Chapter 21 – Changes - Open for Business or First Day Jitters

Written by Charles Well <> and Sarge AKA Aldric <> and Nick <>

(C) 2020)

The original Kids of Indian Spring (KOIS) story by Jonas Henley can be found here:

and if you wish to read Jonas Henley's account of the 1968 Mackey Choosing Ceremony, look here:

Also see map.pdf and Springer Families.pdf in the Sandy Jacobs folder on Nifty. There is also an extensive family tree of the Mackey family available in this folder as well.

This story is about sex between boys and is therefore a total fantasy. It was written by an adult for the entertainment of other adults. No children or animals were either involved or harmed in the writing of this story. Please leave now if you are not supposed to be here.

Writing the continuing saga of the Kids of Indian Spring has become a real community effort. My original intention was to conclude the Sandy Jacobs Story after Chapter 10. But my primary co-author and invaluable assistant, Pietar, convinced me that the many loose ends left open by the original author, Jonas Henley, needed to be resolved. As a result, he became the principal author of Chapters 11, 12, and 13. Thank you Pietar for your original ideas, brilliant writing and your continued dedication and commitment to this project. Now a third author, Nick, has volunteered to take on the role of crafting the future long-term direction of the story. You may recall that Nick was first involved in Chapter 12C. Please ensure you make Nick welcome by dropping him a line.

Comments or suggestions may be directed to any of the authors mentioned above. We welcome feedback from readers. It's the only payment we receive for many hours of hard work.

Please consider a donation to Nifty for allowing us to have this resource to share our stories. To donate go here:

Sunday July 21st 1996 - Sandy Jacobs House

Sandy opened his eyes and saw the red numbers on his digital alarm said 6:25. He didn't have to get up this early, but he was wide awake and it would be a busy day so he crawled out of bed. He didn't hear any noise in the house as he pulled on his jeans so he assumed nobody else was up yet. Stevie had spent the night at Cole's place, and Brad and Chase never got up early so he could have a quiet morning. He picked up his sneakers and went down to the kitchen.

He dropped his sneaks next to his chair and headed to the frig to get a glass of orange juice. He sat down with his drink and thought about the day ahead. He had already planned his activities but he ran over everything in his mind to be sure he hadn't missed anything. First he would visit Henry Mackey's place. The kid had trouble making it through the Choosing so his first day might be rough. Next he'd stop by Finney's and see how he was doing. He was a little concerned about him being able to swallow his pride and deal with his new role. After that it was on to Gordon's. He stilled seemed angry and that could be a problem. Carter's place was just up the road so he'd visit him next. He was having trouble understanding Carter. His sullen attitude and refusal to talk about it made him hard to figure out. Maybe it would just take him more time to adjust. His last stop would be Trevor Havers. Since Bert was going to be there he was confident there wouldn't be any trouble today, but the boy was being harassed by some kids and that could not go on. He would not tolerate disrespect of the bottoms.

It was barely 7:00 AM and he wasn't going to start his rounds until at least 9:30, so he slipped on his sneaks and stepped out into the backyard. It was a pleasantly cool morning and the sky was just starting to get lighter. He pushed all the thoughts of the new bottoms out of his head for a minute and thought about last night with Kevin. He had been relieved for the past two days that his friend wasn't around as much. He thought he was outgrowing boy sex, until last night. He didn't have any regrets because he really enjoyed it. He was just surprised, it had happened. Growing up can be pretty confusing. He realized that there was no one he could be more open with about sex than Kevin. They had been fucking for over a year. At fourteen, he had plenty of urges and who else could give him the kind of relief he needed. His thoughts were interrupted when someone turned the big light in the kitchen on. This meant his mom was probably up. He enjoyed spending private time with her so he decided to go in and take advantage of it before the rest of the family woke up.

Henry Mackey's House -- 10:00 AM

Henry had gotten up early that day to face the inevitable. He paid special attention to his personal hygiene and washed really well, especially, you know, back there. His dad and brothers had left early for a day of fishing and his mom was off to visiting. He took his new bottoms bag containing the log book and lube and went down to the front room to wait. He kept telling himself he could do this as he paced back and forth across the room. He was thinking of waiting on the porch as he looked out the window when he saw Jagger and Travis Mackey coming out of the woods and heading toward his place. He watched them coming across the field and when they were about 50 yards away he panicked. He moved over to the door and locked it. Then he slowly walked backward till he was up against the wall and sat down on the floor. He stared at the door and waited. He couldn't do this.

In less than 2 minutes there was a knock on the door. He knew he should answer it, but couldn't. He was frozen. He just sat with his arms wrapped around his knees and stared at the floor. They knocked again and he could hear them talking and laughing, but still he didn't move. Then he heard the voices moving away. Henry took some deep breaths to try and clear his mind. How was he going to deal with this?

As they walked away from the house, the 2 boys ran into Sandy on his bike. He stopped and greeted them. "Morning guys. Were you visiting Henry?" he asked with a smile.

"We were gonna, but he ain't home," answered Jagger.

"Yeah, we were gonna have some fun and then go for a swim," added Travis. "But since he isn't there, we'll swim first and then come back. We wanna play," he said as he rubbed his crotch and laughed.

"That sounds like a good plan," said Sandy. "I'm sure he'll be back soon. You guys have fun at the swimming hole," he said as they walked away. Sandy was a little concerned about Henry's absence. New bottoms generally didn't go outside on the first day because they were just getting used to their new role and wouldn't want to deal with a public fucking. This was also a kink in his carefully planned schedule for the morning. He wasn't sure if he wanted to look around the park or move on to Finney's. He rode over to Henry's place, laid his bike on the lawn and sat down on the porch steps.

Inside the panic stricken 12-year-old was regaining his composure. It had been quiet for some time so he assumed they left. He got up from the floor and went over to the window. He pulled the curtain aside just a little and saw the boys heading into the park. Since he was looking out across the field he didn't see Sandy sitting on the steps.

As he was deciding what to do, Sandy detected some motion out of the corner of his eye and looked up at the window to see a face peeking out. He turned and stood up and both boys stared at each other for a second. The new bottom knew he was in trouble. Sandy went to the door and knocked. "Let me in Henry. We need to talk."

He couldn't hide anymore so he opened the door and looked at Sandy. "What the heck is going on here? You had 2 boys looking for you and you didn't answer the door. You are a bottom Henry. You have a duty to take care of those boys. This is your job," said Sandy not trying to hide the irritation he felt. "What were you thinking?"

"I guess I wasn't thinking," said Henry.

"Well you better start thinking. Do you know what the Council could do to you if word of this got out? You can't hide from your responsibilities. You need to shape up right now or there is going to be trouble," Sandy explained forcefully.

Henry didn't like being yelled at. He couldn't believe nobody understood how he felt. He was angry now so he fired back at the Bottom Rep. "Don't you get it? I don't know what to say to those boys. I don't know what to do. I tried but I CAN'T DO THIS!" he shouted with tears in his eyes.

Sandy instantly realized his forceful approach was not going to work with this kid, so he changed his tactics.

"Look Henry. I'm here to help you get through this. I know it's tough but I'll help you. Let's sit down and talk for a minute." Sandy then closed the door and locked it again. "We don't want any interruptions," he said.

Henry pointed to the living room and both boys took a seat. "What do you mean you don't know what to say?" asked Sandy.

"Well, when kids come to the door, do I ask them if they want to fuck? I don't talk like that. I don't know what to say or do and that makes me real nervous."

"Let's take this step at a time," the older boy began. "When kids come to the door you answer it just like you would with anybody. You say Hi or What's Up or something like that. Let them tell you what they want. They'll probably say we want to have some fun or can you take care of us? They will tell you what they want." As Sandy let those thoughts sink in he noticed his welcome bag sitting next to the chair and he picked it up. Looking inside he saw the lube was opened. He took out the log book and opened it. The kid had filled in the date on the first page.

"You started to fill out your log. You were trying to do this, weren't you?" Sandy asked.

"I was ready to go. I'm even lubed up. I know this is my duty like you said, but I freaked out when they came to the door. I just froze. I'm sorry."

"All right. Relax now and we'll go through what's going to happen. I told you I'd help and I mean it. So next, when the kid tells you he wants to use you, where are you going to take him?"

"I'll take him to my bedroom. It's right down there," said Henry pointing to the hallway.

"Let's go have a look," said Sandy.

Henry led the way to the bedroom and Sandy looked around. "Okay this will work fine. When you get here what are you going to ask your customer?"

"I'm not sure," said Henry.

"Usually you'll ask something like Where do you want me, or how do you want to do it? Then they'll say let's do it on the floor. Or how about the bed? Today you're going to get boys who went through the Choosing with you. They've never done this either and they don't know any more than you do, so don't be surprised if they ask you where to do it."

Henry thought about this. "I guess you're right."

"Now looking around your room you have the bed, the floor, that chest over there or the chair. There are lots of things to use. If the kid doesn't know what he wants make a suggestion. Like, how about if I bend over the bed or let's do it on the floor. Since he's gonna be nervous, he'll probably agree with the first thing you say."

Henry was looking around the room and thinking about the possibilities. Sandy felt like he was getting through to him. "Let's go back out front now. I 'll stay with you a while and see if we can't get you off to a better start."

Back in the front room they sat down and looked at each other. "You feeling better now?" Sandy asked.

"Yes. I'm sorry but I can't help it. I just get so nervous."

"Like I said before, I'm going to get you through this so relax." Sandy pulled the joke book out of the bag and opened it. "Hey Henry, what's an atom?"

"He's the guy that dated Eve," Henry answered with a silly grin. "And that's a terrible joke. There are a lot of better ones in there."

"So you read it?"

"Yes. I went through everything in that bag."

"Good. Then I didn't waste the Council's money." The conversation was cut short by a knock at the door.

Henry tensed up. Sandy got to his feet and looked out the window. It looked like his brother Stevie on the porch. "Wait here and I'll see who it is."

When Sandy opened the door he found his brother Stevie and his Cousin Cole. "Hey Bro. We saw your bike so we thought we'd stop in and say Hi. Is Henry busy?" Sandy saw an opportunity here so he stepped out of the door and closed it behind him.

"Did you guys come to use Henry?" he asked.

"Not really," answered Stevie.

"We just came to visit because he's a cool guy," added Cole.

"Well, you would be doing both me and Henry a big favor if you would be his first customers today. He's really nervous and I can't think of anybody I'd trust more than you two to be nice and help him get started. What do you say?"

"You mean do it to him?" asked Cole.

"Yes. I want you guys to be his first fucks."

Stevie got excited at the idea. "Sure. We'd be happy to help. We were gonna visit Gordon this afternoon but I could handle 2 fucks in one day. Okay Cole?" he asked turning to his cousin.

Cole agreed and Sandy explained what he wanted them to do. He would go in first and then he wanted them to knock again. He was going to let Henry handle the whole thing. Sort of like a rehearsal. Cole thought it was a great idea because this was all new to him also. Sandy went back in the house and informed Henry his first clients were coming and Henry said he was ready. He asked who it was but before Sandy could answer there was a knock at the door. "Why don't you go see," he replied.

Henry slowly opened the door and was relieved to see Stevie and Cole standing there. "Hi guys. What are you up to?" he asked.

"We want to, uhh, you know," Cole stammered until Stevie took over.

"We want to do some booty bumping," he said thrusting his hips back and forth. This made the other two boys laugh out loud.

"Well, I guess you came to the right place. Come on in," said Henry. Once they were inside he turned and asked "Who wants to go first?"

"You can go Cole," said Stevie, being polite.

"Could we go together. I know how to do it and all, but this is my first time and I might want your advice or something," said Cole.

"I guess that's up to Henry. Do you care if we go together?" he asked the new bottom.

"I guess not. There were over 100 kids watching me at the Choosing, so I guess it won't matter. Come on guys. Let's go to my bedroom," he said pointing the way. He walked over to his bag and grabbed the lube and then followed them.

Sandy had been sitting in the next room listening and he breathed a sigh of relief. His new bottom was dealing with the situation without having a panic attack.

In the bedroom Henry remembered Sandy's advice and asked, "Where do you want me?"

Cole looked at Stevie and asked, "What do you think?"

"Use the floor. Just get a pillow to put under his hips."

Henry was stripping off his shorts and heard what Stevie said so he grabbed a pillow off the bed and threw it on the floor. Cole just stood watching until Henry prompted him. "You gotta get naked too. Here's the lube."

"Oh yeah," he said as he quickly kicked off his sneaks and dropped his shorts. He slowly greased up his already hard cock as he stared at the ass he was about to enjoy.

As Stevie watched he realized just how inexperienced his cousin was so he started directing both boys.

"Okay, Henry, you lay down here, "he said. "Now lift up a bit," he ordered as he tapped the boys butt. When Henry raised his hips Stevie shoved the pillow underneath him so his butt stuck up nicely. Then he gently rubbed his hands up and down the nicely presented backside causing the boy to wiggle a bit. "You got a really nice ass Henry," he commented.

Stevie looked up and saw his cousin stroking his dick as he watched the proceedings and decided he was ready. "He's all yours," he said and he moved out of the way.

Cole moved behind Henry and spread the boy's cheeks to see his target better. Then he pressed his penis against the wrinkled spot and it slid in easier than he expected. Henry was holding his breath as he felt his rear being entered. It was not as bad as last time but it did make him groan as the full length went all the way in. As Cole started a slow in and out motion, Henry braced himself on his elbows. He was being fucked.

Stevie, meanwhile, took his own shorts off and was watching his cousin's ass cheeks flex in and out as he pumped away in Henry's ass. When the pace picked up he took the lube and greased himself up knowing that it would be over soon.

Cole raised his head high, arched his back and pressed tightly against Henry's butt. "Oh man! This is it. Oh man," he gasped as he reached a very sweet orgasm. He was pretty sure he shot something too. At least it felt like something came out. He lay for a moment and enjoyed the vibrating feeling in his penis before pulling out. "That was great," he said with a big smile. "Your turn now," he said to Stevie. As he slid out of the way. Then, remembering his manners he turned the boy on the floor and said, "That was awesome. Thanks Henry." Henry just nodded.

Stevie was so horny from watching that he didn't think about giving the bottom a break. He took up his position and started fucking right away. He did one thing different from his cousin however. He slipped a hand underneath Henry and started massaging the kid's penis. This startled the bottom boy at first but it felt great. Stevie matched his stroking fingers to his thrusting dick and both bodies were moving in unison and moaning together. As Stevie neared his climax he stroked his partner's dick faster. He wanted them to cum together and they almost did. Just a moment after his body tensed in a powerful orgasm, he felt Henry's dick throb and the boy emitted a soft groan that meant he had reached his peak too.

Henry had done what he thought he couldn't. He was going to survive being bottomed. He was amazed at the thanks and praise the Jacob's boys lavished on him and it felt like they meant it. They liked him and they asked if they could come back. He wasn't used to getting this much attention and he liked it. His butt was just a bit sore but nothing he couldn't deal with.

As the group rejoined Sandy in the front room he noted they were all smiling. The 12-year-olds were talking about plans for the week and things they might do together. Sandy decided that the crisis was over and he wanted to move on. He pulled Henry aside for a moment and reminded him that Travis and Jagger would be coming back shortly and he owed them a good time. Henry assured him he was ready to do his duty now. Sandy left reassured and headed to Finney's.


Sandy was pleasantly surprised to find Finney had already serviced 3 boys so far and it wasn't even noon yet. He had expected a bad attitude from this known bully but he seemed to be adapting to his new role quite well. When Sandy looked over the log book he saw 1 name that surprised him.

"Adan Koch was here," he asked?

"Yeah, it surprised me too. That boy doesn't come out of the woods too often."

"He didn't give you any problems, did he?"

"No. He is a horny little dude though. Those bony little hips of his were moving so fast and slapping my butt while he fucked me that it felt like I was getting a whipping. I'm serious," he said with a little laugh as he rubbed his butt.

Sandy smiled at the joke and then asked the boy seriously. "Are you doing okay?"

"Yes, I'm still a little pissed off but there's nothing I can do about it. My brother Jake told me he heard some boys saying I wouldn't be able to take it and I'd probably break down crying. I'm going to prove them wrong. I'm gonna show them that I can take it."

"I believe you. Just remember not to let anybody take advantage of you. You let me know if anybody gives you trouble" said Sandy. "I'm afraid I can't do anything about Adan's bony hips though. Guess you're just going to have to take a whipping every now and then."

Again the boys laughed. Finney was doing okay so Sandy said goodbye and moved on to his next stop.


When he arrived at Gordon Mackey's house he saw him standing in the yard talking to Colt Mackey.

"Morning guys. How's it going," he greeted them.

"It's going great now. Gordon made my morning," said Colt as he grinned from ear to ear.

Gordon just shook his head. "It's going okay," he said to Sandy.

"I'd like to stay and talk guys but I've got to be heading home," said Colt.

"See you around," said Sandy as the kid walked away. Then he turned to Gordon. "Was that your first customer?"

"Yeah. I think he cut out of Sunday school to come over here. I hope he doesn't get caught. I know his mama and she won't be happy."

Sandy laughed at his comment and then asked, "Did you put him in your log?"

"Yes, I did. Look I'm doing everything right and following the rules. Do you want to see how red my ass hole is so you know he really fucked me?"

"Take it easy Gordon. You have no reason to be mad at me. I didn't do this to you," said Sandy a little surprised at the outburst.

"Yeah, I know. It was that shit head Tanner Mackey. I don't know why he had to be so hateful."

"Hold on buddy. I know Tanner. He's a friend of mine. I don't think anybody would ever use the word hateful to describe Tanner."

"Oh yeah, well I would. Look what he did to me. I've got to bend over for every other 12-year-old around here because of him. His 10 votes put me here. I'd say that was hateful."

"Don't you have any idea why he put those votes on your back," Sandy asked.

Gordon was silent for a moment. He looked down at the ground and kicked the dirt a bit. "I heard from some guys that he did it because of the way I treated other kids. He thought I was kind of a bully."

"Well, were you?"

"I don't know. I didn't think so. Oh hell. Maybe I was a little," Gordon said still looking at his shoes.

"I think you need to think about that. Maybe, when you get over being mad you could ask Tanner why he voted for you. He'll tell you the truth."

"I don't really want to talk to him right now. Maybe later. Let's talk about something different now."

"Alright. I just dropped by to see if you were doing okay. If you need anything call me."

"I will," said Gordon. "Sorry I yelled at you."

"Don't worry about it," Sandy replied. "I'm glad you were honest and told me what's bugging you. I'll drop by later in the week if that's okay."

"Sure, come on by," he answered as the older boy took off.


The next stop was Carter Mackey's. Carter had had a rough morning. The first knock on the door that he had been dreading came at 9:30. He was relieved when he answered it and found his cousin Michael standing there. He was happy to see a friendly face.

"Hey Michael. Come on in," he said.

"Morning. Today's the big day."

"I guess you could say that," replied Carter.

"Don't worry about it. You're friends with everybody. They're going to treat you nice."

"I hope so. I'm not really in the mood to take any crap."

"So, you ready? I sure am," said Michael.

At that moment Carter realized that his best friend had not come over just to visit and support him. He had come over to fuck. He was stunned.

"Did you hear me. I'm ready," Michael repeated.

Carter snapped out of it and said, "Yeah, okay. Let's go out to the garage." He led the way and his cousin followed. Michael was jabbering about how cool this was and how he had been waiting all week to do it. Carter was silent.

Inside the garage a 10-foot square of carpet had been laid out. There was a bench, an air mattress and 2 pillows. The new bottom broke his silence and asked," How do you want to do it?"

"Let's get down on the floor," said Michael excitedly as he dropped his shorts. "You got lube?"

Carter pointed to the Vaseline on the bench and then shed his pants also and lay down on the carpet. "This okay?" he asked.

"No. Get up on your knees so your butts sticking up. I think that looks hot."

Carter felt totally humiliated. He was on his knees and elbows with his rear totally exposed as his best buddy stood behind him greasing up his hard dick. The boys had jerked off together many times but they had never fucked one another. Carter considered bringing it up on a couple of occasions when he was extremely horny, but he never did. When he had thought about it he never imagined himself as a bottom. He was the leader. Michael was the sidekick. His thoughts were interrupted when his friend moved in behind him and penetrated his anus quickly.

Michael really had been thinking of this moment all week. He was horny as hell and he was pounding Carter's ass hard and fast. His goal was to cum and he wasn't really thinking about his partner at all, He was just enjoying all the new sensations his dick was experiencing. He lasted less than 5 minutes before he climaxed. He kept his dick inside the warm ass and enjoyed the feeling for a minute until his cousin finally asked, "Are you done?"

"Oh yeah, sorry. That was great man. I can't wait until tomorrow."

That was how Carter's morning started.

Then Dean and Hunter Mackey came by. Dean was too old to fuck him, but he enjoyed watching the show and cheered his little brother on as he pounded away. Carter remembered how he did the same thing when Dean was giving blow jobs to he and Michael last summer. This was payback, and he knew there was nothing he could do about it.

Sandy listened to the story of Carter's morning and sympathized with him. Although he brought most of his troubles on himself, it was the bottom rep's job to support them and at times be a shoulder to cry on. He let the boy vent. He told him his day would probably get better and offered to come back out if needed.

As he prepared to leave and head for the last stop, he heard Carter's little brother Tom ask, "Can I watch when the next kid comes?" He had to laugh as he pulled away. Carter was having a rough day.


Arriving at Trevor Havers, Sandy looked over at the shed and didn't see anyone around so he went up to the house. Before he could knock, Trevor opened the door and greeted him.

"Hi Sandy. You checking up on me?"

"I guess you could say that," Sandy replied. "Everything going okay here?"

"Yes. I had 2 boys this morning and no trouble. Well, maybe a little from Kyle Hardin but as soon as Bert talked to him it was fine."

"What happened and where is Bert?"

"I'm right here," came a voice from inside.

"He's finishing some cake my mom left for us," said Trevor as Bert came out the door.

"Eating on the job," joked Sandy.

"Yeah, well you give me these tough assignments so I have to keep my strength up."

"What happened with Kyle Hardin?" asked Sandy.

"Come on over here and I'll tell you about it," replied Bert leading the way to the shed. He stopped at the door and said, "Kyle came over with Andrew Carrigan. I was sitting right here under the tree, but I don't think they saw me. They went up to the house and then Trevor brought them over here and asked who wanted to go first. I heard Kyle say take care of my friend first and if you don't give him the best fuck he ever had you'll be sorry. Then he reached in his pocket and pulled this out," said Bert as he reached down on the ground, picked something up and handed it to Sandy.

"What the hell," he muttered as he looked over the thing. It appeared to be about 10 inches of a shovel or rake handle that someone cut off with the words "Better Dick" written on it.

"I heard him tell Trevor that he brought this for a kid who thinks he's better than others and if he didn't make Andrew happy he was going to shove it up his ass. Then Trevor got pissed and said I'd like to see you try. You would have been proud of him Sandy," Bert said as he put an arm over Trevor's shoulder. "He was going to take them both on. That's when I stepped in. As soon as Kyle saw me, he froze and dropped this thing."

"It was great," added Trevor. "He turned white as a ghost when he saw Bert was here. I don't think he wanted anybody but me to hear him shooting his mouth off like that."

"How about Andrew. What was he doing?" Sandy asked.

"I don't think he wanted any part of this," answered Bert. "He is a smart-ass but he wasn't laughing or backing up his buddy this time, He just stood quiet. I think he really wanted to get laid and Kyle was screwing things up."

"Kyle's 13. He shouldn't have been here anyway," said Sandy.

"He's within the 1-year limit," said Bert. "He could have had some fun but I think he lost his hard on when I told him how interested you and the Council were gonna be to hear about this. He was almost begging me not to tell anybody."

"Yeah, he started apologizing to me and claiming he was only kidding," said Trevor. "I was still kind of mad so I just stared at him. Then Bert told me to take care of Andrew so we went in the shed."

"When Kyle and I were left alone I asked him if he heard what you said at the Choosing about respecting bottoms. He said he did and he just kept saying over and over that he was just having some fun. To tell the truth, I think he may have been a little drunk. Something about the way he talked and acted made me think that. Anyway, I don't think he'll be any more trouble. Soon as Andrew was done they hightailed it out of here. Then me and Trevor laughed our asses off."

"I'm glad you were here Bert. Good job and thanks for not punching him in the nose," said Sandy with a smile. "I wanna keep this," he said, holding the wooden dick that Kyle had brought. "I'm gonna make sure that boy knows he went too far."

The 3 talked for a while and it was agreed that Bert would check-in on the new bottom during the week. With everything seemingly under control, Sandy decided to head for home. He was hungry so he said goodbye and headed back to town. It wasn't a bad first day.

Sunday July 21st -- Gordon Mackey's House

Gordon had made it through his first day as a bottom. He had taken care of 4 boys and his butt hole was a bit sore but at least the first day was over. He knew he'd have to do it all over again tomorrow but making it through today made him feel like he accomplished something. He heard the knock at the door but he didn't get up. He was done for the day. Besides, he heard his little brother Sammy yell, "I'll get it." He heard Sammy talking at the door but he couldn't make out the other voice. It didn't matter. Whoever it was he could tell them he was done for the day. Then his brother appeared in the doorway with Chase Jacobs right behind him. Sammy was smiling as he pointed at Chase and "It's for you Gordon."

Gordon knew he had to take care of the 11-year-old. The kid not only had unlimited rights to his ass, he was Sandy's little brother.

"Hi Gordon," Chase said cheerfully. "I came to visit you."

"I can see that. Let's go to my room," the older boy said knowing he had no choice.

Inside the bedroom Chase started to strip down before Gordon could even ask where he wanted to do it. "You got some lube?" he asked excitedly as the older boy dropped his shorts and handed him the Vaseline.

"Lay down on the floor and I'll grease you up too," Chase ordered as he was coating his dick

Thinking he had finished for the day, Gordon had already cleaned himself up so he followed the kid's instructions.

Chase liked watching his finger go in and out of the tight ring and he knew how to make the other boy jump and wiggle a little so he took his time. Finally, Gordon had to say, "That's enough. I'm lubed already."

Chase smiled as he looked at the rear he was about to fuck. He had been looking forward to this all week. "Spread your legs," he said as he gently stoked the other boy's inner thighs. He spread the waiting cheeks apart and gazed at the wrinkled anus before him. He was amazed that this little hole, only slightly bigger than a dime, could make him feel so good. Then he pushed his hard dick into that hole. Penetration was easy since he was the fifth boy to use the bottom today. Chase started fucking hard and fast. He wanted to cum and he reached his goal in just a couple of minutes. He pulled out quickly and thanked Gordon for the great fuck. Gordon nodded and got up off the floor.

The boys dressed quickly and headed out to the living room. Chase said goodbye to both Sammy and Gordon and headed to the door. "See you tomorrow," he called as he left.

Wednesday July 24th -- The Jacobs House

It had been a productive week for Sandy. His new bottoms had stepped into their roles with minimal problems. He had a meeting this afternoon with James Cormack to discuss improvements to the Choosing and he had just found out the Council had inherited a computer from the Sr. Council. Things were going well.

When he made his rounds of the new bottoms that morning he was surprised to learn that each of them had been visited by one or more of the older bottoms this week. He hadn't asked anyone to do that but Cal, Judge and Bert had taken it on themselves to check on the new boys because they cared. That made him feel good. He felt like he had created a brotherhood within the Mackey Brotherhood. The Brotherhood of Bottoms. Now if he could only get the new boys to feel the same.

He glanced at his watch and decided it was time to head over to James' place. He gathered his notes and went out back to tell his brothers he was leaving.

In the backyard he found Brad, Stevie, Chase and Cole kicking a soccer ball around.

"I gotta run guys. I'll be back before dinner."

"If you're not back on time I get your cake," called Brad with a laugh as Sandy left.

"What are you gonna do till dinner?" Chase asked Stevie.

"Probably just hang out."

"Wanna go to Gordon's?"

"You were there this morning," said Stevie.

"I know, but I can go as much as I want."

"I guess we could. You must really like Gordon's ass," Stevie said with a giggle. "Let me ask Cole if he wants to come."

"Cool, and we can visit Rory on the way back," Chase suggested.

James Cormacks House – 4:00 PM

James greeted Sandy at the door and escorted him into the dining room. Sandy was impressed with his fellow councilmen's business-like attitude toward their task. The table was cleared except for 2 cold cans of Coca-Cola, a notepad and pen for each of them and a copy of the Choosing rules. James was prepared.

"So, do you have any ideas you want to start with?"

"I do," said Sandy as he pulled out his notes. "The first one is establishing some sort of Community Credits. You know Cal saved Carl Mackey because he felt the kid was more use to us a teacher or guide for the younger ones than he would be as a bottom. Carl spends a lot of time in the park and he's always sharing his talent for fishing with anybody who wants to learn. He teaches kids how to tie knots and where to look for the fish. He's kind of like a scout leader without the uniform. He deserves some recognition or credit for that. Another example is Reeve Mackey. Half the kids at the Choosing would have been in summer school if it weren't for Reeve's help in math. He's a great tutor.

"I'm following your examples, but how would this play into the Choosing?" James asked.

"I thought we might set up a system where you could nominate someone for Community Credits. Nominations would be submitted about a month before the ceremony and be reviewed at a special Council meeting. Kids that deserved it might be awarded anywhere from 1 to 5 negative points depending on what they did. The nominations would have to be reviewed carefully because I'm sure there would be a lot of guys trying to get points for their brothers or cousins with made up good deeds, but I also think there are some deserving kids out there."

"I think you have an interesting idea here, but how would it improve the Choosing?"

"Well, it could add to the show. If we didn't announce the points awarded until the ceremony began it would be fun."

"If we had something like that this year Reeve might not be having the problem he's having," James said thoughtfully.

"What problem is Reeve having?" Sandy asked.

"Oh, you didn't hear. Reeve hasn't spoken to Cooper since the Choosing. It's tearing Cooper up because they were best friends before. It has something to do with the blow job Reeve had to give."

Sandy was upset hearing this. He knew Cooper thought of Reeve like a little brother and was very protective of him.

"I understand from Jason that he got the checkmark for getting up from the rail because some kids were hassling him. Jason said he laid his negative 5 votes on the kids back and the hassling stopped. Maybe if he had enough minus points to start with there wouldn't have been an incident. I like the idea. Let's fine tune this one before the next meeting."

Sandy was happy that James liked the idea but sorry to learn about Reeve and Cooper.

"What else do you have," James asked.

"One of the things that came up at the bottoms meeting was the blow jobs. They all hated them and they do take time."

"Well they're not supposed to like it. It's a punishment."

"I know, but the guys felt that it isn't always fair. The rules for what earns you a check mark are kind of vague."

"I can't argue that, but we won't get rid of check marks. That's something that was handed down from the Sr. Council."

"I don't want to get rid of them," said Sandy. "But maybe we could eliminate some of them. I propose that we offer the boys on the line a choice when they earn their first check mark. They can take the check mark or they can take a lick on their ass. This would only be good for their first offense."

"You mean with a strap?" James asked.

"Originally that's what I was thinking but then I decided that might leave a welt and I don't want to damage the merchandise," he said with a laugh.

"So what would we use?"

"A paddle. One that was pretty thin so we don't leave bruises but it would have a sting. The kid would have a choice of the paddle or a check mark. I'm betting most of them will take a lick. If we had that this year we might have eliminated 20 or more blow jobs. That would speed things up a bit at the end."

"Don't you think the guys who won't be getting a blow job will complain?"

"No, I don't. There will still be plenty. Besides, watching their little brothers or cousins getting whacked will add something new to the show."

"You might have something here too Jacobs. I knew you'd make a good partner. How about if I take the Community Credits idea and work on it and you take the Check marks. Look at it from every angle and think about what Jason might ask. I think we have something worth presenting at the next meeting."

Sandy went home feeling good. A more experienced member of the council liked his ideas. His goal had always been to make things better for the kids of Indian Spring and now he was getting the opportunity. He really felt like success was within reach.

Thursday July 25th -- The Clubhouse

Sandy had 2 reasons for visiting the Clubhouse today. First, he was dying to see the computer the Senior Council had given them. Second, he knew Paul Hardin was there and he wanted to speak with him about Kyle.

He found Paul sitting in the back and asked if he could talk with him.

"Sure Jacobs. What's on your mind," he replied.

"I had a little problem with Kyle and one of the bottoms. I don't really want to bring him before the Council, but I thought you might talk to him."

"What kind of problem?" Paul asked.

Sandy pulled the wooden handle out of his pocket and set it in front of Paul. "He told Trevor Havers he was going to shove this up his ass."

"Shit," exclaimed Paul. "If this got to the Council they'd bottom him for sure. Why are you giving him a break?"

"Well, I never had any trouble with him before, and I think he just made a real stupid mistake. He was showing off in front of Andrew Carrigan and he might have been a little drunk."

Paul just looked at the makeshift dildo and shook his head. "I'll take care of it. I promise you there will be no more trouble from him. Thanks for cutting him a break. He is kin you know."

"That's why I came to you. I figured you could take care of it. So," said Sandy changing the subject. "Have you got any ideas for the next meeting?" he asked.

"You mean the Choosing improvements?"


"No Hank and I kicked around a few things but nothing I'm excited about. How about you?"

"James and I have 2 things I think we might present. We are still working on them though. I also have another idea that might fly if you and Hank want to present it."

"What is it?" Paul asked.

"Well I was thinking maybe we should have a way for kids that think they're going to be bottomed or maybe they want to be bottomed to just sort of surrender. They wouldn't have to go through the whole Choosing then so there would be no check marks and they would only serve the year and a half term. Of course they would still have to be in the public fucking. I think there might be some kids that would take it."

"You might have something there," said Paul thoughtfully. "You don't care if Hank and I present that at the meeting?"

"No, like I said before, we're busy working on 2 other ideas."

"Thanks. Hank and I will work on this. I'll take care of Kyle too."

"Cool," said Sandy as he headed to the office to see the computer. He had actually planned to give the surrender idea to Paul since he had overheard Hank say they didn't have anything to present. He knew if he wanted to get things done on the Council he needed allies and he was going to start making some.

To be continued...