Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 11:52:41 +0000 From: Spasm Two Subject: Seaside Memories #4 Seaside #4 Until now our annual summer holiday to the North-East had always followed a familiar pattern; we'd make the long journey north and after cramming ourselves into my grandmothers' seaside bungalow we'd settle into a comfortable and familiar routine. If the weather was good, I would spend most of my time out on the beach, exploring the rock pools and tramping along the banks, if not, I would read a book or go to the arcade and play pinball. My sister would drift around in a sort of hippy daze with her nose in one of her books, and my mother would be relentlessly brought up to date on all the minutiae of our seemingly infinite number of relatives. All this had changed for me this summer, however, my accidental encounter on the banks (accidental on my part at least) with Tommy and Stu had introduced me to a whole new world of erotic fulfilment, and better yet, we were travelling on to new heights every day. For me the only dark cloud looming on the horizon was the certain knowledge that in a few days I would be going home, and we'd all be going back to school. But that was in the future, and like all teenage boys I was living firmly in the present. Although they didn't say anything I think my family was quietly quite pleased that I had found boys of my own age to play with. It's probable that they might have been less enthusiastic if they'd known what the three of us had been getting up to, but then, none of us were going to wreck everything by blabbing. The next day dawned bright and sunny, I could hear my grandmother noisily clattering around in the kitchen; somehow she was always able to make the sound of dish-washing indicate her disapproval of something. I hoped it wasn't me, my transgressions were frequent, but usually based on misunderstanding rather than actual naughtiness; I saved my delinquency for outdoors. So, pretending to be more dopey than I actually felt, I shuffled into the kitchen rubbing my eyes. `Morning sleepyhead,' my grandmother said, quite cheerfully. This was a good sign; it meant that I wasn't the one in the bad books. `Morning Gran,' I replied, `any tea in the pot?' `Aye, just brewed, but don't I get a good morning kiss?' She leaned over, offering her slightly whiskery cheek, and I dutifully gave her the peck that she demanded. `By, you're growing,' she said, as custom also dictated, `you'll be taller than me soon.' I don't know why elderly relatives always express astonishment that their nephews, nieces or grandchildren grow; after all, for the most part they'll have had the experience before with their own offspring. I suppose it's because when you're that old, time passes more swiftly, and growing up becomes almost tangible. I poured myself a mug of tea, refreshing my grandmothers' cup at the same time, and popped a couple of slices of bread in the toaster. `What mischief are you getting up to today then?' she asked. `I don't know,' I answered, `I said I'd meet Tommy and Stu at the arcade this morning and maybe we'd head along the banks.' `Ah well, just you mind that Stuart, he's a bit of a scallywag, there's bad blood in that family,' she said darkly. `What d'you mean?' I asked. `You'll never hear anything said about his father,' she whispered confidentially. `So?' I said, `no-one talks about mine either.' `Aye, but that's because he's deid, no one of them wildies off the herring boats,' she said bluntly. My father had died of a heart attack when I had just turned eleven, and although he hadn't been forgotten, his presence in my life had faded. `Anyway,' I said, hastily changing the subject, `Stu's alright really, jumps in with both feet without thinking perhaps, but he bounces back soon enough.' I couldn't help thinking of our various misadventures at the bathing pool, and how I still wasn't quite sure if I'd been set up by the boy. As I was recalling the events of the day before, I realised my cock was growing hard, and that pyjama bottoms weren't really very effective at concealing my arousal. `I think I ought to get ready to go out soon,' I said hastily, `anyway, Tommy'll be there too, and he's pretty steady.' `Tommy,' my grandmother said, speculatively, `I don't know of anyone by that name, see if you can find out who his mam is.' (Authors note: although Britain was then and is now a patriarchal society, in the North-East genealogy operates on the pretty sound principle that you are more likely to be certain who your mother is). `I don't think he's from up here,' I answered, `his accent sounds pretty much the same as mine.' `So what,' she dismissed, `you're related to half the town, even if you do sound a bit like someone off the telly sometimes.' I was saved from further interrogation by the toast popping up, and busied myself buttering and then spreading it thickly with my grandmothers' homemade strawberry jam. I carried my breakfast through into the living room and sat down at the table to scoff it. `I suppose you're right,' I shouted through to the kitchen, `I'll ask him, if I remember. Once I've finished eating I'll go and get washed up and ready to go out.' As I was brushing my teeth, it occurred to me that my grandmother would probably know who the slightly too affable man with the dog had been, or if she didn't, her network of spies would be bound to. The only difficulty was how to phrase the question without making her suspicious; it hadn't been that long since a local schoolgirl had been abducted, murdered and much worse, although that was only hinted about. She was killed by a long-distance lorry driver as it turned out, but as a consequence we had all been strictly instructed not to talk to strangers. Even though I had realised that the man had had the pleasure of watching our al-fresco sixty-nine, and he had been given at least one other opportunity to admire our naked bodies, I still couldn't see him as a much of a threat. This didn't mean that I'd be falling over myself to indulge his voyeuristic fantasies, but rather that I wasn't embarrassed by what we'd been doing, it had felt entirely natural and pleasurable to me, and I know that Stu felt the same way. With the benefit of hindsight, my experiences back at my all-boys school in London had probably made me accustomed to the idea of men being attracted to boys. It seemed to have had more than its fair share of teachers who were overtly sexually interested in the boys in their charge, and one or two of them weren't averse to expressing that interest quite blatantly. Whether it be by creating favourites who were given special privileges in return for services rendered; the enormously fat art teacher with a penchant for personal massage springs to mind, or the sports teachers who bullied and humiliated their charges; making boys swim naked or do PE in their underpants. In my experience any risk they might have represented to us was massively diminished by our shared knowledge of their predilections, and this knowledge was shared throughout all the schools in the borough. I decided to forget about the man for the time being, he was a distraction from my main aims; to spend as much time with Stu and Tommy as possible, and to have as much sex as we could fit in before the holidays were over. Given time I expect that I would be able to think of a few ways of finding out more about the man. There was always a way of getting information from my grandmother, and in the meantime, I had friends to meet and boys to play with. As it was another scorching hot day, I thought I might as well just go out in my new Speedos that I'd brought with me from home; even though they were pretty minimal, cut high on the hip, and a bright neon orange in colour. I do like to wear bright colours, but I probably wouldn't have chosen to buy anything as skimpy and revealing as these when my mother was present, however, in a rare moment of conformity, I had persuaded her that I needed to get the style and colour that had been proscribed for anyone who had been chosen to swim for the school. The main reason for this was that at the end of the summer term I had had a run-in with the notorious and scary Mr Jekyll who combined the roles of head of maths and swimming coach; one morning after a swimming lesson he had beckoned me over to him; `what do you call these?' he said, indicating my dripping and saggy bathing trunks. `They're my swimming trunks, sir.' I answered. `I know what they're supposed to be,' he said, `let me give you some good advice; if you want to go fast in the water, then you need to wear something that streamlines your body, not horrible bulky things like those. That's why proper athletes wear swimming caps and shave all their body hair off as well.' He leaned towards me and gave the waistband of my saggy old black trunks a revealing tug, `not that you have that much hair to lose yet,' he smirked, revealing uneven and nicotine stained teeth. `Now, if you want to stay on my good side next term, I suggest that you get rid of those monstrosities and present yourself to me with some proper Speedos in the team colours.' `Yes sir,' I said, 'does this mean you want me to swim on the team?' 'We'll see how you perform in the autumn,' he replied, 'but if you do what I want, then it's a possibility.' I was relieved to have got through this inspection without too much embarrassment; Mr Jekyll was unquestionably the most notorious of our teachers, he would always try to find a way to have a look, but fortunately he did not touch. I suppose I had to thank him for my lifesaving skills, although I suspect that if he'd been given the choice, he would have been a great deal more interested in what Stu and I got up to after the rescue. I wouldn't need to take any money with me if the arcade wasn't busy, and if it was, then we'd hit the beach. Mindful of my mother's instructions I had rubbed a little of the Vaseline on my lips, and while I was at it, I'd smeared a dollop into my crack to see what the effect was like. I was pleased to find that after an initial resistance, an exploratory finger slipped quite easily into my tight anus. With this discovery in the forefront of my mind, I kissed my grandmothers wrinkled cheek again, and bounced out of the door to seek out my friends. As I ambled down the prom towards the arcade I could feel the sun beating down on my body, it was fortunate that I was already pretty brown or I'd have been joining the clan of great British lobsters that were already stretched out on the sand below. As I approached the arcade, I spotted a familiar figure sitting on the low breeze block wall that separated the crazy golf from the prom, like me, Tommy was dressed only in his white Speedos; `Hiya,' I said cheerily, parking myself on the wall beside him. `Oh, hi,' he smiled back, `good swimmers.' `Thanks, I'm a bit better prepared today, I had to borrow an old pair off Stu yesterday, any sign of him yet?' `Nah, he's not showed up yet, but the arcade's only just opened, I dare say he'll be along in a minute. What did you get up to yesterday?' `We went along to the bathing pool, and Stu managed to knock himself unconscious teaching me how to dive.' `Oh dear,' Tommy said, trying not to laugh, `was he alright?' `Yeah, fortunately I did my life saving certificate last term, and after he'd thrown up a load of seawater he was fine. I had a bit of a disaster too, nothing like as serious of course; Stu's old bathers didn't have any life left in the elastic, and I lost them in the pool at the same time as he stunned himself.' Tommy's eyes widened with amusement, `what happened, did you have to go home starkers?' `No, once he'd recovered, we searched the pool, and when that didn't work, we went up onto the top platform and finally we could spot where they'd ended up.' `You got Stu up to the top level!' Tommy said incredulously, `you realise he gets a nosebleed if he has to go upstairs.' `Yeah, he was a bit nervous at first, but I managed to find a way to calm him down.' `Really,' he looked quizzically at me, `do tell me more.' `I'll be happy to share my secret technique with you,' I grinned, `but now is not the time'. I didn't feel that this was a good moment to tell Tommy about our free sex show, and the man with a liking for the ancient Greeks, maybe I'd leave that one for Stu to explain. At that moment, we found ourselves clutched from behind; `Gotcha,' said Stu, leaning in between us and putting an arm round each of our shoulders. `Morning Stu,' said Tommy. `Hi guys,' Stu said brightly, `fancy a game of something, or shall we just hit the beach.' He waved a cloth shopping bag at us, `my auntie gave us some cans of lemonade and some fruit in case we get hungry.' `That's kind of her,` I answered, `I don't mind what we do, although there's not many games in the arcade that three boys can play together, but if you can think of something I'm up for it, we've got all day after all.' Tommy grinned wickedly, `I can think of something, but before we do that, how about trying pin-ball, we've not done that for a while, have we Stu?' `Nah,' he agreed, `how about you, ever played it before?' he asked me. `Yeah, I've played a bit,' I answered slowly, inwardly rejoicing, after all, I was already pretty familiar with the machines in the arcade. I don't think either of the boys knew my initials, but EJG featured quite regularly at the lower end of the high scores, or it had done the last time I played. `Come on then, what're we waiting for,' Stu said, hauling us to our feet. We jumped over the wall, and leaped over the various cheesy obstacles in the crazy golf, taking the most direct route into the arcade. Inside it was gloomy as ever, and surprisingly cold, as the machines hadn't been on for very long. Brendan, the spotty youth who looked after the shop most of the time, wasn't in the change booth, but was wandering around with a dirty cloth and a can of spray, rearranging the sweaty finger marks on the one armed bandits. `Morning boys,' he smiled, `d'you want to play on anything?' `Yes please,' Stu said, `we were going to teach him how to play pinball,' he nodded at me. `Oh, right,' Brendan grinned complicitly at me, he knew how often I'd played the machines, `I guess I'll need to give you plenty of games then.' He led the way through to the back, and taking the huge bunch of keys off his belt, he opened up the fronts of both machines, clicking the credit buttons to give us a stack of games on each of them. `Don't go mad,' I interrupted him, `we were going to go along the beach today.' I think this was the point when Stu and Tommy might have begun to smell a rat, I opted to play last, just to gauge what the quality of the competition was like, and also because I was enjoying the proximity of the two boys as they concentrated on the game. In truth, they weren't bad players, but Stu was too impetuous, and couldn't always rely on his excellent reflexes to get him out of trouble, the tilt feature was his undoing. Tommy, on the other hand tended to be over-cautious and just didn't seem to be able to get into the zone. So, it wasn't very long before it was my turn, and I took up my position at the machine, the boys jostling closely to look over my shoulder. As it happened, this particular table had a sneaky tendency, if you didn't fire the ball with enough energy, it would send it straight down the middle without touching the flippers or anything, and this is how I started my game, purely accidentally. The boys howled with glee at my incompetence, and then Stu kindly pointed out that I had been given another chance. This time I managed to get started properly, and soon I drifted into the zone, no longer even aware of the warmth of the boys' bodies crowding around me, eventually the machine beat me, as they always do, and I snapped back into the real world. Both boys were staring at me, `You've played this before, haven't you?' Stu asked. `Might have done,' I answered, `why?' `Have a look at your score,' Tommy said. I had been vaguely aware of the metallic snap that meant I'd got a replay, and indeed, I had gained a couple, more to the point, if you were to combine the other boys' totals, my score still outranked them more than a hundredfold. `Ah,' I said, `I just got lucky I suppose.' I heard a distant snort, and Stu turned to Brendan, who was still aimlessly polishing; `what?' `He's no bad,' the spotty youth replied laconically, this being about as high an accolade as was ever given. `We'll just have to raise our game,' Tommy said, `come on, let's play.' We carried on, but Stu wasn't getting any better, and he wasn't used to losing, we finished our game eventually, and without making a big deal of it, I tapped in the letters to add my new score to the table. Stu gave me a hard stare when he spotted how many times my initials appeared already. `Come on,' I said, `let's leave these credits for someone else and go down the beach.' `You're a dark horse,' Tommy grinned, as we left the arcade and returned to the brilliant sunshine. `How d'you mean?' `How come you're so good at pinball?' he asked. `Lots of holidays without anyone to play with mostly,' I answered, `these tables are old friends of mine.' `Ah well,' said Stu, `you'll be neglecting your game, now you've got us to play with.' He brazenly patted me on the bum to emphasise his point, `nice new bathers, by the way, super colour.' `You know what,' I answered, giving his bottom a friendly squeeze in return, `I don't think I will be seeing as much of this machine any more. Oh, and next term I've been told I might have to play water polo or something for the school, hence the team colours.' `You'll never lose them by accident,' he grinned, `but you could still end up without them.' It was fortunate that Stu's competitive nature was over-ridden by his curiosity and admiration of skill, and he chattered away about pinball as we headed off in the opposite direction to the day before. We walked along the length of the prom and then made our way down onto the beach below. `So,' I asked, when he paused for breath, `what are we going to do?' `Let's go along the coast,' Tommy answered, `we can stop in our cove, and have a dip, then maybe go along a bit further, there's the ruins of an old lime kiln that's quite interesting to explore, if you like that sort of thing, and you get a fantastic view of the coast from the top of it.' `Sounds good to me,' I agreed, `Stu, what do you think?' `Why not,' he answered, `I've not been down to the lime kiln for yonks, it's quite spooky, mind.' `There's nothing there but a load of rabbits,' Tommy scoffed. `I've just thought of a dare for you both,' said Stu, changing the subject. `Oh god, what now?' Tommy groaned. `Follow me over to the headland, and I'll explain,' Stu answered mysteriously. We walked over towards the headland, where a limestone spit projected through the sand, along the side of it, a run-off from the long abandoned coal mine stained the rocks and sand red with deposited iron. More significantly, perhaps, once you had reached the end of the ridge you were no longer visible to anybody who might be watching from the beach. `Ok, trust me,' Stu said, `I want you to stand together and face me, arms by your sides, and shut your eyes tight, and you mustn't open them until I tell you, whatever happens, promise?' `Yeah, I suppose so,' I said, `but what are you planning?' We're still completely in view from the prom here.' `Trust me, there's no-one there to see us,' Stu replied. I looked back at the prom, it was true, it was a bit too early for the beach to have filled up this far along, I could see that there were stripy windbreaks and deck chairs set up near the arcade, but not a lot of activity. I guess my experiences the day before had emboldened me, `He's right,' I agreed, `I'm game if you're game, Tommy.' `He may be pretty bonkers, but he won't hurt us,' he replied, `come on then, you nutcase, do your worst.' `Right,' said Stu, `close your eyes, and no peeking mind.' I shut my eyes, and relaxed, my arms dangling loosely, close enough to Tommy to feel the warmth of his body. For what seemed like an age, nothing happened; my senses were heightened by the loss of vision, above the distant sound of the surf I could hear Tommy's gentle breathing, and the sound of movement that confirmed Stu was still around and hadn't just buggered off and left us. I heard Tommy give a light gasp, and at the same moment, felt a soft touch on the front of my Speedos; Stu started to caress my package through the sheer fabric, and my cock instantly began to respond to his gentle and confident ministrations. `Mmm,' I heard Tommy moan, without disobeying Stu's instructions I couldn't tell what was happening to him, but I guessed that he was being given the same treatment. Stu continued to stroke my stiffy through the slick nylon of my Speedos, and after what would never be long enough for me, he pulled his hand away, just for a moment, and taking hold of one of my wrists he guided it to a resting place on Tommy's bulging crotch, immediately following this action by placing one of Tommy's hands on mine. It was no surprise to find that Tommy was in a similar condition to me; his cock was forming a solid ridge in the front of his swimming trunks, with my sensitive fingertips I could feel the damp patch of his pre-cum chilling in the sea breeze. I didn't have enough time to wonder where Stu had got to before I felt his hands gripping the waistband of my Speedos and tugging them down, Tommy obligingly shifted his grip, and caught hold of my erection as it flipped free from its constraint. I felt a hand patting at my ankles, and obediently lifted my feet up, stepping clear of my Speedos. He then repeated the whole manoeuvre for Tommy, leaving us standing naked in the sunshine and clutching each others' cocks. There then followed a hiatus, I could hear Stu shuffling around in the sand, but rather than speculate, we opted not to waste the opportunity, slowly wanking each other while we waited for his next move. Eventually our reverie was interrupted by a cough; `Alright you two, you can open your eyes now.' We opened our eyes and were confronted by Stu, like us he was in a state of erotic excitement, clasping his erection in one hand, and like us he was dressed in no more than a smile. `Was that it?' asked Tommy, `that's a bit tame by your standards isn't it?' `Just a taster,' he grinned, `I thought it would be nice to get a feel for things, after all, we've got all day. Shall we crack on down the beach?' Tommy and I exchanged glances, I shrugged in mystification, `Ok, let's,' I agreed, `Um, but shouldn't we put our Speedos back on?' `Aha,' Stu crowed, `that'll be part two; we're all going to stay naked `til we have to go home. I've hidden all our swimmers somewhere on the beach so none of us can back out now.' `So what do we do if we meet someone?' Tommy asked. `We're not very likely to meet anyone,' he answered, `but even if we did we can still be canny about it and avoid them; that is if you're that ashamed of your body.' `You really are a headcase,' Tommy said, looking admiringly at his friend. `Oh well,' I added, `I'm game if Tommy is, just as long as you haven't lost my new Speedos. Cos' much as I'm getting to like the feeling of the sun on my backside, I don't fancy having to flash my bits in front of the whole school next term. Although I suppose if push comes to shove we could improvise some emergency knickers out of seaweed or something else washed up on the shore.' The look of outrage and disgust on Stu's face was worth teasing him for, `I'm only kidding,' I continued, wrapping a companiable arm around the boy, feeling the warmth of his skinny ribs under my hand. Stu wriggled free from my embrace, not before I gave the silky skin of his bottom a friendly squeeze, `come on then, hands off cocks,' he ordered, `let's get going.' The tide was quite a long way out, so we were able to make good speed along the beach. Stu had been right, there was no sign of any other people, and looking up at the banks the sheep seemed contented and calm; a useful indicator that we weren't being overlooked. Quite quickly I ceased to be aware of my nakedness, although I couldn't help very conscious of my companions. I was amused to see that although both boys had tanned quickly, Tommy's bottom, like mine, was much paler than his overall honey colour, where his Speedos had blocked the sun from his skin, Stu, on the other hand, was much more evenly coloured, evidence that somehow he had been managing to spend more time of his time in the nude. As we wandered along the shore, pausing to peer into rock pools, skim stones and splash in and out of the tidal waters our pleasing state of semi-arousal was enhanced by our physical proximity; all that bending, stretching and generally behaving without any inhibitions does wonders for the libido. Tommy had taken charge of the bag with the cans of pop and stuff and once we'd arrived at the cove he stowed it carefully in the cool shade of a large boulder. We all leaped noisily into the deep rock pool, the sensation of immersing my naked body in the sun warmed seawater was as pleasurable as I remembered it. For the first time I looked up from the beach to the headland to my observation post over the beach where my voyage of erotic discovery had begun, it wasn't particularly exposed, but by no means as well concealed as I had thought it was. It was a perfectly good place for bird watching, although maybe it hadn't been such a good choice for observing schoolboys' sexual shenanigans. I wasn't entirely convinced by Stu's boast that they had intended their games to be overlooked; I could believe that they might have intended to show off to me, but it looked much more likely that they were taking advantage of an unexpected situation. The other option was a bit more disquieting; that they had been watching me, and as I was convinced that Stu was an improviser and not a planner, I set the latter idea to one side. `You know what,' Tommy said reflectively, once we'd all stopped splashing about for a moment, `I wish there was some way of recording our time together.' `How do you mean?' I asked. `I don't know exactly, it just seems important that we should try to commemorate that we got together and the fun we've had.' `What, you mean like a photo or something?' Stu added. `I suppose that's one way,' Tommy said slowly, `but it's much too complicated; none of us has a camera and there's no way we'd get this sort of photo developed at the chemists even if we did have one.' `I think I know where we could get a picture taken,' Stu said, without showing a great deal of enthusiasm. `Not the photo booth at the arcade,' Tommy said scornfully, `don't you remember what happened when we tried it last year?' `Oh yeah,' Stu sniggered, `No, that wasn't it, but if you don't want to hear my suggestion that's fine.' `Hmm, somewhere back home in London there's my dads' old camera,' I mused, `and there's a photography club at my school. It's too late for this year, of course, but maybe we could do something next summer?' With hindsight, this was probably the genesis of my brief career as an amateur pornographer. Tommy was biting his lip, as he thought hard, `yeah, maybe,' he said distractedly, `but I was thinking about doing something now.' `I know,' Stu blurted out, `follow me, and bring the bag with you.' He dashed off down the beach towards the sea. Shaking his head at his friends' impetuosity, Tommy scooped up the bag and we trotted along, following his twinkling bottom as he disappeared around the next headland. Two bays further along the coast was a narrow beach of golden sand, it had no rock pools, and on one side was bounded by a towering blank cliff of pink sandstone, maybe three hundred feet long and a hundred high. We caught up with Stu, who was standing facing the rock face, legs apart and fists propped nonchalantly on his hips. He turned to address us; `Look at this,' he waved a hand at the cliff, `it's where they quarried the stone to make the pier. They cut the stone and loaded it onto boats directly off the beach.' I hadn't really noticed that the cliff was man made, but now I looked more closely you could see the grooves from where the rock drills had cut into the sandstone. `Yeah, and your point is?' Tommy asked. `Look more closely,' Stu urged, `the masons all carved their initials into the rock, and not just them.' He was right, the pink stone was embellished with many sets of names, professions of love, and dates, going right back to the 1850's when, as Stu informed us, the pier was built. `So, let me get this straight,' Tommy said, `you're suggesting that we carve our names on this wall? It'll take us days.' `Aha,' said Stu, `pass me over the bag would you?' He rootled about in the bag for a moment and eventually brandished a can opener. (Authors note; this was the point when the ring-pull can was beginning to dominate, but the old fashioned drinks cans which required an opener were still quite common, especially in rural backwaters). `Watch and learn,' he grinned and approached the rock face, selecting a large, unmarked area; he boldly attacked it with the wedge shaped tip of the can opener, quickly sketching a heart shape. `The main reason they picked this stone to make the pier is that it's quite soft and easy to work,' he explained. Indeed, his swift sketch could already be felt by our fingers. `How come you know so much about it?' Tommy asked. `Family,' Stu said succinctly, `go back a few generations and we built the pier. We need to have a look around on the beach for things we can use as tools, and then I reckon we can do this quite quickly.' `That's really cool,' I said, `what shall we carve?' `How about we put our initials inside the heart and the date?' Tommy suggested, `or is will that be too complicated, I've got another easier idea if it is?' `Yeah, I think you'll be ok,' Stu said, `but tell me about it while we're looking for things we can use as carving tools.' We sprinted up the beach to the strand line, where all the flotsam and jetsam had collected. It didn't take us too long to find a couple of bits of rusty angle iron that we could use as improvised carving tools. As Stu was the artistic one, he marked out the letters and numerals, and we set to work excavating his artwork. There was barely enough room for two of us to do our carving and so I was very aware of the closeness of Tommy's warm body rubbing up against mine as we toiled. I could hear that further along the rock face Stu was carving out something else while we working, but my need to concentrate meant that I couldn't spare the time to check him out. I have no idea how long it took to carve out our cartouche, but eventually we stepped back to admire our handiwork; a heart containing all our initials, surmounted with the date. `Good work, lads' said Stu, coming up behind us and putting a warm hand on our bottoms. `Thanks,' I replied, `what have you been up to while we've been toiling here?' `Come and see, I've done you a little tribute as you're the new boy round here, Tommy suggested it.' Taking us each by a hand, he towed us over towards where he had been working. Once I saw his handiwork I started to laugh; he had created a little emblem for me, with the characteristic outline of a pair of y-fronts, each of my initial letters displayed in the three panels. `That's fantastic,' I spluttered, `and it's very sweet of you, come over here.' I pulled the naked boy towards me, and treated him to a lingering kiss; our lips parted as our tongues jousted. I could feel the pressure of his stiffening cock against my thigh, and my organ responded in similar fashion. (Authors note; the last time I walked along the beach some thirty years later, I was thrilled to see that our handiwork remains unscathed, blending in with all the other expressions of love and hope, even my pants are still visible, testament to the creativity of those remarkable boys). `Here, what about me,' I heard Tommy complain, `it was my idea, after all.' `Blimey,' I said, reluctantly disengaging from Stu, `last thing I'd want is for you to feel left out.' I grasped the blonde boy by the shoulders, and leaned over to give him his snog, unfortunately our footing wasn't that secure in the soft sand and we tumbled over, sprawling together, his blonde locks fanning out around his head, and my knees straddling his slender but wiry form. `Oops,' I gasped, but finding myself in an excellent position to remedy the inequality, I bent forward and proceeded to do just that. I couldn't fail to notice Tommys' almost instantaneous hardness rubbing against mine, and a moment later Stu thumped down onto his knees next to us to complete our erotic triangle. I wriggled with pleasurable anticipation, and underneath me Tommy shifted his position to make us both more comfortable. I was intensely aware of Stu's hand softly caressing my bottom, his fingertips delicately brushing my sensitive skin before beginning a slow journey down my crack. When his exploration reached my anus, I heard him give a low chuckle; `you're full of surprises,' he murmured. I couldn't answer, as my mouth was filled with Tommys tongue, but instead spread my legs further apart by way of encouragement, not that Stu seemed to need a hint. His finger circled my pucker a few times before he tentatively poked at it, my lubricated hole was easier to penetrate than before, but still required him to push quite hard before his digit finally slipped in. `Blimey,' he gasped, `I'm going to need a lot of grease if I'm ever going to get my cock in there.' I paused from our tonsil hockey and looked round at the other boy, `I expect most of it's has been absorbed by now, I just thought I'd see how it felt.' `What's he doing?' Tommy asked. `I put some Vaseline on my arse before I came out to meet you; when Stu and I were discussing it yesterday we realised that we'd never get anything up there without some lubrication,' I explained. `Eh?' Tommy sounded bewildered. `D'you remember how good you said it felt when I was stroking my fingers round your bumholes by the rock pool?' I asked. I sat up, and Stu's finger slipped out. `Yeah,' he sounded puzzled. `This is what we were talking about;' Stu butted in, `apparently it feels really good if you stick your cock into someone's bottom, but we realised that ours are so tight that we'll need to use something to make it slippier before we can do anything.' `So, I stuck some Vaseline around my hole this morning, and now, in the interest of science, Stu stuck his finger up my bottom,' I finished. `Let me have a go,' Tommy demanded. I climbed up off the boy and shuffled round, pillowing my head on my arms and sticking my backside up in the air for his inspection. The two boys moved close and Stu held my cheeks apart for the other boy, after a moment a finger probed at my anus. `You'll need to push a little harder,' spoke the expert Stu. Tommy obeyed instructions and his finger successfully penetrated me, he was less tentative than his friend, and I felt his knuckles pressing against my bottom. `How does that feel?' he asked. `It feels good,' I answered, my voice somewhat muffled, `but your cock is a little bit thicker than your finger.' `Yeah,' he sniggered, `I should hope so, I'll try and get two fingers in.' He withdrew his digit, and immediately followed this by trying to force two fingers into my hole. `Don't be so rough,' Stu said, `here, let's try together.' A moment later, I felt a much more gentle approach, and, although it took a bit of an effort, between them they managed to insert two fingers. `Is that nice?' he continued. `Yeah,' I gasped, `but I don't think you'll be able to get any more in without hurting me unless you use lots more Vaseline.' The fingers were withdrawn and someone patted my bottom, I sat up and looked round at the two boys, `Well, what are you thinking?' I asked. `I think I'd like to find out what it feels like,' Tommy answered, flopping down on the sand next to me. `Yeah, me too,' Stu chimed in, taking up a position on my other side, `what about you?' `Well, speaking as the one who's been on the receiving end of all the poking, I can see why people do it, but I'd still like to know what it feels like to do it to someone.' `We'll just have to be patient,' Stu said, causing Tommy and I to raise an ironic eyebrow, `we can't do anything about it `til we get our hands on some more Vaseline, and even though there's plenty of stuff washed up on the beach, this isn't Swiss Family Robinson, we can't just expect a handy crate of lubricant to be bobbing about in the surf.' We both grinned at this uncharacteristic flight of fancy, `what do you suggest?' I asked. `Well, I don't know about you, but I love the whole sucking thing, why don't we work on developing our skills?' `What's to improve?' Tommy asked, `we all came last time, didn't we?' `Yeah, but I think we could make it all last much longer,' I chipped in, `it doesn't have to be all about coming, if that was all we'd just be wanking all the time.' `Not that we don't have the odd wank, of course,' Stu grinned. `but I thought coming was the whole point of sex?' Tommy asked, genuinely puzzled now. `Ultimately, yes, but, but the build up to coming is part of the whole experience.' `What do you mean?' the blonde boy asked. `Think about it, what are we doing now?' I said, indicating our burgeoning erections, `just sitting here naked, talking about sex and our bodies touching, is enough to turn us on. Add to that enhancements like stroking and kissing, or wearing sexy underwear and that's what I'm talking about.' `but I feel that way all the time,' Tommy wailed, `that's why I want to come. I can't stop getting hard, even if I don't want to, I just have to think about us, and up it pops.' `That's how it should be, and if you do as you're told, I'll try to demonstrate,' Stu said, `just stand in front of me again, and keep your eyes closed would you?' Without any further protest, he stood up and faced us, arms dangling loosely by his sides and his rigid cock jutting proudly. Silently Stu shuffled forward on his knees towards his friend, and without speaking, he extended his tongue and with its tip very delicately licked the very end of Tommy's prick. I watched the taller boy, his whole body shivering with pleasure, as Stu repeated the exercise a few more times, flicking his prick into a state of complete arousal. Without touching Tommy in any other way, Stu opened his ruby lips and slowly closed them around the glans of the boy. Although they both remained motionless, I could see that Stu's tongue was in motion, working slowly around the tip of his friends cock. I could also see that Tommy's cheek bones and ears were turning scarlet; I gently poked Stu's bottom, and pointed. With a gasp, Stu released Tommy's cock from his lips, and sat back on his haunches. Tommy's eyes flickered open, `why did you stop?' he asked plaintively, `I was almost coming.' Indeed, his cock was livid and a dribble of pre-cum and saliva was dripping from the end. `Didn't it feel good?' Stu asked. `Yes, it did, but I was about to come,' he repeated. `I think that what Stu means is that being on the verge of coming feels better than coming,' I added helpfully. `Not exactly,' Stu said, shaking his brown curls, `I don't think there's a better feeling than coming, but it only lasts a few seconds, and I think we could stay this horny all day if we practise.' `and then top it all off with a great big spunking session,' I interjected. `Now you're talking,' Tommy said, `I see what you mean about feeling turned on, but I don't know if I can bear to wait that long.' He took hold of his turgid organ and with a practised hand began to wank himself off. `Oh-oh,' said Stu. `What?' I asked, `Tommy can come whenever he likes; he'll just have to watch us, if he doesn't manage to get it up again.' `No, it's not that,' he continued, `I can hear an engine, and if someone's driving along the track along the banks, it comes right down to the beach, he'll be able to see everything that's happening in this bay.' `What are we going to do?' I asked. `Come on,' he grabbed our wrists (Tommy had paused his solo masturbation to listen for the engine noise), and dragged us down the beach and into the waves. We splashed noisily into the sea, wading out deeply enough to disguise our nakedness. Even on a boiling hot day the shock of the cold water was more than enough to kill off our stiffies. We all stopped for a moment and turned to look inland, sure enough a battered landrover putt-putted slowly along the rough track, we all waved to the driver, and a nut-brown arm returned our greeting. `Let's have a bathe before we freeze to death, I'll race you,' I shouted above the noise of the surf. Without waiting for them I launched myself into the water and started to swim away from the shore, their reflexes were pretty sharp, and the two boys quickly followed my lead. We were all much of a muchness when it came to swimming; Tommys' longer arms and legs gave him a bit of an advantage, but Stu was compact and completely at home in the water and my experiences with swimming at school had taught me the value to be gained from a turn of speed. We swam out to sea, the sand shelving steeply away from beneath us, in the clear green water below I could see schools of fish going about their business, unperturbed by our thrashing legs. I stopped and looked back to the shore, the other two boys bobbed up next to me, treading water gently, we'd probably only gone a couple of hundred yards, but already it seemed quite a distance. `The landrover's gone away,' I said, `and look, we can see right down the coast in both directions.' `There's no sign of anyone else,' Stu said, `shall we go back?' We all swam slowly back to the beach, clambering out of the surf we flung ourselves down in a bundle of bodies onto the hot sand, `I'm parched, anyone fancy sharing a can of pop?' Tommy asked. `Good idea,' I agreed, I trotted up the beach and grabbed the bag, punched open a can and handed it to my friend. He took a swig, passed the can over to Stu, and laid back on the sand. `Phew, that was good exercise,' Stu said, passing the can to me, `and look;' he put his hand on his friends' flat stomach just above the line of his sparse pubes, `your cock has gone down too.' In retrospect that mightn't have been a very wise move, because, as we looked on, the blood pumped into Tommys cock with a swift series of twitches and he rapidly grew stiff again, `oh no,' he said, `see what I mean.' `Yeah, it sticks out half a mile,' I agreed. Tommys' predicament induced a similar effect in us, and we both began to grow hard too. It may seem odd that we felt an erection could be unwelcome, but at that age, not very long into puberty, we could pop a stiffy without any warning and at the most inconvenient times. That this is a universal experience for adolescent boys escaped our attention, now, of course, I'd be pleased to have such a casual attitude to sex. `Maybe if we carry on down the coast to the lime kiln it'll keep Tommys' mind off it?' Stu suggested. `Worth a try,' I agreed, `shall we?' `Yeah, let's,' the blonde boy agreed. To get to the lime kiln by way of the beach required us to do quite a bit of scrambling over seaweed covered rocks and along wave eroded outcrops. If I hadn't had an opportunity to scrutinise every intimate detail of the other boys' lithe and muscular bodies before; by the time we had travelled a mile or so, there wasn't a square millimetre of their naked flesh that hadn't been subject to my fascinated gaze, nor could I have been any more explicit exposing myself to them. It would have been quicker and easier to go up onto the banks, but after a mile or so it would have taken us back onto public roads and past a few remote cottages and a manned level crossing over the East Coast mainline. By tacit agreement, we had decided not to chance our luck, and anyway, we all agreed it was much more fun to clamber over the rocks. Once we had gone past all signs of human habitation, the character of the coast changed quite abruptly from rocky inlets to a long reach of sand dunes and golden sands, stretching as far as the eye could see. Its relative inaccessibility and obscurity meant that on a weekday it was completely deserted, it was too big to be a secret, but nonetheless it was mostly used by locals. We were a lonely little group on the empty beach; three insignificant figures under a big open sky. Nothing to be seen on the horizon except a lone cargo ship bound for the North. `Ok Tommy,' I said, `so where's this lime kiln then? I don't think I can remember ever seeing it.' `We need to go south for about half a mile, then go up over the dunes, it's almost next to the railway line; you can easily see it from the train if you happen to be looking for it.' We followed his instructions; walked down the beach then headed inland, into the sand dunes, sea grass scratching at the skin of our legs. As we crossed the cracked and shattered remains of the old coast road, washed away in a storm a few years before, Tommy stopped and took hold of my arm, `look, there it is,' he commanded, indicating with his hand. Looking not unlike a ruined gothic castle in a low-budget horror movie, I saw a substantial brick built structure that once you had recognised it, dominated the skyline. Perched like a pimple on top of it was an ugly grey concrete gun emplacement, one of the many abandoned defences left over from the Second World War that litter the East coast. `Wow,' I said, `I see what you mean about spooky, and now I've seen it, I recognise it, I've seen it often enough from the train, I just didn't know what it was.' `Yeah, this bit of the line is where the express trains sometimes have to stop if the signal's against them,' Stu chipped in knowledgeably. `The signal box is half a mile back along the line towards town. Have you ever put a penny on the line?' he continued. `No,' I answered, `what happens?' `You end up with a sort of coppery smear, just like it's been rolled out like pastry, we should try it.' `There's just one problem,' Tommy interjected. `What?' asked Stu. `Thanks to your dare we haven't got any pockets.' `Didn't have any money with me anyway,' I grinned, `doesn't mean we can't do it some other time though.' `Yeah,' said Stu defiantly, `that's all I meant, I'd completely forgotten we didn't have any clothes on.' I turned towards Stu, and gently cupped his balls in my hand; `You mean you'd forgotten you had your crown jewels out on display?' I teased. Stu's cock twitched as it stiffened up again, and I smiled at him. `I suppose I'd just got used to us all being naked,' he frowned thoughtfully. `I think we all have,' Tommy added, `it still feels good though; quite naughty, but natural at the same time, and I guess I'm beginning to get what you were saying about feeling turned on all the time.' `Good,' Stu and I chimed in together, `it's about time,' Stu continued, `how long have we been messing about together?' `I'm not sure,' Tommy answered slowly, `it seems like we always have done, I can remember playing with your willie when we were really little.' `Yeah,' Stu smiled, `I can still remember the feeling the first time I came, I'd no idea what was happening; I thought you'd made me piss myself. So, you really should trust me when I tell you something.' `I know,' he sighed, `but I really do like coming.' `We all do, you div,' Stu said affectionately, ruffling his friends blonde locks and planting a swift kiss on his lips, `no-one is stopping you, it's just we want to make it better and better each time.' `I'll drink to that,' I added, `just for once I'd like to get to swallow, and not end up choking on your spunk, and spitting it all over the place.' A wicked smile flickered across Tommy's face, `yeah, I noticed you're a messy eater,' he agreed, `maybe we should make you wear a bib.' He caught the look of outrage on my face, chucked me under the chin, and shot off like a rabbit across the dunes before I could even think about getting my retribution in, `bet you can't catch me,' he yelled back over his shoulder. Never one to resist a challenge, I chased after him, but Tommys' longer legs gave him an advantage, and soon it was obvious that I wasn't going to catch him unless he wanted me to. I reached the crest of a dune and paused, noticing that we had drawn close to the forbidding bulk of the ruined lime kiln, Tommy had vanished completely, and as I looked around Stu panted up to join me. Poor boy, he'd been handicapped both by his smaller stature and also because when we pelted off he had ended with the bag to carry. `He's vanished,' I said, `I can't see any sign of him.' `Aye, he'll be lying in wait somewhere to ambush you,' Stu said, `it's one of his favourite games. Let's see if we can track him.' At some point in the recent past there had obviously been a shower of rain, and the surface of the sand had formed into a light crust, Tommy's progress across the dunes was marked by a series of pale splodges where his sandshoes had broken through the crust and exposed the dry sand beneath. `He's headed straight for the kiln,' I said. `Yeah,' Stu agreed, `let's see if we can creep up on him without his spotting us.' `Good idea,' I agreed, `you've been here before, where d'you think he'll have gone?' `He's not climbing up this side, or we'd be able to see him, so he must have gone the long way round to the other side which takes you straight up to the gun emplacement, he'll be expecting you to follow him.' `Shall we try and go up this way then, it's steep and looks a bit daunting, but it's quite a lot shorter, it might be worth taking the risk to catch him unawares?' `Good idea,' Stu said, `I've never caught his unawares before.' `Ha ha,' I grinned, `but I think you may have, you've certainly had a hand on them.' Without any further discussion we began our assault on the east face of the lime kiln, two boys climbing together and co-operating, even when hampered by a bag of food, can make a better fist of it than a soloist, and we clambered up the coarsely hewn limestone blocks quite quickly. The near vertical stone face was probably no more than twenty feet high and then it flattened out into a gentle slope, above our heads the crude grey cement of the abandoned gun emplacement loomed, the wide slot for the gun barrel gaping like a toothless mouth. Stu stashed the food bag in the shade, then put a finger to his lips, signalling to me that we should attempt a pincer movement on the opening and stealthily we crept up towards it. Stu sprawled flat on the grass, and crawled along the face of the bunker, taking great care to stay below the lip of the gun slot, and giving me a wonderful view of his tackle swinging between his parted legs. Naturally it started to turn me on again, so far the whole morning had been an erotic roller coaster ride, and I was beginning to anticipate bringing it all to the climax that we were all hoping for. By comparison my route across to the bunker was straightforward, and I quietly crept up to my side of the building. On a signal from Stu we both slowly stood up and peered gingerly into the murky interior. I don't know what I was expecting, but with the sun more or less overhead, it was very hard to distinguish anything in the darkness. After a moment or two, my eyes adjusted and I could make out the pale shape of Tommy's naked body, standing silhouetted in the rectangle of the rear doorway. Tommy was facing away from us, and gazing down at something he was holding in his hands. I waved across to Stu, and we climbed over the lip, and crept up on our friend, the floor was clear, although there were the remains of a fire, and a stack of charred beer cans in one corner. Silently we converged on the boy, and simultaneously grabbed his arms; Stu barked, `saved your life!' and Tommy started violently, the object he had been inspecting fluttering to the floor. `Hello boys,' Tommy said, `you gave me quite a fright, look what I found in here,' he picked up his find, and waved it at us. `What is it?' I asked. `It's a nudey magazine,' he replied. `Wow,' Stu said, `let's have a look at it.' `Let's go outside, into the light,' Tommy suggested. We walked out through the narrow doorway and emerged blinking into the sunshine. The top of the lime kiln was flattish and covered with a mound of soft grasses, towards the western side, facing inland was a low stone wall, warmed by the sun. We gravitated towards it, and settled ourselves comfortably in a row, from our vantage point we could see a long way along the coast, and directly across to the railway line; a couple of hundred yards away and maybe fifty feet below us. `Come on then, show us,' Stu demanded, `what did you find?' The magazine that Tommy had found was a tattered copy of Health and Efficiency, a publication devoted to the virtues and values of naturism, the grainy black and white images it contained were ridiculously prim and proper by the standards of today, and even by the standards of the time, had we but known. On the other hand, it contained pictures of naked people, even if they were profoundly non-sexual, carrying out various humdrum activities like mowing the lawn, or playing ping-pong. This was certainly the first time I had seen what an adult looked like undressed. `Ugh, they're so hairy,' Stu said, pointing at a quartet of jolly tennis players, `I'd no idea your pubes got so thick when you grew up.' Of course, we had no idea of the practise of airbrushing out the details, so, perversely, the only subjects whose genitalia were plainly discernible to our curious gaze, were kids of our age or younger. Anodyne it might have been, but it was still turning us all on, I could feel my cock stiffening, and a sideways glance revealed to me that my companions were in a similar state of excitement. `How can they go around like that and not get turned on by it?' asked Tommy plaintively, `and their cocks are all different shapes too.' `Yeah,' I agreed, `but then, our cocks are different too, see for yourself.' I stood up, and hands on hips, I faced the two seated boys, my erection bobbing close to their eye lines. `Yeah, check us out,' said Stu, rising to his feet and standing beside me. Tommy set the magazine aside, and stretched his arms out, carefully taking a prick in each hand, `I see what you mean,' he agreed, `Stu's is thinner and longer and he's a bit hairier, whereas your cock is chunkier and your pubes are paler than either of us. I can see that I need to take this investigation further, close your eyes,' he commanded. Without hesitation we obeyed him, and tucking our hands behind our backs, we stood in silence, basking in the warm sunshine, waiting for his first move. By now my cock was already pretty hard, but as he began slowly wanking me, I could sense that I had become fully erect; and his steady, practised hand strokes stimulated a flood of pre-cum. `Aha,' Tommy commented, `you're both getting wet, although Stu's a little drier. Let me see if your flavours are any different.' I heard him getting down onto his knees, still clasping my tumescent organ, and after a moment he gently but firmly tugged me closer. I realised he must have done the same to Stu, as I could feel the heat radiating from his body. Tommy's guiding hand relinquished its grip on my shaft for a moment, cupping my balls then gently but insistently pressing my legs further apart. I shifted my weight slightly to make this easier, and felt my foot press against Stu's. `Right, that's better,' Tommy continued, `where were we?' His hand slipped under my cock, and thrillingly I felt his tongue tasting its hot wet tip. He was copying the earlier actions of his friend, of course, but as neither of us had experienced Stu's subtle erotic journey, this was a very new and welcome experience. `Mmm, salty, but with a hint of sweetness,' he uttered professionally once he'd given me a good tonguing, `now, how about Stu?' Without needing to open my eyes, I could sense him turning away, and giving his attention to my friend, Stu gave a small contented moan, almost like a purr, as Tommy began his sensual examination. Although by now Tommy was sampling Stu's juices, he wasn't entirely neglecting me; he released his grip on my cock, I felt his hand creeping stealthily back between my legs and moments later a finger probed into my still greasy hole. `Hmm, different flavours here,' Tommy pondered, `Stu's precum tastes sweeter, but more fishy than yours does, I expect that'll be because of all that herring he has to eat.' `Oh Aye,' Stu protested, with mock indignation, `and I suppose yours'll taste of toast and marmalade, you poncy southerner.' `We'll have to suck him and see,' I joined the argument, `I'm happy to join the experiment.' `The next stage is to see how your spunk tastes,' Tommy announced, and switching his attention back to me, he expertly engulfed my rigid length into the warm depths of his mouth. His tongue flicked rapidly over my sensitive cock-head, as he used his hand, still clamped into my anus, to hold me steady. I could feel that it wasn't going to take him long to make me come; the whole day so far had been an erotic adventure, and this was another high point. `I'm going to come soon, if you carry on like this,' I murmured, in truth not really wanting him to stop. Tommy abruptly ceased his ministrations, and his finger slipped out of my hole, `Ok, you keep yourself bubbling under,' he ordered, `while I get Stu on the boil.' Obediently I took hold of my cock and, conscious that I was very close to orgasm, I carefully stroked my fingers along its slippery shaft, all the while listening out to the soft wet noises created by Tommy as he gobbled his friend. At the same time I became aware of the distant thrum of a powerful diesel engine, that'll be a train then, I idly thought, then dismissed it as a distraction; after all there were more important things coming. `Would you like me to finish this off?' Tommy asked. `Mmm, yeah,' Stu groaned. `Ok then, I'll help you shuffle a little closer, then I can suck you both at the same time. You'll have to pull out before you come, or we'll not be able to do a taste test.' I felt Tommy deftly shoving us so that we ended up more or less facing each other, and then he guided the tip of my cock into his mouth, where it nudged against Stu's hard-on. `Wow, that feels great,' I blurted enthusiastically, as Tommy resumed his tongue tickling, his tongue expertly tasting and circling round our sensitive knob ends. His hands wandered between our spread legs and (I assume he was doing the same to Stu), he gently stimulated our holes while he sucked us. Very quickly I heard Stu gasp; `This isn't going to take very long,' he wasn't wrong, I could feel the pressure of my impending orgasm inexorably building up. `Yeah, me too,' I agreed, shakily. `Ok then,' Tommy commanded, `when you think you're ready, open your eyes and try and come into my hands.' Before it was too late, I leaned back a little, my rigid member slipping from Tommy's mouth. For the first time in an age I opened my eyes; Tommy was on his knees before us, legs spread wide, and his own neglected erection projecting solidly. His eyes too were closed and he was holding his hands out, palm upwards, ready to receive our spunking. I glanced across to Stu, he caught my eye and silently we changed places, before we took hold of our hot and slippery cocks, ready to finish the job. It only took a few brisk strokes of my erection before I sensed the come welling up in my balls, `Here it comes,' I gasped, as the first fierce jet of my creamy jizz spurted from my cock, splashing into the upraised hand of my friend. I shuddered, legs wobbling as my powerful orgasm emptied me; as the pulsations ebbed away I squeezed the last few gobbets from my slippery prick into his waiting palm. `My turn now,' grunted Stu, a moment later and I looked on as his thick white spunk pumped into Tommy's other hand. `Mmm, that feels good,' Tommy whispered. Looking down, I could see a pearl of cloudy pre-cum glistening on the tip of his cock, `Now for the taste test.' Without opening his eyes, he lifted a hand to his lips, and slurped noisily at the creamy contents, rolling his sample round in his mouth as if he was tasting a fine wine; `Hmm, fruity, with just a hint of fish,' he said slowly, after he had swallowed. `Now for the other one,' he continued, and messily gulped a sample from his other hand; the spunk spilling down his cheeks and dribbling over his chin. `Quite salty compared to the first, but with a sweeter aftertaste, why don't you two see what you think?' He opened his eyes and squinting up at us, he held out his hands, each one still cupping a decent mouthful of come. `Let me taste yours first,' said Stu, `then I can compare it to mine.' Gravely he licked at Tommys' hand, tasted, swallowed it and then sucked a taster from his other hand. `Hmm, they do taste different, but yours is the one that tastes of fish,' he winked at me. I leaned forward and raised Tommys' fingers to my lips, delicately sampling the creamy contents in turn. I don't think I had ever tried my own come on its own before, as a part of a delicious spunky cocktail, yes, but I'd never thought of tasting it before. To be honest, there wasn't much difference between the two, they both tasted good to me, and I said so. `Peasant,' Tommy said cheerily, grinning up at me as he got to his feet. Companionably he put his arms round us, a sticky hand resting lightly on each of our shoulders; he leaned in towards me and gave me a firm and passionate kiss, his tongue clashing with mine. `What was that for?' I asked, when he paused for breath. `For being such a good sport,' he answered gravely, `you've livened up our holiday no end, and we're both really glad we decided to pounce on you when we did.' `Yeah,' agreed Stu, planting another kiss on my lips. I could feel my cock standing up again, as the boy practised his snogging techniques on me. I glanced down, and both the boys were as hard and proud as me; Tommy, I suspect had been stiff all along, as he had been cruelly denied the pleasure of coming. `Right,' Tommy said, `I can't help feeling that we've unfinished business.' Rather pointedly he used his grip on our shoulders to turn us around, and as he did so he started to laugh, `Oops,' he spluttered, and at once we realised what was so amusing. The distant thrum of the train was not quite so remote, in fact, an Intercity 125 was stopped at the signal a couple of hundred yards away; the long row of dark carriage windows filled (in our imagination) with curious faces. As we turned to confront it, the signal dropped, and the engine note changed as the train began to move off, the driver giving a toot on his horn as it slowly gathered speed. `How long d'you reckon they've been there?' Stu giggled. None of us had thought to try and conceal either our nudity or our obvious arousal from the trainload of onlookers. `I dunno,' I said, `I heard the engine just before we came, and then I forgot all about it.' `Oh well,' Tommy said ruefully, `I guess we didn't manage to hide after all, shall we wave good bye?' In a moment of spontaneity we bowed to our audience, then turned our backs; leaned forward with our legs parted, and wiggled our bottoms at the majestically departing train. `I wonder if there was anyone who'd recognise us on there?' Stu pondered. `Who cares,' Tommy smiled, `I don't suppose they were looking at our faces anyway.' `Yeah,' I agreed, `and they'll know all about us now, let's get on, we've unfinished business, we've been neglecting poor Tommy.' With no further ado, I grasped Tommy's hard cock and gently used it to tow him towards the grassy mound in the centre of the ruin, Stu trotting along behind. `Ok,' I commanded, `lie down here and make yourself comfortable.' Tommy obediently settled back on the grass, propping himself up on his elbows and looking out towards the sea. I stretched myself alongside him and after a moment later Stu flopped down on his other side. `Right, it's our turn to make you happy,' I instructed. Tommy nodded and laid back, crossing his hands behind his head and closing his eyes. I glanced across Tommy's naked torso at Stu, mouthing `copy me' at him, he smiled and nodded his agreement. Silently we knelt down on either side of him; the summer sun highlighting the sprinkling of pale golden hairs on his torso and arms, and after a moment of pleasurable contemplation I stretched out a hand, and very softly touched his chest, Stu mirroring my move from his side of the recumbent boy. Tommy moaned and shivered with pleasure as we began to make delicate circles around his stiffening nipples. I could feel his firm flesh trembling under my gentle exploration, and was instantly transported back in time to the day when he and Stu had tortured me with a gulls feather. This was never going to be quite so subtle, however; from the corner of my eye I could see the torrent of milky pre-cum welling up from Tommy's tumescent prick, and trickling down the rigid shaft, if we weren't careful he was going to come before we were ready for him. 'I think we'd better finish this,' I murmured to Stu, 'poor Tommy's been desperate all day and all we've done is torment him.' I reached down and ran a finger tip along his member, and sampled the flavoursome liquid. 'Mmm, tastes pretty good to me, what do you think?' Stu copied my move, and sucking on his finger he nodded his agreement. 'Oh please finish it,' Tommy moaned, his eyes screwed shut. Stu and I shuffled round in order to give Tommy's cock our undivided attention, I reached out once again and caressed the soft hairs on his tight balls, Stu making the identical move from his side of the recumbent boy, and we both slipped our fingers along his erect shaft from base to tip. I leaned across Tommy and pulled Stu towards me, kissing him on his ruby lips, although he wasn't expecting it, he opened his mouth and our tongues clashed pleasurably. Still locked together we bent down and engulfed the purple tip of Tommy's cock between our lips, our tongues savouring the salty sweet flavours of the pre-cum gushing from the slit. As we enthusiastically stimulated our friend, I felt my friends hand creeping between my spread legs and after making a brief exploration of my crack he confidently grasped my cock and balls. In my state of heightened erotic sensitivity this was more than enough to turn me on again and I could feel my cock stiffening up once more. I was also dimly aware of a sort of buzzing or roaring sound, quite distant but I wasn't in any sort of position to look around and judging by the twitching of the body receiving our attention it wasn't going to be long before Tommy shared his jizz with us. 'Oh-oh, here I come,' stammered Tommy, confirming my suspicions. His back arched; suddenly a torrent of his warm spunk filled our mouths, and the hand gripping my cock violently trembled giving me a sudden high energy wank. At that very moment the roaring became painfully loud and the sun was momentarily blotted out. Stu and I jerked upright, choking down the come that filled our mouths; 'what the fuck was that?' I spluttered, once I could speak. 'That was one of those,' Tommy said, nodding out to sea. Approaching at speed, and low across the waves was a camouflaged delta shaped jet plane, from our elevated position we felt almost level with it, and as it drew near we could plainly see the pilot perched at the front of the machine. With another ear-splitting roar it passed overhead, so low it felt almost as though we could have touched it and trailing black smoke it zoomed off inland, following its companion. Even though we were still in a state of sexual excitement and all three of us were covered with dribbles and splashes of spunk, we were still boys, and the sight of a jet plane was guaranteed to distract us, if only for a few moments. 'What was that?' I asked. 'Avro Vulcan bomber,' Tommy said knowledgeably, 'they're based at Leuchars up in Scotland, and come down here to practise their low flying where they can't do much damage.' 'Whoever said it was quiet in the countryside,' I laughed, 'and as for private, every time we try to get away from things we seem to get a bigger audience. First it was one man and his dog,' Tommy gave me a quizzical look, 'then a farmer in his landrover, a train and now a jet-bomber. It seems to me that the only way we could be more public would be if we were on the telly.' 'Aye, but it's all been good fun though,' Stu grinned, 'and I bet you that they were more interested in our cocks and bums than our faces.' 'Yeah, who's going to recall your ugly mug, when all they can think of is that,' Tommy agreed, flipping my semi-hard cock with his hand. 'Anyway, if I know my jet pilots, they'll be round for another look in a minute, it takes them a few minutes to bank, I guess they're mostly designed to fly in straight lines.' True to his word, I could see a couple of black specks on the horizon, we all three stood up, and watched as the planes made another approach flying in low and parallel across the sea towards us. We leaped up and down and waved as the planes flew towards us, once again the pilots were clearly visible as the two jets roared over our heads, peeling off into a steep climb one to the north and one to the south. 'Well,' I said, as the ringing in my ears subsided, 'I don't think I've ever been so exposed. I hate to sound like a grown-up, but I wonder if we should think about heading back, the tide's on the way back and we've a few miles to go.' 'Yeah, you're right, spoilsport,' Tommy agreed, 'maybe we should finish off the food first, don't know about you, but I need to get my strength up after all that exertion.' Stu dashed off and retrieved the bag from the shade, then after a quick look, he threw it down in front of us. 'There's two cans of pop, apples and a banana left,' he announced, 'I bagsy the banana.' 'It's your aunties food, so I suppose you might as well have first dibs,' I said, opening one of the cans of lemonade. 'Yeah, that 'nana's a bit green for me anyway,' Tommy chipped in. 'Mmm, nice and firm, just how I like them,' Stu grinned, peeling the skin back, 'what does that remind you of?' He slipped the fruit between his lips and sucked noisily. 'Hey, that gives me an idea,' said Tommy, 'turn round and stick your bum in the air,' he commanded me. 'Eh?' I protested. The drink was unceremoniously plucked from my hand and Tommy rolled me over. Obediently I lifted my bum up, and felt Tommy brushing the grass off my cheeks. 'Come over here,' he said to Stu, resting his warm hand on my bottom. 'Spread your legs,' he instructed me, and I shuffled my knees apart. 'Now, give me that banana.' I felt his hand slide along my crack until it reached my anus, 'Hmm there's still a little lubrication there,' he mused, 'let's try this.' I felt the cool flesh of the banana enter my hole, the sensation as he slowly penetrated me with the fruit was hard to describe, but definitely not unpleasant. 'How does that feel?' he asked. `Just as well it's not very ripe, or this could get very messy,' he continued. 'Good, I think,' I answered, 'do you want to try?' 'Do you know what you look like with a banana sticking out of your bum?' Stu giggled. `No,' I answered, slightly annoyed, `but I can guess.' `I've got to have a nibble,' he added, and a moment later his hair tickled my cheeks, as he took a bite from the fruit, `Mmm, delicious, arse banana,' he laughed. `Leave some for me,' Tommy said. `Oops, sorry,' Stu answered, `I was a bit hungry.' `There's still a bit left,' I said, `I can feel it.' `That'll do me,' Tommy said, and I felt him press his face against my sun-warmed bottom, his nose rubbing in my crack as he sucked the last piece of fruit from my anus, for a delicious moment I sensed his tongue penetrate my hole and realised there was a whole new world of sensual experimentation ahead of me. `That felt good,' I purred, `do it again.' `No can do, old fruit,' Tommy punned, `that was the only banana, there's an apple, but I don't think you're quite ready for that yet.' `No,' I protested, `I meant the bit where you licked my hole.' `but that was just to get the last bit of banana out,' he said, sounding puzzled. I sat up at last, clearly this wasn't going anywhere for now, and put my arms around the two boys' shoulders; `I think we're onto something, you know how nice it feels when we touch each others' holes?' `Yes,' Tommy answered slowly, `although we've mostly been touching your hole, remember?' `I suppose so,' I agreed, `well, take it from me, that it feels really good if someone licks you as well.' `What about poo?' Stu asked. I stood up, leaned forward and pulled my cheeks apart, `there, can you see any poo?' I asked. `I suppose not,' he replied slowly, patting my bottom in a conciliatory sort of way. `I guess if you've had a really good dump, then wash your arsehole really thoroughly then it shouldn't be an issue,' Tommy added, `your hole tasted of `nana and salt, mostly, and it certainly didn't whiff.' `Good,' I said, `all that splashing about in the sea keeps it clean, and I bet yours'll be the same.' `I suppose so,' said Stu dubiously, `still, everything we've tried so far has been good, so why should that be any different.' `That's the spirit,' I agreed, `this is all new to me too, remember, I feel like we're inventing a whole new kind of sex.' `Don't be silly,' Tommy scoffed, `what we're doing is what poofs do, and have been doing forever, like the ancient Greeks.' `Those Greeks again,' said Stu, `does that mean we're poofs? And what does that make the man we met at the bathing pool?' `He was a perve,' I said, `and I don't know about you two, but I get turned on by the thought of all kinds of sex, I've never touched a girl but I'd like to try. Just for now, though, I'm having more fun than I could have imagined a week ago, so I guess I'm a Tommy and Stu lover.' `I'm with you,' Tommy agreed, `why worry about what we haven't got, when we've got each other to play with for a few more days.' Despite his intentions Tommy's words cast a long shadow over our euphoria, reminding us that in less than a week we'd be heading back to our homes and the drudgery of the autumn term. `Ugh, school,' Stu shuddered theatrically, `I don't think I ever want to leave here.' `Me neither,' I agreed, `there's nothing like this back in London.' Little did I know how inaccurate that was to prove, but that's another story. `Come on,' Tommy said, conscious that he had killed the magic, `time we were heading back, or we'll have to take the road like this.' We headed back down onto the sands, the sea, that had been a long way distant, was much closer in, and even I, in my ignorance, was a bit concerned that we might not make it back along the seashore in time. Stu hurried us along, even though he didn't live here, he was deeply familiar with the patterns of the sea, and I could sense he was worried. We rushed along, the waves getting closer by the minute, and when we go to the most risky bit where the sea had eroded the cliff face into a sort of giant curve, the first splashes of cold sea water were lapping at our feet. We were lucky, if we'd delayed another five minutes we'd not have made it, looking back along the coast, the surf had turned our route into a foaming, churning maelstrom that would have swept us off our feet and battered us against the rocks in seconds. From here on in, it was plain sailing, there was still half an hour to high water, and most of our journey was over rocks and sand that were only ever touched by the spring tides. `I hope you hid our swimmers above the high water line,' I panted, as we stopped to draw breath. Stu pulled a face of comic horror, `Oh fuck,' he said. Then seeing my expression, `yes of course I did, you idiot, do you think I was born yesterday.' By the time we got back to the headland, the tide was too far in for us to go round by the beach, so we climbed up onto the banks and made our way round, following a sheep track down to the sandy cove below us. With a confident swagger, Stu walked over to a large flat stone and flipped it over to reveal... sand! `Oh come on Stu,' said Tommy, `stop messing about.' Stu grinned, and turned over another stone close by, in this case, however, he revealed our swimming trunks all neatly rolled up together, and as he tossed the sandy garments over to us he said; `Better give them a good rinse in the sea, sand in your pants can be quite uncomfortable.' The surf was pretty close by, and we all waded in, feeling the saltwater pounding against our bodies. It was surprisingly difficult to pull on my Speedos in all that moving water, and I fell over a few times trying. Eventually we were all dressed and sand free, and we made our way back up the beach and onto the prom. `It seems like nothing has changed,' I pondered as we sauntered along, `we've done all these amazing things today, and it's just the same as when we left it.' `I suppose so,' Tommy agreed, `that's what it's like here sometimes.' `Aye,' Stu chipped in, `mind, three boys spunking off isn't going to change anything, nor will it be remembered in a years' time.' `Oh I don't know,' I said, `I certainly won't forget, I just wish there was some sort of record of us.' `You mean like a sexy fillum?' Stu asked. `Maybe, or a story perhaps.' `We could ask your Greek friend to take some pictures,' Tommy suggested helpfully. `Ugh no,' we chorused. `Anyway, we don't know if he's got a camera,' Stu continued. `No, that wasn't quite what I had in mind, although I like the idea of doing pictures together, if we could only work out how. Give me time, I'm sure I'll think of something.' With that, we arrived at the parting of the ways, and I watched my friends and lovers heading back to their homes. Of course, it's taken me more than thirty years to describe my summer of love and sex, but I hope the story has matured in the waiting. To be concluded...