Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 06:04:10 +0200 From: Tamil Tails Writer Subject: South Asian Perverts - A Love Story (Part 6) (Young Friends, Gay) South Asian Perverts - A Love Story (Part 6) This is my first attempt at writing a story. I want to tell the story of a young boy blossoming into a underwear-loving pervert as he finds and sustains love at a young age. Please feel free to contact me at tamiltails @ Please continue to support NIFTY! This website has provided us with hundreds of orgams. If you've ever lost a load, donate money to Nifty at Aadhavan was thankful that Aachuthan had arranged for Abdullah's mom to drive the boys to school that Monday morning. His body was a bundle of nerves and he frequently ignored questions he was asked by the woman. Aachuthan, always the more talkative of the pair of siblings, jumped in to take over the conversation. Abdullah was too engrossed in making sure his hair was impeccably styled to notice anything off with Aadhavan's mood. Arriving at school, Aadhavan was thankful that the second week of school was starting much less humid, but he could tell by the way the sun was reflecting off the building's windows that it would still be a burning hot day. The butterflies in his stomach were causing such discomfort that he needed an immediate distraction. He looked around the schoolyard and he didn't see any comforting faces, so he reached into his pocket for his phone. Not finding it, he fully unzipped his backpack and started digging through its contents. He nearly pulled the Ziploc bag from his backpack before realizing his error. Scanning the yard with angst in his throat, he was relieved that no one was staring at him. Aadhavan searched a few more spots in his knapsack before sighing and praying that he left his phone at home. If it's at home, his dad wouldn't go through its contents. But, he suddenly feared, if it was in Abdullah's mom's SUV, would she maintain the same level of privacy? Thankfully Kishan came rushing over and easily grabbed all of Aadhavan's focus. He recounted the "major fucking fight" his oldest brother had with his parents on Saturday night arguing about going out on a date with a girl. The fight apparently got so heated that his brother started screaming and his mother broke three plates. It all ended when the neighbours had to come and knock on their apartment door. "At least I know better," KIshan laughed, "I'll lie about it whenever it happens to me!" As the bell rang for morning entry, Aadhavan and Kishan drifted towards the end of their class line. Aadhavan was heartbroken to see that Muhammad was nowhere to be seen. Inside the building, standing at the coat hook, Aadhavan became even more panicked. He could swear that the odour of the filthy t-shirt hiding in his backpack could be detected by everyone around him. He stood stricken with fear that someone would notice or even worse grab the Ziploc bag from inside his backpack and completely ruin his life. Thankfully, research has proven that kids in general are too self-obsessed and egotistical to think of others, especially teenage boys in the throes of puberty who often want to fade into the shadows. The morning's math lesson proved once again to be far too easy for Aadhavan. Math was easily his favourite subject - and had always been where he excelled the most, but he was getting frustrated by the ease at which he was completing his work. It was only the fifth day of grade eight, but he hoped that things would get harder. At least in this one area. In what was becoming a tradition, Aadhavan showed his work to Mr. Park, received praise for his effort, and then requested permission to go get a drink. Aadhavan wandered down the hall slowly and looked in on Mrs. Pace's grade seven classroom. He didn't have the best memories of last year as she had shared far too many off-colur, homophobic anedotes. Aadhavan saw Muhammad's younger brother sitting in class and ran away as if he had been caught doing something illegal. He took a quick drink from the water fountain and slowly meandered his way back to class. Mr. Park was standing at the door when he arrived. He smiled at Aadhavan and asked the boy to bring a folded note to the vice principal's office before. Mr. Park asked Aadhavan to make sure to hand the note to Mr. Ashworth directly. Aadhavan didn't really like Mr. Ashworth. The man tried too hard to be liked and tried unsuccessfully to use slang when talking to older students. This backfired on almost every occasion. In the office, Aadhavan was told that the vice principal was currently occupied and the secretary offered to pass the note along. Aadhavan told her that he had been asked to hand deliver the note. He was then directed to sit out in the hall and wait on the bench. Aadhavan was happy to be out of class but this solitude gave him too much time to think about Muhammad. Where is he? Why isn't he at school? How is he going to sneak the t-shirt into his bag if he's not at school? Should he even do it still? It has to be a bad idea. Aadhavan had just decided to give up on his plan to win back Muhammad when the conference room adjacent to the office opened and Muhammad walked out carrying his backpack. Following closely behind him was the social worker that their school shared with a number of other schools. Aadhavan kept his head down, remembering his very awkward interactions with the social worker when he was brand new to Canada and having trouble making friends. All Aadhavan heard was the woman say to Muhammad, "Think about the strategies that we discussed on Friday morning and how you can use themto make positive choices." "Friday morning?" Aadhavan almost yelled out loud. So Muhammad had been at school! The picture was starting to make more sense. Muhammad was meeting with the social worker because he was having a problem. Aadhavan's soul immediately wept for the boy who had wholly claimed his heart. He wanted to chase after MUhammad and hug him. Mrs. Fraser-Williams walked Muhammad partway down the hallway before saying goodbye. She had thankfully stopped in a position where her blocked Muhammad from noticing Aadhavan. Muhammad didn't seem to be paying any attention to his surroundings, just wanting to get out of her presence, and Aadhavan was doing his best to contort his body to disappear into the background. Once Muhammad had disappeared around the corner, the woman turned to Aadhavan and practically screamed with joy. "Aadhavan, is that you! I haven't seen you in so long. Won't you come into my pretend office so we can catch up?" Starting to stutter, unable to think of an excuse to discourage the woman, Aadhavan stood up and slowly started to follow her to the conference room. It was at that moment, as if blessed by fate, that Mr. Ashworth stepped into the hallway and declared, "Aadhavan, I hear you have been waiting to see me. Please come with me." Mrs. Fraser-Williams frowned, looking embarrassed, and simply said, "Aadhavan, you should have told me you were busy. We can chat another time." Aadhavan then followed Mr. Ashworth into his office. "A lucky escape, eh?" Mr. Ashworth chuckled. Aadhavan felt his face go flush, looked toward the vice principal and smiled, and then stared down at the floor. "I hear you have a note for me." Aadhavan passed the man the note who read it quickly, tore it up, and then threw it in the recycling bin by the door. "Thanks,Aadhavan, please tell Mr. Park that he'll have an answer from me by tomorrow." Aadhavan wondered why he had been chosen for such a mundane task. What would have been so important? He then wished that he had taken the time to read what Mr. Park had written. Walking back to class, Aadhavan felt more hopeful than he had in days. His mind swirled with thoughts of Muhammad. He reached his own backpack and grabbed onto the Ziploc bag that housed the full potential of his current fantasies. He searched around and found that Muhammad's backpack had ended up only a few hooks away from his own. He stepped over to Muhammad's backpack, unzipped it wide enough that he would be able to slide the package inside, and then reached to grab the Ziploc. As if in a daze, he suddenly felt a thousand bodies surround him and he dropped the package. Aadhavan freaked out and dropped to his knees praying that he could find it before anyone else. He heard Mr. Park's voice booming and telling everyone to get in line quickly before the bell rang for morning recess. Aadhavan searched and searched and found nothing. Standing up, he scanned the faces of those around him who seemed completely unaware of his predicament. He took one last glance into his own backpack and saw the Ziploc bag sitting exactly where he had it had been. It must have fallen from his hands right back to its original spot. He heaved a sigh of relief, bolted to Mr. Park and apologized for the long delay at the office, and then headed outside en masse with the others when the bell rang. Aachuthan ran over to his brother and wanted to know the update on the plan. Aadhavan tried to tell his brother all the details but Kishan came along allowing him only to tell his brother, "Not yet." Aadhavan felt himself hang back and watch Kishan chat amicably with his little brother. He could swear he felt like Aachuthan was trying to flirt with the older boy, making him wonder if this was a new occurrence or something he had subconsciously ignored. The rest of the morning went by with very little opportunity for Aadhavan to daydream. Mr. Park spent over an hour explaining to the students a writing assignment that needed to connect social justice to family culture. All the students groaned which caused Mr. Park to only keep talking and add more expectations to the assignment. The students were supposed to get the last two periods of the day to work on their science project proposals with their partners, which Aadhavan wasn't sure he was dreading or eagerly anticipating. He wasn't sure he could handle being that close to Muhammad with so many unspoken secrets hanging in the air between them. Whether a godsend or not, all the students from grade six to grade eight were called to the gymnasium after recess in the afternoon for a "very special and important" assembly about Internet safety. Feeling like it was his absolute last opportunity to slip the t-shirt into Muhammad's backpack, Aadhavan quietly begged Mr. Park to use the toilet. The teacher acquiesced, but he was having a growing concern that the young boy in his class was having some severe bladder issues. Aadhavan practically sprinted back to class. Glancing in every direction at least a dozen times and seeing no one, he quickly grabbed the Ziploc bag from his backpack and slid it easily into Muhammad's, trying his best to conceal the so-called gift in such a way that Muhammad wouldn't discover it until he got home. Aadhavan then immediately ran into the nearest boys' washroom, his chest heaving so heavily with anticipation, fear, and regret. He thought he was about to vomit. It wasn't until he splashed water on his face and tried to remember breathing techniques from the yoga he was forced to do as a child that he realized his dick was throbbing. Aadhavan was more desperate now than ever for Muhammad. Aadhavan returned to the assembly and tried to return to his spot without making a scene. He walked past Mr. Nicholson, who gave him such a lecherous look that Aadhavan stumbled and almost fell. The look went unnoticed by almost everyone. It was only Aachuthan, sitting on the floor beside his teacher's chair, who was also looking at Aadhavan, that noticed the man's inappropriate actions. Aadhavan's behaviour at the end of the school day was even more standoffish than usual. He looked so angry and pissed off that not even Kishan dared approach him. On the inside, however, Aadhavan was just trying to stay calm even though he was sick with sexual anticipation. All he wanted was affirmation that he made the right choice. Outside, Aadhavan met up with Aachuthan as they did every day to get a ride home from Abdullah's mom. "Chu, can you make up an excuse for me? I just need some air. I'm gonna walk home." "Are you okay, anna? Did something happen?" "I did it, thampi," Aadhavan said, with a weak smile, "But I feel like I'm gonna barf and I need to be alone." Aadhavan watched his brother head off towards Abdullah as both boys turned and looked at him. He saw Aachuthan say something to his best friend who then turned and stared at Aadhavan. Aadhavan forced a huge smile onto his face and waved to the boys. As people walked by and questioned him, Aadhavan simply lied and said that he was just waiting for his brother. Within a few minutes the schoolyard was deserted except for a few stragglers and younger kids and their parents who were deep in conversation. Aadhavan set off to cut through the school yard which would save him about 15 minutes of his walk home, which would still be more than half an hour. He ignored the voices of a few people who called out his name. He just kept walking. At the edge of the park he waited for an opening in the traffic and then crossed the street into the city park on the other side. As he walked through the city park he started to regret the plan to walk home. The afternoon sun was brutal and he could feel every article of clothing beginning to stick to his body covered in damp, cold, wet sweat. If he had had his cell phone with him, Aadhavan would have been alerted to a number of classmates whose parents forced them to call him to offer a ride home when they saw him crossing the busy road. Mr. Nicholson, who stood at his classroom windows overlooking the back of the school, tried calling Aadhavan no less than nine times as he saw the boy leaving school by himself. His motives for calling the boy were much less pure than the missed calls of his friends. In the middle of the park Aadhavan came across a number of people enjoying the hot September weather. He was most impressed with a group of seven or eight college aged boys who were shirtless and playing Frisbee. On another day he might have stopped to eye fuck the boys, but today he was too concerned about if or how or when Muhammad would react to his t-shirt being returned. Once inside the elevator of his apartment building, Aadhavan's breathing relaxed as he finally stopped walking. He could feel that every exposed inch of skin on his body was drenched with sweat. When he turned to look at the spot where he had been standing, there was a pool of liquid on the elevator floor so large that it could have been a different body function that left the mess. Inside his apartment Aadhavan removed everything he had been wearing. His ankle socks, his shorts, his t-shirt, and his boxer briefs were heavily soaked with sweat. Not a single patch of fabric was dry. Aadhavan could only laugh as he wished the clothes belonged to someone else. What he wouldn't give to be able to have Muhammad's entire outfit drenched in his boy juices. Thinking he was alone, Aadhavan walked over to the kitchen sink to get some water, setting his clothes on the table. But as he was filling his third glass of water, Aachuthan stepped out of their bedroom. "Damn, anna," Achuthan squealed, "you are fucking soaked!" The younger boy then picked through Aadhavan's discarded clothes and picked up his once grey boxer briefs. "Can I have these, Aadi?" The younger boy asked, setting aside his deck of Pokemon cards. "I wouldn't wear those down to Abdullah's, Chu," Aadhavan teased, "You'll never be able to hide it!" "I'll just save it for later!" Aachuthan smiled, and then added, "You forgot your phone in his mom's car. It's on your bed." Almost as quickly as he entered the room he was gone, the apartment door slamming behind him. Aadhavan drank two more glasses of water and then started to feel his heart rate calm down. He grabbed a sheet of paper towel and wiped his forehead. HIs hair was still damp and his back was uncomfortably sticky. He thought about a shower but instead realized that it was his first after school day at home without any interruptions from his mom. He was going to use it to edge himself to a great orgasm in his bedroom while enjoying the growing stink from his pits. He picked up his phone and ignored the notification that told him he had 14 missed calls. He was more concerned with checking for a message from Muhammad. He had no new emails and nothing on Instagram was even remotely interesting, not even some new pics of Niko posting suggestively in his homemade gym. Aadhavan decided to check his call log and he was shocked to notice so many missed calls from Mr. Nicholson. He felt a pulse in his dick wondering what the man was thinking when he tried to phone him. Why didn't he text me, Aadhavan thought. Feeling ballsy, he decided to return the call. "Aadi! Why didn't you answer the phone?" "Sorry, Mr. NIck, I forgot it this morning." "Why were you walking home alone today? I was worried about you." "I, uh, needed some time alone..." "Are you okay, Aadi? You looked a little spooked earlier today." Aadhavan, needing to distract himself from worrying about Muhammad, blurted out the whole story. He told Mr. Nick everything that had happened since Friday afternoon. He even told the man about Aachuthan's involvement and how eagerly the boy brought his brother to orgasm over and over again. "So now you're just waiting for Muhammad to make the next move," Mr. Nicholson voiced his understanding of the situation. "What are you up to now?" "I'm trying not to think about it," Aadhavan laughed, knowing it's all he had been talking about. He heard the man laugh and he moved to reposition his body more comfortably on his bed. In doing so the phone slipped from the crook of his neck and fell to the floor .He blindly reached down for the device and kept trying to awkwardly pick it up. Once he brought he the phone back to his ear, Mr. Nicholson's voice was louder. Thinking he had inadvertently hit the speakerphone button, he was shocked to see that they had connected live on video. "You're feeling a bit naughty, Aadi, inviting me to a video call in your bedroom." Aadhavan just stared at the man on the screen. He seemed to be in someone's living room, probably his own. He was on a blue couch and seemed to be not wearing a shirt. He immediately felt his dick harden. He tried to act as mature as possible. This was turning out to be a great mistake. "You know how I feel about you, Mr. Nick," Aadhavan said, with a sly smile. Mr. Nicholson smiled at the boy and then moved the camera down to show that he was in fact shirtless. He was also not wearing any pants. The man was laying on the couch wearing only a pair of vibrant blue and red Saxx underwear. "Oh. Mr. Nick, it was so hot sucking your dick in the classroom last week!" Aadhavan then allowed Mr. Nicholson to get the same view of his body, letting his phone show off his sweat slicked brown skin and his throbbing, four inch dick. "I still haven't seen your dick in real life, baby," the man said ruefully. "I'm so hard right now. Mr. Nick. I want to see your big dick again." Mr. Nicholson rested the phone on his chest, giving Aadhavan a torturous view of the ceiling, while he slid his underwear off his body. Aadhavan could swear he heard the man tell someone or something to "Shh!" while getting fully undressed. But as soon as the man's large, throbbing dick was on the screen the fleeting thought had vanished. "Aadi, let me see your face and your dick at the same time," the man begged, as he moved his own phone to between his legs giving Aadhavan the view he asked for. The man and the boy proceeded to masturbate on video while staring at each other on screen. Mr. Nicholson kept moaning "Baby, I want you so bad" while Aadhavan silently stroked his young dick while trying to remember the taste of the man's fat knob. `Baby, turn around, show me your hole," the older man suddenly declared, almost barking it out and almost whining. "Will you show me your pussy, Aadi?" Aadhavan moved quickly to face away from his phone and spread his asshole apart to show his favourite teacher. He leaned forward hoping that it would help him show off his boy pussy even more. Mr. Nicholson calling his asshole a pussy had made the boy throb. "Goddamn, that is a fucking nice cunt!" He heard through his phone. The voice sounded different, but it was layered with lust, and that's all Aadhavan heard. "I'm ready to cum, baby, are you going to cum with me?" Aadhavan turned back around and got into his previous position. He stared at Mr. Nicholson's body, wanting the man to raise his arms and shot off his hairy pits. He felt too shy to ask for something like that, even after what he had just done. Aadhavan watched as the man's face contorted and then his throbbing dick head pulsed. He saw the piss slit of his teacher spasm and then a massive load of cum erupted from his teacher's dick. This caused Aadhavan to then climax, a much smaller load of cum squirting all over his hand. Aadhavan watched his teacher wipe up his load with his underwear with a huge smile on his face. "Thanks, baby! That was amazing" And then the video ended. Aadhavan tried not to feel ashamed but he couldn't help feel like he had been used by his teacher. The excitement of such an intimate moment was ruined by its abrupt conclusion. Needless to say, it was a fully satisfying orgasm, and Aadhavan felt his eyes get heavy before drifting off to sleep *** It was about an hour later when Aachuthan crashed through the bedroom door that Aadhavan woke up. "Anna, you have dried cum all over you!" the younger boy laughed. "Don't laugh or I'll make you clean it up!" Aachuthan took it as permission and he jumped onto his brother's bed and licked Aadhavan's fingers, thigh, and pubic area clean. He then jumped off the bed, threw down his backpack, and smiled at his brother. "C'mon, Aadi, let's go make dinner. I'm starved!" All through dinner Aadhavan wanted to interrupt his brother and let him know what had happened with Mr. Nicholson. Aachuthan was going on and on about Abdullah's newest video game. None of it interested his older brother. Aachuthan, meanwhile, just wanted to distract his brother from thinking about Muhammad. The boys then spent the next ninety minutes tidying the kitchen, completing homework, and getting ready for bed. Emotionally drained, Aadhavan was in no mood to jerk off before sleep. He wanted time to speed up as quickly as possible. He was desperate for Muhammad's reaction. In spite of his anxious mood, he was more concerned with a good night's sleep, so he turned off the sound on his phone. *** At 6:30 AM when he woke up, he was ecstatic to see two unread emails. One was from his mother telling him that she had arrived safely at his Ammamma's house and that she would try to video chat that evening. The second was from Muhammad which caused Aadhavan's heart to race. The subject was blank but the body was a simple message. "Are we still working together on Thursday? My dad needs to know." Aadhavan suppressed his anger, got out of bed to get dressed, and then forced himself to eat two bowls of cereal. *** That morning at school, things progressed as normal. The math work was too easy, Aadhavan finished too quickly, and Mr. Park praised his efforts. However, before Aadhavan could ask to go to the washroom, Mr. Park suggested that the boy head down to the library to look for an appropriate book to read for when he time to kill, so long as he was back by the end of recess. Aadhavan smiled and accepted the offer. He had basically been given permission to leave the classroom for almost an hour. The library was dark and nobody was inside. The school librarian was notoriously lazy. Her schedule seemed completely arbitrary. Some days she didn't seem to show up until the school day was almost over. Aadhavan turned on a few lights, not making it too bright, and wandered the stacks without much motivation. After about five minutes, he selected a random book from the intermediate science shelf and sat down to lazily thumb through it. He found himself getting engrossed in the book when he heard his name being called from behind him. He turned and almost took a tumble when he saw it was Muhammad. "What are you doing here?" Aadhavan croaked. "You know why I'm here," Muhamad answered, no emotion in his voice. Aadhavan looked scared. His heart rate sped up so quickly that he couldn't hear himself think. The silence between the two boys was discomforting. Aadhavan noticed that Muhammad's eyes were quite red. "You didn't respond to my email," Muhammad finally said. "You didn't respond to my message, either," Aadhavan retaliated, wondering if Muhammad would understand. "Oh, I definitely got your message," he said. "That's why I'm here." Aadhavan just stared at the older boy. He was feeling very confused. What the fuck is going on, he thought to himself. Muhammad started to smile, something that Aadhavan had rarely seen, and then he began to rub the front of his shorts until an obvious erection was straining against the fabric. "I definitely got your gift, Aadi," Muhammad declared with a huge smile on your face. "And I want to say thank you." Aadhavan tried to speak but Muhammad just grabbed his arm and dragged him over to a secluded corner of the library. Muhammad knew they could be safe here even if someone came in. This was a safe spot he had discovered last year. "What's going on?" Aadhavan finally asked. "I've had a crush on you since last year, Aadi, and now I know you feel the same way and that I can trust you." Without waiting for a response, Muhammad threw himself against the taller boy and grabbed Aadhavan's head so he could kiss him. The boys kissed for what felt like an eternity. Their bodies smashed against each other and through the very thin fabric of their athletic shorts their youthful, throbbing dicks grinded together. Gasping for air, Aadhavan placed a hand against Muhammad's chest and felt the boy's muscles for the first time causing him to throb even more. "I know you have questions, Aadhavan," Muhammad said. "And I'll answer all of them eventually." Muhammad helped Aadhavan sink to the floor against the wall and then climbed into his lap. His smaller body was able to comfortably maneuver itself so that the two could begin kissing again. Alone together in the privacy of the school library, two grade eight boys kissed, opened their mouths, and kissed more intensely without interruption for nearly twenty minutes. When the bell rang to signal the start of recess, Muhammad dislodged himself and stood up. "We still have 15 minutes," Aadhavan whined. "Wait a sec," Muhammad whispered, giving his younger classmate a wink. A few second later, Muhammad pulled down his shorts and briefs, exposing his rock hard circumcised dick to his lover. Aadhavan stared in awe, unsure if he was being asked to suck the boy's dick. Muhammad picked up his briefs and threw them at Aadhavan. "Put these on, Aadi. Right now. I wanna wear yours!" A shocked and aroused smile spread across Aadhavan's face. He tried to remove his shorts and boxer briefs as quickly as possible. The head of his dick was partially hidden by his foreskin which glistened with pools of precum. Muhammad reached across and slid his thumb across Aadhavan's head, gathering as much precum as possible, before shoving his thumb into his mouth with a devilish smile. Muhammad pulled on Aadhavan's boxer briefs and then his own shorts and watched as Aadhavan slightly struggled to pull up the smaller boy's briefs. They were a little tight, but both boys were incredibly aroused by the entire ordeal. Aadhavan and Muhammad leaned closer and began to kiss again. As the bell rang, signaling the end of their first (and hopefully not last) encounter, Aadhavan could only think to ask, "Aren't you going to get in trouble?" Muhammad simply smiled and said, "I just told Mr. Park that I was supposed to meet with the social worker. I'm allowed to go whenever I want. But she's never here on Tuesdays!" Muhammad then laughed as he walked ahead of Aadhavan to line up at the classroom. The two boys didn't speak on the journey or when they lined up. They stood at least ten feet apart. No one would have suspected that the two boys had just formed an unbreakable bond. But if you were able to see in a different dimension, there were colours and lines swarming around boys both causing electricity to build between them. *** Aadhavan's mood had completely changed when he returned to class. He felt lighter and more alert even though he could still taste Muhammad on his lips. He tried his best not to constantly turn his head and try to see if the other boy was looking at him. He also felt more aware of Mr. Park's eyes watching him. Rather than feel awkward, it emboldened him and he chose to find opportunities to touch himself when he felt his teacher watching. At lunch time, Aadhavan's mood was so off-putting to Kishan that he went off to play soccer with Aachuthan, which mean that Aadhavan had time to sneak off and find Muhammad. The boys then found themselves hiding out together in the library. Mrs. Di Lorezno, the librarian, was sitting in her office when the boys walked past, but she paid them no mind. Not wanting to risk getting caught, they kept their exploits to gentle kisses and soft petting. After ten minutes, Aadhavan's mind was spinning and he couldn't help but spew out questions. "Muhammad, when did you take those photos of the boys' crotches?" "Muhammad, when did you know that you're gay? Are you even gay?" "Muhammad, why don't you get ready for phys. ed. in the change room with the rest of us?" "Muhammad, what did you do with the t-shirt I gave back to you?" "Muhammad, is it just because you thought I was gay? Or do you actually like me?" Muhammad released a heavy sigh and looked into Aadhavan's dark eyes. He looked like he was about to try. Muhammad wasn't sure if he was ready to tell Aadhavan such terrible events from his childhood. No time like the present, he thought. If Aadhavan couldn't handle his truths then he didn't deserve him. Better to lose someone you didn't actually have rather than wait until your heart has been stolen. It was now Muhammad's turn to give Aadhavan a weak smile. "If you really want to know," the Bengali boy said, and Aadhavan nodded in agreement. Muhammad started to tell a story that only three people knew other than himself. His two brothers and his father were the only people he had ever been able to trust until today. Muhammad shared that he moved to Canada from Bangladesh four years ago, three days after had turned nine. His father had already been living here and the boys and their mother had left once the apartment had been rented and his father had found a job. Three months after arriving, Muhammad's mother died of cancer. She had refused to tell anyone but her husband about her diagnosis and she refused treatments. Aadhavan could see tears blooming in Muhammad's eyes so he reached and took the boy's hand in his own, letting Muhammad continue his story. The three boys all poured their hearts into different activities. Muhammad, obviously, dedicated himself entire to soccer. His younger brother became obsessed with his school work and the oldest brother discovered a love for cooking, a passion that had actually been profiled in local newspapers. Shortly after their mother's death, their father's youngest brother and his family moved from Bangladesh with the goal of helping the grieving family. Muhammad's cousin Faisal was only a few weeks younger than him. The two had been inseparable in Rajshahi and their connection was restored. Being an only child, Faisal adored his three cousins, but his adoration for Muhammad was unrivaled. The two families lived beside each other in a fairly nice apartment building that would make Aadhavan feel like his home was a drug den. The three adults were seen as equal parents amongst the four children, yet they all worked incredibly long hours, though one parent was always home. It was, however, not uncommon for any of the children to be left unattended in one of the apartments. Fairly soon after his cousin's arrival, Muhammad officially moved into his cousin's bedroom. This was better than sharing a bedroom with two brothers or having to rotate through turns sharing a bed with their father. It was at this time that the boys discovered masturbation. This very quickly turned into touching each other, kissing each other, and eventually swapping blowjobs. The fascination Muhammad had with Faisal was matched by his cousin's obsession with him. Homework was almost never completed. The boys were in the same class at school and were often called troublemakers by their teacher. They knew what they were doing was wrong. Religion had always told them that homosexuality was a mortal sin. But Muhammad and Faisal had long confessed that they were both gay. The parents, concerned that the boys' sharing a bedroom was the sole reasons for the academic deline, forced Muhammad to move back in with his older brother and sent his younger brother to room with Faisal. The teachers started to have less complaints, but the boys were heartbroken from the lack of shared intimacy. They started to share clothes as a way of feeling more connected. It started with t-shirts that they would just wear to sleep and then progressed to wearing each other's underwear. It was easy to get away with it because they wore the same size and Muhammad's aunt always bought the boys the same white briefs. Swapping underwear became such a joy that they began trading pairs multiple times during the day, meeting in the school washroom to make the exchange. Muhammad's first wet cum happened wearing Faisal's underwear in bed. And then Faisal's happened the next night wearing that very same pair of underwear. It was during the school's Christmas just before they were both due to turn 13 in January that they decided they were going to try anal sex. They had both paid very close attention to their parents' work schedules and Muhammad's brothers' plans to pick the first day and time. It was December 27 and the families were planning to go shopping, but Muhammad and Faisal had begged not to go. That afternoon, in the middle of the living room of Muhammad's apartment, the cousins were naked and furiously making out after each cumming once into the other's mouth. Faisal was most eager to be dicked by his cousin, but Muhammad won the game of Rock-Paper-Scissors to choose the first bottom. Muhammad had rubbed Vaseline into his cousin's asshole and he had lubed his dick, almost 3.5 inches at the time, to create a bond between cousins and best friends. Before the head of Muhammad's circumcised dick could penetrate his cousin's asshole, his uncle, Faisal's father, barged in having forgotten his wallet. His screaming could be heard all over the building. The words fag, faggot, queer, and sodomite could be heard in Bengali. Muhammad's uncle blamed him for corrupting his precious son. He blamed his brother for having a faggot for a son. He blamed his nephews for allowing this to happen without telling anyone. Muhammad's brothers later confirmed they both knew what had been going on, including the swapping of underwear, but neither were disturbed by it. This created an unsalvageable rift between Muhammad's dad and his brother. Faisal's family moved back to Bangladesh, declaring Canada to be too gay for his family. In an act to save his son from humiliation, Muhammad's father gave his brother every cent of his savings in exchange for his silence. But this was not before marching into the school and yelling at the teachers and the principal for condoning and supporting homosexual behaviour. Through it all, Muhammad's aunt never once spoke. They returned to Bangladesh and no one in either family has spoken to another since then. Muhammad's father never once yelled at his son. He never made his son feel like he should be ashamed of himself, his feelings, or his predilections. Instead, he told all three of his sons that they must be proud of themselves for who they are on the inside as long as they are good to others on the outside. Muhammad's brothers clung to every word their father said and they vowed to protect Muhammad at all costs. Muhammad's father could no longer afford their apartment and he was forced to move across the city to a much less appealing neighborhood. The boys needed a change in scenery after the debacle with their uncle. The apartment building was much worse, but the school seemed much better. As luck would have it, Muhammad's father's move across the city resulted in a much deserved promotion that offered a substantial raise. The three boys begged to stay at their school and their father was able to find a small house to rent in the neighbourhood. Muhammad began to grow enamoured with a young Tamil boy in his class named Aadhavan, but after his experience with Faisal he couldn't summon the courage. The biggest difficulty in Muhammad's life was that the school board had made it clear that he needed to meet with a social worker to discuss what had happened with Faisal. The principal wanted his father to take him to a psychiatrist, but Muhammad's father refused. There was nothing wrong with his son. For the rest of grade seven, Muhammad was forced to meet with Mrs. Fraser-Williams three times a week, sometimes four. This made him feel so estranged from his new classmates. He never felt comfortable enough to talk to anyone. The only thing he liked to do was play soccer. Soccer was the only thing that kept his mind away from Faisal. It didn't matter if it was rep soccer outside of school, the school soccer team, or even recess games with younger kids. Soccer was soccer and Muhammad needed it. Muhammad met Aadhavan in January, his first day at his new school in January, and it would take almost 9 months for him watch, daydream, fantasize, and then create a plan to make Aadhavan his. Aadhavan's head was still spinning once he realized that Muhammad had stopped talking. Muhammad had been through so much difficulty in the past year. Aadhavan couldn't just share that he too had committed incest, only it had been with his brother. He kissed Muhammad on the cheek, still holding onto his hand, and said, "Muhammad, I'm your friend. Nothing you have said will change that. I will always listen to you. And I hope you'll keep letting me wear your underwear!" The bell rang and the two boys headed back to class after lunch. Neither boy had eaten but neither were concerned. They stood beside each other at the front of the line by the door causing Aadhavan to get heckled by boys and girls alike. Inside the classroom, Mr. Park announced that they would have the entire afternoon to work on their science projects after missing yesterday due to the assembly. Muhammad and Aadhavan had never worked together before their morning make out session. Their academic partnership proved rewarding as they were able to work diligently without getting distracted. Within the first half hour they were able to submit their proposal outline to Mr. Park who offered very few suggestions for improvement. For the rest of the afternoon, including recess, the boys were inseparable. They laughed and worked together like they had been friends for years. Kishan, however, was incredibly distracted by Aadhavan's behaviour. Already annoyed at having to work with Omar, he added nothing to the partnership and was rewarded with an after school detention. After dismissal, Muhammad walked Aadhavan over to meet up with Aachuthan as if playing the role of dutiful boyfriend. Aadhavan attempted to introduce the two to each other, but they were already well acquainted through their soccer games at lunchtime. Aachuthan just smiled the whole time, making Aadhavan's heart flutter and Muhammad wonder what was going on. In the car on the ride home, Abdullah jumped into the passenger seat, a move very out of character for him. Aadhavan was not about to complain. He needed some time to talk to his brother in private. If they sat together in the back they would be able to speak Tamil together without Abdullah or his mom understanding since his family spoke Urdu. Abdullah's mom, always promoting age and respect, urged her son into the backseat with his friend, but he burst into tears once he sat down. It seems that he had done very poorly on Mr. Nicholson's math quiz. Aadhavan attempted to tell his brother what had happened during the day with excruciating detail. He tried to disguise the tone of his voice so that Abdullah's mom wouldn't sense anything inappropriate. And he never once said Muhammad's name, he just referred to him as "he". There were a few words that Aadhavan did not know in Tamil, words that were quite sexual in nature, and he would try to whisper those words to Aachuthan when Abdullah's cries were at peak volume. Both boys soon had visible boners in their shorts. While Aadhavan tried to hide his by simply putting his backpack on his lap, Aachuthan seemed to prefer grinding his body upwards to meet his own backpack. ` Aadhavan and Aachuthan jumped out of the car once it was safely parked in its spot. They thanked Abdullah's mom and then headed on their way inside. "Chu, aren't you coming to play Pokemon?" Abdullah called after them, no evidence of his tantrum in his voice. Aachuthan frowned towards Aadhavan and then shrugged before turning around towards his best friend. Aadhavan then took the elevator up to the apartment on his own. While he would have enjoyed an opportunity to get off with his brother, he wa beginning to feel like he needed to be more committed to Muhammad. Were they boyfriends? Did Muhammad want to be boyfriends? He brushed the thoughts out of his head realizing that he was getting far too ahead of himself. He was glad that he didn't have any homework. His mind was more at ease than any point during the past week and he was looking forward to just relaxing on the couch. There was a note on the kitchen table from his father. It seemed Mr. Ashworth had called Aadhavan's dad about the possibility of advanced classes. That damn Mr. Park, Aadhavan thought. There was no way that Aadhavan was going to leave his school now that Muhammad was in the picture. Aadhavan desperately wanted to talk to Muhammad on the phone. He wanted to hear his voice. He wanted to hear Muhammad tell him how much he loved their experiences today. But he didn't have the boy's phone number. He quickly sent Muhammad an email with his phone number and then sat on the couch watching nonsense television. Almost as quickly as he pressed send on the email he had an incoming call from an unknown number. "Muhammad!" Aadhavan cried into the phone. "How'd you know it was me?" Muhammad asked. "I just sent you my number, dummy!" "Well, I had to get my brother to call his friend who called his girlfriend's brother to get your number. It seems the only one who has it is Kishan. And it's not like he'd give it to me" "I'm hard word, Muhammad," Aadhavan laughed. "And I'm hard." "I'm so hard, too, Aadi." "I want to jerk off so bad. I want to suck your dick. I have been dreaming about it since you sent me that first photo!" "I want to jerk off, too, but my brothers are here." Aadhavan could hear laughing in the background. "Go in the bedroom and talk to your boyfriend, Mo!" He heard an older voice yell out in the background. "I told you my brothers are cool with me being gay," Muhammad reminded Aadhavan. "Well, I don't know if I want to jerk off over the phone with you while they are with you." Muhammad laughed, and then said "I know, I'm teasing." Aadhavan heard the sound of a door close and he heard no other voices in the background. "I think I would prefer to make you cum with my body the first time," Aadhavan said. "I'd prefer that too. Can we do that on Thursday?" Aadhavan had almost forgotten that Muhammad was coming over after school on Thursday! "I can't wait to taste your dick, Muhammad!" "You've already tasted it. I wore those red shorts for like two weeks. There were like 18 cum stains there!" "FUCK!" Aadhavan moaned. "I'm so fucking hard now." "So, I left you a present in your backpack again, Aadi. Use it and jerk off for me. I can't wait to trade underwear again tomorrow." The two boys chatted for another few minutes while Aadhavan's heart swelled almost as painfully hard as his dick. After ending the call, Aadhavan stood up and peeled off all of his clothes. His raging boner was aching from Muhammad's many teases throughout he day. He threw his clothes into the bedroom, landing on the floor beside his bed, keeping Muhammad's briefs with him. He wondered if Muhammad sitll wore briefs because he was still obsessed with Faisal. Aadhavan wasn't quite sure if that was something he liked or not. He unzipped his backpack on the kitchen table and pulled out a Ziplock bag. He couldn't believe that Muhammad was giving him another sweat-stained article of clothing. He examined the bag before opening it. It was a red and blue pair of Saxx underwear. There was no way that these were Muhammad's. Shame and desire coursed through his young body when he realized they belonged to Mr. Nicholson. He was even more confused when he realized he wanted nothing more than to sniff, taste, and devour the underwear. Thinking of Muhammad, he reached into his backpack trying to find whatever Muhammad had left for him. He found a tiny keychain with his name on it and a note from Muhammad. "I found this last spring and I couldn't believe your name was on it. I have kept it for months in the hopes that I could one day give it to you." Aadhavan's heart swelled and he immediately grabbed his house keys and exchanged chains. Muhammad was not only hot as fuck, but he was wonderfully romantic. Unable to resist temptation, Aadhavan grabbed the ZIploc bag along with Muhammad's briefs and laid himself down on the couch. When he opened the package he could see the larger stain of cum that had dried across the fabric. With Mr. Nicholson's boxer briefs on his face he used Muhammad's briefs to jerk off. He sniffed and licked at every inch of the man's underwear, tasting the fabric where his full adult balls had rested, inhaling the aromas of his ass sweat, and trying his best to taste every drop of discarded cum. Aadhavan edged himself closer and closer to orgasm for over 60 minutes. His armpits began to sweat as he stroked himself. He used Muhammad's underwear to rub the sweat from his pits and then resume masturbating. He had such a powerful orgasm that he wasn't sure which sensation had been more fulfilling. In his post orgasmic state he felt ashamed of what he had done. He pledged to tell Muhammad the complete truth about his relationship with Mr. Nicholson and with Aachuthan. If Muhammad could tell him about his relationship with Faisal, Aadhavan could do the same. He wanted their relationship to be true and honest, if it was to be a relationship at all. Aadhavan put on Muhammad's underwear and turned Netflix on. He chose an episode of Riverdale to watch while he prepared dinner for himself and Aachuthan. He opted to make a vegetable stir fry, something easy that his father had taught him. Aachuthan got home looking quite flushed, his hair drenched with sweat, as though he had been playing soccer outside. "Where have you been, Chu? Dinner's ready." "Outside playing soccer," Aachuthan said, as expected. "What about Pokemon?" "I'm so over it," Aachuthan said as he rolled his eyes. They ate dinner sitting on the couch as Aachuthan moaned about having to watch Riverdale. He found the show to be too boring. He wanted to watch Arrow. When Aadhavan got up to do the dishes, Aachuthan took it as an opportunity to take over the television. Aachuthan went to grab his backpack from the bedroom and then set it on the floor beside the couch. He reached down to grab something and then stood up clutching Mr. Nicholson's briefs that Aadhavan had stupidly left laying on the floor. "Oh my god, Aadi," he screamed. "I knew you and Mr. Nick were fooling around!" Aadhavan couldn't even speak. "Tell. Me. Everything." the young boy demanded. And then Aadhavan told his brother everything that had happened between him and his brother's current teacher. He held nothing back. But when his brother wanted to masturbate together, Aadhavan politely declined. Aadhavan had Muhammad and he wanted to keep it that way. Thanks for reading. Let me know what you have been enjoying!