Simon's Journal

Volume IV


Thirteen Summer Days
A New Beginning


Written by Danny









Chapter – 12 (Part 2)



Shortly thereafter, BJ and his folks showed up at the hospital. Apparently they had got some missinformation and thought I was the one who had been shot. So imagine their relief when they found out I was perfectly fine ... physically speaking. And now imagine their shock to learn that Lowell had been nearly killed and was still in very serious condition following an extremely long surgery.

When they came in, all three of them were wrecks with tears. Mom and dad saw them first as Peter's Cadets were detaining them.

"Peter, that's the Otteranski's." Dad called to Peter who had been talking to Sister Sarafina off away from everyone.

Peter barked an order down the hallway and the Cadets let BJ and his parents enter the floor. At this point I hadn't yet noticed them, nor they me, so this info is coming to you second hand. Anyway, mom and dad met them halfway down the hallway.

My back had been to them, but then, upon hearing Peter's order, my attention was drawn away from Sister Sarafina. I turned and looked over my right shoulder, down toward my parents and the Otteranski's.

"Excuse me for a moment." I said to Sister Sarafina as I moved away from her.

BJ was the first to spot me and before I could react or say anything, he was sprinting toward me. I had a split-second thought, "What's going on?" and then I found myself lifted off the floor by my best friends' bear hug.

"We thought you were dying!" BJ said as he squeezed me so tight I thought I wouldn't have been surprised if what was inside me came out of both ends.

"Oh Beeeejaaaayyy!" I cried out as I tried to escape.

"Simon!" Mrs. Otteranski cried and then I found myself enveloped by both of BJ's parents.

They were so relieved that I was not hurt, but then we had to tell them about Lowell and Jamie, and what happened today.

Just as all three of the Otteranski's were getting control of their emotions, Lowell's parents returned from visiting Lowell in Recovery. They were both crying, but smiling. I don't know about the others but I took that as a good sign.

"He woke up for a minute." Mrs. Vandoan said.

There was a collective sigh followed by applause, laughter and group hugs.

The next few hours were much the same as before; lots of waiting. People from church brought food and drink and some news about those who'd been hurt trying to capture Madam-M at that warehouse. However, the news I was really waiting for was how Mary's father was doing. No one seemed to know about him.

Later in the evening we were told by another doctor that they were moving Lowell to a private room; however he was still in serious but stable condition.

I hadn't noticed that Peter had disappeared until I saw him walking back in through the doors. When he returned he wasn't alone.

"Catharine!" Mom called out when she saw her sister riding one of those motorized Rascal carts in behind Peter.

Smiling wide and holding up a large, white, wicker basket with a red and white checkered towel covering its content she sang out, "I brought scones!"

It was weird, Aunt Catherine seemed... well bubbly! I'm sure it was all an act for our benefit and it was nice of her to come with a smile for everyone along with something to eat.

As mom was passing the basket of scones around, Aunt Catherine parked her Rascal and I sat next to her so that we could talk. I'd wanted to talk with her for a while and the hospital was probably the wrong place. However, I felt like I needed to talk right then. I'm not going to go into detail about the conversation; I'm too tired and upset for that. I am going to say that I told Aunt Catherine that I had remembered about Mort and while holding her hand I thanked her for killing that son-of-a-bitch for me. I actually said `son-of-a-bitch' and she didn't get mad at me for saying it. She cried, but hid it well so as not to upset anyone else. I also told her that even though I love my mom and dad, in my heart she will always be my real mother!

Right then there was a commotion down by the far doors and in walked Tom and Colonel Jackson looking like a couple of returning war heroes. They were not smiling, nor did they appear happy; they were just walking side by side with determination in their steps.

"It's over!" Tom announced.

"What's over?" Fyer asked in a way only Fyer could get away with. Suffice it to say, there were four more very colorful words used.

Tom nodded knowingly and I think we all knew what he meant.

"She's dead?" Sister Sarafina asked through tears as she walked up and hugged them both as though she were hugging two long lost brothers.

After the hug, the Colonel pointed to Tom and threw an arm around him. Only then did I see that the Colonels hand was badly swollen. Tom grimaced under the weight of the Colonel's arm as though in great pain.

"I am glad to say," Colonel Jackson began, "That Tom here put a bullet right into that gargantuan bitch's eye."

"Thank God?!" someone cried, but I don't know who it was that said it.

Right then I noticed that Colonel Jackson had blood covering his left ear and Tom's nose was once again off center, apparently broken. I could only wonder what the two of them had been though.

BJ then shouted, "YEAH! THE FAT BITCH IS DEAD!" and punched his fist triumphantly into the air.

In all the joy and celebrating, no one saw Aunt Catherine ride her Rascal back out. Actually, I had forgotten completely about her and for that, I am ashamed and will never forgive myself.

After the joyous news, everyone started to dwindle away. There were many goodbyes, promises to get together again soon, and to keep in touch. However, I didn't get to say goodbye to Fyer or Sister Sarafina as they had slipped away to help everyone else get to their cars. I wasn't too upset about that `cause I knew I'd see them both real soon. I wanted to see Lowell, but since his condition was listed as critical and the fact that he was still out of it, I wasn't allowed. Reverend Vandoan promised that as soon as Lowell was able to have a visitor, I'd be the first to know. However I told him that as soon as he woke up again to tell Lowell I loved him and I would come see him as soon as I was allowed to.

With that I surrendered my post and agreed to go home. However, I didn't leave before thanking Peter, Max, and Johnny for coming down and keeping us all safe. I also thanked Colonel Jackson for bring them and for helping Tom.

"The way I see it, I owed you that much!" Peter told me.

Max and Johnny actually got teary eyed and abandoned their strict military school discipline as they hugged me.

Colonel Jackson gave me a salute and told me that I had an open invitation to come up to visit the school and my friends anytime I wanted.

"Thank you sir! And more importantly, thank you for everything you did today." I said while nodding my head toward Tom who had been pulled aside by several of my Banachelli mates.

He leaned down so that he could whisper into my ear, "Do me a favor and keep an eye on my old friend!"

When he leaned up again I saluted him and said, "Sir, Yes Sir!"

He winked and started to turn away.

"Hey Peter, make sure he gets taken care of alright?" I said.

Peter smiled and saluted me, "Yes Sir!"

The Colonel looked at his swollen hand, smiled again and then said to Peter, "Maybe a quick stop downstairs."

I watched Peter and the Colonel walking away side by side with Max and Johnny right behind them. Just before they disappeared out the doors Johnny turned stuck his finger up his nose and made a face at me which made me smile.

I couldn't help but laugh at the dork! It was good to see that, under all the military school disciple, my friends were still just as crazy as ever.

Tom walked over and asked, "You alright?"

"Me?" I scoffed, "What the heck happened to the two of you?"

Wobbling his head like a bobble-head doll he said, "I'll tell you about it another time."

"You need to get that looked at." I said while pointing to his crooked nose.

He crossed his eyes while trying to look at his snozz.

"Oh my!" he chuckled, reached up, grabbed it, and gave it a yank.

There was a horrible bone crunching sound.

"How's that?" he asked as he let go of it again.

Imitating his head bobbling I said, "Meh, better."

I gave him a big hug and while keeping my arms around him I looked up and said, "Seriously, are you alright?"

"Nothing too bad." he said, "I'll live."

I pinched his love handle which made him groan.

"You better!" I warned.

Dad walked up with mom and while mom was hugging Tom, dad shook his hand.

"You need to go get looked at." Mom said in a very motherly tone.

"Ah, all I need is a cold beer and about a week long nap." Tom said.

"If you are going to sleep for a week you can borrow some of my diapers!" I teased Tom.

He gave my ear a tweak which really hurt but instead of crying out I asked in a very high tone, "Can we go see Jamie?"

Tom shook his head.

"I'll be going to check into situation that next." He said but not to me. He was speaking to dad, "Take our boy here home and I'll be in touch as soon as I know more."

Tom took half a step and then stumbled ever so slightly but was quickly caught by all three of us.

"Thomas you need to get yourself looked at first!" Mom said angrily.

"Alright, I think you may be right."

"Come on champ! Give me something short to lean on!" Tom said to me.

With me to his left, Dad to his right, and mom bringing up the rear, we walked Tom down to the Emergency Room to get looked at. We left Tom in their care and headed home.





As we pulled into the driveway of our own home it was late, but the sun hadn't yet set. Here in Ohio during the summer months it stays light out as late as 9:30 or 10:00 PM. A few things happened so very fast. Mom, who'd been driving us home turned to sharply into the driveway and hit the curb which caused us to all feel the big bump.

"CURB!" Dad sang out with a laugh.

"OOOH MY SCAPULA!" I complained.

"OOPS!" Mom said.

The jolt was powerful enough to cause me to void my bowels. That action, in and of itself, wouldn't have even warranted notice by me had the very next thing not happened.

Pulling into the driveway directly behind our car was Mary, her mother, and shockingly her father.

"It's Mary!" I shouted and as I slid out of the car I felt the contents of my diaper squeeze up and out the back of my diaper.

I could feel it sticking to my lower back. Momentarily forgetting about this I ran up to the open rear passager window of their car.

"We heard you were hurt!" Mom told Mary's father who climbed from their front passenger seat very slowly while grimacing as he messed up my hair.

Shaking his head and looking somber, "I was one of the lucky ones. Just a flesh wound."

"He got hit in his bottom!" Mary said through her open car window.

"Bottom?" I laughed not realizing something bad had happened.

"Oh the million dollar wound!" Dad said jovially.

Officer Tucker rubbed his right butt cheek.

"In one side and out the other!" he laughed.

"What brings you by?" dad asked, "I imagine you'd be sitting on a pile of ice about now.

Addressing my father and mother, Mrs. Tucker said, "Simon, Sylvia, something has happened."

"We already know." I started to say, "Tom killed..."

I stopped as I saw Mary's mother, who was out of the car and shaking her head at mom.

"Oh Sylvia, I am so very sorry." She said.

Mom's face went dark as a dreadful fear overcame her.

"We were on the way home from the hospital when we heard it over the police radio." Mrs. Tucker said.

"What?" Dad asked, "What's happened?"

"It's your sister." Mrs. Tucker said to mom while embracing her.

"What about Aunt Catherine?" I asked and was embraced by Mary who I hadn't even noticed had gotten out of their car.

She must have got a whiff of my soiled backside `cause she whispered into my right ear, "Do you need changed?" which seemed like a really weird thing for her to ask right then.

I felt my face flush hot, but I don't know if it was from what Mary just whispered to me, or out of worry and anger `cause it seemed to be taking forever for someone to tell us what the hell was wrong with Aunt Catherine.

Her mother then said, "We didn't know if you'd heard so we rushed right over."

"What's happened?" Mom cried.

"We don't know for sure, but it appears she may have attempted to..." Officer Tucker began, but paused as he looked at me with worry. It was as though he didn't want to say whatever it was with me present.

"WHAT?!" I screamed and found myself crying and fighting against Mary who was restraining me surprisingly well.

Looking back to my parents I thought he was going to say, but he didn't. Then I saw dad's eyes, they were flooded with tears as he turned to mom but still addressed Mary's parents.

"Is she?" he asked.

Mary's mother shook her head while keeping her eyes locked on my mom's, "We don't know. Care Flight has been called to her home."

"Oh Simon!" Mom gasped to Dad, "We need to get over to her place right away!" Mom said with fear in her voice like I have never heard before.

A lot was said and happened very fast. Before I knew what was happening, Mom and Dad were climbing into the back of Mary's car with her parents while I stood on the front porch with Mary who'd been left to babysit me while waiting for BJ's mother who'd been called by dad to come over.

However, it was a while before Mrs. Otteranski arrived and in the meantime, I had a pressing issue that needed addressed.

Oddly, I had stopped crying. Well for the most part. Mary told me that Aunt Catherine had attempted to kill herself. Guilt filled my body and soul. I couldn't help thinking that what I told her at the hospital had somehow caused her to do this.

"Do you want to wait for Mrs. Otteranski to help you get cleaned up?" Mary asked but I guess I was lost in thought and hadn't heard her `cause she had to repeat herself.

Placing a hand over my thumping heart she said my name, "Simon?"

I snapped back to reality and looked into Mary's tear filled yet loving eyes, "Do you want to wait for Mrs. Otteranski to help you get cleaned up?"

God help me I shook my head no and that was all Mary needed as she took my hand and lead me back to my bedroom.

I don't know if Mary had any issues with seeing me naked or not. But if she did, I couldn't detect it. Then again, maybe my overwhelming emotions concerning Lowell, Jamie, Aunt Catherine, and my parents got the better of me.

When we both realized how bad the mess was, Mary suggested I take a shower; which I did quickly. When I came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around myself I found Mary had already taken care of my soiled clothes and diaper.

"Feel better?" She asked as I walked into my bedroom to find her waiting for me.

I nodded without speaking.

Without reservation I pulled off my towel and lied on my bed, waiting to be diapered. I cannot say why I did this without reservation; I guess I was so full of worry and emotions that there was no room for shame.

Mary went to my dresser as though she'd done this a hundred times and pulled out all my diapering supplies. Setting them on the bed she leaned over me and got to work without saying a single word.

Everything was going along fine until she began to rub diaper cream on me. That is when it happened. Her hand only brushed over my penis and it jumped to attention faster than it ever has. She paused, looked up at me with a hint of blush in her cheeks but only slightly. And then she gave me that smile of hers that always sets my heart to racing. She then looked back down and continued working as though my erection wasn't even there.

I lifted my bottom off the bed so that she could slide a new diaper under me. While I was up she applied the diaper cream to my bottom before I lowered myself down onto the diaper.

She carefully sprinkled me with powdered so as not to make a big cloud in the air and as she pulled the diaper up between my legs, she used it to press my still very hard penis down against my tummy and covered it up. After securing the tapes, and had she stopped there everything would have been just fine, however she patted the front of my diaper and that one small action was the final stimulus my hard boyhood member needed. I sucked in a fast breath and held it as my penis began to twitch inside my diaper and my body convulsed.

I saw her smile spread wider and she continued to pat my diaper until my orgasm subsided. Through it all I couldn't take my eyes off her.

When she knew it was over, Mary leaned down and kissed me so softly that it felt like a butterfly had landed upon my lips.

Then placing her lips near my ear she softly spoke. "I was so scared today. First I thought you had been hurt again; then my dad got hurt."

I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly as she began to weep. I don't remember sitting up, but when Mrs. Otteranski arrived she found me sitting on my bed wearing nothing but a diaper and holding Mary, holding her while we both cried.

I am sure any other time Mrs. Otteranski would have probably assumed the worst and suspected us of having sex. Thankfully she hadn't thought that. Or at least if she did, she hid it very well.




Mrs. Otteranski hadn't come alone, she brought BJ with her. While she took Mary to the other room, BJ walked into my room and helped me get dressed. It wasn't that I needed help, but that he just wanted to help.

"BJ why did everything turn to crap again?" I asked and began to cry one more.

"I wish I knew!" he said as he pulled out a pair of crystal clear plastic pants, "These okay with you?"

I shrugged and silently wept as everything overcame me. He dropped them on my bed and hugged me. He didn't say anything; he didn't try to tell me everything was going to be alright either. He simply hugged me.

After the hug he was holding my shoulders and looked as though he was about to cry too. It was then that I realized how traumatized he was over all this too. I mean Lowell is his best friend too and in the space of an hour or so he'd first thought I was nearly killed and then found out his other best friend was the one hurt.

I guess we'd looked into each other's eyes a little too long `cause he playfully pushed me backward and I fell on the bed.

"I'm not going to kiss you!" he said.

"Ah come on! Just a little kiss?" I laughed.

It was our way of dealing with the moment, but we both knew we were only playing.

"I'd rather eat one of your used diapers!" he said.

"OH! Now that's just sick BJ!" I groaned.

He had gone to my closet and tossed a T-shirt at me.

"Put that on."

It turned out to be one of my dad's t-shirts, which had somehow ended up in my closet. It hung on me like a pristinely white gown.

"I don't think that's yours." He laughed.

"Ya think?" I chuckled.

"A nice belt and some high heels and you wouldn't make such a bad looking chick." BJ joked.

"Would you kiss me then?" I joked back.

He put a finger to my head like he was thinking real hard, "Uh... Maybe a bit of mascara and eye shadow aaaaaaand..."

Laughing I twirled around trying to make the T-shirt flair out like a girl's skirt.

I let him get away with his little jabs `cause I knew he was doing his best to cheer me up.

BJ yawned, "I am so tired!"

"Don't start that!" I yawned back.

"Want something else to put on?" he asked.

"Nah, this is good enough!" I said as I started for my bedroom door to go check on Mary, "I'll be going to bed soon enough anyway!"

However, on the way out BJ stopped me and wiggling his eyebrows tantalizingly he asked, "Did you really let Mary change you?"

I blushed and grinned.

Bumping me with his whole arm as though prodding more out of me he then asked, "Did you two? You know?" and then he made a circle with a thumb and index finger of one hand and began thrusting his other index finger in and out of the circle.

I gave him a shove and told him, "You are such a pervert!"

"OH MY GAWD! YOU DID!" he said too loud and I was forced to silence him.

It only took a twitch of my left wrist to give him a nut-tap to cause him enough pain to shut him up about Mary and me.

"Got something else to say?" I laughed.

"You are such a punk!" BJ moaned while grabbing his aching gems.

I continued to chuckle as I said, "Suck it up and let's go find Mary."

We found her and Mrs. Otteranski sitting at the kitchen table. It was clear that they were both upset.

"Where's your dad?" I asked BJ upon seeing that Mr. Otteranski wasn't around.

"He went over to help your parents." Mrs. Otteranski answered and I realized that I'd not whispered when I asked.

"Has anyone heard anything about Aunt Catherine?" I asked.

Mrs. Otteranski shook her head, "Not yet sweetheart."

"Nice dress." Mary chuckled despite the fact that she was still partially crying.

I pulled the sides of it out, batted my eyes and curtsied, "Thank you!"

Everyone laughed.

Right then the doorbell rang and since we were closer BJ and I answered it only to find this older, Caucasian man standing there in a suit. He was holding an old, worn, leather, briefcase that looked almost as old as him. When I say he was old, I mean that in the sense that he looked older than my mom and dad by many years but not nearly as old as Mr. Peterson had looked. As he was introducing himself as Walter Q. Potpal, Mrs. Otteranski walked up behind us.

"Hello can I help you?" she said to him.

"Uh, yes, yes Mrs. Leonard. I was just telling the boys here..."

"Oh no. I am not Mrs. Leonard. I am Mrs. Otteranski."

"I am sorry Mrs. Otteranski. Uh are the Leonard's available to speak with?"

"I'm sorry, but not at the moment." She said while stepped past BJ and myself and stepping out onto the porch with Mr. Potpal.

"I'm here to execute Mr. Peterson's last wishes which were stated in his Will." Mr. Potpal said while opening and reaching into his briefcase.

He pulled out a VCR tape and handed it to Mrs. Otteranski.

"This is a video will. Would you please be sure that Mr. and Mrs. Leonard receive this?" He handed it to BJ's mother who took it. "It explains that Mr. Peterson is leaving his full estate to Simon David Leonard Junior."

"What?" I exclaimed through the screen door.

"How much?" BJ asked.

"I'm sorry; I really wish the parents were available." Mr. Potpal said, "Here is my card. Have them call me after watching the video."

"We don't have a VCR anymore." I commented.

"We have one!" Mary offered.

"Is Simon rich?" BJ asked.

"Mary, Boys, please." Mrs. Otteranski said flushly.

"Please, have them call me; anytime, day or night.

Mr. Potpal left and Mrs. Otteranski came back inside.

"Doesn't your dad have that old VCR and TV combo thing still in his office?" BJ asked.

"Oh yeah he does. I forgot about that!" I exclaimed, "Let's go watch it in there!"

"NO! We'll wait for your parents to come home."

"But Mrs. Otteranski, Simon could be the richest kid in the world! Don't you want to find out?" Mary asked.

"We'll wait for Simon's parents."

"AAAAAHHHH MOOOM!" I moaned and before you start wondering why I called her mom, as I have stated before, BJ's parents are like another set of mom and dad's to me and I often refer to them as such.

"Can we at least call them?" BJ asked.

But we didn't get to do that either. The three of us sat in the living room talking about the possibilities of how much money but then I realized something. I didn't actually want Mr. Peterson's money, no matter how much it might be. It could be one dollar or it could be a king's ransom, I don't want it! And just like that I decided that it didn't matter what Mr. Peterson wanted me to have, I was going to give it all to the boys of the Banachelli. After all, I owed them that much seeing how I'd given back all Madam-M's money to the FBI which left the Banachelli boys with nothing.

We ended up having an accidental sleepover that evening. Mary slept in my father's recliner, BJ on the floor and I on the sofa. None of us heard mom, dad, Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, and BJ's father return sometime after midnight.