Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2000 19:02:02 PST From: Zachery o Subject: Pat-and-me the series Forget the long intros, you know the rules. Our series will continue as long as we know someone is reading. Trademark names that appear are copyright of the respected holders, our series is copyright 1999-2OOO. No reproduction outside of Nifty Archives is permitted. Comments send them to Pat and me part-16 New and improved dry humping and plenty of drama..sit tight Fall had settled down into it's normal dull self, the trees had since lost the colors however I failed to notice them as my life basically three functions. Sleep, and my son and school but not always in that order. Somewhere I totally forgot to look at the seasons around me as I buried my face in the books trying to get ahead in my education. Somewhere my life stood still for me, my adolescence was suspened for now and pages took its place. I lay in my bed reading aloud to Justin who was half awake on my chest along with little Christopher who had taken over my pillow. I figured that if I read out loud to them even the boring stuff they would at least listen to my voice and not get as frustrated with silence. It worked out well and both of these boys today have more smarts than most engineers, who ever put eight hot-dog buns in a package forgot you get ten hot-dogs... With the thanksgiving holidays over tomorrow was just another day before the school grind. Tomita played out Snowflakes are dancing on the CD player as Justin made his way off my chest and next to Christopher who for the most part took over Pats place in my bed. I missed sharing myself with Pat, we still had a strong love but his schoolwork and mine left us little time for our needs. Mine were totally on hold having two little munchkins in my bed with me. Sure I could have put Chris in Pats room as his own and Justin with him but instead I liked having them close to me. Nine o'clock flashed out on the dim green display of my old clock, my cock was hard as steel and both munchkins were out like lights, Chris had Justin in his arms who had wrapped himself around Chris. The love both boys had for the other was amazing. Even with Justin only five months old and Chris a little over two years they knew inside what love was all about. I decided to leave them alone for a short while to take care of my needs, not even jerking off for almost two weeks had a price, a high price. I snuck down to Pats room to see if he was still awake, if he wasn't I would have to take care of it in the shower tomorrow morning. I hit the last step and looked over at his door, a light cast through the bottom and a shadow move about. "Knock knock" I whispered in the still hallway "C'mon in man" "Hey bro whats up?" I asked the dumbest question of the eighties "Your dick is man, ever thought of takin care of it?" I leaned down and our lips met as I hugged him close. His warmth in my arms was like a drug. "Wanna take care of it?" "Lights out man yea" I reached down and hugged Pat as he put his books away. I turned out the lights leaving the shadow of the yardlight in it's absence and we began our ritual of lovemaking that we held so sacred. I loved Pat more than life itself, Pat loved me the same yet we kept this so highly guarded. Patrick was still a teenage boy in his looks and feel, nothing has really changed about hims since last summer, well almost nothing. He does have pubic hairs now and is just as tall as me. We lay out on his bed and I take him in my arms holding him close to me, his warmth filled my heart, his smells filled my nose and his long fleshy shaft filled me between the legs not inside just yet but slid under for a good dry hump teasing my senses to the limit. A kiss, long kiss reinforced our love together as we gently kneeded the other boys mounds. His ass felt so good: firm yet supple and still hair free. We forgot his CD was still playing as it repeated itself and played over. We held eachother close as we slow danced nude in the dark. Sex was going to wait as we held the other in the dark, saturday nights for us were for the most part, dead. Little to do now that things have changed so much in the past six months. A new system of taking care of the little ones was in place now. Mom stays home during the day while we went to school then traded places at night. Mom actually liked working later in the day because she could spend time with the babys and play in her garden or do her houseplants, something us teenagers made sure mom could do. Mom insisted that we not work instead focusing on education and our future, we were forbidden to have a job for the most part instead she took care of our finances. I had a large insurance settlement and was now drawing intrest off. Not much but it helped pay for the books. Pat slowly glided his cock aganst my hole as we danced, the regrown foreskin glided his long slender tip past my mound and balls sending a jolt through my body, his soft pubes tickled my plump balls and his hands rubbed my back. A saturday night like this was a rare treat and much needed if we wanted to remain sane. Slow and gentle my cock rubbed aganst Pats fat balls, his long tool rubbed me under mine, his arms, warmth and love made me feel so good inside, I returned this making him feel just as good. My senses were boiling over and Pat picked this up dancing our way to the bed. Slowly he leaned over and we both fell onto the soft blankets, his cock still aganst my nuts, only if my hole was two inches to the front of me... No words said just emotions, I offered myself for his pleasure first and he accepted. He turned me over and began to knead my mounds, his fingers brushed aganst my hole. I spread my legs out and he took the invitation and set his hard wet tip aganst my hole. Face down he began to massage my back, I relaxed everything and soon felt him slip inside. Inch by inch his warm cock slipped inside me, wet hard and full he slowly sank down to his balls resting them aganst my ass. My mind was screaming in relief, the wetness was so wet, warmth was warm everything was so right. In and out I let Patrick pleasure himself in me sending the same pleasure through me, his rebound set his nuts on my ass. Large and plump the hairs tickled my buns, his sack had loosened up during our teenage years. His hardness ground aganst my large gland inside sending jolts of high voltage through my body. I was close but was holding it back inside me so he could have it later on. Minutes felt like seconds and soon he was there, his cock began to twitch and expand inside me. "Oh Zach ohhhh oh oyea" his chants were music to my ears. His body trembled and twitched and I could feel a groan from within him as he began to slide over the edge. The gallons of his precum inside was too much and he turned loose a slow hot orgasm. Wetness filled me, the heat of his sex burned my gland, the itch behind my balls was almost too much as he pumped in wad after huge wad of his cum, his motions slowed way down, both of us enjoyed his intense orgasm together. All too soon it was over and Pat fell over on my back holding me tight. My heart was so full of love for him. I reached down and held his hands at my sides. I wanted to fuck but the love was much more important. Soon enough he turned me over and we met lips, a slow deep kiss in the dark, did I mention how much I loved him? Feeling his big body up we had managed to get turned over with Pat on his back. His eyes full of love and his hands so warm he gently grasped my six inch cock and guided it to his waiting hole, he needed it filled and I needed the release, something so mutual about our friendship. Slowly I sank my hardness inside Pat. Warm and tight like a glove, the wetness enveloped me drawing my senses to the front, my testicles itched inside with my juices. I felt my insides as my prostate began to quiver inside and the itch behind my balls got almost unbearable. With each thrust I could feel the sensations, almost like an orgasm but not quite. For over a year I had deprived myself of this feeling, deprived both of us actually. Ever since that night I had full sex with Steph and all of the aftershocks I had little intrest outside of masturbating. Tonight was a turning point for me. Slowly the feelings intensified within, the feeling of my juices became stronger. As hard as I tried to hold back they fought me. I felt the flash behind my balls, the sharp tingle in my cock and soon my orgasm hit. Slow and strong I pumped Patrick full, his ass squeezed me tightly making the feeling even stronger. Hot, wet and strong I pumped nine long deep squirts in Patrick. Soon it was over and we both fell in one anothers arms. I felt his love deep within me, his heart was so full. I kissed him deep and strong, so full so long. We drifted off to sleep for a short nap together our hearts beat as one. "WHHHAAAAAHHH!!!!" one of the boys discovered I was gone We lumbered to my room to see what was going on. If Justin discovers Im gone for more than a few minutes he tends to get upset, very upset. When we got to my room it was obvious, his cloth diaper was soaked. We didn't care for those pampers and mom got the good cloth ones from the hospital, was sure cheaper and he only once had a rash. I changed Justin while Pat changed Chris and soon the boys settled down in our arms for the night. No getting out of this easily and not that we wanted out, instead we took both boys in our arms and settled in for the night not to wake until late morning with the boys looking for food. Breakfast "C'mon Zachy get up c'mon" Little Christopher was prodding me. A strong mind and even stronger appetite little Chris got us up along with Justin who had his own way of getting me up, crawling on my chest and rocking until I got up. I grabbed Justin and lightly tickled him making him giggle along with Pat who took Chris for a laughing ride. Little boy giggly fun filled my room but soon both got restless and wanted food. Down the stairs to the breakfast nook and placed Justin in his chair next to Chris, we began the breakfast ritual. Little Chris managed to teach Justin how to get fed first, more little boy giggly fun with Justins formula bottle and Chris's breakfast. After eating I bundled Justin up and Pat bundled Chris and we went out for a walk down to the river. Justin in a wrapper on my back like the natives and Chris walking at Pats side we went down in the cool morning light to watch the season change for a moment. I reflected on my life. Seventeen years seemed so long yet so short. Inside I was maybe thirteen both mind and spirit, my clock marched to a diffrent drummer. We walked about looking at the changes. A light dusting of snow covered the ground, the wind was still and the clouds filtered the sunlight. It was these moments being with my family that were so special to me. My son, brother and Patrick all sharing in this together. My life felt so good and felt even better sharing this with the ones I loved so much. Chris ran off a ways to look at some of the rocks that were still exposed, his mind and strength was amazing, I can't think of a thirty month-old boy who had the balance to frolic like he did. His sensitivity to his surroundings was hypnotic. You could tell by his movements his nervous system was well tuned, is focus was very strong. "Zach do you have plans for after school tomorrow?" Pat asked "Not really how about you?" "No just wondering, umm maybe you could come and watch me rehearse after school" Pat was becoming a master of the french horn, an instrument of his soul and mind. It was also my favorite. "Love too man but I dont know if mom can bring Justin to daycare" "Relax man moms off tomorrow and you could bring Justin to school maybe, you know in his carrier" I wasn't crazy about bringing him to school, some were still hostile at me I relented and decided it wouldn't be so bad after all anyone who came near me had to deal with Patrick and many others. We walked down by the river for a while until I felt the wetness on my back, no big deal really everyone has to go. Without a word Pat and me walked hand in hand through the field back to the house, I noticed mom on the deck snapping up a roll of film. She had a great eye for making us look so good. Once inside I changed little Justin and sat down to read again, him nude on my lap. His skin was so soft, his ears were so sharp and his eyes so focused as he became absorbed in my reading. He would point to shapes and drawings on the pages thinking it was a comic book. Hours turned to minutes as I caught the sun setting in the distance lighting the sleeping form on my lap. I looked down at my son who sleep so peacefully and secure I couldn't help but smile. A big heart on a small child. Soon I was asleep on my bed with Justin on my chest. I was woke to the sounds of Pat playing along to his music in his room. The melody was stong and pure as he played along with Strausse, something Pat would persue later in life. I had my hands full of little boy who for the most part wanted attention from dad no matter what. We tickled and wrestled fingers together until dinnertime where the fun of food would soon begin. Mom and Pat ate as if nothing was going on at the table, Chris ate his food like a grown-up while Justin had his fun with his bottle. Toss it on the floor so dad picks it up, as dad does Chris tosses a corn kernal down my pants making dad get up and do a shake dance to make it fall out of his pants leg. To this day Justin will scope out a but-crack and if it's open he will dump a cup of crushed ice down it. Plumbers and other union members know to wear a belt around Justin today, little boy pranks. We finshed dinner and I began the ritual of showering Justin with me, Chris would go with Pat to save on the water. I gently cleaned and rinsed him, his golden blond hair flowed as I rinsed it making him giggle. I dried him and patted the water out of his foreskin and we settled into bed for some simple reading. Something about green eggs and ham I could identify with Sam. Ok so not all of my reading was high level, Sam had taste for trying something out after he was comfortable with it. My mind faded into the words, Justin had long been asleep so I reached up and killed the lights, our day was finished and my new son was safe in my arms. The cat was in his hat. "beeep beeep beeep!" Seven AM has a way of coming around too damn soon. I woke to find Justin was on my chest trying to get me up for school. Never once has he protested my leaving for so long, guess he got used to it. I dressed and fed him while trying to feed myself between bottle drops to the floor. In a way it was funny, he was being a kid and I loved it. I went out and started the car for a little heat. Snowflakes drifted about as the motor rocked to life, I lost myself in a gauze looking at the tachometer. I drifted off for a moment, something I've been doing a lot more of. "Bonk bonk" Pat rapped on the window. Getting in he dumped our bookbags in the back and we were off to school. Oops forgot something! I went back inside and hugged Justin tightly, a goodbye kiss and he was happy. This dad doesn't forget. I floored the olds leaving a double trail of light black smoke behind me quickly reaching seventy-five. "So whats today man, looks like another day of crap to me." Pat was reading the paper. We arrived at school to a charged up bunch. Seems our wrestling team took us to the top again and everyone was charged up. My devious mind was thinking of something that would really get the school going. A moment later I had my answer. Reaching into my locker I pulled an M-8O out of a hiding spot and casually walked back to the commons seeking a lone garbage can. Spotting one by the Pepsi machine I lit the fuse and dropped it in. I pulled the short fuses out of large firecrackers and replaced them with longer ones for a little extra running time. No run today as I dropped it in and walked away like nothing.... "BOOOOMM!!" the commons shook as the impulse covered the commons sending everyone in an uproar, I kept the straightest face anyone could have. The school cop went flying to the can trying to figure out who did it, the principal was going nuts as well and everyone was laughing. The second bell rang out and we all started our not so typical monday. I had traded most of my elective classes up for afternoons at the local vocational school so I could get a jump start on my real education. Three hours of boring stuff and the remainder spent doing what I liked best and still having time to pick Patrick up at the end of the day. Ten AM I walked across the street to the vocational school and began the ritual of earning my knowlage. Bookwork done we started doing class labs and soon I was lost in my studies. "RRRIIINNNNGGG" The highschool bell rang out across the street followed by our bell signalling the end of the day. Pat came and picked me up in my car and stopped at the light. Jaspers were sitting right behind us in dads worthless Jag-you-wire and we waited out the red. Green hit and Pat floored the 35O diesel sending the tires off in a mad howl and combination smoke at Jaspers car, blue tire haze and the thick diesel smoke that poured from the pipes they were mere dots in the mirror. "Ok man so what has YOU all wound up dude?" "I got my spot in the band man Im gonna play at the game friday night!" Pat had been trying so hard for this spot. "No shit your kidding congrats man!" "Yea now you can watch me all nervous now and you better be there!" he threatened his smile "No prob man you know I'm right behind ya" "Yea well we got time tonight too, how about a little behind time when we get home?" "What about practice tonight?" "It's called off tonight, Mister Fields wasn't here today so we had a sub" We arrived home to an empty house and a note on the counter: "Feed yourselves went to work early boys are with me. Home around ten" same note diffrent day. We tossed our backpacks in the entry, dropped our clothes and went to Pats room for the real action. Slow and hard Pat poked his rod at my entry yet wasn't ready to enter just yet. We liplocked for a long time, kissing hugging. Our love redefined and stronger than ever. I reached down to his great big dick and slid the skin back feeling the purple head. Hot and moist it made slicking sounds as I moved his foreskin around. His nuts hung low between his legs, lower then normal. Covered with fine dark pubes the skin wrinkled slightly, Pat likes his room warmer so his balls relax more. Reaching behind I grabbed two handfulls of ass and kneaded it in my hand. Soft and firm his high buns tightened from my touch. Pat ran his hands down my chest stopping at my boobs, the tips stuck out like mountains. Stimulation and his warmth made my cock throb harder, it wanted release now but I was determined to make this last a long time, dick control was my new lession. Pat gently set me upon the bed and spread my legs out. He rubbed his hands down my legs and up again inside stopping to rub that spot behind my nuts. My sack went tight and my cock juttered with my heartbeat, I felt that itch behind my nuts again the feeling I had starting puberty. Without warning he buried his face under my balls licking my perenium and that slit of skin that goes to my hole, my balls popped inside my body making me itch like mad. My cock screamed for release, my mind was set on making things last, we spent almost a year just masturbating the other or alone because I couldn't control myself. His hand found my hard cock and began to rub the precum soaked tip at the bottom driving my frenulum and senses absolutly fucking mad! My precum was coming out in spurts, my itch was too strong and I was about to pass out from the feelings. Wet and hot Pats tounge lapped my pink bud between my buns, his finger slowly gliding my skin over and his other hand found my hiding nuts and pulled them out to play with. Darkness or was it a new light? Waves of intense pleasures covered my body, I felt myself pulsing inside between my legs. My prostate was contracting inside trying to turn things loose and get some relief. Pat was satisfied with his job between my legs and he got above me and sat down on my steely cock, the folds inside his hot ass surrounded my cock, the heat inside almost burned my tip, his firm buns rested on my balls. Up and down he lifted himself over my cock setting the pace. My cock was trying to discherge, my mind fought to keep it inside and I was doing quite well. My precum had coated his insides to the point of making him so slick my cock could stand no more and despite my best control I let loose. As I tried to pinch it back I only pumped more inside his ass, the feel of my own slick sperm was prolonging my orgasmic feelings. The corona that surrounded my nerves expanded, my balls got even tighter and even thought I was passing my orgasm and coming down another wave hit me with the same intensity as the first only I felt even more of my cum pass my dickhole, the force was felt by every nerve in my body. My arms and legs were frozen, I couldn't speak. Every ounce of energy was centered on that sensitive head between my legs. All too soon it was over yet the feelings in my heart were just starting. Our lips met again and I kissed my favorite boy long and deep, the emotion was strong the intensity was without words. I turned Pat over and began to grab his senses for his pleasure. Up and down I lapped at his fat nuts, his soft hairs matted down between his legs. I teased his hole with my finger sliding my fingertip aganst his slicked pucker his whole body shuttered, moans of pleasure filled the room. Turning him over I took his big dick and gently slid the skin over his tip driving him mad, precum overflowed and ran down his shaft. I centered my bullseye over his pole and slowly sat down, his fat cock filled me inside and expanded even more as I made my way to his balls. My fingers rubbed his nipples, my ass squeezed his big cock my cheeks touched his big seeds. The love filled the air along with the smell of sex. As I slow fucked his great dick his hand was busy working over my shaft bringing me to yet another wet orgasm, one hand over my shaft the other played with my little balls. Soon it was showtime and he began to fill me with his seeds, my cock lost control and squirted globs over his chest. For a few moments we lost track of reality and replaced it with natures gift of love. Blow after blow Pat continued to pump me full, the warmth coated me inside as I forced mine on his chest. "Ohhh fuck Zach ohh man shit shit..... fuck that was good! Where did you learn to fuck like that?" Pat half whispered "You man. you get all the credit" I kissed him I cleaned off his chest yet left his fat wad in my ass, he was still half hard and I squeezed my ass inside holding it in me. I leaned down and kissed him again and doing so stretched out across his body and we both fell asleep until late that night. Tomorrow was tuesday and if we missed school it was no big deal. I woke around three that morning to find two munchkins in my bed with us, my bladder pointed me to the boys room for relief. Business taken care of I returned to my bed tossing the idea of skipping out of school for some booktime. A little boy wrapped himself around me as my mind drifted back to a simpler time. Decition was made that I would drop by school tomorrow to pick up assignments and bring them home, someone needs daddy around and I can't resist and the school was cool with this. "Zachy get up get up" You could set your watch to Christopher I got up and went down to feed the boys, no intention of getting ready for school I was still nude. Oatmeal on the stove and Justins bottle in the warm water I heard Patrick wake up, his fart echoed about the house. "Your not dressed hon and its close to eight" mom came down. "Not going today, gonna stay home and study for next week" my excuse anyway "Well ok but you study now and don't play on your radios all afternoon" "I won't mom besides Im checking in later to pick up any missed work, taking Justin with me" "Ok are you going to keep Chris or do I take him?" "he can go shopping with mom I guess. I just need some dad time with Justin today really" "Thought you did, your a good dad" mom kissed me We finished breakfast and Pat took off for school in his truck, mom left for shopping and we were all alone. I climbed back into my bed after doing the burp thing and Justin wrapped himself around dad. My eyes watered from the intense joy this little guy brought me, he held me tightly and looked up with a slight pudgy smile on his face. I leaned down and kissed him and soon we were asleep once again. Two-thirty drew close and I scrambled to get dressed, school was out at three and the teachers didn't like to stay around. In the car and Justin strapped in I headed down the road I know so well and soon we were in the parking lot. Justin wrapped around me in his back pack carrier I went in just before the final bell to seek out missed assignments. "Ohhhh look at Zachs son he is soooo cute" the girls cooed, if you want a date strap on a baby and you will have to peel them off you! With half the school following us like a cult I managed to collect my missing schoolwork and made my way down to the music room to catch Patrick in the act. Sure enough he was in the center with his golden horn and sheet music ready to play. Simple chamber pieces were on tap and Patrick would lead the band. I took a seat at the back as they began the first lines, Justin was in my lap and focused on Patrick who had no idea we were sitting there. His first notes rang out. Smooth and true the harmony blended together, these guys were doing some advanced pieces even for pros. Beautiful and warm the band played on. Before we knew it the clock had passed six and it was time to go home. Patrick turned and caught us sitting in the chair, he smiled at us however the others in the band also noticed us, first to look was none other than David Jasper. "Well looky what we have here, a carbon copy of fagboy" he whispered to his friend. "Davy boy I heard that and please reserve your poison for times when my son isn't with me" my eyes were slits "Oh sure no problem dear sir, I would hate to contribute to the minors delinquency, such a fine child he is" His sarcasm caught Mr. Fields who looked at me then Jasper. Fed up with his bullshit I nodded to Pat. Patrick sensed I was going to do something and he came over to take Justin, I followed Jasper out of the class and broke my Nike's loose accelerating down the hall. I caught up and forgot to hit the brakes as I plowed David into a locker leaving a dent in my wake. "Heres how we are going to work this David. You are not going to even speak to my son let alone around him, I value his dirty diapers more than your life at this point. Now for the life of me I don't fully understand what it is that fuels your attitude aganst me Patrick or my son. Is it your insecurity or lack of family integrity? Is it your lack of brains or is it a loss of your sense of person? I don't know these answers however one fact is sure, fuck with my son and you will pay dearly. Remember I told you about the price on your head? Its there now baby and its C.O.D. This is your only and last warning. You wanna settle this now fuckface? Theres only two things stopping you, fear and common sense. Wanna have a go? C'mon lets do a few rounds. Whatsa matter your dad not here to pay me off? I earned the name atomic punk for good reason, you will learn the true meaning.. Just keep watching your back" I drilled my fist into his gut spilling him to the floor. Turning back to the music room I noticed Mr. Fields standing at the door with a few others behind him, as I arrived he nodded his approval to me. Little Justin wrapped up in his carrier Pat and me walked back to our cars, Pat behind me to take care of those foolish enough to ambush. We drove home at a slower pace tonight. All the thoughts running through my head drove my hand to the microphone of my CB radio in the car, I picked it up and got the word out, David Jasper was now a wanted boy. Gus and several others were cruising main street and heard what happened, the manhunt was on, my son was also their future best friend and no one messes with Justin. Once inside the house Pat, mom and me kissed our goodnights and I went to my room and started on my homework, something Justin would have nothing to do with tonight. Just as I sat down he began to protest and demanded attention, I relented and decided tonight would be an early bedtime. Lights out and my child wrapped around me I felt as if something was missing, that something was Patricks weight tilting the bed to one side. I grabbed a shoe and rapped on the floor and before I got back under the covers Patrick was at my door, the cat was right behind him. We all fell asleep together, the warmth and love covered us tonight. The cat purred, Chris found Justin and Pat found me. "Sleep comes like a drug, In Gods country..." a song by U-2, The Joshaua Tree Part-17 to come in the future, dont know where it's going but it will get there. Comments? Questions? Ideas? Thanks Derek for the help man, a big thanks and bigger hug to Justin, You have kept me young inside and out. Daddy sends his love.