parents can be such . . ."

"Bastards?" JJ said, making a sour face as his resentment ratcheted up.

"I was going to say authoritarian Neanderthals, but that works. They act like because they're older, they know better. But I'm old enough to make decisions about my own body."

JJ raised his hands in the air. "Preach! Parents think they know everything, but they have no clue what we go through on the daily."

"Exactly. They wouldn't last thirty seconds as a kid today. I swear, they should require people to have a license before siring offspring."

"Amen," JJ said, and they laughed.

"You know," Travis said, smiling, "you don't completely suck, Giovanni."

"Thanks, and you're not half-bad yourself, Travis." 

Scowling, Travis said, "That's Turner."

JJ rolled his eyes. "Don't you think we're closer than that, given our kiss?"

"One, we didn't kiss. Two, you must earn the right to use my first name."

And just when I was starting to like him, he goes and says that. "How about this: you can call me JJ if I can call you Travis?"

"No deal. It's either Joshua or Giovanni."


"Because JJ has tormented me for years."

"Huh? Wait. I get it. Then how about you call me Josh?"

"That's satisfactory. A glossy look came into Travis's eyes, and he froze as if in a trance before cracking a grin and saying, "You want to kick it at my crib tomorrow or what?" 

 "And the award for most schizo goes to you." He laughed.

Travis smiled wide. "I know I can be a real prick, but give me another chance?" 

JJ didn't know what to make of Travis's mood shift. Should he accept the offer and hang with him or decline it? They both probably had enough info to satisfy Dr. Dull. And he was still pissed at Travis for getting them kicked out of anger management class. But the thought of being in Travis's actual room was too great a temptation.

"Imma need an answer soon."

Pushing aside his fears, JJ said, "Yeah. When?"

"Six PM?"

"Cool. Oh, can I have your cell number? In case my plans change."

They said goodbye, and JJ promised to text him later. For the rest of the day, he couldn't stop smiling.  Tomorrow, I'm gonna hang with Travis frelling Turner. But what if I spaz out, and he doesn't like me? What if this is all an elaborate prank to get revenge on me. What if I go over there and he tells me he hates me?

He hyperventilated until he remembered the breathing exercises Dr. Dull had taught them. Calm down. We're just going over there to hang. That's it. Maybe I should have a drink to chillax?

He shook his head, thinking better of it, and spent the rest of the day on YouTube.


 The next day, JJ spent hours agonizing over what to wear. He didn't want to dress too formally, but he didn't want to look like a slob either. He settled on a pair of khaki cargo shorts with a polo and Converses. Outfit decided, he attempted to tame the orange beast that was his hair. He was all set to begin the battle when he noticed he had a giant pimple on his nose.

Fuck! What am I gonna do?

 He tried popping it, but it wasn't ready and swelled up, turning an angry reddish-purple. Maybe Mom's concealer will work?

Creeping up the stairs to the third floor, he entered his parents' room and searched his mother's side of the bathroom, finding several bottles of concealers. But which to use? He tested a bit of each on his hand until he found one that matched his skin tone. After applying it to his zit, he checked himself out in the mirror. It now looked like he had a huge bump/wart on his nose. "I'm hideous."

Screw it.

He put the concealers away, washed his nose, and got his hair presentable. When he was ready, JJ texted Travis. 

"We still on to hang today?"

The message stayed on read for ten minutes before Travis replied, "Yeah. See you in a bit."

JJ requested a rideshare, and when it arrived, he piled in, heart in his throat.

Here we go.

Author's Note: Don't ya wanna slap some sense into these boys? Aw, to be young, dumb, and full of . . . love. Next chapter, Josh and Travis hang out, complements of Pro's meddling.

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