This story is fiction, written by an author over the age of 18. All names, Places, descriptions, and events are purely fictional and any relation to any real person is purely coincidental. This work contains intimate acts between youths if that scenario offends you, please discontinue reading any further. Nifty is a wonderful resource and needs to be funded to continue.  If you enjoyed the story or any other stories, please donate to nifty so that we can all enjoy more stories in the future... 

A/N- I expected this chapter to be released in January, but life and health have other ideas and unfortunately it has taken longer than I thought. I really hope you enjoy this chapter. I have a blog site that includes maps, profiles of characters and eventually some short stories. There is also a modified version of the story on there, where the romances differ. The blog site is:


"Alex, I'm seeing a lot of unknowns coming from the playing field to the north," Tobi's voice startled me, "Maybe forty or more," 

"Can you tell if they are armed from the feed?" I knew Tobi was watching the live satellite feed. I followed the side of a building and looked onto the playing field. I took out a spotting scope and looked down the field to see men, women and a couple of children pouring from the school and shambling along. They were deathly grey with sunken cheekbones. He stared at the eyes unable to move, they were bloodshot red beneath a creamy film of something. Their teeth were ragged in the snarling mouths, red jam and spittle flying from it.

"I'm pretty sure; it's those things I fought,"

"You mean zombies," someone deadpanned, but I had no time to complain as I heard a single shot and one of the leading `runners' went down with a bullet to his head. I looked to Noah, who was aiming the rifle. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I thought I'd try destroying one of them,"

"That was a pretty damn good shot," I told him and then realised his muscles were straining, "Put the damn gun down, we're not going to kill them all,"

"You need to move," Mac said over the radio.

"That's a bit obvious; have you an entrance to the supermarket? The fronts all boarded up,"

"Give us a minute," Tobi answered.

"We may not have a minute," Noah muttered as we both looked around for somewhere to hide. The shambling horde was getting closer, half the distance now to the square.

"Right, there is a back door," Tobi answered and proceeded to give us directions. Noah and I ran past the shuttered front windows and turned into an alley, just as several more zombies burst from the other side. I noticed the thick door and knew that was our salvation.

"Noah, get us in that door," I ordered as I took up as shooting position I was taught and began to fire the gun. I was hitting legs and torsos but not getting anywhere near the head, "How are we getting on?"

"It's a very heavy door," Noah panted and pounded on the door. I fired a few more shots and at least one of them went down, but there were still three or four more shambling towards us, "Oh shit,"

"What?" I asked, but couldn't turn my back. I heard more hammering on the door and then what sounded like a bolt being drawn back. I moved slowly back and saw this kid, maybe a year younger than me pop his head out.

"My name is Noah, we've come to rescue you, but we're in a bit of a bind," he sort of lied to the kid as I looked around and noticed the other horde had reached the alleyway. I groaned out loud as the kid looked at the pair of us and then pulled the door open. Noah pushed in and I followed. Just as I reached the door one reached out for me with a snarl and red drool hanging from its mouth. 

Chapter Fifteen

Hammering echoed across the space as Noah and I breathed hard from the fight. I wiped the sweat from my eyes and saw the kid that had opened the door. He was similar in age to Noah and me with black hair and doe brown eyes. He was pretty cute, if not a little dirty. Next to him was a girl, also similar in age to us in dungarees and a fierce look on her face. She also had a crowbar in her hand.

"I'm Alex, and you already met Noah," I introduced myself.

"I'm Adam," the boy replied, "This is Rach, erm, Rachel,"

"Thanks for letting us in,"

"Not much of a rescue party," Rachel looked the pair of us down. I stood up, my back bristling a little.

"We're not on our own, we're just the scouts," I fudged a bit.

"What's going on? Are you OK?" Mac's voice sounded over the radio.

"We're fine, Mac, we've found a couple of survivors that have rescued us," I replied and got strange looks from the pair. I tapped my ear to show them the earpiece I had in.

"Is there anyone else?" Noah asked, and the pair shared a look.

"Look we're the good guys, we can help you, and we have medical facilities," I told them trying to gain their trust.

"There are seven of us all together," Rachel replied, and I realised Adam was taking his cues from her, "We moved here about four days ago,"

"Were you at the police station?" Noah asked.

"We were, with a couple of other people," Rachel replied as she led us through the warehouse of the building and then we entered the staff lounge. I immediately noticed a makeshift security centre with some screens showing off the back door and alleyway. Then I noticed the pregnant woman, who looked almost ready to pop.

"What's going on Rach?" A broad-shouldered football jock demanded.

"We have some visitors," she smiled broadly at him; I could tell she didn't like the boy. He reminded me a little of Larry, tall with good looks that he used to his advantage.

"What do you mean visitors?" He growled.

"Stand down Bastion!" a voice grunted, and I looked to one of the sofas and saw a man in military gear. Brown eyes watched the scene shrewdly. I noticed he was wearing a pilot's flight suit, his name Dennison marked on it. My eyes flicked up to the rank slides and took note he was a Flight Lieutenant before seeing the ripped trousers leg and congealed blood around the edge.

"You're in charge here?" I directed my question to the girl, Rachel, as all the others seemed to defer to her.

"Well I sort of had to," she shrugged but didn't take her eyes off us. A young black woman was leaning over the pregnant woman, mopping her brow and another boy seemed to be hidden behind the computer screen.

"I'm Alex Walker, and this is Noah," I told them, "We heard a plea from here and came to rescue you. How have you survived the last six months?"

"We've been resourceful," she replied with a hint of a smile, "But we've not seen anyone in a long time, how have you survived?"

"We were holed up somewhere," I answered guardedly then turned to the pilot, "But I thought you were a Staff Sergeant?"

"I wasn't sure how secure the line was, I got blown out the sky by some Alien motherf-" a pointed glare from Rachel stopped the black man mid-sentence, "I'm Andre Dennison, I'd get up and shake your hand but as you can tell," he waved his hands in front of his leg.

"I understand that," I told him nodding, "We also came for supplies, as we're running a bit low,"

"How do you expect us to get out of here?"

"I'll find a way out of here," I told them, thinking the problem through.

"Have you been moving around the last six months?" Noah spoke up, "We didn't think anyone had survived,"

"People can be quite resourceful; I bet some have bunkered down," Noah and I heard Mac say over the radio.

"When the invasion began I was in school," Rachael spoke haltingly, " There was a group of us, but only my brother and I survived. Then I met with Ashley and Alyssa before Bastion joined us. We had several more with us when we reached a town close by called Davis by its locals. Some of the younger girls were taken, and others were killed,"

"They found me a couple of weeks ago, and we made it to the police station," Andre added.

"I'll need to look at his leg, but I think I can heal it," Mac told me.

"Adam met us there, "she gestured to the black-haired boy, "But we were attacked and lost another three before we made it here. We thought everyone else had been killed."

"So are they really Zombies? Or Vampires?" Noah asked, and I forgot he hadn't heard our conversation with the scientist. Before I could speak, a head popped up from behind the screens.

"Zombies! Like Romero Zombies, but we call them Mouldies or the Boylesque zombies we call Hoodies," a wild-eyed blond boy spoke excitedly.

"My brother Jamie," Rachel rolled her eyes.

"No one calls them Hoodies or Mouldies," Bastion sneered, reminiscent of Draco Malfoy from that old Fantasy film.

"They do too!" Jamie snapped back like a child.

"Cut it out, you two, I've had enough of your arguing today," Rachel snapped at the pair of them and Jamie went back to his screens, while Bastion stalked off.

"Do you mind if we look around?" I asked and got a sceptical look from Rachel, but then she nodded. Noah and I took a look around the storeroom it was half empty, but there was still plenty of canned good in there. We pushed through to the main store itself; it was gloomy as the light came from the shutters at the front. Surprisingly the shop still seemed to be well stocked after six months.

"What are we going to do about the survivors?" Noah asked me quietly.

"We can't help them," Larry's voice came across the radio.

"I think we need to help them," Mac argued.

"Are you back home now?" I asked Larry, realising I had begun to think of the Mountain as our home now.

"Yep, with some horses," he returned, so he must be in the control centre now.

"Why can't we take them with us?" I asked.

"We've barely got enough food for us, and we've got 100 more coming in the next few days," he argued.

"They are seven fucking people, they've survived six months, so the least we can do is help them," Noah answered vehemently. I stared at him; he had never sworn like this before.

"How will you get them back to the mountain?" Larry returned, not backing down.

"Mac, can you switch to the secure line?" I asked and stepped away from Noah.

"I'm on a secure channel and in the Watch Commanders office," came the reply a few minutes later.

"What's your opinion on the matter?" I asked my oldest friend.

"That woman looked like she was about to pop, she needs some medical facilities, and the pilot could well have an infection. We've got antibiotics here, and I could probably help," she answered hesitantly.

"I think we need to get them back to the mountain," I answered, thinking of ways to get them back, "Ok switch back to an open channel and let me look around,"

"No problem," was the reply. I worked my way back to Noah who looked at me assessing me.

"We're going to try saving them, but we're going to need to have a look around for a way out," I told him and the control centre, "Tobi, I need you to see what the situation is out there,"

"No problem, boss," I heard the grin in his voice. Noah followed me back to the staff room.

"Rachel, is there a back way out other than the route we come in?" I asked her.

"Sure, on the other side of the building a door exits to another small alleyway, which I fenced in," she answered, her face looked gaunt after sleeping rough for six months.

"Ok. Tobi, Mac, Larry, I need an exit strategy for seven civilians," I spoke over the comm system.

"Bloody hell, why not try eighteen civilians?" Larry asked sarcastically.

"I would like it to be before nightfall," I added, looking at my watch and realising it was almost midday already.

"Jesus, you are trying to perform miracles today," I ignored him and indicated to Noah to follow me. We moved through the warehouse where I took note of a ladder but ignored it and passed through a door into what looked like a warren of office on either side of the corridor. We ignored that though, in favour of the fire exit door, this must be the exit that Rachel meant. I pushed through the door.


I was immediately assaulted by a fat Mouldy, pinning me against the wall. Rotten teeth snapped a few inches from my throat as I fought to get my hands free of the fat body. I could smell the fetid breath as it washed over me, making me gag while I stared directly into his milky-white eyes. I had time to notice dried blood, which coated the lower half of the things face. I managed to get my arm free and shoved it into his throat preventing him from getting close to my own throat. The weight of the man kept my other arm trapped against my chest, and I couldn't get my gun free. A black object cut across my vision and rammed into the creature's skull.

It instantly collapsed, the body sinking to the ground. I had no time to think as I slammed the door closed and got out my gun, checking the immediate area for any signs of creatures. I quickly roamed through the office but found it all clear. When I returned, Noah was cleaning his Ka-bar.

"It's quite secure," I told him sarcastically, and we laughed loudly, almost with relief. I looked at Noah and grabbed him, pulling him into a tight hug. I then realised the camera was on so released Noah and smiled at him, "I, erm, thanks,"

"Yeah, no problem,"

"Tom thinks he has an idea," Tobi's voice interrupted us without emotion in it. I'm going to be in trouble when I returned. I was already in trouble for ignoring him for three months.

"Go ahead, Tom," I replied casually.

"At the rear of the shop is a loading area, it has a dump. We could bring the Bedford round and get you from the roof," Tom suggested. I was stood in the doorway of the staff room at this time and looked at the pregnant woman if that ladder was the only access to the roof she wasn't getting up it anytime soon.

"Tobi, can you send me a view of the loading area?" I asked. A few minutes later, I had the feed from a camera in the loading bay. It was an enclosed yard with a gate across it and appeared to be free of any zombies. A raised platform allowed the truck to back onto it and push trolleys straight from the truck into the warehouse.

"Are you thinking of using the loading area to get out?" the blond boy, Jamie, peaked over the computer screens.

"I am," I responded, so he motioned me over. I came around to the jury-rigged screens showing pictures from different cameras, "How did you manage to get electricity?"

"There was a portable generator on the flatbed in the yard, we managed to get it working," he told me proudly.

"Nerd," Bastian murmured. I liked this guy less and less.

"If it's an older model, it would have worked, but I'm only guessing at this point," Tobi added over my radio.

"There is no electricity to the yard so you would have to open the gate manually," Jamie explained.

"That's no problem," I told him. He looked at me with a worried look, "Tom, bring the Bedford around to the back gate and let me know when you're here,"

"Bring some Blankets," Noah added and I nodded.

"Larry, grab a rifle, and I want you in the rear of the truck," I told him, "Mac, I want all those older than 10, beside you, Nate and Kelly to help with loading the truck up with food,"

"No Problem, Sir," came the semi-sarcastic reply.

"I want to be there," Mac suggested.

"I need the three of you to stay and look after the kids. Tobi, I need you to keep monitoring from above," I told them then turned to look at Noah.

"I want you on overwatch when I go out, but first we're going to need food," I told him and looked at Rachel, "Do you want to go somewhere safe?"

"Yes, as long as we don't have to move every few days,"

"No, you'll be safe and have food. As long as you can contribute. We'll have to restrict you to certain places and blindfold you on your way there,"

"I can see no problem in that," she nodded. Bastion looked like he was going to protest, but Andre gave him a look. I looked over at the two women, the pregnant woman looked tired and several months pregnant.

"We have a...medical intern where we live that will be able to help," I told the two women. The black woman straightened up and smiled at me.

"I could use the help, I was a year into my training as a nurse when everything went to hell," she told me, "My name is Alyssa, but my friends call me Aly, and this is Ashley,"

"Pleased to meet you," I smiled happily at Alyssa.

"Oh, that will help a whole lot. She's got more experience than me," Mac said, which made me grin.

"Mac, our medical intern, knows less than you, she's fifteen and did a summer program over in the states," I explained.

"Are there any adults?" Andre asked.

"No, we haven't seen an adult in six months," I explained carefully.

"So who's in charge?"

"I am," I responded leaving him in no doubt who had authority. He nodded, and I almost thought he looked at me with new respect.

"We need to get food," Noah reminded me.

"Can we get some help? We're going to need to get as much food as possible," I looked at Rachel.

"Bastion, I want you in the storeroom gathering what you can onto pallets," She looked at the strong youth, "Adam and I will come out into the shop, Jamie I want you to monitor the cameras,"

"Are the freezer's still working?" I asked Jamie.

"No, the power was down a long time before we arrived, so the meat is wasted," he replied.

"Ok, let's get on with it," Everyone went about there assigned tasks. Noah and I split up in the main shop, taking a trolley each. Though some of the food had been taken, there was still a lot left. I found a quiet corner when everyone was busy.

"Daisy, have you got footage of the survivors?"

"I have," was the smooth reply.

"Can you get any information on them, any background etc.?" I asked.

"I should be able to get facial recognition and find some information out," she replied.

"Do that and send it to Nate, save the information to my personal hard drive," I told her.



Twenty minutes later we were filling up the storeroom by the big metal doors with trolleys and several pallets; when I got the call, the truck was five minutes away. I shared a look with Noah, and he scaled the ladder like a monkey.

"Rachel, can you get the Flight Lewie and Ashley ready to go?" I asked her, "If Jamie can dismantle the electrics in five minutes that'll be great,"

"No problem," she said, knowing what I meant by Flight Lewie. I went to the small door beside the big warehouse doors. I looked over at Bastion who was stood by one of the pallets.

"Can you get that door open?" I nodded to the large metal shutters. He gave me a look but eventually started cranking on the manual override. I put a new magazine in the handgun then unlocked the door and headed out into the yard. Outside, the sound of the truck rumbling up the road was even more defined, then the sound of reversing beeps could be heard. Seconds later I heard the loud pops of several guns going off.

"We've got Mouldies and Hoodies gathering around us," Tom told me over the gunshot. Obviously, he had heard our conversation with the survivors and taken to the slang.

"You've got a rather large crowd," Noah said from the roof. I looked out of the gate and saw the creatures on either side of the hard-backed truck. On one side Larry was leaning out a window firing with a rifle and on the other side, surprisingly, was Simon shooting a rifle, "Open the gates, now,"


I cracked open the box and began winding the mechanism around. Sweat dripped down my back, but I heard the gate squeaking open. Next thing the truck went past me, so I stopped and was immediately attacked by a zombie. I pushed the thing away from me and shot it point-blank through the head. Stumbling back I turned and clambered up the delivery bay.

"Nice day for a fight," Larry said with a feral look on his face. The rear doors were thrown open. The interior was bare except for benches on either side. Already our group were beginning to load the truck up with the food. I saw Matty and Izzy pushing a trolley each into the truck and begin unloading the boxes. Simon and Larry had taken a position on either side of the truck, attempting to stop any zombies getting too close. The shooting wasn't accurate, but they were hitting targets and occasionally getting headshots. The next ten minutes were a blur as I joined Larry shooting the zombies.

"That's it, the food is loaded, and the survivors are in," Izzy shouted at me.

"Larry, Simon, close the doors and give me covering fire," I told them, "Noah, get your arse down here,"

"Yes, boss," The engine rumbled back to life as the two boys shut the door tight, taking up positions in the windows again, giving me cover. I kept firing as well, changing the magazine as Noah come alongside me, breathing heavily. We jumped down the left side of the truck, Simon continuing to provide cover. Noah was the first to the cab of the truck, he scrambled up the stairs and threw himself in, I followed him. Something grabbed my leg, looking down I saw a half-naked teen drooling all over me trying to bite my thick boots. I slammed my foot down on his head, and he fell away. Scrambling into the cab, I slammed the door closed.

"Go," Tom immediately put the truck into gear and moved out of the yard turning left out of the gate, "Larry, is everyone okay back there?"

"Everyone is accounted for, we have three pallets of food and a ton of other stuff," Larry replied.

"Are the survivors secured?"

"Yes," he answered, and I settled in the cabin, feeling relief wash over me. No one had been killed, and we had the supplies. All of a sudden I felt exhausted.

"I'm going to go a long way around so close your eyes, I'll wake you if we have an issue," Tom told me.





A loud rumbling woke me up making me blink the sleep out of my eyes. We were back at the mountain. Tom pulled the truck to a stop. Opening the door, I stepped down the ladder and walked around to the rear where Mac met me. She smiled at me and hugged me.

"You gave us a bit of a fright," she squeezed me then whispered in my ear, "I've got a little boy who is eager to see his boyfriend,"

"Can you help with the lady?" Larry asked. I gave Mac a quick look, but she grinned at me. Mac and I helped Ashley down the steps and then the rest of the survivors. They were all blindfolded, so none of them knew where they were.

"We'll take them up to medical and then assign them to a single room,"

"Right this way," Mac and everyone else except Matty, Izzy and Tom led the survivors towards the elevator and up the stairs.

"Do you think we got some good supplies?"

"Should be, we'll get the Winter's to help unload the food, but the other stuff is good too," Izzy answered and got a confirming nod from Matty.

"Thank's Tom," I slapped his shoulder and got a salute in return. I went straight to the armoury where I found Noah putting weapons back.

"The others have all given me their weapons and taken the survivors upstairs," he told me quietly.

"Good, are you okay if I leave the weapons with you?" I asked.

"No problem," I handed him the extra gun over and the machete, the bow was put on the table. However, I kept the Colt 1911 strapped to my thigh and handed over the glasses and flak jacket. I bid him goodbye then took the stairs several at a time until I reached the medical unit. I heard voices coming from the medical ward so walked in.


Andre Dennison and the pregnant woman Ashley were seated on beds while the others stood around them. I passed Nate who was standing guard at the door.

"Welcome to Fort Walker," I greeted them, "We're going to restrict you Levels Four and five for the moment,"

"This is a military facility?" Rachel asked.

"Yes, the rest of our residents are currently on the sixth level. However we don't have showers working, so we'll come down to your level when we need showers," I explained, "Level Five is the accommodation level, where we have seven single rooms and fours dorms,"

"We'd like the single rooms," Bastion spoke for the first time since arriving.

"I'm sure that can be arranged," I told them, "If you give me five minutes, I'll take you up to your quarters, we'll arrange for some clothes to be sent to you and after dinner, I'll give you a tour of Levels four and Five,"

"You'll find a phone in each of your rooms, dial 1 for the operating board. At this moment no one is operating it, so if you dial 1113, you'll get through to me or 1112 to get through to Alex," Nate detailed how to contact someone. I looked at him in surprise; even I didn't know that. I let them talk amongst themselves and pulled Mac aside.

"How's it looking, Doc?" I smiled at her.

"With Alyssa's help, I've discovered Ashley is eight months pregnant, so for the moment, we'll keep her up here. I'm going to move down to the Ward Nurses room and keep an eye on her and the officer," Mac and I both looked at Ashley and Alyssa.

"Sounds good, will you be alright with Flight Lieutenant Dennison?" I asked.

"Yes, I think he needs a course of antibiotics, but Daisy and Alyssa says he'll heal fine maybe with a bit of a limp,"

"All doors are secure, access is now via keycard except level four and five," Tobi's voice made me jump. I had forgotten I still had my radio earpiece in.

"Nate, Sarah, can you take them up to their rooms," I asked the pair who nodded, then I looked at the new group, "We'll let you get settled in and then we'll introduce you to everyone at dinner this evening,"

"Thank you, Alex," Rachel smiled, changing her face completely. I could see she was pretty through the dirt.


As Sarah and Nate led them out explaining things I walked back down the stairs to the command level as I heard the elevator. Simon and his brother were probably moving the food and supplies. I stepped off the steps and let myself through the doors. A couple of minutes later I pushed through to the operations room. Tobi hadn't heard me enter, so I watched him for a few minutes; he was watching the large screens with a tablet in hand, wearing a set of headphones with a mic on it. He was wearing his usual pair of Timberland boots with the laces trailing on the floor, and a pair of overalls hung over one shoulder. I could see a black and red t-shirt underneath the overalls.

"Two days until the group from Kelvedon turn up and so much to do," Tobi was muttering to himself as he watched the screens. I slowly walked to him and slipped my arms around his waist, feeling his tight body, I leant down kissing his neck and heard him sigh.

"I've missed you," I whispered in his ear.

"Have you really?" he asked squirming from my grip and looking me in the face. His amber eyes were shining brightly, and he was frowning, "You avoided me for three months, and now I see you hugging Noah, what are we?"

"Tobias Stephen Callaghan, I love you and hope your still my boyfriend," I replied, ashamed, "I know I was stupid the last few months, it really was stupidity that drove my thoughts and why I avoided you,"

"But what about Noah?" he softened up a bit but stilled looked vulnerable and younger than he was.

"It was relief that I was still alive, honestly honey, I love you," he melted at the pet name and rushed into my arms. I could feel his shoulders shaking as he began to cry. It reminded me of how young he was, but I wouldn't give him up for the world.


After about five minutes with me slowly stroking his hair and holding him, I felt another part of him grow, which set my erection off.

"Someone's happy to see me," he giggled waterly.

"I could say the same about you, you started it," I laughed, and he looked up at me. I leant down, and our lips met for the first time in months. I was reminded of heaven as he opened his lips slightly and my tongue ventured inside dualling with his. We broke off with a gasp; my body was so hot as I grabbed his hand and led him into the Commanders Watch room. I took off my radio set and flicked it off, then lifted him onto the table. I removed his headset and begun kissing his neck, undoing the overall on the other side.

"Oh god, Lexi," the overall's fell to his waist, and I slipped my hand inside. As my hand slid under his briefs, his eyes met mine. They were a burnished gold colour and heated. I trailed my fingers over his smooth pubis, and my fingers met the head of his very hard three and a half inch penis. I began slowly masturbating him, gently sliding the foreskin on and off the head of his penis. Tobi grabbed my neck and pulled me down to his lips. We were lost in passion as I continued to masturbate him, feeling my hard penis rub up against my trousers.

"You are so sexy, I wish I had you naked," I groaned to him, my forehead touching his as we both breathed heavily.

"Tobi, are you in here?" a voice interrupted us, making me pull my hand from his trousers quickly. The boy redid his overalls, and I left the office to find Nate in the Control room.

"Oh hey, Alex, I didn't realise you were down here," He said, "I thought you would be up showering by now,"

"I come to ask Tobi about some computing stuff," I replied casually as Tobi slipped out the office. He looked slightly flushed, but he was dressed normally and had his headset on again.

"Well, I'm here to take over the watch," the boy shrugged and smiled.

"No Problem, make sure you're back up in an hour for dinner," I reminded him, "We're going to be in the canteen in the Arcade to introduce ourselves to our new friends,"

"Great," He smiled, and I left him to it.


Twenty minutes later I emerged from my room, dressed casually in a pair of jeans and a grey camo Oakley Hoodie. I swiped my card to get out of level six and followed the stairs back down to the fifth level. Noah had told me where everyone had set up in the single rooms, so I knocked on the last door on the right. Rachel emerged looking fresher and wearing a pair of jeans and a white tee. She had flawless skin, and her blonde hair was beautiful, I'm lucky I didn't like girls that way or someone would be getting jealous.

"Hi Rachel, how are you getting on?"

"I feel so much better, and it's nice to have a shower. I was getting water wherever I could," she replied.

"It must have been hard," I sympathised.

"It was, so what's the story with this place?" she asked.

"Come on, I'll show you around," I told her and took her around the base explaining what had happened and how we had ended up down here. I didn't reveal certain things to her as I led her into my office, "This is my office, at the moment I am base commander and what I say goes, will you be OK with that?"

"You've offered her food and shelter, we couldn't be more thankful, but I will look after my people,"

"I will never intentionally put you in harm's way, but we have to work together and learn to trust each other in this new world,"

"I agree, so do you know what's going on out there?" she generally gestured to the outside.

"I know Aliens invaded us, but I've not seen the effects on people,"

"It was horrible, I was at school at the time, but I managed to escape as they were beginning to round people up. But I've heard stories of camps, like internment camps, where they take young people. I know they have killed adults on sight, I've witnessed that," I looked at her with horror.

"I really can't imagine what you've been through,"

"So what are you going to have us do?"

"Well for the moment I'm going to restrict you all to Levels Four and Five. But I and my head of security will interview you in the next couple of days and try fit you into jobs," I explained, "We've got a new group of survivors arriving in a couple of days, and I want to work out jobs and schedules for everyone,"

"Survivors from where?" she asked excitedly.

"Somewhere like this,"

"Dinner is ready," my radio squawked.

"Let me introduce you to everyone, and hopefully we'll get on famously,"