Chapter 14A – A New Year, A New Beginning

Written by Charles Well <> and Sarge AKA Aldric <> and Nick <>

(C) 2019)

The original Kids of Indian Spring (KOIS) story by Jonas Henley can be found here:

and if you wish to read Jonas Henley's account of the 1968 Mackey Choosing Ceremony, look here:

Also see map.pdf and Springer Families.pdf in the Sandy Jacobs folder on Nifty. There is also an extensive family tree of the Mackey family available in this folder as well.

This story is about sex between boys and is therefore a total fantasy. It was written by an adult for the entertainment of other adults. No children or animals were either involved or harmed in the writing of this story. Please leave now if you are not supposed to be here.

Writing the continuing saga of the Kids of Indian Spring has become a real community effort. My original intention was to conclude the Sandy Jacobs Story after Chapter 10. But my primary co-author and invaluable assistant, Pietar, convinced me that the many loose ends left open by the original author, Jonas Henley, needed to be resolved. As a result, he became the principal author of Chapters 11, 12, and 13. Thank you Pietar for your original ideas, brilliant writing and your continued dedication and commitment to this project.

Now a third author, Nick, has volunteered to take on the role of crafting the future long-term direction of the story. You may recall that Nick was first involved in Chapter 12C. Please ensure you make Nick welcome by dropping him a line.

Comments or suggestions may be directed to any of the authors mentioned above. We welcome feedback from readers. It's the only payment we receive for many hours of hard work.

Please consider a donation to Nifty for allowing us to have this resource to share our stories. To donate go here:

January 1st, 1996 – The Tucker House

Sandy and his dad arrived at the Tucker's just after 2 pm. You could tell something was going on by the number of cars parked around the house. They found a spot on the street and walked to the front door. Hal Tucker answered their knock and welcomed them in. The house smelled great with the aroma of fresh ham and sauerkraut wafting through the air.

"Come in out of the cold," said Mr. Tucker. "Glad you could make it. Grab yourself a bite to eat then come into the den. I've got a draft of my proposals I'd like you to look over and give me your ideas."

Then, he turned to Sandy and extended his hand. "And my apologies to you young man," he said. "I didn't see you behind your dad. Come on in. Food is in the dining room and Kelly and Malcolm are around here somewhere."

Sandy's dad continued talking with Mr. Tucker and Sandy followed his nose to the dining room. There he saw Kelly helping his mom around a table filled with assorted munchies and in the center was a huge fresh ham and a crock pot full of sauerkraut. That was what he wanted.

Kelly looked up and smiled. "Hey, good to see you. I was afraid me and Malcolm would be the only ones here under the age of 50."

"I beg your pardon young man," said Mrs. Tucker as she put on a shocked look. "I am not over 50 and that kind of remark will get you in big trouble," she said with a laugh.

"Sorry Mom," Kelly quickly replied. "I meant you too, of course," he said with a giggle.

Malcolm entered the room and gave Sandy a smile and a nod. He was still a bit unsure about being around some Mackey kids, but he felt comfortable around Sandy.

Sandy had filled his plate and was looking around for a place to sit but every corner seemed to have small groups of adults discussing Indian Springs politics. Mr. Tucker had invited select families over to look over his ideas for the first Indian Springs government. Sandy found it interesting but right now he was just hungry. Malcolm saw his dilemma and suggested they go out back to the picnic table. Even though it was a bit cold, Sandy liked the idea and headed out the door followed by Malcolm.

"Aren't you eating?" asked Sandy.

"No, Mom, uhh, I mean Mrs. Tucker, thinks boys should eat from the time they get up till the time they go to bed and I been here all morning, so I'm stuffed."

Sandy laughed as he dug into his plate and asked between mouthfuls, "Have you been enjoying your new privileges as a Mackey?"

"Well, we went out to the Clubhouse one day and checked out the video games. It was pretty cool. Oh! You mean, uhh," Malcolm said rather embarrassed when he realized what Sandy meant. "Uhh, I'm not really into that other stuff."

"The Clubhouse is cool," replied Sandy as he realized he had embarrassed the kid. "I don't take advantage of it as much as I should. Now that winter is here I may go out there more."

Just then Kelly opened the backdoor and called to Malcolm asking for a hand with something. Malcolm excused himself and said he'd be back. A minute after he left, Jason Mackey, Kevin's 16-year-old brother, came walking out.

"Mind if I join you out here?"

"Not at all. Have a seat," Sandy answered.

"Do you know why we eat fresh ham and sauerkraut on New Year's Day?" Jason asked.

"I think it's supposed to bring Good Luck," chuckled Sandy. "But I just eat it because it tastes good."

"Right on. Tradition says it will bring us luck in the coming year. But the real reason is because slaughtering was done in the dead of winter when it's cold. Less parasites then. Since there was only so much room in the smokehouse, they pushed eating the fresh meat so there was no waste. That's the real reason behind the tradition."

"Interesting," said Sandy. "I like learning stuff like that. You know, the real reasons behind things."

"Sometimes the real reasons behind traditions get lost or forgotten over time. That's why it's important that we pass on the real stories behind traditions. If we forget the real reasons things can get kind of twisted around and distorted. Like our Choosing Ceremony."

Now Sandy's curiosity was aroused. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I guess you heard that I'm going to run for Council President this spring. One of the things I want to clean up is the Choosing. I think we've drifted away from what it's supposed to be and let it become a place to punish kids or seek vengeance against our enemies. That's not what it was intended to be."

"I agree one hundred percent, but there are guys on the Council that like it the way it is. It makes them feel powerful, I guess."

"Well the Council needs a bit of cleaning up also. That's why I'm talking to you. You are aware that Sheldon is retiring, so his role as Bottom Representative will be open."

"Yeah, I knew that. He worked hard at being fair and he won't be easy to replace."

"I think you would be a perfect replacement. Sheldon told me you were, what was the word he used, Indispensable! The only candidate who has announced he's running so far is Tim Hardin. Do you want to think about him running things?"

"God!" exclaimed Sandy. "I couldn't think of a worse person for the job. He would be awful!"

"That's why you need to think seriously about running. Maybe you and I together could work on some of the things that are wrong now."

"Aren't I too young? I'm still 13 you know."

"Well, if we got you elected, you would be the youngest Council member we ever had. But there is no minimum age requirement."

"Wow Jason. I'm flattered that you are asking me, but I really have to think on it. I made some enemies on the Council and that might make it hard to get anything done. I'm sort of blown away by the idea though."

"Don't think of them as enemies. You have guys that disagree with you, but they also respect you. Respect is very important and you've already earned a lot of it. You think about it and come talk to me with any questions you might have. I have Clubhouse duty every Wednesday afternoon so you could drop by and see me. You have to sign up as a candidate before March 1 but that leaves plenty of time. You could also talk to Sheldon. He can tell you more about your duties than I can."

"I'll do that, but right now I'm gonna finish this great lunch I have here."

As they were laughing and eating James Cormack approached the table.

"Happy New Year guys. You two seem to be having a good time. What are you telling my future replacement Jason? He's grinning like a Cheshire Cat."

"I'm afraid I'm trying to sell your future replacement on bigger and better things. I want him to consider running for Sheldon's seat. I think he'd be really good at it."

"Hmmm! I hate to admit it, but I think you're right. I guess I'll have to look elsewhere for someone to fill my spot next year."

Just then the backdoor opened and Kelly came out to join the group.

"Got room for one more here?" he asked as he stepped out the door.

"If you ask me," Jason said as he nodded in Kelly's direction. "You don't have to look very far James."

"I think you're right about that. We have talent all around us. Guys, I hate to eat and run, but I've got to go back inside and see what folks are saying about the new town ideas."

"I'll join you," said Jason. "Sandy, you think about what I said and come see me anytime."

"I'll do that," Sandy replied.

"Well," said Kelly. "I join the table and everybody leaves! Are you gonna tell me what that was all about or do I have to guess?"

"What do you mean?" asked Sandy.

It's not every day I see somebody around my age sitting with two Senior Members of the Council. Two rather powerful members at that. Makes me think somethings cooking."

"I won't keep it a secret. Jason asked me to think about running for the Council. It's pretty exciting. He wants me to run against Tim Hardin for Sheldon's seat."

"Tim Hardin is a real jerk. He wouldn't represent anyone but himself on the Council," said Kelly.

"I agree," replied Sandy. "I think I could beat him too."

"So are you gonna run?" asked Kelly.

"I'm thinking I will, but I gotta be sure before I say yes. The idea of having a chance to make things better for all the kids growing up here is really cool. I just wonder if I could really do it."

The backdoor opened again and Kevin Mackey came out with a plate piled high with food. He smiled when he saw Sandy and Kelley together.

"Just the guys I'm looking for. Did my brother Jason speak to you already Sandy?"

"Yes," Sandy answered. "Just 5 minutes ago."

"So are you gonna run? You'd be a natural for that position."

"You know about that?" asked Sandy.

"Of course I know. It was the worst kept secret in Indian Spring. Come on, you've got to do it."

"What about you Kevin? Why don't you run? You're a Mackey bottom. You're eligible."

"Jeez. No way Jose. One Council member in the family is enough. I told Jason, not in a million years. Sandy, you've got to do it. I know you want to. Do it man!"

"Let me think on it a little more, okay? So what else is new?

"Did you hear about Fairlane's New Year's Eve party?" Kevin asked.

"Well, I heard the rumors," Sandy answered. "Is it true Dean got fucked 4 times by his brother and 10 times by his brother's friends?"

"Well, that was what was supposed to happen. But by Dean's fifth fuck, Fairlane felt so guilty he renounced all further debts he was owed. There were some pretty pissed-off Mackey teens when they heard that I can tell you," Kevin explained.

"Well, I think Fairlane was a bit of a prick putting his brother through that at all. If I do run for Council, that's the kind of stuff I'd like to eliminate."

Wednesday February 14th

Sandy was sitting on a bench on the lower school playground waiting on Stevie. He was looking through the Valentines he had received and kept returning to the one from Marsha Mason. It had a white rabbit peeking out of a black top hat and it said, "If you'll be my Valentine we could make magic together." His imagination was picturing Marsha with her perfect sized tits and that beautiful ass that was soo curvy! She was really his type. As far as Sandy was concerned, she was perfect. Then his daydream was interrupted.

"You should hear the bull crap that's being thrown around over there."

Sandy looked up to see Carter Mackey and his best friend Michael Mackey standing in front of him and pointing across the playground at a small group of Mackey kids assembled around Tim Hardin.

"He's over there telling everybody how he's gonna be in charge of the bottoms next year and things are gonna change," exclaimed Carter. "He said that his bottoms will do anything people want or he'll whip their asses."

Sandy looked around making sure no one was in ear shot.

"Well, he ought to be careful. He knows you're not supposed to talk about family business where non-Mackeys might hear. School is definitely one of those places. Besides, you guys know he's full of shit," replied Sandy. "I wouldn't worry too much about the creep."

"Well I do worry," said Carter. "This is our year," he said gesturing at Michael and himself. "He could make life really hard on us 12-year-olds."

"Guys, he hasn't won yet so it's all just talk. You're worrying about something that hasn't happened yet."

"Well I hear there's nobody running against him. That makes it a worry for me," answered Carter.

"Me too," added Michael.

"It's still early guys. A lot can happen between now and election day. Something important you can do is talk to your brothers, cousins and older friends. Tell any guys that can vote how you feel and what you heard. That's something you can do right now and it might help a lot."

"You're right Sandy. We will spread the word. It would be a lot better though if somebody good ran against him."

"See you around Sandy," said Michael as he turned and started off.

Carter rolled up a paper he was holding into a megaphone and walked backward as he spoke into it in his best radio announcer's voice.

"A dark cloud is approaching our town. The future happiness of all 12-year-olds is threatened. Can anyone stop this awful force? Is there a hero waiting to step up and save the kids of Indian Spring? Who will that hero be? We hope to find out soon."

And with that, Carter winked at Sandy, and then turned and ran off.

Sandy wondered if that was a plea or a hint that he should run. He hadn't said a word to anyone since his discussion with Jason. Did others see him as a good candidate? He had to make up his mind soon. This was what he wanted and had worked for. Why did it make him so nervous? And where the heck was Stevie?

Meanwhile, inside the school building Stevie was leaving Mr. Noble's room. He had to stay after and explain why he had been talking in class. Being a really social kid, he got yelled a lot for talking, but this time he really was trying to help a kid. Luckily, Mr. Noble believed him so he only had to stay 10 minutes. Just outside the door he ran into Tyler Hardin. He and Tyler were in several classes together and he was the object of a crush that Stevie kept very secret. His older brother warned him to be very careful around the kid, as the Hardin's could be a mean bunch, but Stevie never saw Tyler as anything but nice.

"Hey Tyler, where you heading?"

"Ah, I gotta get some help from Mr. Noble. He told me if I don't pick my grade up, I'm going to fail and I don't wanna go to summer school."

"I was in the same boat last term and I found a better way. Don't go to him for help. Go to the Math Club."

"You mean the Nerd Squad?" Tyler laughed.

"Well, some kids call them that, but I learned more from them then I ever did from Mr. Noble. When he explained stuff, it was like he was talking in a foreign language. I just couldn't get it. Then I asked Reeve for help, and he explained things in a way that made sense. He even drew diagrams and stuff when I didn't get it."

"You mean Reeve Mackey, Uncle Reed's kid? My dad was a friend of Reed's from back when they were kids." Tyler looked around to make sure they were alone. "I think they might have done stuff. You know..."

Stevie grinned. He didn't know, but could guess. "That's him," he answered.

"Reeve is real quiet. He never talks. Real shy, I reckon," Tyler continued. "But he hangs around Cooper a lot."

"He's not quiet when you talk about math. He's really good and he's there today. They're in the Library every Monday and Wednesday. I'll introduce you if you want."

"If you really think it'll help, I'll go," said Tyler with a little hesitation in his voice.

"Come on then," said Stevie with a smile. "I'll introduce you and get you going."

The two boys headed down the hall toward the Library. Stevie was excited that he was helping the kid, he hoped might become a friend. And Tyler thought it was cool getting to know Stevie a little better. After introducing Tyler to Reeve, Stevie stepped back as his new friend (he hoped) set his backpack on the table and pulled out the homework he was having trouble with. Stevie could not help but admire Tyler's butt as he stood a moment before heading out to the playground to find his brother.

"What kept you so long?" demanded Sandy.

"Well Mr. Noble made me stay for talking. Then I took Tyler Hardin to the math club for extra help."

"Tyler Hardin!" asked Sandy in a serious tone. "You just remember what I said about the Hardin's. I don't know Tyler, but his older brothers can be trouble. I don't want you to get hurt Stevie."

"I know Tim's a jerk. Everybody says that, but Tyler's not like that at all. He's nice. And he's kinda cute too," said Stevie with a smile.

Sandy couldn't help but laugh, "Just watch yourself, okay?"

"I will," Stevie assured him as they headed off to catch the late bus back to the Spring.

Wednesday February 21st

As Sandy made his way along the winding trail through Tucker Woods, he was thinking of all the different people he had spoken with throughout the past week. He spoke with his brother Brad and was surprised how important Brad thought it was. Not only did Brad think that some bottoms got a raw deal, but he said a lot of kids are afraid to go to the Council because some of the members are downright mean. He had heard stories of Hiram and Darrell getting kids in trouble for asking the Council for help.

He really wanted his brother to run and offered his support.

The next day Cal Brewer stopped by the Jacobs house to let Sandy know that he would work his ass off more than he already was for Sandy. Obviously, Brad had shared their conversation. Still Sandy was happy for the support. He also spoke with his dad who told him it was important to be involved in the community and offered his full support. As he made his way to the Clubhouse the feeling of excitement grew. He was going to run for a seat on the Council.

As he stepped through the Clubhouse door, a couple of kids in the video game corner looked up at him and nodded then quickly returned to their game. He found Jason in the meeting room in back. The older boy broke into a big smile when he looked up.

"I am very happy to see you here," said Jason. "I hope you're here to register as a candidate."

"As a matter of fact, I am. I've been thinking long and hard on it and I want to run."

"Well that's the best news I've had all day. Step right over here and fill out this form," said Jason as he slid a piece of paper in front of Sandy. "Don't forget to sign and date the bottom and then you'll be official."

After Sandy completed the form, he looked up at Jason and asked, "What's next?"

"Well, the ballots not official until March 15th. That's supposed to give them time to make sure all the candidates are eligible and qualified. Then we start rounding up votes. You said Cal Brewer said he'd help. Any bottoms that will support you are a great resource. Don't forget, they get three voting points for each open position. And something else. They talk to a lot of kids each week and they can put them in a good mood and then talk about voting for you."

"Now that's almost sneaky," laughed Sandy. "I see what you mean though. I'll talk to the others and see what they say."

"Good," replied Jason. "I also want you to think carefully about what you say. Tim is going to try to make you look like you want to destroy the Choosing Ceremony. He's going to say that you are not a true Mackey. I know you want to make some changes to make things better and so do I, but let's not talk about that right now. We are going to talk about returning the tradition to what it was intended to be. We are going to talk about doing away with back room deals. And finally, we will talk about fairness and respect. Do you think you can work with me on that?"

"You bet I can. We have three weeks to get ready."

"And the last and most important thing you have to do," said Jason with a serious look," You have to put on your suit of armor."

"My suit of armor?"

"Yes! You've heard of mudslinging I'm sure. Well I know Tim Hardin. He is going to tell half-truths and maybe even lies about you. He's going to try to intimidate you and he may even threaten you. He may even sling real mud," Jason laughed. "No matter what he does, you can't allow him to provoke you. You have to keep focused on what we want to do. Got it?"

"I got it. I can be thick skinned when I have to," answered Sandy, a little uncertainly.

"Good. Let's try to get together next week and firm up what we are going to say to kids. In the meantime, you can talk with the bottoms and see if we have support there. Their votes are critical. I'll call you about a meeting and set up a time and place."

"Thanks for helping me Jason."

"You are quite welcome my friend. I think we might make a great team on the council if we can get elected."

Sandy and Jason shook hands and the younger boy headed for home. Along the way he was thinking about visiting Judge, Bert and Cal. Would they help him? They could be a really good start for his campaign if they would.

Saturday February 24th, - 10:30 am, Cal Brewer's bedroom

Bradley was sitting naked on the soft carpet in Cal's room leaning up against the wall and gently rubbing his half hard penis. His eyes were fixed on Sean and Cal just 10 feet away from him. Cal was on his knees and elbows and Sean was slowly sliding his dick in and out of Cal's butt. Brad was trying to decide which of his friends looked sexier. Cal's body was rocking in rhythm with Sean's thrusts and he was breathing through his mouth in little puffs. Sean's ass was flexing with each push and he seemed to be staring at the wall, but his eyes were closed. Both of them looked really hot to Brad. Even though he had just had his turn with Cal, he realized he had gotten rock hard again from watching them. He decided to take his mind off what he was thinking so he called out to the guys. "Hey, did you hear that Sandy's gonna run for Sheldon's Council seat?"

"Don't talk to me now," Sean whimpered. "I'm about to have the best cum of my life!" Cal laughed between gasps as Sean picked up the pace and was now moving like a jack hammer in and out of his butt. Finally, Sean drove his dick in as far as it would go and let out a loud moan.

"That was fantastic," he said as he rolled off of Cal and sat next to him. "We make a super team."

"I'm glad you liked it," said Cal as he sat up and smiled. "You two must've shot a gallon of cum in me," he said as he felt his ass. I gotta go clean up. Be right back." He headed to the bathroom.

Once Sean caught his breath, he looked at Bradley and smiled. "I have got to think of more reasons to come over on school days. Just Saturday morning isn't enough anymore. Maybe I could tell my dad you and me are study partners or something."

"You could say you're helping Sandy with his campaign," suggested Bradley. "I think Kevin's working on it too."

"That's a good idea. I'll talk to Kevin and see when he's coming and then we'll let Cal know."

"Let me know what?" asked Cal as he came out of the bathroom.

"I'm trying to find a way to get permission to come over during the week so we can have some fun. I'm gonna ask my dad if I can come over to help Brad work on Sandy's campaign for Council. I'm sure he'll let me. "

"That would be cool," said Cal. "But you only get to do me if you really work for Sandy."

Bradley and Sean laughed.

"I'm serious," added Cal. "I think getting Sandy on the Council could be good for all of us and that makes it important."

"Well it's good that you feel that way," said Bradley. "Sandy is gonna be coming to visit you soon to ask for your help. I heard him talking with Kevin."

"I'll help any way I can," answered Cal.

Sean was fumbling through the pile of clothes, trying to find his underwear.

"I hate to fuck and run, but if I'm not home by noon, I might get in trouble. I'm gonna ask if I can help Sandy then I'll be able to come over one day after school. If Kevin's doing it, I bet my dad will let me," he said as he pulled his underpants on.

"Cool," said Cal. "Just let me know and I'll hold a spot for you."

Sean finished dressing and took off for home.

"What do you think Sandy wants me to do for him?" Cal asked.

"I'm not sure. I did hear him say he was going to talk with all the bottoms but I didn't hear why."

"Whatever it is, I'll be happy to help. You know he's running against Tim Hardin and that is probably the last guy I would want on the Council."

"Yeah, I know. I haven't heard too many kids say anything good about Tim either, so maybe Sandy has a good chance of winning."

"I sure hope so. If Tim becomes the bottoms rep it could make my life miserable."

"Hey Cal," asked Bradley rather hesitantly. "Would you.....,I mean do you wanna, uhmm, you know?"

"What Brad? Spit it out."

"Would you want to fuck me?"

Cal was a bit shocked at the question. "Are you kidding? Of course I would. You're one of the hottest boys around, but your also my friend, I think. I don't wanna screw that up. I also don't want to get in trouble with Sandy."

"It's none of Sandy's business. Actually, I'd rather you didn't tell anybody."

Cal was now pacing back and forth looking at Brad. "Have you ever done it before? I mean, you know, has anybody ever fucked you?"

"No, you would be the first."

Cal sat down next to Brad and looked at him. "Why do you wanna do this?"

"For a couple of different reasons," said Brad. "Number one is because I think I owe you. I fuck you all the time and it just seems like you should get a turn."

"You don't owe me anything," Cal interrupted. "You know I'm a bottom and you have every right to use me."

"Well, it's more than that. I wanna know what it's like. I've seen you cum when we fuck sometimes so it must feel good."

"I cum with you guys sometimes because I like you guys. That's real important. I can relax and enjoy it with you and Sean and it makes me feel good knowing that you like it. With some people it's not like that. It's just being used. Sometimes it even hurts a little. I don't want to do that to you."

"But we're friends Cal. I think I'd like it with you. I trust you, and if it would feel good with anybody, it would be you."

"What about Sean?" asked Cal. "Haven't you guys ever tried it?"

"No, not yet anyway. We trade blow jobs sometimes, which I wasn't supposed to tell, but we never did anything else. I'm not sure if I want to ask him."

"Wow! This is kinda crazy. I'd really like to do this, but..."

"But what? This was really hard for me to ask you and I thought you'd wanna do it. What's wrong?"

"This might be hard to understand," Cal said softly, "But last year was a really bad time for me. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it through sometimes. If it wasn't for guys like you and Sean and Sandy and Judge I don't think I would have been able to take it. You guys showed me how important friends can be. You're the first real friends I ever had and I don't want to screw that up."

"It won't screw anything up Cal. If I don't like it at least I'll know and we'll just forget it. I really want to try it, and I want to try it with you."

"All right. If you're sure let's do it. I'm already hard as a rock just from thinking about it," said Cal as he looked at his dick. "Bend over the bed and I'll get you lubed up. This is gonna be the best Saturday I've had in a long time."

Bradley bent over the bed as Cal got his lube and came up behind his friend. "I'm gonna do this slow to loosen you up a bit. I'll go easy."

"Go ahead," said Brad. "I'm ready."

Cal gently inserted a finger in Bradley's tight little pink ring and moved it around in a circular motion. He wanted this hole well-greased so he pulled it out and put another glob of Vaseline on the finger and pushed it in again. This time he inserted it slowly as far as it would go. Brad moaned softly. After a moment of in-and-out fingering Cal spoke. "I'm gonna use two fingers now." Slowly he pushed two fingers in the hole. "Are you okay?" asked Cal as he moved in and out.

"Yeah," answered Brad. "It just kinda pinches a little, but it doesn't hurt... much."

After a minute or two of massaging Brad's anus, Cal pulled his fingers out and wiped them off on a tissue. "You're ready. Turn over on your back. I wanna see your face so I know if I'm going too fast."

Brad flipped over and lay on his back. "Pull your knees up," ordered Cal.

A slightly nervous Brad did as he was told and Cal moved into position between his legs. "I'm gonna go slow and just tell me if it hurts and I'll stop." With that Cal pressed the head of his rigid dick against the well lubed little ring and pressed. Brad instinctively jerked back at the pressure. "You have to relax if you want to do this."

"Sorry, but it kind of tickled. I'm ready now."

Cal leaned forward again and pressed against the hole. When the head popped in, Brad let out a soft grunt. "You still alright?" the boy on top asked.

"Yeah, just hold on a second. It feels really weird, but it doesn't hurt." Brad was lying. It did hurt, but he wanted to do this for his friend. And it wasn't that bad. Thank God Cal wasn't very big down there.

After a moment Cal pressed forward another inch. He knew from experience that he could make Brad feel really great in this position if he found the magic spot. He started a very slow in and out pumping motion and he could tell by the look on Brad's face that he was doing well.

Cal picked up the pace a bit and Brad closed his eyes. Cal couldn't believe that he was fucking one of the best-looking boys in town and he had been asked to do it. Brad was now breathing in short gasps and Cal had to slow down a bit so he wouldn't cum. He wanted to make it last for his friend.

"This is amazing Cal," gasped Brad. "You're gonna make me cum." He had adapted to the anal sensation by now, and his cock twitched each time his friend's dick was pushed deep inside.

"Good," replied Cal. "Then maybe we'll do it again sometime."

"Oh, we're gonna do it again. This is great!"

Brad couldn't believe how his dick felt. Waves of pleasure were rising up from his butt hole to his balls then making his dick vibrate. After a few minutes, Bradley suddenly spread his legs even further apart and pressed up against Cal.

"Oh God, I can't hold it anymore," he cried as a small jet of sperm pumped out of his dick. Cal was only a moment behind him and after his orgasm he collapsed on top of his friend. The boys silently held each other for a few minutes.

"That was fucking fantastic," giggled Cal.

"I'm glad you liked it. That's what you always say to me when we're done."

Both boys smiled.

"Thanks Cal. I'm really glad you did that for me. Now I know how it feels on the other end of fucking."

"It isn't always that good Brad. It really depends who you're doing it with. Like I said before, some guys just use your ass and don't care about how you feel. It's only special with real friends."

"Then that makes you a real friend. I don't want to hear you say you think we might be friends anymore. We are REAL friends."

"Thanks Brad. That means a lot to me."

"I hate to say it, but I gotta go. I'm supposed to be home with Stevie this afternoon so Sandy can go out. Stevie's got the flu. Uhmm, could this be our secret for now? I'm not ready to tell Sean yet."

"I'll never tell anybody. That's a promise from a friend," said Cal with a big smile.

Brad got dressed and gathered his things. He felt different. He had been fucked. Maybe this is part of growing up, he thought. Maybe he was looking at things differently now. Whatever, he had to get home so he said goodbye and took off on his bike.

Saturday February 24th, 3:00 pm - Cal Brewer's house

Cal wasn't expecting anyone when the doorbell rang. He had no appointments for the afternoon and he really didn't want anymore. This was his free time. He was preparing to tell whoever it was he was done for the day as he approached the door. He was a bit surprised when he pulled the door open to see Sandy Jacobs standing on the steps.

"Hi Cal. I hope I'm not interrupting anything," said Sandy.

"No, I'm just hanging out," replied Cal. "Why don't you come on in. You look like you're here on business. Is anything wrong?"

"No, no, not at all. I am kinda here on business though," said Sandy as he followed Cal into the house.

"You want a coke?" asked Cal as he motioned the other boy to a seat.

"No, I'm good, but thanks."

"Okay, what's the business you came to see me about? You look a little nervous."

Sandy chuckled. "Nothing is wrong. If I look nervous it's just cause you're the first guy I'm talking to and I'm not sure what to say. I guess I should just say what I'm thinking. You might have heard that I'm going to run for Sheldon's Council seat. I want to be the Bottom's rep. And I came here to ask for your vote and your help."

"That's an easy request. You'll get all three of my votes because you're a friend and you're honest. I also know you're running against Tim Hardin and I'd vote for anybody before Tim. I know that sounds bad, but it's the truth. What else can I do to help?"

"As a bottom you see a lot of kids each week. I wanted to ask you to talk to them for me. Especially anybody that has a little brother who's gonna be in a Choosing. They might care about their brothers being treated fairly and with respect."

"What do you want to change?" Cal asked.

"Well, I don't want to get into that just yet because I'm still working on what I think is best. I want to keep the tradition because it does help the kids here, but I think I can make it better. I'm not gonna make any promises that I might not be able to keep, so you'll have to wait to hear my plans."

"I guess I understand and I'll talk to everybody I know. I think you're the best candidate and I think a lot of other kids will too."

"Thanks Cal. That means a lot. "You're the first bottom I've talked to, but I'm gonna get out and see Bert and Judge next week. I'm going to ask for their votes and help also."

"You might have to wait in line to see Judge. Since the Corbin's moved away he's been pretty busy out there. I think he's a real important guy to talk to though. Everybody thinks Judge is just a goofy clowning-around guy, but he's really smart. He has this way of looking at things and seeing what really matters. I'm sure he'll help you too."

"Thanks Cal. I'll make sure to hook up with him. Uhm, while I'm here you wanna fuck?"

Cal laughed out loud. "No, thanks for the offer, but I'm good today. Maybe next time."

Sandy felt good. He had put his campaign plan in motion. Maybe only one kid so far, but it was a start. Besides, each current and former bottom had three votes for each open Council position. Then Sandy thought. As the bottom's bottom, did he have three votes as well? Probably? But he would need to check that with Jason. As a former bottom Tim would, and Sandy had no doubt he would vote for himself. It was a secret ballot after all.

He said goodbye to Cal and headed for home. It was too late to go out to the others today, but he would visit them first thing Sunday. He thought to himself, "I'm gonna make this work."

Sunday February 25th - Bert Mackey's house

Sandy pulled up in front of Bert's house and hopped off the bike. It was a bit of a ride and it felt good to stretch his legs. He could hear Bert's voice coming from the side of the house, so he headed in that direction. As he went around the corner, he saw Bert, his brother Sam, and Carter Mackey playing a game of three-way catch. Carter saw him first and in his best radio announcers voice said, "And now ladies and gentlemen, for the first time this season we have Sandy Jacobs stepping onto the diamond." Bert and Sam both turned to look at Sandy.

"Hi Sandy," called Bert. "You wanna join in? I got another glove."

"I can't stay very long. I just came by to talk for a couple minutes."

"You want me to get rid of these guys so we can talk?" asked Bert as he pointed toward Sam and Carter.

"No, they should hear. It sorta concerns them too."

Bert waved Carter and Sam over. "Come on in for a minute. We're taking a break."

As the boys gathered round a worn picnic table, Sandy started the conversation. "You guys may have heard that I'm running for the Council. I wanna win Sheldon's seat."

"Yahooo," blurted out Carter. "Finally, someone to save us from Terrible Tim."

"I'm glad you feel that way Carter. I came out here to ask for Bert's help, but you guys can help too."

"Me and Carter can't vote yet. How else can we help?" Sam asked.

"Just talk to people for me. If any of your friends have older brothers, ask them if they are gonna vote and tell them I'm running. If they care about their little brothers, they might want me as the bottoms rep instead of Tim."

"Okay, we can do that. Huh Carter," said Sam as he tapped his friend on the shoulder.

"Yeah, sure. I'm just glad you're running. Me and Sam are probably both on the list this year and, well, nobody wants to get bottomed, but if it happens, I'd rather have you than Tim calling the shots," said Carter thoughtfully.

"What can I do?" asked Bert. "You know you got my vote already."

"If you guys are gonna talk, me and Carter are gonna get a drink. We'll be right back," Sam cut in.

"Yes, high performance athletes must stay properly hydrated in order to maintain their peak abilities," added Carter as they ran off.

"You and Sam seem to be getting along all right. Are you going to protect him at the Choosing?" asked Sandy.

"Somedays we get along just fine. Last week he asked me to help him get ready for baseball season. I'm trying to teach him how to throw a fastball and he's doing real good. When we were done practicing, he thanked me for my help and that made me feel good. It's cool to teach younger guys how to do stuff. It made me feel like a real big brother. But then, other days I feel like dragging him over to my uncle's farm and feeding him to the hogs."

Sandy burst out laughing. "Now that's an expression I don't hear around town too much. I love it."

"Oh, we say that around here all the time. You gotta hang out with us country boys more and you'll learn lots of stuff," Bert said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I guess, but you didn't answer my question. Are you gonna protect Sam?"

"I'm not sure to be honest. One day I think yes, and then I remember what he did to me and I change my mind."

"Just remember what I told you before. Sometimes you gotta be the better man. I know. I have little brothers too."

"This isn't why you came out here," said Bert. "You told me what you think before and I told you that it's really none of your business. Let's talk about something else," replied Bert, clearly a bit irritated.

"You're right, it isn't my business, but you're my friend, so I gotta say what I'm thinking."

"Well, you said it. Now how can I help you win the election?" asked Bert.

"You talk to more kids each week than the younger guys and I'd like you to mention my name and the election to them. You know who the guys who might vote for me are. I know you get some of the Deep and Very Deep Mackey kids coming here and they might be friends with Tim, so don't get in any arguments. Just talk to the guys you think might support me."

"If they ask what you're gonna do for them, what do I tell 'em?"

"I'm not making any promises yet, accept that I will be honest and fair. I won't be making any secret deals or playing favorites."

"It's kind of funny," Bert snickered. "I really believe you when you say that. I'll remember that line."

"I'm glad you believe it, because it's true. Now, what else is new? You having any problems here?"

"Nah, everything's goin good. I had a surprise last week. Cooper stopped over to visit."

"Cooper Mackey?" asked Sandy rather surprised. "Tanner's brother?"

"Yep, and it was the best visit I had all week."

"What do you mean? Did he come to use you?"

"Yep, and he really used me. I needed a break afterward."

Now Sandy was confused. "He wasn't rough, was he? I always thought Cooper was a nice kid."

"He wasn't rough at all. He is a nice kid and he made me cum. I was a little nervous when he showed up cause he's bigger than me, but he has every right and he asked real polite like. Turned out to be one of the best fucks I ever had. He was rubbing my ass and he kept his hand on my dick almost the whole time. It was great. I told him to come back anytime, but he said he's not allowed to leave the farm too much."

"That is a surprise. I'm glad you told me cause you reminded me I gotta go see Tanner too. I'll make sure Cooper knows he's welcome to come see you anytime," said Sandy. "It's time for me to take off. I'm heading over to see Judge next. You remember what I said. Be the better man!"

"Yeah, yeah," laughed Bert. "And you remember to mind your own business. See you around."

Both boys were laughing as Sandy pedaled away.

Judge Mackeys house

Sandy rode by Judge's place and continued on to the treehouse. He saw a kid sitting at the foot of the tree watching him as he pulled up. He was kind of surprised when he recognized Matthew Corbin.

"You're a long way from home Matt. Are you waiting for your turn? Sandy inquired.

"No, I'm just waiting for Judge to get done. My dad's taking us to the diner for lunch today."

"Sounds cool! What are you and your dad doing over here?"

"My dad's still working at Old Knot and when I can, I come over here and hang out with Judge. It's a lot more fun than hanging out at home."

"I thought they were done at Old Knot," said Sandy.

"Not yet. My dad keeps adding one more thing. They're making the stage bigger now. Seems some sponsors didn't like not being able to stay with their boys and Sheldon said it was pretty crowded so Dad's adding 12 more foot of stage. It looks good."

As the boys talked the treehouse door opened and Wally Mackey started down the ladder.

"It took you long enough Wally," said Matthew. "Did you guys do each other?"

"Wally blushed at the suggestion and the way he stumbled with his words made Matthew think he might have touched a nerve.

"No, no, we uhh, we just uhm, like to stretch things out, you know," said the blushing boy.

Then Judge appeared on the ladder. "Hi Sandy," he called. "I'm surprised to see you out here."

"I hope it's okay that I stopped by on Sunday," said Sandy.

"You're welcome anytime. Besides, my mom's still in church," answered Judge.

"Well, I got to be running along now," said the still blushing Wally. "Thanks Judge, I'll see if I can stop by next week."

"You're welcome my friend. I'll be looking for you," replied Judge.

As Wally started off down the road, Sandy turned to Judge and started his pitch. "Matthew told me you guys are going out for lunch so I'll be quick. I guess you know I'm running for Sheldon's Council seat."

"I heard that, and I was hoping it was true. I think you would be good for the job," said Judge.

"It is true and I'm asking all the bottoms for their help. If you would, I'd like you to talk up the election and make sure that the kids who might support me get over to the clubhouse and vote. You see more guys a week than I do and it would be a big help if you'd throw my name out there. I think I can do a good job and maybe even make things better for you guys."

"I know you'd do a good job and I trust you to be fair, but there's one thing I don't understand and I'll bet you don't either," said Judge thoughtfully.

"What do you mean?" asked Sandy.

"I'm not sure why you want to do this and I bet you're not sure either. You know this job can be really tough. Sometimes you have to deal with things like Chris Corbin and it's not fun at all."

"Yeah, that was a bad situation. But things like that don't happen all the time and it might work out for Chris now."

"I don't know," said Judge. "I saw him two days before they left and none of the brothers were talking to each other. It was messed up."

"Well, if Chris makes the Olympic Team, I bet it will be forgotten. At least he has a chance to try now."

Chris Corbin, his parents, and two brothers – the entire family had packed up and left Bartlett and moved to California a few weeks ago. According to Chris's dad, Mr. Jack Corbin, Mackey influence, and his son's status as a bottom was destroying his family. They could all go to hell as far as he was concerned. They wouldn't be back.

"You might be right," answered Judge.

Then he looked at Sandy carefully before continuing.

"I've been talking to my dad a lot recently. We actually get along better now than ever. He and me chatted the other day about the upcoming elections and why kids want to run. What he said makes sense. So, let me ask you one question my dad said I should ask guys who want my vote."

"Sandy Jacobs, why do you want this job? Is it for power? Power can change people and not always for the better. Is it for the status? Some guys like to be looked up to and made to feel important, although I don't think you're that type, or, do you think that you can do something important for all the kids around Indian Spring? You need to think about that. Well, that's what my dad says anyway. And he's pretty smart."

"Wow Judge, you can sure give a guy a lot to think about all at once," exclaimed Sandy.

"I'm going to support you one hundred percent," Judge responded. "You're way better than Tim. But you should ask yourself that question. It might make you a better candidate, if my dad is right."

"Sorry to interrupt guys, but I see my dad's truck comin' through the trees over there," said Matthew. "You wanna join us Sandy? My dad won't care."

"I'd like to, but I've got a few more people to visit today. Maybe another time. Oh, and how about you Matthew? Can I count on your vote?"

"If Judge says you're the right guy for the job, you've got my vote."

The boys said their goodbyes as the pick-up pulled up and Matthew and Judge piled in. Sandy waited till the truck pulled out and then followed down the road on his bike. It had been a busy day so far and he was ready to head back to town. He now realized why Jason had said this was important. He was mobilizing a small army of supporters who would be asking others to vote for him every day of the week. There is no way he could reach that many boys alone. He was feeling good and his confidence was high. He could really win this thing. He was going to make it happen. The only nagging thought he had was the question Judge had told him to ask himself. Why did he want this job? He'd have to think on that one for a bit. But right now, he had to head for home.

Sunday February 25th – later in the afternoon

Sandy put his bike away and headed in the front door. He saw Kevin's bike laying in the grass and he wasn't surprised. Kevin always found a reason to stop by Sandy's place and that usually meant a fuck session. Inside he found Brad and Kevin sitting in the kitchen sipping hot chocolate.

"Come in and grab a cup," said Brad. "Mom just made a whole pot and it's good."

"I think I will," replied Sandy. "What are you guys up to?"

"I just dropped by to say hi and find out why everybody in town is being asked to help you run for Council except me," said Kevin half seriously.

Sandy was a little surprised at Kevin's statement. "I haven't seen you yet today. Besides, we spoke about it at the Tucker's New Year's Day party. Remember? I thought Jason would have told you. I was gonna track you down. You're gonna be my Senior Adviser," replied Sandy. He knew Kevin was sensitive and he had to take him seriously. "How did you find out I was asking for help?" asked Sandy as he sat down at the table with a cup of chocolate.

"I stopped by Cal's place earlier and he filled me in."

"He was the first one I talked to because he lives the closest. Now that you're here I'll ask you the same thing I asked the others. Will you help me run for Council? I want to win Sheldon's seat. I think I could do a good job and maybe make things better for everybody," said Sandy.

"You know I will," answered Kevin with a smile. "I was surprised though that you asked my little brother to help before you asked me."

"You mean Sean? I haven't seen Sean all day and I never asked for his help."

"That's funny 'cause he asked my dad if he could come over a couple days after school to help you with your campaign."

Brad looked up from his drink and said, "I think I can explain that. I told Sean you were running and he volunteered to help." Then Brad looked toward the door to make sure his mom wasn't around.

"We kind of thought it might give him a chance to visit Cal too. Your Dad's kind of strict about getting home early on school nights... We were hoping to have a little more fun during the week."

Both Sandy and Kevin laughed. Brad looked a bit embarrassed.

"Were you going to tell me about this Brad?" quizzed Sandy.

"Of course I was. We really do want to help. We just thought we could use the time for other stuff too."

"I'm going to have a talk with Sean," Kevin said. "What you guys are planning isn't a bad idea, but you better let us know what's up next time. Daddy came to me to ask about it and I had to say I didn't know. If Daddy thinks Sean is lying to him it won't be pretty. Sean will end up taking a trip to the wood-shed and he won't be sitting down for a week."

"I'm sorry guys," said Brad. "I guess I should have asked first, but the idea came to us at Cal's and I guess Sean went home and asked permission right away. Can you keep him from getting in trouble Kevin?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'll save his skinny little butt this time, but watch what you guys are doing. I might not be able to next time. Besides, my parents will be more interested in having Sean help Jason. If he gets the President's position, it will help my dad on the Adult Council."

"You know what," said Sandy. "I have an idea. Kevin you always stay over on Friday night, so why don't you ask if Sean can come over too. Then we could get together with Cal Saturday morning and have a little meeting and see what kind of ideas we can come up with. I'll be asking my supporters to vote for Jason too. Your father can't complain about that."

Brad's face lit up at the idea of Sean staying over.

"I think I could get my dad to agree to that since it's helping Jason," said Kevin.

"That would be really cool," Brad chimed in. "Cal keeps Saturday morning open for me and Sean so I know he can make it. We won't need the whole morning for the meeting, will we? I still want some fun time."

"Before you get all excited let me check with Mom and see what she says," added Sandy. "I'll be right back." And he left the table and headed to the living room.

"With Sean joining us we could have a foursome," said Kevin with a big smile.

"Uhh," stammered Brad. "I don't think I'm ready for that and I bet Sean's not either."

"I could make you feel real good," said Kevin in a sing-song voice as he licked his lips.

Luckily for Brad, Sandy came through the door just at that moment.

"All right! We're good. Here's the deal," said Sandy.

"Ohhh, you interrupted our planning session," moaned Kevin.

"I'm glad he's back," muttered Brad.

"What are you guys talking about?" asked a rather confused Sandy.

"I'll tell you later. I'm just messin' with your brother," answered Kevin.

Sandy glanced at the two boys, shook his head and started again.

"Mom said okay to the sleepover. She wants to call your mom though," he added, pointing at Kevin.

"She'll make us a spaghetti dinner if we do the dishes. She and Dad want to go to a Community Integrity Association meeting and we have to make sure Stevie and Chase don't burn the house down till they get back. Then we have the rest of the night to ourselves. We can use the bedroom or the cellar. Sound good to everybody?"

"How about if you get the bedroom and me and Sean get the cellar?" asked Brad.

"But Bradley, what about our foursome?" whined Kevin.

"Forget it Kevin," answered Brad. "I'm gonna go call Sean and tell him."

"Wait," called Kevin. "It would be best if you let me ask my dad first. Trust me. It'll be better than Sean asking. I'll ask tonight and you can have your mom call tomorrow."

"Okay," said Brad. "I'll go tell her now." Brad retreated from the kitchen to go talk to his mom and to get away from Kevin.

"A foursome?" asked Sandy as he looked at Kevin.

"I just like to play with your brother. He looks so cute when he gets nervous."

"It might be a fun idea sometime, but I don't think he's ready for that yet. Wanna go upstairs and have a twosome?" asked Sandy.

"Is the Pope Catholic? Dah! That's why I came over," replied Kevin. "Let's go!"

Sunday February 25th 10pm

Sandy lay in bed unable to sleep as he went over the day's events in his mind. He was impressed with the small army of supporters he had put together in just one day. Since the campaign didn't officially start till March 15th, he had lots of time to organize and even gather more help.

When he first decided to run, he was actually a little scared. Now, he was feeling more determined. He was going to make this happen. One thing that kept bugging him was the question Judge told him to ask himself. Why did he want to do this? In the beginning he wanted the power. He didn't want to be tricked by guys like Darrell and Hiram ever again. Then, as he achieved some power as Sheldon's assistant, it changed. He didn't want power for the sake of power, he wanted to improve things.

That's the reason I'm running, he thought. I really do want to make it better and I think I can. Judge was right. When he realized why he wanted to win the seat, he felt stronger. He knew he was the better candidate. Since tomorrow was a school day, he decided to let it go for now and get some sleep.

Friday March 1st, 4 pm

Brad and Sean had just finished inflating the big double air mattress down in the basement and were headed upstairs to see if Sandy was home yet.

"Whatever your mom's making really smells good," said Sean.

"I think she's making the meatballs. My mom makes a great spaghetti dinner."

Sandy wasn't home yet so the boys went up to Brad's bedroom.

"Besides eating, what are we gonna do tonight?" asked Sean.

"Sandy asked if we wanted to play Monopoly," answered Brad. "Then after that I thought we might have a little blow job practice," he whispered.

"Cool! I'm up for that and I got something new we can try."

"Something new with blow jobs?" asked Brad.

"Yeah," said Sean. "Do you know what 69 is?"

"The number after 68!" answered Brad with a grin. "Sorry, I couldn't resist. But yeah, I know. Kevin did it with Cal at the last Choosing Ceremony. Remember?"

"Oh yeah. I forgot. But I don't want to do that with my brother! That would be pervy. I wanna do it with you."

Brad smiled and looked at Sean. "I don't know how to do it," he stated.

"Well tonight you're gonna learn. We both are," said Sean with a big grin.

"I guess I'm game if you are."

Just then Sandy's voice called from upstairs. "Brad. Come help set the table."

"Come on. Let's go. I'm hungry. We'll talk about this later," said Brad as he pulled Sean by his shirtsleeve.

Upstairs, Sandy was already getting the plates and silverware out. Kevin was talking with Chase and Stevie. The table was set in no time flat and Mrs. Jacobs was putting the final touches on the meal. When all the boys were seated, Sandy's mom served up the feast and the boys dug in.

Mr. Jacobs stuck his head in the dining room doorway and gave one final stern warning about not burning the house down and then the parents left for their meeting. The boys were having a good time talking about everything from school to TV shows. Kevin did his best cartoon voice imitations and faces which caused Chase to laugh so hard that he shot milk out his nose and the whole table erupted in laughter.

Sean was having a great time at his sleepover with Brad. After the meal, Kevin, Stevie and Chase retreated to the living room to set up the Monopoly game while Sandy, Brad and Sean handled clean-up. When the table was cleared and the dishes done everyone gathered round the game board and played Monopoly for the next couple hours.

Just after nine, Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs returned and all the boys noticed immediately that Mr. Jacobs was carrying a half gallon of ice cream as he entered the house. "Who's ready for desert?" he asked with a laugh.

"Me," cried all the boys in unison.

Mr. Jacobs dipped out bowls of ice cream for everyone. Since this was a special occasion, they were allowed to eat in the living room which was larger than the dining room. After inspecting her kitchen, Mrs. Jacobs joined the group.

"What time are kids coming over tomorrow?" Mr. Jacobs asked.

"Oh, guess I didn't tell you," said Sandy, "We moved the meeting to the Brewers. When I invited Cal he offered to have it at his place. He has more room. We're meeting at 10."

"Will you be home for lunch?" asked his mother.

"I think so," said Sandy. "At least Kevin and I will. Brad, don't you and Sean have plans for after the meeting?" he said while grinning at his brother. He knew Brad and Sean wanted time alone with Cal.

"Uhhh, yeah. Me and Sean are going over to the baseball field. Tryouts are tomorrow and we just wanna see who's there."

"All right. I'll leave some sandwiches in the fridge. Now I think its bedtime for us old folks. I think you boys should think about that too. You want to be awake and alert for your meeting."

The parents headed off to their bedroom and the boys chatted a bit about tomorrow.

"Can I come to this meeting?" asked Stevie.

"Well, you can't vote yet, but you're probably gonna be on the list this year so I guess it does concern you. Yes, I think you should come," said Sandy. Kevin nodded in agreement.

"How 'bout me?" piped in Chase.

"I think you might be bored with what we're gonna be talking about," replied Sandy.

"Yeah, but I could play with Ben," said Chase hopefully.

"I guess you could. Cal won't care. Okay, you can come."

"Yeahhh!" squealed Chase, happy to be included with the older guys.

As the discussion died the boys headed off to bed.

"Have fun you two," Kevin called as Sean and Bradley headed down to the cellar.

Sean held up his middle finger at his brother and Sandy and Kevin laughed.

Down in the basement Brad and Sean stripped down to their underwear and crawled under the big quilt. The basement was heated but it felt good snuggling under the blanket.

"So, how do we do this 69 thing?" asked Brad.

"There are two ways to do it. You can have one kid lay one his back and the other guy climbs on top or you can do it side-by-side. I wanna try the side-by-side way."

Sounds good to me. What do I do?"

"First, let's get naked," giggled Sean as he started sliding his underpants off. Brad did the same.

"Now, lay on your side with your head up this way," said Sean as he pointed. "Now my head goes the other way so I can reach your dick."

After a little wiggling around to get lined up properly they were ready to begin.

"Okay, now we suck each other at the same time," he said as he closed his lips over Brad's hard cock. Brad drew a deep breath as Sean started. Then he took his friends cock in his mouth and joined in.

The boys started slow and steady but quickly picked up speed. They had both been waiting all day for this and were not going to drag it out too long. Soon, hips were pumping and butt cheeks clenching and unclenching and tongues were twirling. It occurred to Brad that they were fucking each other's mouths. Whatever it was, it felt great and soon both boys reached a climax. They held on to one another for a few moments then lay back to enjoy the afterglow feeling.

"That was really good," whispered Brad.

"Yeah. My brother was right. He said I'd like it."

"Let's get some rest cause they're gonna call us early tomorrow."

They rubbed their naked bodies together for a few moments then fell asleep.

Saturday March 2nd, Kelly Tucker's house, 9 am

Malcolm and Kelly were sitting at the kitchen table finishing their cereal when Mr. Tucker walked in.

"Morning boys. What's on your agenda for today?"

"We're going out to Malcolm's place to get some things and then stopping over at Tanner Mackey's to ask him to help Sandy Jacobs' win a Council seat," answered Kelly.

"Sandy Jacobs is getting involved in Council politics? Is that a good thing?" asked Hal as he poured a cup of coffee.

"I think it is," said Kelly. "He's a pretty straight-up guy. He's honest and I've never known him to be unfair. James and Jason think he's a good choice too. They're the ones that talked him into running."

"Well James is a very perceptive young man and if he feels Sandy should be on the Council, there's probably a good reason," stated Hal as he joined the boys at the table.

"He's running against Tim Hardin and Tim is a bully," said Malcolm bluntly. "A lot of kids are going to vote for Sandy just to keep Tim out."

"So you boys are going to be exercising your rights and voting?" asked Hal.

"Yes sir," they both replied

"Good! That's how you make things better in society. I'm proud of you both."

The boys smiled.

Saturday March 2nd , 10 am - Tanner Mackey's house

Tanner came out of the side door of the house. "Hey Kelly. What brings you out to these parts?"

"I came to visit you. That okay?"

"You mean you wanna fuck?" asked Tanner rather surprised.

"No," Kelly laughed.

"Well it's okay if you do. You got the right," said Tanner.

"Actually, I came to talk to you about the election. Sandy Jacobs asked me to stop by and ask if you'd vote for him and maybe talk to other kids when they come over. You have a lot of friends around here and you know who might vote for him. It's important."

"Hell, Sandy's already got my vote. I sure don't want Tim on the Council. Why didn't he come up here himself?"

"He's tied up with a meeting today and I was going to Malcolm's anyway, so I volunteered to stop over and see you."

"Where is Malcolm? You two are usually together."

"He had some stuff to do at the house. I'm gonna pick him up on the way back." The truth was that Malcolm was at home because his dad had tied one on last night and was passed out on the living room floor. Malcolm wanted to get him in bed and clean up a bit so he told Kelly to go on ahead. Kelly knew Malcolm didn't like anyone to see his dad when he was like that, so he agreed.

"You tell Sandy he's got my vote and I'll be talking his name up around here. The Hardin's have a lot of friends in the Deep, but Tim's a special case. They might hang out with him, but I don't think he'll get all their votes. The Council is considered pretty important around here, and I think kids know Tim ain't the right man for that job."

"Thanks Tanner. I'll pass it on. Is Cooper around?" Kelley asked.

No, he went to the ballpark with Reeve. Tryouts are today."

"Is Cooper trying out for the team?" asked Kelly.

"No, he just goes along with Reeve. Kinda like a big brother."

The mention of Reeve brought back a memory to Kelly. He over-heard a discussion between his parents about the kid once.

"I'm sure he's mildly autistic," Mrs. Tucker stated.

"Maybe he is, but he's pretty high functioning," said Hal Tucker.

"I just don't understand why they won't take him to a specialist and get him diagnosed. With a formal diagnosis he might be eligible for extra help. Maybe special tutoring or something."

"Honey, he's already at the top of his class. He tutors other kids."

"I know, I know. But he lacks social skills. I just don't want to think his special needs are being neglected."

"You know Mackey's don't go to outsiders for help. Reeve will be labeled as quiet or slow or different, but he will be accepted for what he is. He won't be neglected."

"I hope you're right."

Kelly's mind came back to the present as Tanner spoke. "Were you looking to have another go with Cooper?"

"I was going to see if he wanted to," replied Kelly. "You know I still owe you BIG TIME for what you did for me. So if making Cooper happy makes you happy I'm game."

"You can forget about owing me anything Kelly. We're square and as far as Cooper goes, well, he went over and visited Bert. Told me he had a good time and it was worth the walk."

"Good for him, I'm glad he's getting to have some fun." Kelly was almost a little disappointed as visiting Cooper was one of the reasons he volunteered to make the trip.

"How about me?" said Tanner. "You want a fuck while your here."

"No, I gotta be getting back but maybe next time. I'll tell Sandy you're on his team and he'll be out to visit next week."

"That's cool," said Tanner. You take care of yourself and let me know when your gonna run for Council."

Kelly laughed and headed off for home.

Saturday March 2nd , 7 pm - The Tucker house

Kelly and Ashton were sitting at the dining room table working on Ashton's homework.

"I hate Social Studies," said Ashton.

"Well it isn't one of my favorite subjects either, but you gotta finish this quiz. Now come on; What are three crops grown in Texas?"

"Sandy Jacobs is here and he wants to talk to you."

"Huh," said Kelly.

"Sandy Jacobs wants to talk to you. I can finish this on my own," said Ashton as the doorbell rang.

Kelly knew his little brother had special abilities but it still amazed him a bit every time he showed them. Just as Ashton had predicted, when Kelly opened the door, Sandy Jacobs was standing there.

"Hi Sandy, come on in."

"I can't stay long," the visitor explained. "I just wanted to see if you spoke with Tanner and let you know what we talked about at the meeting."

"Okay, have a seat," said Kelly as he pointed to the living room. "I did get to see Tanner and he's behind you all the way. He also said that Tim's support in the deep country isn't as strong as you might think. While all his friends tell him they're gonna vote his way, Tanner doesn't think they really will. They know Tim's a screw up. Tanners gonna bring up your name to all the kids that he thinks will care about the election."

"That's great! Thanks for going out to see him for me. I'll apologize to him for not coming out myself when I see him in school, but I'm just so busy with the election."

"I think he knows and I think you have to work hard to win. How did your meeting go?"

"It went well. We divided up the Mackey kids by grade. Stevie is going to concentrate on talking to the 5th graders. Most of them can't vote but they have brothers and kin that can. Cal and Judge are going to talk with their clients and all the 6th and 7th graders they can. Kevin and I will focus on the older kids. I decided I really want to win this so I'm asking for your help too. Spread the word for me wherever you can. I'd also like you to come to Debate Night. It's March 29th. I need guys to hang around my table and answer questions kids might ask. There will be lots to eat."

Just then Malcolm walked in the room. "I heard "lots to eat". Whatever it is I'm in."

"You're invited too Malcolm. We're talking about Debate Night. I'd really like it if you could come out and support me," said Sandy.

I need to see if I can," said Malcolm hesitantly. "I'll let you know."

"I hope I'll see both you guys there. Thanks again."

As Sandy left Kelly turned to Malcolm and asked, "How come you don't want to go to Debate Night?"

"I didn't say I didn't want to go. I'm just not sure if I'm welcome there. There's still a lot of kids that don't like me."

"I think you should come, so more kids can get to know you. You'll be with me and it'll help Sandy. I think it's important to get him on the Council. Besides, if I tell my dad you're giving me a hard time he might take the strap to you," Then both boys burst out laughing.

Saturday March 2nd, 10 pm - Sean's bedroom

Sean lay under the covers with one hand slipped inside his underpants gently rubbing himself as he thought about the past twenty-four hours. He really had fun staying over at Brad's place again. They hadn't done that since July. Hopefully he could do it again soon. Friday night with Brad was great, but the next day at Cal's was even better. When the meeting wrapped up and Kevin and Sandy left, Sean knew Brad was planning something. Cal went to get sodas and Brad leaned over and whispered, "Let's show Cal how to sixty-nine."

"Uhmm, okay," he answered, "but which of us does it with him?"

"I have an idea," said Brad. "Just follow what I say."


Cal had returned with three cokes and invited them to go up to his bedroom. He assumed they wanted to have their regular Saturday fuck.

Once up in the bedroom Sean and Brad set their cokes down on the table and Brad walked over to Cal and took his can of soda saying, "You won't need this for a minute."

Brad set the soda down and then gave the command, "Get him."

Sean and Brad playfully attacked Cal, who was surprised and couldn't stop giggling. In no time they had him pinned on the floor with Brad sitting on Cal's knees and Sean holding his arms and shoulders.

Then Brad spoke. "Can I do the honors or do you wanna?" he asked Sean as he moved his hands to the button on Cal's jeans.

"Go ahead," Sean told him as he wasn't quite sure how this was going to work.

Cal was a little confused, but he trusted Brad and Sean so he played along.

"Do you know how weird it feels to have somebody pull your pants down?" asked Cal as he lifted his hips to assist his friend.

"I think you're gonna like this," said Brad as he moved his mouth towards Cal's semi-erect cock.

Cal, with his shoulders still pinned by Sean, lifted his head to watch his friends mouth close over his dick. "Oh man," was all he could say. Sean remembered being fascinated by the up-close view of someone getting a blow job. Watching his friend's mouth slide up and down the rigid penis made him hard.

Then Brad pulled off and pointed at Cal and said, "Stay there," in a commanding voice. Brad got up and unfastened his jeans and slid them down to his knees. "Lose your pants too Sean," he added. Then Brad repositioned himself so he was sucking Cal's dick from the side. Once again, he pulled off with a little pop and said to Sean, "Now you suck me and let Cal suck you."

Sean saw what Brad was planning and placed his dick by Cal's mouth then he went to work on Brad. The three-way triangle was quiet except for some slurping noises and soft moans. This time none of them were in a hurry and they lasted over five minutes.

The memory brought Sean to a climax before he drifted off to sleep.

Saturday March 2nd, Jacobs home, 11 pm

Brad lay in his bed thinking about all that had happened today. Across the room Sandy and Kevin had fallen asleep in Sandy's bed after a quick fuck. Brad couldn't get his mind off of Sean's rear end. They had shared a sucking session with Cal and it was great, but he wanted more. He wanted to fuck Sean. He knew that he had to be careful or he might screw up their friendship. He didn't want to lose that, but he had to find a way. He drifted off to sleep with those thoughts.

Friday March 15th

Sandy had been working his ass off for the past two weeks and it wasn't bottom business. The election had really motivated him. He decided politics might be his passion in life. He had visited Tanner Mackey to check on things out there. Tanner told him some of the kids had heard he was going to end the Choosing and they believed it. Sandy decided to nip that rumor in the bud so he headed out to the next farm to talk to the three boys there. He assured them he was a supporter of the Choosing and the bottom system. When he left, he felt like he had won three more votes. He had called on Tolley and they spent a good hour talking about the Council and his ideas. Tolley told him he had his vote and he would spread the word in his area. Tonight he was heading to Jason's house for a strategy session to talk about Debate Night.

As his dad pulled up in front of Jason's house, he reminded Sandy to call when he was finished. Sandy thanked him for the ride and headed toward the front door. He was a bit surprised when he saw Sheldon's car parked in the drive and another car he didn't recognize. He thought he and Jason were meeting alone.

Jason was holding the door open when he stepped onto the porch.

"We saw the headlights. Come on in, we're ready to start."

Sandy stepped inside and saw Sheldon, who stood up and extended his hand.

"Good to see you. I'm hearing very good things about the campaign you're running. I'll feel good about handing my seat over to you."

"I haven't won yet Sheldon," said Sandy with a smile.

Just then Raymond Mackey entered the room and added, "Ah! But our information tells us that there is a very good chance you might." Then Raymond extended his hand to shake also and Sandy obliged.

"Now this is really Jason's meeting," began Raymond, "but let me take a moment to tell you why Sheldon and I are here. I expect to be on the Senior Council after the election and you two may be on the Youth Council. Actions taken by one group quite often affect the other, so I wanted to share a little information about what I expect on the Senior Council and ask you a few questions about what you might be planning. Is that okay with both of you?"

Sandy looked at Jason who nodded his consent.

"You will both probably remember that last year the Council decided to do away with all exemptions. A lot of kids felt that they were being abused. The motion passed and we had a very large Choosing list to deal with. But that decision sent some shockwaves through the more religiously inclined Mackeys. Since then, those folks got super motivated, and it looks like they will have enough seats on the Adult Council to make you guys overturn that rule once the upcoming election is over. That will affect this year's Choosing. They will be expecting the Junior Council to be leaving a bunch of kids off the List for 1996. Now what I'd like to know, especially from you Sandy, is if you're elected, what actions might you want to move on right away?"

Sandy thought for a moment about what was most important. "I'd like to shorten the bottoms service time. Three years is a long time for a twelve-year-old. I'd like to change it to a year or a year and a half at most."

"If you have enough bottoms and can still take care of the fifteen-year-olds I don't think you'll hear any opposition from us on that. Anything else?" Raymond asked.

"Yes. I'd like to do away with ownership. It doesn't serve the community and it seems it's only used to trap younger ones these days."

"Again, I don't think you'll have any problem with the Adult Council over that. Some of the old die-hards may complain, but with the new members who are likely to be elected, my guess is that, it will be left to you guys. I'm impressed with your thinking Sandy. Anything else on your mind?"

"The only other item I'm looking at is the magic number. I'm not really sure how I feel yet, but I have concerns about it being misused," said Sandy.

"Hmmm," said Raymond. "How would you feel about holding off on that till after this Choosing. That idea is strongly supported by the hardline thinkers. They believe you have to be firm with the twelve-year-olds. I'm not sure how that would be received. Could you settle for the other changes now and let me test the waters on the magic number later? Besides, it's rare that the Magic Number is ever used. Cal Brewer was just unlucky last year because of his dad."

"I could live with that," answered Sandy.

"Good," said Raymond. "I think you should know that I'm also meeting with Paul for the same reason. I don't want you to think I'm sneaking around behind your back. Nothing is final till the election is over and I want to be prepared for whoever the winner is."

"Will you be meeting with my opponent?" asked Sandy.

"Actually," said Raymond hesitantly, "No, I won't. Tim's campaign is really lagging and we don't see him as a contender at this point. He's been making some rather rash statements that got back to the Council and they don't really want to deal with him so we are leaving him alone.

One final note," he interjected. "I plan on winning this election so I'm out talking to folks every day. If you need me for ANYTHING and can't reach me, call Sheldon. He's going to be my Chief Adviser and my eyes and ears in the youth community so don't hesitate to use him to contact me. I have to run now. Best of luck to both of you."

When Raymond left Jason looked at Sandy and said, "You've already answered my questions about your planned changes to the Choosing and I like them. We'll discuss details later. Next order of business is our Debate Night speeches. There is a 5-minute time limit, but I've learned from experience that shorter is better. Make no promises. Be yourself and let the kids feel that honesty you always project."

"I think I can do that," laughed Sandy.

"Sheldon, do you have anything to add?"

"No, I think you guys have it pretty well covered. After the election I'll get with Sandy and turn over all my records that aren't in the clubhouse. He already knows most of the job since he's been my back-up for the past several months."

The three boys sat for another hour discussing the past years problems and their plans for the future. Finally, Sandy said, "May I use the phone to call my dad? He's my ride home."

"You don't have to do that. I'll give you a lift," said Sheldon.

"Thanks, I appreciate that." Sandy and Sheldon said goodbye to Jason and climbed into Sheldon's Dodge and took off for town.

Sandy's curiosity was killing him so he asked Sheldon, "Why is the Senior Council so down on Tim?"

"Well, he's been saying things about the bottoms that got back to them and they didn't like it one bit."

"You mean like having the bottoms give blow jobs?"

"Well that, and other things. I think the one that really got them was his promise that he would give the 15-year-olds access to the new bottoms sooner. He told them they could have those tight little holes 3 months after the Choosing. Now, he couldn't change any of those rules without full Council approval, but his big mouth really turned some people off. Just between you and I, the word is that Tim is hanging out with some kids up at a Wacky Weed farm and I think that may be the reason for all his stupid talk."

"That makes sense. I know he isn't doing much campaigning except shooting his mouth off around some of the Deep Mackey."

"Even Paul is sort of disgusted with him. Paul's running a serious campaign and his brothers' stupid comments reflect on him."

"I sure hope Jason wins," said Sandy. "I don't know if I could work with Paul."

"Listen, I know you, and I think you'll do your best, no matter who wins. Don't worry about them, concentrate on your own campaign."

"I guess you're right, but I'd rather work with Jason."

As they pulled up in front of the Jacobs' house, Sheldon put the car in park and looked at Sandy.

"You are going to win this election because you are the best man for the job. You believe in a kid's need and right to have sex and fuck. You believe in our bottom system and I know you'll keep it fair and honest. You not only believe in our traditions, but you want to keep them running smoothly. You have a need to be where the action is, directing things and fixing problems. Whether it's greasing a squeaky wheel or kicking somebody's behind, you'll do the job. That makes you the best candidate and that's why you'll win."

"Besides," Sheldon grinned, "since you screwed up by not knowing the rules, you should know how to recognize and correct it if someone else screws up as bad as you did."

"Err...thanks Sheldon, I think!" answered Sandy with a smirk. "I hope you're right. About me winning I mean."

"I know I am. You have a goodnight."

Sandy watched as Sheldon pulled away and headed into the house. Only a short time remained till the election and he would find out if Sheldon was right.

Thursday March 21st, 3 pm

Stevie Jacobs found it rather exciting to have a big brother running for the Council. He was an active campaigner and talked about the upcoming election with his Mackey friends whenever he had free time.

He had been a little embarrassed today at lunch when he was in the middle of talking about Sandy and Tyler Hardin came and sat down. Stevie didn't want to hurt Tyler's feelings or start an argument, so he stopped talking abruptly. The silence was rather obvious. Tyler looked at the other kids, saw they were all Mackey, and put two-and-two together.

"You guys were talking about the election, weren't you?" he said softly, looking around to ensure no one was listening.

"Yes," responded Stevie. "I was talking about my brother."

"It's all right. You can talk in front of me. I know my brother has been saying some stupid stuff."

"I think I'd rather talk about something different. You know we're not supposed to be talking about family business at school. And I gotta shut up before someone over-hears and I get into deep shit. How are you doing in math now?"

"Great. I'm not failing anymore. You were right. Reeve is a really good teacher. I think I'm starting to get those dumb equations and I won't be going to Summer School."

"Good," said Stevie. "Then maybe you can hang with us at the swimming hole." The idea of seeing Tyler swimming naked was a big turn on for the Jacobs boy.

Stevie looked at the clock on the wall and realized he had to get ready for his next class. He hated to leave Tyler, but he didn't want to get in trouble for being late.

"I'm sorry our brothers are running against each other. I hope we can still be friends," Stevie whispered into the other boy's ear.

"Course we can," Tyler whispered back. "The elections got nothing to do with us and I like you Stevie. I just have to be careful if my brother is around. He gets mad easy."

"Cool. Well I gotta go. See you around." And Stevie headed off to class feeling good. He was talking with a boy he longed to get to know better.

After school that afternoon

Stevie was sitting on the wall at the edge of the park, waiting for Sandy. They were supposed to be walking home together, but when they got off the school bus a small group of guys wanted to talk with Sandy, so Stevie said he'd wait in the Park. It was getting boring because nobody else was around. Stevie was daydreaming about Tyler when someone behind him spoke.

"You're Stevie Jacobs, right

Stevie looked around to see Tim Hardin staring down at him. "Yes," he replied.

"I hear you're doing a lot of talking about the election around school. You need to be real careful you know. Bad things happen to kids that talk about family business where other kids might hear. They get bottomed. Did you know that?"

"I know," Stevie answered. "I always check that only Mackeys can hear."

Tim ignored this. "You weren't talking about me, were you?" he asked threateningly.

"I talk about my brother," answered Stevie.

Good, 'cause I don't want to hear you're talking about me. You're twelve, aren't you?"

"I will be in a few months."

"That means you'll be on the List. The Choosing could be a real bad day for you if I hear you're talking about me. Understand?"

"I talk about my brother," insisted Stevie.

"Do you come to the park alone?"

"Not usually. I come with one of my brothers or my friends."

"Smart boy. You can't be too careful these days. Stuff can happen. Just remember what I said," stated Tim ominously. He then turned and left as he saw Sandy coming across the field.

Stevie was stunned as he realized he had just been threatened. He was also a little scared. Tim was a lot bigger than him.

"What did Tim Hardin want?" asked Sandy as he walked up.

"He told me I better not be talking about him or something might happen."

"He threatened you?" asked Sandy angrily.

"I think he did. He said the Choosing could be real bad for me and he asked if I came here alone."

"Did you tell him you come with me?"

"I said I come with my brothers or friends."

"Listen to me Stevie," said Sandy raising his voice a bit. "From now till the election you don't come to the park alone ever. If I can't come with you, I'll get Brad or Cal or somebody. This is important. Do you understand?"

"Don't yell at me Sandy. I understand."

"I'm sorry if I sound like I'm yelling. It's just that I don't trust Tim Hardin. I don't want you to get hurt because of me. Please Stevie."

"I get it. I won't come here alone."

"Good boy. Now let's go. I'll have a talk with Tim later so he doesn't bother you again."

That night as Sandy lay in bed a million thoughts were running through his head. Had he put Stevie in danger by asking him to campaign for him? Should he talk to Paul about controlling his brother? Would Tim really do anything to a younger kid? Why did Tim ask Stevie if he came to the park alone? The more he thought about it the more he realized Stevie didn't do anything wrong. He has a right to talk about the election with the other Mackey kids. Getting Paul involved could be a mistake. He didn't want to turn this into a family feud. Tim was capable of being very cruel and maybe even dangerous. The kid was the problem and that's where he needed to go. Tomorrow he would deal with this.

Friday March 22nd, Noon

Sandy had been looking for an opportunity to talk to Tim all morning and he saw his chance when Tim got up from the lunch table and headed to the trash can to toss out the remains of his lunch. His friends had already started for the door and he was alone. Sandy quickly followed the kid and was right behind him when he turned around to leave.

"Jacobs!" said a startled Tim Hardin. "What do you want?"

"I want you to stay away from my little brother."

"Oh, hey I was just havin' a little fun with him."

"I don't want you to have any more fun with him. GOT IT!" said Sandy as he stepped within a few inches of the boy's face.

Tim glanced around the room and realized all his buddies were gone. He knew that a scene in school with "goody-goody" Jacobs would not go well for him. He had already been to the Principals office twice this year and he didn't want to end up there again. Besides, Jacobs looked really fired up. Tim didn't want to tangle with him at the moment.

"Okay, okay. I got it," mumbled Tim as he sidestepped around Sandy. "You gotta get a sense of humor Jacobs."

As Tim retreated all he could think of was just wait till that kid gets to the Choosing. Little Stevie's gonna be sorry he ratted on me. If Sandy thinks I fucked him hard wait till he sees what I got planned for his little brother.

Sandy watched Tim walk away and realized he was breathing heavily. He had really worked himself up and the adrenalin was pumping. It had worked though. Tim backed down without a scene and Sandy felt like he got his message across loud and clear. He would still keep an eye on Stevie just to be safe though.

March 29th, Debate Night

Sandy thought school would never end and he couldn't focus on anything. His mind was on the debate. Tonight was the night he would stand before the whole Mackey kids community and make his final appeal for votes. He was nervous as hell. All his hard work over the past weeks could be wasted if he blew it.

He was pleasantly surprised when he got home with Stevie in tow and opened the door. The aroma of fresh baked cookies filled the house.

"All right, it's snack time," said Stevie as he headed to the kitchen.

In the kitchen his mom was arranging chocolate chip cookies on tin foil trays. Stevie made a grab for a cookie and she snapped at him.

"Don't you touch those, young man! There's a plate on the table you can have. These are for tonight."

"Oops, sorry," said Stevie as he headed to the table.

"Thanks Mom," said Sandy. "I didn't know you were gonna do this."

"Well, you've never been to Debate Night before, so you wouldn't know, but it's a tradition that the candidates bring goodies to set on their tables to lure kids to come and talk to you."

"And how did you learn about this?" inquired Sandy.

"A lot of moms have been working all day baking and getting ready for this event. Many of them are my friends. Part of the tradition is that other kids bring goodies to put on the table of the candidate they support and it should make you happy to know that I had several phone calls from mothers whose sons already told them they want something to put on your table. They wanted to know what to bake, so you will have a variety of stuff there tonight. Pretty cool, huh!"

"It sure is. I got kids saying they want to support me already. This is great. I've got to go and finish working on my speech if it's okay."

That's fine honey. Your dad is going to drive you so that he and Bradley and Stevie will help carry them in. Bradley is going to stay by your table and watch the goodies so you can mingle with the kids."

"Sounds good. Brad didn't tell me he was going to work the table."

"Well, he doesn't know yet, but I'll be telling him the minute he comes through the door. Now go finish your speech and get ready."

"I'll be upstairs if you need me," called Sandy as he left the kitchen. He was happy his mom was so involved in this. That meant she liked the idea of him getting involved in the Council and that made him feel good. Right now, however, he had to finish his speech and practice his delivery so he headed to his room.

It seemed like only moments later, although it had been an hour and a half, that his dad was standing in the doorway of his bedroom saying, "It's 5 o'clock son and Mom wants you to eat something before you go. Come down and have a little dinner with us."

"I'm not really hungry, but I am tired of reading this speech over and over, so I'll come down for a break."

"Mom wants you to eat some REAL food before all the sweets they'll be serving tonight. Try to eat something buddy."

"Okay, I'm just really nervous about this speech. It doesn't sound like the message I really want to send."

"My advice is to think about what points are important to you, and then just speak from the heart. Sometimes you can try too hard to sound good and you miss what's important. Just try to be yourself."

"I'll try to remember that. Focus on what's important. I gotta get this right."

After a quick meal of roast chicken, which was a favorite of Sandy's, the group started to load the cookies into the car. Stevie couldn't resist folding back the foil and reaching for one more cookie when a hand firmly grasped his shoulder and his mom whispered,

"I don't care if you're almost 12, if you touch that cookie, I'll get my hairbrush out and you'll be a very sorry little boy." Stevie quickly replaced the foil and carried the tray to the car. Chase, who was carrying another tray, giggled loudly.

Mr. Jacobs drove as close to the Clubhouse as he could and he and the boys carried the trays the rest of the way. It was 5:45pm and there were already about 20 kids milling about. Sandy was impressed when they walked in the door. All the furniture had been cleared out except for 10 tables around the edge of the room and a raised platform at the front. On the platform there was a podium with a small table next to it. That's where he would be giving his speech.

"Looks really good, doesn't it?" asked Kevin Mackey. "Come on. Your table is over here. Kevin led him to the first table on the right which had a large good-looking sign that read, "Sandy Jacobs – Candidate for Special Rep." Sandy knew the term, Special Rep, was Mackey speak for Bottom Representative. Most Council members were elected by voters from within their Kinset, but the three special positions, President, Near Springer representative, and Special Rep were elected by all eligible voters. James Cormack, elected last year, was only 17, and would serve another year representing the kids from the Near Spring. Thus, the only two general voting positions open this year were President, where Sandy hoped Jason Mackey (17) (Kevin's brother) would defeat Paul Hardin (17), and Special Rep, where he was determined to beat Tim Hardin (15).

Everyone set their trays of cookies down and Mr. Jacobs wished Sandy luck and headed out the door. Bradley started arranging the trays as his mom had instructed and Stevie and Chase took off to see if any of their friends were here yet.

In what now seemed like the distant past, boys who had not been through a Choosing (or had an exemption) could not attend these evenings, but since 1988 when 10-year-olds were grudgingly allowed to attend the Selection Ceremony, the rules had slackened. Now boys over 10 could attend Debate Night, but of course they still didn't get to vote until they had completed the Mackey family initiation – the Choosing.

"Are you nervous?" asked Kevin.

"You bet I am. I'm good at talking to one or two kids at a time, but this is gonna be a big crowd."

"Just calm down and be yourself. You'll do fine."

"That's what everybody keeps telling me."

"Well it's true. Why don't you take a walk and say hi to Jason? Brad and I can get this ready."

"If you don't mind, I think I will," said Sandy and he headed to the front of the room to Jason's table. The sixteen-year-old saw him coming and greeted him with a big smile.

"Are you ready for the big night?" he asked.

"I guess I better be because it's here."

That's right," chuckled Jason. "Now remember the important parts. Don't make any promises you can't keep and don't talk about change too much. Got it?" he asked in a quiet voice.

"I got it," answered Sandy.

"Good man. You're the 2nd speaker. Tim goes first then you. Paul and I get to close the show. That means you need to be ready at 8 o'clock. Until then, make the rounds, enjoy the food and ask for votes."

"Cool. I can do that. Good luck to you and I'll see you later."

There were actually five open positions on the Junior Council this year. Apart from President and Special Rep, the First Kinset Rep - Darrell Mackey's old seat, was available. Here Evan (17) and Billy (16) would fight it out. Then the Second Kinset – Hiram Mackey's old seat, was vacant. Here Ernie (16) and Joel (17) would clash, and finally the Fourth Kinset spot was turning into a battle royal. This was Tad Mackey's old seat. But a no holds barred war was being waged between Joseph (Joe) (16), Raymond's second brother (last year's president), and Jeremy Mackey (17). Fortunately, speeches for the Kinset representatives were only made for boys from the respective Kinset and, by tradition, had been made the night before in private houses.

Sandy returned to his table just as Judge walked in carrying a plate covered in a cloth.

"Hey Judge," called Sandy as he walked up. "I'm real happy to see you here. What have you got there?"

"My mom made cinnamon raisin biscuits and they kick butt. I didn't ask her to either. She just gave `em to me as I was leaving. She doesn't usually want anything to do with this so I was surprised. Maybe my dad talked to her or something."

Well thank you very much for the biscuits, but mostly thanks for being here. I need to see friendly faces."

"Sandy, don't be silly. You're gonna have loads of friends here. What's the matter? You nervous?"

"Yes, I'm nervous. I gotta stand up on that stage and give a speech in front of everybody and if I screw it up or look stupid, I could blow the election."

Judge laughed. "You aren't going to blow the election. Did you ask yourself that question I told you to think about?"

"Yes, and I lost half a night's sleep thinking about it. I want to win to make things better. I'm sure of it."

"Okay then. Just tell them that when you get up there. Hey look," said Judge as he pointed at the stage. They've got one of those podium things you can stand behind so if you get nervous and wet your pants nobody will know."

Everybody at the table laughed. "You're a nut Judge," said Kevin.

The room was quickly filling with boys. "Look guys, I'm supposed to walk around and greet people and thank them for coming. Are you guys okay here?" asked Sandy.

"We got it covered," answered Brad. "Go do your candidate thing and we'll guard the cookies."

Sandy was laughing and relaxing a bit as he left the table. He started at the door and met Tanner and Cooper as they arrived.

"Good to see you both here," said Sandy. "My table's right over there and we have some good treats."

"That's half the reason we came. Good eats and we wanted to hear what you say. Don't you embarrass me now cause I been telling a lot of boys you're our man this year," said Tanner.

I'm gonna do my best buddy. Cooper, I'd be honored if you voted for me in your very first election."

"I just might do that Sandy. I just might," replied Cooper with a smile.

"You guys enjoy, I gotta keep moving."

As Sandy made his way by Tim Hardin's table, they made eye contact with one another. Sandy nodded, but Tim only stared.

Sandy cruised about the room for over an hour and a half and greeted everyone he even vaguely knew. He was rather proud when he looked over at his table and saw Tucker and Malcolm alongside Tolley and Tanner. He had town kids and deep Mackeys visiting and talking. This was good. He saw Bert and his little brother Sam come in so he went over to greet them. Bert had a basket of goodies and they headed over to the table to set them out.

"It's almost showtime," said Kevin pointing at the clock.

"Tim goes first and I wanna see what he has to say. I'm ready now. My nerves have calmed down."

Kids were moving to the center of the room to get a better view of the stage. Tim was standing close by and talking with his brother. Sandy had his speech in hand and was ready for his turn.

Raymond Mackey, the current Junior Council President who was turning 18 in a few weeks and therefore retiring on Election Day, stepped up to the podium and held up his hands for quiet. The room settled down and Raymond started.

"Welcome all members and future members of the Mackey Brotherhood. I'm very happy to see so many younger boys here tonight. You 10 and 11-year-olds can't vote tomorrow, but you can learn about our traditions and how we do things. All full members pay attention and ask questions if you have any. Tonight is the time to make up your mind so that when we open the voting tomorrow, you'll know who you want to see in the Communal Voting places on the Council. So, let's get started. First up we have Tim Hardin, who is running for Special Rep. Come on up Tim."

Tim stepped up on the stage as his supporters applauded. He looked relaxed and confident. Sandy wondered why he didn't feel like that.

"Most of you know me," Tim began. "I've lived here all my life and I know our traditions because I grew up with them. I'm not a newcomer." Everyone knew that was a direct jab at Sandy. "Some guys want to change our system. Well not me. I promise you I will protect The Choosing and the Bottoms will do their job when I'm on the Council. The only changes I'll think about are ones that will give you more than you ever had before." This line made the 11 and 12-year-olds cringe since everyone heard about Tim's claim that under him the bottoms would give blow jobs too. Bert and Judge just looked at each other in disgust.

The side of the room with the Hardin boys' tables erupted in applause and cheers of, "You tell em Tim" and "Yeah baby."

"So remember tomorrow, vote for me. Thank you." Tim then held up his arms to the applause of his group before walking off the stage. Sandy felt very uncomfortable with the division in the room. Most of the deep Mackey's were on the Hardin side applauding loudly.

Raymond then stepped up and said, "Next up we have Tim's opponent, Sandy Jacobs." Much to Sandy's surprise he got a loud round of applause as he took the stage. As he stood behind the podium and looked down at his written speech, he remembered what his dad had told him, "Just speak from the heart." so he set his speech down and looked at the audience.

"Most of you know me, but for those that don't, I'm Sandy Jacobs. It's true, I am a newcomer to Indian Spring and have only lived here several months. My family used to live a few miles away in Bartlett, but I can trace my lineage back to Colton Mackey, born in 1846, and through him back to the original Thomas Mackey who emigrated to America from Scotland in the late 18th century. So I'm every bit as much a Mackey as any of you here."

"The Mackey traditions are my life. I have been acting as Bottom's Bottom since July last year. Anyone who says I'm going to do away with the Choosing is dead wrong. I may think about some changes, but we've made changes to the tradition many times over the past hundred and sixty-seven years. Some kids think being selected at the ceremony is the end of their childhood. The end of their normal life. Well I don't want it to be that way. Being selected should just be a part of growing up here. A part where you serve the community, gain a lot of respect and learn a lot about yourself and the kids around here. And that's what I intend to make it. I've also heard some kids say I'm only going to represent the families from town. Well, the truth is, I am going to represent only one group of kids. I'm going to represent the Mackey town kids and the Mackey country kids. I'm going to represent the Mackeys who live in the near Spring and those who live in the deep and very deep. I'm going to represent all of the community that I call the Mackey kids of Indian Spring." The crowd erupted in very loud clapping and cheering. Sandy felt good when he saw he was getting applause from the entire audience. Maybe there was hope of drawing some deep Mackey votes. He waited for the noise to recede somewhat.

"And finally," Sandy concluded, "I promise I will always try to do what is fair and what is right. If that's what you want, vote for me tomorrow. Thank you!"

The audience was silent for a moment as Sandy gathered up his notes and then a round of applause started, that sounded even louder this time.

Jason was waiting at the bottom of the stairs to shake Sandy's hand. "Great speech Jacobs. I think you got some votes there."

As he walked back to his table kids all along the aisle were patting him on the back, bumping fists and shaking his hand. Tolley grasped his arm and whispered in his ear," Dang Jacobs, you sounded just like one of them Senator guys in Washington. I bet I'm gonna see you on TV someday." Sandy smiled.

Raymond took the stage again and held up his hands for quiet. "I know that was a good speech, but we have to keep moving here. Next we have Paul Hardin running for Council President."

Paul took the stage and smiled and waved to the crowd.

"I think everybody here knows me," said Paul proudly. "I was born and raised here and I have served on the Council the past two years. I know the problems we face and I know how to deal with them. With the new laws about the town taking effect soon, we may have a lot of outsiders coming in and I don't want to see that change our traditions. We will need strong leaders who will protect the Mackey customs and keep our community special. I think I'm that kind of leader. I will always fight for the Mackey and their descendants and I will not allow our traditions to become weakened by outsiders. If you want Mackey traditions to last, vote for me tomorrow. Thank you."

Paul drew loud applause, especially from the deep side of the clan.

Raymond once again mounted the stage, and said, "Thank you Paul. Now our final speaker. Also running for Council President. Here is Jason Mackey."

Jason moved to the podium looking his usual confident self.

"Good evening all. Thanks for coming out tonight and I hope you're having a good time. I won't talk for too long but there are a couple of things I must say. First and foremost, I will always uphold and protect our Mackey traditions including The Choosing." This drew loud applause, except from some of the eleven and twelve-year-olds.

"We will be facing some new challenges in the coming years with the chance of outsiders moving in and I'm not sure how we will deal with that. Since none of us know if there will be new families, how many will have kids, or what type of people they'll be, I'm not going to pretend I have a plan already. We will need to see what happens. I will tell you that I will protect the traditions. Some have said that, as a kid living in the Near Spring area, I don't have the feelings about our traditions that others do. I want you to remember that my name is Jason Mackey, and I have as much respect for our traditions as anyone here. And finally, I want to ask for your vote when you come here tomorrow. Thank you."

The applause for Jason was at least equal to Paul's. And with that, it was over. Kids meandered about finishing the remaining goodies. There was a lot of handshaking and back patting and slowly some were heading for the door. Sandy noted that on the Hardin side of the room, the deep Mackey boys were celebrating just as much as his side. Unless he drew some support from them, he couldn't win. He had to hope some of them heard his message.

Sandy felt good. He had come the distance and now tomorrow he would find out if he would be a Council member. He received a lot of compliments on his little speech and he felt like he made his point. Now he would have to wait. The official results didn't come out until Sunday, but all candidates were notified Saturday night. He didn't want to think about losing, but if he did, tradition required that he call Tim and congratulate him. That would be hard to do.

As Sandy and his brothers gathered up the empty trays and their jackets to head for home, Brad couldn't stop telling Sandy how proud he was of him. Stevie and Chase agreed.

"You really did good on your speech. Cal Brewer called you awesome and some kids from the deep told me you had their vote," Brad said excitedly.

"Thanks Brad. I'm glad you liked it." Sandy enjoyed being a hero to his younger brothers for a few moments, but his mind was really on tomorrow. He and Brad were going to vote early and then there would be the long wait for the results. God how he wanted to win this thing!

To be continued...