Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2020 15:04:00 +0100 From: Andrew Passey Subject: Sam's Life Part One (Young Friends) New story here. Third person which I find harder to write so apologies if it's not up to scratch! Before the story starts, I just wanted to remind everyone to please do donate to Nifty. It's really shown how important it is over the past few months, you can donate here: http:/ and you can check out my existing stories on my author page here: On with the story.... The morning sun streamed through Sam's curtains, waking him up earlier than he was hoping for. He stretched in bed and tried to hide under the pillow but the sun kept hitting his face. Despite his best efforts he was resigned to being woken up. It was Saturday morning after all, in theory he could have a lie in, in practice the sun had a different plan. Sam sighed to himself, "Why is my life so shit?" he thought, not for the first time. He couldn't get back to sleep so just stayed there, lying on his small single bed and staring at the ceiling, running through all the bad things that had happened like he often did. Not that it ever helped, it made him feel like he was underwater, drowning in the pain of it all. He knew it wasn't healthy to dwell on things but when you had little positivity in your life it was hard not to, try as he might the bad stuff would always flood his mind. His dad dying when he was still a toddler, his Mum remarrying an absolute arsehole who liked to leave bruises on him, his Mum not really coping with how much Sam looked like his Dad so kept her distance from him, barely tolerating his presence. Sam had no real friends locally to speak of, he was a social pariah at school for some reason. That one he put down to James. He hated James, hates the day he became his stepdad. Hated James's controlling behaviour, not allowing him to have friends or see kids outside school. Growing up other kids thought it was weird that he wouldn't do sleepovers, play dates. Or even hang out outside school. He wasn't allowed to use the phone or have phone calls for him, if he did James would just tell whoever phoned that Sam didn't want to speak to them. Or tell them Sam was doing crazy weird things that he wasn't. That sort of behaviour from James only magnified as Sam got older and by now he was just known at school as "Strange Sam" or the even worse "Psycho Sam". Sam guessed that James was more than happy with this state of affairs. After all he wouldn't want other kids to ask about the bruises he had left on Sam, it might be obvious Sam had them when getting changed at PE but no one ever mentioned or did anything about it. Maybe they were embarrassed? Or more likely they just didn't care and we're living in their own self obsessed worlds. Sam would dream of someone noticing and something being done about it but he hadn't the confidence to report it to any teacher and it wasn't like he had any friends who he could talk to about it. PE and swimming class was always a hard one for Sam, not only was he embarrassed about his bruises, he was always very worried he'd get hard. He would studiously avoid looking at his classmates' dicks when they were naked, if he thought he was a social pariah now, well getting hard surrounded by naked boys would make that even worse. Which was a shame as he would have liked to look at naked boys, to see how dicks had grown, see how some boys compared to him. But it was a no no, just one more thing a Sam wasn't able to do. All Sam knew was that it was a lonely life he led. Barely 13, he tried to be optimistic the best was yet to come in his life. Well it couldn't get much worse, or so he hoped. Change was in the air and not in a good way, his Mum was due to have a baby any day now, then Sam would be even lower down the food chain. She'd be much too absorbed to notice or stop James hitting him, to stop James perving on him, walking in on him in the shower. He hated him with a passion and dreamt about running away. But where would he go? Sam reckoned he only had one good friend, his pen pal Ben. Ben lived over a hundred miles away down in London, getting to his house would be hard and cost more money than he had in his piggy bank. There was also a difference between writing pen letters to someone and them persuading their parents to let you live with them! Sam knew it was really just a distant dream but he liked to think that he had a way out if he needed it. He and Ben would write weekly to each other, they started when they were at primary school. Sam`s school in Sheffield got twinned with Ben's in London and pupils were paired off to write to each other. As far as Sam knew he was the only kid still writing to his pen pal, but then again he was probably the only kid at school with no friends. He'd never seen Ben in person, never spoken to him on the phone, but he knew a lot about him. He'd think about him a lot, wishing they lived together, wishing he had a friend like Ben. He looked at the photo of Ben at the side of his bed, he was wearing his Arsenal football kit somewhere foreign and sunny, beaming at the camera. Ben would stare at the photo for hours, imagining what Ben's life was like. He lived in a big house, went on foreign holidays, had lots of friends, he made Sam laugh with his rude jokes. Unlike Sam, Ben had nice parents. Well as far as Sam could tell. He guessed it was hard to know, how much of real life made it's way into a letter? After all Sam had never mentioned to Ben that his stepdad beat him, or that he thought he was a pervert or that he was desperately unhappy at home. He hadn't told him that even though he hated his stepdad, he also craved his attention, a strange desire to make him happy. However Sam had told Ben things he hadn't told anyone else, that he'd started puberty, that he liked wanking. He hadn't told him the big secret though, that he thought he was probably gay. That would be one way to ensure he'd lose his last and only friend. Still, staring at the photo of Ben with his blue eyes and blond hair, his eyes zeroing to his shorts, he fantasised about slipping his hand into Ben's shorts, playing with his dick, as Ben played with his. It was all just a dream but it didn't stop Sam snaking his hand into his pants, pulling his dick out and wanking himself furiously as he looked at Ben's photo. After the inevitable orgasm and splashing of cum, Sam felt bad about what he'd done. Maybe he was the perverted one not his step dad? His post wank guilt washed over him as he dabbed his dick dry with a tissue. After he went and showered, he stared at himself in the bathroom mirror, completely naked, he'd not started puberty that long ago, his dick had grown a bit and there was a light smudge of black hair sitting above his dick. He was pretty fit but you couldn't ignore the bruises. Some dark angry blue, others now fading, but the overall impact was of someone being mistreated. Sam did think he was pretty good looking, not that anyone else seemed to though. Not for the first time he wondered how Ben was, after all he'd not heard from him for weeks, it was all very strange, Sam was still sending his weekly letter but from Ben just radio silence. Sam went back to his room, switched on his radios clock alarm to listen to some music and just lay there naked on his bed. After a while he pulled on some boxer shorts, a t shirt and pair of shorts and prepared to head downstairs. As he heard the rattle of the letterbox he rushed down the stairs to get the post in case there was a letter for him but his step dad got there first. As always. "Nothing for you Sam as usual" James said with a slight sneer, picking up the post and heading off to the kitchen to read them. Sam stood there disappointed before sighing again and going into the living room to watch TV. James Appleby waited until he knew Sam was in front of the TV before rifling through the post. Ah there it was. The letter from Ben. James had been intercepting them for the past two months. Reading them himself before disposing of them in the bin. This latest one was almost like a bloody love letter. "I miss you, please write to me and tell me what you're up to". All that bollocks. Of course Sam had no idea that Ben had moved house, it all happened very quickly. From what James could elicit from Ben's haphazard at times poorly written letters was that a family friend had been selling up to move overseas at short notice and Ben's Dad had bought the house, only telling Ben they were moving when it was all sorted. They'd managed to sell their house quickly and now Ben was in his new house which Sam knew nothing about. Eventually Ben would no doubt grow tired of not getting letters from Sam and stop writing to him. James smiled to himself, he was playing the long game and it was almost pay off time. Putting that thought to one side for a minute, he went in to see Sam, "Hey Sam, I know you're disappointed Ben isn't sending you letters. He is probably just busy. I'm sure it's nothing to do with you and your behaviour. Why don't you write him a letter and I'll drop it off at the postbox for you" he said with a smile. The little hint about it being Sam's fault due to his behaviour was a nice touch he thought. Sam was surprised at the offer but then again James had been nice about Ben recently, posting all Sam's letters for him. Maybe the soon to arrive new baby was making him a better person? Yet again Sam was hit by the wish that James would treat him better, treat him like he was his son, maybe this was the start of it. Sam rushed off to his room, wrote his letter, addressed it and wrote Ben Parker on the envelope, and then gave it to James to post. Sam sat down afterwards feeling better about things, he hated that he craved James attention as much as he wished he'd leave him alone but maybe James was turning over a new leaf. He lived in hope, maybe things were about to improve. Of course Sam had no idea that James just put the letter in the bin like all of Ben's recent letters, it was all part of him isolating Sam, making sure he knew he had no one left. No friends, no one who loved him, just a lonely boy with behavioural issues. Of course Sam's behaviour wasn't unacceptable but James made sure he told him it was as much as possible. Chipping away at him bit by bit, starve someone of affection for long enough then they'll accept anyone by the end. Accept anything to keep that person happy. James smiled to himself, he certainly was planning to be very affectionate with Sam. James rearranged his hard dick in his pants and went out to do his pretend trip to the postbox. A few days later the moment was fast approaching for James where all his planning would pay off. Unbeknownst to Sam of course, but James knew he'd have to play things carefully. Don't rush something and make a mistake that will backfire later. He'd spent months grooming Sam, slowly carrying out his plan,. Today though he had more important things to focus on, for now anyway. He was about to become a father for what everyone thought was the first time. It wasn't, at least he thought it probably wasn't. He'd got some under age girl pregnant when he was 19 but that was many years ago, he thought she'd have an abortion but a friend had seen her begging in the streets with a baby soon after. Not that James cared. He didn't really care about anything much after all, aside from his own gratification. As he drove slightly haphazardly to the hospital where his wife was about to go into labour he did ponder on whether having a new child would change him. He hadn't wanted this baby, it was all Sarah's idea. Pestering him for years about it even though she was already getting close to past child bearing age. But then he realised it would keep her busy, keep her happy while he could make sure Sam was getting properly "looked after". And that baby would eventually grow into either a boy or a girl who might be a future project for him. Not for now though, now he had to play the dutiful husband, the excited father to be, keeping the rest of his plans and emotions in check. Hours later James sat next to his wife as Sarah cried tears of joy for their new daughter. The pain and hardship had been worth it and Sarah now had the daughter she'd always craved. A daughter who would be her reason for living, Sarah vowed to work night and day to make sure her daughter would grow up with the life Sarah wanted her to have. She smiled at James, full of endorphins and love for him, he'd given her this precious gift. Now they were a proper family. "I love you James" She told him tearfully. James smiled back at here , "I love you too Sarah, and I love our new daughter" he said. In that moment he actually meant it which surprised him, would it last? Maybe he was a changed man. "I guess I'll soon find out" he thought. Sarah smiled back at him through her tears, "now we're a proper family" She said voicing the thoughts running through her head. She briefly felt a pang of guilt over Sam but it soon fell away as she thought of her new baby. This was what she'd dreamed of, a daughter. Something that would make sure James and her would always be together, she'd not be alone like she was when Sam's father died. She knew it wasn't Sam's fault he reminded her of his father but try as she might she couldn't get past that, couldn't bring herself to let him in to her life. James smiled back at her and stroked her cheek. "Yes we are Sarah. Now rest up, you'll need your strength over the coming days. Leave Sam to me. I'll knock him into shape" James said. Sarah knew that James was sometimes a bit rough with Sam, that things sometimes went too far. But it was Sam's fault not James. She knew that. He needed discipline. Otherwise he'd only get himself into trouble. James would tell her how much he was misbehaving. Yes, she sometimes wished James wouldn't take things so far but Sam provoked him. James was just doing the best he could. Taking on someone else's son and treating him like his own. Sarah felt she'd maybe been babying Sam too much anyway, asking James to go easy on him. It didn't seem to help as Sam was as moody and lazy as ever, well according to James and he had no reason to lie. "I need to be less soft on him, let James mould him into the man Sam needs to be. The man James is." She thought and smiled at James. "I know you will knock Sam into shape James. Sam is your project for the next few months, this little one is mine for now. She needs me. Sam needs you. I know I've sometimes held you back but it's time for Sam to grow up and stand on his own two feet. You're in charge of him, do whatever needs doing to help him, I trust you to change him for the better" she said smiling. James heart jumped with joy, what a day this was turning out to be. "I know you love him Sarah, I do too. We both want what is best for him. Project Sam starts today! Now you rest, I better go home and check he hasn't burned the house down." James said with a grin. Back at the house Sam was already in bed and just beginning to gently wank his hard dick when James came home. "Sam, come down here this minute" James shouted up. Sam cursed, tucking his hard dick into the waistband of his boxers he threw on a T-shirt which he hoped would cover it up and walked downstairs. "Look at this Sam. It's not good enough" James said pointing at Sam's dinner plate and saucepan from where he'd cooked himself beans on toast. He'd washed them up but James picked them up. "Call this washing up? It's still dirty. And you should have put it away. You need to start tidying up about yourself, your Mum will need your help now we have the baby" James said. Sam was surprised. The baby was already here? And he wasn't told. Surely that should have been the first thing James should have said when he came in, not whinging about the washing up. Fucking typical. James saw that Sam had worked out he was now a big brother, time for him to move on to the next stage of his plan, he picked up a prop he knew he needed, slipped it into his pocket and looked at Sam sternly. "You're a big brother now Sam, you have a little sister. You need to start acting like a grown up. Your Mum doesn't care about you, she's got your sister, she's left it to me to knock you into shape. Now come with me" James said, walking out the kitchen and into the living room. Sam followed behind him, worried this would end with a new bruise or ten, it usually did. "Sit here next to me" James said as he sat down on the sofa. Sam did as he was told, as he sat down his boxers shifted slightly and he felt his dick release, he hoped against hope that his t shirt was hiding it. James smiled to himself as he saw the little tent poking out Sam's t shirt slightly. But then took an internal deep breath. Keep calm. Play it like you planned it. He threw his arm around Sam pulling him closer, and dropped his other hand to Sam's leg, "accidentally" brushing his hand against the tip of Sam's dick which caused him to jump slightly. "Sam. I love you like my own son. I know I've not been the best step dad at times. Your Mum wanted me to knock you into shape and I admit I've been probably too hard on you at times. Unfortunately you just don't listen though. You drive everyone away from you. It's why you don't have any friends. Even Ben now seems to have got tired of you. You need to be better. You need to do things for other people, not just for yourself. I'm the only one who cares and can help you Sam. Do you understand?" James asked Sam, each word was like a dagger to the heart for Sam and he began to cry gently. He was worthless. No one loved him. James said he did though, but was it more of his bullshit? James pulled Sam even closer, letting his hand just wander ever so slightly higher up Sam's leg. He could feel Sam sobbing gently into him, so far this was all going to plan. "You know about the carrot and the stick approach?" He asked Sam. "Erm sort of, the stick is used to beat the donkey, the carrot to persuade it to do stuff?" Sam said through his tears. "That's how it works with a donkey, it doesn't really work for humans, we're not as easily satisfied with a bit of food as donkeys. I'm thinking of the carrot slightly differently. The carrot feels good, the stick feels bad. I admit I've been using the stick too much on you. I feel bad about how I've felt that's the best approach. Now it's time for the carrot." James said and pulled the carrot out from his pocket waving it around. "Looks like you have a carrot poking out as well Sam" James said using his carrot to touch Sam's still hard dick. Sam blushed in embarrassment, why was his dick still hard? He was feeling very confused by all of this. "Don't be embarrassed Sam. You're growing up. You've got a carrot of your own. And so have I. Not this silly vegetable but the one all boys have. It gives us pleasure doesn't it" he said smiling at Sam. James could feel Sam being reeled in, slowly, bit by bit. Sam felt embarrassed to be talking about this but at the same time it was almost nice to have this conversation with James, someone to talk to about boy things. Someone to at least hold him close in the way his mother hadn't for years. Sam nodded and said "yes" softly. James put his carrot down and moved on to the next stage of his plan. "It's just you and me now Sam. Your mum has put me in charge of you. She's going to be so busy with your sister that we're going to be spending all our time together. Now it's up to you how we move forward, there's the stick approach which you know all about it. It's not my preference to have to beat you into shape but I will if I have to. Or there's the carrot approach where we both help each other feel good." James said moving his hand up to gently finger Sam's balls. Sam was scared but also trapped and confused. He didn't want to be beaten, he didn't want the pain. But he was very uncomfortable at how James was feeling his balls. He didn't have time to complain though as James was pressing home his advantage. "Why don't I show you how good the carrot can feel" James said softly, slipping his hand into Sam's pants and taking his hard dick in his hand. He started to move it up and down, grasping it firmly as Sam moaned. Sam's mind was whirring. It felt good but he also knew it was totally wrong. Like really fucking wrong. He couldn't deny it it felt so good as James's hand slowly wanked him but his subconscious was screaming at him to get out of there. But do what? James would just beat this shit out of him, and probably then do what he was doing now anyway. He tried to stay calm and focus on how James was making him feel. Then with a flood of emotion and pleasure, Sam's dick spasmed and his body was wracked with an intense orgasm, shooting a bit of cum over James hand. Immediately Sam was hit by wave upon wave of guilt over what had just happened. He'd betrayed his Mum. He'd let James molest him. Maybe he'd led James on? Let him think he wanted it? He knew he'd crossed a line that there was probably no coming back from. James sensed Sam's confusion and stepped in to settle him down. "Shhh, well done Sammy. See how good the carrot feels." He took Sam's hand and placed it on his hard dick through his trousers. "Don't worry, I won't make you do it to me. You're not ready yet but you will be soon, we'll have a special relationship just you and me. I'll never abandon you or let you down. We'll feel amazing together". James smiled to himself as he said this. It wouldn't be overnight but it wouldn't be too long until Sam would be begging him to fuck him again and again and again. Of course Sam didn't know this yet, but James' grooming of him was reaching its end game. James gently cleaned up Sam before patting his bottom and saying he should go to bed. "Good night Sammy, you're very special to me. So, did you prefer the carrot or shall we try the stick again tomorrow?" He asked, knowing already what Sam would answer. "The carrot" said Sam softly as he headed upstairs. James sat on the sofa feeling very pleased with himself, he started to wank his hard dick, thinking of the day it would be in Sam's mouth, then Sam's tight hole. After he came he cleaned himself up he got up and went to bed, congratulating himself. What a day it had been. Not only was he now a father, he'd also successfully carried out stage one of his plan with Sam. He'd have to play it carefully but it wouldn't be long before he'd have everything he wanted.