Chapter Forty

JJ slipped off his Nikes, groaning when a jolt of pain raced up his arm. He grabbed it, hoping that would help. The pain passed, but it hadn't gone unnoticed. 

Dr. Dull asked him, "Are you finally going to tell me what happened?"

Dr. Dull had been asking him what really happened for weeks now, and JJ was tired of hiding the truth. He stumbled over his words, mustering up the courage to speak.

"Joshua, relax. You know anything you tell me is confidential."

JJ looked at his feet. "Travis did it."

Nodding, Dr. Dull said, "Tell me about it when you're ready."

The thought of it still struck him with fear. The look of pure hatred in Travis's eyes as he flung the wave of flames haunted JJ's dreams. "He found out I'd been stalking him and . . ."    

Dr. Dull handed him a box of tissues, and JJ wiped his eyes. When he'd gathered himself, he told Dr. Dull everything. When he'd finished, JJ didn't know how to feel.

"Let me start by saying you were very brave for sharing this with me. Second, it wasn't your fault, and you shouldn't blame yourself."

"But if I hadn't stalked him--"

"Let me stop you right there. Yes, you shouldn't have done that. But That doesn't excuse Travis's actions. Powers or not, he crossed a line, and you'd be within your rights to never talk to him again."

"But I still love him!"

Sighing, Dr. Dull pinched the bridge of his nose. "I get that, but sometimes love isn't enough. Can you accept he might harm you again?"

He had to think about this a bit. Given what he'd seen, Travis could kill him a hundred times over. But love conquers all, right?

"I want to make it work between us, but I'm scared of him. What should I do?"

"I advise against rekindling your relationship. But knowing teenagers, you'll do what you want regardless of what I say."

JJ leaned forward in his seat. "So?"

"If you and Travis are to be together, then you must set clear boundaries and stick to them. And above all else, go slow. It will take time to rebuild trust. As for your fears, there're well warranted. I suggest you let him explain his actions before making a decision."

"Right," he said, and they spent the rest of their session talking about how things were going with his parents and school.


In the weeks that followed, JJ tried contacting Travis, but he'd been met with silence until a few days before Halloween.

 Currently, JJ was attending Sunday service. He couldn't stop squirming in his seat, his insides buzzing with excitement--and fear. Mass was a blur; all he could think about was seeing Travis. Just thinking of him filled JJ with equal parts excitement, nervousness, and terror, prompting a boner.

Jason, who'd rode with him, nudged him. "Come on, ya perv. Time for Communion," he whispered, shaking his head and laughing with his eyes.

JJ placed his hymnal over his crotch and made his way to the altar, where Father O'Keefe gave him a knowing look. He exited the church before he went full-blush mode and died of embarrassment.

On the ride to his house, Jason ripped into him good. "Dude, how ya gonna pop a boner in God's house? Even a man-hoe like me knows that's a no-go, bro."

"Like you haven't done things a million times worse?"

"Nothing that sacrilegious."

JJ laughed. "And since when did you become so sesquipedalian?"

"What did ya call me?"

"It means someone who uses long words. Travis taught me it since dude is like a walking thesaurus/dictionary combo."

"Oh, good word to know. And FYI, while you've been up Turner's butt, I've been studying for the ACT and SAT. Your arm heal yet?"

JJ hesitated a second, wondering whether he should come clean. Taking in a deep breath, he said, "I told ya. It was a fireworks accident."

Jason shook his head. "Dude, why ya lying to me?"

"I'm not."

Jason ruffled his hair. "Are so. You always lick your bottom lip when ya lie. And you said it was from frying chicken. So . . .?"

Heat flashed in JJ's face. "I'll explain everything when we get to my house." 

And he did.


"Bro," Jason said, veins popping on his forehead, "that's all kinds of fucked up. How could you still want to be with Travis after that?"

Looking down, JJ said, "I haven't decided yet whether to get back with him. I told my therapist about the situation, and he agrees I should at least hear him out."

Jason shook his head. "Still, dude, if he ever hurts you again, I'll kick his ass. Powers showers."

"Thanks, man."

Jason ruffled JJ's hair again. "Why'd ya wait so long to tell me?"

"I was afraid you'd do something stupid."

"Too late, Squirt," he said, wrapping JJ in a bear hug, careful of his arm. Then he gave JJ a noogie.

JJ laughed and wiggled out of Jason's grasp. "Watch the merchandise, Miller."

This led to a pillow fight that turned into a wrestling match.

"I win, bitch."

JJ rolled his eyes. "You only out-weigh me by like 100 pounds."

Jason lifted his shirt and rubbed his abs. "All solid muscle."

"You're such a fuckboy."

"And proud of it. Ya know you're gorgeous, right?"

 JJ's world went upside down.

"You like . . . like me?"

"Yeah. You used to be an annoying little shit. Then you got hit with the puberty stick and . . ." Jason trailed his hand down JJ's chest, and JJ flinched.

"Stop it."

"Why? I'm hot, you're hot, so drop that zero and get with all of this."

"You may be cuter and have more muscles than him, but Travis has something you don't."


"My love."

"JJ, I'm not asking to marry ya, just hookup. He's a total psycho and--"

"Who's a psycho?"

JJ couldn't believe the sight before him. What was left of Travis's clothes hung off his toned body.

"Damn, son. You got jacked," Jason said, open-mouthed. 

"Josh, I need to speak to you. Privately."

"Yeah. Jason, you should go. And promise you won't tell anyone about his powers or that he's back."

Mouth hanging open, eyes wide, Jason nodded. "Yeah, we'll finish our conversation later."

As he passed Travis, he stopped and made a sour face. "Dude, you reek."

"That tends to happen when you don't have access to a shower."

Jason fanned the air as he left. 

Once alone, Travis turned to JJ. "Mind telling me what I walked in on?"

"No offense, but Jason was right. You stink."


After Travis had thoroughly showered and raided the fridge, they settled on JJ's bed.

"I missed you," JJ said, running his hand up Travis's stomach.

"And I, you."

He pulled JJ close, kissing him long and hard, his hands kneading JJ's butt.

It felt so good, JJ couldn't help moaning, but Travis put a stop to things.

"What's wrong?" JJ said when he pulled away. 

"Mind telling me why you told Miller about my powers?" he said, raising his voice.

"Calm down. He won't tell anyone."

"What was that conversation I walked in on?"

JJ looked down. "He sort of . . . came on to me."

"I'll kill him."

He grabbed Travis's hand. "Don't. You'll only get yourself in more trouble." Looking into Travis's eyes, JJ saw anger, but more importantly, love. And if Travis could forgive him for what he did, then JJ could forgive Travis for what he did. All doubts about their relationship left in that moment. "Besides, I told him I wasn't interested. I'm with you."

Travis's scowl softened into a smile. "Good."

Travis kissed him, then pulled JJ onto the bed, snuggling him close.

"I've missed your scent. Tanni was--"

He cut himself off and kissed the back of JJ's neck.

He turned around, facing Travis. "What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything."

"Uh-huh. You said, `tanni wa' or something."

Travis didn't say anything for a long moment and then broke the silence with, "Tanni wa (|wah|) Pueri i ga (|gah|) Tawo (|tah| |whoa|) Da'keisai (|dah|' |kay| |sigh|). It means you are the light of my universe."

"That's beautiful. What language is that?"

"It's not important. Being here with you is all that matters."

JJ smiled and kissed him, his hands running up Travis's flanks, reveling in the sensations and comfort that came from being with him.

Travis moaned into JJ's mouth, reached for his belt, and JJ jerked back.

"Something wrong?" Travis said, looking confused.

"Yeah," JJ said, scooting away from him. "I think we should hold off on that stuff till we figure out our relationship status. For starters . . . why'd you burn me?" 

Travis's eyes roved JJ's arm, where the purple burn scars popped against his pale skin. "I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you."  

With fear in his heart, JJ said, "Then why did you?"

"I felt betrayed and disgusted that you'd been lying to me all this time, invading my privacy. And when you touched me, I was repulsed and felt violated. And above everything else, I was angry that I'd trusted you. So I lashed out."

JJ didn't reply for a while as he processed things. "Do you regret doing it?"

"Do you regret stalking me?"

"Y--" JJ stopped himself. He and Dr. Dull had discussed setting healthy boundaries, and right now, Travis was trying to gaslight him. "We're talking about you and can discuss my actions later."

Travis pursed his lips. "Yes, I regret my actions. I've had a lot of time to reflect on things and know it was wrong to use my powers on you regardless of how angry I felt."

Pursing his lips, JJ voiced some of his concerns. "Putting aside your anger issues, you put your parents in the hospital, broke probation, and the government's after you. How are we gonna be together with all that?"

"I'm a teleporter. As for that other stuff, we can figure it out later. But tell me. Do you regret your actions?"

JJ smiled. "Yeah. I regret stalking you, bullying you, and not telling you my true feelings sooner. Dr. Dull said if we're gonna make this relationship work, we need to rebuild trust in each other. I'm willing to give us a second chance if you are. Though I don't know how it'll all work out with you in Gitmo."

A quiver of terror shot through JJ as he awaited Travis's response.

"Let me worry about that, okay?" he said, smiling wide.

They shared a hug, snuggled close. Travis wrapped JJ in his arms, and they lay like that, with JJ as the little spoon, until they fell asleep.


JJ woke before Travis, untangled their limbs, careful not to wake him, and grabbed his phone to call Agent Anderson.

"It's me."

"There a reason you're calling me out of the blue?"

"Promise you won't freak."

 Agent Anderson yawned. "Depends. Is Travis back or something?" He laughed.

"Yeah, he's sleeping in my bed right now."

"Are you joking?"

"Nope. Tell Jenny, too."

He ended the call, drained his bladder, then crawled back in bed with Travis and drifted off.


"Open up! Police," demanded a gruff voice over the intercom. JJ bolted up in bed.

"What's going on?" Travis said, yawning and stretching his limbs.

"Police," he mouthed, then hit the intercom. "I'll be right out."

He booked it to the front door, his pulse racing.

"How can I help you, officers?"

The clean-shaven officer, hands on his hips, glared at JJ. "We got a report a wanted person was in the area, so we're conducting a door-to-door search. Mind letting us inside?"

Travis, the cops are here. Hide!

"Fuck my life. What am I gonna do?"

"Go right a--"

"That won't be necessary."

JJ looked around the officer, and Agent Anderson was striding up the driveway with Jenny in tow, clutching her medical bag.

"Who might you be?" the officer said, grimacing and sticking out his chest, hands-on-hips.

Agent Anderson flashed his badge. "This case is under my jurisdiction."

The officer looked at him and half-smiled, half-laughed. "Really? Which alphabet-soup outfit did you say you were with?"

"I didn't. Step aside."

"Or what?" The cop got in Agent Anderson's face, poking him in the chest while the other officers looked on, their hands hovering above their weapons.

"Or I'll call Madame President Paxton herself and have your ass in Gitmo so fast you won't know what happened."

They stared each other down before the cop said, "You make that with your 3-D printer? Let's see what the Captain has to say about you." He took Agent Anderson's badge and walked away. JJ looked at the retreating cop, his heart in his throat as the seconds ticked away. 

The cop came back grimacing. "All right guys. Let's pack it in and let Mr. Anderson handle things." 

On his way out, the cop brushed past Agent Anderson, bumping him hard.

Agent Anderson scoffed. "The nerve of some people. You believe that guy?" He did an impression of a pig.

He and Jenny entered the house, and their first question was, "Where's Travis?" 

"One second."

It's safe to come out.

Seconds later, Travis appeared, clutching his head.

JJ rushed to his side. "What's wrong?"

"Too many voices in my head."

The lights flickered, the house shaking from the gale-force winds that had kicked up.

"Jenny, can't you do something?" JJ shouted over the thunderclaps.

She fished around in her bag, quickly producing a needle and a bottle of some medication. JJ and Agent Anderson held Travis down while she administered it. Windows broke as the storm outside intensified. Travis thrashed, then stilled, and all was quiet.

JJ stayed behind to clean up the broken glass while they carried Travis to the guest room so Jenny could examine him.

"How is he?" he said when he saw her a while later.

"He's resting. His pulse and blood pressure are low but steady, and from the look of his eyes, he's severely dehydrated."

"What happens next?"

"I'll get a few items from the hospital and start him on IV fluids. Then get several doses of his treatment from Dr. Hu. For now, let him rest. When are your parents due back?"

"Not till the end of the month, but they've returned early before."

Then we'll have to be on our toes, won't we?" She smiled.


He checked on Travis every hour or so until he awoke on the third day, acting as though nothing happened.

Jenny wanted Travis to go to the hospital so they could do a comprehensive workup, but he refused. At JJ's insistence, Travis agreed to check in a few times a week and have Jenny examine him and supply him with his treatment and other goodies so he could continue training. What this training was, or where it took place, he never let on much to JJ's annoyance, which he repeatedly voiced to Travis to no avail.

The night before Travis left, they spent the whole night cuddling. When JJ awoke the next morning, Travis was gone, taking a part of JJ with him. Jason denied calling the police, but JJ had his suspicions.

Author's Note: Only three more chapters to go. I'll try to post them all this weekend.

Also, the next book in the series, Pandemonium, will be ready for beta readers by the end of August at the latest. Let me know if ya'll are interested in beta reading it ( Thanks again for taking time out of your day to read my little story.

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